xt79cn6xx843 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79cn6xx843/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1934-12-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  4, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  4, 1934 1934 1934-12-04 2013 true xt79cn6xx843 section xt79cn6xx843 Best Copy Available






Manila, P. I., Dec. 3 (INS) The
sixth typhoon in two months today
lashed northern Luzon and the
weather bureau reported another
forming 100 miles west of there on
the northern coast of Palawan Is-

The province of Isabela was reported particularly hard hit by the
typhoon with the Cagayan river
reported running record high.
More than 60 persons lost their
lives and scores are missing as a
result of the typhoon which struck:
the Vlsayan Islands Thanksgiving
day, according to reports reaching
here today.
The present typhoon season Is
the most destructive In history,
having caused millions of pesos In


Thirty-foLondon, Dec. 3 (IN8)
were dead and six thousand
homeless today In the wake of
floods and gales that tore across
Victoria state, a Central News dispatch from Melbourne said. Millions of dollars' damage was reported from, around Melbourne.
There was a huge loss In cattle and

(INS) The
American Bankers association plans
to make wider use of newspaper
advertising In aid of general business recovery, it was announced today. In cooperation with member
banks, the association has prepared


three-fol- d
plan to stimulate the
use of newspaper advertising in
promoting puolic understanding and
conndence In regard to existing
banking conditions and methods,

Washington, Dec. 3 (INS) Nine
hundred million dollars in cash will
be borrowed by Uncle Sam, Decem-

ber 13.
Secretary Morgenthau said today
this will boost the treasury's "working cash balance" to f 1,645,000,000
providing funds which will be spent
for relief and other emergency purposes during the winter.




(INS) Sweeping
Immediate trial
and punishment of all persons accused of plotting or carrying out
acts of terrorism have been ordered
by the Central Executive Committee as a result of the assassination
of Sergei M. Kirov, one of Josef
Stalin's chief aides, it was announced today. All courts were instructMoscow, Dec. 3
measures for the

ed to mete out the death penalty
Immediately and to ignore requests
for postponement of execution on
the grounds appeals for clemency
have been made.

Johnson Named on
Mylh'cal Elevens



'Building of a New America"
Is His Topic at



Columbia Professor Pleads
for Improved Educational
In two addresses made before
groups on the University campus
last Tuesday, Dr. Goodwin Watson,
noted psychologist, and professor
of education at the Teachers college of Columbia university, spoke
before a general convocation of the
students. The subject of his address was the outlining of a plan
for the "Building of a New Ameri
ca." He spoke before the University Parent-Teacheassociation at
the training school auditorium on,
"The Fourth Cornerstone of Prog
ressive Education," In the afternoon.
In his speech to the students at
convocation, Doctor Watson said:
Never before has the gap between
the world we have and might have
what is and what might be been
so great American youth Is going
out of college today Into the strangest world that It has ever faced.
"Our national resources are still
here," continued Doctor Watson,
tney aid not disappear In 1929:
consequently, there Is no shortage
of real wealth. The problem," con
cluded the speaker, "Is neither the
talked of recovery, nor the reinstatement of 1928 and 1929. The
Job for our new generation Is to
build anew. Incorporating the best
of the old principles Into a new
Dr. Frank L. McVey presided at
the morning convocation, while the
Rt. Rev. H. P. Almon Abbott, bishop
of the Episcopal diocese of Lexington, gave the invocation and benediction. At the conclusion of Doctor Watson's speech, President McVey made a short address lmplvlng
to the students that Doctor Watson had flung a challenge to them,
and that the problem was "What
are you going to do about it?"
In his address before the Parent- Teachers association Tuesday afternoon. Doctor Watson made a plea
for an educational system which
would include courses for teaching
social independence to elementary
and high school pupils. Dean W. S.
Taylor of the College of Education
introduced the speaker to the association. Following his address at
the Training school. Doctor Watson
was entertained at a tea In the high
school library.
The two addresses were arranged
by the Unlversitv
association, the Lexington anrl Fayette Countv Teachers associations,




Bert Johnson, ace University
of Kentucky sophomore whose
work in the Wildcat backfteld
has been outstanding all season,
conwas named
ference halfback by the Associated Press. In a later release,
the Ashland flash was given
honorable mention on the
team of the AP and
also was given honorable mention on the International News
The United Press gave Johnson a place on Its third
team. Bert was the
only sophomore named on the
Southeastern conference team,
and was acclaimed by all the
coaches against whose teams he
played to be one of the greatest
sophomore backs in the nation
and one of the greatest backs In
the South.
In Kentucky's 10 games, Johnson rolled up a total of 57 points
to finish in the upper division of
the scorers In the southland.
Joe Rupert, Wildcat captain,
was given honorable mention as
end in the Associated Press's poll and was selected on the
third team.

University Band
To Give Concert VOLS
Program to Be Presented at 19-- 0
Lancaster High School
December 14

Tubercular Testing of
dents Will Be Continued

AH Urged
to Appear for Examination
on Wednesday;

The tubercular testing of students

will be resumed Wednesday,
cember 8, by the department
hygiene. All persons who have
ceived notices and have not
sponded are urgently requested




report to the dispensary Wednesday between the hours of 1 to



p. m.
Those personus whose last name
begins with "A" through "H" have
been notified to report for their
tests. The remainder of the student body will be notified as time
permits. Students who have had
made may communicate
with the University physicians.
Persons who have reacted positive should come and have an
taken Immediately. It is requested by the department that the
people report on the day they are
requested to do so for the readings
of their test.
Students who are interested in
the tests are coming In without being notified. It is hoped that more
will do this Wednesday. The final
tests will be completed by December IS. The remaining dates for
tests will be Wednesday, December
5; Friday, December 7; and Wednesday, December 13.
X-ra- ys

X-r- ay

Ho-ga- n,

Thirty-tw- o
members of the University concert band, under the direction of John Lewis Jr., will present a concert In Lancaster High
school at 7:30 o'clock December 14.
The program will be devoted largely to Christmas, and music will be
given as part of the movement of
the Lancaster High school to further the Interest of music In that
Besides numbers by the ensemble,
special features will include cornet
solos by Percy Lewis, a baritone
duet by Robert Griffith and Norman Lewis, and songs by a male
quartette, mixed quartette, and
girls' trio.
Two members of the band unit
who will visit Lancaster are Oscar
Wisner, drummer; and Robert Griffith, baritone, both of Danville.




Seven States and Canada to
Re Represented at






View Contest

Game Marks Major Neyland's
Last as Tennessee

'Cats in their initial test.
Varsity and freshman practice
was discontinued for the Thanksgiving holiday, but both squads
went through a stiff workout yesterday. The varsity went through
plays for about 30 minutes and concluded the session with a long

The freshman candidates under
the direction of Coaches Paul
and Frank Mosely spent
considerable time drilling on fundamentals and finished with a scrimmage in which all the men had an
opportunity to perform.



Laffoon to Give Principal
Address at Kentucky State
Horticultural Society Meeting, Friday





sisted of two compositions, Wiena-iwski- 's
lovely "Ramnza," and
"Scherzo", which was written by
Van Goens, and a special arrangement of which was made by Mrs.
Bernat. The customary tea for the
artists was held following the concert in the faculty club rooms.
Miss Mary Hopple, contralto of
New York city, will give the next
weekly recital at 4 p. m. next Sunday, in Memorial hall.

Directors of publicity and public
relations from seven states and the
Dominion of Canada will attend the
convention of the
annual two-da- y
fourth district of the American College Publicity association, which will
be sponsored Friday and Saturday
on the University campus.
The convention attendants will
Include representatives from Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, West
Virginia, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
The conference will open Friday
afternoon In the recreation room of
Patterson hall, when Dr. W. B. Taylor, dean of the College of Education, delivers the address of welcome,
following which members will be
introduced, and a short business
session will be held.
The Friday afternoon session will
consist of six
talks on
subjects pertaining to college news
bureaus. Following are the names
of the speakers, and the subjects of
their addresses: A. A. Daugherty,
Georgetown, "What the College
Publicity Bureau Can Give the
County Weekly," "Len Tracy, Lexington, "What the College Publicity
Bureau Can Give the Metropolitan
Daily"; Joe Jordan, "The College
and the Columnist"; Miss Helen
King, "Filing Systems." The afternoon program will conclude with a
discussion of budgets by John P.
DeCamp, University of Cincinnati
publicity bureau.
The University of Kentucky library staff will be hosts to the publicity directors at a tea at 5 p.m.
Friday afternoon in the staff room
of the University library, and that
evening at 5 p. m. a banquet will be
held at the Patio on South Limestone street.
Joe Eaton, program manager of
station WHAS, Louisville, will be
the banquet speaker, discussing
"The Commercial Radio Station and
the College," and following the dinner the group will adjourn to the
University, in the Art Center on
Euclid avenue, where a three-poibroadcast from the University studios of WHAS with pick-ubeing
made simultaneously on an orchestra In the studios .the organ In Memorial hall on the campus, and an
organ in the main studios of WHAS
in Louisville, will be handled.
The Saturday morning session will
be held In the library science room
In the Library, and will open at
9:45 a. m. with a talk by Harold K.
Schellenger, director, news bureau,
Ohio State University, on the "Past
and Coming National Convention."
Following this will be a talk by
Joseph Wright, publicity director of
the University of Illinois. "Putting
It on the Wire," a discussion of
"Mailing Lists." by Russell Alex!
ander of DePauw college, and a
talk on "Display Advertisements."
by Fred F. Montlegel, Chicago, director of publicity at Loyola

An "address by Governor Ruby
Laffoon and a special program over
station WHAS will feature the first
day's program of the 79th annual
meeting of the Kentucky State
Horticultural society, which will be
held In Room 205 of the Agriculture
building Thursday and Friday, December 6 and 7, in cooperation with
the College of Agriculture.
The meeting will open Thursday
morning with an address by the
president Of the society
Speakers at the morning
session win De w. w. Maglll, College of Agriculture; C. E. Dutton,
MUfOr Center. Ohinr unit Prank
Street, Henderson.
Following the
session a mncn will be served in
the University Commons for the
guests. At 12:30 p. m. a radio pro
gram over whas win be presented
by the fruit growers attending the
Thursday afternoon's session will
consist of talks by A. J. Olney of
the College of Agriculture and Mr.
Dutton; a discussion led by Ben E.
Niles, of Henderson, and the address by Governor Laffoon.
Literary Digest to Conduct governor is an ardent raisor The
Poll Among American Col- peaches and apples. The day's pro- leges; U.K. Students Asked gram wm De concluded with a program at 7:30 o'clock Thursday night
to Express Opinions
at the Phoenix hotel which will
of a smoker and a talk by
The Association of College Edi- consist Nute, of Bullitt county, folR. A.
tors, in cooperation with the Literlowed by a general discussion and
ary Digest, will conduct a "Peace business meeting
of the society.
Poll" at the University of Kentucky
Friday's program will open
and 150 other American colleges and a. m. with a series of talksat on
universities during the month of "Carload Market Competition
Strawberries for 1935."
KenSimilar to other polls conducted tucky Spray Program "Our 1935,"
by the Literary Digest, post card "Field Tests in Spraying Red
ballots will be sent to every regon Page Four)
istered student with an attached
card to be returned to the magazine
for tabulation.
Five questions which should adequately reflect student opinion in
regard to stabilization of world
peace will be asked.
These five Experiments Conducted on
questions will be discussed editorCamous to Appear in
ially In the next five Issues of the
"Psych' Journal
Kernel. The first question Is discussed in the editorial "Our PartiA new theory in the use of associpation."
ciative technique, arrived at by a
In the past, Literary Digest polls series of experiments, will be the
accurately forecast state and theme of an article in the Decemhave
national elections as well as the re- ber Issue of the Journal of Applied
peal of the eighteenth amendment. Psychology by Alexander Capurso,
The survey this tune should Just as Instructor in the department of
accurately show the sentiment of music.
college students on vital questions
The experiments, conducted upon
of world disarmament.
a group of 13 students, seven of
With the permission of foreign whom were given a period of traincountries, these same five questions ing In pitch and six of whom were
will be asked the students of Ca given no training but were used as
nadlan, English and continental a control group for purposes of
Europen coUeges and universities comparison, indicate that the group
later in the year.
receiving the training show an avThe Kernel invites all students erage gain of 28 8 points in the
to write in giving their ideas on Seashore test of pitch after train
ing, while the control group show
these questions.
an average loss In rank of 1.8.
Considerable Importance may be
attached to these conclusions in
Arthur W. Plummer, Mlllersburg, view of the fact that they demon
strata that music students, former
was chosen winner of the competitive drill which was sponsored by ly rejected by music teachers and
PershUig Rifles November
He music schools because of alleged ear
received an award of 12.00. Stan- deficiencies may overcome these
ton O. Donders and Fon Chllders defects.
Additional experiments reveal
won second and third prizes, respectively. Fifty members of the fresh- definite correlation between an In
man class, all prospective pledges dividual's respiration and pulse,
and the type of music he is listen
to Pershing Rifles, national honorary basic military fraternity, com- ing to, the difference being more
with these students
peted. Judges were the senior olfi-ce- pronounoed
and junior Instructors of the having a training In pitch than
those not having this training.
Pershing Rifles unit.

The final group by the trio con

Joe Eaton Will Be Principal
Speaker at Banquet Friday Night

change has been made in the

varsity basketball schedule, which
will bring the opening game against
the Alumni up to December 10, Instead of tonight, as originally arranged.
The second contest will
bring Oglethorpe university of Atlanta, Georgia, to face the Wildcats
on December 13, in Alumni gym.
The additional week gained by
the schedule change should enable
the Alumni manager to gather together several more former Kentucky stars to appear against the


Bernat String Trio
Well Received In
Vesper Program


Till December




Tilt Postponed

A superior Tennessee team, spurred on by Coach Neyland's last opportunity to crush his nemesis,
Kentucky, employed straight football to punch out a 19 to 0 victory
over Kentucky, as a colorful crowd
of 18,000 fans witnessed the traditional Turkey Day struggle in
Knoxvllle. A previous night's rain
combined with a hot sun to turn
Shlelds-Watklfield into a sweltering battleground which had much
to do with keeping the game at a
slow pitch with only occasional
bursts of brilliancy.
The concentrated defense, of both
teams succeeded In bottling up the
Playing before an appreciative au running prowess of both of the
dience, the Bernat String Trio pre sophomore stars, Dickens of Tensented the weekly vesper program nessee and Johnson of Kentucky.
at 4 p. m. Sunday in Memorial hall. However, Johnson showed his worth
The trio is composed of Saul Ber as an
mention by
nat, violinist; MarJorie Van Staden coming through in the other deBernat, cellist; and Lucille Wagner, partments of the game. He punted
well over 40 yards to average a good
The program was divided Into five 10 yards better than his opponents;
series of numbers, three of which while his completed passes were an
were played by the trio and two by important Instrument toward givMrs. Bernat and Mr. Bernat as ing Kentucky eight first downs to
cello and violin soloists respectively. Tennessee's nine.
The first series consisted of four
One of the rare thrills of the
movements of Mendelssohn's "Trio
was Krouse's
in D minor." Mrs. Bernat then game punt in
the third quarter. He
presented her three cello solos which of a
brought down from behind on
were Maurlve
Raval's haunting was four-yar- d
line by Pritchard.
"Habernal," the "Serenade Espag- - the
nole" by Glasanow, and the spright Here the Kentucky team roseTengreat heights by holding the
ly "Song of Pan" by Poppe. Mrs.
Bernat's rendition of all three were nessee team in check and taking
equally well done and received con the ball on downs. Several times
during the fray the Wildcats dug in
tinued applause of the audience.
stopped long Tennessee scorThe third series, played by the and drives.
trio, consisted of the "Andante" ing
Kentucky obtained the first break
from Lalo's Symphonic Espagnole,
when the game
and the allegro from the "Trio in ed. Huddleston had scarcelya start
C minor" by Johannes Brahms.
Following this Mr. Bernat played nessee fumble on the Volunteer's
line, but the Big Blue team
three very difficult and very de
(Continued on Page Four)
lightful violin solos. They were the
Fmale to Mendelssohns "Concerto
in E minor", Charmlnade's "Serenade Espagnole," and, as an encore
number, "Perpetual Motion," by
Ries. Each number required deft
fingering, but was handled in excellent style by Mr. Bernat. He was
accompanied at the piano by Mrs.




Rasp-continu- ed

Editor Hearst Is Evasive
In Answers on War Policy




and the national honorary educational fraternities. Kappa Delta PI,
The freshman cabinet and the
London, Dec. 3 (INS) Germany
senior cabinet of the University Y.M.
has agreed to pay 900,000,000 francs and Phi Delta Kappa.
C.A. had a Joint meeting Tuesday,
(approximately $63,000,000) to
November 27, due to the fact that
France for the Saar mines if she
the program was on the relation of
wins the forthcoming plebiscite, it
was stated in a Reuter " dispatch
Society races,a with a talk given by Mr.benecolored contractor, and
from Rome today.
diction offered by Reverend King,
The payment will include reim-- !
The James Kennedy Patterson pastor of First Colored Congregabursement for 11,000,000 tons or Memorial Literary Society held Its
tional church. Accompanied by them
coal now In the mines, the dispatch
meeting on November was a colored male octette which
28 in the Staff room of the Univerrendered a variety of spirituals.
Under the terms of the Versailles sity Library. At
Treaty, France Is entitled to pay oral dlfwwtatlons that time three Mr. Plumber presided. The memwere presented, CA. wishes to stress that all
men I, in gold.
thus fulfilling the membership re- bers meet promptly at 12:40 p. m.
Tuesday, December 4, in front of
Those who spoke were Webster the Administration building to have
Bartlesville, Ok- Cawe who presented a sociological their picture taken.
. Phillips Airport,
lahoma.. Dec. 3 (INS) The globe oration A. Moore"The Fufu Bird."
moke on "The
circling airplane Winnie Mae with James
Assassination of William Goebel,"
Ms famous round the world pilot
Hugh Bernard whose essay was
Wiley Post at the controls roared and Asnect
Religion In College
down the runways here at 8:09 a.m. "TheUniversityof Life."
and off into space in an attempt to and
In the oration. "The Fufu Bird"
ascend 60,000 feet Into the stratosMr. Casse likened the
plight of the American peonle
to the Fufu bird which flies backIn an early part of November
Queen Will
Association of College Editors
History was brought up In the the
Ball oration on Kentucky's famous addressed an open letter to WilOver
Randolph Hearst questioning
"martvred Governor" and the events liam
New Custom to Be Inaugur- preceding and subsequent to his him regarding his standThis nationletter
and armament.
death on the walk In front of the alism published in the November 9
ated by Scabbard,
State Capitol. Religion and Its re issue of The Kernel.
. and Blade
lation to higher education was
The following Is his reply to that
When the annual military ball Is touched upon in the tract present- open letter. It was published on
ed by Mr. Bernard.
sponsored next semester by Scab
the front page of all Hearst newsbard and Blade, it will be prepapers under the heading, MR.
sided over by a military queen, seGirl
lected from among sorority and InIt may be
Poem Accepted ISM AND NONSENSE. has not andependent groups by members of
noted that Mr. Hearst
lhe organization, according to aa
swered a single fundamental ques
announcement released yesterday by
Lucy Jean Anderson, senior in the tion, but rather has given us an
This College of Arts and Sciences, has harangue on "what constitutes visWilliam Eversole. president.
feature of the event will mark the Just received a first edition copy of ionary and what practical and pa
Inauguration of an entirely new "Modern American Poetry," pub- triotic internationalism."
lished by the Galleon Press of New
custom at the University.
The election will be conducted York.
Mr. Francis O. Smith, Jr.,
to a unique system,
The anthology Is made up of ap- President, the Association
whereby any sorority or Independ- proximately 300 works by young
of College Editors,
ent group may sell tickets to the writers whose verse has heretofore My Dear Sir:
I AM happy to learn that Mr.
cadet hops; the organization sell- been unpublished.
The preface
ing the most tickets during the se states, "Each poet has won his or Norman Angell is a "probable Nobel
ries being eligible to nominate a her place against many claimants, Prize wliuier," but I have not been
limited number of girls for the po- as the inclusion of work in this overwhelmingly Impressed by actual
prize winners as far as their polisition of military queen. From this book is based upon free competi
group, the members of Scabbard tion. Thousands of manuscripts tical sagacity Is concerned.
Because of which (and Irrespecand Blade will select the winner bf were submitted by persons all over
the nation for the few hundred tive of which), I do not feel oblipopular vote.
gated to answer categorically disSorority or Independent groups pages available."
desiring to compete may obtain
Miss Anderson has had work pub- ingenuous, specious questions protickets to the cadet hops, the first lished in the "Baton" of Phi Beta, pounded on the recognized "Have
of which will be Friday, December the "Litterateur" of Chi Delta Phi, you stopped beating your wife?
answer yes or no" basis.
14. from Jack Crain or Flits
and the "Themis" of Zeta Tau
Nevertheless, I have no objection


Must Call For Pay
Checks Today

Cats Bow to Traditional
Foes in Turkey Day Tilt
As '34 Grid Season Closes







News Flashes

New York,




to stating clearly and comprehen- sively my beliefs as to what con
stitutes visionary and what practical and patriotic internationalism.
I personally believe in nationalism AND Internationalism, each In
its proper place.
I believe in benefiting all the people of the earth, whenever and
wherever we can do so without sacrificing the Interests of our own
I believe in promoting the public
welfare, but I do not believe it necessary in doing so to be entirely
Indifferent to the needs of my own
family and associates.
I believe in loving my neighbor
as myself, but I have not yet reached the point where I am ready to
sell all I have and give every precious personal and national posses
sion to covetous neighboring nations
who desire them but do not deserve
I believe in good faith and


mon honesty among individuals and
also among nations.
I believe in honor among thieves.
I believe that honest debts should
be paid and a word of honor respected among peoples and politicians, even when dishonesty and
dishonor are momentarily profitable.

(Continued on Page Pour)

Instructor's Article

Will Be Published

23-2- 8.


Some 30 students employed on the
F.E.R.A. did not go to the busincas
office yesterday to receive their November salaries. All sheets mast ba
rigrned and sent to the Louisville
office today. Students who do not
report today probably will lose their

The French culb will meet at 3
p. m. Wednesday In the Woman's
Volley ball practice will be held
each day for the next three weeks
at 4 p. m. in the Woman's building.
All members of the German club
are requested to be present at 3:45
p. m. tomorrow at the Art Center.
A group picture of the club for the
Kentuckian will be taken at that


White Mathematics club will meet
4 p. m. Thursday In Room 109,
McVey hall. Professor Downing will
be the speaker, and will talk on
"Astronomical Models."


Mortar Board will meet at S p. m.
todav in the Woman's building. All
members please be present.
The staff of the "Thru Ys Eyes"
will meet at 3 p. m. Tuesday in the
Woman's building.
' A meeting of the Unlversitv de
bating teams will be held at 7:30
o'clock Thursday evening. December e. In Room 231, McVey


(Continued on Page Pour)


� Best Copy



Ta&e Two





Frank Borrlei


Lltararf Idlto

axuti tutor

wnxiB h. butth..

asst. Soeteta Editor
Mar Chick
Belt Aaao Pennington
Francea Smith
Elisabeth A. KrlMcl
BHlle Irrlne
Wots Parr



In years gone by, wise men of
politics sought friendship of the


They realized


the amity of newspapers their own
Femtura tdltor
cause would suffer. They knew that
the press Is the greatest moulder of
Jana M. Hamilton public opinion and that it exerts a
Mary Rmi Land
B1U Carrel
Cameron Ooffman
tremendous Influence over the av
Editor erage citizen.
ED rniBFr"
Perhaps we are entering a new
Leo Bpenoa
Tom B. Atktaa
era, a modern order of things. Per
Virginia Robinson
haps our statesmen are more bril
liant than those of the past. PerLawrence Edmonaon
Dorothy Wunderllch haps they can go, unaided, to po
Betty Xarla
Ed Lancaster
Mary Sharberg
James Rash
Ross Chrpeleff
Capfll McKasti
Theodora Nadelsteln Mary Agnes Brend
H. O. Skinner
Catherine Jonee
Elvis Stahr
Leslie ScoU
C. T. Hertssch
John Christie
Isabel Preston
Frances Reld
Anne Phelps
Dorothy Apaleton
Jesse WUmott
Elizabeth Milliard
Betty A. Pennington
Martha Moore
Woodford Webb

Miriam Rosan
Queatia Houiton
Paul Ledrldge

Jporti tutor



BUI Huston
Joe Quinn
Max Lancaster
Norman Oarllng
Iforpue librarian



-- Batlneis
DATS DIFFORD asst. Basinets

Steve Featherstone
CfreaIatfoa Manager

Walter Rehm





The University alumni of Franklin county are to be congratulated
upon their splendid work In bring
tng about a closer contact of the
graduate and his alma mater. Here
is one alumni group who realize the
one outstanding service that they
are capable of adhering their
university, and at the same time
reap untold benefits and pleasures
for themselves.
Governor Laffoon's acceptance of
the invitation extended to him to
attend the gala festivities of the
banquet and dance, as well as the
conception of the entire plan by the
organization, deserves not only the
wholehearted support of every person actively connected with the
but the greatest of
praise and thoughtful consideration
of its merit by every University of
Kentucky alumni body in existence.
Not only do they realize their
duty, but also the fact that it should
be done. The number of alumni of
this institution Is an Insignificant
matter when calculating its strength
It is what these sons and daughters do that foretells her power

endure it. But toward the end of
my two years' course I became Imbued with the military spirit of
good fellowship and comradeship
which such an organization produces, if taken in the right way.
Of course, a narrow-minde- d
like unto Bill cannot see but one
way, and that way because it may
Do you believe the United States cause him some extra hard work or
stay out of another great war? bodily discomfort.
All of us who have taken this
As you answer that question you
are deciding for yourself and your training did so without outward
murmuring, although harassed with
fellow students whether this coun
doubts from within. I am not a
try will participate in another de militarist, far from It, and do not
bacle like that of 1914.
like all the phases of military trainIn the last analysis it Is you ing, but dislike to see such gran
who will weigh the advantages Ignorance displayed at this dear old
which was founded almost
and disadvantages of "making the school arms of the army.
in the
world safe for democracy," and It
This country needs an army to
Is you who will make the decision. foster good feeling among the many
Our moneyed Interests may cause peoples in this broad land of ours
a diplomatic "break" and our munit- for an army is a sort of melting pot
men into
may arm the other which leavens the various
one steadfast body with a united
ourselves, but shoulder put to the wheel.
fellow as well as
Military training brings out the
they won't do the fighting. It is
best or worst in a man. If it's
you who will do the fighting.
it, one
If you want to tramp those there,or the army Let's get get this
bloody battlefields of Europe and idea
that the army is an enemy to
add your blood to the sod, you can youth of the nation from our minds.
do it. If you want to throw your- It is their friend in a hundred
self at a bayonet and in the agony different ways.
Yours for peace and a better,
of death cry to heaven "I've done
more wisely guided American stu
my duty," you stm can do it.
dent body.
But have you done your duty?
J. D. A.
By accepting the responsibility
war, you make it necessary for
100,000 other students who are not
fools to sacrifice their lives. It is
your duty you with college eduSNICKERINGS
