xt79cn6z098h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79cn6z098h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 06, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 06, 1985 1985 1985-11-06 2020 true xt79cn6z098h section xt79cn6z098h __—____________________
”(I w.” , “ I I (".5th 1m UI‘NVOI’S" of Kent ' I ' I I
' ‘ ”‘k' - M ‘ ‘
A” W M mummy, ~ovemboro. was . .,
WM 1' Shult G b h I
1 es s ip z, or ac ev . ~
I ' «I it 7'
-. I i. 'l" I.
i ‘ ' lit . . ‘ x
past Blues t end 14-hour talks -- -
I _I I , - . . l : ;
. 4 , , . . ‘. IZI ’-
ln 3 OTS 1 1 \ t A '.-‘ befo N V . =
.. \I n .. / re 0 . summit . 1;;
13,527 see Sutton I ‘lh b. i ."4 l ‘ I ' i
c“ \‘ . ."_ ,’ ‘ . Bvl‘HltlH stimuli it» m ”In: , in- dung. .: \.. ;,'.=._i cf?
(1 b t R . c ‘ , . ’ . AsstiCiatedPre» 1M im-i- in. “I: 'i.. ”Mme,“ ._ M! a . .513!
e u at upp ‘ ‘\ f. . " ’ i-‘fiill’iilii: '! m” ' ;- ’,.",\.-q' Illt‘ MI’ .' I, «II .I ‘1'
. \ I .I~.. I 3105(1)“ N‘l'lV‘lLll‘}. tit Bili't‘ .uiili'i All 'w'iii' .r 'ii‘ ii 'i'lil‘il; ‘ I. If’tvI I« -I1
,, By WILLIE HIATT : .l.. I. M_. George P Shull/ \Atillllii up H i'lilUII\ llll1ti§*t‘l,~t"',b" . ‘I; . I . i .II'
SpOrtsEditor , . . r h M . 0t “VigOrOUs (ilsk‘lbfliili \\l',ll )(i‘.l(‘l llt' iii % iiiii- 2%,, g WI, I,“ V, . f: 5.5;,"
g v ‘ . ",‘ Leader Mikhail 5 (itirliilt-lim tilltl ud- ii i'.'. '. durxt marinas. 'iun ‘I " I~I

Even though UK coach Eddie ’II . .‘ i i . ' other Kremlin WWW-1 IdNR'I‘i‘mi '”\W‘W‘i"~i‘="-‘hit-t' 'iI ’ ‘3‘ I i'i'I

Sutton was a neutral coach in the .. o W. l I . ‘ _ I 5"” saying the talk> lulled in narrow the ilt- t». in 2t'\-I’ ~. -»It ~ .r. H ‘F;‘ ' t 'I' '13}
. Wildcat’s second Blue-White , . . ~, ’0‘" ‘ M 5, ' . superpowers (illl(’l‘t’rlt‘t'> on dl'l‘.l\ Iti‘ullk an: n i , in i:~ W- VIII; I II,

' scrimmage game last night, it 1" I .. ., (“Wm law" ”it“: "auxin ~ 1. I I ..
was Still his debut at Rupp O St I \ «"1" bhultz said ”th (it‘ripllt‘ tel-mm Amphnmf .-' r‘ , ._
Arena, It ' 1» I '~. disagreementsf the two \li’it“ hilii laliY \lIlUillI nil: ',‘ .» ' II - .--I A I.‘ ’tI ~ I I ,

And the players just wouldn't o L; ‘ M ‘ pledged to work third in pl't‘pul‘lllL d shunnilc inli‘i? l'i-i : ~. l . "It 'II I.
letitend. .I EM 2%. 1 . the Nov 19-30 stlliiiiiit iiit-etiiii: lN’ zit-r. tr~ murmur iii: amid. ~ .‘nl: I I I II' ‘I. -- . ~i

It took three overtimes for the . . 3 ' a" .. a Q tween President ltellglin .iim «nu-til. (‘tlriljgil In“: E um .I ~,I, I . , . s”, :4 .' v I “I: ‘. T'
White team to finally Put away ’I‘ ‘9 ‘ / o Chei‘mfienméi ”iii vicar-i ne'ln ' 1 ’ -‘i-- ‘j .‘I‘ iv I
the Blue team 105-102 in a game 'i d ‘. «~55: 14‘ “BdSlbail'V we ha“. M, liii a, ill, ties. “R my,“ . M \I' ~I: I a}:
“Web gave RUPPfans an exciting is ‘1' " “ I ‘ III ‘3 .‘ ”“ Shun" sa‘d 4W wii' wanixi. “it“ in: .ir iI I ' ‘~’-~‘_:~I.-Ii
first glimme of a Suttonfoached I t in a news conference tit-fine lit‘ vial-ix .' . ' " _ '
Wildcat squad . ‘ M a ‘ I parting for an iiiernight l‘(‘tut‘i!l‘tl . -I ' II

The crowd of 1352.: even booed .. “ . . , . stop in lceland. Shultz tempm‘t-ii tlh "‘ "' “3"“ -I' " ‘ "' ' r! I 'I, . '
when it was announced that the ~ - ‘ ~ 0 downbeat appraisal of the twiHlugt ‘V”“IM‘"‘ 1‘I I~'“’ Al" " ""‘~~I I . - .» I.
third overtime was only going to w } g I ‘ ‘ I. ‘ a’vi‘ "15” b} O'N’FVIHR ’“9 N‘t' will“ "‘IIII‘ 'III‘I ”"1 ‘ I I ' ' 3 I: I; I; ‘. ‘ ‘-
be two minutes instead of the I .. " , Pobltii'e developments in mi- l \ “dill II.IIIII ’lid' A l - i. - '. I; T. " .
regulation five. ‘. o . . ‘ Sonet relationship 3‘” ' ~"-'1»l'?i‘l~ ‘ 3 ‘2' “1 r ‘ . .. IgI-

III liked their enthusiasm. andl w, W ' .II 8 I t 3. ’ a IIIUI he “Id“ unable 1" m" “”I‘ ‘i' Yli" -i_ 1 i! n}; ‘ll, w. I I I. iI.
thought the team played with a .. ‘ o I . - I: V f ‘ 1 mziiorarezl of ret'orimlintzoii or pm “Hi”. i \!4 i M. . W" ‘~ ‘I .I . .7_ .
lot of intensity." Sutton said. M” , t M t ‘ it. s i \ ' pect of all iii-mird for the ill“? xllllbl‘ \MHHDI \m ,_ HM. , ‘_ _ i. . I. ,‘i
“And they had a lot of fun out 252;...“ v . ' 1 . ‘ “ power summit in more lililll \I.\ ‘hir “1”,. , w. I I _ .i, .~ I - : 2 .§
there" In“ I ‘- , I“~ ‘ I years w \idtI, ti I I I ' I ‘I ’ ' ' ‘I

The fun wasn‘t over until White > a ’ II pk“- - In fact. bhillt/ said llt' ‘iUiultl mi '- I , _, 1
team guard James Blackmon J a, ‘ . h . I, l ., _ bet on an agreement in principle- in with norms my 2 51M f ‘ ‘ 1 , _'
sank two free throws with three . — _ . . a tween the two leaders on him to pin Midi-iii: l‘il'lurif A. ".l'\, ' :- ,igr I fl ‘_ I
seconds left in the third overtime vb i I I, sue a-treaty ['H'Ul‘hlht‘ill‘nh lIill't‘ dil‘l \m iv? I‘illi'iti «iii v- 'v : :tu I I. . ‘ 1.‘ I' I I: .vI ,
thatthegamewasdecided ‘ 1- «1 M . ' ’ . Philosophicall}. Shillty \i'ilii Illtt' inn \iiliti-i; linimiha ‘ .3 1 s

The Blue team. which had tra- l t l‘ u 1 ' . c ‘ - I 'I I’ 2' “.- v I
iled the whole game, didn‘t get ‘ . g 3 j ,1 -‘ - ~ . E ’ J‘ I .. “1 e r ' 0 0 If .I I ‘ .- ‘1
its first lead until forward Rich- - I f L , ‘ a a t - tt b ff I - ‘ ,. j .
am Madison followed up Ms M .. . M «at; W...“ M W e usmess 0 1C]?! :,
miss to put his team ahead 75-73 ' ‘5 I J?! k ' ,, . I I- a t ii 0 . ‘ I’ " II . , - I'
with two minutes left in regula- ’5 " "I f ' " I I' ' _
um. . t \ -.. , , i, gives consumer a Vice .i l ~

After White team guard Paul '- “I3 . ~ 1. r ' _________________
Andrews hit a 15-foot jumper . «1‘ , ‘ . I" IIIIII . ~ . . . I’ I . I .I ' I
with eight seconds left to tie the . ~ , ' IS“ ”in WWW“ . . v V ' '
score at 75. the Whites had a ‘v‘ ‘\ onIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIII I i ' II ~I .- II I '
chancetowinwhenitgottheball I III I ~ ~ » t l_, . . . i ' .'I1'I '
back on a turnover. But Black— M . I I,” l to:III-ITIiniIiinIiIeIrc-IhhziiérnltsIIIIaInIrIiI tiIiInII I '
"int: 5 t25-foot Jumper bounced in “ r V i ’. ' ‘ ' ' ) dlers!‘ aI Better BUSliiess Bureau of ‘ ‘ ' . , I. " '
fionou astlme ran out Of regula- ' .. ‘ fiCial said at a (Illul’lt‘ll on Aging .\ I 1 I ' ' . ‘ .

.-Everybody is working to give Senior Kenn Walk r l d . . , arc-unma- KunMSlaN IgESIIfESSII; “(fume dwmm. . " .I . . ’1'
1m percent. ”and. everybody 5 Y e SOOFS or a unk in lost nightsslue-White scrimmage otRupp Arena. 0f the bureau. gave several exam ~ I.‘ I f I -I, I
playing hard. 531d sophomore pics of products that failed to ll\'t‘ up _ I II ‘ ’ * I I. I' " "
guard Ed Davender‘ who hit 10 of ““0 W‘f'Shed “'1‘“ a game-high 41 And with the Blues up 98-96I “Both teams played very well to their advertising She mentioned II ' t§ W I j -I " ,
21 'shots for 25 pomts for the pomts or the Blue team. hit two Andrews hit a shot lunging in the and both played hard " weight reduction gadgets fake lew I' I I 'I I‘ "
White teaml “Nobody wanted to “”99 thr°“5 With U 5900MB left lane at '01 to cause the third So hard that both teams suf. elry and C0ln5 and a mall a(i\(’l‘ll\t‘ I ' ' I
lose" in the first overtime to send the overtime fered bumps and bruises in the merit promoting a special rate for Ll : . , i. . 1.1,. , .

Senior forward Kenm- Walker 15me ”"0 "5 *Cond °Vertlme at "You‘ve got like the compet- gamer Junior forward Winston magalme“lifetimesubscription ' , I V : . ,I

' ‘ ltlveness out there.“ Walker said. SceVV'HI‘I'ES.paize4 When the bureau monitored the ~ II .I r -, I 'I II

magazine. ludwlg said, it found that l ,, I' ' I -Iv ’ ,- ’ ' I-

, subscribers didn't receive the first 3‘2“: ‘- : . 3 'l ‘I

alley S return ma be dim issue of the magazine for more than I j; .' 4

l I ayear (2’: .

l y The terms "lifetiliie >ut)>t'l‘lptl0nI (I‘R‘ll [I l ll“ N~ - . I -I .I i .2 I ;I ‘
,I _ 313* » 1U f f and "lifetime lilemhershlp~ do not ' i ,I ' ”.I ..'~’II'
Lllji!‘ I 3" Series will kick 1'0 6 I I 7. last for the life of the subscriber but M‘" ‘l ”7"“ L‘ PW“? "7 «i 'i , 1" ’
“Ifim the World Slxo- p SSOII to O fer adVlce for gettlng beSt Vlew Of Comet for the life of the company. she said. “’2‘" {WM liex ‘ht- t'n;i‘t*.i.. i '23 :r- ' ‘I l ;I I’..'I' V .I
""2 . . . . ' . . \- t) thawinli ‘li‘.,1";i-i‘.i » ' :- I .

‘HM For). W sec 8) BETHLAWSON the comet d Benv mb V h . . . . agdgngithat if the Mtompan) g0€_ hilt iICr‘III Mir MMi :i out“ It" ‘ i" .- . . . . ‘

: N - StaffWriter . sal . 5, anowic . ‘Were trying to play down Hal- 0 uslncss, consumers mu; lose ~ t i Lu!) Minn. i..i. . it». . . ,- | i. M.
wig . ,_ - ' secretary for continuing education lev‘s Comet" to avoid false h0pes someor all of their money attaimllhvhuwic» ,I 5
M). . i. um “Yin! the _ at LCC saIid Seetha Subramanian an assis: During her presentation. Ludwig Besides monitoring mix in I-M\lk' . ,1 ,I . flI '. Mi,
3 2 >_ -' Mm is be- Those in the MLexmgton area who "Right now it's IHalley's Cometi tant professorofphysics atILCC distributed pamphlets prepared m \lllll llll‘ hurt-nu div. 1.,“ iii-s Iii-nut . : . _ . ‘ ,. ‘M. V
-M Isiah-tum. For - gavle been waiting for the return of still very faint. but “-5 becoming Subramanian said the best Icondi» the bureau on topiCs such as mail ’0“ Canr 4* ‘13‘ "‘“m WWW" “’lt" “mil i 1' ‘ I ~
#57 W'- wally press iii” e? S C‘I’me‘ ma? be d’sapw‘med brighter every day." Johnson said‘ tions for comet watching will occur 03' "quack?" planning for a funeral on d tlllMtlt’SS before ilii-i minim '1 ' - -, ‘ . ,
M . iM- " 15 year. said Hollis Johnson. an as- His talk will include basic back- in Florida or regions farther south andcreditcard fraud it She mill it lilsi, lIlIAK .iiii\iltiier 'lI I‘; I I'.I .
 :§:”%?,§.13. ;' ' ' trononiy professor at lndlana Lnl- ground information about comets because there the comet M“ be Although the bureau 15 ”m a legal complaints and lllt‘tllaltN ir iiiniilltffi _'I I‘ ~ 'I ,‘ ' .i
verzlt) . . and the historyof Halley's Comet, higher inthesky. organization and cannot bring dctmn item-tell the commuter limit 1 lill>l » - .’ .' .. .

T, e comet Will not be very bright The first documented report of . against a business, Ludwig and 11> [1083 when a pint,“ » driwt , ' . I, it if
or xer) Mclose'tothe Earthhesald. . Halley‘s Comet was in 239 B.C.. and hgolmsons talks are sponsored by major obligation is to help consum For the past l' wait, Ylii‘ iiu v I, -.‘ _ -‘ i

M . . Johnson will offer tips for Viewmg the comet has returned about every ‘ American Astronomical Scolety ers who bring complaints against a “a" hd> “WNW“ d “-“W‘mi 4”"- Iv I '
. , . _ a‘hhe coanet IIIIIIinIfleeIe'CIIIIe aéitpiml 76yearsi and garlow-ShapellyheVlsLtllng fiec- husmoss. tmmm program I” MM“ hum“ . , i - .
if ‘t‘$“ I N ”and m— , urs ay 1" Xington 0mmu- . , "”5 p I ipgiam. . p“ w ta I 'S If enough complaints are recelied between consumvrxzintl hu>i“(‘>>”\ I 1 I II
I »~ igzi’Iz’IW 53. to Q. Tonight nlty College 5:83:19 in 01:8:er i223 be able to sponsored in part With continuing on a particular business. the bureau The \f‘ert‘t‘ 5 artiltlaliirh mlun . .' ; -. ; , I « .
fr , . ' if“ -_*i * Viki the 10!? Because Hallev's Comet currentl come -‘ "3 eye on. a educationat LCC' will investigate she said If the husi [WW from the t‘tlllllllllllll} iilwliate u . ‘ 1 ’I ' .I
c . in M will be - y clear. moonlas mght. Johnson said . '

*IEIIIIII II.“ oil ll. I h the cannot be seen by the naked eye, “The best time to observe it will be Admission {Or the lecture at LCC "as '5 found to be unfair and re- dupmm mm? ”Wkly and I?” 'I‘ ' I '
"I”. I I— t « W ' Johnson‘s lecture “Ii" focus 0" ways next March " when the comet will is $3 for adults and $1 for children in fuses to comply “I'm the bureau's pIIn‘IIIIeI“ th‘Im ”III mun" Sh“ “I'M I I '
m I I, ‘0 "59 OP“cal instruments, we“ as be easilv visible but low in the skr advance, $5 for adults and $1 for standards. employees “I'” attempt the volunteers usual“ “II ""de ”"9 I ' » ‘I I'
i 1 ‘ binoculars and telescopes to view he added 3' children atthedoor I0 make public the bIISIIIeSIIIII prac III Iim IIIIIIII II IIIIIIII III IIIIIp IIIIIII IIIII I I I I I I
' ’ tices. lllt‘t idlion sernce , I ‘
° It h f '
ection resu s ave ew surprises provide l'ttl 't t '
- ii ‘ “ . . A ' s '-
Babbagc reclaims , 3 g UK professor takes 10th District Wln \ ~ I
y '7. gtigaflicoomm said. “He has run the most honest " _ ’1‘..de-
» 3!: [‘1 er ' ' 1 -
By BEN GUESS , , .t a} EEI'S'IIIIII campaign a man can
Staff Writer 7 Crediting his win to family unity, Siegel described her father as ”_m~m0nnmnlml.mmaw
. . . I} 8 UK PTOfCSSOI’ 0f dentistry last “wstive and Mt man“ who will I'l'll'I-Jid'“ h" (”m‘")
Bob Babbage, director of the L-K I M .. , night celebrated h' el - . . . W~Wm(ml.WmYowg
. h . »_ - , \ . '5 ection t0 the not make promises he cant fulfill. ,Mw
Eq‘l'm Rem" CW”- ‘asl "'8’“ a. ‘d'. i , ‘i \ ioth District Urban~Citv Council “Hels notapolitician buthewillbe ~ “MMWW’
castly captured another four-year ;[ -. ‘ 1.4: seat. ' fantastic "sheall 1 mW—Mlhdlflfihw)
3mm ‘3‘" “"3”.” mm" °‘ ”‘9 ‘ ‘~ Dre Charm Elliniier. the former Ellingc'rs's wife. ii... said she did F5 M» 74"“? "EM; 3
“WII‘ tyCouncu. , at; 41.3; academic ombudsman. credited the not enjoy the election pTOCess, but s ’ g 2 _, ,
. 0 V0 Wt an awful lot of time F I” 4:.» campaign‘s success to his wife of 27 now is pleased that M is elected, it" , , mmwlmwtl
into this campaign, it has been a " _‘ P -"‘"‘ ‘ years, Jan. and their three children has been a really hll'd effort forth." 9» . M _ ‘mhmh’mli '0'" 59mm
great‘success because of our team- I ,- at a reception at the Campbell she said am Chuck makes a I - Mmmmiwiwmimm
work.‘ Babbage said to about 100 ‘ House. commitm'wt he is “any com ,. mmmmimtnowt
sum atnt'he Quality Inn on . “It‘s an exciting evening for all of mitted." I mwmthmi.wom
mm '5th Im looking forward ‘ us,” Emma said. “we really have Ellinger attributed much of the MMMM(M).WWW
to gettilu back to work and finishing ’ , a very good humble feeling of all the campaign‘s success to the work of ”mt-autumn)
what we suited. . .. people who worked for us out there. Lyman Ginger. a former dean of the W*M""°"w"'“"w""

Babbage. who finished second . to especially the people who went from UK College of Educatim who served . . . mthymwiucy
incumbent council member and Vice DOD BABEAGE door to door, including my wife and as his campigi treasurer, ' W
Mayor Pam Miller. received 22 per. daughter." Ellinger said his background both M
cent of the vote; Miller captured 26 cial aspects the main issues of the Ellinger‘s da ter. Stac Si el . 1 I

rcent . . i. . . y 08 . as an educator and businessman. ”*MMMM
P9 - campaign said. I am definitely relieved. We willbean assettohim in office WW -

have all worked . h d __ a .. 4 _ ”.mmmm
Suusim team k . h “The victory couldn‘t have come past several wee? 3:3 overhthe l 3'“ not only in educator but a :3?al;::§.mrf t, l -
war in is cam- - - we live businessman nd 't‘ the bi - ’ ”w "I“. lulu-inn
. at a better time. It has been a long . . I l 3 com na . “mo“
"‘3'" ”M "W” W” “My. (campaigni, but a fun me." said W'VW'W’WWWW” tion of M type of "lines th-t ‘ t ' “mu- m “Hg.”
tam-tin and the city's flnan- ScelAnlAGr p.” “My daddy has given his heart aim me an outstanding concept w t . '~ > ‘- v‘, I
" ' and soul to this campaign." she aboutwhatisgoimon." “ ’ , " ’ i ‘ iI ~

Turnout varies as (1 nts ote 'n local
' By (ill. IAWSON were looking to make gains against Scott. a Republican lawyer and for. gow‘s four~term mayor, Luska Ny- In the Christian County race for controversy. Rain also slowed the
Associated Press the Democratic advantage in many mer business owner. man. lost to Councilman Charles sheriff. Bill Dillard. the state‘s first parade tothepolls inafew cities
local elections. although Democrats Ferguson defeated incumbent Honeycutt 2,035.1..157 in a non-parti- black sheriff. won his second term “It's been a very quiet day." said
Lill'lSVlLLE Democrats H‘dF' enloyed an enormous edge In ““818 Judge-Executive Terry Roberts in san race. ’I‘wyman is the state‘s se- over independent RN. Ferguson. Charlotte Mullins. executive director
vey Sloane and Jerry Abramson tratim.1.428.438t0602.880 the May primary. just as Roberts niorblackmayor. 7.391-5.008. of the state Board of Elections in
swept to VICIOI‘)’ yesterday in the ln Lincoln County. howeyer. for ousted himin 1981 At Danville. John Bowling narrow- Henry Hutton. Democratic mayor Frankfort. “We‘ve had the usual
. ' Jefferson County yudgeexecutive‘s mer House minority leader Harold 1n Pike County. Democrat Paul ly defeated George Cunningham for pro-tem of Fleming-Neon. was elect- number of telephone calls involving
.' race and Louisville mayor's race as DeMarcus. a Republican. lost his Patton. seeking a second term as mayor. 1294-1238. Both are city 9d eastern Kentucky's only black minorproblems."
voters thoughout the state elwted bid to become county lUdge 8K9?- Judgeexecutive. held a 9.959 to 7.555 councilman who were seeking to re. mayor. No Republicans filed for the She said there was a delay in
- ' localofflmdlg utive to Democrat John Sims. the vote edge over Republican Hiram place Roy Arnold.who is retiring. mayor's racein Fleming-Neon. Whitley County “because people
, _ . .1 Sloane. currently Louisyille's sheriff With all is precmcts report- Adkins with 45 0f the county‘s 54 In Lexington, Mayor Scotty Baesl- Hutton. 68. finished second to for- didn‘t know how to write in a candi—
V' ‘ may-or. defeated state Rep Louie ing. Sims had 3.274 votes to DeMar- precincts counted er ran unopposed. mer Mayor James Seals in the pri- date in the county clerk's race.
. Uuenthner. R-Louisi'ille. and cus‘2.430 The incumbent mayor in In the Favette County attorney‘s mary. but a Circuit court ruled that VElectiVon officials also weren't famil-
'. V ‘ $22233;igtflfifizhegogfigzrfn? In northern Kentucky. Democrat Hopkinsville. Democrat Sherry Jef— race. Democrat Nomg Wake re- 23:15am ggtflpafizf Twig}: ardglsvhaimcggcgfgafigi people
- ' ‘ ‘ Bruce Ferguson. who had been the fers. lost to Republican challenger ceived 13 212 votes to Re bl' ' . ‘ , .
. . , . - pu "33" H ttonwon. E t hoh -
. . er , . . , ,. . . . u veret Rains. w as been Vihit
. head of Boone County s goyernment Herb Hays. {831-3277. Democrats Tim pm] [is 12 549 With 95 rcent , _ , ,
. . . _ . , . _ . ~ . . . . , 90V . 1 _ pe There were a record number of el ley County clerk for about 16 years.
‘ ' . Thor" were no statewide ”U35 or for 1‘ years. won the ”a! back b) outnumber registered Republicans 0f the precmcts reporting. Wake had igible voters 2104056 but the turn- filed for reelection and was uno -
. . ' referendums yesterday In several defeatmg Kenneth Scott Ferguson int‘hristianCountybya9-lmargin. defeated incumbent E. Lawson King out varied because some commu- posed but withdrew later and wt:
.« " . ' ' 10““ race“ hmewr‘ Repum‘m“ scored 1858—3303 1" 9011”»: against ln south central hentuck)‘. Glas- in the primary. nines lacked issues that sparked replaced by his nephew.T0m Rains.
. ‘ . Kean re-elected N .J. governor SI - d -
__ ’ oane sweeps Ju ge executive race
~ * : Houston New Y r 'n r f rma or . .
V . . , , O k announce reSUIISI ace 0 y LOUISVILLE (AP: A Louis- on his record and his links to Guenthner. 41. an attorney.
' _, ~.- . V . . .j ' B) I)“ ll) 55”” percent of the vote in his attempt to Within the Democratic and Repub- ville Mayor Harvey Sloane. in his (Sher. DeVrVnocrats on the t-ICKet’ @150 charged Sloane With. award—
; '. ’ ' ‘ ~ ' ASNK’MINPWSS key a historic Democratic sweep lican parties nationally. attention f0» “PSI COUNY'Wld? race. easily d€~ \,.:‘.b ‘3 p ysiCian and a native 0f mg contributors with city con-
L. .. _ that would install the first black and cused on the two statewide cam- feated Republican challenger l gima, tracts and “duh spending too
.. . .- '. ~ ' Um Thomas Kean romped i” 3 first woman m statewide office m paigns and whether they would Louie Guenthner for Jefferson Guenthner. a member of the much timeouts‘idetheCity.
‘ I ~. ' - - :‘ landslide reelection ,1" Ne“; Jersey \‘irginiaDurrettehad 45 percent. Provide fresh evidence that Presi— County JUdge ”99W“? yester- state House since 1974. made is
. '- . " . .V'e-‘lt’l‘diil While 1" \il‘glmd Dem“ ln featured municipal contests. dent Rea an's 49.5mm re-election a day. _ sues of Sloane's performance as Sloane said his ast workin
. . . . . g . P g
U‘. .' V, CH“ (.erald L 3611195 held 8 Stead} Houston Mayor Kathy “hitmire year ago has created a foundation . According ‘0 unoffiCial results. mayor and the real estate deal— relationship with the Democratic
‘ I“. ' _ ' - lead 0"” Rt’PUbhca“ Wyatt B' Dur‘ SOUEJ“ reelection ”1 a tough cam- for the political realignment the Sloane had 705313 "0‘95 compared ings of Sloane's wife. Kathy. He nominee for mavorV Jerry
, l. ' V ' - NEW in the race ‘0 Ple 8 n9“ gov paign in which AIDS was an issue. (10Pis Clalmlng, 1° Guenthner 5 40952 WI”) 326 Of claimed she has been doing busi- Abramson. would bé an advan-
‘ , - ' >1. "“0“” the Old Dominion while Six-term Miami Mayor Mau- 45dprecmcts reporting. ness connected with city govern- tage for the Cm- and county.
I “ ’ f 1 I. Kean 919?“?be [,he ”379W9‘T; 0f rfce F9"? faced V10 {095' 313.30” Ed Heavy rain and flooding hampered SlVoadne. Va Democrat “'th Vhfi“ ment. Abramson was an. alderman dur-
" .' x ' md‘gm’ “l”, 5“” ago. “‘“Vpo mg Koch in New \ork and (oleman voters in Virginia. where Democrats serye two terms as Loum' 9 ing Sloane's first term as mayor
' » V - . 72 PUSH“ in ”£9 ""‘f‘tVioVTlidr‘ghlo \‘oungVin Detron were among the hoped their ticket would quiet Fal‘orVand 105E (“'0 Virgil." big»? The Sloanes have denied the and campaigned for Sloane's dur-
V ' . , '. 28 pert enl lor )emOCl‘d 8 er - d man-V xncumbents “-hOSe reflectlon Clalmsota Republlcan realignment. of g0‘ern0r. (ampalgn mos _\ chargesV lng his t“.0 [r198 for governor
. . _ . . . piro The governor was hoping for a was assured
_' ' ' ' VICIOF) With enough 903113115 ‘0 m- Local issues sprinkled the ballot With 3;; rcent of recincts count-
. . -V ‘. . ~ . stall a new Republican majority In a5 well. including an adVlSOI‘) refer (‘f‘l liilllefehad 155,385. or 55 per- - - - - - - - - -‘ .- : T,- - ‘- -‘-. - - - 1
’ ' . ,. ' . the N9“ ““9.“ State Assembly -- endum on repealing a I3~month cent to Durrette‘s 125.607. or 45 per- I 30.90 LA R(ll‘. l 1].].A SPELIAL '
. ~‘ . . In Virginia. Baliles was gaining 30 handgun ban intlak Park. Ill cent P e ome I I
I ‘ V ' I I "TWA": "‘w . m. i tw .2 It" .' I‘[‘ 'll; " ".s' I
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Sax Quartet V .7 ., . Debut Prefab Sprout album . 4 .

. ' 3% «g ,,.‘. “3:: , . 1i” 4 . , . -

— s .- ., * 2» e. 1v '
to kick off U a . . , , 4 4
W ' ‘ ‘ a ’ S O“ W 1t stan test 0 time ‘ - - ' ‘
o x _j t ', T “f" . ’ . '
Jazz Series ., . ”‘ r 5... ~ . ____________ . .
,: — > w ,l B} I‘IRIKREI‘] l”. l f . . ,
‘u. a r \ Fee‘s: ‘ ' - " 4
Byl-ZRIKREECE 4~ .‘ . h 1 ‘~ “1. 5‘3”““W REVIEW , .1 . . .
r ‘ ‘ ~;' ”.1. ‘ ,. '
Stafferter . .. ‘ \ g ‘ t’ _ + 'Fwolflieelstioixl Fri-tat r-prmii e. « . J H i! _; v 1
. ». » 4 -. " ' . . a Epic (‘BSRecu-ri'ts ' ‘ ' .- 4'
thilenofdleragf[rehedgvsfilsdlr‘ezfrteghidg ”t t . \ f' ‘. ya. if (‘oiisistent With other romanizt- I . « ‘ -‘ f, ' 7 4" 1: ~
,0 f‘ d of in .4 . ns who di ’ Just when w... 'houum W“ “9“. bands. Prelab Sprout wilt-rs thought . . ...~~ ' ‘2 . ;,}',I
‘l‘ a ”WP “31cm . V 4 ~’ 4 1 .. . - ~ . ,. r0\()kln rose to com lemem '.> it . O. . ' “5 .. 7
'h , . d . staying aloa. the Utilillllldl strut. P 8 P P , A. .I . t_ . ._ ,
verSify their sound to reac as M e ~4 I h . h h . . , s. ‘ . .- - 9'. . .1 _
an audience as ssible while stay. . _ gle to ride out the nw. \\£l\(‘, the pungent r )t ms T ough the 13H - \ . 3 I .. ..
- - p0 ' A" h . ' ~ ' Brltish Fess llcilh \t‘! .imither deliut ““9” H9993" fragmentml thex 1'“ 3'. .2 j" t 'y "4'
ingtruetotheirownroots . .. p » » I ' _ . . l ,, ,_
. ‘s. -l .4 .ilbumas “finest .n tlii mu" And mam clever and nnaemtrw ~~ “ ’ . '. : S i. ,4.":4 r.‘ a
The World Saxophone Quartet is a . , 1 . - . ~ . . . ~ - .
collaboration of premiere solo saxo- "Wr- 3‘ ‘ ' ‘ .:~'. 2 ~.. "'7‘" suddenly the lklilll \ ltitwl t'dtt’ipulh limit)b 5mm ‘_‘-‘ ‘7‘“991 [31k MW *4 ‘1} 1" - 'I‘ - ‘ "f it. :4’ .' 1‘? ‘
honists who have done just that 4 I ' '9- _ 1.: ‘ the Li’ trom \ll‘ttml Hli~CUl‘ll} llili) Mb teeth and metaphun TiniT , . ‘3 ".134.
p . . , . “ ' Americanrecord my,“ make "even mother's \(’tltllllt‘lii .;.~ v ‘ a. . ‘ ‘ ._ .3?! ‘-.‘.' fr ‘
Prida)' night. thev Will lek off [he morocounuiorwnomrv sruomr AHAIIS . . , ' . ' .1. ,. ‘
- 1- ' 4 . "ti . , The latest product oi this extended delU" A‘ "“50““? 84‘ “itrhhllx‘ " = . _’,'j'-.'g T..'.- .. .
1980—86 Spot ight Jazz Series “1 l The World Saxophone Quartet wrll perform at UK Friday night. invasion l‘ 7‘ .k n . r N <-‘ m the Baltic - 4-‘ .; 5-, ‘ ;

. . r ‘ ‘ _ . iii v i’i‘.\ .It I. - ! .' _. . ,' .’. - '.
thelrbtémque blend 0‘ New or ”a The WSQ ’aiiLs much nt)t()r‘l’t\ i' ‘ -n " 1' '~ ()1 l'k l 'd Prefab Sprout “U" ““1”“ many tit PRL} ABSPRUI I L, ,l,‘. ' "-
iazz. -b0pan svung’. K h . t ' or pra 0 M3“ p‘flq tut A e ca 5 its predecessors ”11> .illJIllll man Prefab Sprout lwdmi‘“ “1‘1“" 5' "'81“- -' _‘ 73'

From The New York Times to their ablllt} to swing hard mthout Jump tp. his min tunk reggae l , l .' ll ’ - “(411le intermixes “Km ”m.._m_ 31mm: The H”... ._--.m W the ‘. 1f; ’n'r'u'. .4 -, 1‘
Rolling Stone. the WSQ is hailed as bass and drums. mixmg rh_\ thin 14 group The other three memhefi “TeiUpmll: 01‘in 1‘“ - i | Ami amplitude in mailinix. lib im- . f"‘.i\tt.il:')l‘. U: m r. .... . 3» . .14, m ' I 7'71", 5!“;-
one of the best frontier representa- blues With (loowt'op in their min soul also lead groups and participate in "99 ml” ".m "I" “ A“ t l l . .. 0 th‘ ll’ i \. . .. .. a ,v. . . . . . . \l . p‘ ' 3 »‘~ '.
. '. ‘ .' ‘ , fill fashion \ariou, bl l' d '[ 't . [nuke up Pretah 51-”th ll rapt“: U . )rlLE. n t s 3 ll l . .L,i AH liltii Hf ttld.l. . iv. .;' Ural . ,‘ .-. , '2. ”I“. I .
tives of today s deZ sound, \et. - s g, )dll d( in ies i'oursome who “Mk “V “W \urwm ..“hm Love Breaks “mm “in W“ d7. .01.... .... .. ... .y - ill ‘_
while the quartet incorporates \'a- Alto and soprano saxophonist .lu Hemphill, Lake. Murray and bari» tl . ‘ ‘ [1,. ‘ " I Mm captures an “1mm! eerie sew - 1am: .~....r.,.~r..... ‘1. 1w. 4 .‘ :;.'-_" -.-': :
"Oi-15 styles in the” concerts. they “”5 Hemphill compOses m0“ "1 the tone sax player ”Hm“ Blueitt haw Fm l’ l' “:7 q? f a . .. '3“. ll\. restraining and then unleash h; .tlmt ".1At‘\'.l'ltt r-v 4. l‘ - .‘ l: ‘ "4’ " e"
refuse to yield toany categorization. quartet's music but Murra} said toured both t' S coasts and Europe lurid?“ ”1m” “ " ' “‘ “n“ “H 1' ”1,. \dng ‘ energx through W . ' ‘ ';' .. i .‘3,

”We'd rather take labels off 1822 about 70 percent of “hat the) per Murray said the quartet plays an n (r 0“ hrant chorus The pram... . '. .. . - . . Lug .- ;,'__ “3'3
than PUt them 0th" said 30'Y93H’ld f0““15”“9th?“10m“ ii\‘€‘rfit~’,¢‘ 0t 1” COUPE.” it .Witr ”“t‘ , . , . , Thomas Dolhv as both plan-r i .‘ l3 ' - H '4 - w! I‘ II 7": "‘3: f:
tenor sax player David Murray. the The WSQ has refused to t'timpt‘tr get a \'er§ enthusiastic response r“" \l h""“ """ “um 15““ producer further enhances .' .. -,. _. . ‘ ,, . fl,“ ",~ 415.: -:i|".'
quartet's youngest member. in a re- ”11>? the original >t.\lt' the) beau“ irom both American and European V‘QWM ”‘ m" ' l“ " ”‘9 “7“" tun-mt Good adding a WIN... ». 4, m- Y. and. fly“? *' fig
cent telephone intervte“, With nine years ago The) haw re campuses.” he find "The fact that “TN?" f” “mm” ‘, m“ remain: “film; often ' uncliaraeteiisiit ..g war :1... . it i . 5 ,' .' u-t -;

The WSQ is a jazz band for people sisted the ”fusion" or "crossover \Ae're all premiere soloists helps \tll “5m “h“‘h ”I‘m.“ ““m l ltraxzn debut albums », 4 t 4, m. 'n: H .. . 4» n1: . s' . . » ._ ’ f» i 5;:
who don't like jazz, Murray 5995 the music currently gaining popularit} dents attention span There l> reallx and the“ “”1““ ”ll" “ hmw” ' > ' .- - . 5"" - . . ‘. 15'.“ '. "' .1 .‘
quartets theatrics and prectse on the P0P and Jill-1 that“ MUHII} neveradull moment ‘ “nth Style beiort- ”L‘Tmnfi I“ m 1-...) thi: Good is cuiiipatituv 7; ‘ ' ‘ " 1" ‘ " - " - 1 1' " ‘5... “
blending as the reason for this "We said he kneu “hi-n he started Wllh The World Sax Quartet [5 enioviiiu ”“gm through ”i“ ““‘ll'fllf‘ will"? a L‘t)lle(‘tl()ll ”f Rm ”mm (mu... ‘ 4&1: 'f-. ‘ 3'»
are four saxes playing harmonious “st that 11 “WW!“ t)" it gt‘t—I‘K‘h- the suceess oi their latest album ”.1 .»\1,tee (‘mmu