xt79cn6xxk5n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79cn6xxk5n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1985-10-04 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 4, 1985, no. 465 text The Green Bean, October 4, 1985, no. 465 1985 1985-10-04 2014 true xt79cn6xxk5n section xt79cn6xxk5n UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES’ NEWSLETTER
10-4-85 No, 465
9 October 4 Gallery Series: "The Greening of the
South," a lecture by Dr. Thomas D.
‘ Clark I
October 9-ll " Kentucky Library Association 1985
Annual Meeting, Paducah, KY
October ll Gallery Series: Bedroom Farce.
A preview performance by the UK
Theater Department
October l4 Columbus Day
October l6 Noah Webster's Birthday, l758-l843
October l8 Gallery Series: "The Middle East
Since 1982: Prospects," a lecture
by Dr. Robert Olson _
October l9-26 ” National Higher Education Week
October 24 Computerized Searching Demonstration
I Day, UK Libraries
Next Green Bean issue: Friday, October 18, l985
Deadline for inclusion: Monday, October ld, l985
Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Kathy Ranta,
Rob Aken (editor)

 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK A Friday, Oct. 25 _ "New Deal Art: W.P.A.
Works at UK", Lecture V
= October 6 marks the birthday of the and slide presentation
4 American Library Association. ALA was _ . by Dr. Harriett
A founded 109 years ago in Philadephia, PA, Fowler, Art Museum._
and now has 38,000 members. A smaller
group, the Kentucky Library Association, Friday, Nov, 1 "Lunch with Amadeus",
is holding its 1985 annual meeting at the presented by the Music
` · Executive Inn Riverfront & Convention and German Departs,
Center in Paducah. Sample programs
include "What does the future hold for Friday, Nov, 8 "words without Songs",
libraries and librarians in the r Gordon Cole, flute;
information Age," "Issues and trends‘ for peter simpson,
school ]ibrarians," and the intriguing, bassoon; Ron Monsen, l
"Do I have to be in my right mind to be a clarinet.
librarian?" Featured speakers include Lt.
Gov. Steven L. Beshear, Miriam Drake Friday, Nov, 22 "Graduate String
(Director of Libraries, Georgia Institute Quartet", Elizabeth ·
of Technology) and Selma K. Richardson O'Bannon, violin;
(graduate School of Library and Monica Workings,
Information Science at the University of viola; Suzanne
Illinois, Urbana. The conference will be u Barber, cello.
held October 9-ll, 1985.
Friday, Dec. 6 Collegium Baroque _
Ensemble", A
program of early
Italian music.
For information on any of the following _ Jonathan Glixon,
seminars, please call 7-l85l, Human Director.
Resource Development. You must reserve a
space for any seminar. Friday, Dec. l3 "Danish Romance
Songs", performed by
October 10 Effective Delegation Mina Miller, piano,
Room and time to be and Keith MacAdam,
, announced. tenor. _
October 15-17 Interviewing and ·
Selesrinq Persennel BR0wN BAG Luncmzs
_ 8 am-Noon each day.
Various departments on campus offer brown
_ Octeber 22 Purchasing Procedures bag iunenes, - informal]presentations often
10 3m~N¤0¤. 15 followed by discussions, We‘1l try to
. Memeriel Hall- I list them here. If you know of any that
we should post, please send them to Kerry
· A Kresse_care of the Director*s oitice.
THE GALLERY SERIES Oct. 3 "Appalachien children:
Planning for s new -
The Fall 1985 Gallery SeL‘leS h3S been , comrnunjgiy 5tu