xt79cn6z0516 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79cn6z0516/data/mets.xml Duke University, North Carolina HDuke University Library 1937 Prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Works Progress Administration; iv-v, 165 pages: 2 leaves, 27 cm; Includes index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number Y 3.W 89/2:43/N 81c books English Raleigh, North Carolina: Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications A Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the Duke University Library, Durham, North Carolina text A Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the Duke University Library, Durham, North Carolina 1937 1937 2015 true xt79cn6z0516 section xt79cn6z0516 I ` A     I Jl I ' KENTUCKY ` I
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Q Works Frogress Administration I
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* § tlc family lottcrs ar ·... writtcn from Kcntucky,
Louisiana, Lississiopi, Iissouri, loxas, rnd vrrlcus ptrts of Virginia, whither
mombcrs of thc fayily had vcvcc. lnclud d ar; collogc lcttors from Randolph-
Macon Collcgc, ishlc;d, Va., and lstturs which discuss thc systcms ofa,ducation
in Lcuisicns, Qississippi, T¢;as, and Virginia, and doscrib; thc hardships of
thc public soho l to char.
31. BAGGLRLY (llhpib F.) PXBBRS, ldCO~7Q. 125 itons. lrodcll County, H. C.
Corrcspohdcuco out tch a Coufcdcrstc ccldicr and his wifo, dculing with
camp life, cpidcnics in th; tray, .‘,· wd hardctips rt hone. {ost of tho l-ttcrs
wcrc writtc; by Brgyarly, dwscribiug his l·f as r orivrtc in rsutinc duty, a
patient in s C;nfpdgrato hospithl, and c prisnntr confined st Point Lcokcut, hd.
32. BLCLEY (D.) UILPY, lCG1—6&. 1 V. Nilli»4rbon, ·`,»’ E. C.
Diary (1861-64) ni Bpglmy, ticasurcr of tho Martin Ctunty Voluntccr Company
of thc Ccnfcdcratc Qrmy, divirj a full aca ·,‘· u*t cf‘mi1itary tvcnts in crstcrn
North Carolina. In tha saws vqluno thcrc pro $7 pp. of records (1856-60) of ‘
tho Rcauekc Stcambcrt Ctmpany, of which Qrgl y nas prosidcmt.
ZZ. BQGLEY (HDVJRD F.) P;PLlS, 18Cl. 2 itc s. Goorqia.
Twp lcttors from Daglpy (6. 1861), C·ufvdcratc ’.», hnj¤r—Gcnora1, to his sistor
on his resignation from thc Unitcd States Qrny and on conditions rt Fort Pulaski.
5%. BLILEY (JOSZFE B.) PQPHRS, 167G-lOO$. D4 items. WhitaN.rs (Nash County),
H. C., and Hays County, Tux.
Family lcttcrs nf Tailay, prrbrbly a plant r, of tho vicinity of Whitrkors,
N. C., who lived fur 0 nhilc in ‘’..' cxas.

 · 5 (zz-42)
55. BAKER (DANIEL) PAPERS, l859-58. l7 iilms. Winchwztcr, Vg.
Busincss lctturc of a journcyucn carp;ntcr, ccmmynting =·. on lrbcr c0nditi©m$
  (l850’s); family letters fr¢w relative; in lcgtuchy, Ohio, and Missouri.
36. BALL (TTOLQS C.) PLPLRS, lBUO-1920. 5% items. Richmund, Vc., and Stam-
ford, Ky.
Fxnily ccrrcspoudcncs vf Ball, merchant uf Richmnmd and Stamford, consist-
ing chiefly letters from relntlvcs in Missouri and Texas. {ost 0f ihc material
is concerned with social life and customs cf the two latter places.
$7. BANCROFT {GEORGE) PAPERS, 1845-Cl. l4 iians. New York ond othcr places.
Typcwrittcn copics of letters of Bancroft (D. l800·d. 1891), noted his-
torian, statesman, and diplomat, to David L. Swain, president of the University
0f North Carolina, relating to North Carolina history. The mrtcrial contains
references td thc Regulators, Loynlists, "Xucklcnburg bccl€ratiwn," Governors
Tryon and lartin, and to Kerman Husbands and Edmund Fanning.
58. BANKS (NATHAFIEL FREHTICB) PAPERS, 1837-80. lO itcms. Wultham, bass.
Political correspondence cf Banks (b. l8l6—d. l39&), n lcgislrtor and 00n-
grcssman, revealing the relation bctwwcm lccgl and notional politics and thc
usc of patronage. Valuable for a study 05 the American Party, as ; lender 0f
. which Bnnks uva spsakcr 0f the Iousu 0f luprcscutaiivcs, Eéth Congress.
· 59. BAIIQH (JOSQPK) PLPHHS, lG32~GC. 4 liens. Gcymaniou (Stokes County),
— H. C.
Letters concern the delivery of mail.
40. BARBOUR (JL;LS> PAPERS, l82Z—2E. 3 iipms. Orangm County, V;.
Letters 05 Bwvbcur (b. l775—d. lS&2), Virginia Guvcrncr (l8l2-15), United
States Senator (1815-28), and Linisbwr iu England {lU2B-29). One letter (lS25?)
deals with n prcposgd canal between fha Potomac and Rapp hammock rivers.
4l. ELRKQS (HICIQRD) PAPERS, 1756-91. 2% lkemc. Culpeper County, Va.
Lcgal dcpositicms in ih; case of Jonaihrn Beckwith and Younger Hclrich
versus John Alexander cmd Gerald Rvvc 0v:r the »stntc of Richard Barnes, their
42. BLREESLEY (GODFTLY) PLRQRS, l32C-75. 5,G&8 items. Savannah, Ga.
Letters to Barnsley Cb. 1305), agent F0? gen ral import vnd cxport brdkers
0f Savannah, from his children; c0rr¤sp0n@0nc¢ rxcnj the children; detailed
account lists, compris ~_,· d of :ccounts ·».. with p%yzicinnm, invcicgs, prices of build-
ing material, records Of Salas and imports mf cotton, bills, and receipts. flsm
thcrc arc l¤tturs from thu prcparntory school of Ckarlqs Groom ui Jamaica Plains,
Mass., which a scm, Enrcld B&rn$l¤y, attended (1844-49); and letters from
Barnsl0y's three daughters at Lcntpcliwr Fegrla Institute naar H;c0n, Cn.
luch of the material concerns Larold, who tr vel d over northern and Nuw EnglnnP
s©cti0ns 0f thc Unitqd States, in China, ond 0n thc seas; there arc also refur-
oncvs to thu Civil Why, in which s:v;ral of bbw sons s¤rv;d, and to dcprudriioms
suffered by the family. There is also n lpd¢¤r (lB28-QQ).

 iw —
gy L 6 (4s-so)
Y 45, BARRIER (H. A.) PAPERS, 1861; 1864. 2 items. Roanoke Island, N. C,
f Letters from Civil Dar soldiers dealing with personal and family
l matters. C
4%. BASKDRVILLB (JOHN U.) LEDGER, 1830-57. l v. Boydton, Va.
.Account book of a merchant. _
45. BASKERVILLE (WILLIAM KALOHE) PAPERS, 1886-l90l. 38 items.
1 ``·· shville, Tenn. ` l
Letters to Baskerville, author and professor of English at Vanderbilt
University, from Albert Hanson, Joel Chandler Harris, Clifford Lanier,
Mary Day Lanier, and Thomas Nelson Page, in answer to his requests for
A material on their lives and works for his current writings, or concerning
invitations to speak on various occasions.
i6. BASSETT (Jenn SPENCER) PAPERS, l?9i-97. 76 items. Durham, N. C.
Letters and papers of Bassett (b. 1867-d. 1928), noted historian
and teacher, concerning activities of the Roanoke Colony Memorial `
Association of which Bassett was the first secretary and treasurer;
letters from Graham Davos, president of the association; a few historical
papers requested by Bassett for his writings; a letter from Charles J.
Hedrick concerning the dismissal of his father, Benjamin P. Hedrick,
from the faculty of the University of North Carolina; and a book of
clippings, "Incident at Trinity College, 1905-O4."
47. BEALD (RICHARD L. T.) PAPERS, 1848- 1862. 2 items. Westmoreland
County, Va.
" (Letters of a Virginia lawyer and congressman: one asking for a
Congressional report (l8é8) and the other to his wife describing experi-
ences in the Confederate army (1862),
48. BEALL (THOMAS) ACCOUNT BOOK, 1784-93. 1 v. Georgetown (then
Montgomery County, hd.)
Account book of a general merchant.
Orleans, La.
letters from Beauregard (b. 1818-d. 1895), the Confederate General,
to Jefferson Davis, offering his services to the Confederacy; Beauregard's
remarks on the deficiency bill; letters dealing with the movements of
troops in North Carolina and Virginia; letter to Gon. Joseph B. Johnston
written from.Manassas Junction, Va., concerning plans of military I` "
operations; a letter to President Davis concerning a shortage of supplies,
military appointments, military conditions around Centreville, Va., and
the advisability of attack (1861); a long paper of shorthand notes on a
conference (1863) of President Davis, Johnston, Beauregard, and G. W.
Smith, to plan Jehnstcn's campaign before Vicksburg; a long letter
marked "privatc" from Beauregard to Thomas Jordan, relating to Loc's
campaign (1862) against Gen. McClellan on the Pcnninsula; a letter from
Beauregard to Lee (1866) recommending a young man entering college; and
another to Leo concerning Reconstruction, especially in Louisiana.
j SO. BEAVER CREEK AND BLUFF MILLS JOURNALS, 1878-1908. 3 v. Fayetteville,
Q N. C, `
i Business accounts of two cotton mills, notes concerning the sale of
{ mills (1884), and notices to stockholders.

 7 (si-si)
. 5l. BECKHAJ (WILLILY) ECCCUNT BOOK, lCZ5»C7. l v. Llcxandcr Ccunty, H. C.
Acccunts cf a gcncral merchant nixcd *itL farm scccunts.
_ 52. BELRNAP (WILLILQ TOTTI) RQFLRS, 1870-TQ. ll itcms. Khshingtun, D. C.
Ccrrcspcndcncc of Belknap (b. 1329-d. lL90), laws lcgislatcr, Union cfiiccr
in thc Civil Tar, and Sccrctmry cf War (lCC9-76), cinccrniny ccntcstcd clcctimns,
the Ku Klux Klan, spp intmcnts tc thc Unitcd States Eilitary jcadcmy at Wcst
Point, and pclitical appcintmcnts.
55. BELL filifjh T.) PLPTRS, l3é8—Q6. 285 itcxs. Macon Ccuxty, ·i., N. C.
Pcrscnsl scrrcsycnicncc =f a ncunb:i;.fr1@ly, inirvcstlgg .‘.. fcr its infcrra-
tion cn sccial cnc Lcwnwnic conditions in thc cxtrchc vcstsrn sccticn cf Ncrth
Carclina durinj th: Civil Tar pcricd. Thc p rscnal lcttcrs of Bcll, who crgan-
izcd a trccp of vclvgtcars {lU%l) with hid; if as captain, rclstc his war cx-
pcricnccs. Tho p¤st»r:r l;Lters sV:¤·Lin ·l,c cgucav ring tc rc—cstablish himself
in thc dcntsl prcfcssicn.
v · · at `· ~ #-,.-,7 1·¤ ,- . _ · _
54. BELL (M. J.) ILE n3bHl, lCGU. l w.
Invcntcry cf an cstcic in bankruptcy {B. `. .’.’ lcliunsy, U. B. Marshall).
55. BELL (EUQHQZER) PQJERS, lG$5~57. 2% items. Iydc County, H. C.
Family ccrrcspsxdcncc of {sgroup of small farmers in cnstcrn Nwrth Caralins•
55. BELL (MLDISCQ) PLPMES, lC77. 2 itcns. itlsnta, Cr,
Two lcttcrs cf a Cccrgia lcwvblican rcqucstixg appcintmcnt as United Statcs
» 57. BELL (ILJCR) PAPMQS, l855-CQ. ll itcns. Qlizcbcth City, H. C.
Business letters with infcrmnticu cn thc prices cf gccds; and lcttcrs from
Christian Bell, student at Chcvan Fcnal; Qcllcjc at Lurfrccsbwrc, H. C., cCm—
mcntin; sn studcnt int rests, csllcgc liil, xni 0 Ncgrc insurrccticn cf l85&.
58. 3hLlQsX`(XELLlAQ) PQEERS, lCl5-S8. lUd itcws. Inficld, N. C.
Family snd.busincss ccrrcspwndcncc and gmjcrs cf Tillism Bcllsmy, cvidsntly
a plsntcr, and Jwscph Bcllsmy, l wycf, includinf land sslc cwntracts, Mcthcdist
Ccnfcrcncc rcscluticns, lc&al papcrs smc rtccipts far prcfcssicnsl fccs, records
cf priccs cf far; prwducc, ani a {cv Civil Err lctturs.
C 59. EELLQICQF XILL QCCCUUE SUSIE lC55~Gl. Q v. Frcdcrickstnrf Va.
icccunis ti the ccllcLn;; Fl;ur hill.
60. BEHNET (IFILM?) FQERRS, 1757-lCOS. QO5 itcns. Williamston, H. C.
Ccrrcsp-2326;-;1c<,· :22:.—l ;.·:2j~c  of Y7c;e1;.‘z·\ it,   rc} uint   ;>lantn-wr, and cf his
family: incluQc sch cl l;tt-rx fr»; r L"YpKl schc l in Uxfard, N. C., ¤crcan—
tilc accounts v? the )c;nct—Yynnn firm, Qscdx, prcniss ry n tcs, rcccipts f~r
land scld fcr tr;,s, and plwnthti n ccceunt ho Fs.
v Fr vw —·· V —· " ··   · ,1 rm- ··_., ; \ ;— ··— ··~¢ ~~.-· ,· ·» - ,___ __
U Gl. dngnilif §Cl;.»; ;»¤ ,nn; ylf-tb, lc5l—uC. C itc s. Urbanna, Va.
A Dusincss ccrrcsyinicncc tf lcrkclcy, Virginia pmliticisn, ccnccrn tcbrecc
» shipmcnts cmd finances and brief cc;;cnt on thc Is? cf lCl2.

 ) ' .
3 s (s2-7o)
i 62. BERKELEY (WILLIAM N.) PAPERS, 1771-18503 1878. $5 items. Hanover
; County; Va. l
Q Chiefly letters to Berkeley from.D. Atkinson, the overseer of his
- "Goose Pond" plantation, describing in detail crops, marketing stock and
weather conditions (April to Nov., 1810). There are also an account of
V tobacco sent by Robert Beverly to England (1771), physicians accounts
(1791-99), and several poems.
V 65. BEVERIGE (nmnnr) DIARY, 186é. lOO pages. New Market, Va.
Diary of a hospital steward in the twenty-fifth Virginia regiment, C.
S. A., describing camp life, executions of deserters, and duties of an
army surgeon.
I 64. DIL LE (SAIUEL SIMPSON) PAPERS, 1764-1881. 529 items. New Dorn,
H. C. ' M
Letters and papers of four generations of members of Simpson and'
Biddle families, principally_those of James Simpson (b. 1728-d, 1788), a
prominent Revolutionary figure, his son, Samuel, and great grandson, Samuel
Simpson Biddle (b. 1811-d. 1g73 ). There is information on colonial affairs,
on social and economic matters, on collage life, and on the Civil For--
from the point of view of a family promir at in local affairs for over a
hundred years. p
65. BIGGS (ASA) PAPERS, 1827-85. 125 items. Williamston, N, C, l
Family, business, and Civil War correspondence of Biggs (b. 1811-d.
I 1878), North Carolina legislator and Supreme Court Justice; also a quarterly
report (1849) from the Patapseo_(Md.) Female Institute.
66. BLAIR (U. A.) PAPERS, 1835-42. lO items. Peoria, Ill.
Personal letters concerning Slair’s changes of fortune as he moved from
Portsmouth, Va., to Peoria and thence to St. Louis.
G7. BLAKEHORE (H. L.) PAPERS, lBdQ-Gl. 5 items. Page County, Va.'
Letters of Blakemore, connected with the Shenandoah Iron Jerks, concern-
ing business conditions and prices.
G8. BLAND (RICHARD) DOCUMENT, 17GC. 51 pp. LHilliamsburg, Va. M
Photostatio copy of An Inquiry into the Rights_pf the British Colpnies
(Alexander Purdio & Co., Ehjdigmsburg, l7€S):—i—_ L *_·
69. SLAHXS (ELIZABETH J. HOLMES) PAPERS, 1855-76. 90 items. Mississippi,
New York, and forth Carolina. ‘
Family and business correspondence of the Blanks family, planters and `
lawyers, who moved from North Carolina to Hississippi, and failing in
business undertakings there, returned to North Carolina. The letters
concern the settlement of the estate of one of the Blanks, give information
on prices and general economic conditions, on the history of the Holmes
and Blanks families, and the activities of Ni1liam:Blanks, Jr., who joined
the New York firm of J. T.`Nurray & Company in 1866; many letters written
by the women of the fmaily, filled with ,trsonal affairs, religious
discussions, prophecy, and stories of hardships and uneasiness attending the
_ Civil War,
g 70. BLOUIT (JOIN GRAY) PAPERS, 1786-1826. 8 items. Jashington, T. C.
3 Correspondence and papers of the Blount family, North Carolina planters,
A politicians, and professional workers: include mortgage notices, promissory

 I 9 (70-7s)
netes, business letters, and e sketch ef c 1,000-acre tract cf land.
7l. BLOUIT (WILLIE) PAPERS, 1809-10. 2 items. hn>xv11lc, Tenn.
Two letters by Blount (b. 1768-d. lQ35), Tennessee leglsleter and Gever-
ner, dealing with the rem val ef lndlcns fren Tennessee.
72. BOKIR Qsmexeg IQNRY) PQPQKS, 1859-69. 7 lteus. Phjlrdelehia, Pc.
t Letters fren Baier tb. lQ2Z-G. lC90), writer and diplrnet, ‘7.‘ te Charles
Wnrren Stvddnrd, criticizing steuQard's peetlcnl work.
75. BONDS LQE CQUEOKS, 185C. 7 liens. Xevehis, Tenn,
Bands :‘·nd C‘··`,EjIlj•C."",i.1 i'r.=i‘; z; er; ,c};   §"lr_;it;·rs' E`i:·;1Ei, Z[e:‘.;j¤};is.