xt79cn6z0564 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79cn6z0564/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2009-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 2009 text GLSO News, May 2009 2009 2009-05 2019 true xt79cn6z0564 section xt79cn6z0564 7 Gay 8‘ Th GLSO N
v Lesbian e ews
,‘ Organization May 2009
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Service Organization Volume 31 Number 5
June Pride Month 2009 C""“*‘““"“’"‘“"
SisterSound’s spring concert is, in
Plans are underway for an exciting many ways, all about change. It Is the
. . second concert in the 2009 season ti—
Pride Month. The Downtown Pride
. . tled Touched By Change. But there’s
Festival Wlll be on June 27 at Cheap— . ,
. . a whole lot of changing gomg on!
Side park, go to www.Lexpride.com for _ .
. . . The chorus is changing venues,
information. The Street Banners Will _ , , .
. . performing at St. Michael s Episcopal
go up at the beginning of June, look
. Church on Bellefonte, on Saturday,
for them and pomt them out to .

. . . May 16, at 8:00pm. The other big
friends. Organizations are also plan— ,

. . . . . . news is a guest performance by An-
ning their own indivtdual Pride h N Th 8C hn'
Month Events. Previews below and 0t er ote: , efmmef” Jo ') are

. eagerly anticrpating this collaboration
continued on page 3. _

With our brother chorus.

V 2'“ AIIIIIIII Fairness Awards And, of course, there is all the

Lexington Fairness greaemusic. As always, the song selec—

Th L . P 'd F . al _ tion is varied and eclectic, with famil-

e exmgton 1'1 e 65“" ‘5 iar tunes, new arrangements, and won-

;‘h‘ :23: 3M New

’ ear .

of the 40‘“ anniversary of the historic In the familiar category are “Turn,

riots that took place at the Stonewall Turn, Turn”, “New Attitude”, “Bridge

Inn in 1_969- It’s important that our Over Troubled Water”, and more.

community reflect on “3 past. and “Healing River” is a moving gospel

honor the work of our many actiVists. arrangement. “Rhythm of Life” is a

HCIP Lexmgton Fairness honor reprise for SisterSound of a song that

:(Y LGEliwathirfliishZEi: 1392;: fliré‘: brought I(.lfown tile house the first time

01' equ - it was e orme . - , ,
the 2'Id Annual Fairness Awards on P Continued on a_e3
June 26* at the Lexington Downtown Willdy K110“ Farm
Hotel at 7 pm. It will be an enjoyable
evening of dinner, friends and reflec- 3262 Cleveland Rd,
tion. Guests will be entertained by a
specially—tailored performance of The Jennifer Crib-sen
Judy Show WWII-mm)
and Louisville’s own Robbie Bartlett 859 299'7410

Continued on page 3

 2),, 63,11‘3 -T I'EJI' I] 337/ 7,, J .‘LI‘, ‘ m; .1. )9 3.3,; ‘.v
ilD'erJlQ ddkié‘en/ .l/i'niibzni /:/~.C):/“/ .« ,1r.i:.r:,1’./jd
amp/m 09/31 w J‘UUU J. '1'. 100
"is _
Tickets $20

fr: : w”; .. No more than 500

i “‘5’” “H, if»: c

i" " ’ ” ’ " T ~' » ' j; . ml] be sold.

l seams?“ , ,_ . . ,

5%; PM ,‘ .a:;-i7rgijdeitizfaii:1: l 1/

‘ i ~" 2'ng wig? ' TREE}? t th Pride Center
-~e£25éfii ’ "é Jfi’iffirr’ 1, a e
.1:5¥J»=2.y-Lfstv;-‘AL§“" ’ ‘ .

. . - . - 389 Waller Ave.

l .. ,— ’f-T‘Z}... ., 1 ’ .

' .. 4,5371??? f

i Afififvfi? Board Members
'1 i... was” “at
a ~¥.’«“W»(.i‘,«’°.“’L\"“’“‘V‘ ‘ -
Imagine yourself here, top floor porch of the Osprey.
Pawley’s Island, South Carolina
We are raffling the second floor apartment of a beautiful home in a great
location. The house sits between the ocean and a salt water estuary/bird
sanctuary; there are views of the water from all but one room in the
house. The second floor apartment is best suited for four couples, or 8
adults who share rooms. There are extra beds if 3 people want to share a
room (Limit of 12 people). There are four bedrooms, a living and dinning
area, game/reading room, and a kitchenette.
Check in 4:30 Sat., Oct 3. Check out 4 pm Fri., Oct. 9.
_ fifiw. .‘w‘fv i . .. H . a.

Hgfimm‘ 3r???” ’1‘; i' 5' ‘i; I 1' fl‘?’~‘.1'f$~ '1 5”,. ,flu/ . , . v.3” ‘ ’

:gligggggrtgi .uwréeggg: er». 'W :1 y is“ . i .11‘: " -

,1 » n, ,, ‘ 1—1 mm. . g‘fj,.‘“.fl‘ .3.5~;«,_.'.31’.“ 7,5. fly; I T 1 , .yf ,, W,

Joye?” if (*Tj“-§,Vg 33,13, T_ ‘1‘ ”J "1115:“; ,». l '..Wa-i;,

».1 '= ”alfafih’ifigz% F55? fig vigil? 3‘12, T?” :T' iffl .4 l“ g»: M77331 ,.

3‘ g'r tiléf‘“ ill? . i i: (if 5.: l «€911 , 4» ,.

“lids. 241,333.? :32: 1:..z- :.:‘ .3. 5-1:... it: 1' FT? ’- l

*t’a'tz'ifiw ' 8.1"” Fri.,-"m ,le‘g {it‘r‘i'irsgsfl QU3—J I 2-, at' “1112’ / “av , » 2. "
. :1 f. t. . 1,. “if" g: “If“?"jifz‘Sjflifir'v'3J ,M 245%.} . »1. f! ...1»._m ' ,_
The Atlantic Ocean is right outside the front door of the Osprey.
Page 2

 I l
GLSO Yard Sale Pnde Month Prewew
Frlday, May I 8 am—3 pm Pride Festival Idol Contest
Sat. May 2 8 am— 2 pm _ , .
1255 Bordeaux DI‘ In conjunction With the Downtown
. ' Pride Festival Bill chandler is again or—
Lexmgton, KV ganizing the popular Pride Festival idol
- . contest. You can find registration infor—
S'Stersound Concert continued mation at the locations listed below as
With each song speaking to well as at the Pride Center and on line
change in its own way, the concert at vaw.glso.org. Finals will be held at
celebrates the many ways change en— Pride Festival and cash prizes W1“ be
riches our lives and our world. Sister- awarded. . .
Sound delivers great music with plenty J01“ us for the Prelmunary Rounds:
of fun, inspiring words, a few sur- Monday May 18 at Mia’s
prises, and an all—around good time. Wednesday May 27 at The Bar
This concert is not to be missed! Sunday May 31 Crossings
Lexington Fairness continued Belmont BBQ
Throughout the night LexFair will 011 June 6" a Moveable Feast pre-
present awards to four deserving re— sents the Belmont BBQ at2492 N.
cipients, nominated by you. There are Cleveland Rd- starting at 4 pm. Rob-
many local activists who won’t stop bie Bartlett and Club Dub will provide
until there is equality for all. Nomina— musical entertainment. There will also
tions will be taken for the Ally for be great food, a cash bar, interesting
Fairness Award, the Fairness of Lead— people to chat With; all in a beautiful
ership Award, the Jennifer Crossen setting.
Out for Fairness Award and the Politi- All Of this for the low, low price 0f
cal Leadership Award. To nominate a $25 per person or $45 per couple in
fairness advocate for an award log onto advance 01' $35 per person at the gate.
www.1exingtonfairness.org. Tickets for Oh yeah, the horse race on big screen
the dinner will be available soon. TV too- Read about Moveable Feast’s
They will be $55, $90 and $150. other exciting news on page 13
- Unitarian Universalist Church Remembering Stonewall
@ Pfibc Service Film and Discussion
' lune 7 " am Thursday, June 18th
Mam Crone in the Pulpit 6:30-8 pm
“Baqarb Rustin” Central Library (140 E. Main St.)
Page 3

 unitfid Sister ‘II'CIG Alliance tection: Local and Regional Initiatives,
opening season BB. Eating Is a Moral Issue, Green and
Healthy Schools and Mountaintop Re—
The USCA is a non-profit organi— moval Road ShOW.
1311011 dedicated to unity, education, Included in the day’s festivities will
and betterment of the LGBQT com- be a car trunk sale to recycle, reuse and
munity through a wide-range of ven- repurpose items that you no longer
tures and programming USCA was make use of. This is similar to a yard
formed in 2008 with a vision of incor- sale but you buy items from a variety of
porating gay life outside of the clubs individuals who display them in the
and into the community through edu— trunk of their vehicle or on a table. If
cation, networking, and mentoring. you are interested in selling items in
Check out their web page at the car/trunk sale contact Rich at rich—
WWW-unitedsister-org- ardmason@insightbb.com or Joe An—
A “Opening Season” Barbeque is thony at joseph.g.anthony@gmail.com.
planned for Saturday, May 9, from 1 There will be children’s activities
until 6 pm in Jacobson Park. There and live music throughout the day.
Will be free food and hopefully a beau— Our church has a lot of green space, so
tiful day to enjoy being outside. There join us in appreciation of nature.
will also be booths set up by a variety
of GLl.3T organizations including in- GLSO News & eNew Deadline
formation about the second Down—
town Pride Festival which will be on May 15
Saturday, June 27. If it rains, we have _
a rain date set for May 23rd. Bring the send art‘CIes and ads to
kids, family, friends, and Pets ‘0 this marycrone@insightbb.com
event. Come out and enjoy yourself. . . . .
USCA also organizes bar nights at As we transition to an editorlal
the Neo Lounge at Club 9 every other team producmg bOth newsletters,
Friday night. We present conscious the deadline is crucial,
hip hop and spoken word featuring particularly for June. See page 13
local artists. The club is located at 934
Winchester Rd. There will be a mixed contaCt # 859 266-5904
crowd so come with open minds and
UU Environmenfal Jusfice FesfiVal “Keel! the love you find.
and Yard Sale: May 9! '14”? G“ the “we VD" Wt!”
Renew your commitment to the i _ _
environment or find a cause at UUCL’s JeSSIca BOlllnger LCSW
Environmental Justice Festival and ' ' '
Trunk Sale, May 9 from 93:30. The Imago Relationship Therapist
day will include presentations and net- EMDR Tmmv‘iork
working sessions covering four impor- _ _ COUples’ Fanllandeud
taut environmental issues: Climate Pro- Imagoconnedlonmm 552'6533
Page 4

 W ' Wslpans’sfif’ihe Magi?" W *

W' (I Kn )ll

* Farm ‘

Lessons in Dressage and Jumping 3

Boarding Training

Indoor Arena
Cross country Course fi

Stadium Jumping Course j

Outdoor Sand Dressage Arena ‘

, _ . ,,—,, V WWWWWW, WWW—Wmfiége‘s;

 P ride C en t
. ffi I -
Phone 859 253 3233 0 C6 HOUI'S 0 t0 3 M I: 389 waner AVE.
Eager“???- GAY HIV Testing
\flk.i/ LESBIAN On Thursday, May 7 there will be free
‘qx’pk SERVICES HIV testing between 6 pm and 8pm at the
“3' ORG ANIZAT'ON Pride Center. The oraquick mouth swab
‘Lexin ton KY technique will be used. This test gives a re-
l g E d suit in about twenty minutes. If the test is
ncorpora e as reactive, a blood sample will be taken. The
he Gay Service Organization results are back in two weeks for the confir—
matory blood tests. Testing is available at
P.O. Box 1172 Lex., KY40588 the Pride Center on the first Thursday of
www.glsopc.org 6“" “Md"
GLSO new: “MW”
The teens are organizing our third
Pride Prom for Friday, May 22, from 7 to
VOLUME 3’ ”0' 4 11pm. We still need a few more volunteer
News Editors and Staff chaperones. Cali Mary at 859 266-5904 or
Mary Crone, Jackie Cobern, email marycrone@1nsrghtbb.com.
Sarah Phi/lips, Ginger Moore,
Marc Blevins,& Judy Sutter Kroger Cards
— GLSO has received it’s first check from
_ . the Kroger Company for $220. We now
P r 'de Center Office Manager have almost 60 cards distributed. If every—
B’” Chandler one recharges their cards once a month for
859-253-3233 $100 or more, we will receive $300 or more
a month.
' h r The Kroger cards work this way: we
'lnSIg t G our) put $5 on each card. We then give them to
Fr'day’ May 1 P01: Luc" supporters for $5. You recharge the card at
Friday, May 14 Movie Night any Kroger store and use it for food, pre—
P . d C t 7 scription drugs, flowers, cigarettes, and
r! e en er pm Kroger gas. It works as a debit card. GLSO
will receive 4% of the money you put on
your card. Cards are available through
DIICUIIION 6R0” P board members and at the Pride Center.
All Are Welcome Monday, May 11 at 7 pm
Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave.
Page 6

3 Part 2 of SisterSouncl's
f 2009 Concert Season
Q —
Saturday, May ‘I 6, 2009, 8:00pm
Saint Michael's Episcopal Church
2025 Ballofom Drive
Good Porformanco by Anoflnr Note
Tickets: sliding scolo starting at 31 0.00
WJIsimorg Woondmmalcom
Page 7

 The_Race 1_S on Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, a
Lexmgton Falmess Republican and a 2012 Presidential
In mid—April, Iowa rocked the na— prospect, is in favor of civil unions.
tion. Word quickly spread when the (3°th he be swayed to advocate for
Iowa Supreme Court struck down an marriage instead?
earlier statewide ban on same-sex mar- hley, New Mexico, you’ve got a
riage. No one in the other 49 states steadily growmg progressrve base and
saw it coming. Who’d believe this are considered a swing state with your
small, typically conservative state in the five awesome electoral votes. Want to
Midwest would be one of the first to freak out the rest of the Southwest?
legalize gay marriage? Oregon, or Washington, care to
Camilla Taylor, that’s who. Ac- show up your West Coast counterpart
cording to a Washington Post article, California? . .
Taylor began laying the ground work It doesn’t matter _Wh1_eh state is
in 2002 when she joined Lambda Le— next. The important thlhg 15 that there
gal’s Midwest oflice. In the beginning Will be a next state. There has been
of her battle, Progressives doubted her. some debate abeut whether these rapid
In the end, this straight ally was the developments Win backfire 0“ the gay
key to achieving what everyone else community. Conservative grpups have
believed to be nearly impossible. already begun the" media hhtz against
Just days later, Vermont voted to eciuality. LG-BT know that we can’t
override Republican governor Jim Wlh them all; m the past, we’ve lt’St far
Douglas’s veto of the same—sex mar— more than we have won. The bottom
riage bill. This made the Northeast line, though, is that positive things are
state the fourth in the nation to allow happening across the country, and le‘
gays to marry, and the third in that gions of Americans don’t seem to be
region to do so. Not too long after rising “P the Why they did in 2004-
that, the District of Columbia ap— Mark Twain once 531d, “\When the
proved a measure to recognize same—sex end of the world comes, I want to be in
marriages that occurred elsewhere. Kentucky, because everything there
And then, Governor David Paterson of happens 20 years after it happens any-
New York introduced a measure into where else.” . .
the legislature that would legalize gay Okay, so “,5 h°t a glowmg recom—
marriage in his state. mendation from one of our nation’s
Is your head spinning yet? Was greatest authors. But it means there
this a dream? Are states, particularly will come a day when an LGBT couple
those in the Northeast (three other can walk confidently into a Kentucky
states in the region are considering courthouse and ask .for a marriage 11‘
similar bills), competing to see who can cense Wlthout rejection. Forty years
legalize gay marriage the quickest? By after the Stonewall riots, the LGBT has
court or by General Assembly, there come a long, even in Kentucky. We
seems to be a race to the finish line. may be the last to cross this finish line,
Will there be another surprise state but even the last place finisher feels a
to emerge in the competition? sense of accomplishment and pride
Mississippi? Just kidding. Texas? when the race is done.
Nah, don’t mess with Texas.
Page 8

 3 , GMAC
S. Cummunu ealth Real Estate
a r Your
(1 ’ TI «steel Alma : As wm 'Ihlulcd Admor. I will listen
Lt ‘ In your goals and help you reach them will: my experience,
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0 , you export all oplious. respect cmficlatizlfly and rcptcsul

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‘t E—Mm'l' (combs-92:1}can:momwalrhgnmc.com
’t WEB: 1umr.commomrealtkgmac.comrTcombs
*‘ l
° Pride IdOI COHtESt
e ‘ , (“V
e Prellnunary Bounds W\
- 7'1“?”
_ Monday, May 18 at Mia’s " '
a Wednesday, May 27 at The Bar
’ Sunday, May 31 at Crossings
Registration available at these locations &
3 on line at www.glso.org. Cash Prizes
l D C O U
, Fmals Wlll he held at Pride Festlval
_ Page 9

 [I qfi fl (Fundraiser for Moveaéil}: Teast
% “font $$Q
Eye‘fitggrating ”A Home of Our Own!”
Come for The Race M"
Music $25 '
and Fun! 3W4}
“meanwhile-ace" 4’) 11‘5‘
Tickets (Pf/g
. v \ .,
$25 In advance ~— ‘
’00s. '«2‘
$45 per couple >000“ ‘_ _
$35 at the gate ‘ )‘Oo(}gp
00c ‘ *
Calll ~I-T’i7‘ii‘;.. '7”
252-23670r253-3233"; ' O 0053‘;
Casual Attire ,, Cash Bar

 Stanewall 1969 The crowd started to throw coins at
— the officers in mockery of the notorious
This Pride Month we are honoring system of payoffs, "gayola", through
the Stonewall uprising which started in which police chiefs took huge sums from
the early morning hours of June 28, bars used by gay people and then con—
1969 at the Stonewall Inn in New York ducted "public morals" raids to regulate
City. This event is frequently cited as their racket. Soon, coins were followed
one of the first times gays and lesbians by bOtthS, rocks, and other items.
fought back against the sanctioned OP‘ Cheers rang out as the prisoners in the
Pression of GLBT Americans. van were liberated. Detective Inspector
Very few bars welcomed openly gay Pine later recalled, "I had been in com-
People in the 19505 and 19605, The bat situations, but there was never any
bars we frequented were not owned or time that I felt more scared than then.”
managed by GLBT individuals, Stone— People in the crowd started shouting
wall Inn, at the time, was owned by the "Gay Power!" As word spread through
Mafia. It was known to be popular with Greenwich Village and across the city,
marginalized People in the gay commu- hundreds of gay men and lesbians, black,
nity: drag queens, hustlers, crossdress- white, Hispanic, and predominantly
ers/trans and homeless youth. working class, converged on the Christo—
Police raids were routine in the pher Street area around the Stonewall
19605 and often included rough treat— Inn to join the fray
ment designed to humiliate and de- The cops took refuge inside the bar
grade. It was common for laws about and called for reinforcements. A crack
cross dressing to be used as a reason to riot-control squad, the Tactical Patrol
arrest people. Sometimes butch dykes Force trained to confront the anti war
were raped and People were often movement of that time, arrived and be—
beaten. Arrests were made public and gan to march down the street with linked
some People lost their jobs , arms and billy—clubs. The crowd did not
On this particular night in June, disperse as expected but used side streets
the Police raid did not go as usual. to return behind the marching police.
Seven plain—clothes detectives and a They formed dance lines , kicked their
uniformed officer entered and de— legs high and sang
manded identification papers from the 'We are the Stonewall girls
a customers The bar staff stopped serving We W981 our hair in curls
the watered—down, overpriced drinks, We W681" Olll‘ dungarees
'v while their Mafia bosses swiftly re- Above our nelly knees!‘
moved any money Within their reach. We do have a way of using humor to
The police took patrons outside, throw— confront OPPI'CSSiOIl-
. ing some into a waiting paddy—wagon Over several nights thousands of
and Pushing others to the ground. demonstrators took to the streets. Leaf—
Then something new happened: lets were handed out, titled "Get the Ma-
bar patrons began to fight back. There fia and cops out of gay bars!" Within
is disagreement about which incident weeks, Village residents organized activ—
sparked the riot. Was it a 'butch' 19,3- ist groups to and worked on establishing
bian dressed in man's clothes who re— P131065 1:01" gays and lesbians to be open
sisted arrest, or a male drag queen who about their sexual orientation without
_ stopped in the doorway between the fear ofbeing arrested.
officers and posed defiantly? Continued on other side

 Imperial Court of KY- Coronation 28
The Imperial Court of KY will cele- ’-
brate its 28‘" Coronation in true English year, With all proceeds benefiting the
style. The ICK presents “Project Ren- charities 0f the Imperial Court Of KY‘
aissance: ARoyal Masquerade under the Remember our “10“", “A dollar at a
Tudor Rose” the weekend of June 5-8. time” and plan 0“ attending all Of the
Emperor 27 Daddy Wayne and Em— Coronation events to help those in our
press 27 Eve St Mychal invite one and community who are in need.
all to come out and celebrate another —"—"'-_"—
successful year of frivolity and fun. TranSKentuCky
The €0.11“ has had a Phenomenal TransKentucky meets on the first
year and this year’s Ball is expected to S d f h h 7.30
be an entertainment extravaganza. Tal— Datur ay 0 tea7c Wmont at '11P m.
ented members of other Courts around .30“ SP en a ' e ares. sup P." . ’ so—
the nation will entertain. There will Cl ’ an . {68011:}? gt;mp.f ur "US$10?!“
also be group numbers to delight those iodhrziwgle a s e P ace or transgen er
in attendance. The culmination of the m “3‘,“ .s'

. , . e include cross dressers, trans—
evening Will be the crowning of Em— al d . t 31 d
eror and Empress 28. sexu 5, gen er queers, in ersexu s, an
P Several new members of the Board others who do not fit the standard gen—
of Directors as well as the selection of der norms or who arelquestionailng their
the Henry Faulkner Community Service gender Supportive al ies are so we —
Award will be chosen by all voting come“. tin fr d m dres
members of the ICK. Coronation events howevef yogi: 1.2:! :Znafforffiile. elfhis i:

will be held in several venues in down— h F . f d l
town Lexington, so check out our web— not a t ef'apy 1g: oup ' or m :flan P ace
site at www.imperialcourtkentucfl.org contact tans entucky@gm .com
to find out where we Y1" be. , Stonewall continued from other side

Beginning on Friday evening, June
5, the ICK will host an In—town show. Within six months, three neWSPa-
Saturday’s highlights include an Out— pers were established to promote LGBT
of-Town show with guests from all over rightS- Within a few years, gay rights
North America with special party/ organizations were founded across the
entertainment to f0110w_ Sunday, June U.S. The time of low key demonstrations ;
7‘, will be the Coronation Ball at the was over-
Lexington Downtown Hotel, a Hilton on the fit“ anniversary Of Stone— ‘-
Affiliate (formerly the Radisson). Last wall, June 28, 1970, the 51'“ Gay Pride E
but not least, enjoy our Monday morn— marches took place in New York City
ing “Recovery” brunch at the hotel. and L05 Angeles Gay Pride events are

All our welcome to enjoy our Hos— now held annually throughout the world
pitality Suite, located at the Hotel on toward the end 0f June to mark the
Saturday and Sunday during the day, Stonewall riots. Join us for Lexington’s
and for our late night “special parties” celebration of the Fortieth Anniversay
as well. Prices and information are 0f Stonewall on June 27 at Cheapside
available on the Court website. Ticket Park- We may form some dance lines of
prices for Coronation Ball are $20 this 0111‘ 0Wh- www.1expride.com

Page 11


 *1} I
$1’ing your own c/iair or Man/{3t and"
join usfor tfiis exciting race on a 6eautg'fu[
farm witfi good company, great food,
and wondmfuf entertainment!
Music by (lub Dub .-
Pbui Maverick
Haws I i ‘
\ and f i"!
i/ Miss Robbie BarHeH
Also Visiiing Ariisis from ibe Imperial [ouri oi Keniuckyl
Saturday, June 6 ,2009 4:00pm
C o n o i d F a rm
2492 N. Cleveland Road
Page 11

 ”A “A A nigh’rlife
F 661 the Beat
257 West Short S’rree’r, Lexingion, KY
Page 12 i

 g, r (W
Deadlines for GLSO News PC. sent to you- Then you apply to

The deadline for the GLSO news 1 Our next book will be Sex Wars by
and for the eNews is the 15th of the Marge Piercy. It is a novel but based
month. At this time the eNews is still on the lives of Elizabeth Caddy
experiThroughout the night LexFair Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and other
Will present awards to four deserving women who were working to get
recipients, nominated by you. There are women the vote and other rights. The
many local activists who won’t stop right wing zealot of the time was An-
“ntfl there is equality for 311' Nomina- thony Comstock, also a character in
tions will be taken for the Ally for Fair— the book. A good read.
ness Award, the Fairness of Leadership
:33; iaiznfiirtfirfijfizcguiefif A Permanent Home for Movaable Feast
ership Award. To nominate a fairness Moveable Feast is going to move
advocate for an award log onto one more time, and this will definitely
www.1exingtonfairness.org. Tickets for be the last move for a long time. On
the dinner will be available soon. They Thursday April 16‘“ they purchased
will be $55, $90 and $150. their own building in downtown Lex—

mental but we hope to send it out ington. They now own the old Nan—
earlier in the month as we progress. nies Soul Food ReStaurant on the cor—
Please send your email addy to lexing— ner of Silver Maple Way and 5'll St.,
tonglso@yahoo.com if you would like across from Shiloh Baptist Church.
to receive the eNews. The address is 474 8C 476 Silver Maple

As we near the time of Mary Way.

Crone’s retirement from the newsletter, There is a lot of work to be done
to the place before they can move in
Bluegrass Women’s Network but “if the remodeling goes as

The Bluegrass Women's Network is planned” (it never does) we Will be
a social group for women who identify operating out. Of that location E’Y JUJY
as lesbian. Membership is free and there ls says the director Terry Mullins.
are no obligations. We have a variety of The building was a small restau-
activities such as brunches, potluck din— rant and three 5mg.“ apartments. That
ners, plays, movies, parties, and what— has to be turned into a large kitchen
ever else we manage to dream up! and office space: ‘Walls have to ,be

To announce events and share in- torn out, plumbing 8L electrioput in,
formation, the Bluegrass Women's Net— new flooring and painting inside and
work has a private/hidden Yahoo group out. It ls a .1“ 0f work and a 10t,0f
website. It is not listed in the Yahoo money bl.“ Whh continued community
Directory, and can only be accessed by support It W111 get done and be well
group members. Facilitators for the worth the effort, TS"), says. _
Network are Debby and Lynn. If you . They are starting a “Pith cam—
are interested in joining please send a paign “3 help pay for the bhlldmg and
request to thebluegrasswomensnet— renown”: If youkwould hkebtlo gelp’
work—owner@yalioogroups.com and £15”; ““6 aLChFc to fivzgsgs mt
the link to the BGWN Yahoo group will ox 3 7 exmgton, °

Page 13


 Spotlight on the Beautiful People...
...by Helena H andbasket.
I have loved this month’s honoree i
for many years...since way back in the r
“Great Moments” days and I still love damn,” '
and admire her. So, it is with great 4.
pride that I announce that this month D” ” ”a
the spotlight shines brightly on Miss V
Cammie Dietrich.
A derby-city native, she left Louis-
ville to move to Lexington 18 years 4 _ _
ago. She has been performing for 25 Aliens and favorite TV4 show, Family
years (who knew she was that old) and Guy. Her favorite actor is Johnny Depp
her drag mother/mentor was Robbie and favorite actress is Anne Bancroft.
Lynn ofLouisville. She dreams of going to Greece and the
In her 25 years she has really col— book she is currently reading is “Your
lected the titles including: Empress 9 of Saw and You.” _ _ .
all Kentucky, Miss Bar Complex, Miss Her favorite charity is Moveable
Lexington, Miss Lexington Supreme, Feast — _a most needed service to the
Miss Kentucky Big and Beautiful, lst community. She says she has had a
Alternative to Big and Beautifiil Na— place in her heart for them ever since her
tional, court appointed Entertainer of work as Empress with the Imperial Court
the Year 3 yrs in a row, as well as being of Kentucky. When asked what was the
a multiple falsie nominee and winner, blggest misconception about her she
and the recipient of the Falsie Lifetime said, “That I don’t bite.” 4
Achievement Award, Lexington Drag If she were stranded on a desert 15'
Queen Hall ofFame. land, the three people she would want to
Miss Cammie is single and having be with her would be... “Natalie Gaye,
the time of her life. “I have fabulous cause she makes me laugh. Chelsea
friends and the occasional gentleman Pearl, cause I love her cooking and we
caller and 1 very much appreciate a man all need grass skirts and Brandon Frasier,
with a great smile.” She does, how- but only 1“ alom 010th-”_
ever, share her life with a companion... Her most embarrassmg moment was
her calico cat named Sassy Mae. when she was performmg to Tata Vega’s
Her favorite artist to perform to is ‘I Just Keep Thinking About You Babe.’
Tina Turner although it would be a “_1 (ltd a kick my 511?" flew “P into the
dream come true to be able to perform lighting and never did come down... I
with or in front of KT Oslin. Her never dld find that shoe.”
friend Chelsea Pearl designs many of She would most like people to re-
her fabulous outfits. She loves Millie member her for being a great entertainer
Jackson music and most blues and her who “danced With a little magic” and
favorite color is green. Favorite movie, says that the world WOUld be a better
continued on next page
Page 16

 place if everybody would plant a COOK’S CORNER
tree a shrub or a bush. “I strive to - -

’ In the midst of Spring and hope-
make the world a better place by fully, the last of wintry snow mix, my
planting the seed of Joy in the hearts thoughts begin to quickly turn to Sum-
ofall my fans. mer. Thoughts of hot hazy days by the
Thanks for such a fun interview Cam— pool (or on the beach) and summery
mie. You rock...but don’t you dare liquid concoctions made from fresh
bite Miss Helena. At my age I have fruits. One of my favorite summertime
thin skin.  drinks is sangria.

*** If there is someone in the commu— S Filo: Its humble) roots m sfim’

nity that you feel deserves to be hon- afngrli]: as grown tdr'iome a P3P 3:3

ored in this column, send your request re “:1 fig [liartyUS S aroun fi 6

to AdvicefromHelena@aol.com wor ' n t e ’ angria 'was I“

tasted at the 1964 World 5 Fair in New

York. The Spanish World area served

St. MYChal The Martyr this fruity wine punch to its visitors,
www.3tmychalthemartyr.org and hiStOYY was made!

Sangria is based on the traditional

You are invited to our worship ser- red wine punch popular across Europe
vices every Sunday at 10:30 with Rev for hundreds of years. The punch base
Ken Waibel performing “1355' We are at would be claret, i.e. Bordeaux wine from
1033 Industry Rd. Suite #5, off Win- France. Brandy and fruit would be
Chester Rd. We are a liturgical church added to the punch for flavor. In the
Flfhdw‘zifih'lp filled With ritual and hearts 1700s and 18005, Claret Cup Punch
1 e w1 Joy. . .

The Mission of St. Mychal is to pro- couldDb e foundtal: partiesof :lltlslizest.
vide a church that welcomes people in all on lus “y a m a ' e s 01:6,-
their uniqueness and giftedness. Our have fun and create your own. Sangria 3
Church performs blessings of gay un— appeal 15 all about taking your favorite
ions, welcomes divorced people, and “‘1.“an your favorite fruits, and ex-
ordains all persons into the orders of perimenting “nth them.

Deacon, Priest and Bishop. Continued on nextpage

Sunday Worship 10:30

' 1033 Industry Rd.

(859) 338-1195
Page 15

 Sangria is typically a red Wine 2 tablespoons grenadine
punch, although it can also be made 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
with white wine - it is then known as 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
'Sangria Blanco'. When making your ice cubes
own Sangria, use a good quality red . . . .
Wine, and be sure to let it chill over— . Stir wine, soda and orange juice, 8
night Use Rioja to get the authentic lime slices, 8 lemon slices, orange slices,
Spanish flavor, but definitely choose brandy,. sugar, Cointreau, grenadine,
. . , lemon juice and lime juice in a large
something you like - you re the one . h b' d .
drinking it! In the