xt79cn6xwt50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79cn6xwt50/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1943-08-jun25-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-08-jun25-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-08-jun25-ec. 1943 1943-08-jun25-ec. 2011 true xt79cn6xwt50 section xt79cn6xwt50 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Lxecutive Committee of the
Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, June 25, 1943.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:00 a.m.,
Friday, June 25, 1943.  The following mnmbers were present:
Judge Richard C. Stoll, James Park, H. S. CLeveland, H. D. Palmore
and R. P. Hobson.  President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank
D. Peterson were also present.

     A. Approval of Minutes.

     The following, being the minutes of the Executive Committee
of June 4j 1943, upon motion made' seconded and unanimously passed,
were ordered approved:

         "A. Aipprovill. g  the Actions of the Board of Trustees
     at 1h& lieetinig of June 4, 194E.

         1. It was moved, seconded and unanimously passed
            that the actions of the Board of Trustees at
            its meeting of June 4, 1943, be adopted as
            the action of the Executive Committee.
                      * * * * ** v* **

          B. Adjournment

                There being no further business, the meeting was

     B. ComDtroller's Repor,.

     The Comptroller made an oral report to the Executive Commit-
tee concerning the finances for the period ending May 31, 1943.
-He stated that budgeted revenue as estimated at the beginning of
the year 1942-43 would be realized in total and might be slightly
exceeded.   He reported that the budgeted expenditures for the
various departments had not been exceeded in total.   Some depart-
mentshelwe been permitted to overspend but in such cases budget
adJustmenontve been requested and approved by the Executive Com-
mittee.   Realized income for the Division of Experiment Station
and the Division of Extension was either realized as budgeted
ork ve been exceeded.   Expenditures for these divisions have


been made as planned, with minor exceptions.   The Comptroller
further reported that the War Production Board had approved pri-
ority request for an additional accounting machine which would
be used for check-writing purposes which would aid materially in
getting out the work imposed upon the office through the new
pay-as-you-go payroll deduction tax plan and the various other
deduction arrangements which are now in force at the University.
Upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee ap-
proved the oral report as stated above.

     C; Contract of A.S.T.P.

     President Donovan submitted negotiated contract for the
A.S.T.P' soldiers now training on the campus of the Univorsity.
He stated that the contract included University    properties and
servicet for the operation of the unit for basic and advanced
engineering training; and provides for operating costs, quarters,
instructional facilities, instructional and medical services,
and messing of soldiers now stationed in this unit on the campus.
The members of the Executive Committee discussed various phases
of the contract and took the following action:

                      * * * * * * ** * v*

         1. On motion duly made and seconded, the Chairman
            of the Executive Committee and the Secretary
            were authorized on behalf of the Board of
            Trustees, University of Kentucky, to sign said
            contract when offi .ially presented by the

     D. Coal 'Research Building.*

     The President reported that pursuant to an advertisement in
a Lexington paper and invitations mailed to various contractors,
bids have been received by the Division of Purchaseo at Frankfort
and referred to the University for tabulation, on the erection of
a coal research building heretofore authorized by the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees.    He further reported that the
low bid was submitted by Joseph R. Glannini, being in the amount
of 418,00O000.   The Executive Committee heretofore authorized
an allotment of the sum of $15,000.00, same having the approval
of the Governor.   The President recommended that an additional
allotment be authorized, making the total amount $18,000.00, and
that the antract be awarded to the low bidder, same being Joseph
R. Giannini,   The Executive Committee discussed briefly the
authorization of additional money and the bids submitted and
took the following action:



                       * * * * * *F * * *t *

         2. Upon motion duly rade, seconded and unanimous-
             ly passed, it was ordered that the amount of
             $15,000 set aside for the erection of coal
             research building be increased to 418,000
             and that contract be awarded to Joseph R.
             Giannini, same to comply with all provisions
             set forth in plans and specifications as sub-
             mitted with bid.   The contractor shall be
             paid as authorized by the 'Comptroller and
             the erection of the building shall be under
             the supervision of the Comptroller or his
             authorized representative.
                      * ** * i * * * * * * *

     E. Ensineering Specialists Corps.

     President Donovan reported to the Executive Committee that he
had received official notification to the effect that the War De-
partment intends to close the Engineering Specialists Corps now
being trained at the Univcrsity and housed at the Phoenix Hotel.
He further stated that closing of this unit wo4d be a gradual
process, which would not be completed until about the first of

     F. Purchase of Propert.7

     President Donovan reported to the Executive Committee that
the Comptroller, acting on authority of the Executive Committee
of the Board of Trustees, had negotiated for the purchase of one
lot and brick grocery store building from S. A. Glass.    Said
property is located on the southeast corner of Adams and Rose
Streets in the City of Lexington, known on the plat of property
to be acquired by the University as lot #17.    The Executive Com-
mittee again discussed the valuation of this property in relation
to its appraised value, arid took the following action:
                       * * ** * * * * * *

         3. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
            carried, it is ordered that the property owned
            by S. A. Glass, located on the southeast corner
            of Adams and Rose Streets, Lexington, above
            referred to, be purchased for the sum of



    President Donovan submitted to the Executive Committee a
letter from the Comptroller stating that he had an offer from
D. H. Glass, owner of property located and fronting on Adams
Street between Lexington Avenue and Rose Street, having a front-
age of 51 feet and a depth of 104 feet, with improvements there-
on, for the sum of $4,0Q0.00. The Committee discussed this
price in the light of the appraised value and took the following
                      * * * * * * * * * *

         4. Upon motion duly made, seconded, and unanimous-
             ly carried, it was voted to purchase the prop-
             erty from D. H. Glass, located on Adams Street,
             in the City of Lexington, Kentucky, and re-
             ferred to above, for the sum of $4,000.00.

                      * * * * * * it* * * *

     President Donovan submitted to the Executive Committee a
letter from the Comptroller stating that he had an offer from
Air. C. G. Callahan to sell his property consisting of one house
and lot located at 120 Graham Avenue, in the City of Lexingtoft,
for the sum of 44,000.00.   The lot has a frontage of 62 feet
and extends back a depth of 195 feet, more or less.   The Com-
mittee discussed the desirability of the University acquiring
this property and the sale price, and took the following ac-

         5. Upon motion duly made, seconded, and unanimous-
            ly carried, it is ordered that the lot and im-
            provements located at 120 Graham Avenue in
            Lexington, Kentucky, be purchased from Mr. C.G.
            Callahan for the sum of 44,000*00,

     G. Wrecking of Tenant Houses on Euclid      Lexington Avenues
gnd Adams Street.

     The question of wrecking tenant houses recently acquired by
the University, located on Euclid and Lexington Avenues and Adams
Street was brought to the attention of the Executive Committee.
The Committee discussed at length the desirability of clearing
houses from the property recently acquired.    It seemed to be the
general consensus of opinion that it would be desirable to clear
the land dfall buildings now located on same,    The Executive Com-
mittee took the following action:



                      * * ** .* * * * * *

         6. It was moved, seconded and passed that President
            Donovan and Comptroller Peterson be authorized
            to sell the houses on Euclid Avenue, Lexington
            Avenue and Adams Street at such time and in
            such a manner as may be determined by the Pres-
            idint and Comptroller.   The terms of the selling
            shall be cash and the occupants who may be now
            living therein shall be given thirty days   -
            notice before they are required to vacate any
            of the now occupied houses.

                      * **O * * * * * **

     H. dial _ S. A. Glass Grocery Store.

     The Comptroller reported to the Executive Committee triat
since the University had purchased the grocery store owned by
8. A. Glass, located on the corner of Rose and Adams Streets, it
might be desirable to rent this building until it would be neces-
sary to remove the building in connection with the erection of
field house auditorium.   He further stated that Mr. S. A, Qass
felt that he could pay $40.00 a month and antinue to operate a
grocery store until the University wished possession of the prop-
erty and that Mr. Glass felt that a fair rate of rent would not
exceed $40.00 per month.   The Comptroller stated that he had
offered to rent the building for 50o.OO per month and asked the
Executive Committee for direction.   The Executive Committee dis-
cussed the question of renting this house in he light of what
was paid for the building a-nd what property sells for in the city
of Lexington, having similar usage, and took the following action:

                      * * *** * *** *

         7. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
            carried, it was ordered that this property be
            offered for rent for the sum of $5C.OO per
            month, the lessee to be obligated to keep the
            furnishings and equipment in as good a state
            of repair as they now exist, the wear and tear
            from ordinary usage being excepted.
                      * * * * * * * * * *



    I. Payment of Bond.

    President Donovan read the following letter which was ordered
received and placed in the minutes:

                              June 17, 1943

    President Ho L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

        I submit hereto attached Revenue Bond #4, issued
    December 15, 1939, same being one of a series of four
    in the denomination of $1,000.00 each, all held by the
    First National Bank & Trust Company, Lexington, and
    having been issued for the purpose of altering and
    renovating the second floor of the Men's Dormitory
    building , known as Bradley Hall.

          This is the last payment and all bonds are now
     cancelled, which were issued for this purpose under
     the date above mentioned.

                            Respectfully submitted,

                            (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

    J. Safe-Keeping of Invested Funds.

    President Donovan read the following letters concerning in-
vestments of Lamp and Cross honorary fraternity and the SuKy

                                   June 18, 1943

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          I have received from Mr. Thomas R. Bryant, Experi-
     ment Station: two (2) U. S. Savings Bonds made payable
     to the Lamp & Cross, University of Kentucky,   These
     bonds are being turned over to the Comptroller for safe
     keeping.   I would like to have authority to accept them
     and a record made of same.



    The bonds are as follows:

1 $100.00 Series G, dated June 1943, due in 12 years,
   #C 1362537 G.

1 $100.00 Series G, dated June 1943, due in 12 years,
   #C 1362538 G.

                       Yours very truly,

                       (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

                            June 18, 1943

President H. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky

Dear President Donovan:

     I have received from C. W. Rackensmith, Director
of the Department of Physical Education four (4) U.S.
Savings Bonds made payable to the SuKy Circle, Uni-
versity of Kentucky.   These bonds are being turned over
to the Comptroller for safe keeping. I wou.d like to
have authority to accept them and a record made of

     The bonds are as follows:

1 $100.00 Series Go issued June 1943, due in 12 years
   1  C1361729 G.
1  100.00 Series G, issued June 1943, due in 12 years
   #1361730 G.
1 $100.00 Series G. issued June 1943, due in 12 years
   #1361731 Go
1 $500.00 Series G, issued June 1943, due in 12 years
   #D758609 Go

                       Yours very trulyt

                         (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

    8. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the
       Comptroller was authorized to receive bonds
       referred to in letters copied above and
       deposit same for safekeeping in the Univer-
       sity's lock box in First National Bank and
       Trust Company.
                * * * * * * * * * *



     K. Budget Changies.

     President Donovan read to the Executive Committee a letter
from the Comptroller recommending budget increase for the De-
partment of University Extension to take care of the purchase of
books for soldiers when they register for correspondence courses
during the ensuing year.   He also read a recommendation from
the Comptroller to increase the budget of the Department of
Bacteriology in an amount to take care of the purchase of micro-
s copes deemed to be necessary.  He also read a recommendation
to increase the budget of the Department of University Extension
to take care of salaries of instructors used In-teaching off-
campus courses during the year 1942-43 and to pay for the
travel of instructors in connection with same.   He further made
recommendation for an increase to take care of the purchase of
books for soldiers taking correspondence courses during the
year 1942-43.   He further read recommendation for an increase
In the budget of the Department of University Extension for the
year 1943-44 to take care of salaries for teachers used in
instructing off-campus courses during the summer school.   The
Presideot reoom.ended that an adjustment not involving any
change in the total salary of Dr. William S. Webb be made in
the budget.   He also recommended a correction of an error in
the salary of Dr. H. P. Riley, Head of the Department of Botany.
The Committee discussed the increases recommended and took the
following action:
                     * * * * * ** ***

    9. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the budget
       increases and adjustments recommended were concurred
       in and the Comptroller was authorized to make the
       necessary budget ad j-lmtments. The recommendations
       were ordered filed with the secretary.
                      ** * ** * *** *

     L. Title of Professor George Robertr.

     The President called attention to an error in the title
of Professor George Roberts' new status and recommended that
the title be changed to "Professor of Agronomy,Emeritus".

       10. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the title
           of Professor George Roberts was authorized
           changed from Professor of Agronomy to Professor
           of Agronomy Emeritus*



    M. Injury to iRrs. Willis S. Buskiep..

    The following correspondence was read to the Executive Commit-

                                    June 18, 1943

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

         I hand you hereto attached an invoice for medical
     services rendered to Mrs. Willis 6. Buskie, an employee
     of the Student Union Cafeteria.   The amount for medicine
     and doctor's services was $38.00.

         Mrs. Buskie was using a food chopper when she ac-
    cidentally cut two fingers.   She was taken immediately
    to the dispensary and Dr. Chambers drove her to the hos-
    pital and placed her under the care of Dr. C. A. Vance.
    His services lasted over a period of six weeks.   In line
    with our policy, I recommend the payment of this bill from
    the funds of the Cafeteria with the expressed understanding
    that approval cf same does not admit liability on the part
    of the University, or establish a precedent.

                                    Yours very tnuly,

                                    (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     The Executive Committee took the following action:

           11, On motion duly made, seconded and passed,
               tho Executive Committee authorized the pay-
               ment of the hospital bill submitted by the
               Good Samaritan Hospital for $3,00 and the
               bill submitted by Dr. Charles A. Vance for
               $35.00 and the Committee ordered that it is
               the express understanding that action on
               this claim is without commitment as to future
               action of the Executive Committee on requests
               for payment of medical and other bills in-
               curred In cases of injury to employees and
               that the Committee does not establish a prece-
               dent and does not admit negligence or liability
               in paying these bills.
                        * * * * * * * 41 * 41



    N. Gifts.
    President Donovan read the following letters to the Executive

                                     June 2, 1943

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    My dear President Donovan:

    I have just received a $500 bond of La Compagnie du
    Telephone Saguenay-Quebec, together with a deed of
    gift of it from Professor Albert Kocourek.   You will
    recall that Professor Kocourek gave us a very valuable
    library about two years ago containing a number of
    periodicals.   This bond is to be followed by another
    bond of the same denomination and by the same maker.
    These two bonds are 6% bonds and the $60 per year is In-
    tended to keep up the periodicals and madre such other
    additions as are possible to his gift.   In view of the
    fact that Professor Kocourek has had no connection with
    the University or with the state for many years, this
    gift of the books and of the two bonds is very interest-
    ing.  I should be glad to have an expression of appreci-
    ation by the Board.

    I may say that Professor Kocourek is a very distinguished
    scholar, has written q lier of books on legal philoso-
    phy, has been a professor at Northwestern for some thirty
    years, and has also been active In corporation practice
    in Chicago.

                                  Very truly yours,

                                  (Signed) Alvin E. Evans


                                 June 12, 1943

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

     I enclose chec for $1000 provided by the American
     Potash Institute, Inc.., for the purpose of research.
     This contribution is made under the conditions that
     it should be held as a special trust fund of the Ken-
     tucky Agricultural Experiment Station, available to the
     Director.   Payment from the fund should be made only
     on vouchers approved by the Director of the Kentucky
     Agricultural Experiment Station for this work.

     From time to time, additional funds will be furnished
     us to forward this work.   However, under the presznt
     difficulty of securing men, I plan to accumulate this
     fund until a more favorable time for obtaining person-
     nel for its conduct.

                                Sincerely yours,

                                (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                          Dean and Director.

     The above mentioned gif.;. were gratefully accepted and the
President was authorized to write a letter of appreciation to Pro-
fessor Kocourek and to the American Potash Institute.   It was
further ordered that the University place labels upon the law books
given by Professor Kocourek properly identifying the library.

     O. Resignation of Dr. Lawrence Yates.

     The President submitted to the Executive Committee the resig-
;c.ation of Dr. Lawrence vates dated June 19, 1943, addressed to Dr.
L. L. Dantzler and accepted by Doctor Dantzler on said date.

            12. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the action of Doctor Dantzler in accepting  
                the resignation of Dr. Lawrence Yates on June
                19, 1943, was approved and it was ordered that
                Doctor Yates' salary be paid through June 30,




     P. Y)MCA-YWCA Dgf iet.

     President Donovan reported to the Executive Committee that,
due to decrease in enrollment of students, the YMCA-YWCA would
experience a small deficit for the current year.

          13. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the
              Comptroller was authorized to make an addi-
              tional allotment to the YMCA-YWCA, necessary
              to take care of the deficit0
                       * ** * ** * ** *

     Q,. Forei gn Stucdents ScholarshiDs.

     Recommendations of the Committee on Foreign Students:

     That Mr. Jorge Cesar Romero from Argentina be awarded a $600
fellowship, this being the second Haggin Foreign Student Fellowship
for the school year 1943-44, the first appointee having declined
to accept tne second fellowship.

     That Miss Segarro from Ecuador, be awarded a Free Tuition
Scholarship in the University of Kentucky for the school year
1943-44, to study teaching methods in history and geography.



    R. Appointments and Other Staff Changes,

    President Donovan submitted staff appointments, re-appoint-
ments, salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, termi-
nation of employment, promotions and other staff changes requested
by deans and heads of depo tmentsy

               college of Arts and Sciences


     George H. Nelson, junior technician in the Department of
Bacteriology, twelve months basis, effective July 1, 1943.

     Miss Joan Akers, librarian, Carnegie Music Set, effective
June 1, through August, 1943.

     Mrs. Aughtum Howard, substitute teacher to take the place of
Professor Rees, who substituted for two days for Professor Brown,
effective June 9, 1943.

     Cancellation of appointment of J. H. Wright, instructor in
the Department of Physics.   Mr. Wright has been working with the
Naval Ordnance Laboratory; was not allowed to resign his place
without prejudice.   He declined to leave his position with

     Miss Edith Riggs, secretary in the Department of Chemistry,
employment antinued from June 1 to July 1, 1943.

     Mrs. Katherine Worthirn`,n, secretary in the Department of
Athletics, continuation of appointment through June on half-time

     Mr. Charles Smith, associate professor of Political Science
for the year 1943-44, ten months basis, and acting head of the
department and associate professor for the summer school.

     Miss -Rcana Blake, graduate assistant in the Department of
Political Science for 1943-44, effective September 1, 1943.

     Mrs. Lucille N. Clay, graduate assistant in the Department
of English for the first term c the Summer Quarter.

Salary Adjlustmnts

     Mr. Uenno Fast, instructor in the Army Training Program
changed to graduate assistant until Slay 10, and then as part-time
instructor in the Department of Physics, effective May 1 to July
1, 19430 with adjustment in salary.

     Mr. S. J. Allen, part-time instructor in the Department of
Physics, changed to full-time instructor, with adjustment in



Leaves of Absence

     Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, Professor and Head of the Department
of Political Science, leave extended to January 1, 1944, in order
to continue his work with the State Department, Washington, D. C.
Leave is without salary.

     Mr. John E. Reeves, Assistant Professor in the Department of
Political Science, leave effective from July 1, 1943, to July 1,
1944, without salary.  Professor Reeves wishes to accept appoint-
ment as legislative analyst in the Federal Department of Agricul-
ture.  Leave is without salary.

     Dr. Leon W. Cohen, Professor of Mathematics, leave extended
to September, 1944.  Leave is without salary.. Dr. Cohen is to
teach in the Navy engineering program at the University of Wiscon-


     Mrs. kary King Kouns, instructor in the Department of Phys-
ical Education, effective May 24, 1943.

     Miss Nancy Miller, librarian-secretary-reviser in the Depart-
ment of Library Science, effective July 1, 1943.

          College ofl   Agriculture anA Home Eognmics


     Mr. Robert H. Fike, assistant county agent in Pike County,
effective June 1, 1943.

     Mr. Keith Kelley, assistant county agent in Calloway County,
effective June 7, 1943.

     Mrs. Mae R. Leslie, Pikeville, Kye, home agent helpers ef-
fective June 1, 1943.

     Miss Augusta Ray, assistant home demonstration agent in Clin-
ton and Hickman Counties, effective June 1, 1943.

     Miss Myrtle Binkley, assistant home demonstration agent in
Barren County, effective June 7, 1943.

     kiiss Laverne Burnette, assistant home demonstration agent in
Hopkins County, effective June 7, 1943.

     Mr. Carl H. Lay, assistant county agent in Christian County,
effective June 7, lii3.


     Miss Frances Morgerson, assistant home demonstration agent
in Hardin County, effective June 7, 1943,

     Miss Kathryn G. Sebree, assistant home demonstration agent
in Fayette County, effective June 1, 1943.

     M'P. Joe Howard Anderson, Xounty agent helper in Harrison
County, on temporary part-time basis, effective June 10 to August
31, 1943.

Salary Adjustment and Change in Location

     1ars. Ruth E. narralson, home demonstration agent in Hopkins
County, transferred to Jefferson County as home demonstration
agent. effective July 1, 1943.   Travel allowance and stenographic
assistance to be furnished by county.


     ir. Paul Pinney, clerk in the Deapartment of Farm Economics,
Experiment Station, effective July 31, 1943.

     MErs. Claire D. McKinster, home agent helApr, effective May
31, 1943.

     bliss Elsie Miarie Childress, clerk in the Department of An-
imael Industry, effective June 14, 1943,

     Miss Anne Scott Dickens, Assistant Librarian, Experinent Sta-
tion Library, effective June 30, 1943.

     Mirs. Beatrice C0 Bruner, assistant in personnel, Department
of Administration, effective June 7, 1943.

     Miss Florence Bender, assistant professor of Home Economics,
effective June 5, 1943.

     Mr. Clarence W. Cobb, shipping clerk, effective June 9, 1943.

     Miss Catherine T. Johnson, home demonstration agent in Jef-
ferson County, effective June 30, 1943.

Termination go Leave

     Miss laary Mumford., assistant professor of home economics,
 effective June 7, 1943,

Change 2f Stataq

     Mr. Edmund J. Kinney, Professor of Farm Crops and Agronomist
in Charge of Tobacco and Cereal Investigations, changed to
Professor of Farm Crops and Head of the Department of Agronomy,
effective July 1) 1943,



                      Colleg-e of EnwLncerlng


    Miss Edna W. Murphy, machinist in the Department of Mining
and Metallurgical Engineering, in connection with the Ferritic
Steel Project-3054. The appointment is on a temporary basis,
effectIve May 15, 1943, and to be charged against funds for this

Leave of Absence

     Mr. James W. May, Associate Professor of Heating and Ventilat-
ing Engineering, leave without pay, effective June 5, 1943.   Pro-
fessor May expects to go into industrial work with a company devot-
ing most of its time to war work.

Army S    1ecila st School - Resiznation

     James E. Delaney, Instructor on a temporary basis, effective
June 9, 1943. Mr. Delaney Is resigning to go into the Navy.

                      College of Commerce


     Mr. Fred Dial, instructor, part-time, in the first term of
the Summer Quarter.

     Miss Lucille Taylor, instructor, part-time, in the first term
of the Summer Quarter.

     Mr. i. A. Holley* part-time instructor, in the first term of
the Summer Quarter.



                 * * s* * * * * * * *

    14. On motion duly made, seconded and passed,
        the recommendations of the President were
        concurred in by the Executive Committee.

9'. Adjournment.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

                        Frank D. Peterson
                        Secretary, Board of Trustees