xt79cn6z070q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79cn6z070q/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1942 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1942 Vol.13 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, February 1942 Vol.13 No.4 1942 1942 2019 true xt79cn6z070q section xt79cn6z070q r ,S: i“ ”M
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1 11 t Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS February, 1942 I ;,Febri
. 1 , . . F t K B. The way this has worked was 61%”??qu
Off 1 A 11]. lained retty graphically the other da'i , 0 ' ”3
f 1C1a s ver or - nox it Washington by Mr. Otis H. Johnsoi .
' 1 ‘ o o 0 head of the national organization of thtf ,
. 1 W111 Dlsorganlze Industry printing industry, before the Small But We ali
1 - ness Committee of the House of Reprt‘ every cou
4 A bill has been introduced into the SECTION OF THE STATE. . sentatives. The industry, made up Chitt and the s
National Congress to appropriate $225: NOW! here is what youtcan do about 1L 1y of small concerns totaling about 20,001 per has t
3 : 000,00 with which to establish a govern- Immediately after rece1v1ng this copy is working on half-capacity schedul; the sellin
1 1 ment printing plant at Fort Knox. The 0f the Press if you feel that dig govern- right now, he explained. Take this ei chants.
- -1 ; oflicers of the Kentucky Press Associa- ment should not enter competition w1th ample. The manufacture of refrigeratoi The at
1 tion feel that this is wrong, and that state, write, OR BETTER STILL, is crimped. O. K., immediately thetca‘: paper wa
1 1 ' this bill should not be allowed to pass. TELEGRAPH your Senators and Repre- alogues, descriptive literature, price list been wor
1 It is a threat to the members of the sentative and ask them not only to vote envelopes: order blanks, salesmens m3” helped to
, 1 Kentucky Press Association and every against the bill but to WORK ACTIVE uals and sales reports, invoices, statiox were not
1 1 job shop and printing plant in the LY AGAINST IT. . ery, etc., become useless. Take any kin two C1355.
j state in more ways than one. We do not This is an opportunity for the man of consumer goods or industrial gooi who wan
1 feel that the government should enter bers of the Kentucky Press Assoaation to that is restricted. Same result. know how
1 1 competition with private printing plants take constructive action in averting There is printing machinery standin and those
, : ‘; in this state. These private plants have a threat to their own interests. Remem— idle in the nation capable of producin tude that
t 1 the machinery, the men, and the facil- ber, if U. S. government printing is intro- the equivalent of $23,000,000 a weeki an act 0
‘ ities to produce this printing. HERE IS duced into Kentucky, there is no way of volume excluding materials, Mr. Join wouldn’t
1 THE IMPORTANT PART, statistics telling where or when it Will stop. son told the committee, yet the industry To thc
_ 1 have shown definitely that private plants DON’T DELAY, WIRE OR WRITE biggest competitor—the Governmefl1'4‘Why sh(
9 can produce printing better, more effic— YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND the two is ( or was) endeavoring, through it reads the'
1 1 ‘ iently, AND MORE ECONOMICALLY UNITED STATES SENATORS today, Army and kindred agencies, to order nt routine h
1 1 than government or municipally owned and enter a str‘ong'protest against this printing facilities from plants that at ample, a
1 1 plants. If this were not so, we would not bill. The printing industry can‘take it Producing almost nothing but war 0 ment whe
1 have a leg to stand on in recording this on the chin, if necessary, and 15 more dei‘s. The trade organization has be that has .
‘ protest. than willing to do its part In the D€~ advised that the Army has 351000001, that opp;
1 ,r ; Now, here is an important fact that fense Effort. However, with the lean war- build a special printing press to pril GIVE yot
1 1: should not be overlooked. If the plant time days that are ahead, we should not 73 by 73-inch targets, whereas if tht double tr
1 11 is established at Fort Knox, and its print- be called on to face the added competi‘ cut the size one inch, they could use at smaller. 3
i ' ing is confined to Fort Knox only, in that tion of government plants. of the half dozen or more such press you want
i 1 case is would probably alfect only about ' ——.—-- _ . HOW Standing id1€~ 1 ilIUStratiOI
l 1 a half-dozen members of the Kentucky In direct connection With this threat Mr. Johnson made it plain the indl our power
111‘ Press Association, and some commercial of government printing offices on govern- try collld take it like everybody Cl IF . . . yo
11 1 printing plants at Louisville. BUT if ment reservations, the. following article But he tried- to point out that a heck. corner int
:11 the precedent is established will it not from the column of Richard’Renneisen, a lot of things depend upon a heckt lines: “T1
1 be logical to follow through with the es— Louisville Courier-Jouranl, is not only a lot of other things and he asked a; look of a
1 tablishment of government printing apt and timely, but emphasizes the whenever it was practicable some amusing t
1 ‘ plants at the new military posts now be- threat that is made to the entire Small Uncle Sam’s printing business be farmt‘ Opening f(
j ing established near Hopkinsville and Printing indUSt1"l’ today 1“, wartime out to the 225,000 skilled workers int you afraid
1 1‘ near Morganfield? Or in other posts economy, There is no need tizor a Fort industry not in Uncle’s pay. Yep, It darn thing
1 ‘ , throughout the nation? Knox printery when many Of our print- a complicated world. Seven thousfll To the
, 1‘ Or if additional plants are not estab~ ing offices in the nation have many miles away the Japanese army makes ing min dt
‘1 . ‘ lished, it is entirely possible that the thousands of dollars worth of machin- strategic move and your dog’s fit to take c
1 Fort Knox plant may be called on to do ery idle today. Mr. Renneisen states: doesn’t come in cans any more. son found 1a l
" ALL THE PRINTING for all Federal Life, as the guy remarked, can be- times you wonder why everybody does! BuSinesses’
1 agencies in Kentucky, both military and come almost infinitely complicated, what get together and act sensibly over 31 service de;
1 civil. This could include the three army with one thing leading to another. He of knowledge that is common propel RCgister 0
t1, camps mentioned as well as Ft. Thomas, might have added and with one thing ______ : uable.
1‘ all the printing for the Wolf Creek depending upon another. For though Curb Local Ofiicers This be
{11, and Gilbertsville dam authorities, the the evidence of how much one part of _ . _ 1tj of expense
1111 Munitions Depot in Madison county, the the world depended upon another part __ The Department Of JUSUC€ #331155; nesses tha
' ” hospitals at Lexington, Danville, and was there for all to see it seems to have general instructions to all Unite tii‘ and covers
1 Dawson Springs, and other Federal agen- taken the war to_ give the ev1dence attorneys that notarrests or prosec; t in the ave
1 : cies as fast as they come into the state. punch. It was surprismg that something for alleged seditious utterances st t1 gives the a
1 '1 i Thus it can easily be seen that the the Japanese did 7,000 miles-away could the making of false Ireports or'thli He can sh:
‘ introduction of a government printing cancel Sunday automobile rides, so the ments 'w1th intent to interfere}? ! age of the
1 ~ plant in Kentucky would probably be, local printing industry perhaps can be operation or success of title mil 211111131 the advert
; , and in a very short time, a serious forgiven for being a little taken aback naval iorces shall herea ter e'ficl business in
_ t‘ threat to the interests of newspapers and that a combination of Amstshenanigans or instituted Without prior spegenet it this way
111 commercial printing plants in EVERY has affected the local printing busmess. thorization from the Attorney- 1

 ' IE. I
942 .February, 1942 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three I :E‘E; El
‘ IIjEiI I I
was er Selling Advertising Ideas A lumber dealer had shown signs of story; use him as a competitive adver- I EI EI I x I
,her da ,TO The Local Me’Ch‘m“ life in an advertising way, but appeared tiser to force the hands of the rest. EE IE‘E
ohnsot By ED H. MUEHSLER too busy to get his ads made out reg- Use of manufacturer-participation E;E I
I1 0f III Kentuckian-Citizen, Paris ularly,- although ht? really wanted to payment is a great way to open accounts IIIE Ii I?
111 Busi We all run into the same problems— advertise. We explained the booklet to for non-advertising local firms. .Some-ac- E E II II I:
3 Rep: every country paper gets the same kicks him and pOinted out that a survey of 301 tually do not know what .partic1pation III I III EE
tp chiei and the same praise—every country Pa‘ umbe1 concerns had used an average their manufacturers Wlll give them. We II EI .
it 20,00 per has the same situations develop in of 0.4 of their gross for an advernsmg have found the best way to handle this III. E III EE
IChedUI the selling of advertising to local mer- budget. Ascertaining hIS gross business, IS onlthe quiet, _W1Ihom the local man IEII I, II E I
this e) chants. it was found that his allotment on the knowng about it. Get the names and II III . IE
lgeratm The advertising situation with this baSis would be IE/OO a year. _ addresses of as many manufacturers as ‘EE I I
then paper was briefly: The field had not Allowing EEIQO for direct mail and pOSSible whose products are being han- IE[ I
‘ice list been worked, advertisers had not been iegaifnt‘in2g0(())fohighlwayI signs, he COnleIIC- dled in your town. Query the advertis- EEEI EIII E IE
Ens HIIII helped to make advertising easier, and tindtt); n,that 1111c es oldspacte,lon ttie ing manager C(lif thefcompany as_to par- II I E I E'
statiti were not getting service. We ran into (I; bl}? . 1e. wou no iave o tiCipation an as or mats. With this IIE‘I III III
my kit] two classes of local advertisers, those e 0t. ered with it himself. . infOimation and mats, you can presest IEEEE E“ I II
11 goat who wanted to advertise, but didn’t lTaking :11 list of all the companies a ready-made program of Iaclve-rtiSIng EEEE', E E E:
.0 2:22:3- s: (a 22;: its" sit-fit: hr: 1‘ E E I
tn'I , ,7 - c'2 ‘11 ire in omee EIE,..E,
231$; :13; 2111125: 32:13:11 aIdIIiffiliIIideihzriIrhls asked about manufacturer participation, part of thd overhlgad. P g EEEE II, II E .
weeki an act of charity on their 11331; ancd mats, COPY: and seasonable months WhICh By turning down an ad because its EEEI IEE, E
r. JOI“ wouldn’t do them a lick of good. were best to advertise. their products. time for best results has passed and [61' IEIE E I
adustrE To those who made the statement The response was gratifymg- We 50?“ ling the merchant that you would advise II'IEI EIIE
‘nmenl- “Why should I advertise no one ever had on hand ahuge amount 0f mateiial him 110% to waste his money I.“ advertis- III, III E E IE
Iugh II reads the paper anyhow!” The following designed speCifically for the 111mb? ing an item at a time when It W111 not I IIE I II
rder ne routine has proven successful. For ex- busmess from the several companies get results, you can (at small cost) build EE‘EIII E :I
that at ample, a hotel makes the above state- participating. . . the merchant’s confidence in the news- E :‘ III III I
warg ment when solicited. Here is the answer A complete program lOi an entire paper and get away from his attitude IEIII I
ias bet that has proven successful in breaking year was made up and presented to that you are trying to sell something IEII IIIIIIE EE
I0,000-l that opposition down. “The paper will the. lumber dealerhand after suggested that Will not benefit him. II'IIIIE I II
to pin GIVE you any size ad you want ‘ . . I‘CVISIOD, we had his schedule ready to Personally, we try to steer away from E I. I
I if thI double truck, full page, half page or go..All that was necessary f0_1' the re- ”good will” ads 'and “booster” ads on E E E
[use 211 smaller. You can put in it anything mainder 0f the year was to IPSC” [he the part of the local merchants on the “E;E III I
h press you want. We will let you use any fidS 0T1 SChedUIe and-contact hlm OCFaS‘ theory that the advertising budget of EIgI‘” {III I
_ illustrations, and will do everything in ionally to 56? how his sales were gomg. 11108t merchants IS £00 small anyhOWI ‘ES‘EEIEI
ie indl our power to lay out an attractive ad . . _ We found hlm W511 pleased With results and they should spend every cent in IE; .IIII II
)dY CI IF . . . you will let its place down in a obtained and more than pleased that - merchandising not in building good will, "EIIIII EL
1 heck corner in the smallest type we have, these this difficult IOb Pf COPY WHFmg had which most of them already have. II' I
,heck lines: “This hotel has bedbugs!” The been Lake,“ CIT hls hands. HIS CheCkS ______ E III
IkEd III look of abject horror that appears is were coming ”1’ “0t the usual $515 to . . . III IIEI; EE
some amusing to watch and leaves a perfect E45 a month, but ranged from IE7?) to Defense stamps For Overtime IE E; IEI
€f"_1rIII opening for the punch line, “What are $200 a month, depending upon the The Hoosier State Press Association IIIEI‘I IIIIIIE EIII
:rs mI you afraid of no one will ever read the schedule. bulletin reports that deductions made ; I
Yep, I darn thing anyhow!” P- 5- He is ready f01‘ another contract, for the purchase of Defense Stamps or IE I III I E E
thousal To the advertisers who are advertis— and wants to work it the same way. Bonds, when authorized by the em- IIIII EII’IIE I
makeI ing minded but have no set program Usually the absence of competition ployee, are recognized under the Fair E;E I II E
‘gIS III t0 take Care of their space we have in a Small town is the major rezlson for Labor Standards Act according to the III II EE
‘e. 50“ found a booklet “Expenses In Retail lack of merchandizing efforts on the part Acting Administrator of the Wage and III; IEII I »
Ly (1035? Businesses” put out by the merchants of the Storekeeper. “7e have found that, Hour Division. The Administrator said: IE III 33
Iver a. serVice department 0f the National CaSh rather than diversify our efforts tOO “Employees are urged to give serious EII EIT-II
PTOPCI Register company, Dayton, OhiO, inval- widely, we could pick up the hard-to- consideration to a plan under which E I II E I
uable. crack nuts by going after the easier ones they can allot their overtime pay to be IEEE I EIIIE' E E ;
This booklet carries the breakdown and developing them into regular, good put into Defense Bonds and Stamps.” EEE- III I EE:
[as issll of expenses of hundreds of small busi- sized accounts. This had the. CECCt Where deductions are made for Defense IIII EEE , II:
:ed Stfl' nesses that are operating successfully, of forcing the reluctant advertisers. to Bonds, they must be the amount actually E! III E E
IseCuIII and covers practically every type found use space as a measure of self-protection, paid for the Bonds and not the face E;EE EEII“ I .
as orI In the average town. Use of this book and once they got used {0 the idea value of the Bonds. These deductions III III I ‘
or sta‘ gives the ad salesman an opening wedge, of spending some money, it was easy are sanctioned inasmuch as they fit the II‘ EE " I ;
withI He can Show the merchant the percent- to lead them into large space contracts requirement under the law that such I III E I '
ilitaYY age of the gross business that governs and more attractive layouts. transactions involve no profit for the . EEE EE , EI _
be 1m the_advertising allowance by successful Hunt until you find a real adver- employer or anyone connected with him EIII I II? I
ecificI busmess men in his own line. We used tiser, and then use him as you would and are made at the voluntary direc- ‘I I ‘ . f
“Gem it this way: a news—peg about which you build a tion of the employee concerned. i. IEIII
:. . , I
. ' fEIIIIi -
’71.;1 .I:' J .
. I3 "I

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l ‘ .
p . i Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS -February, 1942 Feb
i l
l. . , . .‘
; E P-100, which superseded Order P-22 and $52-50 a year outside the count Missour.
l /’7 Amended, did NOT carry this provis- Kentucky editors should consider [I Challeng
, , ent 5 83 ion. important question today of future re
, . ’ In View of the increasing shortages enue. Too many of the state’s met In th‘
‘ in many materials it now seems advis— ' papers are receiving too low a rate it Of the I
, l 0310181 PglelggtiODOZiatihixemucky able that newspapers use the rating more their newspaper and the service thi Amer 1C3
l _____.___ freely than they appear to have been they are rendering to their communit lease or
i , ' , ‘ ' _ ' ‘ . ~ countr
‘, Victor E. Portmann, E altar-Publisher domg Newspapers suppliers have in Now 15 the time to make that iaisel _ Y
i _____._——— formed the press aSSOCIations that in fore a Similar “freezmg order” is ism carried
; ; Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington many instances they cannot obtain ma- in USA. This may be a remote possili editor C
‘ —————————- terlals to replenish their stocks unless ity, but publishers should study the home to
« Kentucky P2655 Afslfocmlgona Office; t newspaper purchase orders carry the A— circulation structure and raise their rat opportui
. t ill H . aze e, non - . . _ .
‘ Harry Lee W“ e‘ 9 ”685,132?“ ° . 10 Rating. Publishers and their purchas— above a cost level before it is too late. to home-
, Vance Armentwut mfgfizfl'humfl’ ““15“” mg agents are reminded that a supplier The Floyd Co. Times, Prestonbui the em]
‘ 'Victor R. Portmann 7—7— U. of Ky., Lexington may not pass on the rating to his supplier has also announced its raise of rates editor 5 i
‘ Secre ary- reasurer ‘ . WOI'd £0
. District Executive Committee unle_SS the newspaper PUTChaSC .OrdEI the $52-00 per Year ICVGI- 1
1 , . J. cums Alcock, Advocate-1tviesIsengLer,GDanviéle, (State- carries the rating. The supplier himself In announcing the raise in rates,tl A" 0
; 1 ; t-i , ch irman; Firs, 0e 3. ore, un- emo- . . . , .
. ., gratsfrgriiducaii; Second, Tyler Munford, Union1 03. has not authority to originate the rating. Commonwealth stated: The g1
‘ } Advocate, Morganfleld; Third, John H. Hoag an , ‘ . - u - - - . -
‘ Courier-Journal, Louisville; Fourth, Joe Richardson, One Suppllel Stated that he find}: “3 Anthlpatlng the Sharp increase Scongml‘
. ‘ Tim 5, Glasgow: Fifth, Frank C. Bell, Trimble Demo- necessar to return to new 3 er 3 out . ' ' ‘ FaStIC
1 crat:a Bedford; Sixth, Fred B. Wachs, Herald-Leader, y Sp P S operating COStS’ the maJorlty Of me" . . E
. Lexington; Seventh, w. W. Robinson, Herald, Paints- 80 per cent of purchase orders he re— politan newspapers raised both tht 0f hvmg
, vine; Eighth, T. T. Wilson, Log Cabin, Cynthiana; - _ . . , .
. Ninth, H_ A. Browning, Whitley Republican, Williams_ ceives because they do not carry the subscription and advertlsmg rates 1; 0f Euro;
, ‘ a 2%.? fitment-large, Chauncey F°rgeyy1ndemndenti proper endorsement. Take due notice year. Now, most of the better sun and bug
i l s an . - - '
l 3 Legislative Committee ~ and govern yourselves according. newspapers have found it necessary horses a1
.3 . Tyler Munrord, Union 00. Advocate, Morganfleld, boost their subscription rates. for ClVlh
chairman; George A. Joplin, Commonwealth, Somerset; ——————— H . . . . , I A
‘ Egbert C. Taylor, Record Herald, Greensburg; Thomas Wlth the elimination Of automobi n l”.
j 3 R. Underwood, Herald, Lexington; H. A. Ward, Allen , - . . '
l . 1 Co. News, Scottsvme; Henry Ward, Sumnemocm Pless, Radio Called tire,_ refrigerator and other types of: changed
3 . g Paducah; Cecil Williams, Journal, Somerset Essentzal Industries vertismg during the war, the newspapt bigger a1
‘ Newspaper Exhibit Committee - 60 16 I
3 Mrs. Lee snaiding. Kentucky Standard, Bardstown, Brig. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey said this W111 lose from 30 to 50_ per cent 0f u“ p P
E t chairman; J. LaMarr Bradley, Enterprise, Providence; , . , revenues, and are facmg One of [hi [0 100 ]
, Mrs. John 5. Lawrence, Record, Cadiz; Miss Lillian week National Selective Serv1ce head— . . .‘ 1 . _ use is
i Mi Richards, Russell Co. Banner, Russell Springs; Miss quarters would soon advise local draft mos-t critica pEYIOdS- VVC have (161le 1‘6
1 1 Jane Hum“ Herald' Harmdsmrg‘ . raismg subscription rates as long asp become 1
l 1 Kentucky Press Women’s Club boards that the press and radio were 'bl b . f d - i What
3 ‘ Miss Mary E. Hutton, Herald, Harrodsburg, President; viewed officiall as industries essential 51 6: Ut ale OTCe to take thlS step,
i I Miss Mildred Babbage, Breckenridge News, Cloverport, y cause of conditions beyond our C0nll Small T1
1 if First Vice President; Mrs. J. 0. Young, Journal, Dixon, t0 the “national interest." D ,
i 1, Second Vice President; Mrs. Mary Henderson Powell, _ _ _ ______ oesn
l 1: _ Record, Stearns, Third Vice President; Mrs. J. R. The Selective SerVice director noted 1 is about
5‘. Wallace, Advertiser, Walton, Recording Secretary; - - . - - Head mes ( 1/6‘ ‘ ,
it Miss Urith Lucas, Indepeyndlint, ngsvil%,t00ri'ies- that 511111131 opinions already had been ) 1 legals center, a
. ponding Secretary; Mrs. . . Bra ey, nerpr se, ' ‘ ' t _
13“}, Providence, Treasurer. Swen as to motion pictures and organ Favorable comments of lawyersl 0pp0rtun
3 i lled labOI- readers are being made to the Lil these peo
3 ‘ Hershey stressed, however, that only ton, Col., Independent since it hit of going
. NATIONAL €DITORIAL_ local boards can deCIde whether any urated a plan of putting a live head going to
‘ ‘1 \gg/ ASSOCIAT|ON indiVidual is a key man and therefore each public notice. The effect of[ and tear
hr 1 ' I / eligible to draft deferment as indispen— plan is that the public at large is in They are
3 sable to an industry considered essential. conscious of the value of public notl their sho
1 ______ It may have a beneficial effect on it Bill do
i g; , MEMBER fees,“ lators when attempts are made tol' P€0ple ar
1 l {filth Canadian Board Freezes tail legal notices. Here is a saIl Wlthout .
. w ;‘_~“r~,fr,.‘ . . . . .
l : , 1" Czrculatzon Rates heading used: File Comstock Estatel are goml
ii“ i . . . A ril 22. messa e i
l3: K TUCKY PRES Circulatlon rates of newspapers in P are gogin
l ASSOCIATION Canada may not exceed whatever their ~f'f—— includingg
‘ f ORGANIZED JANUAKY. nu maximum was during the Sept. 15-Oct. Insurance Advertzsmg mail orde
HT‘ .11 bf: petrliocé ac‘aCTYdi‘fI to. an 131F961 In one town in another state fire trade,
l - . . ‘
. is, Volume Thzrteen, Number- Four issuieT yltBe :naAian. artime rices surance agents advertise collectively-7 So you,
ll ____(———~————_+_—— a; ldra e gal .hImerican newspapers group has agreed that 10 cents on“ Stlrring )"
{it Use of AJO Rating For : flu Cf’ns‘ erf t 1311mm]? fiery C1396" every $100 of fire insurance will g0 gEI the jl
Newspapers Not Restricted _u Yhf” It may orete . a sum ar ru mg ward cooperative advertising in then? Preachi
L13 , . m t 15 country. paper. Over $1,000 is Spent annualll; home” iSi
. 1: Preference Ratin Order P-22 Amend- Both the Somerset Commonwealth, ads ‘i ~ nt Show
‘ . wrttenortegioup yte. ter.
3 ed, which granted to newspapers an A-10 George Joplin, editor, and the Somerset paper’s advertising department. 8" money in
, 1;; Rating for repair maintenance and oper— journal, Geqil Williams, editor, an— cooperative advertising might alsO. buy as gt
‘. ? }i ating supplies carried a provision that nounced that their subscription rates sold to life insurance agents, real or Where.
' g! the preference rating not to be used on would advance 50 cents a year on Feb- dealers, and other similar groupsl This ca
it“? purchase orders unless necessary. Order ruary 15 or $2.00 a year inside the county are not consistent newspaper advetlil Portunity
, l"
’ i“ i
’ E ii i E
. i

 lflliii 2‘
till? ll
1 . 'll 7 1
1942 February, 1942 THE KENTUCKY PRESS " Page Five Ell ll
€0qu Missouri Editor Issues Timely you going to do about it? And when? Books For Service Men Can l 1l l
ider ll Challenge to HOme Town Metchants The (Name of Your Paper), which Be Mailed Without Boxing l
ture re In the opinion of T. Ballard Watters covers all ———— county, can help you 01: Wrapping l 31
is ne“ of the Marshfield (0.) Mail the great reach .the people, no 'matter where your The Postmaster General has notified FE‘ lal l
rate l American ruber famine offers a new store ls located m this county. You W111 postmasters that hOOkS addressed to in- ‘ll ll 1'
ice tl‘ lease on the commercial life of every always find us Wlhlhg and ready [0 dividuals in the different branches of the l ii
amunn country town. In a front page editorial work for your salesman, and we firmly armed services of the US, or to any '1 Ellllll‘
15211155: carried in a recent issue, this Missouri Efillethflyirpgslslihclglg ”P ———" county 1h point of use of our armed forces are ac- llll l “ll llgl
possib editor challenges the merchants of his ______ ceptable- [1‘1” mailing at the spec1al book Ill ll 3: l
dye the home town to make the best use of their Congratulations! rate W” out boning or wrapping, ‘ ll
ieir rai Opportunities. It amounts to a challenge 0 nieiely secured with cord or .twme 1 iillll l l
_0 late. to hometown merchants everywhere and Mrs. Margaret Foley announces the iii/Ice aioundhthe two ways crossmg 1“ Ill 3 l
ltOl’lbUI the entire rural press as well: Many marriage of her daughter, W. Goebel, to E e ceplter Whh addleb? label securely lll' i F
rates editors Will want to quote this piece J. W. Hedden, Jr., which occured in astene. by glue, muCilage, paste, _or El'i l
word for word as follows: Lexington Saturday, February 14, in the other good adheswe ‘0 the “ht outsrde ,vll l l "1
*ates,t7 An Opportunity—and a Challenge Thoroughbred room of the Phoenix binding. BOOkS prepared 1h [hls manner ill .E l
The greatest shortage in the American .Hqtd Wlth Dr. M- V- P- Yeaman, oflic— shall not be accepted as insured or C' 0' (1' ll l lll .ll ‘7?
:rease economic system is rubber. As a result lhtlhg- . _ _ Ingll‘ Books my be insuied or sent c.o.d. ll illli Ii l.
)f men drastic changes in the American mode The bride, .3 native 0‘5 Bath county, w en Paikéd m accordance wnh eXist- llll ll;l l l .
uth th[ of living will probably be necessary, Most was a teacher in the Montgomery county Eng relgu ations. . . ill illill i i
:ates I; of Europe has gone back to the “horse “heels for 15 years and 15 Wldely known 1111 Oicer L0 be accepted: at‘ the rate 0f. EEill l l. l
er sat and buggy days,” except there are few and popular throughout Central Ken— [1/2 haul: per Poundlor lracth; there 0t llll l“ .
essary horses and no buggies. The automobile tucky. . . 1C 00 5 must contain no a VCItlsmg li .‘ll E l
for civilian use is almost non-existent. The groom ‘5 PhhhShel‘ 0f the Mt- matter othei than inCidental announcc— 311" '5 ‘l ';l l
tomobi In America the automobile greatly Sterling Advocate, 3 50h 0f the late {116135.01 books], and alley-must otherwise lilE: ll
ies of: changed our living. It helped make cities Mh and Mrs. J W- Hedden, Sh: and IS 3:: (:3: :0 “6 f“); 110135 gfiverning ill i l l, l
:wspalt bigger and small towns smaller, because well-known by the State newspaper fra- Editofsp' 211:2:80 oods. di ft ‘15 (rate. fill: ‘1“ l .
toftht people thought nothing of going 50 ternity. . . _ . l ' , be 3:155 “S m Oimation i! ll il: l
of tilt to 100 miles to shop. As automobile After a .brief wedding trip 10 West on to your m 5C“ ers. llll l llll
3 delal use is restricted, the small towns will Baden SPUlth: they W111 be at home. at U I ll . I“ ll ill. ll l
1g asll become more important. the grooms apartment on West High P10 ‘ R13" Of Cultczsm ll ll? l
5 step' What does this mean to you, Mr. street. Criticism of courts by newspapers is ll‘ lllll
r conII Small Town or Rural Business Man? _ __"—" . now the law of the land following the lifl‘fl ”:3 ll
Doesn’t it suggest that the small town R6687“? LW’WPB Immuaho’” decision handed down by the United ll ‘ l l l 1‘
is about to have a rebirth as a trading The Paris Enterprise, new semi-weekly, States Supreme Court in the contempt llil: l
center, and in this change isn’t there l. M. Alverson Sr., publisher installed a citation case against the Los Angeles ‘illll' 9:
was; opportunity with a capital “0”? For he“, Blue Streak Model 31, with Excel— Times. The decision was one of the lll “
1e Lit these people ”thought nothing of going sior and Erbar in size combinations. most sweeping victories won by news- l‘ l
it int ofogomg 50 10 100 miles to shop" are The Kentucky Baptist, official organ of papers inVOIVing the lI‘CEdOm of the liluill’ lfil: l
3 head gomg to think more about the wear the General Association of Colored Bap- press clause of the Constitution. l 1 ll
ct of‘ and tear of their automobile tires list of Kentucky, 2222 West Chestnut The case grew out of three editorials llll iill; y:
e ism They are going to think more about street, Louisville, installed a Model 8 published by the Los Angeles Times in hill lll l
ic noll their shopping nearer home. with 8 and 14 point Excelsior with Meni- 1937 and 1938 commenting on the con- ‘ll “ll; {1 ‘,‘ .
. on It But do not think, Mr. Merchant, that phis Bold. viction of persons who had not been lg l ill 9, ‘
le tot people are going to be forced to trade Planning a complete new type dress in sentenced. The newspaper was cited for [Fll lL ‘
a saw Without a fight. The big City papers the near future the Messenger-Enquirer, contempt on the theory that the edi— -l,l ll,
statel are gomg to bring Lheh‘ advertising Owensboro, Lawrence W. Hager, editor, torials did 01‘ attempted t0 influence f’lJl 1, l1
message into your community and they will install an additional machine to the court in passing sentence on those ill ', l,
are golng to use every method they can— the five now in operation. The new CODViCted. l‘l'i I
meh‘dlhg perhaps the development 0i machine a Blue Streak Model 32, will Although it was a split 5 to 4 decision Flil il l .
mail order business—to hold on to that be equipped with six 30cm molds, three handed down by the Supreme Court, Ell ll..l ll
te fire" trade. 90~channel and one 72-channe1 maga- the majority opinion even went so far .lli‘. , l'l Li ‘
ively.: ISO. you, Mr. Merchant, had better be zines. New type for headdress and dis- as to hold that criticism of a court can- l l1 E l
its oul Stlmng yourself right now before they play includes 8, 12, 14, 18, and 24 point not to be prescribed merely because the ll‘ll lil ll .
vill go get the Jllmp on you. Metroblack with Metrolite; 18 and 24 case under discussion is pending, the lll llll E‘ lf "
lthefll Preaching the doctrine of “trade at point Metromedium with italics; 30 court pointing out that cases often pend Ll ls‘l l '1
nualll' home isn’t enough. You have got to point Metromedium No. 2; and 36 Me- for years. The court held that it makes ill ll 2 l -,
the it show them why trading at home means troblack N0. 2. The entire equipment no difference whether the case under l E'l ‘ l .1
gm. 5- money in their pockets. That they can on the other five machines, a Model 28, criticism is technically pending at the lll l l‘ j: :
t 21150 buy as good quality at home as else~ two Model 14, and two Model 8, will time, as long as the comment does not .il E Il
real as Where, be arranged. We await with anticipation constitute a “substantial” or a “serious” ‘ ll lll i , .
oupsl ThIS-Car and tire criSis offers an op- the streamlining of the Messenger-En- danger to the impartial functioning of .j; .l l ‘
:dvelll’ portumty for showing them. What are quirer. 4 the lUdge- lg}: i; t
3.; ,1 if“; ' ’
u ‘ i 'A, 7-.

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