xt79cn6xwt75 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79cn6xwt75/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1942-10-nov14-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1942-10-nov14-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1942-10-nov14-ec. 1942 1942-10-nov14-ec. 2011 true xt79cn6xwt75 section xt79cn6xwt75 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, November 14, 1942.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:00 a.m. Sat-
urday, November 14, 1942.   The following members were present:
Judge Richard C. Stoll, James Park, H. S. Cleveland and H. D. Pal-
more. President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank D. Peterson
were also present.

     A. Correction of Minutes.

     On motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of October 16,
1942, were ordered corrected by changing Item F of the minutes by
striking therefrom the following: "Dr, Hobart Ryland, head of the
Department of Romance Languages and making same to read "Dr. Herbert
P. Riley; head of the Department of Botany."

     The minutes were further ordered corrected in Item C by includ-
Ing the list of donors to the Student Loan Fund.

     Gifts and Funds other than Interest to Student Loan Fund
                    from January, 1920, to June 1941

              John G. Stoll                     $ 100.00
              Lexington Herald                     100.00
              Desha Breckinridge                   100.00
              C. N. Manning                        100.00
              G. K. Graves                         100.00
              R. P. Ernst                          500*00
              George Colvin                        100.00
              R. C. Stoll                          500*00
              J. I. Lyle                           253.00
              R. G. Gordon                         100.00

              J. Hk. Gardner                       500.00
              Charles H. Brock                     500.00
              Thomas Combs                         100.00
              Bill Combs                            50.00
              1. 0. dughes                       1,000.00
              Iley B. Browning                     400.00
              L. C. Humphrey                       100.00
              Alex P. Humphrey                     200.00


Mrs.McVey Memorial Fund           $1,008.00*
E.B.Humphrey                         200.00
John Skain to Joseph M4. Skain
       Memorial                   1,000.00
L. ii. Sandifer                       50.00
Eleanor B. Humphrey                  200.00
Howard B. Ingels                     500.00
Straus Bros.Company                   10.00
Mollie Voght Fund                    145.00
Mrs. Lafferty's Lectures           1,125.00
Class of 1921                        77. 03
Mrs. Wellington Patrick               12.00
Alpha Xi Delta                       100.00
Kiwanis Club                         500.00
Chautauqua Fund                    3,170.78
E. T. Cross                           10.00
W. H. Bartholomew                      5.00
City Consumers Company of Paducah,
       Ky.                           260.00
J. XM. Allen                           5.00
J. J. Haley                            1.00
Mr. & Mrs. L. J4 Boyer                 5.00
Class of 1922 - Jessie Dodd Memiorial 353.80
Woman' s Historical Club              50.00
Lexington Chapter D.A.R.              25.00
Horace Mann Literary Society          40.00
Miss Pansy Myers                      40.00
Kappa Kappa Gamma                     25.00

U. of Ky. Association for Advancement
       in Teaching                    65.00

J. 14. Bronaugh                        1.00
Hallie Piazzo                          2.00
C. C. Patrick                          2.00
Mrs. R. Moore                          1 00
Dr. Louis Wiley                      100.00
Zula Threlkeld                        28.11
G. E. Boles                            5.00






J. W. Stoll
Mrs. Helen Bruce
D. A. Reeser
Lela Scopes
Fanny R. Gratz
Nettie H. Rogers
Mrs. G. Clark Rogers
J. W. Carnahan
F. E. Merriman
A. F. Crider
George W. Ewell
D. C. ivaddox
Laura Rogers
Florence H. Giovannoli
Greater Kentucky Fund
Southern Hailway Company
Alumni Loan Fund

1929 Chautauqua
Women' s Student Government Assn.
Unclaimed Room Deposits

1930 Chautauqua
Women's Club
Dolph Wile
Unclaimed Laboratory Deposits

1931 Chautauqua
Greater Kentucky Fund
Faculty--Coaches' Basket Ball
Lexington Alumni Club
Scabbard and Blade

$ 826.50


SUKY Circle
Faculty Club Bridge Game
J. W. Carnahan
Faculty Club Bridge Game
Walter K. Patterson*

Alumni Association
Alumni iBssociation







  10 .00








Parking Fund
Loyalty Fund
ki1l Campus Dance
All Campus Dance
Louis gWiley
All Campus Dance
All Campus Dance
.11 Campus Dance
All Campus Dance
All Campus Dance
,1l Campus Dance

All Czampus Dance
ji1l Campus Dance
A11 Campus Dance
All Campus Dance
All Campus Dance
All jimpus Dance
All Campus Dance
All Campus Dance

Parking Fund
All Campus Dance
All Campus Dance
All Campus Dance
Mortar Board
All Campus Dance
All Campus Dance

Parking Fund
Epsilon Sigma Phi

Parking Fund

$ 300.00
   81 . 25





               Student Union Building                 81.62
               Parking Fund                          363.71
               Commissions on Laundry--Rents Dorms. 600.00
               Greater Kentucky Fund                  17.89
                                                  j39,. 70.08

 *This is the only restricted portion of the loan fund. Only the
      interest may be loaned.

**This fund comprises th-e following gifts:  Carol Sax     $500.00
                                            Students       408.00
                                        U.K.Woman's Club   100.00



- 1938





    B. ApDDval of Minutes.

          1. On motion duly made and seconded, the minutes
             of October 16, 1942, were approved as cor-

     C. Report of the Comptroller.

     The Comptroller made a financial report to the Executive Com-
mittee.   The income and expenditure sections of the report were
discussed at length.  The report included a list of uncollected
accounts due the University.   Each account was individually dis-
                        * * * * *F * * * * *

           2. On motion duly made, seconded and passed, the
              financial report of the Comptroller was ordered
              received and filed with the Secretary of the
              Executive Committee, and whereas some employees
              of the University have student-ree obligations
              to the University and have had for some time,
              the Comptroller is ordered and directed to
              deduct amounts due the University from various
              employees out of their December salary checks
              unless other arrangements are made prior to
              the payment of the December salaries, and the
              Comptroller shall report to the Executive
              Committee at its January meeting in 1943.

     D. Report on Boilers.

     The Comptroller presented a letter from the Supervising Engineer
of the Travelers Insurance Company, Hartford, Connecticut, report-
Ing on condition of' boilers at the University.  The letter was
orderedreceived and copied in the minutes.



                         THE TRAVELERS
                     Hartford, Connecticut

                                          October 9, 1942

    Commonwealth of Kentucky
    University of Kentucky
    Lexington, Kentucky

                       Re: Boiler Policy B-65334
                           Location Heating Plant as above
                           Wtter Tube Boiler No. 1 215 pounds
                           Initernally inspected September 29,1942
                           By Engineer w. D. Maitland

    The interior surfaces of the boiler were found free of any
    pitting or corrosion of consequence and light scale deposits
    about 1/16 inch maximum thickness were noted in the tubes
    from the water drum,   The openings to outer attachments
    were clear.

    There was no indication of overheating, leakage or distress.
    The various appliances were found in good order and condition.
    The brickwork and settings were found in good condition.

    We would suggest that all tubes leading from the water drum
    should be turbined so as to remove the scale accumulation
    in the tubes.

    As a result of inspection we have no further recommenda-
    tions or suggestions to offer and current operating certif-
    icate is enclosed.

                            Yours very truly

                                          (Signed) John McLaren

    E. Injurv to Emplove-e.

    The Comptroller presented letters relative to an injury sus-
tained by Alfred Taylor, colored laborer, while working on the An-
imal Pathology Building.   The following letters were read and
considered by the Executive Committee:



                              November 11, 1942

President H. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky

ky dear President Donovan:

          I submit hereto attached a report on the acci-
dent of Alfred Taylor, colored laborer, while working on
the Animal Pathology Building.

          It appears the injured man fell about six feet
due to mechanical failure of a hoist brake. He suffered
bruises, but not fractured ribs. However, the extent of
his injury was not known and he was taken to the Good
Samaritan Hospital where he remained for one day md re-
ceived medical care including X-Rays,.etc.

          I submit a statement from the hospital in the
amount of $17.20 with the recommendation that same be
paid with the understanding that such payment does nat.ladmit
negligence or liability on the part of the University,
or any of its Agents, and neither does it establish a
precedent or policy of the Board of Trustees.

                             Respectfully submitted

                             (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

                              October 17, 1942

Report to: Mr. E. B. Farris
Chief Engineer
kaintenatnce & Operations

Regarding Accident at Animal Pathology Building

Date - Friday, October 16, 1942

Injured - Alfred Taylor

Classification - Laborer-Colored

Cause of Accident - Rechanical failure of hoist brake,
causing hoist to drop about six feet.

The injured man was wheeling a wheelbarrow off the hoist
platform, when the brake slipped.   He was thrown across



the platform beam which was about 2J feet below, suffering
bruises, possible rib fractures, and possible internal

He was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital aid kept for
examination, x-rays and observation.


                            Signed     Claude E. Rankin
                            Title      Farm Foreman

                            Signed      Orville Blakeman
                            Title       Labor Foreman

                                 October 22, 1942


TO   Mr. F. D. eeterson

FROM E. B. Farris

This supplements my report of October 19, regarding the
eaccident to Alfred Taylor, a laborer on the Animal Pathol-
ogy building.

I enclose a bill from the Good Samaritan Hospitt-1 for
laboratory fees, x-ray, and hospital room for the amount
of 417.20.

May I recommend that this bill be paid, especially in
view of the fact that the accident was not due to
negligence of the employee.

                   * * * * * * * * * *

     3. On motion duly made, seconded and passed the
         Executive Committee authorized the payment of
         the hospital bill submitted by the Good Samari-
         tan Hospital four i17.20 and the Committee ordered
         that it Is the express understanding that ac-
         tion on this claim is without commitment as to
         future action of the Executive Committee on
         requests for payment of medical and other bills
         incurred in cawes of injury to employees and that
         the Committee does not establish a precedent and
         does not admit negligence or liability in paying
         this hospital bill.
                    * * ** * * * * * *



      F. Purchases Ratified.

      The Comptroller presented the following letter listing pur-
chases made on requisitions submitted to the Comptroller's Office,
advice of emergency purchases, special purchase orders, food con-
tracts, and departmental purchase orders.   The documents were
made available to the Executive Committee and the following letter
was read:

                                  November '11, 1942

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

               I submit a list of State Requisitions, Advice of
     Emergency Purchases, Special Purchase Orders, Food Contracts,
     and Departmental Purchase Ordersj which have been made since
     July lj 1942j and have not been approved by the Executive
     Committee.   The list below gives the number of the documents
     requesting the purchase, or adtually making the purchase,
     which documents are made a part of this record and are held
     in the office of the Comptroller for record.   These pur-
     chases have been made on properly drawn documents at the
     request of various departments and have been charged against
     available funds.   The list follows:

               State Requisitions         1 - 856
               Advice of. Emergency Pur-
                     chases               1 - 501
               Special Purchase Orders    1 - 2558
               Food Contracts             1 - 9
               Departmental Purchase
                     Library            026 - 125
                                         201 - 250
                                         276 - 307
                     Col. of Engineering 126 - 150
                     Business Office     01 - 025
                                         151 - 200
                                         251 - 275
                                         326 - 374

              I submit this list and respectfully request ap-
     proval of the Executive Committee, of the Board of Trustees,
     of purchases and requisitions as listed above which have
     been handled by this office.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                 (Signed) Frank D. Peterson


* * * * * * * * it? *

            4. On motion, seconded and passed, state requisi-
               tions, advice of emergency purchases, special
               purchase orders, food contracts and departmental
               purchase orders were ordered approved as set
               forth in the letter copied above, and the
               Comptroller's Office was directed and authorized
               to make disbursements for goods, services and
               commodities purchased as listed.
                         * * * **** * F**

     G. Investment of Student Government Association Funds.

     President Donovan reported to the Executive Committee that the
president of the Student Government Association had presented a
budget for the academic yea'r which had been passed by the Legislature
of the Student Government Association, which budget provides for the
Investment of 42000.00 of Student Government Association funds as
shown by the records of the Comptroller' s Office in U. S. Treasury
bonds.   The President explained to the Committee that he felt that
such investments should have the authorization of the Board and
further stated that it was his recommendation that the investment
be made in compliance with the wishes -f the Student Government
Association.   The Committee expressed the opinion that, since the
funds accruing to the credit of the Student Government Association
iere derived by authority of the board of Trustees from students
registering in the University, the Board could not divorce itself
from some supervision of all funds so collected.    The Executive
Committee took the following action:

            5. On motion, seconded and passed, the Comptroller
               is authorized, in cooperation with the representa-
               tive of the Student Government Association, to
               invest in United .Etates Treasury bonds the sum
               of UOO.OO or as near said amount as possible.
               Said bonds shall be purchased in the name of the
               University of Kentucky and carried on the books
               to the credit of the Student Government Associa-
               tion.   Said securities shall be deposited In
               the lock oox of the University of Kentucky under
               the custody and control of the Comptroller of the
               Univers ity*.



     H. Student Government Association Application for War Chest

      President Donovan presented to the Board the question of the
Student Government Association donating SGA funds to the Community
Chest or War Chest.  It was the consensus of opinion of the Com-
mittee that since SGA funds are collected by virtue of authority
of the Board of Trustees for the use and benefit of the students
regularly enrolled in the University that such funds can not be
used for purposes not directly beneficial to students attending the
University of Kentucky.  The request was denied.

     I. Portrait of henry Clay.

     President Donovan reported to the Board that the Government
has taken over a hotel at White Sulphur Springs in West Virginia and
that various furnishings are being disposed of, among which is a
portrait of Henry Clay. He further reported that he had received
the information through Governor Johnson and that the portrait might
be purchased for a reasonable amount.   The Committee discussed the
possibility of acquiring the portrait for the Univemity and, on
motion duly made and seconded, the President was granted power to
act on behalf of the University if, in his Judgment, the portrait
is worth the price asked by the owners.

     J. Student Publication Sent to Soldiers.

     Mri Palmore presented a resolution passed by the Alumni Associa-
tion requesting the University to make available funds for mailing
the KentuckX Kernel and Kentucky Alumnus to former students now in
the armed forces.  Fir. Palmore read the following resolution:

          The following motion was made and seconded by the
     Exeoutive Committee of the Alumni Association at its re-
     cent meeting, and was passed unanimously:

          "That the Executive Committee of the University
          of Kentucky Alumni Association request the
          Board of Trustees and University officials to
          make available adequate funds for the mailing
          of the Kentucky Kernel and the Kentucky Alumnus
          to each alumnus and former student of the Uni-
          versity of Kentucky now in service and for
          whom we have an address on our files in the
          Alumni Office."

     The resolution was discussed in the light of the efforts on the
part of the Government to reduce the volume of mail addressed to
soldiers in foreign countries.   They also discussed the desirabili-
ty of furnishing reading material to soldiers.   Upon motion duly
made and seconded, the question was referred to the President and
Comptroller with power to act after obtaining information as to the
attitude of the Government.



     K. Appointments and Other Staff Charges.

     President Donovan submitted staff appointments, re-appointments,
salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, termination of
employment, promotions and other staff changes requested by deans
and heads if departments.

                         Arts and Sciences

Aippointment s

     Miss Beatrice Moretti, to substitute as part-time secretary for
November and December in the absence of Miss helen Farmer.

     Mr. Lewis henry norton, Assistant Professor of ivkusic, on a ten
months' basis, effective November 16, 19i2.    Mr. r1orton succeeds hr.
Donald Allton, whose resignation becomes effective November 14, 1942.


     Mr. John C. Goodlett, graduate assistant in the Department of
Botany, effective October 19i 1942.   Mir. Goodlett gives a change in
living arrangements as his reason for resigning.

     Mr. Donald W. Allton, Instructor in the Department of kusic,
effective November 14, 1942.   Mr. Allton resigned to accept a posi-
tion as head of the Department of Music at Mary Baldwin College.

                  Agriculture and Home Economics


     Mr. Raymond Woodrow Pifer, Assistant Professor of Animal Hus-
bandry and assistant in the Department of Animal Pathology, Experi-
ment Stations effective November 1, 1942.

     Xrs. Beatrice Bruner, Assistant in Personnel, Experiment Station,
effective October 7, 1942.

     Mrs. Catherine Bogan, Clerk in the Department of Markets and
Rural Finance, effective September 16, 1942.

     Miss Bonnie Lee Smith, Assistant Home Demonstration Agents ef-
 fective November 16, 1942,

      Mrs. Carl Wachs (temporary appointment), Seed Analyst, Depart-
 ment of Entomology and Botany, Experiment Station, effective November
 1, 1942.


    Mrs. John Crosby (temporary appointment), Seed Analyst, Depart-
ment of Entomology and Botany, Experiment Station, effective November
1, 1942.

     Mrs. Howard Wiles,(temporary appointment), Seed Analyst, Depart-
ment of Entomology and Botany, Experiment Station, effective November
1, 1942.

     Mrs. E. C. Vaughn, (temporary appointment), Seed Analyst, De-
partment of Entomology and Botany, Experiment Station, effective
November 1, 1942.

     Miss Cleo L. Elmore, Clerk in the Department of Animal Industry,
Experiment Station, effective November 4, 1942.

     Mr. James W. Davenport, Assistant County Agent, effective Novem-
ber 1, 1942.

     Mr. harry Young, (temporary appointment), assistant on Purnell
Projcct Number 11, Department of Farm Economics, Experiment Station,
effcctive November 1, 1942.


     Miss Maria M. Watts, Home Demonstration Agent, effective Novem-
ber 30, 1942.

     Miss Eleanor Smith, Clerk and Secretary, Department of Animal
Pathology, effective October 31, 1942.   Miss Smith is entering the
U. S. "naval Reserve. Women's Reserves.

     Mr. George D. Corder, County Agent, Leslie County, effective
October 25, 1942. Mr. Corder is enlisting in the U. S. Signal

     iMr. Earl M. Bolin, Assistant County Agent, effective September
30, 1942. Mr. Bolin plans to farm for himself.

     Mr. Morton Henshaw, Assistant County Agent, effective October
15, 1942. Mr. henshaw plans to farm for himself.

     IMr. Terry L. Campbell, Field Agent in Cream Grading, effective
October 31, 1942.   Mr. Campbell has accepted a position with the
Merchants Creamery Company.

     Miss Iris Davenport, Clothing Specialist, Extension Service,
to take position as Associate Editor of the Woman's Department of
the Southern Agriculturist magazine, effective October 31, 1942.

     Associate Professor h. H. Allen, of the Department of Farm
Lconomics, effective November 7, 1942.   Professor Allen is taking a
position with the Office of Agricultural Wtar Relations, United
States Department of Agriculture.



    Miss Florence Phillips Mieor, technician, Department of Animal
Pathology, Experiment Station, effective November 16, 1942.

    Mr. John S. Kookogey, Graduate Assistant in Farm Economics, ci?-
fective Novomber 6, 1942. Mr. Kookogey has been called for military

     Mrs. Ruth Emburgy Johnson, Clerk in the Department of Farm
Economics, Experiment Station, effective November 5, 1942.

     Miss Niana Jackson, Clerk in the Department of Farm Economics,
Experiment Station, effective November 14, 1942.

     Riss May Hutchison, Home Demonstration Agent, effective November
30, 1942.

     Miss Eleanor Gregory, Clerk in the Department of Farm Economics,
Experiment Station, effective November 11, 1942.

Leaves of Absence

     Mr. Ralph Cundiffi County Agent, leave without pay, effective
October 31, 1942, in accordance with ruling of September 12, 1942.
Mr. Cundiff was drafted into the Army.

     Mr. Donald W. MacLaury, Assistant in Poultry Husbandry, Experi-
m nt Station, effective November 13, 1942, leave without pay, in
accordance with the ruling of September 14, 1942.    Mr. MacLaury has
been called for military service.

     Mr. Howard Campbell, Assistant County Agent, leave without pay,
effective October 31, 1942, for military service granted in ac-
cordance with the ruling of September 12, 1942.

     Mr. Jack R. Todd, Analyst, in the Department of Agronomy, grant-
ed leave without pay in accordance with the ruling of September,
1942, effective Novcmber 15, 1942.   Mr. Todd has been called for
military duty.

Change in hank

     Miss Susan Word, promoted from Assistant Home Demonstration
Agent to Home Demonstration Agent, effective December 1, 1942.

     Kiss Ella Landrum, promoted from Assistant Home Demonstration
Agent to Home Demonstration Agent.

Terlnation gf Employment

     Mr. Louis Clarkson, Assistant County Agent, effective October
31, 1942. Mr. Clarkson has been inducted into military service,

     Mr. James 0. Moynahan, Assistant County Agent, effective October
31, 1942.   Mr. Koynahan has been drafted into military service.



                        College of Education


     Mrs. Clarence Geiger, teacher of speech and dramatics in the
University School, effective November l, 1942.   This is a temporary

     Mrs. S. Katherine iaddux, consultant in distributive education
for one-half month.  Mrs. Raddux's salary will be paid from a small
grant from the Meat Industry supplemented by Federal funds in Dis-
tributive Education.   The University will be at no expense whatever
because of her employment.


     Mrs.Carolyn Miller, critic teacher, whose appointment was tem-

                         College of Commerce


     Miss Ida hae Pieratt, part-time instructor--one class in type-
writing, for the year 1942-43i effective September 29, 1942.

                          * * ** * *** * *

              6. On motion duly made, seconded and passed, the
                 recommendations of the President were concurred
                 in by the Executive Committee.

     L. AdJournment
                          * * * * * 41* * * * *

             7. On motion, properly seconded, the Committee ad-
                journed at 12:20 to meet at Maxwell Places where
                a delicious luncheon was served by MIrs. Donovan
                to members of the Committee and their wives, and
                other friends of the University.
                          * ** ** ** * * *

                                  Frank D. Peterson
                                  Secretary, Board of Trustees