xt79cn6xwr97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79cn6xwr97/data/mets.xml  1902.  books b92-112-28170569 English Fetter Print. Co., : Louisville, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Knights Templar (Masonic order). Grand Commandery (Ky.) Triennial Conclave. (28th : 1902 : Louisville, Ky.)LaBree, Ben (Benjamin) Historical album Knights Templar  : souvenir of the 28th triennial conclave, Louisville, Kentucky, 1901 / editor and director of publication, Ben LaBree ; assoc. editors, Eminent Sir Knights and others. text Historical album Knights Templar  : souvenir of the 28th triennial conclave, Louisville, Kentucky, 1901 / editor and director of publication, Ben LaBree ; assoc. editors, Eminent Sir Knights and others. 1902 1902. 2002 true xt79cn6xwr97 section xt79cn6xwr97 

..THE ..

Historical Album Knights Templar

                               SOUVENIR OF THE


                    Louisville, Kentucky, igo9.

                           EDITOR AND DIRECTOR OF PUBLICATION:
                                 BEN. LABREE,
Author of "The Pictorial Battles of the Civil War," "Confederate Soldier in the Civil War," "Camp Fires of the Confederacy,"
            " Notable Men of Kentucky," "Children of Kentucky," "Notable Men of Cincinnati," c., c.
                 Compiler of Admiral Porter's ,Naval History of the Civil War," c., c., c.
                                  ASSOCIATE EDITORS:
                          EMINENT SIR KNIGHTS AND OTHERS.
                                  [See Nmes on pase 5.1

                           PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE
                               OF THE STATE OF KENTUCKY.


                               GEO. 6. FETTER PRINTING CO.
                                   LOUISVILLE, KY.



II4PESOE/rF 0(. G. FCTTET '  Em/O 7o/V.' bXfrcrOce
'.PICINTkGLO (e.             OF PIBLIe I BrEST O
   00 nCss'or-a   (iA0Rtfoin.'t-/CacerSJC.=.37-wrS.=_',   Lot .C V-C=./LLC/.IY.



 NEARLYA a century and a quarter have passed since George Rogers Clark laid the permanent foun-
       dation of the present beautiful "Falls City" by planting on Corn Island a blockhouse for the
       protection of a few families who had followved his army down the Ohio from     Fort Pitt.
Having made this provision for those who could not accompany him on his history-making campaign.
Clark's troops were embarked in flat-boats, and passed over the Falls on June 24, 1778, just as the
sun was undergoing a total eclipse. Thus it wvill be seen that the history of Louisville began with
the initial movement in that extraordinary campaign which eventually added the great region
lying between the Ohio River and the Lakes to the domain of the rapidly crystallizing States of the
American Union.
      From that time to this, Louisville has been the theatre of many important transactions, and
of many notable assemblies of people gathered within her gates for special purposes or objects. Her
fame for hospitality is world-wide, and on every occasion of large assemblies she has proven equal
to the duty of their entertainment. Socially she has never failed to acquit herself with credit, and in
no instance within her record did she more distinctly or more effectually sustain her record in this
respect than during the Twenty-eighth Triennial Conclave of the Knights Templar of the United States,
held on August 27-30, 1901.
      These triennial gatherings of the Knights Templar, wherever they have been held, have always
attracted world-wide attention, not only by the brilliancy of their field evolutions and magnificent uni-
formed columns of marching Knights, but because they also brought together the flower, the elite, of our
American social organization. In the ranks of Knighthood, therefore, are to be found our best citizens,
the best defenders of home and morality. Equal if not surpassing in brilliancy and intellectual char-




acter was the Conclave held in Louisville. They came, they saw, they conquered, and no citizen of the
Falls City abated his or her effort to greet them cordially and make their sojourn a pleasant one.
      As a "birds-eve view" of that brilliant event, participated in by gallant Knights from all over
our land, and whose respective or individual duties did not afford them an opportunity to see and
participate in all that wvas done on that occasion, this Souvenir has been prepared, with the hope
that in future years a perusal of its pages may revive the recollection of that knightly fraternization
on the banks of the Ohio. Such publications have heretofore followed the Conclaves held at other
places, and every Knight who now turns the pages of those records is pleased and edified thereby.
And so it will, in future years, be the case when the pages of this Souvenir are opened and read,
recalling to mind the scenes and incidents attending the meeting of the Twenty-eighth Conclave.
      It was the purpose of the Souvenir Book Committee to have issued the work sooner, but
owving to the negligence of many Sir Knights to furnish their photographs, and of the appointed
officers of Grand Commanderies in sending in the necessary historical matter, the book was unavoid-
ably delayed. But despite all these obstacles, the Committee feels that it has compiled and arranged
the essential matter in such a shape that it will not only prove interesting, but also instructive to
the reader.
      The history of the "Order of the Temple" in each State especially will prove of great value not
only to individual Sir Knights, but also to Templar bodies and be helpful to the writers of Knights
Templar history in the future.
      With a consciousness that they have spared neither labor, expense, nor earnest thought and
effort in placing in attractive form the history of this notable gathering within the gates of Louisville,
the Committee hereby submits the publication to the generous consideration of Sir Knights who
attended the brilliant gathering, as well as those not so fortunate as to participate in it.



Etssociate SNtors anb Contributors.

ALABIAMA, Robert S. Teague, Commander.
ARIZONA, George J. Roskruge, Gland Recorder.
AnKI.,Nsxs. Fay Hempstead. Grand Recorder.
CALIORNIA., William A. Davies. Grand Recorder.
CANAI). XWill H. Whyte, Grand Recorder.
COLOR X1n. William D. Todd, Grand Recorder.
CONNX:ECTICUT. Eli C. Birdsey, Grand Recorder.
DISTRICT OF COLUINIII , Arvine W. Johnston, Grand Recorder.
FLORIDA, William H. Jewell, Past Grand Commander.
G:ORIA., William. S. Rockwell, Grand Recorder.
ILIAIOI.s, Gil. W. Barnard, Grand Recorder.
INDI.A.NA. Calvin W. Prather, Grand Recorder.
INDIA.N TERRIToRY, Joseph S. Murrow, Grand Recorder.
IowA, W. F. Cleveland, Past Grand Commander.
KANsS., Bestor G. Brown. Grand Senior Warden.
KIFXTtCKy, A. H. Bryant, Grand Recorder.
LOTISIANA, Richart Lambert, Grand Recorder.
DMAINE, Stephen Berry, Grand Recorder.
MARYLAND, John H. Miller, Grand Recorder.
MASS.CHtUSETTS and RHODE ISLAN). Benj. W. Rowell, Grand Recorder.
MsldICI.vN, H. L. Anthony, Grand Recorder.
MINNESOTA, Thomas G. Montgomery, Grand Recorder.
Mississippi, J. L. Power, Grand Recorder.
                                               William H. Polk.

       MissouRI, William H. Mayo, Grand Recorder.
       MONTANA. Ed. D. Neill. Grand Rfcorder.
       NEII1.ksKA. Francis E. WVhite. Grand Recorder.
       NEV.xo.. William Sutherland, Commander.
       NE;w HAMPsIIIiRs. Frank D. Woodbury, Grand Recorder.
       NEW JERSEY. David H. Lukens, Past Commander.
       Nia.w MEXICO. Max. Frost, Past Grand Commander.
       NEW YORK. Arthur MacArthur. Grand Recorder.
       NORTH CAROLINA. James C. Munds Grand Recorder.
       NOiRTH DAKorA. Frank J. Thompson. Grand Recorder.
       Osilo. John C. Bell, Grand Recorder.
       OKLAHOMA, DeForrest De F. Leach, Grand Recorder.
       OlE:.(IN, J. M. Hodson, Past Grand Commander.
       PE.NSyIAvANIA. William W. Allen. Grand Recorder.
       SOiTti D.AKorT. George A. Pettigrew, Grand Recorder.
       TKNN-;FSSEE, John Berry Garrett, Grand Recorder.
       TEXAS. J. C. Kidd. Grand Recorder.
       VERNIIONT. Henry H. Ross, Granl Recorder.
       VIRGINIA. James B. Blanks. Grand Recorder.
       WA'sINi-,(,ToN. S. Harry Rush. Past Grand Commander.
       WEST VIRGINIA. W. W. Van Winl-.'e. Past Grand Commander.
       WsXVoISstN. W. W. Perry, Past Grand Recorder.
       Wyo.nOxc,. T. S. Taliaferro. Grand Commander.
Lexington. Kentucky.

                                         Masonic Cbronologp.

     The following information regarding dates, adopted by the various bodies of Masomry, is of sulfficient value to warrant its publication in this book. Dates
are carried out for the year of grace, 1900:
                                   KNIGH1TS TErIPILAR, founded A. D., 1118. Hence, Anno Ordinis, 782.
                                   Second Temple began to be built by Zerubbabel, B. C.. 530.
                                   Hence the ROYAL ARaH, Anno 1-ventionis (Year of Discovery), 2430.
                                   IoYAL ANID SrL.I.ET MASTERS refer tin comlletionl of first Temple, B. C., 1000.
                                   Hence R. and S. Masters, Anno Dispositionis (Year of Deposit), 2900.
                                   ANSCIENT CRAFT MASONS lse Anwe Lucis (Year of Ligllt)-Creation, 590(0.


           (enera[ Inbex.

Intex to il[ustrations see bach of Zook.

Aides .......20..........               Pa  e
Aides to G;rand Marshal .....................   20
Alabm.a C-nimanderies, Commanders, and Re-
   corders...                   ... 64
A.labama ;Grand Officers. etc.             . 64
Alabama. Order of the Temple in .     ................ 61
Alignment for Ilrade ........    .................... 20
Ancient Templary .    .................................. 47
Arizona   Commanderies, Comma nders ;nd Re-
   corders...               ,               70
Arlina         Offiicera, te...70
Arizona, Order of the Temple In .67
Arkansas  Commanderles.,  Cmmanders      ond
   Re-orders.......   .............      .  77
Arkansas Grand 01cers. etc ... 75
Arkansas, Order of the Temple In .3............... 3
Breekinridge, klon. W. C. P., Speech of .       31
Coneiave, Tnwenty-eighth 'Triennial ........12 to 40
Committees. Trlennial .......... I......... 8. 12' to 16
Commanderies, Participating Is Drill .......... 35
Commanderles, Subordinate ...........    .......... 45
Commanders (see each State).
Commainderes (see each State).
California, Order ot the Temple In .................9
California  Grand Offlcers., etc .................... 85
California C mmanderies,   C.,u -ders   nnd
   iecorders     .. ................ .............  86
Canada, Order of the Temple in .          . 87
Canada  Grand OMcers ...........   ............... 91
Canada, Preceptories, Preceptors, and     itegis-
   trars  .............   ............ . ...... 93
Colorado, Order of the Temple .     .................. 9
Colorado Grand Offcers,t ................... 97
Colorado Commanderies, Commandera. and Re-
   corders.       ................................. 99
Connecticut, Order of the Temple In .......... 101
Connecticut Grand Officers, etc . ................ 103
Connecticut Commanderles, Commanders. n-d
   Recorders ............................... ........ 106
Coclaves, Trienniai, where held .                7
Chrnolo gy, -asonic .                            5
Drill (Prize) ....................................... 35
Drill, Commnnnderies Participating In ........... 35
District of Columbla, Order of the Temple In .107
District of Colmnbla  Grand Offlers., etc . ...... 111
District of   Columbia    Commanderies, Comn-
   manders. and Recorders ....................... 111
DeWitt Cliton   Commmandery  No. 1 Virginia
   City, Nevada, History of Officers, etc ....... 257
Dakota (see North and South).
Encampment (Grand) Proceedings of ...... 9 to 40
Election of Offleers.      ..............    38
Everitt. E. B., Poem of ........1
Exeeutive Committee ................  ........... S
First Officers Grand Encampment .......    ....... 57
Florida, Order of the Temple In ................ 113
Florida Grand Officers, etc.118
Florida Commanderles., Commanders. and Re-
   corders ...................................... 118
Grand Encampment, Proceedings of ........9 to 40
Grand Marshai, Aides to ..    ........................ 20

Grand livisions ln Parade ................. 21 to 24
Grand Commanderies, Position of in Parade .. 24
Grand Commannerles, Precedence of ......   ...... 24
Grand Master's Response .........   ............. 31
Grand Officers Grand Encampment, Roster of
   1898_1901 ..............................   41
Grand Officers Grand Encampment, Roster of
   1901-1904 ....................................... 41
Grand Masters, 1816-1901 .......................... 42
Grand Masters 1118 to 1297 and 1314 to 1804 .6.. 50-51
Grn Enca   mpment. First Otticers of.       57
Grand Comanderies (see each State).
Grand Officers and Past Grand Commanders
   (see each State).
Georgia, Order of the Temple In .119
Georgia Grand Officers, etc .119
Georgia Commanderies, Commanders and Re-
   corders .......................1............. 21
Gra- l Master s Jewel, Acceptance of .......... 164
History of Ancent Templary .....................
History of Modern Templary ................... 50
History of the Order in each State (see Order
   of the Temple).
Illnois, Order of the Temple In ............... 123
Illinois ;Grand Officers., etc . ................... 129
Illinois Commanderies, Commanders, and Re-
   corders .  ........... .......................... 130
Indiana, Order of the Temple in ................ 133
Indiana Grand Officers. etc . ...................135
Indiana Comnlnderles, Commanders, and Re-
    !eorders ...................................... 135
Indlan Territory- , Order of the Temple In ....... 137
Indian Territory Grand Offlcer.s etc .............. 140
Indian Territory Commanderies, Commanders,
   and Recorders ................................ 140
Iown, Order ow the Temple In....           141
Iowa Grand Officers. etc.               .... 148
Iowa  Commandcries, Commanders, and     Re-
   corders.                             .... 148
Knights Templar. Number of In Good Standing 44
Kentucky lleadquarters. Reception at ......2S
Rentueky Grand Officers, etc......         412
Kentucky s Weleome.10.....  
Kentucky Tempinry .            ..... 58
Kentucky, Order of the Temple In ......        407
Kentucky C ommanderles,   Commanders    and
   Recorders.                              413
Kentucky, Louisville Commandery, History of.419
K tatlef ky. DeMolay Coomandery , History of ..427
Kentucky Wagon Works .       ..........    452
Kansas. Order of the remuple in..          151
Kansas Grand Officers. ete  ......1 60
Ka-sas Commanderies Commanders, and Re-
   orders ..  .................................... 160-162
Kans-s, Speech of H1-ry C. Loomis.         164
L.oomis. Henry C., Speech of .164
Loullsinmta. Order of the Temple In .      167
Louisiana Gm.-and Officers, etc .171
Loumisiana Commanderles, Commanders and Re-
   corders .171
Lloyd. Reuben H., Addresses of  2.        231


Miller, Miss Elvira Sydnor, Poem of ......0..... s
Modern Templary ............. 0
Members, Number each Commandery (see In-
   dex each State).
Maine, Order of the Temple In ............ ...... 173
Maine Grand Officers, ete .c....................... 174
Maine Commanderies, Commanders, and Re.
   corders                           ......... 175
Maryland, Oder.................... 177
Maryland  Grand Offlicjes, etc . ................. 180
Maryland Commanderies, Commanders. and Re-
   corders .8............................... 1
Massachusetts and Rhode Island, Order of the
   ITemple in.    ............................... 183
Massachusetts and Rhode Island Grand Offi-
   cers. etc .....-J........................ 186
Massachusetts and Rhode Island Commander-
   les, Commanders, and Recorders ............ 188
MIchigan Order of the Temple In .191
Michigan Grand Officers, etc.              192
Michigan Commanderles, Commanders, and Re-
   corders .193
,Minnesota, Order of the Temple In.        197
Minnesota Grand Officers, etc . .................. 200
Minnesota  Commanderies, Commanders, and
   tetorders . ............2................... .20
Minnesota.   Minneapolis  Motunted   Command.
   cry, Hlstory of and Roster ..............3- 21214
Mississippl, Order of the Temple In ............ 223
MIssissippi Grand Officers, etc  _ ............... 223
MIssissippi Commanderies, Commanders, and
Missouri, Order of the ITemple In .............. 281
Missouri, Neosha Commanderv No. 57 .       237
Missouri Grand Officers, etc    .          238
Missouri Commandertes, Commanders, and Re-
   corders.                                239
Montana, Order of the Temple In.           241
Montana Grand Othcers, etc.                248
Mlontana Commanderes, Comumanders, and Re-
   corders.                                248
Manhattan Commondery No. 31, History of ...284
Maonric I Iromolog.                             5
Number of Sir Knights.                      44
Neosha Coomnundery No. 57 .        .       . 237
Nebraska, Order of the Temple In.    .     . 249
Nebraska Grand Offliers, etc.              255
Nebraska Commanderies, Commanders and Re-
   corders.                                216
Nevada, Order of the Temple In .           257
Nevada, DeWitt Clinton     Commandery No. 1,
   History and Officers.                   287
New Hampshire, Order of the Temple In .....261
New Hampshire Grand Officers. etc.         262
New Hampshire Commanderles, Commanders
   and Recorders .                         263
New Jersey, Order of the Temple in .   .   . 265
New Jersey Grand Offieers, etc.            267
New  ersey Commanderles, Commanders, and
- Recorders .                              268
New  Mexico, Order of the Temple In ... 269










New   M exico Granu Officers ...........  ............. ,2
New   Mexlco Commanderies, Conatoanders, and
  Recorders     ..................................... 272
New   York, Order of the Temple In ........... 273
New   York Grand Officers, etc . ................... 277
New York Commanderles, Commnanders, and Re-
  corders  ......_   _...........79............ 'S9-280
New  York  Mianhattan Comnmandery No. 31,
   Ilstory of ..................... . .........  284
North Carolina, Order of the Temple in ....... 287
North Carolina Grand Officers, etc . ............ 289
North   Carollna   Commanderies, Commanders,
  and  lecordes ........ .......................... 289
North Dakota, Order of the Temple in.    291
North Dakota Grand Officers, etc . .............. 296
North Dakota Comnnanderies, Commanders,
  and Recorders ......................          295........... '.
Official Program   ............................ 1S-19
Opening (Formal) Twventy-eighth Triennial Con-
  clave ...................................... s
Officers Elected, Grand Encampment .....       ..... 38
Ohio, Order of the Temple in ..._ .    ........... 299
Ohlo Grand Officers, etc . ......................... 801
Ohio Commanderles, Commanders, and Re-
  corders ....................    .............. 304
Oklahoma, Order of the Temple In ............ 319
Oklahoma Grand Officers, etc ............... ... 3'1
Oklahoma Commanderles, Commanders, and
  Recorders .............................,.,.   321
Oregon, Order of the Temple In .................. 323
Oregon Grand Officers. etc . .................. 323-324

General 1Inbex-'continueb.

Oregon Commanderies, Commanders, and lIe-
  corders ..................................... 324
Proceedings of the Grand Encampment . . 9 to 40
P1oem, by Em. Sir E. B. Everitt .10
I'oem, b'y Elvira Sydnor                 3iller.     30
I'rogram, Official ................................ 18-19
I'arade and Formaton ...................  28.20 to 28
P  .recedence of Grand Commanderies . .  ........... 24
Parade, Commanderies i'artilepating 1in..,26-28728
, lPrize Drill .................3.................... 3
l'ennsylvania, Order of the Temple ill ......... 327
Penaysyv-ania Grand Officers ............ _ . ..... 3S0
Peilmsicalia Coinmaladeries, Cmaxnandera, and
  1Udorders                      ..... :332
Eoster of Grand Officers Grand Encampment.
  1831901 .41
Roster of Grand Offlcers (irand Encampment,
  1901-1904.                             41
Recorder- (see each Slate).
Sponsors, List of .36
Saibordinate Commanderies .45
Sooith Dakota, Order of the Temple In.        341
South Dakota Grand Officers, etc.        343
South Dakota tLommananderles, Commanders, and
  Recorders .344
Triennial Conclave...                 9 to 40
Templary, Ancient ...                    47
Temtpinry. Modern.                        50
Tennessee, Order of the Tepie In.        34T
jennessee Grand Officers, etc.          352
Tennessee  Comnamnderles, Commanders. and
   Recorders  ............................. ......... 352

r xass Ordr of tihe Temple In ....... .......... 33
Texas Grand Omeers. etc- .       ................. 33 6
Texas Com-maderles, Commanders, and    Re-
  corders ..........     ......................  357
Texas, Belmont Commandery, History, Roster
  of Officers andt Members ... . ................ 3S'
Triennial Conclaves, w-here held ......... ........ 7
Vermont, Order of the Temple In ............. 359
Vermont   Grand Offlcers, etc . .................... 3CI
Vermont Commanderles, Commanders, and Ite-
  corders......36..............          13bl
Weaver, Hon. Charles P., Welcome to    Sir
   Knights .    ................................ 31
Wheat. John L.. Speech of           ....... 28
Washington, Order of the Temple In    .... 3.9
Washington Grand Officers, etc .    ....... 38'
Washington Comnmnderies, Commamlers. and
   itecorders .     ...................................... 382
WVest Virginia, Order of the Temple in.       385
West Virginia Grand Officers, etc ............... 38.
West  Virginia  Commanderies.    Commanders,
  Wand  Recorers ..............................388
IVest Virginia, .1ot.ntain State Commandery.
  uoster of Offlicers and Membmers.    . 391
Wisconsin, Order of the Temple In ............... 395
Wisconsin Grand Officers, etc .397
Wisconsin    ommanderles, Commanders. and
  Recorders .398
Wyoming, Order of the Temple In.         402
Wyoming Grand Officers .404
Wyominr ('mmnannderIes, Commanders. and Re-
  corders.... ..... .      .     ,      404

                                  triennial Conclavez.

Date and Place of holding each Conclatt since Organization, with the names of the setveral Grand Masters.

      DATE.           PLACE.                          GRAND MASTER.
    I 18160 . .  New York . . . .DEWITT CLINTON
    II 1819 .... '        11   ... ........   .
  III 1826 .....      ....     . . . ... . .. ..
  IV  1829 ..... " .           ..      ........ . REV. JONATHAN NYE
  V 1832 ..... Baltimore ........ . .... "       "
  VI 1835 .... . Washington . .. . . . . . JArsEs IADIsON ALLEN
  VII 1838 .... . Boston .
VIII 1841 .... . New York.
  IX 1844 .... . New Haven            .      .    . . ARCHIBALD BULL.
  X 1847 .. .  Col.imbus..     WILLIAM BLACESTONF. HiltrBAsiA
  X1 1850 .... . Boston.
  XII 183 .          Lexington .
XIII 1856 .        . Hartfiord.. . . . .
XIV 18569 . . . . . hbieagi ....... . . . . BENJAMIiN BRowN FRENxIl
  -Officers elected for seven years.


1862 .
1865 .
1868 .
1871 .
1874 .
1877 -
1880 .
1883 .
1889 .
1898 .
1901 .

        PLACE.                       GRAOD MASTER
      New York .. . . . .  BENJAMIN BRowN, FRENCH
      Colunabus ......... . HENRY L. PALMER
      St. Louis ..... . WILLIAM SEWALL GARK1NER
      Baltimore ..... . . . . JOHN Q. A. FEItLOWsV
      New Orleans..... . JA-uEs HERRON HOPKINS
.Cleveland.. .. .           C.. N.. IN('FT L. HU'RLBUWT
      Chicag ... ......... BE.IJAIIN DEAN
      San Fricisco .  . . . . ROIloERT E-No II WITIERS
      St. Louis .......... . CHARLES R1ONIE
.Washingto -.JOHN P. S. GoutN-
       Denver........ .enc....     . Huou 'McCuxioy
....    .11. B               VARREN LA RUE TilOMlAS
       ..ttsburg.             RE.UREN HEDLXY Li.ovio
       Louisville . . . . . . . HENRY BATES STO1II)ARD



                  Executive Committee

CwentlyEigchtb Criennial Conclave lkniobts templar,

          Louitvitle, 1kp., Huguet 27th, 28th anO 29th, 1901.






     .Al.. or -OUSVL-E













          Written for
"Ube lbtstortcal Hibum linitbts
     Cemplar Souvenir"
of tbe txcnt-cigbtb rtrenniai Concuaw,
         1501.rille mk.

"Eternal, Immortal, Invisible" Ruler and Guardian of all!
Thou great Immanuel, hear our prayer as on Thy name we call.
Guide this "Triennial Conclave" with Thine unerring light,
And send thv choicest blessing to rest on each "Sir Knight!"

From the shores of the broad Atlantic to the land of the Setting
From the Northern Lakes to the Southern Gulf, with hearts that
    beat as one,
We meet in the Sunny Southland, strengthening every tie
That draws the Templars hither in the name of the Lord Most

We bless Thee for Christian Knighthood; "Sovereign Master"
May we worthily wear the title "Soldiers and Servants" of Thine.
Oh radiant "Star of the Morning," how safe-to abide in Thy
So sheltered from threatening peril, so tenderly guided aright.

May we never deny or betray Thee, sole giver of life and breath.
May we honor Thv name in our living, and glorify Thee in death.
After "Pilgrimage, Warfare, and Penance," give each an "Asy-
    lum of Rest,"
With the Master's loving welcome "to the peaceful abodes of the

   E. 36. Everitt, 32
     Past Commanber,
prelate of St. Elimo Commanbert,
      nto. 9t t c. 'C.
  Statloneb at weriben, Conn.



Grand Master Grand Encampment Knights Templar, U. S. A., 1898-1901-
                      San Francisco, Cal.

 Deputy Grand Master Grand Encampment Knights Templar,
U. S. A., 1898-1901; Elected Grand Master, 1901-Bryan, Texas.



twentyEtibtb triennial Conclave.

capture            THERE was weeping and wailing in
   of tMe Cit         the streets of Jerusalem in 1099,
                         when the white clad Knights of
the Cross, led by Godfrey, stormed the infidel host defending
its walls, put them to the sword, and regained the Holy
  There was joy and hearty acclaim when the plumed
Knights of the United States stormed and took the city of
Louisville, in August, 1901-without bloodshed-capturing
the hearts of her people.
  Across this gap of eight centuries, the first quarter of
which was marked by a long and hopeless struggle against
the Moslem, has come down to us, its militant features elim-
inated, but preserving intact its humanitarian characteris-
tics and principles-the noble Order of Knights Templar.
The blast of the trumpet, the rattle of armor and the flutter
of guidons no more kindle the ardor of charging hosts.
These are gone from 'the ranks of Knighthood-gradually
eliminated by the steady advance of intelligence and true
Christianity. But the banners and insignia still remain un-
destroyed, indestructible. And beneath these banners the
noble Order of Knights Templar are marching on to wider
fields of usefulness, in the humanitarian fields of coming time.
  There was no fear in the hearts of our people, therefore,
when they heard that a vast army of Knights, as large per-
haps as that which had captured Jerusalem, but less bel-
ligerent in temper, was en route to capture the Falls City. No
warders were placed on the walls; no catapults or bowmen,
to keep out the invaders.
  A spirit of calmness and resignation pervaded all classes
and conditions in the city, yea, more than that, a spirit of


yearning, of fraternal love and affection, a reaching out of
the hands, a joyful welcome. "Take us!" "Love us!" "All
we have is yours!" was the earnest greeting. No tears or
sighs, except when the noble host departed.
  Flags, banners, streamers and emblems waved from the
houses and homes of the city, floating everywhere in testi-
mony of the cordial greeting of the people, to the distin-
guished visitors.

Cbe irmie b     T HE advance guard of the plumed
     tine.            army reached the city on the 24th,
                        and the following day the tide
was augmented by the arrival of a host of others, many
coming on special trains from all parts of the Union. All
brethren were duly met on arrival, welcomed by the sub-
committees appointed for that purpose, and to the strains of
martial music marched to their respective quarters, and
assigned lodgings at the hotels and in the hospitable homes
of the city. The streets were thronged with marching col-
umns and spectators, the latter waving enthusiastic welcome
to their guests.

       Cbe         FOLLOWING is a list of the several
  committees.          committees that had been ap-
                        pointed to manage the various af-
fairs connected with the meeting. It will be observed that
they are conposed of men of prominence in the city of Louis-
ville, and the State of Kentucky at large, and to them is prin-
-ipally due the brilliant success of the Twentv-eighth Con-
clave-socially and otherwise:



CHAs. C. VOGT, President.

WILL E. RYA N, Secretary.


WILL E. RYAN, Secretary.

J. H. Leathers,
W. H. Meffert,
S. P. Jones,
Frank Fehr,
Jno. A. Stratton,
Thos. C. Timberlake,
Henry T. Jefferson,
T. L. Jefferson,
William Ryan,
Ed Meglemry,
J H. Sanaman,
C. D. Meyer,
H. A. Vaughan.
T. P. Satterwhite, Jr.,
C. R. Woodruff,
Breck. Castleman,
Theo. Stern,
J. T. Gathright,
J. B. Castleman,
H. B. Grant,
L. Varalli.
R. S. Brown,
T. M. Gilmore,
J. E. Dorland,
C. L. Stone.
Dr. T. H. Stucky,
J. M. Borntraeger,
Dr. T. H. Baker,

    T. L. JEFFE5Rso

S. Grabtelder,
C. P. Weaver,
W. L. Lyons,
E. H. Bacon,
Louis Seelbach,
John H. Hoffman,
George D. Todd,
John W. Buchanan.
Paul C. Barth,
E. A. Hewett,

Zack Phelps,
W. H. Bartholomew,
F. H. Johnson,
G. A. Lewis,
T. J. Smith,
Rev. J. M. Worrell,
M. H. Smith,
W. H. Warren,
Henry Bostwick,
Jacob Swigert,
W. L. Thomas,
J. E. Cantrill,
E. G. Hall,
B. G. Witt,
J. M. Saffell,
H. G. Sandifer,
J. G. Montgomery,
J. W. Pruett,
C. H. Fisk,
T. J. Flournoy,
J D. Lewis,
S. H. Stone,
E. A. Robinson,
J. T. Hedges,
B. E. Langdon,
C. H. Chamblin,
K. G. Pulliam,

Henry McWilliams,
M. P. Brown,
B. F. Day,
XV. B. BrewEr,
Lyon Liston,
H. A. Bowne,
Wm. Trouts, Jr.,
W. H. Pinkerton,
Dr. J. L. Adams,
AV. S. Knable,
H. T. Soaper,
J. D. Powers,
J L. Robinson,
Fred Harris,
I. R. Tevis.
J. F. Mills,
S. P. Sturgis,
J. R. Sharpe,
W. J. Cardw