xt79gh9b629g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b629g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-02-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1930 1930 1930-02-28 2012 true xt79gh9b629g section xt79gh9b629g irffc


You Arc About to Hear of

Kentucky's Wildcats








Sponsor Huge Affair
Lafayette Hotel

Best Copy Available





Only Prominent Active Men
Will Be Invited to the
Social Occasion
The first annual gridiron banquet
oi me university under the sponsor
ship of the Kentucky chapter of
Sigma Delta Chi. international nro
fcsslonal journalism fraternity, will
oe neia at the Lafayette hotel Frl
day night. April 11. with manv nrom
lnent Journalists from various sections of the country In attendance.
This banquet will be modeled after
the national newspapermen's Gridiron banquet staged at Washington each year. The activities of the
most prominent
personages are
brought into the spotlight of publicity and they are placed upon the
proverbial "gridiron" and roasted.
Plans for the Kentucky banquet
are now being formulated and an
invitational list is being compiled
by the committee h'eaded by Hugh
Only leaders on the University campus will be invited to attend the banquet.
Prominent newspapermen from
all over the state will be invited
along with the best known members
of the University faculty and the
most active Lexington business men.
More than 100 men are expected to
attend, as all ladies and reporters
are excluded, and all persons attending are pledged to keep secret
anything they hear or see at the
Jess M. Laughlin, president of the
Kentucky chapter, said yesterday
that a prize of $5 would be paid to
any person or persons who could
name before the banquet the man
who would act as roastmaster. This
roastmaster, who will be recognized
as a prominent man in the affairs
of the state will be in charge of,
presenting to those present at the
banquet some of the scandal surrounding the private life of the
personages of the state.
Laughlin said that special musical
novelties and other features are being worked out and that If all plans
work out as expected this annual
gridiron banquet will become one of
the biggest social affairs on the
University-calendaThe banket-wil- l
be formal. '
Martin R. Glenn and Edwards M.
Templln are in charge of the arrangements.

The giving of cold checks to
the Business Office, the Commons and the Campus Book
Store will be followed by the
dropping of the student from the
University. In the case of University payments the student can
upon the payment
of the amount in cash and the
the delayed registration fee of
of five dollars. The regulation
will be vigorously enforced.





We're All Hchind You
Turn on the Heat!



University May Secure Only
a Very Small Sum From
General Assembly



Will Deal

Terrific Blow to U. of K.
if Enacted


President McVey's requested ap-- (
propriatlons of $554,500 for bulld- -,
ings and equipment for the Uni- versity for the next two years which
were reduced to $179,000 In the
buget bill which was recom-- ,
mended for passage by the Ken- tucky Legislature, was raised $25,000
j In
nn amendment to the proposed
bill Wednesday.
The increase in
appropriation was for the proposed
Agricultural engineering building.
The bill, bearing the approval of
the Joint Senate and House Appropriations Committees, was read
into the House Calendar Monday.
The new budget of the University
was $100,000 less than the original
budget commission recommendation.
If the bill is passed by the Legislature, the University will receive
$45,100 less than any of the four
state normal schools which receive
$250,000 each for the next blennlum.
The original bill appropriated
$496,031.30 for the first year and
$486,531.30 for the second year; the
new bill would appropriate
for the first year and
for the second year. More-hea- d
Normal School would receive
$50,000 more for the two-yeperiod; Murray Normal School and
Teachers' College
$75,000 more;
Western State Normal School and
Teachers' College an Increase of
$50,000; Eastern State Normal and
Teachers' College $50,000 more, and
the University of Kentucky would
receive a reduction of $75,000.
President McVey, in giving the
University's report to the 1930 state
budget committee; requested a $200,- 000 laboratory for the College
Engineering, a $150,000 laboratory
building for the Biology and Zoology department,
a $75,000 Agricultural Mechanics and Engineering
building, and a $25,000 Service building for campus shops and equipment.
Requests were also made for the
appropriation for two buildings at
.the Kentucky Experiment Station,
and $ip,000 for storage and office
structures at the Princeton substation. The request for experiment
station funds called for $15,000 for
beef and cattle barn and yards and
$4,500 for hog barns and yards. Of
(Continued on Page Eight)

Prominent Kentucky Lawyer
Stresses the Necessity of
Higher Education

Other Attorneys Will Speak
to Law Students on
Legal Matters

Mr. Edwin F. Trabue, one of Ken
tucky's most prominent attorneys, Front Row, left to right Manager Weakley Cavana, Milward, Combs, McBraycr, McGlnnis, Spicer, and Yates. Second Row, left to right Owens,
Crump, Bronston, Little, Trott, Kleiser, Louis McGlnnis, and Coach Maurcr
addressed the students of the
of Law of the University at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning on the "Necessity of Higher
Education for Lawyers." Mr. Trabue emphasized particularly the re- CHOSEN
quirements of the American Bar
Association for lawyers, and the
Is Announced by
especial need of reform of legal edu Selection
Band at Washington and Director Frank Fowler Will
Wildcats are Picked to Win
cation in Kentucky.
Lee - Kentucky Basketball
From Old Liners in Their
"In the practice of law," said Mr.
Play Title Role in
Trabue, "the competent will come
Initial Tilt
to the fore, the incompetent will
Miss Evelyn Ford, Fulton, Ky
"From the ridiculous to the suMARYLAND HAS GOOD
lag behind and indulge in evil Junior in the College of Arts and
practices, which are detrimental to Sciences, was selected by members blime" seems to be the motto that
University band Friday, Feb- prevails down at the Guignol Thea- S. K. Ratcliffe Will Address
the profession, and injurious to the of the
ruary 21, to succeed Miss Leura ter, where an exceedingly large and
Washington and
Student Body at Convocayoung practioner. The only remedy
Pettigrew as band sponsor. Miss versatile cast is diligently rehearstion at Second Hour This Lee, and Duke Also Favorfor this evil is higher and better Ford is the daughter of Mr. and ing Henrlck Ibsen's "Peer Gynt,"
which will be ' presented at the
ed to Win
education. In comparison with the Mrs. P. C. Ford, Fulton.
play-houduring the enThe honor which was bestowed campus
other great countries of the world
upon Miss Ford is one of the great- tire week of March 24. Prof.
S. K. Ratcliffe, prominent JourAmerica is far behind in re- est
Frank C. Fowlfr, director of the
We now adopt a policy of watch
that can be given to a co-e- d
quiring a complete training for her student at the University. It carries Guignol, will make his second ap- nalist from London, England, will ful waiting.
pearance before Lexington foot- be the speaker at the monthly conlawyers."
with it the opportunity of sponsoring lights
Word from General Johnny Mauer
when he enacts the titular vocation of the student body in
Mr. Trabue gave a detailed ac the "Best Band in Dixie." Miss role of Peer Gynt.
in Atlanta was brief and to the
Memorial Hall this morning at the point: "Arrived safely Thursday
count and description of the French, Pettigrew was graduated as band,
The play is In four acts and eleven
sponsor but was
in Jan-will he "The morning and have the situation well
English, and German system, of uary and left for her home in El; scenes and .will, .be1 .presented in second hour. His sub feet
kln- stage BrijbhoMAwweli--of-Nations- r
training-- they outh ;fer th''ar.-- t aOT to so, Texas; tnus leaving "mt fwtoamdeniEtid
This afternoon
the Kentucky
sets have been designed by Prof. this aiternoon at 3 o'clock Mr,
these the German is probably the vacancy.
Wildcats will repose at their headcostumes of Ratcliffe will address, the
best, although the English, French,
Miss Ford was the winner over Fowler.
quarters at the Georgian Terrace
and Canadian systems are aomir-abl- seven other candidates In a spirited black and white are being created
at Memorial Hall on the and tonight at 7 o'clock the 1930
In each of these countries, he contest. Those candidates defeated by Miss Elizabeth Cramer and her
pointed out, the profession has com were: Mary Virginia Willis, Ash- corps of assistants. The entire subject "England, the United States, edition of the Big Blue Kitty Cats
will romp around the Atlanta muniplete control and discipune ox tne land; Josephine Blackman, Louis musical score is being arranged by and Russia."
cipal gymnasium
members of the bar. It Is desirable ville; Mary Grace Heavenridge, Prof. R. ,D. Mclntyre, of the College
Mr. Ratcliffe while here is the Old Liners. We with the Marylanda
think we drew
that we reach such a point of ex Spencer, Ind.; Jane Cate, Louis- of Commerce, and will feature the guest of the
ville; Mary Sidney Hobson, Ash- "Peer Gynt Suite Music" by Grelg. was the principal speaker at a din- tough assignment in the Old Liners,
cellence In this country.
but the psychologist reminds us,
"Peer Gynt" has never been per- ner given by the International ReIn speaking of the surplus of land; Mary Louise Renaker, Burwhat do you "allow" Maryland Is
lawyers in this country Mr. Trabue, lington; and Eleanor Swearingen, formed by an amateur company in lations group at the University thinking?
It has only been Commons last night at 6:30 o'clock.
Paris. Prof. Elmer Sulzer, director this country.
said that the state of New York has
Landscape School, Sponsored as many lawyers as all of England of the University band, was in staged twice by professional troupes. In regard to the character of The 'Cats left Lexington Wednesprothe contest.
has day night at 9 o'clock on a sleeper
by College of Agriculture, and Wales together. Kentucky has, charge of entering the University In 1906the RichardandMansfield Joseph speaker that the
that arrived in Atlanta shortly after
In 1923
Select Male Lead
other states of
Will be Held on Seventh of in relation to the times as many Miss Ford received her preparatory Shildkraut played the leading role selected George Bernard Shaw has 8 o'clock Thursday morning. The Strollers to
made the following statement: "S.
in "Scarlett' at 3 o'clock
the Union three
training at Gulf Park College, junior when the play was produced under K. Ratcliffe Is a very accomplished adjectives used by O'Rear K. Barnes,
lawyers as needed.
Today in Education Build
institution for girls at Gulfport, the auspices of the Theater Guild lecturer and a very remarkable who peeped through the train winThe only remedy for this
dow, in describing the boys who
of Alpha
Prof. M. E. Bottonley, landscape
The cast of the coming production man."
situation is the Improve- Miss. She is a member social sor
made the trip are reproduced by
Gamma Delta, national
architect of the University of Cin- ment
student organizaincludes the following persons
higher education. He seem ority,
A special tryout for "Scarlet,"
cinnati, and Prof. Allan Beid, land- ed to of
and has had an active part in Prof. Frank C. Fowler, Margaret tion for studying foreign relations, permission of the Beef Trust.
young person, campus
think that the
scape gardener
of the Virginia
activities. Last year Miss Lewis.. Andrew Hoover, Prof. R. D, Is studying the British people during
chosen by Strollers
Coach John Mauer, the more or mystery-farc- e
practice or
to the May
Polytechnic Institute, will be the in preparation for theyears or
Ford was'
this month. Canada will be studied less nonchalant Captain McBrayer, for production as their spring show,
uni Queen. Lastattendant she was spon- Mclntyre, Virginia Boucher, John S, in March during
law. should have three
one-da- y
principal speakers at the
McVey, Eleanor
which time special Big and Little McMnnis, the in- will be held today at 3 p. m. in the
education, and three years sor
1st Battalion of the R. Wiard, Mrs. J. M. Durbin, Katherine programs and lectures will be conlandscape school which will be held versity
auditorium on the third floor of the
imitable Spicer, t
of training in an accepted law O. T. C.the
Saturday, March 7, at the livestock
unit. She was
Davis, Mrs. Lolo Robinson, Mary ducted in connection with the study. Combs, the speedy Owens, the sur education building. The purpose of
of the sophomore class, and Sidney Hobson. Nell Pulliam, and At one of the Sunday vesper serv- prising Yates, the battling Brontson this tryout is to cast the part of,
pavillion on the Experiment Station school.
The last part of his speech was almost won the sponsorship of the Harold Schimmel.
Lee Stuart, the male lead in the
ices, the program will be devoted the grim Kleiser, the light-heartfarm. Over 800 guests are expected
devoted to the interest which the band in competition with Miss Pettito attend the meet.
entirely to Canadian music. The Trott, the beaming Weakley, the play.
Others who will address the group lawyer should take in public af grew. Miss Ford's picture
Men who are members of StrollRt. Rev. H. P. Almon Abbott, na- watchful Trainer Mann, and the
moveers or who are ellglbles, will be perinclude Dean Thomas P. Cooper of fairs, and especially those to ac among the sixteen from which the Y. M. C. A.
tive of Canada, and bishop of the crippled Milward.
beauty queen was selected for the
University; Prof. N. R. Elliott; ments which are dangerous
Lexington, will
Book Episcopal dioceseatofSunday's vesper The brackets are submitted a: mitted to try for this part, which L.
1928-2- 9
Prof. A. J. OIney, acting head of cepted practices
be the speaker
(pick your own winners) described by Director Thomastype
years," he said,
sponsor was formally in
The new
Riley as a smooth, Phllo Vance
"In the last few
the department of horticulture
Upper Bracket
of detective role.
the College or Agriculture; ana "there has been a persistent move troduced to the student body be Rooks and Jones to Publish
Alabama vs. Clemson, 3 p. m.
power tween halves of the Kentucky-more
Announcement of the entire cast
Walter and Louis Hillenmeyer, ment
Annual "Frosh Bible" for
University of North Carolina vs, will be made the first of the week,
of Lexington. The in the hands of the federal govern and L. basket ball game.
Next Year
Georgia, 8 p. m.
following the approval of the
meeting will open at 9 a. m. and ment. This has come about because
Tennesse vs. V. M. I., 4 p. m.
it has proven easier to get legislawill be ooen to both men ana wo
selection of Director Riley by UniVernon D. Rooks, sophomore in
Ole Miss. vs. Washington and Lee, versity
men. Letters received by Dean tion through Congress than through
the College of Arts and Sciences
2 p. m.
forty-eig- ht
state legislatures,
Cootjer relative to the school In the
40 Strollers
and ellglbles, from
and a member of Sigma Beta Xi
Lower Bracket
interest is preval Attorneys should be on guard
dicate that much
whom the cast has been selected,
social fraternity, was elected editor
Kentucky vs. Maryland. 7 p. m
ent In women's cflRTgroups, parent against all of the new movements
tried out.
of next year's "K" Book at a joint
Sewanee vs. North Carolina State,
nurserymen's which arise and should test their
teacher associations,
Rehearsals will begin immediately,
meeting of the freshman and senior
Initiation services for Phi Alpha l p. m.
associations, and home owners from validity before giving them their
Y. M. C. A. cabinets Tuesday night
ueorgia Teen vs. Tuiane, 9 p. m. 7:30 p. m. Monday being the date
all over the state.
Delta, national honorary law fraset for the first one. The cast will
in Alumni Hall. Bryant Jones,
Louisiana State vs. Duke, 5 p.
Beautificatlon of home and public
Dean Evans is making an effort
Seventeen men, members of the
be notified of the location of the reternity, were held at 3:30 o'clock
In case you can't figure algebra. hearsals as soon as arrangements
grounds, care of lawns and shrubs, to bring many prominent lawyers advanced course of the University Lexington, junior in the College of
Education, was elected business yesterday afternoon in the Lambda oracxets
planting, and other to the University to speak to the R. O. T. C, were pledged to mem
and women, the tourna- are definitely completed.
manager for the same publication.
Chi Alpha house at 657 South ment will run something like this.
similar subjects will be discussed, law students,
bership in Scabbard and Blade, na
James Dorman, business manager
Mr. Rooks, of Paducah, is sports Limestone street. Five new mem Tonight Kentucky will beat Mary
The complete program for the day
tional honorary military science
of Strollers, is supervising plans for
editor of the Kernel, and is sports
at pledging exercises editor of The Lexington Herald at bers were initiated into the myster- land, 30 to 25; Saturday they will the annual spring tour. Both Eastbeat North Carolina State, 25 to 16;
Nine 'o'clock, Kentucky Beautiful,
held Friday night, February 21, in
ies of the organization. Membership Monday they nose out Duke, 22 to ern and Western Kentucky towns
Dean Cooper; 9:15, Making and
the Men's gymnasium. The follow- present, was president of the freshWill
for the
man Y. M. C. A. cabinet last year, is based on scholarship and ability 10, and then, Tuesday night. Ken are under consideration
of Lawns, Prof. A. J. Olney, of
ing men were chosen:
tucky will win the Southern Con- - Itinerary.
By Dr.
the University; 10;00, Planning and
Loe Broecker, Louisville; L. G. was an associate editor of the "U. K. in law.
'Y' " and served as an associate ediIt Is contemplated that Plnevllle,
M. E. BotPlanting Rural Homes,
by repeating
Forquer, New Castle; Ben Crosby,
Pledges who were Initiated are: '
He is
tonley, University of Cincinnati;
Louis Payton, tor of this year's "K" Book. sports. G. B. Finley, Madlsonville, sopho- their drubbing of Washington and Harlan, Corbln, Mlddlesboror, and
The latest addition to Dr. W. D. Spring
other mountain towns will be visited
In intramural
11:00, Open Discussion; 11:15, Prob- Funkhouser's
large collection of Lynch; Lynn Jeffries, Columbia; also prominent treasurer of
more in the College of Law, and Lee.
in the mining section. Henderson.
the "Y"
lems Involved in Beautifying High- trophies, including prehistoric relics Austin Henderson, Ashland; Carey Mr. Jones is
member of Lambda Chi Alpha socMorganfleld, Madlsonville, Paducah,
ways, Walter Hillenmeyer, Lexin-to- as well as unique specimens of pres- Spicer, Lexington; William Trott, senior cabinet.
ial fraternity; N. E. Frey, Guthrie,
ana Hopkinsvllle are visited In the
1:30, Adaptability ent day animal life, Is a tropical Lexington; Glenn Prince, Eddyville;
noon lunch;
The "K" Book, or "'Frosh Bible," junior, and a member of Alpha Tau
Western division.
and' Use of Materials for Plant- reptile twenty-flv- 4
Louisville as It Is popularly called, is one of Omega fraternity;
and one half Carlyle
ing, Louis Hillenmeyer, Lexington; Inches long. It Is described by Dr. John Hearne, Cattetsburg; Dudley the important publications upon the Chesney, Frankfort, senior, a V. Mc
Care and Maintenance of Funkhouser as " a rare and beauti- Slsk, Lexington; Benjamin Harrison, campus, having for its purpose the ber of Kappa Alpha fraternity;
By U. K.
Ornamental Plantings, Allan Reld, ful specimen of the tropical Iguana." Ravenna; Arthur Eyer, Maysville, instruction of incoming freshman. Kenton M. Prichard, Somerset,
.Virginia Polytechnic Institute; 2:45, The average layman would be Louis McGlnnis, Lexington; Ralph It is given to freshmen at the begin- junior, a member of Kappa Sigma
Four members of the University
School tempted to call it a lizzard because Whlttall, Lexington, and Rex Allis- ning of each school year. Morton fraternity, and Woodford E. Rogers, debating team debated before the
of Rural
Grounds, Prof. N. R. Elliott.
Walker was editor of the publica- Jr., Guthrie, junior, and president student bodies of Bellevue and Newskin, and on, Birmingham, Ala.
it has a
The University for the second
Formal pledging exericses, which tion and Malcolm Barnes was busi- of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. port high schools yesterday on "Can time In as many months "broke
its body is similar to that of a large
MUSICAL FEATURES VESPERS frog with a long tapering tail.
consisted of tapping of pledges upon ness manager last semester.
Wars be Prevented into print" in College Humor with
All are prominent on the campus International
Next year s publication will mark
Through the Instrument of Inter- the appearance of Leura Pettlnrew
The specimen, which is in good the right should with the blade of
recA musical program was given at condition, is being prepared for ex- the sword of an active member of the tenth appearance of the "K" and have excellent scholastic
national Agreement." The affirmaords in the College of Law.
in the Hall of Fame of that publica
the vesper services in Memorial Hall hibition in the University museum. the fraternity, were held immediateBook on the University campus. It
were enter tive team was
The new
Kum uonnm
at the University at 4 o'clock Sun- It was sent to Lexington in a bright, ly after the grand march of the Is sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. and tained with a members the Chimney T. Schell and composedPack Sidney tion. representative was Kentucky's
while first
dinner at
to attain this
day afternoon.
The concert was
tin pail on a Louisville-Lexingto- n annual Military Ball held Friday the Y. W. C. A.
Corner Tea Shop, at 6:30 o'clock Hugh R. Jackson and H. C. Smith distinction last month.
opened with a piano and organ
night. Company D, University unit
last night. Besides the initiates and presented the negative side of the
Humor says of Miss
duet, "Grand Aria,' by Clifford
J. N. Staebler, fruit wholesaler of the honorary group, conducted BURGLAR ENTEKS Fit AT HOUSE active members several of the question.
Pettigrew that her activities besides
Demarest with Miss Caroline Pike, and retailer at Ellzabethtown, dis the exercises.
faculty of the College of Law were
There will be a meeting of all the her election twice as sponsor of the
of Georgetown College, as pianist, covered the animal in a covert of
A sneak thief entered the Alpha present.
Scabbard and Blade is the oldest
members of the University debatlne university band, are too numerous
and Miss Lewis Bradley, organist at South American bananas. Only the military fraternity in the country Gamma
Active members of Phi Alpha team
room 239
Presbyterian creature's head could be seen and and has 07 active chapters in lead Saturday night and relieved Dudley Delta are: Dan Griffith, Carrol j 7:30 p.inm. Monday. of McVey Hall at to mention, and rates her as one of
At this meeting
church, at the organ. Baritone solos it was killed because of its re- ing universities where R. O. T. C. Smith of two suits of clothes, a Byron, William H. Cecil. James work will be assiirned to the mem- - the prettiest representatives ever to
appear in the magazine. Miss Petti
were given by Charles Martin, of semblance to a snake. It was at units are maintained.
gladstone bag, and a number of Flnley, Gayle Mohney. Henry E. bers so that preparation may begin grew, whose home Is
Qualificain Texas, reCollege.
Mrs. May first taken to The Courier-Journ- al
tions for membership consist oft other articles of lesser value. The Netherton, Hubert Willis, Thomas for the debates that are to be held cently resigned as band sponsor to
Hughes accompanied Mr. Martin at from whence it was sent to the
tactics, burglary was reported to the Lex
in military
D. Theobold, Jesse K. Lewis,
and during the remainder of this se- - return to Texas. She was a mem
ington police.
scholarship and leadership.
the piano.
Malcolm Wallace.
ber of Alpha XI Delta sorority.



Guignol Play

ntucky Battles Maryland
Atlanta bloor Tonight









Staff for "K"

Scabbard and
Blade Pledges
17 at Dance

Tropical Reptile
be Exhibited

Initiation of Five
Law Students Is
Held By Frat


Debaters Pettigrew Placed
In Hall of Fame


� Best Cop



Mff ft


. .. .









MINIIIAN, Society Editor


Phone Ashland 3648

Boothe he left for Danville where
he will be a guest at Centre College.

By Lew Garett

Speak gently, Spring and make no
sudden sound,
For In my windy valley, yesterday
The marriage of Mr. Charles
I found.
New-bofoxes squirming . on the (Chuck) Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Albert, of Winchester, to Miss
ground-Sp- eak
Grace Parker, of Aballne, Tex., has
been announced. It was solemlnlzed
Walk softly, March, for bear the Saturday, February 22, at Houston,
Mr. Albert was graduated In the
Her feet within the trap, her blood
class of 1924 from the Engineering
upon the snow,
their College and was a member of the
The four little foxes tc
Triangle fraternity.
mother go
Mr. Albert now holds a position
Walk softly.
with the Bailey Meter Co., in Houston, Tex.
Go lightly, Spring, oh, give them
no alarm.
Annual Military Ball Given
When I covered them boughs to
The Military Ball given annually
shelter them from harm,
The thin blue foxes suckled at my by members of the Scabbard and
Blade, honorary military fraternity,
was held Friday in the Men's gymGo lightly.
nasium from 9 until 1 o'clock.
Step softly, March, with your
Flags and machine guns decorated
rampant huricanc;
the ballroom and the military
Nuzzling one another, and whim scheme was carried out In the small
Derlng with pain,
red and white programs.
The new little foxes are shivering Piatt and his Kentucklans furnished the music.
in the rain-S- tep
One of the most beautiful events
of the evening was the traditional
Grand March in which the advanced officers and their partners took
Friday, February 28
part. The grand march was led by
convocation at 9 o'clock Regimental Colonel John Benson
in Memorial Hall.
and the newly elected regimental
Inter-mur- al
basket ball games 7 sponsor, Miss Mary Armstrong.
Other battalion and company spono'clock in Men's gym.
sors just elected who were presentSaturday, March 1
Informal ed with honorary commissions were:
dance in the Men's gym from 9 to Miss Hazel Baucom, of Lexington,
major, first battalion sponsor; Miss
12 o'clock.
Lexington, secZeta Tau Alpha formal dance in Virginia Young, of
sponsor; Miss Evelyn
the gold room of the Lafayette hotel ond battalion sponsor; and the folFord, band
from 9 until 12 o'clock.
lowing company sponsors, with the
Pi Kappa Alpha dinner in red honorary rank of captain: Misses
room of Lafayette hotel.
Sorts Smith, Kitty Drury, Mary
Sunday, March 2
King Montgomery. Mary Prince
'Vesper Services in Memorial Hall Fowler. Mollie Mack Offutt and
at 4 o'clock.
Mlna Pate.
Advanced Dates
Following the fourth
Scabbard and Blade pledging was
Wednesday, March 5
Five o'clcjck tea at Maxwell held for the following men: Messrs.
Place for the faculty and students Leo Broecker, of Louisville; L. G.
Forquer, of Newcastle; Ben Crosby,
of the University.
Jr., of Spring Station; Ralph Whit-ta- ll
March 8
of Lexington; Louis Pay ton, of
Alpha Tau Omega informal dance.
Lynch; Lynn Jeffries, of Columbia;
Austin Henderson, of Ashland;
English Journalist to Speak
Mr. S. K. Ratcliffe, renowed Eng- Carey Splcer, of Lexington; William
lish" journalist, will be the .speaker Trott, of Lexington; Rex Allison,
at convocation this morning at 9 of Birmingham; Glenn Prince, of
o'clock In Memorial Hall. jHe is Eddyvllle; CarlyleSchuermeyer,
Louisville; John Hearne, of
here under the auspices of
Dudley Slsk, of Lexingchosen as
Club and has
ton: Benjamin Harrison, of Ra- his subject "The British Commonvenna; Arthur Eyer, of Maysville,
wealth of Nations."
afternoon at 3 o'clock Mr. Louis McGlnnls, of Lexington.
Ratcliffe will again speak and his
Lieut. Col. Hugh L. Broadhurst of
subject will be "England, United the United States army was pledged
as an honorary member of the fra
States, and Russia."
At 6:30 o'clock he will be the ternity .
guest of honor of the faculty InChaperones were: Dr. and Mrs.
ternational Relations class for din-tiFrank L. McVey, Maj. and Mrs. O.
at the University Commons.
R. Meredith. Capt. Herbert W. Sch- ' While at the University he will mld. Capt. and Mrs. Richard Gess
be the guest of President and Mrs. ford, Capt. and Mrs. Clyde Grady,
McVey at Maxwell Place.
Lieut, and Mrs. P. E. Lestourgeon
Lieut, and Mrs. James L. Rees
English Speaker Guest
Dean and Mrs. C. R. Melcher. Miss
C. W. Boothe, charming Eng- Sarah G. Blandlng,
Mrs. P. K.
lish speaker, here under the auspices Holmes.
of Carnagle Endowment for InterSeveral hundred guests were pres
national Peace, has been the guest ent for the brilliant affair.
of honor at several affairs planned
in his honor.
Journalist Guest of Honor
Monday, Mrs. J. C. Jones enterThe International Relations Class
tained with a luncheon at the conducted by the Woman's Club of
Chimney Corner in his honor, and the University, held its regular
had as her guests a number of the meeting Thursday evening with a
faculty members.
dinner at 6:30 o'clock in tne urn
verslty, Commons, with Mr. S. K,
Monday afternoon, Forum, a
entertained with a tea in Ratcliffe. brilliant English journal
Patterson Hall. Mr. Scott Keyes, 1st, as the speaker and guest of
a student, presided. Mr. Boothe honor. Miss Esther Cole presided
This was one of the most inter
talked informally about the present
day situation in the Balkans and esting meetings of the year and was
questions of the members. looked forward to with much pieas- answered
Mr. Boothe was
Monday night.
Mr. Ratllffe is the guest of Presl
guest of the Forum club at dinner
at the University Commons at dent and Mrs. Frank McVey during
whieh the members of the faculty of his stay in Lexington, which Is in
Relations club definite.
Sie International
invited. About 125 guests were
Miss Mary Jo McCormick spent
at her home in sner
Tuesday morning after a break- the week-en- d
fast given by Mrs. McVey for Mr. man.


George Evcnln is comparatively
young in years, but unquestionably
old In experience. This
Russian's varied life has led him
from the wide steppes of Bussla,
Siberia, inthrough icy, show-lade- n
to seething, sinister Manchuria.
there, the trial leads to busy
Japan, Yokahoma, and thence to
America, by way of a 33 day voyage
across the broad Pacific in an old
fashioned sailing schooner. From
Seattle, the trail swings downward,
halfway across the continent to
Chicago, pauses, and then turns
south, ending on the campus of the
University of Kentucky at Lexington.
George was sitting on the edge
of his bed in a room situated a few
blocks from the university campus,
as he talked. Any old world touch
at all was completely lacking in the
room, and every thing from