xt79gh9b618b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b618b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1969-01-jan29. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-01-jan29. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-01-jan29. 1969 1969-01-jan29. 2011 true xt79gh9b618b section xt79gh9b618b 

      Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky on Wednesday, January 29, 1969

       On call by Governor Nunn, the Board of Trustees met in special session
on Wednesday afternoon, January 29, 1969 at 2: 00 o'clock, Eastern Standard
Time, in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the University campus
with the following members present: Governor Louie B. Nunn, Chairman, Mr.
William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, Mr. A. B.
Chandler, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr.
J. Robert Miller, Mr. B. Hudson Milner, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James H.
Pence, Mr. Floyd H. Wright, Professor Paul Oberst and Dr. Robert W. Rudd,
non-voting faculty members, and Wallace Bryan, non-voting student member.
Absent were Mr. Richard E. Cooper and Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer. The ad-
ministration was represented by Dr. A. D. Kirwan, Acting President, and Vice
Presidents A. D. Albright, William R. Willa-rd, Robert F. Kerley, Glenwood L.
Creech, Lewis W. Cochran Stuart Forth and Alvin L. Morris, Assistant Vice
president. Representatives of the news media were present also.

      A. Meeting Opened

      Governor Nunn called the meeting to order at 2:03 p. m. Following the
invocation given by Mr. William R. Black, Governor Nu=n indicated that, before
the roll was called and the meeting declared officially open for business, he would
administer the oath of office to three newly appointed Board members.

        B. Oath of Office Administered to Mr. Clay, Mr. Pence, and
Mr. Wright

      Governor Nunn announced the appointment of the following three persons
and administered the oath of office to them:

      Mr. Albert G. Clay to replace Mr. Smith Broadbent for a term
         beginning January 1, 1969 and ending December 31, 1972

      Mr. James H. Pence to replace Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci as an
         alumni member for a term beginning January 1, 1969 and
         ending December 31, 1972

      Mr. Floyd H. Wright to replace Mr. Sam Ezelle for a term
         beginning January 1, 1969 and ending December 31, 1972

      He welcomed the new members to the Board, expressed his faith and confi-
dence in them, and thanked them for their willingness to accept the responsibilities
of membership on the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky.



      C. Roll Call

      Governor Nunn asked Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer to call the roll in the
absence of a Secretary. Mrs. Blazer reported a quorum present and the Gover-
nor declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 2:10 p. m.

      D. Election of Officers and Executive Committee Members

      The expiration of the terms of Dr. Angelucci, Mr. Broadbent, and Mr.
Ezelle on December 31, 1968 created the following vacancies: Vice Chairman,
Secretary, and two members of the Executive Committee. Since under KRS
164. 180 these offices are elective, Governor Nunn called for nominations for
Secretary. Mr. Miller nominated Mrs. Blazer. His motion was seconded by Mr.
Wright. Mr. Milner moved the nominations be closed and that Mrs. Blazer be
elected by voice vote. Following a second to this motion, all present voted aye
and it was so ordered.

      The Chairman then requested nominations for Vice Chairman and Dr.
Nicholas nominated Mr. Clay. His motion was seconded by Mr. Butler. Mr.
Milner moved the nominations be closed and the Secretary be instructed to cast
the vote for the Board. The motion was seconded and without objection it was so

      Dr. Denh4an nominated Mrs. Blazer and Mr. Clay for membership on the
Executive Committee with Mr. Clay, as Vice Chairman of the Board, assuming
the chairmanship of the Executive Committee. Mr. Wright seconded and the
question was called for. All present voted aye.

      E. Governor Makes Committee Appointments

      The Chairman of the Board of Trustees is empowered to name committee
members and, to fill vacancies created by the expiration of the terms of Dr.
Angelucci, Mr. Broadbent and Mr. Ezelle, Governor Nunn made the following

         Finance Committee - Mr. James H. Pence
         Hospital Committee - Mr. Floyd H. Wright
         Presidential Search Committee - Dr. N. N. Nicholas
         Joint University of Kentucky--University of Louisville
           Board Committee to study affiliation of the two
           institutions - Mr. B. Hudson Milner

      Governor Nunn indicated that the resignation of President Kirwan from the
Presidential Search Committee had left a vacancy in the faculty membership of
this committee and he concurred in the recommendation made to him by the



University Senate Council that Dr. Robert W. Rudd, the first runner-up in the
election for membership on the Presidential Search Committee, be named a
member of the committee.

       F. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Dr. Nicholas and seconded by Mr. Clay, the reading of the
Minutes of the December 10, 1968 statutory meeting of the Board of Trustees
was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       G. President's Report to the Trustees

       Dr. Kirwan briefly reviewed the items contained in PR 1, President's
Report to the Trustees, calling particular attention to some of the outstanding
activities of the student body. He said that so much publicity was given to
student activities of a negative nature that he felt it important that the Board
members know of the positive actions of a large segment of the student body.

       Governor Nunn thanked Dr. Kirvwan for his report, accepted it on behalf
of the Board, and ordered it filed.

      H. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

      Dr. Kirwan indicated that the items contained in PR 2, recommendations
of the President, were important but routine matters requiring Board approval
and indicated his willingness to answer any questions relative to the items con-
tained therein. There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Black, seconded by
Mr. Milner, and passed without dissent, PR 2 was approved as a whole and
ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end
of the Minutes. )

      I. Mr. Harry C. Lancaster named Athletics Director (PR 3)

      Dr. Kirwan recommended that Mr. Harry C. Lancaster, who has been
serving as Acting Director of Athletics since September 1, 1968, be named
Director of Athletics, effective immediately. After discussing briefly Mr.
Lancaster's qualifications for the position, he indicated that the appointment had
the enthusiastic support and endorsement of the Board of Directors of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky Athletics Association.

      Mr. SQlay moved, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed unanimously that
Mr. Harry C. Lancaster be named Director of Athletics of the University of
Kentucky, effective immediately. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )



      J. Establishment of a University Press of Kentucky Approved (PR 4)

      Dr. AIkhight called attention to the background statement in PR 4 and indi-
cated that the type of arrangement recommended has already occurred in two or
three other states. In the opinion of those who have studied the matter over many
months, the establishment of a University Press of Kentucky for the purpose of
serving the scholarly publishing interests of the faculties of the eight cooperating
institutions was in the best interests of institutions of higher education in the state
which produce scholarly materials for publication. The present facilities of the
UniversAty of Kentucky Press will become available to further the publishing needs
of scholarly efforts in the Commonwealth.

      On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Dr. Dei~ham, and passed unanimous-
ly, authorization was given to the establishment of a University Press of Kentucky,
effective immediately. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

      K. 1968-69 Budget Revisions (PR 5)

      Since members of the Board had had an opportunity to see the recommended
budget revisions contained in PR 5 and had no questions, on motion by Mr. Clay,
seconded by Mr. Milner, and passed unanimously, the 1968-69 budget revisions
recommended in PR 5 were authorized and approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the

      L. Financial Reports Approved (PR 6)

      Governor Nunn asked if any Board members had questions relative to the
Financial Reports for November and December 1968 which had been mailed in ad-
vance of the meeting. There being no questions, Dr. Nicholas moved acceptance
of the two reports as presented. His motion was seconded by Dr. Denham and
passed unanimously. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )

      M. Sale of $130, 000 Revenue Bonds on 476 Rose Street

      Thereupon, the hour of 2: 00 p. in. , Eastern Standard Time, having already
arrived for the consideration of the bid or bids on the $130, 000 of University of
Kentucky Dormitory Revenue Bonds, Second Series (476 Rose Street), dated
December 1, 1968, and the matter having been sufficiently considered, a motion
was rmade by Dr. Denham and seconded by Mr. Black that all rules be suspended
and that the following resolution be adopted:


WHEREAS, notice of sale of $130, 000 of University of Kentucky Dormitory



Revenue Bonds, Second Series (476 Rose Street), dated December 1, 1968, has
heretofore been given in strict compliance with law, with a designation of the
newspaper by the Commissioner of Finance of Kentucky, and in accordance with
the resolution of the Board of Trustees of the University, by publication in the
Courier-Journal, a daily newspaper published in Louisville, Kentucky, and of
general circulation throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and in the Bond
Buyer, New York, New York, for the opening and consideration of purchase pro-
posals for such bonds, such publications being hereby authorized, ratified and
approved, and

       WHEREAS, all bids received for such bonds have been duly considered and
are as follows:

                                               Amount for $130, 000 Principal
                                     Interest Amount of Bonds, Plus accrued
Bidder                               Rate (a) InterestFromDecember 1, 1968.

1. F. L. Dupree & Co., Inc.          5. 298%           $130,000.00

2. Security and Bond Company, Inc.  5. 4886%            130, 000.00

3. Magnus & Company                  5. 5722%o          130, 000.00

4. J. J. B. Hilliard, W. L. Lyons & Co. 5. 60299%       130, 000. 00

5. First U. S. Corporation           5. 883%            130, 000.00

       WHEREAS, the matter of which bid is the highest and best to the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky has been sufficiently considered,


       Section 1. That the bid of F. L. Dupree & Co., Inc. , Lexington, Kentucky,
for the sale of said $130, 000 of University of Kentucky Dormitory Revenue Bonds,
Second Series (476 Rose Street), dated December 1, 1968, be and is hereby
accepted and confirmed by the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
said bid being at a price of $130, 000 for such $130, 000 principal amount of bonds,
plus accrued interest from December 1, 1968, with such bonds to bear interest at
a rate or rates as follows:

       1968-88 incl. - 5 1/4%
       1989-90 incl. - 5.30%
       1991-94 incl. - 5.40%

Said bid is hereby determined to be the highest and best bid to the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky for said bonds. The interest coupon rate



or rates to maturity on all of said bonds is or are hereby fixed at such rate or
rates as set out in said successful bid.

       Section 2. That said bonds numbered 1 through 26, inclusive, shall be
delivered by the Treasurer and/or or other appropriate officials of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky to such purchaser in accordance with the
resolution authorizing said bonds, upon payment of the purchase price for same,
and the proceeds of all of said bonds shall be used only as provided in said
resolution authorizing said bonds.

       Section 3. That the acceptance of such bid subjects the Board of Trustees
to no liability if for any reason they are unable to obtain the unqualified final ap-
proving legal opinion of Skaggs and Hays, Lawyers, of Louisville, Kentucky, but
the purchaser shall not be required to take up said bonds without the unqualified
final approving legal opinion of said lawyers accompanying said bonds.

       Section 4. That all orders or parts thereof in conflict herewith be and they
are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, and this resolution shall be in
full force and effect from and after its adoption.

       Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky at ameeting
held on the 29th day of January, 1969.

                                         Chairman, Board of Trustees of the
(Seal)                                   University of Kentucky.



       Upon said motion having been duly considered, the Chairman of the Board
of Trustees put the question, and upon the roll being called the following voted aye:

Governor Louie B. Nunn, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr.

Wendell P. Butler, Mr. A. B. Chandler, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Dr. Harry Denham,

Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. J. Robert Miller, Mr. B. Hudson Milner, Dr. N. N.

Nicholas, Mr. James HP Pence, Mr. Floyd H. Wright

       The following voted nay: None.

       Thereupon, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees declared that said motion
had duly carried and that said resolution had been duly adopted.



       N. Contract with Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (PR 7)

       Mr. Kerley explained that this was a routine contract whereby the Uni-
versity would permit the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to establish
and maintain a game refuge on approximately 10, 000 acres of land owned by the
University and known as the Forest Tract of Robinson Substation.

       On motion by Dr. D-enharn, duly seconded and passed, the President was
authorized to execute the contract with the Department of Fish and Wildlife
Resources, a copy of which was appended to PR 7. (See PR 7 at the end of the

       O. Site for Addition to Margaret I. King Library Approved (PR 8)

       Mr. Kerle.y explained that the action recommended in PR 8 was in two
parts (1) the rescinding of action taken by the Board of Trustees on November 10,
1967, and (2) the approval of the razing of Pence Hall and the Geology Annex to
permit the addition to the Margaret I. King Library to be constructed on land
primarily occupied by these two buildings. He further explained that when the
initial action was taken, a 200, 000 square foot addition to the Library was planned
and the Maxwell Place area was deemed the most desirable site from the stand-
point of land usage. At that time, the relocation of the occupants of Pence Hall and
the Geology Annex did not appear feasible. With the completion of the Classroom-
Office Complex and substantial reduction in the scope of the Library construction
project, the new site now seems practicable. Further, from the standpoint of the
internal function of the Library, the Pence Hall area is as desirable as the Maxwell
Place area. The larger Maxwell Place site will be reserved for more efficient
development at a later date.

       Mr. Clay asked the timing on the Library addition and Mr. Kerley replied
that the tentative production schedule called for completion by March 1, 1972.

       Mr. Clay moved approval of the recommendation in PR 8 which rescinded
the November 10, 1967 action of the Board relative to the location of the addition
to the Library and authorized the construction of the addition on land now occupied
by Pence Hall and the Geology Annex and the demolition of these two buildings as
required for the construction of the Library addition. Mrs. Blazer seconded the
motion, and all present voted aye. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

       P. Report on Current Construction (PR 9)

       Mr. Kle-rley called attention to PR 9 which was presented for the purpose
of supplying the Board of Trustees with current information on the status and
scope of the various construction projects already authorized by the Board. He
indicated that the only major change reflected in the current report was the re-
duction of parking structures from three to two.



       The Board having already had an opportunity to examine the report, the
motion was made, seconded, and passed that the report be accepted and made a
part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 9 at the end of the Minutes.)

       Q. Authorization to Prepare Contract Documents for Projects
on the Lexington Campus (PR 10)

       Mr. Kerley said that the administration of the University needs authori-
zation to proceed with the actions necessary to prepare contract documents,
including plans and specifications, for the five projects listed in PR 10. Authori-
zation for the initial steps has already been given.

       Mr. Milner moved, seconded by Dr. Denham, and passed that the
appropriate University officials be authorized to take the steps necessary to
prepare contract documents, including plans and specifications, for the five
projects listed in PR 10. (See PR 10 at the end of the Minutes.)

       R. Appropriation from Commonwealth's General Obligation
Proceeds Authorized (PR 11)

       The preceding action (PR 10) authorized University officials to proceed
with the necessary steps to prepare contract documents for five specified projects.
In order to defray, in part, the costs of planning and constructing these five
projects, Mr. Black moved that the Board appropriate the sum of $3, 483, 000 from
the University's share of the Commonwealth's General Obligation Proceeds for
this purpose. His motion was seconded by Mr. Clay and all present voted aye.
(See PR 11 at the end of the Minutes. )

       S. Probation-Drop Rule Explained

       Before asking Dr. Albright to discuss the new probation- Irop rules, Dr.
Kirwan mentioned that the early publicity on this left the impression that the
University was relaxing its academic standards. He emphasized that this was not
correct. Actually, the same standards are required for graduation from the
institution as formerly. The new rules are more liberal in that they provide a
longer time for freshmen students to demonstrate their ability to do college work
of the level required by the University of Kentucky for graduation.

       Dr. Albright said that for a number of years the administration and faculty
of the University had been concerned about the number of students who are dropped
during their first three or four semesters. The University has had an unusually
large number of students dropped although the group admitted is significantly
higher in ability than the national average. The basis for adopting more liberal
probation-drop rules is the belief that a great group of those now dropped could



become good University students if given additional opportunity to overcome one
or two semesters' poor work. Very few institutions currently require a C
average of their freshmen students and the University requirement has been un-
duly harsh.

       Under the new rules, a student is given the opportunity to repeat up to a
total of three different courses in which he has made grades of C, D, or E, and
the latter credit may be substituted for the first. This gives a student who has
demonstrated the fact that he can do well in college a chance to remove the first
credit and overcome some of the deficits he has accumulated up to that date. The
greatest danger of academic suspension under the old rules came after the second
semester; now it would come after the third semester. Finally and most important,
the additional time made available gives the student an opportunity for faculty
members and others to work with him and counsel with him. Such counsel would
permit students who might not be able to attain the academic standing required by
the University of Kentucky to transfer before they are dropped by the University.

       The Board members expressed appreciation for the clear explanation given
by Dr. Kirwan and Dr. Albright, and expressed commendation for the efforts being
made to lower the attrition of potentially able students.

       T. Statement on Housing Policy

       Dr. Kirwan reminded the Board of Trustees that non-voting student member
Wallace Bryan had indicated at the December meeting of the Board that a student
referendum had been held following the adoption by the Board of Trustees of a
housing policy at the meeting held on November 19, 1968 and requested that con-
sideration be given by the Board to the results of the referendum at the January
meeting. Mr. Bryan had met with President Kirwan for the purpose of discussing
the students' objections to compulsory housing for students above the freshman
level. Dr. Kirwan then read the statement which appears at the end of the Minutes
in an effort to clarify for the student body the intent and purpose of the housing
policy, and to emphasize that under the policy every effort is made to minimize
required housing above the freshman level while at the same time insuring full oc-

       Governor Chandler commented on the recent criticism leveled at Mr. Bryan
by the Kentucky Kernel and commended him for the forthright and honest manner in
which he represented the students and their causes before the Board of Trustees.

       Governor Nunn accepted the statement read by Dr. Kirwan and ordered it
made a part of the official Minutes of the meeting. (See statement at the end of the

       U. Report from Presidential Search Committee

Governor Nunn indicated that he had received a letter from the Presidential



Search Committee which he wished to share with the members of the Board. He
then read the following letter signed by Dr. Ageluc-i the outgoing chairman of
the committee:

                         UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
                            LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY 40506

 PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH COMMITEE                            January 10, 1969

     The Honorable Louie B. Nunn
     Governor of Kentucky.
     Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

     Dear Governor Nunn:

     Premature speculation on the part of the news media relative to the
     selection of a president for the University of Kentucky made the work
     of the Presidential Search Committee most difficult. The committee,
     therefore, wishes to recommend at this time that Dr. A. D. Kirwan
     be continued as president of the University. The committee further
     recommends that the search for an outstanding person to serve as
     president be continued, either by this committee or a new committee.

     The Presidential Search Committee commends Dr. Kirwan for his
     willingness to serve, expresses its appreciation for the contributions
     which he has already made and reaffirms its confidence in his ability
     to provide the leadership, with the help of the University community,
     which the University needs.

     The committee thanks the Board of Trustees for its support and
     encouragement, which have been invaluable, and expresses apprecia-
     tion to the Kentucky Kernel for the judicious restraint and responsi-
     bility it has demonstrated during the course of the search for a new

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     Presidential Search Committee

                                     by   Ca .PII\ (|         4 Ce (I
                                        Ralph . A   elucc i  hairman



       Dr. Kirwan questioned the use of the term "President' in the letter and
said he felt it should read "Acting President.?? Dr. Denham said he thought
Dr. Kirwan would be an excellent president of the University but that, inasmuch
as he would reach the age of compulsory administrative retirement in December
1969, he would like to make a motion that Dr. Kirwan be asked to continue as
acting president until that time or until a new president is named and assumes
office, whichever comes first. His motion was seconded by Governor Chandler
after noting his disagr ement with the compulsory administrative retirement age.
Mr. Milner moved that the Secretary cast one vote for the Board in favor of Dr.
Denham's motion. After a second to Mr. Milner's motion, all members present
voted aye, and it was so done.

       Governor Nunn expressed his confidence in Dr. Kirwan's leadership and
urged the Presidential Search Committee, with its two replacements, to proceed
with dispatch to seek a permanent president but; at the same time, warned them
against undue haste.

       V. Meeting Adjourned

       After having determined that there was no further business to come before
the Board, Governor Nunn, on motion made, seconded, and carried, adjourned
the meeting at 2: 5 0 p. m.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              Lucile T. Blazer
                                              Secretary, Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Statement on University Housing Policy
which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting on
Wednesday, January 29. 1969.)



                         January 29, 1969


      Students enrolled in the University for the spring semester
total 24,324, according to Dean of Admissions Elbert W. Ockerman.
The Lexington campus is host to 14,197, including the Lexington
Technical Institute; 8,666 are enrolled in the 14 community col-
leges; 861 are in the Evening Class Program, and 600 are attending
extension classes. A breakdown by colleges and schools shows:
Agriculture, 269; Arts and Sciences, 7,253; Business and Economics,
690; Education, 1,604; Engineering, 576; Graduate School, 2,093;
Law, 403; Pharmacy, 171; Medicine, 303; Architecture, 130; Lexing-
ton Technical Institute, 153; Allied Health Professions, 89; Home
Economics, 140; Nursing, 124, and Dentistry, 185. (14 are un-
classified). The community colleges report the following enroll-
ments: Ashland, 813; Elizabethtown, 508; Fort Knox, 554; Hazard,
130; Henderson, 586; Hopkinsville, 413; Jefferson, 2,003; Madison-
ville, 169; Maysville, 221; Northern at Covington, 1,148; Paducah,
883; Prestonsburg, 421; Somerset, 423, and Southeast at Cumberland,


      The responsibilities of the College of Agriculture to agri-
cultural cooperatives was up-dated last week by Dr. William A.
Seay, dean of the college. The new policy statement was made
public at the Agricultural Cooperative Conference here last Thurs-
day and Friday. Dean Seay noted that over 100 agricultural, co-
operative and educational leaders throughout the state contributed
to the statement, which is a revision of a 1962 policy, taking
into account the complete overhaul in 1968 of Kentucky legislation
governing the establishment and management of agricultural co-
operatives. Overall responsibility for developing programs to
implement the new policy rests with the dean. The statement de-
fines the specific responsibilities of each of the three divisions
of the College of Agriculture: research, resident teaching, and
extension. In the area of research, the Agricultural Experiment
Station conducts studies in agricultural marketing, purchasing,
finance and other areas affecting agricultural cooperatives. The
college's teaching program offers courses in the history, purposes
and management of cooperatives. The Cooperative Extension Service
carries the educational program of the college to the people.


                               -2 -


      Awards of Merit from the American Association for State and
Local History have gone to: a book, "Conceptions of Kentucky Pre-
history," by Dr. Douglas W. Schwartz, professor of anthropology
on leave, conferred for "an outstanding contribution in the field
of historical publications;" a distinguished professor of history,
Dr. Thomas D. Clark, "for distinction in historical research,
planning, and writing," and a University benefactor, Philip D.
Sang, River Forest, Ill., cited "for continuous support of the
historical programs of local, state, and national agencies and
for interest in sharing historical collections with as large an
audience as is possible."


      A group of law students has formed a speakers bureau for
junior high and high school civics and history classes in Fayette
County. Headed by Larry Roberts, Lexington senior, speakers in
the bureau might be made available to schools in adjoining
counties in the future, depending upon the speakers' class
schedules. In addition to Roberts, speakers are Gregg Wehrman,
Covington; Wayne Shepherd, Corbin; John Adams, Leslie E. Renkey,
Robert S. Smith, all of Lexington. "We explain the various as-
pects of the legal system. For example, we might outline what
takes place from the occurrence of a crime on through the levels
of trials and appeals," Roberts said. "Some of the ninth and tenth
grade students have difficulty understanding the role of the crim-
inal lawyer. They take the attitude 'why does he defend a criminal?',
the chairman of the college's law forum noted. "We remind the
youngsters of the right to trial by jury granted in the Constitu-
tion." Roberts said the speakers conduct question and answer sessions
and provide answers to numerous questions involving the juvenile.


      The College of Law undergraduate school visitation program
is taking faculty members to at least nine colleges and universities
across the Commonwealth. The program is designed to provide under-
graduate students and career counselors with a more accurate picture
of career opportunities for lawyers, the content of a modern legal
education, and law school admission requirements. Prof. Willburt D.
Ham, chairman of the visitation committee, said both the legal pro-
fession and legal education are undergoing many changes. He believes
most college students have outdated notions about these matters.
This is especially true, he said, with respect to the rapidly ex-
panding opportunities for students from less privileged backgrounds.
The American Bar Association and the Association of American Law
Schools are engaged in programs similarly designed to offset this
information gap, he said. In addition to efforts being made by
the College of Law at other campuses, it is assisting in the re-
structuring and strenghtening of the pre-law program at the University.


- 3 -


      A catalogued collection of tapes which will be stored in
the Library of Congress and filed with the National Historic
Buildings Records, to which the School of Architecture and its
students have contributed numerous reports on Kentucky structures
and their histories, is underway. Dr. J. P. Noffsinger, professor
of architecture, believes the project will have its greatest
utility to future teachers and students of architecture and con-
struction methods. "Project Inner Man," according to Dr. Noff-
singer, the project's innovator, "will develop a sizeable library
of very intimate and personal in-depth