xt79gh9b617r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b617r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2008-09-09. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2008-09-09. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2008-09-09. 2008 2008-09-09. 2011 true xt79gh9b617r section xt79gh9b617r 
Meeting of the Board of Trustees University of Kentucky 1:00 P.M. September 9, 2008 18th Floor Patterson Office Tower
Oath of Office Roll Call
2009 Schedule for Meetings of Board of Trustees
Institutional Goals for President Lee T. Todd, Jr. for Academic Year 2008-09
Approval of Minutes - (Consent)
Minutes-June 17, 2008 Retreat - August 19, 2008
Nominating Committee Report
NCR 1      Appointment of Trustee to University of Kentucky Gluck Equine Research
Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors NCR 2      Appointment of Trustee to The University of Kentucky Research Foundation, Inc.
Board of Directors
President's Report and Action Items
PR 1        President's Report to the Trustees PR 2        Personnel Actions (Consent) PR 3        Naming of University Building
PR 4        Appointment to Board of Directors - University of Kentucky Gluck Equine ResearchFoundation, Inc.
Academic Affairs Committee Report
AACR 1    Candidates for Degrees
AACR 2   Candidates for Degrees - Bluegrass Community and Technical College AACR 3    Termination of the Center for Historic Architecture Preservation
Finance Committee Report
FCR 1      James and Gay Hardymon Pledge (Consent)


FCR 2 Martha B. Reynolds Estate Gift (Consent)
FCR3 Renaming of Verizon South Inc. Chair in Network Engineering to the Verizon
Communications Graduate Fellowship
FCR 4 Patient Care Facility Project
FCR 5 Acquisition of Lexington Public Library Northside Branch Located at 1737 Russell
Cave Road, Lexington. Kentucky
FCR 6 Acquisition of 458. 460. and 462-464 Rose Lane. Lexington. Kentucky
FCR 7 Expand Ophthalmology Clinic
FCR 8 Renovate William E. and Casiana Schmidt Vocal Arts Center
FCR 9 Approval of Related Transactions
FCR 10 Lease/Purchase of Medical Equipment
FCR 11 2008-09 Budget Revisions
FCR 12 Patent Assignment Report
FCR 13 Capital Construction Report
Human Resources Committee Report
HRCR 1    Proposed Amendment to Governing Regulation: Faculty Vacation Leave, Sabbatical Leave, and Delay of Probationary Period
Investment Committee Report
Student Affairs Committee Report
University Health Care Committee Report
Other Business


Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, September 9, 2008.
The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, September 9, 2008, in the Board Room on the 18th Floor of Patterson Office Tower.
A. Meeting Opened
Ms. Mira Ball, chair, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and asked Ms. Barbara Jones, General Counsel, to administer the oath of office to the newly appointed Trustees who had not taken the oath of office at a public meeting.
B. Oath of Office
Barbara Jones, General Counsel, administered the Oath of Office to the following members:
Edward Britt Brockman, appointed by Governor Steven L. Beshear to replace Billy
Wilcoxson, for a term ending June 30, 2014. Jo Hern Curris, appointed by Governor Steve Beshear to replace Myra Leigh Tobin,
for a term ending June 30, 2014. Everett McCorvey, elected by the faculty to replace Jeffrey B. Dembo, for a term ending
June 30, 2011.
W. Tyler Montell, who will serve as Student Trustee for the 2008-09 academic year. Frank Shoop, reappointed by Governor Steven L. Beshear for a term ending June 30, 2014.
A round of applause was given to the new members of the Board.
President Todd acknowledged the enthusiasm of the new Board members and said he was appreciative of their willingness to serve. He introduced Dr. Constantine "Deno" Curris, the husband of new member Jo Curris and a graduate of the University of Kentucky, who was in the audience and asked him to stand and be recognized. Dr. Curris received a round of applause. President Todd informed the Board that Dr. Curris is the president of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) in Washington, D.C. and has really done a good job for the University of Kentucky. He said that Dr. Curris has been a nice mentor for him on a number of occasions and noted that Dr. Curris gave the university's Commencement address a few years ago. He welcomed Dr. Curris back to campus.
C. Roll Call
The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Mira Ball (chair), Stephen Branscum, E. Britt Brockman, Penelope Brown, Jo Hern Curris, Ann Haney, James Hardymon, Pamela May, Everett McCorvey, W. Tyler Montell, Sandy Bugie Patterson, Phillip Patton, Charles R. Sachatello, Frank Shoop, JoEtta Wickliffe, Russ Williams, and Ernest Yanarella. Teleconferencing was provided for Erwin Roberts because he could not be present at


the meeting. Absent from the meeting were Dermontti Dawson and Billy Joe Miles. Ms. May reported that a quorum was present.
The university administration was represented by President Lee T. Todd, Jr., Provost Kumble Subbaswamy, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Frank Butler, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Michael Karpf, and General Counsel Barbara W. Jones.
The university faculty was represented by Chair of the University Senate Council David Randall, and the university staff was represented by Chair of the Staff Senate Bart Miller.
Members of the various news media were also in attendance.
D. Board Dates and Institutional Goals and Objectives for President Lee T. Todd, Jr. for Academic Year 2008-09
Ms. Ball called attention to the 2009 schedule of the Board meetings in the agenda book and noted that the dates were discussed at the Board retreat.
She said that the institutional goals for President Todd were also reviewed and discussed at the retreat. She asked for official acceptance of those goals which were included in the agenda book. Mr. Branscum asked for clarification that they were the same goals presented at the retreat. He then moved approval of the goals. Ms. Patterson seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent.
E. Consent Items
Ms. Ball called attention to the items on the consent agenda and asked if there were any corrections or additions. Mr. Shoop moved that the consent items be approved. Ms. Haney seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See consent items listed below at the end of the agenda.)
Minutes-June 17, 2008
Retreat Minutes - August 19, 2008
PR 2     Personnel Actions
FCR 1   James and Gay Hardymon Pledge (Consent) FCR 2   Martha B. Reynolds Estate Gift (Consent)
F. Nominating Committee Report
Mr. Shoop, chair of the Nominating Committee, asked Ms. Ball to step aside as chair and appoint a Board member to receive the Nominating Committee's report. Ms. Ball asked Mr. Hardymon to receive the report. Mr. Hardymon then asked Mr. Shoop for his report.
Mr. Shoop, chair of the Nominating Committee, reported that the Nominating Committee met September 4 to discuss the nomination of officers of the Board and the members of the


Executive Committee as well as two action items. On behalf of the Nominating Committee, he submitted the nomination of Mira Ball for chair and moved approval of the nomination. Dr. Sachatello seconded the motion, and it passed without dissent. There were no nominations from the floor.
Ms. Ball returned to the chair's seat and asked Mr. Shoop to continue his report.
Mr. Shoop said the vote in the Nominating Committee was for Steve Branscum to be vice chair of the Board, and he moved approval of the nomination. Mr. Montell seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. There were no nominations from the floor.
On behalf of the Nominating Committee, Mr. Shoop submitted the nomination of Pam May for secretary and moved approval of the nomination. Dr. Sachatello seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. There were no nominations from the floor.
Mr. Shoop reported that it has been the practice of the Board to appoint the general counsel of the university as assistant secretary of the board, and the Nominating Committee nominates Barbara Jones as assistant secretary. He moved approval of the nomination. Ms. Haney seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. There were no nominations from the floor.
On behalf of the Nominating Committee, Mr. Shoop submitted the following nominations for members of the Executive Committee and moved approval of the nominations:
Mira Ball, Chair Steve Branscum James Hardymon Sandy Patterson Phillip Patton Pam May, ex officio
Dr. Yanarella seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. There were no nominations from the floor.
Mr. Shoop congratulated the officers and the Executive Committee on their appointments and asked the Board to join him in giving the officers and Executive Committee a round of applause.
G.      Appointment of Trustee to University of Kentucky Gluck Equine Research Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors (NCR 1)
Mr. Shoop said that NCR 1 recommends that the Board approve the appointment of Everett McCorvey as a trustee member to the University of Kentucky Gluck Equine Research Foundation Board of Directors for a four-year term ending December 31, 2012. The Nominating Committee of the Board is to submit nominations of Trustee representatives to the Board for approval, and the bylaws of the foundation require that the Board of Trustees approve


appointments to the Board of Directors. On behalf of the Nominating Committee, he moved approval of NCR 1. Mr. Branscum seconded the motion, and it passed without dissent. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)
H. Appointment of Trustee to The University of Kentucky Research Foundation Inc. Board of Directors (NCR 2)
Mr. Shoop said that NCR 2 recommends that the Board approve the appointment of Penny Brown as a trustee member to the University of Kentucky Research Foundation Board of Directors for a three-year term ending December 31, 2011. The Nominating Committee of the Board is to submit nominations of Trustee representatives to the Board for approval, and the bylaws of the foundation require that the Board of Trustees approve appointments to the Board of Directors. On behalf of the Nominating Committee, he moved approval of NCR 2. Ms. Haney seconded the motion, and it passed without consent. (See NCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)
I. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)
President Todd began his report by introducing Dr. Judy "JJ" Jackson. This is Dr. Jackson's first Board meeting as vice president of institutional diversity at the University of Kentucky. He and others are glad to have her at the university, and they look forward to her contributions.
• Rodney Andrews made a presentation at the Board retreat and told about the Center for Applied Energy Research receiving a $1.2 million grant in an international research competition conducted by utility giant E.ON. There were 50 international universities and institutes from 11 countries that submitted proposals, and the University of Kentucky was the only U.S. institution to win an award. This grant is to develop some capacitors to store wind and solar energy. While it gets UK into an arena where there is a lot of wind and solar work going on in Kentucky, it is something that will have international impact.
• A group of UK's College of Engineering students built a car and got it certified through a process for a solar car race, which was very difficult to do. The ultimate winner of that race was the University of Michigan. The University of Michigan students raised about $3 million to build their car. The UK students had probably less than $100,000 to build their car. The race began in Dallas, Texas, and the finish line was in Calgary, Alberta, which was 2,400 miles in a car with solar energy. It was a great project for the students, and they came in 11 out of 15. Making the race was a big opportunity for the students, and they will continue to improve on that position.
• According to a new study published by Ellen Hahn, professor at the College of Nursing, and several colleagues, asthma visits to the emergency room have decreased since the enactment of the smoke-free legislation. The study was to


look at emergency room visits due to asthma and other breathing conditions that could be brought on by secondhand smoke. The rate of decline in asthma visits to the emergency room was 24 percent for adults and 18 percent for children. This is one of those measurable impacts in a reasonably short period of time. Professor Hahn has also been working with a lot of communities throughout Kentucky. She had a conference about two or three months ago where approximately 150 people came from around the state to learn how to position their communities to be smoke-free communities. She is to be applauded for her efforts in this study.
• Congressmen Hal Rogers and Representative Geoff Davis visited campus recently to unveil more than $1,426 million in federal funds to support research at the UK Center for Applied Energy Research on refining coal into liquid transportation fuels. The university has a pilot plant at the center to do that, but this allows the university to enhance that plant and at the same time look at some carbon sequestrations to make that plant more environmentally acceptable. There is another $1 million earmark lined up behind that, and in addition, the Secretary of Energy and Environment Cabinet Len Peters contributed $350,000. The university now has a good amount of money to go after that issue.
• The UK Center for Computational Sciences that Dr. John Connolly has headed for a number of years has won a grant from the National Science Foundation for $2.7 million. This is a consortium with the University of Florida, the University of Illinois, and the University of Maryland for the grid's cyberinfrastructure. Appearing in contracts with those types of universities with that level of funding should be drawn to the Board's attention.
• The "Class of Kentucky" was greeted on the football field at a recent football game. This is an initiative that was a brainstorm with Kelley Bozeman and Catherine Edelen. The concept was to approach the high school counselors in every high school in Kentucky and ask them to nominate their top sophomore. Those sophomores are invited to campus during the summer for a campus tour. There is a luncheon, a motivational speaker, and the students are given a certificate. Many times the students bring their parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. It is the first time that many of them have been on a college campus. The students and their parents are then invited back for a football game. A class of these students graduated from high school, and 25 percent of them came to UK. This initiative is a success, and it is something that will definitely continue.
• Former Dean Kay Clawson and former Board member Robert Clay had an idea to start the Henry Clay Center for Statesmanship which involves Transylvania University and the University of Kentucky. The senior senator from each state would nominate a student to come to Lexington for a week


and learn about the concepts of Henry Clay, which are compromised, and to try to put some civility back into the political process. Classes were held at Transylvania University and UK. Senator Nancy Kassebaum Baker was one of the speakers. Ms. Ball, Justice Sandra Day O' Connor, and Patterson School Director Carey Cavanaugh are on the center's board. While this is good exposure for UK, it also brings back the principles of Henry Clay and of Kentuckians. The idea was deemed a very big success the first time out.
President Todd said that there are other items in PR 1 that the Board should read, especially the student and faculty achievements. He encouraged the Board to read those items at their leisure.
J.       Naming of University Building (PR 3)
President Todd said that PR 3 is a recommendation to rename the College of Medicine Office Building to the Medical Behavioral Science Building. The Committee on Naming University Buildings unanimously recommends approval of this name change. On motion made by Judge Patton and seconded by Mr. Shoop, PR 3 was approved without dissent. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)
K.      Appointment to Board of Directors - University of Kentucky Gluck Equine Research Foundation, Inc. (PR 4)
President Todd recommended that the Board approve the appointment of Stephen M. Reed to the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Gluck Equine Research Foundation for a four-year term. Dr. Reed is an associate in internal medicine at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital. He received his DVM from Ohio State University and is a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Reed will be a strong addition to the Board. Dr. Brockman moved approval of PR 4. Dr. McCorvey seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)
L.      Candidates for Degrees (AACR 1)
Dr. Yanarella was asked to chair the Academic Affairs Committee meeting because the Board term of Chair Myra Tobin expired June 30. He reported that the Academic Affairs Committee had three agenda items for the Board's consideration. AACR 1 is a list of candidates for degrees being completed the summer 2008. The committee reviewed AACR 1 and makes a positive recommendation to the Board. He moved approval of AACR 1. Ms. Haney seconded the motion, and it passed without dissent. (See AACR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)
M.     Candidates for Degrees - Bluegrass Community and Technical College (AACR 2)
On behalf of the Academic Affairs Committee, Dr. Yanarella recommended to the Board passage of AACR 2 which involves candidates for degrees for the Bluegrass Community and Technical College. The Board is aware of its continuing responsibility until August 31, 2010 of


conferring these degrees. He moved approval of AACR 2. Dr. McCorvey seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See AACR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)
N.      Termination of the Center for Historic Architecture Preservation (AACR 3)
Dr. Yanarella said that AACR 3 involves termination of the Center for Historic Architecture Preservation. In the year 2000, the Board of Trustees approved this establishment. There were high hopes and aspirations that the center would be able to become self-supporting with grants and contracts. The College of Design made strenuous efforts to find a nationally prominent director to take authority over this center. These aspirations and hopes were not realized, and with a new dean of the College of Design, the college is moving in different directions. Therefore, a request has moved through the dean of the College of Design, the Vice President for Research and the Provost, and the Academic Affairs Committee to the Board for termination of the Center for Historic Architecture Preservation. Dr. Yanarella moved approval of AACR 3. His motion, seconded by Ms. Patterson, carried without dissent. (See AACR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)
Dr. Yanarella reported that Provost Subbaswamy and Associate Provost Heidi Anderson gave the committee an update on the beginning of the semester. He said that the committee was appreciative of the overview and quite delighted with the statistics for this year. As a faculty member, he looks forward to the opportunity to teach these students as they go through their undergraduate career at the University of Kentucky.
O.      Finance Committee Report
Mr. Branscum, chair of the Finance Committee, reported that the committee had a very active meeting with 13 reports and action items. FCRs 1 and 2 were consent items. They included gifts and pledges totaling $1.25 million. Mr. Branscum highlighted FCR 1, which is a $1 million pledge from James and Gay Hardymon to provide support for the construction projects and related priorities of the new University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler Hospital. He gave special thanks to Mr. and Mr. Hardymon for their pledge and noted that they are graduates of the university. They are among the university's most generous donors. Mr. Hardymon has served on the Board of Trustees since 2003, and he served as chairman of the Board from 2004 through 2007. He serves as chair of the University Health Care Committee.
P.      Renaming of Verizon South Inc. Chair in Network Engineering to the Verizon Communications Graduate Fellowship (FCR 3)
Mr. Branscum said that FCR 3 is the Renaming of Verizon South Inc. Chair in Network Engineering to the Verizon Communications Graduate Fellowship. The donor and the College of Engineering request that the funds' use and name of an endowment be changed from an academic chair to graduate fellowships in the college's Department of Computer Science. On behalf of the Finance Committee, he recommended approval of FCR 3. Mr. Shoop seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See FCR 3 at the end of the agenda.)


Q.      Patient Care Facility Project (FCR 4)
Mr. Branscum said that FCR 4 was to formally request approval to set the scope of the initial phases of the new UK HealthCare Patient Care Facility project at $532.3 million which includes $250 million agency bonds, $275 million agency funds, and $7.3 million private funds.
The FCR also recommends consolidation of the separate legislative authorities for administrative reporting purposes. There is no new debt, and any other changes would come back to the Board for approval. He noted that Vice President Bob Wiseman will be taking this to the Capital Projects and Oversight Committee for approval upon approval by the Board at this meeting.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Mr. Branscum recommended approval of FCR 4. Mr. Williams seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See FCR 4 at the end of the meeting.)
R.      Acquisition of Lexington Public Library Northside Branch Located at 1737 Russell Cave Road, Lexington, Kentucky (FCR 5)
Mr. Branscum said that FCR 5 recommends approval of the acquisition of the Northside library in Lexington, Kentucky for $1.2 million. The Department of Biology proposes to integrate this property with its research facility located on adjacent land that is owned by the UK Research Foundation. This recommendation also authorizes Vice President Butler to execute all documents required for such purchase. On behalf of the Finance Committee, he recommended approval of FCR 5. Mr. Montell seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. Ms. May abstained from the vote. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)
S.      Acquisition of 458, 460, and 462-464 Rose Lane, Lexington, Kentucky (FCR 6)
Mr. Branscum said that FCR 6 recommends approval to acquire 1.063 acres and an apartment complex on Rose Lane in Lexington, Kentucky. The property has been offered for sale by Beta Nu of Kappa Sigma House Corporation. Mr. Butler will be authorized to negotiate up to $1,631,900 for the property which is within the university's approved acquisition boundary. On behalf of the Finance Committee, he recommended approval of FCR 6. Ms. Patterson seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)
T.      Expand Ophthalmology Clinic (FCR 7)
Mr. Branscum said that FCR 7 is a recommendation for the Expand Ophthalmology Clinic project which will be funded by UK HealthCare. This project was previously approved by the Board in January 2008 with a scope of $3.1 million. Project planning indicates that the scope will be more than the original approved amount. Thus, the project is being brought back to the Board for approval to initiate with a new scope of $4.185 million, the amount authorized by the 2008 General Assembly. On behalf of the Finance Committee, he recommended approval of


FCR 7. Dr. Brockman seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See FCR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)
U.      Renovate William E. and Casiana Scmidt Vocal Arts Center (FCR 8)
Mr. Branscum said that FCR 8 recommends the acceptance of a $1 million pledge from William E. and Casiana Schmidt and approval to initiate the renovation of the William E. and Casiana Schmidt Vocal Arts Center.
At its October 16, 2007 meeting, the Board of Trustees approved renaming the Koinonia House the William E. and Casiana Schmidt Vocal Arts Center in recognition of their $1 million pledge to the UK Opera program. The Schmidts designated $500,000 of their pledge to help fund the $1.2 million renovation of the center. The renovation project includes upgrades to the electrical and mechanical systems, installing a sprinkler system, a new stairwell, and an elevator. The project also begins fitting out shelled space on the second floor which will eventually include rehearsal rooms, teaching studios, classrooms, practice rooms, a dance studio, and office space.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, he recommended approval of FCR 8. Ms. Curris seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See FCR 8 at the end of the Mintues.)
V.      Approval of Related Transactions (FCR 9)
Mr. Branscum said that FCR 9 requests authorization to transfer up to $5 million to the University of Kentucky Research Foundation to be used as paid in capital in Coldstream Laboratories, Inc. (CLI). As previously reported to the Board, CLI was formed to expand and commercialize pharmaceutical manufacturing, research, and development at the College of Pharmacy's Center for Pharmaceutical Science and Technology. CLI is in operation and is building a client base but has not yet become self-sufficient. CLI estimates that it will have a positive cash flow next year. This investment will be funded by the UK HealthCare Enterprise. On behalf of the Finance Committee, he recommended approval of FCR 9. Dr. McCorvey seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See FCR 9 at the end of the Minutes.)
W.     Lease/Purchase of Medical Equipment (FCR 10)
Mr. Branscum said that FCR 10 is a request to approve the acquisition of three major medical equipment items and one equipment lease pool totaling $15,565,450 by lease-purchase financing. The University's Debt Committee has reviewed this request and determined that it is consistent with the University's Debt Policy. A description of each item is provided with the FCR. On behalf of the Finance Committee, he recommended approval of FCR 10. Ms. Curris seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See FCR 10 at the end of the Minutes.)
X.    2008-09 Budget Revisions (FCR 11)
Mr. Branscum said that Vice President Angie Martin presented the 2008-09 Budget Revisions which will increase the University of Kentucky's total budget by $759,200. The


revisions include $739,200 of unspent federal funds to various programs at the Agricultural Experiment Station and Agricultural Cooperative Extension Service. This funding will go toward agricultural research and the Cooperative Extension's initiatives in Health and Nutrition Education. The funds must be expended by the end of the federal fiscal year, September 30, 2008. On behalf of the Finance Committee, he recommended approval of FCR 11. Mr. Williams seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See FCR 11 at the end of the Minutes.)
Y.    Patent Assignment Report (FCR 12)
Mr. Branscum said that Vice President for Research James Tracy presented the Patent Report for the quarter that ended June 30, 2008. The quarterly report included three patents. For the 2007-08 fiscal year, the university filed 12 patent applications, had 14 patents issued, and, received $1.2 million of patent income. On behalf of the Finance Committee, he recommended acceptance of FCR 12. Dr. Brockman seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See FCR 12 at the end of the Minutes.)
Z.    Capital Construction Report (FCR 13
Mr. Branscum said that FCR 13 is the capital construction report for the quarter ending June 30, 2008. During this period, there were 4 new contracts, 2 contracts completed, 2 contracts amended, and 10 change orders greater than $25,000.
The 4 new contracts included:
• A $2.37 million contract with Congleton Hacker Company for the Fit-Up Gill Building Ground Floor project;
• A $140,000 contract with CMW, Inc. for the Replace Emergency Generators and Fire Pump at UK Good Samaritan Hospital project;
• A $253,686 contract with JRA Architects for the Renovate Outpatient Clinic in Kentucky Clinic project; and
• A $249,078 contract with JRA Architects for the Expand Ophthalmology Clinic;
The 2 contracts completed for preliminary designs were:
• The $660,000 contract with Kohn Pederson Fox Associates for the Design Phase of the Construct Gatton Building Complex project; and
• The $528,998 contract with Robert A.M. Stern Architects for the Design Phase of the Construct Law School Building project.
The 2 contracts amended were:
• (+) $282,276 for the Construct Biological Pharmaceutical Complex Building project for additional coordination during construction; and
• (+) $868,849 for the Construct Patient Care Facility project for additional design services.


The 10 change orders greater than $25,000 were:
• 2 change orders totaling $372,678 for the Construct Biological Pharmaceutical Complex Building project; and
• 8 change orders totaling $212,156 for the Construct Patient Care Facility project.
There are a lot of things going on. Mr. Wiseman and his staff are overseeing construction on all corners of the university. He and his staff do an outstanding job tracking and keeping up with the projects. On behalf of the Finance Committee, he moved acceptance of FCR 13. Mr. Shoop seconded his motion, and it carried without dissent. (See FCR 13 at the end of the Minutes.)
Mr. Branscum said that most of the information about the 13 items was repetitive because most Board members attended the Finance Committee meeting. He said that the committee had good discussions about the items, and it also had an opportunity to ask questions.
Mr. Branscum reported that the committee saw a PowerPoint presentation by Provost Subbaswamy regarding the fall enrollment report, and Vice President Angie Martin made a presentation on the budget impact of the enrollment as well. It is with a lot of excitement that they announced that the university's annual retention rate is up to 81 percent as well as first time student enrollment. The budget was for 4,000 freshmen, and the fall enrollment was 4,044. That had a budget impact of fall tuition revenues adding about 2 percent or $2 million. Provost Subbaswamy wanted to make sure everyone understands that it is an estimate. These dollar amounts for the fall and spring could near $3.5 million in additional revenue with the enrollment.
Ms. Ball agreed that Provost Subbaswamy gave a very good report and asked the Board to give him a round of applause.
AA.    Proposed Amendment to Governing Regulations: Faculty Vacation Leave, Sabbatical Leave, and Delay of Probationary Period (HRCR 1)
Judge Patton, chair of the Human Resources Committee, reported that the committee met that morning to consider HRCR 1, which is a proposed amendment to Governing Regulations: Faculty Vacation Leave, Sabbatical Leave, and Delay of Probationary Period. This amendment was adopted on first reading at the Board's June meeting. At that meeting, it was suggested by Dr. Yanarella that prior to the second reading the proposed amendment be vetted through the Human Resources Committee. It was reviewed by the deans and by the University Senate, and there was quite a discussion on the vacation leave portion in the committee's meeting. The other portions seem to have no controversy.
The amendment changes existing policy on the carryover of vacation leave. Faculty members accrue 22 days a year and have historically been able to carry over to the next year unused vacation days. That policy was an unfunded liability of about $20 million, and due to budget constraints, that was the impetus for this change.


Judge Patton said that the committee heard from Dr. Jennifer Bruechner from the College of Medicine Faculty Council. Dr. Bruechner expressed concern about how this change would impact medical faculty who are under a contract to work 48 weeks a year. Judge Patton said the committee was assured by Provost Subbaswamy and by Mr. Butler that this concern will