xt79cn6z0c23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79cn6z0c23/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-01-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1999 1999 1999-01-27 2020 true xt79cn6z0c23 section xt79cn6z0c23  





Campus humor

0: How do you get holy





Goodbye Tim

The Kernel
says farewell
to Couch in a
section I B


A: Boll the hell out of it.

o: What do Eskimos get
from sitting on the
ice too long?

A: Polaroid's.

0: What do prisoners
use to call each

A: Cell phones.

0: What do you call a
boomerang that
doesn't work?

A: A stick.

0: What do you call
cheese that isn't

A: Nacho Cheese.

0: What do you call four
bull fighters in

A: Ouatro cinco.

0: What do you get from
a pampered cow?

A: Spoiled milk.

0: What has four legs, is
big, green and fuzzy,
and if it fell out of a
tree would kill you?

A: A pool table.
0: What is a zebra?

A: 25 sizes larger than
an "A" bra.

0: What's the difference
between an oral
thermometer and a
rectal thermometer?

A: The taste.

0: Where do you find a
dog with no legs?

A: Right where you left

0: Where do you get
virgin wool from?

A: Ugly sheep.

0: Why do gorillas have
big nostrils?

A: Because they have
big fingers.

- Source:

More homer


Did you ever notice
when you blow in a
dog's face he gets
mad at you? But
when you take him in
a car he sticks his
head out the window.

Have you ever noticed?
Anybody going
slower than you is an
idiot. and anyone
going faster than you
is a maniac.

- Source:

- Ron Norton


5.? 4.3

Sorry kids, it looks
like thunderstorms and
lots of rain tomorrow, so
don’t forget the umbrella

VOL. 8104




News tips?



8 SGA senators call it quits

Senators leave because of time conflicts, while others sit,
question whether leadership, organizations played a factor

By Jill Gorln

Several Student Government Associa~
tion senators have called it quits this year.
making other senators skeptical about the

"We've had a lot of people resign. a lot
of last-minute resignations." said Keisha
Carter, SGA senator at large. "It‘s really
bothering a lot of people."

Eight senators have resigned this year
alone for a variety of reasons.

“I resigned for personal reasons only.“
said Eric Drake. former senator for the
College of Allied Health. “It was just too

much to do with graduate school and all."

Some senators think time conflicts are
the main cause. while others said SGA's
inexperience and disorganization con-
tributed to resignations.

Carter said the resignations might not
just be because of schedule contlicts.

“We’ve had a lot of last-minute deci-
sions that had to be made.” she said.
“Many senators just don‘t like that and got
frustrated with the last-minute things that
had to be done."

Some experienced senators said the
new senators might have had problems ad
lusting to SGA.

“We have had a lack of experience in

SGA and the UK administration this year
from so many new people," Carter said.
"Pretty much everyone in a leadership po»
sition this year was new and when you‘re
in a role like that. you really need to know
how the organization works and be expert

(‘arter is not the only senator who
found inexperience a problem. Marianne
Lorensen also resigned in December for
several reasons. including frustration with
the organization.

“‘I won't say that the frustration from
SGA‘s inexperienced members was the
reason I quit." Lorensen said. “1 quit be-
cause I couldn‘t give SGA the time and en-
ergy I wanted. but that frustration was a
contributing factor."

Ernesto Mansilla. SGA vice-president
said time conflicts can be a struggle. espe-
cially with SGA‘s rules.

"()ur SGA constitution has rules about
absences in meetings." Mansilla said. "If
you are absent twice or tardy to a meeting
four times. we have a Committee on Corti-
mittees that reviews your case and decides
what the punishment will be."

“We have had many new people in
SGA this year." said Mansilla. who is also
in his first year of SGA.

"I thought this year would be a learn-
ing experience for everyone."

The elections for new senators will be
held in April. Students are encouraged to
run for office. because many new senators
will be needed.

“I feel that students have seen all the
things SGA has been doing this year and
either feel they can improve SGA or just
want to be apart of it.“ l‘eigel said. “So. I
don‘t think we'll have any problem getting
people to run."





Padgett finds 0T
groove over UGA

Cats and dogs: Tenacious Bulldogs
challenged UK the entire game and then
some as No. 6 Cats pull off 91-83 victory

ATHENS. Ga. ~ Scott Pad-


gett scored 10 of his 23 points in
overtime and Heshimu Evans
added two three-point plays in
the extra period. leading No. 6
UK to a 91-83 victory over Geor»
gia last night.

It was the third meeting
against the Bulldogs for coach
Tubby Smith. who left Georgia
last year for the UK job and
steered the Wildcats to the na-
tional championship. His son.
Saul. plays for him at UK. while
his son. G.G.. plays for the Bull-

Wayne Turner's free throw
with 36 seconds remaining lift-
ed Kentucky into a 72-72 tie in
regulation. Georgia‘s Jumaine
Jones. who had a career-high
34 points. rimmed out a 6-footer
from the right side at the

It was the fourth straight
victory and eighth in nine
games for UK (18-4. 7-1 South»
eastern Conference). which has
beaten Georgia 11 consecutive
times and leads the series 94-17.

Freshman D.A. Layne
added 21 points for the Bulldogs
(112-8. 3-5). who had an eight-
game home winning streak

Michael Bradley added 18
points for the Wildcats. while
Evans had 16 and Turner 12.

Georgia led 18-11 with

IA! d a 3-,! in rb tp
Jones 44 12—21 49 68 9 34
Chadwick 32 M 00 13 2 7
Nordin 23 36 1-3 (H) 3 5
Smith 4i 3-5 3-5 (Hi 1 9
layne 35 (H? 5-H at 6 21
DeVoung 13 (H (H1 or 4 0
Oliver 10 00 0-0 0-0 2 0
Harrison 17 1-3 1-1 13 3 4
Fields 10 1-1 1-1 0-1 1 3
WMM‘E-fllfl 3t 33

WAR Id fro 31st IN rt I.
[vats 34 6le 0—2 4-4 4 16
Padgett 26 942 3-5 2-2 4 23
Bradey 34 M 0-0 4.7 6 18
Allison 26 (H W 0-2 5 0
lumer 35 4—7 0-0 4-7 1 12
Smith l9 2—? 1-4 12 2 a
Prince it: 0-2 0-1 0—0 2 0
Boga; 17 2-8 2-5 2-2 3 8
Cantata 6 0‘3 00 00 l 0
Madeira 12 4-4 0-0 (H 3 8


Jones accounting for scycn
points and Layne and .lon
Nordin five each.

UK fought back for a nits-’12
halftime lead. overcoming a
4239 deficit over the final 1:56
on two baskets by Bradley
and a (fpllllllt‘l' by Ryan



Man with transplant ‘stares at it and grins’

Scott talks about experience after grueling l4
l/Z-hour surgery to replace lost hand


LOUISVILLE ..- Thirteen
years after an explosive blew off
his left hand. Matthew David
Scott has a new one.

“He stares at it and grins."
family friend James Brown said
Monday as Scott. a paramedic
from Absecon. N.J.. recovered
from the first hand transplant in
the United States.

The 14 1/2-hour surgery
ended early Monday at Jewish
Hospital in Louisville. His doc-
tors said Scott. 37, was doing as
well as possible. They watched
closely for blood clots. other
complications and any sign that
the donor hand was being re-

“We don‘t expect to see rejec-
tion in the early phase. Our big
concern is in the first three
months." said Dr. Jon William

Jones Jr.. an organ rejection (.x.
pert who was part of the surgical

Tiny pieces of skin from the
hand will be microscopically ex»
amined every few days to see if
lymphocytes tissue-killing
cells — are attacking it. Jones
said. if so. Scott's medication
could be adjusted.

Scott was being given power-
ful drugs that reduce the chances
of rejection but pose significant
dangers of their own. His sup»
pressed immune system makes
him vulnerable to infections that
could be life threatening. said
Jones and the lead surgeon. Dr.
Warren Breidenbach.

Scott lost his dominant hand
in 3 Dec. 23. 1985. blast from an
M80. which resembles a fire
cracker but is far more powerful.
M803 have been illegal in the



Call: 257-1915 or write:



was: an - a..-n«u 9. 9..- > -

’Pa..~.,.. ~..

United States since 1966.

Scott got a prosthetic hand
and resumed working. In 1991). he
was named National Paramedic

of the Year by Emergency Med- The nation's firsthand
ical Services magazine. said Tom transplant was
Starr. director of the Mobile ln» ”from“ at Louisville
tensive Care Unit at Virtua Jewish Hospitalon

Health. where Monday,

Scott now oversees para- lhe proecedure
medic training in southern New . .
Jersey. He also is assistant direc- imzegnzzgxéim
tor of the S " ' '

chool of Paramedu muscle. to ndon, m,

Science at Camden County Col;
lege. blood vessels. nerves

Some doctors have quesr cartilageandeveniot.
tioned the risks of transplanting

a non-vital organ such as a hand. 3* W“
lireidenbach said Scott was cho mm
sen because he had not adapted lion
well to his artificial hand and is 0 fixation .
intelligent. articulate and has

support from his family. which aim
includes his wife and tWo young M


In an interview videotaped
before his surgery. Scott said that
with his artificial hand he lived

See HAND on 2


Innovative trasplant surgery

—0 Arterv


The body part was
transferred in the
some manner as
other organ

Sowes Jewish NOSDI’AI Klemerl not: and Ammm
and University at tnuutvviw


l l 1 - . I l ! t


-.. . -Hfl... v. .- _...,..






The Low-down

Managers want three witnesses

WASHINGTON —~ House prosecutors plead-
ed with the Senate yesterday to issue subpoenas
for “a pitiful three" impeachment trial witnesses

Monica Lewinsky and two others W and to re»
quest that President Clinton answer questions
under oath. But the White House says Clinton is—
n‘t going to do that. In addition to Ms. Lewinsky.
the House managers also sought subpoenas to
question presidential friend Vernon Jordan and
White House aide Sidney Blumenthal.

McCain introduces Boxers' Bill

WASHINGTON ~ Sen. John McCain, a box-
ing fan. has introduced legislation aimed at pro
tecting fighters from exploitation and requiring
more openness from promoters about their finan
cial dealings.

“We must prevent boxers from being cheat-
ed" and the public from being denied "the bene-

We didn’t fits of a truly honest and legitimate sport," said
McCain (R-Ariz.). The bill would restrict coercive

really option contracts by which promoters control a
know boxers’ career. It would also require promoters
and organizers of major boxing events to disclose

more financial information and to inform state

boxing commissions of charges, costs and fees
they take out of a boxer‘s purse.

0.8. admits missile went astray

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon acknowl~
edged for the first time yesterday that an Air
Force missile considered to be among its most
accurate went astray during an attack on Iraqi
air defenses and struck a residential area. Iraq
has claimed it killed a number of civilians. Ken-
neth Bacon, spokesman for Defense Secretary
William Cohen. said a rocket-powered missile
known as the AGM-130, one of the Air Force's
newest weapons, “did miss its target" by a few
miles. President Saddam Hussein, meanwhile,
threatened yesterday to retaliate against the
United States, vowing that his people‘s blood
“will not be shed in vain."

Gym not only wat to boost fitness

CHICAGO — Doing everyday activities like
raking leaves and climbing stairs can improve
heart and lung mness just as much as working
up a sweat in a gym can, researchers say. In a
study published in tomorrow's Journal of the
American Medical Association, one group spent
20 to 60 minutes vigorously exercising v swim-



Dilbert. the
loser of the
world, looks
like a winner on
television. The
engineer who
suffers the tor-
tures of office
life in Scott
Adams' comic
strip is the star
of "Dilbert." a
clever new anl-
mated series on
0PM that gives
the struggling
network a rea-
son to live.
debuts at

8 pm Monday.


BUSTED: 0ft-
troubled actor
Gary Busey is
in trouble.
Again. The one-
time Oscar
nominee now
stands accused
of roughing up
his wife during
a literally (and
drag-out argu-
ment in their
Malibu home.

ming or biking, for example — up to five days a
week. The other incorporated 30 minutes a day of
the so-called “lifestyle" exercise. Researchers
found that, at the end of six months, both groups
had similar — and significant - improvements
in cholesterol ratios, blood pressure and body fat

Clinton greets Pope in St. Louis

ST. LOUIS . President Clinton welcomed a
frail Pope John Paul II with a steadying hand
yesterday and said he hoped he would find, in his
seventh pilgrimage on US. soil. “an America
working harder to be what you have asked us to
be.“ Clinton, a Southern Baptist, addressed the
Catholic spiritual leader as Holy Father. The
pope, 78, delivered a plea for Americans to "open
wide your hearts" to the world’s less fortunate.
The pope likened current debates on abortion
and euthanasia to the past century‘s fight against
slavery and racism.

Quake in Colombia Irills 1,000

ARMENIA, Colombia The death toll from
the worst earthquake to hit Colombia in more
than a century surpassed 1.000 yesterday as sur—
vivors anxiously awaited relief supplies and
prayed for signs of life under the rubble. Stunned
residents in Colombia's coffee belt chose to wait
out the night around bonfires rather than ven-
ture back into their crumpled homes following
the magnitude 6 quake.

Compaq to sell stock in AltaVista

NEW YORK __ Joining a race to cash in on
the Internet stock boom. Compaq Computer to-
day announced plans to spin off its AltaVista
subsidiary into a separate. publicly owned com-
pany. Proceeds from the stock sale could help Al-
taVista strike deals with other Web companies
and expand into a bigger lnternet destination. of-
fering everything from financial information to

By luring more visitors to AltaVista. Com-
paq could draw shoppers to its own site and be!
gin to catch up with archrival Dell Computer,
which sells more than $10 million worth of PCs a
day over the Internet.

Dow ends big day 121.26 higher

NEW YORK A. Stock indexes logged big
gains yesterday, as a number of high-profile com-
panies announced stock splits, dividend increas-
es and earnings that met or exceeded analysts‘
expectations. The Dow Jones industrial average
closed at 9.324.58. up 121.26. On the NYSE, gain-
ers led losers 1.5571438. The NASDAQ soared to
2,433.42. up 64.11.


Compiled from wire reports.


Continued from page i


in fear of going through buffet
lines and handling food at par-
ties. Nor was he able to show
his sons how to play baseball.
he said.

“It’s always been the little
things — the daily little
things,” Scott said.

Even so, Scott can only

transplanted hand ~r able to
pick up objects but unable to
button his shirt, Breidenbach

“You should be able to get
fairly good fiexation and ex—
tension —~ not complete ~~ and
some sensation, but not nor-
mal,” Breidenbach said.

Surgeons for years have
been able to reattach severed
limbs following accidents, but
they had never been able to
successfully transfer a limb
from a dead donor to a living

hope to gain limited use of the recipient.


A story about boyscouting, which ran in last Thursday's
paper, contained some incorrect information. Tim Winner is
still Cub Master for David Jewel‘s pack of Boy Scouts. Jewel.
whose name was misspelled in the story. attended Cleveland
State University for two semesters, rather than two years.

Jewel's website is http://www.geocities.com/
Yosemite/Trails/ 1180 or e-mail him at Kytrader98ru aol.com.


To report an error call The Kentucky Kernel at 257-1915.




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Luke Saiodin
Scene Editor
Phone: 257-i9i5 I E-maii: leuiaOOpopuliyeoii

“ ~~o o o..« .o... row”... "a

‘4, .- a'-}m«ufiem-a.u .. .. 7, y, , .. ”5'... ..




Big Weekend
in the ring

By Gary McCoilum

inesrunc cowumsr


This weekend I was called
out of town to work a conference
in Louisville. Naturally. I was
totally exhausted by the time I
got back late Sunday evening.

After floating through my
class schedule on Monday. I
still found myself suffering
from mono-like symptoms
when wrestling hit the air-
waves that night.

As I sat back and watched
“RAW“ (I was too tired to flip
channels). I couldn't help won-
dering ifl had fallen asleep and
started to dream up what I was

I sincerely hope that I did
n’t dream all of this up, because
the day I start to dream about
wrestling is the day that I know
I've been writing this column
too long.

Was it just my imagination
or did “Stone Cold” Steve Austin
seem completely ripped during
his interview? It really looked
like Austin and the “Heartbreak
Kid" Shawn Michaels found the
stuff that killed Elvis and were
trying to use it to bring him back
from the dead.

“Stone Cold" obviously is
not the leading celebrity in the
running for the “Know when to
say when“ commercials during
this Sunday's Super Bowl.

It must have been the sleep
deprivation. too. that caused me
to hear the announcers say Vince
McMahon had won the “Royal
Rumble." Surely. this piece of in-
formation was incorrect.

I guess the only good news

to come from this occurrence
would be the steel cage match
between McMahon and Austin
on Valentine‘s Day. No. I don‘t
think the match will be any
good. but maybe if we‘re lucky
McMahon will take a serious
blow to the head and come to
the realization that none of us
want to watch a 50year-old man
wrestle. If we did. the WCW‘s
ratings would be higher.

While my memory is a little
bit hazy from the events of this
past Monday night, I do remem-
ber the Rock‘s shirt. Either I was
seeing spots or the Rock is plan-
ning to take part in the KC and
the Sunshine Band reunion tour.

Monday night was also the
most sexually explicit “RAW“
of the new year. Perhaps a cou-
ple of you noticed the full color
centerfolds dotting the back-
ground. If you didn‘t notice the
posters. you must have noticed
Ken Shamrock's sister.

Unquestionably. her acting
talents far exceed those of Sham-
rock, as she demonstrated in the
latest Val Venis flick. Of course.
that is really not saying much.
Shamrock’s acting ability is so
bad that he couldn‘t get a part in
a Police Academy sequel.

Not to be upstaged with bad
acting, my hat goes off to Bam
Bam Bigelow who reads cue
cards worse than a seven-year-
old kid in an after-school spe.
cial. This is the only part of this
past Monday night’s Nitro that
I could stomach.

Gary McCollum is a political sci-
ence and marketing Junior. lie can
he reached at





In the VCR, it looks as It Kimberly and Diamond Dallas Page may be experi-
encing marital problems courtesy of Big Papa Pump.



‘Virus’ mediocre at best

New film runs the gamut with special
effects, but doesn't deliver much of anything

By Melissa llarris

Let me start off by saying
I‘m not a fan of science-fiction
or horror films. When I decided
to take the assignment to re-
view the movie Virus. it didn’t
register with me that it might
be one of those types of films.
Nevertheless. I found myself at
the movies on the Wednesday
night after it debuted — watch-
ing it.

This definitely wasn't the
best film I‘ve ever seen. but it
wasn‘t the worst, either. The
plot was slow at first, but even-
tually, it started to move along.
In the beginning of the movie,
we see the Akademic Vladislav
Volkov, a Russian science ship,
floating along the seas of the
South Pacific.

Nadia (Joanna Pacula). the
chief science officer. prepares






same-W' *’* ‘ '

to download a routine scientific
data transmission from the
space station. MIR. Suddenly, a
huge. blue, crackling energy
mass takes over MIR and in-
vades the transmission being
sent to the Akademic. The ener-
gy mass takes over the ship’s
computer and electrical sys

Days later. the shabby. lit-
tle tug boat Sea Star is pulled
into a ferocious typhoon. Cap-
tain Everton (Donald Suther-
land) decides to pull straight
into the typhoon and try to save
the wreckage the tug is towing.
against the wishes of the navi-
gator “Kit” Foster (Jamie Lee
Curtis) and the rest of the crew
members. Everton even threat-
ens to kill the engineer Steve
Baker (William Baldwin) if he
doesn‘t cooperate.

After they lose the wreck-
age. they are pulled into calm


oooooo ' " -¢...-,..'


vow COWS - sew . m noes

waters. This is were they see
the Akademic. looking very
pale and ghostly. After trying to
make contact with the ship and
getting no response. the crew of
the Sea Star decides to go

While searching the ship.
they lose the crew loses the Sea
Star, when an anchor from the
Akademic falls onto it. When
on board. Captain Everton de—
cides that this is going to be-
come their new wreckage to
salvage. A foreign ship aban.
doned in diplomatic waters will
bring him to percent of the
ship‘s value. approximately $30
million. (This is what a country
is required to pay in order to
get the ship back.)

“Kit." being from a mili-
tary home. tells the captain that
it is only true if no one is found
alive on the ship. To this the
captain replies then lets not
find anyone alive.

When the crew searches
the ship. they do find that some-
one is alive on the ship. it is Na-
dia. She tries to explain to them


if?! it
‘ .




'.’~=-ws~x Sm;té.$mfigw,nt4 3

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what happened. but Everton
just thinks she's crazy.

Eventually they encounter
robotics creatures in the forms
of spiders and bees. Then they
encounter "robots," which are
part machine and part human.

When the people aboard
the ship get a chance to talk to
the energy mass creating these
technological demons. it basi-
cally says that it is using man
for spare parts. It is performing
its own surgeries on the dead
crewman from the Akademic.
To it. man is a virus and it
wants to get rid of us.

The best thing about this
film is the special effects. The
way the director made use of
them. made the film.

The director. John Bruno
is a special effects expert. who
has worked on films such as Ti-

tanic. Terminator 2 and The
A hiss.
He made special effects

work in those films. and he
made them work in Virus.

Rating : B-





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The Campus Calendar Is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings in the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
Departments. Information can be submitted in Rm. 203, Student Center or by
completing a request form on line at : .
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information Is to
appear in the calendar. For more information call 257-8866



"MOVIE: “School Daze" viewing and discussion, MLK Cultural Center. 69m, FREE


LE.A.P.. 2-2:50 pm. Frazee Hail, Free. call 7—
6959 to sign up

Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting,
9pm. CSF Bldg. (corner of Woodland 8:





Math 109 & 123 Tutoring. 203 Frazee Hall. FREE. call 7-
6959 for more Info



Campus Crusade For Christ weekly meeting, 7:30pm.
Worsham Theatre

UK Lambda meeting for Lesbigaytrans people. 7:30pm. Room 23i Student Center
Thursday Night Live, 7pm. Christian Student Fellowship. call 233-0313 for into

UK Snowskl and Snowboard meeting. 7pm. Room 205 Student Center


Vocal Arts Master Classes and Auditions. 12:30pm- 5pm. Singietary Ctr. Recital
Hall. Register 257-9331

Senior Recital: Mark Andrew ison, voice. 8pm, Singletary Ctr. Recital Hall


"@‘ ‘
4 ,


UK Orchestra Concert. 8pm. Singletary Concert Hall
Senior Recital: Dawn Coon. voice. 8pm. Singletory Ctr.
Recital Hall


Male Chorus Day. 3pm. Slngletary Ctr. Concert Hall. call 257-5897
for more info



Wild Water Cats Pool Sessions. 5-7om iancaster Aquatic (enter. cost $3. tor into:

Sunday Morning Worship. Ham. Christian Student Fellowship








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v- V


”gaff", fife;


Monica. who?

The price
of fame

With all the gab about
Bill Clinton and
Monica Lewinsky
taking center stage.
we feel there are
other people named
Monica that have
been overlooked
recently. Here’s a
sampling of those

Monica - 17-year-old R88
singer from Atlanta;
has several platinum
records, most
recently “The Boy is
Mine,” co-recorded
with Brandy.

Monica Seles - Winner of
nine Grand Slam
tennis titles, survived
a near-fatal stabbing
by a deranged fan of
Steffi Graf in 1993,
currently ranked
among the top 10
players on the
women's tour.

Santa Monica - city in
Southern California.
suburb of Los
Angeles, population
of about 120,000.

Monica Bruit - Female
bodybuilder from
Minnesota, winner of
the l995
international Fitness
and Body Builders
Jan Tana Pro Fitness

Moiica Belluci - actress
from Italy, appears
mainly in foreign
films, but also
appeared in some
American films such
as Dracula and

Monica tioranjo - Latin-
American salsa
singer, Currently lives
and works in Chicago.

Monica (from “Friends")
- brother of Ross,
once involved with
Tom Selleck but now
involved with

Monica Potter - actress,
had parts in Con Air
and Without Limits,
once played Sharon
Collins on The Young
and the Restless.

Forum today

Today, at 1:30 pm. in
the William I. Young
Library auditorium,
the Student
Association will host
a forum on The
President's initiative
on Undergraduate
Education. The forum
will give students a
chance to voice their
concerns and

on ways to improve


Readers are
encouraged to submit
letters to the editor and
guest opinions to the
Dialogue page.
Address comments to:

“Letters to the


Kentucky Kernel

Editorial Editor

35 Enoch J. Grehan

Journalism Building

University of


Lexington. Ky.


Send electronic mail to

Letters should be
about 200 words; guest
opinions should be no
longer than 600 words.

All material s be
type-written and le-
spaced. '

include your name
and major classification
(for publication), as well
as your address and
telephone number for

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Hus +2 or r .' _.

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Not on the Sidewalk, not on the street,
but straight in to your heart. ”


“lanes and paths

0 parking area











Bluegrass music
is thriving, but
at the same time

To the editor:

I am writing to correct several
erroneous and misleading com-
ments in the Jan. 19 review, “Blue-
grass still alive and well," about
the Troubadour concert on Jan. 14.

I was thrilled to see such a
large article and picture about this
event. Bluegrass music is not just
alive and well, it is thriving, par-
ticularly in central Kentucky. 1 am
pleased that the Kernel has
deemed it worthy of its space.

Unfortunately, several com-
ments made in the review belied
the reviewer's unfamiliarity with
this genre of music.

First, the reviewer states that,
“With the death of Bill Monroe in
1996, Ralph Stanley became ar-
guably the most important living
bluegrass musician." While Stan-
ley is certainly one of the most im~
portant, this distinction belongs to
Earl Scruggs for as long as he
lives. He is not just a great musi-
cian, but also the inventor of the
technique for banjo playing used
throughout Bluegrass music.
Ralph Stanley is undoubtedly the
most important bluegrass musi-

cian ACTIVELY performing.

The second misleading com-
ment in the review is the state-
ment that this concert was Stan-
ley‘s return to Lexington after a 40
year absence. While it may be true
that he has not been downtown in
40 years, he has been a regular per.
former at “The Festival of the
Bluegrass," both in its old location
at Masterson Station Park, and its
newer location at the Kentucky
Horse Park for many years.

Third, I must take issue with
the statement that the Lonesome
River Band’s opening set was “sol-
id. if unspectacular." In many re-
spects this band gave a better con-
cert than Stanley did! A full hour
of some of the liveliest, most ener-
getic Bluegrass music anywhere
today deserves much more than
this brush off of a review!

Finally, the reviewer stated
that Ralph Stanley‘s “banjo play-
ing sounds as sharp as ever." Obvi-
ously, the reviewer has never
heard a recording of Stanley in his
prime, performing in the 19505. If
he had, such a comment would be
truly unthinkable!

While Stanley's playing is s