xt798s4jq88n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt798s4jq88n/data/mets.xml Ruebush, J. H. (James Hott), 1865-1948 Hall, J. H. (Jacob Henry), 1855-1941 Kieffer, Aldine S., 1840-1904 Ruebush, W. H. (William Howe), 1873-1957 Ruebush & Kieffer (Firm), publisher 1898 scores (documents for music) M2117 .C87 1898 English published by Ruebush-Kieffer Company Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Hymns, English Sunday schools -- Hymns Shape-note hymnals Crowning Day. a Collection of Choice Gospel Songs for Sunday Schools, Revivals, Young Peoples' Meetings, and All the Services of the Sanctuary, 1898 text 1 close score (128, [1] pages), 21 cm. Call Number: M2117 .C87 1898 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C Crowning Day. a Collection of Choice Gospel Songs for Sunday Schools, Revivals, Young Peoples' Meetings, and All the Services of the Sanctuary, 1898 1898 1898 2023 true xt798s4jq88n section xt798s4jq88n  



Na 3



Sunday Schools, fcz'i‘vals, Yang (Pia/~36”
Weezfings, and a[[ the Sirvfce“ 0p


z‘he Sanctuary














0 a
The wonderful and unprecedented success attending the pub- @_

lieation of CROWNING DAY No. I and No. 2 has induced the

authors to prepare and send forth No. 3, with the hope that the a


many bright, Cheering, and soul-stirring songs contained within ‘
its pages may comfort, sustain, and encourage many souls along

the rugged path of life, and that the “Crowning Day” may

4W e

prove a blessed reality when the songs of this life are sung no




4 4 a (:44



Copyright, 1898, by THE RUEBUSH-KIEFFER Co,




No. 3.

No. 1. At the Crowning.

Mrs. Lizzie Underwood. S. C. Hanson, by per.
1' its—JET [’3877—71sJ1jiinj‘fl‘:qr::§;7:;i:i 3:75:7777:EJ Si:
:45“":5:;§1 '2 :::g 1 _,‘:'__ ?:‘:L y: 2:0;5 LEE
p a 3' \Va v—— a— i
/ V
1. \Vhen the Saviour counts ”is jew - 01s, \Vill I henumber’d there?

2. \Vhen 1111 calls the roll of henv — en, \Vili my name he writ-ten down?
L 3. Lev-ins): Snv—ionr,keep me watching, That I the hiissnmy share,





; ~ ‘
L d?' -1- —‘— 7!- -0 up .
@932 5“f 5:5 6F:E i"‘**3*'*‘_“ JJE h—
1:? 5k: 5: “172:5:3fl7kwf‘ 5 ’77 37:; 323:» :77 E:
u L L‘ J
L F. 'fiVIVD:FJ:4‘ 4‘ *1” F;\ 1‘ {3 _j\_ j~E .7 ‘ rw—h‘u‘Fi J
I- \ 7 _ f: ~o—a
' P‘ :— ii: Ci Md ' 0:5:ngy '_.__
r a

\Vhen He c1owns His faith-fni chii-dre11,\Viii I the crowning: share?
When the faith— fni are - re - ward - ed, \Viil I re- ceive :17 crown?
\Vhen Thou com—est in Thy king—(lanmt me, let me be there.



5 “5




é::1§:“§ i'f3jta E____ ,4 \ _:1§; 15—":5J— E j:
1 77L 7.7.7777 7 777 7 71737777771
Elwi—i— 7 pm;—_§_ _; _:T‘ J! 'WJ': i“ :1— ‘ 77,777

At the crown-111:9; in the king-(Joni, \Viii I re—ceive a crown?

L At the cm“ 11 in:1th11111113913131“111'13:11'_\'?



Me, . . 0.1;111110 to M13.
Come to Me, 0 0111119 to Me.
1, p, -1 1,

f'; '1' , ', '3
3,11,; 1 .
i, _ 3 . L 1 .733
, 7,; ,, ,, , ,1

0.11113, joy 111 3'111111131' g'1'1,313tvi11g,

That 1h/13Mst-te1'b1'1ngsto thee :(37111111111') M13. come 1.1) M13.
1113111 11113 S:1V111111'1::111 to you, C011113t11Me, come to M13.
By 111s101'135‘1111111:1.y11e11113St,C11111et0 Me, . . . ,, come to Me.
111 the home b13y01111the sea; Come to Me,
0011113 to Me,
-,_. .49.- 31—25-

come ’10 Me.


1— _._

_€:,’:C:£§j 3 :‘
i-i: b_ it,
v 6:14 6 v 5



. .1’.,,,, . fl .
'1» ‘ a» If!“ ; ' "‘- ' ;:"£’jj~£_
:g, 4r ,._ 4' ;_'_’/- ' ' '--— _. —9—3

Come to Me,

Come to Me,
@313 5

0,00111e 131) Me; Je +115
0,130me to Me;
A ' A A ' ,,,,,,, 7%,,»

—-:,3z_ :3 _1 1 'rrg—q
$iEZE'345H; ” ' 1" “9—3—31




'1 1
7' —3 ~33 5 #3363
Copyright, 1898,11y THE RUEBUSH KIEFFER C0.


 The Gospel Invitation. Concluded.

é‘ifi H: i '}_if;—’* \ffi’“ “’,*“—,#—::f' N JAY—1:; Jij‘

a———wa: 770:- ‘
, 33' ,,
4 7 :5. D- -;_._o
3 r' r' KCL/ /
:\to J

3 saw, . .Comouu-toMo. \VozL-I'y
moto 3 ‘

heart, . . l'or rcf—uge
Je—sus says.(‘0111o uu—to Mucomo uuto Me.
U to 1

Wea-ry heart,
‘ome t0 ‘_*,'__’3’ ti
, x—aiv 07557:er
' _; ff *1
”V‘ / V ,

Hon, i'lco Un—to Christ . . who (tall- 01h 'I‘hoe
“HMS for ref- ugo flee Uu— to(‘ 111 ist \\ ho cal lleth Lhco \\ ho culleth lhee.
wary? hi- "pf . ‘ 3 ,, , . 4‘ N. \J
(*t’iug, T1 ' ' ’ " ’ " 7 "3" ’ '" 7p 'jffi; :0} l?€::
~~ 33 {1. e. ,_ ,- 3;;ng ~ __|—;j

Dr. Havergal.


di — \'iuo,’l‘o 'l‘h-eo my 'soul :1>—J)iros;
My llongmy’l‘rustmy Lil‘o.my Lord

10 — tor—null Souer of joys

, As—suros mo of Thy love;
.Tlmu shall my thankful pow‘rs rojoico. Aml triumph in my (‘od

0:: ,6 |:

1d [ s:1y;”l‘ho Lord is miuo !” "l‘is zlll
(')‘.1.>‘J):221l< the kiu(l.lruusportiug \\'orll,;\u(l hid
TM 11 ‘:?\'%‘lll)'

my soul (l!‘-.\‘il‘C>‘.

lfiy fours ro-move.

r21 p-turo tuuo my voice To spread ’l‘hy praiso abroad.


, 3 , ,9; 30, , ,
, ‘3’ a 3 3 g_3# (23-! 9

, _ ‘37; _'2:_,,,
-;:EE—_—JE:’ 1;: r" ‘lgll



No. 4. The Future Meeting and Greeting.

Rev. A. M. Evers. J. H. Ruebush.

111 1111111; — 1111 - 1y mun—51111115 111-31111111 1,1111 dark 1'11' — or, \Vl1111'e
111 1114411111» 111' 51111311-11111' \1'111‘1'1111011-111115 an1 1) - VCI', God’s
’1‘111111 111111 — 111 1111‘ - 01' — or, 1:01" - cv — 111‘ and CV - er,

.4 '44‘

4; 4‘ 1 «1 - 61 In
7 ‘ ‘ 144.44”: 44' 4': JV: - 5:.
0 U . /

2111 :1- gs 11111 01111111, '1‘11 (141111111; (11111 1111 — oth- 111' :15
11111—111111\1'11111111111011111.1111- 141‘ 111 , lie-(111111141011 111 glo — 1‘_V \1‘111
11111111\\\‘111111111' S11V-111111' 51) 11.1111. ‘1V'11,11:<:.11111>‘ 111' the :L — geanith

. 44 1 4445
.§ 41"

1:;11'1111111W1'11111 111.11 .\11111'11111'11 \\'1L11<1111'11)\'1‘110111‘S {It
11‘ 1111134111111 $111 1“, A1111 2111 1115‘2'1‘1‘211110V0 (5131-

11(11111-(‘15 $11111 5:1” 1‘, .\11(1 2111 11111‘1111211‘
. n

e — 11111112.
11111 - 111'011 so near.

1 -4 194-4- 9 ,,,,, £44 . _
@370 1' a S 4 -3 5 :4 I 94’": .' “E41"!4444:4414:4i4_:3‘441
‘ "‘9 4:4 _41j;: :4 ,,,,,, :4 44:14:44 4:4 4,; 4 4 4 141141 '44 '4"

4 [44vT444


if" g L 0 _ 4

\_._/ V
(1 11111131, . 1111111 1.1112 . 1) 1111111 . 111111111 111111111. . 111111211:
11111111111111), 1111 there, 11100111111 1111111e1'e,111eetl1le1111111911}, 1111111111191111111e1‘e,



44 i '44.—
111111111, . 11h1171111111‘ S‘m’ — 1111111115 34101115 . 111)}11'1111:11“111 11:15 0111191111111111111

.4144»... 4,41‘,1§1‘4fi4‘

4 44 _[‘ 4 44g 444 ._4441__ .4 1.4
”#:199‘4' "‘ 4’14! 44? V41?
1/ I v 1

(4011y11311t.189‘€,1))'I‘HERITEBL‘SH KIEFFER C11













No. 5. ‘ Unsearchable Riches.

Fanny J. Crosby. l~John R. Sweney, by per. .
77757:? A j§ x$#3 A a-) Jili 1
’ ”1’” 7 ‘ 37‘; £4" 5% it 5 511:;‘1 ,1“; 5 5+7“? 134751 ;
:-2+5 5 5 5 75 fig—5 y :1 7a 5+ ""d"*""a“"'a”" U ,1 I





. 1) 111111111~1111111111111111111111~1011111151.i\\'11a11h111111.111111111\111‘ 1111, £0111:—




2. 1) 11111111151111111 11111)11’,111f111‘,\ (11("1111.~11.\\111151111111111111‘g1‘e111111e1~>(111- Clare? :

:1. 1) 1,11111111511111101111111111‘1111111s010111151.15111114me1111'1‘111113' th11y110W: ; 1‘

1. 1) 111111,111155111111111111111)1'11'111,1s111'11111'1s113W11011'11u111n111211111151 1111— 1111110 ' '1
1 irrP-r P P» 9 - r r—r i ,11' 4'7» PiP i9 rd ' ' 1
@576 P7: 51,,101,2,9 or» 1,7137 9 rfi7orrro o I 1: ‘ S
1 1.,» 1 . , ”V wibr, AR 1 1 .
1 91,57 7-5775 5:19: :9 ,5. 1,5, '75 1:1: 9+1] at 1/7759“ 5 L: 1

Nyf‘wvwwvfivi .1
‘ 171 ;\ 6112.01‘ 57‘ 1% 7%‘777? 1“ 1"" [1,, *A—h 4‘ 71‘ :\1 A W 1
1351111 ' r ‘ 4 , 1'!» a [£1 3 riarigi r :11 5 a 3 a- 3! 1 via»: ‘
If; 7 .7570 C U .7 6' , 771,, , [7:771 77 C 7.7:. 7 7’::‘1f 1
1L 0 a o «v . g g7 a v . w


111131111511x1111111<11111s501'111:11‘~(:_\' 111111 11111111. 1’1‘ec111l1s1n111re precious 11111111110111 ‘
.I11\\'11ls “hose111511111<1111'111'11s11111y 11 - 1101111. 1’11111‘is 11111111111 1)1)1)1‘11st111:1}' “1131'. V 1 1
3.1111(1112'11111«1111901111111'1111111'11111111111111111111111))Wv11111'111' -111‘ 11111151 go. 7
T11;:11\.:l1111(‘110111211111(31‘()1\‘,\‘1‘S 111111111‘111.1{1(:111‘1.~; 111111 t1111s13t0 s11- 0111‘11?





//11 1111x1111d)






(‘110111x 5 ‘3‘ 1 L1
1 ‘ 1 , , 1 1 1
,1 7 7572:? 2 3"#1j;f5:17_; 15‘7777;157:2551—1517.ij5? 77::'7 1 ‘
Q ‘ 1 1 "17:01“ "1 1 “'1 311 ' 9?, 1:1. 1 ._ 1__1_ II 7
7,1 5in av 10 '1 7:0 a ,Wiair,i g 1'7 ;


1’1‘11— 1111111<11110111 111's—111011~'.—\\'11;11111111:;1 1121111111\'-111' 1M1, 10111 .
g" 1 51,2 1,0







7 17 ¥_J77~» AA, 1 i 7 i 1
”,7” 1 7,70 17,9 11 47 _ 717-41,
. a 0 1 .1 J 1;» 2 71:2»
675 , W W 1 “a i

'1111131'111'11111110111111z1< 11111 1111111111'1‘1111s1'111'111511111111111110101115111111111135;
111111101 111y11111:11111< 1‘1111 1'1)\\‘:1.~'1,11.1\1111 I. 111111111111s.11111 1111111'1111'11011111 7
:1. I 1111' my11011-jv1101\11111>111111111’111111111s‘ 11111 1111 —10\\' 1'01‘111)‘ 111111111;




_-.. 1 _._-_.._______——'_—._-__._ -

6777 ,



‘1‘: 11-227.. ‘35»-


A1111 11x -'1\' (1\'11111111_1'511111111111111011111111111 1501110111181111111—1110-1‘11115 of 1115 11111011. '
1111'. 1111 f1)1‘f"1\ 115110 101—1 1111\1: 1111g11’11s11111 strength for 111118 to (tome. 1»,



Wl11111“11-11-11111101'111-1111 1111-1111111s keep Their 1111111111—1u1 st11i'11111sr1111111111151111111.







 No. 7. Jesus Only.
Respectfullyinscribed to Reva E. B. Shaver.
“They saw no man, szwe Jesus only.”—MATT. 17: 8.
Rev. Elisha A. Hoffman. J. H. Hall.

hum Sovnno \\'1) Hum. J ‘
A , AA A H»— ‘3 J:
37 '3 331
ABE; {Ea-:13;

‘Je — sns on —1_\' I”1his the wutchword.GuidhigJikv :L stair, my

" .19 - sns 0n — 1y “hen the, sun-shineFloods with gold the way I ‘
‘ .Ie — sns on -1.\'!”\\hen the shad-(ms Dark—1y o’er my path-Wily ‘
'JC - sns on —1y!”\\'heu I’m sinking In - to the cm-brace of








' ;A “fl": AA 3:3 AA AA ,

17337377773 3A1 3A3771:3
’; g" 033:3 0:13 _c_3' ':a j:
i, 1

Ha th;x i'1'imld that walks hU-sidv 1110,011001'4ng av — 'l'y puss —in;1(ln\'.
’I‘h'in II» is to me the dear— 01“ For the joy llu doth hc-stow.

He the liththnt shines in (hu‘k—ncss, 110, my SnV-iour and my all.

IIu, my Szlv — inmuwiil he with me To my last ex -pi1‘ - ing breath.




1 3', 3-;
:3? 91,-, ‘aAiAi'A\ ,

3A1? :ATzAA 1

i ‘ i
HnV—ingilim to wrrik ho-side “10,011, mvsoni is trn — 1y Mask.

0_ - » —o; »0<
"7 AA'A A7 A..,, H >

13:3_ 3; f3; 3 ‘3 391335,:EEELAA

2:i::::7:A :23 ’:.3 AC3 33"313—

Copyright. 18.05. by J. H. HALL.





No. 8. Jesus is Mine.
Mrs. Catharine]. Bonar. T. E Perkins.

4; 77 77
7 717‘1 1 1 :1 4 ‘
:iil—a ~~——1‘ 7:177 —L~ “:1: ‘ —1 ~70
7 7 :71'7 a 77 ——-— o v— 9
7 77, §+19w
1. Fade fade each (1111 L1113' jov. .113 — sns , 1111111}! Bu ak, 03' — ’1‘3'
2. 'l‘empt not my soul 11 - 33113. .10 — sns mine! Here would I
3. Faro-33TH, 3'0 dreams of nightJv - 511$ mine! Lost in this
4. Fan's—331311,mar-ml — 1— t3, Jo - sins minv! \V 1— —cmne. P -»
7 "A 70.70 _g :'_7

7747.fl7_ @7771 PD D477:7 7777 71.777 7
7i1ii::::77 7’: E - i - 1B) - if: :7;
D ' 4 I 7 —77 7 1~ 9
:1 1”“ 7 ”JEva
7 7 V 7
7477 7
1‘ 4/4“ 4a: 3§:_1’:7 7:97: i
775:?! _.7: ’4‘; 777g‘0 77A 777
1 .V’ . . .
ten - (1131‘ tie .1e - sns is mine! Darkis tho 33'11—(101‘—ness,
(’V — or stay. .10 — sns is mine! 1’v1‘-ish— in}: thing'sofclny,
(lawn-in: light, .10 - sns mine! All that mysonllms tried
tm‘ - ni — 113'. .11) - sns‘ mine! “Wk-01110.0 loved and Mesh.

p 0 N 17 7
@5129 ~ ’9 7 37 a: s__1=7777o777777:7

v77 | D~_73;:L'77717777

% ro—a~o a" 3
Ezll‘tll11:151101‘OH11111L"[)12‘101‘11105‘11S 11—10110 C1111) l)1« ss, .10. 1 . mine.
1()1‘111)11t for 0111: brief (1113'.l’11s.< from my heart :1—33‘113', .10, 1‘ 1‘ mine.
Loft but 11(1151112113'0111. .1'1— sns 1111.9 sat-is —1i<'(1, Je .‘ .‘ mine.
\Velcomv sweet scenes ()1 1'csl.Welc0me,my Savionr‘s breastJe ‘. 1‘ '.t mine.
;_1 . ‘77 7'- '
’ " ’ 1 0 41-7 7

Q: ip77 E E71977"
711: _ .3179.

’.3 p91. 1‘ l

. 9. Sessions.



~ ::‘:“i : fjf“; r 1:1 7
§:2: [jii7 31:91:ng 1::2777ii —_ 77*: 7:7

0 K 7 0977

V . “-/ 1) Y . 1 .
1. Sin—1191‘. oh why so 1110 tlvss grown. “113* in men dread—11111115111 1.011113?
2. \Vi1t thou diaspiso (3 - INF-11611 1211.9, [11‘27‘11011113' sin’s 11171111431x (imams?
~2- ~07 -0- 7/7 197 19* —/—

;_- :5" C: ‘i :7)#"17i:1fi:17’ [ ’
.2: ' ”Q 1'11; 7a: 791::iiih j ’ -
* 1911496 1*: 9

, m
. .7 ' 4 77 7.47717- 1 7177 77 7- 714‘ 4 7 7
g?“ :; ’5317’177 fl q7917|j9j747{ I“! I; '2771'17;5F:::3”
1 77,7; ’, g71:7' "9 *2 —§—a ; v:9 99' i
1)z‘-11 ing‘ to 1011p townrlds unknown, Heed—less 11— uninst thy God 10 113'.
\11111—13 :11. the in - fvr— 11:11 3111,“,1111'1101‘013 thy pas - szio'e 1011113 flames.
| m

1 1 ' ,9 _

@7914 71‘ $1.19: E1211
9 .







W. H. R.
HST—1‘ A -1 4— 4—1#— ~3—
21 a 4m >15
4 a. a 62H” :7 j—
3- Q
Q Q _0'f_ Q 432%} _Q
. v . ‘ V
. Sllmn, 1'01- ;1'11111111‘55 sons of Z1 — 011,L<) 1 the 111111111111; llghL appears, 111s — 111};
8110111 101 11 a1111css,Christ is 00111111311‘1111111he regiousoitheblvst Countless
1. ‘ _ .‘

‘3 'E
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(110 1101M (1111 , so 11mg ox-poctc11,l1‘100d your tide 111' Miss 1110111) L1110k5 and
A 1


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11’111‘1111111’s‘ (11"11111)’ 11101111 £11111 1111 11111111111111"0 1111) 1111.111. 01 1111115. .10 - SHS

. I10It110
1‘11111s111111 — 1m-111st-111g song. ’1

t1) 111011L 111111.1110111 the11011115011111.east,111111 111mb

51111511111111101111t11111s,110111the 11,1"




. 1 ‘
(:111111N 111111 11111111111111; 1111—f_r1*11s'11‘1‘<>111t111w11111—111}: (1.1111115 11 — 1111111 .\1111 111111
night 0 1' sin is o - 111 “911111111011101‘0 C1111 17111‘ — 1'01' 111'111g,‘s‘11011t:1-—
110111 111111111111 11\ 111 wondingl )’111' 11111 111111111 11111‘ 1111111111011 11111115 Baum and
Q?’ “Q"jl a

bun-11111 5111'11111111111; o‘er 115, Is 1110 11111-1111 (11‘ 1115 11110.
101111 111111 sing 5411111141115.1.011111511110 110111 1H K1111“r of 11111;,
c111) — 1‘115. Shout; for Christ is 1(11111‘ of 11111
.8: j-
' 17’? m »»»»»» ~— —»~~~—A-o ~37~—1' 4" F I
EQQE:Q IQ QBQQIQQQ 13 3QQ: th- .EQPQ .’:. '. ..
QQ —v—.—— ‘i Q— 777* .v—i -7 Ev, » ,Q . ', W
i . # l — l I; l 7 g E‘ 7
By permission.


1111 - 1:315, join the




 N0. 11. Christ Hath Arisen.

J. H. Ruebush.

. Christ 11111111 21 - ris‘ — 1111! 1111511111 is 1111111011)! L1)! t111111'h11e1‘1111-1111 011115
. Break 1‘111'111111sing-i112". ()\\‘11r111newborn1(711111111h11g1'11111,1111-1511—111211i11e,
‘ . Chant 111111 _\ 111-111111111111» 1'111111’1,< 1‘111>111'r11111111e 511111113111 11i111. 11i111 113111111111; streams,
. (71111111111111 re1he 111111111111111111111111511» 111111.1-11111111 S1111 111111111111111 111' (1113'


111' 111191111111: i):1‘1'1*11.1_r11111-1111 111111'11—in}.1'1 $0111 - 1,111‘ the night!
("1111\1‘51111-11' 111111'11. 01111111)111111,}'1)1111Q'5111111011l]!:~‘.(1:1|1(2111§;' in 11111'1111.
i’ruis-in}.r 3'11111‘11‘11111. Break from thy win - 1111'. $1111 1111:11'11111111sing;
s111i111 1111‘11’ 1,1121, t111111). Mark! 2111 — 111111 \‘11ic- 11s 1:111 1'1'11111 111111ski11s‘;

11115111. )‘11 1115‘— 111116211111. 111% \\i111 11111 111.1111

("1111111.1111 y1111i1111>111(11111.1,(1111si112'1,111111111111.
131111\1'i1111111'11111ss11111L<111i1‘11‘111‘istis 11115'5111‘11131.

01111511111111 :1 - ris — 1111. 11111111191111.11— rise. (:11) _ 1y 111 (11111,



’1~j~—7m— .

0.; - J’
--, ,1 -,
(1“ 7‘17?“ "V .#__77.
(11111. 1)11:1111 " 111111‘11;
(111) - ry 11) (21111, 1111:1111 is 111) 11111111,, 1111:1111 1111 11111111.


‘1 ' ‘ ‘1\_—4(
(111-1‘1 1111111121- 1‘1\‘ — . ( 1111111, . .11111w1’11111‘1)11sn11w4.
Christ11:1111'1‘is11n, (fln'istlnith‘1'is'11n.(‘11:1111 11111 \\‘1111 — 111'1111s news.
1. - ,_ - ,
, W- -7- , - 7 o ._,_1~p _._
" ,,,L:;:I; . .1:1 i ii If-
7 ,--_, ~77~~1 rv~~~w~r .
'—"‘ | 1
l | By pennission.





12. Christ’s Sacrifice.
J. H. Tenney.

Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth.
. P a1
7 JV‘V7 ff;fl} 1::11i —1 4:; d_:l . ':
,..!#:5 _fi_% L” ‘7 7 v; ”V W‘ G ' j_:._1— L_d- A 7%;_3_

‘. ('7111'ist1z1i11 {1 3.10111- 1111 seep-L111 (101111.21111‘111111 :1 vast 110 - 11111111,
11.11, 111111 11- 511111 :1 my — a11'11be, Put 011 11 beg- 4:111" s1'1111ess,
111111w11’111:1111110cks1111yon—1111111i11s7 Yet knew the >111- ~11st 1111011

9 fl ,,,__.,,i, LE#7: .'—:!_1L21

-bwii:i; E 1-——~‘2~ i:1;

7‘ . , \-
10purchase511111111'ss11011 :15 we, 1\1111f_1‘1\'11, to us :1 111111111.

That 1111 for — 111 - 111111i2'11tb111111111’11111111+own1131111111113111133.

That 1111 11111511110111111111111111 111s111i1e, 111 1):1s1111'11< gr1111n might 1111111.

1_J§i,#_, £_, *9 a

#53:, 3:1!!- -3 1 Li’ .-,j[-,;:,:;37

Eflz I;i: 7‘17 .
1 v

01101: 1' xx
.7”1_1f1 ~ 3 g. 1 J 1
Q N —4 1 —, -—;——\7 —£~\~yg
‘1 977,771». I 2:7 ij“ if :1 3::*;‘§f 1:: If:
, a ,,;:',:a'if. 1 ’nga’Fd 0:4}; :T' to '
‘0‘ K ’"

53+ a
1 ‘V
. 1 . ‘- .
(111,11'113' 1111' S111-111‘1'S 11111 1111 1111*? (111.11'113' 1111s 8211', - 1'1 - iic11‘.’
1 1 _

'___,1._.1 ifgu *
___,,¢_1 7 ;1rv_[__

' Q ' i ’1‘ 1 A
i1‘7mfl ' ' ' " —'1 '7—1— “1A _
i‘ 335.: 11: 3:13:39. 1 r 1;”

"I‘wns11>\'11.)'11s.10\'11for )‘1111 £1111111111.811(:1111)\'1-:1.~: 11111' — 111' (11:15.

:'F_ —E 1 1— — ||
' ,:_: ‘
3:11: EiE: E:
1 V1
(YOpyrighr, 1898, by THE 1111;111:511 KIEFFER C1).






13. Whiter than Snow.

James Nicholson. Wm. G. Fischer.


,3, _ ._ ' _
111ml .10 - 5115, [ long to he per—luck - lV \\‘lli)l{*; l
lmi'il .lc - sns, l()()l\'(ll)\\'ll 1'1'1'1111’1‘113' throne in the skies, Aml
lmm .le - 5114, for illis‘ [ must 1111111 — bly on - treat; I

\V:1nt’l‘lw<\for- ('V — 01' In liVn in “l." s<>111;Bi‘1*:1k (lownm‘
help 1114‘, 10 111:1lw :1 ('UHl-pll‘LL‘SHC- 1'1— lion; I giw in)
\V:1it,l)lwsx-0d Lord, at. ’1‘th 1-1'11- ci - ili‘d foot; By faith, for
l N

07:0 9‘ ,


:; ,7 h g ;,,i
i — lnl (.th 0111‘. CV — ‘1‘V 1'09; Now ‘wzlsh 1110, and shall ho.
“11.:11111 \\ lldt eV - 01 l knon—Non \Vnsh 1110 and shall he
( lemming, I \( 11 Th) blood I1 uw— \mV “11411110411111 shall he

3,;3, 3 3.3 h g 3' :1 3:2: 913130;:

3 11313193 F2 77777 1" lLFéI LC— 92::

*1 1 , (‘110111 T 1

3i , Mi ‘5'“; ”“1 f4e1_4_n- , ,f
,7 5- 22'- g ;!:’:!3 g- ::y%?
p ' 3'33 3"3363’;3 a3 d3 «#30 3 _;_3
Whit - (‘1‘ than snow. thit - 01‘ than snow, 39$, \\ h1t — (‘1‘ than


«1077f: moi o__o#o~t of.

O# 971 O . D -—::j



,1- 3" “333:1

snow ;Now wash 1119, and I shall he \Vhit — or thansnow.



9—0— 0—0;. 0- ————-
”71‘1#‘:W; :::E;::':;: _ E__h_ , l‘:fi:‘,l L: —
“0333133 l‘33lr333r3 .1 1L3)
l l

Used by per. of W. (1. FISCHER, owner of copyright.



 No. 14. Jesus is Waiting.
S. S. T. S. S. T111119".

‘ 1'
1 1 “]

:—r :1, 1L

5113 is 11 flit- in0 101 31111 111; b10t11111‘,011 1111yi111t c01111 L1) — (1:1y- ,
nus is wait-111;; .E1)1)011,1113b1“0t1101.()11.co111ezu111neck 1115 love
5115 is “nit-111g for yo11.111y brother.01141111110 without (10 — lay;
$115 is wait-1115.: for3011,1111'brother,011,11'11y re-fuse the 0:111?
— :F' P- :9— I d
, _, —::o§~_: — a o_ g: 0:: o~:—,~
:7 2,2,2 1 #144 ,
:» via; D——-' —o r ~ —7 F:,1_l_
-2 5 . L v" 1: :
1—#W 5‘ _*9‘ 2.2222. . ‘






‘rfjf , 1 . ‘i 7 1
.1 17.: ___—1 _W::HJ,,
,, U ,4§,§ _.¥_1‘§ ,4“
30:9: 2.3; 3,2
9 :0:
11111111111113 withyougcntlyl)11.c1)1111‘,111ybrother.011.1111not51.1113'11—11'21)’.
1111’s\1'1111011111g211111\1'21iti11g_1'01‘you,111y1_)1'1)t1101',1’1‘0111 1111111510115 farabove.
’1‘11e1110111c11t5111‘11 113/111;r {1- 1\':1_\'.111y111111111013131113'111there‘slimeto—day.
II1111)\'1*S)'011:11111 bidsyon t1)(1111111n111y1110111111“ ;110 2'111'111119 life for 1111.

VA—oiw; q I a ’ ,,,,,;___ L' o——E~Lr——


”:CZEZD: 55%

2573’ :::3—F :fiEVE: i3 3': f," ';
2— Effifig 55741;; 51—: ’11-»?



C1)11111.1:1’11110, (romejust11011211151br0t1101‘,011,110 not stay a - way;
Come. come






:1 5:5:1_::_:§311:'1;::E:E:1m_s:qgm11l

512:3;:‘1z:i h: 11:: 2_L_ —
V %—| V—ykyl— Q_1:1:






No. 15. Let the Sunshine In.

Ada Blenkhorn. Chas. H. Gabriel.
§ “ ;§

1 7__7~~_71 7 __1.
512177175: 4:12:44 7777—7177777—


7177777 7 77 77017/77
——Et 7_I—7o _.v 77.1—y‘ . :;_7_7 _ _'_ y— r—g’ 0—70—0777.—




i . . . .
i 1. Do youi‘ear the foe wiiiin the con-flict W111? 1s 1tdark With-
1 2. Does yoni faith grow fainter in the cause you love? Are your pray’rs un-
‘ 1‘ Weuhl§0u :40 1e- joic— 7i11<4 0n the 111) ward 11 71y Knowing naught of

03770—07 '7 0—777 —\7 7. 777F—Lw—77J 77-77LP— 17—70—

g 12 12%;: 44 #777177 1-7 7177:7771; 15:7:

'w' _
7 :5“:


, 4 _, 4-41“_\# '~A_>__ _
‘6 £25 1:9'7'3‘WE797JI a

011tye11,—d:11'k - 01 still 1'. ith 7 in? Clear the (lark-ened windows,

:111-swe1"1l by your God :1 — hove? Clear the (lurk-ened windows,

(h11'k11ess,—111\'eiiin}4 in the day? Clear the dark-enedwindows,
7P7 7o— 797 \







J I i
1 1 1 1




77—777-1 ' o_ U: 7747 777- 77—7 .7777
_, . __‘. d i _a.

0 - 1>en “ide the door, Let :1 lit -tie sun-shine in.
o — pen wide the (1001‘, Let a lit—tie sun-shine in.
0 7 pen wide the (1001' Let :1 lit 7tle sun-shine in.



7' 7079—7 7'7 7077' 7 077—7; 4‘ 79


”’* i— 5t

r— F






’i25 :4 ‘ 1_ 44,44 ‘:"_4_4__ __4 4
; $7: i: :71: :E§%'_*KLE‘§ngfi'EVjWLQ—ffli


77—7'7 077 770—7077 07979—7 777 7 77'——O— 07.707
1 I f’ '
' 7177111777v17711:
1 Let ta littlesunshine 1n, . . Let a lit—tie sun-shine in: . .

the sunshine in, the sunshine in,







Copyright, 1895, by CHAS. 11. GABRIEL. Used by per.



@1912 5 1741. ‘I—; §::‘L:4;EE‘:1—‘:t: 4,414 ;;4_11: 1
77:7 ~~~~~ 7 777:1 7 77 77 7177 77 7 7.77

5 :15; ;:‘ 37 __ 537-414 ._
'C $771 777$“E ga77Lfi_:4ijkj1§il . g —7a77771:y—_ ill


1‘@*”i¥‘;§fi'77v—v 1?: 5:19:33 175743.71: i
a 7 77 7 - 1 1


a 7 , 7 ~ 7 7 ”777777 777
1 45 5:494L4/4_V_T4/_'_V 6:437EF’;F:E7L¢HV i"- P— :17: EE#’X"




" ‘17:”;277 -.7














16. I am Sheltered in Thee.

F. M. D. Frank M. Davis, by per.

J I L I ¥_.__‘__..__ 7
I335 ‘ #:II; If :1: LI”! I I‘— :iEL—i:1 ;I;“I—IA -34:—§
I ’— — : _‘— : __3 n“ v , C7} '5’? “7““
:EE £—-op—§ ~W d —’:: :24——y:: of

5 I I v é

I am safe In the Rock that is high—01‘ than I; This my
I. I am safe in the Cleftthntwas riv- on for me; From the

am safe in the Rock htxxhzl-t-ov— or I)’: - tiIIe;I):I:Itlland
_,Q_ a .g_ 1- .p- -p- ,Q,

I1» AP , o C;CW:;: 9} .L_ ,, ~ o—'— 1:—


{1:9: :. 7*? 99+: 0, :_
F I I ‘5 r —I———v 5—




Tvfi—i A£_§L_Ig y:;: _

l I I .
ref-um: thro’ storms e’vl'shall be ;’l‘ho’ my fruiI hark 1s tossed 011 the
pow‘rof the. temptvr I’m from'l‘ho’mypath—\mybe dark, and the,
heII h-ne no tor — 1'01' to me; I can walk without fear Lhm’ the

p- :0“. f-
koa , 0:: —

I“? 35::-
F:5V*'::fi :




3&5; ' . -
‘_:I :iia!‘__ __ N I:_I_; I J_,_. ”WWII, WA ,A
4;; IEMIfiII 4; —a~--I; I ;I I:I
‘I ""dTWa : "W i A‘ 7,7? 7—,, '
v I
biI —Iows’mad fozun,Yet I’m sheI-tcred for - CV — 01' in Thee.
stormfisweop the sky, Yet so - cn 1‘0 — 1y I’m sth-tcrvd in Thee.
shad — ow - y vale, For $0 -cnrc - Iy I’m sheI— Um (I In




SIleI—tered in Thee, ShuI-tercd in ’I‘hmr; () Thou

Shel—tered in Thee, ' Thee;
17- ,p_











{LIII sth-tered in


 No. 17. He Knoweth thy Grief.

Ida L. Reed. J. H. Hall.

V .

. He know-0th j grief, 'Ile know-0th thy care,
. He know-0th . pain, Thy tears He doth see,
know—9th " all, The wua — ri - some way,

-g---iE _n


{‘7'—' 07777

110 my - (sth 1'0 Go liml it,

in prayer.
And 110\' - or in . Thy

.~'nfl"1'ln;,r shall be.
Am] whun Lhnndust " . ”("11 [Ht thus (Inch (lay.
.' ,

know-01.11 Ih_\' grivl', Each

pangllmn (lost I‘lwl.
lloknmv—eth thy grief,

lizmhpung than (last feel,
707 7o— -o—

_— :_1..11. 711 . v






Aml all of thy wounds, Thy Szw-imn' will

Andall of thy wounds, Thy S2LV-i0u1‘

will heal,(willheal.)
I \
_'-__:“ 1.1;; 1'! 3511‘; _fi_p13:‘_.p_ ,‘1_d,,,l1_
77 7707717 D77 p7 q —[377— —l—— ~l—- o——o———
19—7.: V*V——b’ 9H F—+ 49E: E: E:,;: Eykfilfl
Copyright, 1897, by THE RUEBUSH—KIEFFER C0.


 No. 18. Hurry and Tell Him.
"' Bypruym‘41ml31111111171311.11‘021 . . . [(315 your requests bole/102021 unto G’od.”—I’hil. 4: 6.
Rev. B. E Warren. J. H. Hall.


uisk 111111 it; shall be glV-(\11)‘011,”b10tll(3l, 1 $1111 1110 Lord who
ll111'—1‘)-* and tell lIi111;wliy do you tar - ry? 0— 11011 yourheart while
llur-ry and tell \Vlintiongue cannot 111: — 1;ei‘;G1‘0:111i11g£111(lsigliiug,
llur-i‘y and tell ynurti‘iulsandaf—fiic-tions,’l‘cll llim 511011 pain and
lIur—i‘y and tell lli111duuhtsthat are Llii‘ongingAsk l’li111f01‘g'1‘ncat0

,o_ . i‘ 1‘
._.'.7'._.A' l '.L-7[:H
All. I l-

- 3*: .,,C 1* i
libgfi’iWI E ‘5





éar-cth 1'01“ 1111; Come withyourhuartull bro-ken amibleed-ing;
Je— sus is 110:11‘;B1‘i11gIlimtiic bur-(lens you can-110B cur — ry,

load-0d with care; Bruis—(rd and weak with doubting you fal — ter;
sor—row of. heart; Here is the word :“AllpOW-er is giv — e11,
joy and 0,11 - dure Life’s va-i'ied scenes with all that’s surround—hm;

, 7L:

itff“ D—Q‘f:[ e:'_l:....j, '_,' '—




0110111 8.
l‘ J; if,

Eég—QL :fiflij :17 ,-
_ __ 7‘ ,_

Tomele willlmu‘ and 111131101 30111 call. Hurry and tell Him,

Tell ilimwiih courage—noun11g to fear.

’l‘oii llim—ile waits your burdens to bear.

Lo! 1 :111111'ilphyou.”never to part.

Stand on ilis111*(1111isc—cpstml and sure. HurryandtellHini,my

,'_ _.__ _£'L— _',

" ’0 9 ’1”j"":i" "Vl— ‘:: 7C:
'15; «9770 Q' -E' 1;? El #Hn
:1? 14‘ H LE4




,_ fi' ‘ I # ‘
' :: :afigi 5:25 ~4H—g


__..__.._._._,m ._v .g_
ln‘mlih-fi‘l‘ 21nd sis— ter; J0 -sus, so ten - (101‘, lov-i11g,a11d
broth-(21‘ and sis - ter; Je-sus, so ten -de1‘, so 1(1v-i11q.yes,


————-—:[~:—D 0;. K
_'_i' ' —" ' ‘ C:::Ef'
“1— EE— —E_ b 52?:
Copyright, 1897,11)"an RUEBU SH— KIEFFER Co. V V






 Hurry and Tell Him.

”—K 1 N ‘ 1
‘1’ "a": 105:9:—d5 v . ‘1- ” 1‘ ‘

",1, _,,_ ,, 1 1‘ J ‘ ,,_i

' 7

,, ,.,,,;.:,_-_,,7, ' »,,; yo" 1:; 51,qu I:
,_ ,_*__,,-A,- 1;, 7 1’ 7 V 1 1 @ —v~
111ml. . . . “01111111111 10 (tom — lm‘l. 1)1<\s.<.:111(l (11‘-

101’ - 111:; :11111 kilul; Wait—(51h to 001111011.yesJulcss.1111(1 (lo —

1 1 7

1‘" 1:17 59,.“ .
“; 11111'—1'_1' and 11111 111111. 111-:1<.11't)1111'ill 1111(1.
11111—131“ 111111 1011 lli111511'ct‘fiwzu'e1'01111'1'111'111d.

a- 97-170—
fio&oooo&~»rir ~
'11 _9; I a n in; 1a. ELEEL II
E F: "inhibit—1% E: L2 ‘ —


No. 19. More Love to Thee.

" LOI'I‘St I/m/l mr'.‘ ”——.10111121: 16.
E P. Prentlss. T. E. Perkms.



d, _, 3 i U
1. More 1011‘ to T1100 () Ch1‘15L! 310101011 to Thee! Hear Thou the
_. ()111‘1‘ earth - 11' jny I 01‘:11wl——Sought peaceaml rest; Now T1109 :1. —
Thou shall 1111' 1211 — est breath \Vhis— 1101‘ thypmise; This he the


pray 1‘ 1 11111110. ()11 lwml-ed knee; This
10110 I seek: Give What 1S best. This
part-11w (21‘1' MV heart shall rise This

@’ 2+ * E ’9

111V ‘nr —11(‘st plea —
1111' pray’r shall he —
its pray’r shall be,




More 10111.0 (Thriscmo TheelMore101e,()(711113110

Thee,More101‘e to Thee!
»fl- 1»— —Q- 1


By permission, T. E. PERKINS, owner of copyright.

g:. ; _.' M; w.

.. ,w ._ .... . 4 . -. 4A
., .x . . _ #M—w—W
_________..._.._—————-—-——-n _

__._——.-....__‘.._ .


 No.20. Christ Calling.
Aldine S. Ki effer.

MUaj Jno B. Ketchum.
S. A., New Yo1k City Haunonizedby B. C..Unseld

A 1 1 .
,1._g,_1,1 _—1\ «4:134- '— ' 4 N a .
gig; —:j—1—1~d—+—-1—F3'i—:+—"~—' 4:55:


—-:a::_ i::d;-‘_,
5———-~ ' —l11J—r—;l-Q——'—-'—L;——d———ol——o_
Chr1st1s knocking at the por— ta], Christ is tap- ping at the door;
“Griev’ (1 again! ” the Saw lour s0r10ws Turning bit - ter — ly to go—
Lite is 510 - in<.1 yeais are paSS— —i11g Da1k and dark— e1 growsthe hour
But a - 121s! the kind - 1y knocking Of the gokl- en houxsgone by,

. Christ 1S tap- ping at the por- tal, Christ 15 knocking at the door;
o~ ~o— o—-. -o- -o-' 0-— l-o‘ -0— ~19-






‘_ w: 1 v 1 1 1
_L— __1 F _F '-,‘_i.i_i‘__
4j'i_:i# :,__.#__i_7_:- |-,g--._;-_§h_


to thee sin-11er— Thou hastheard His Voice be—lo1e!

Christ is call- inq
\Vith {1 child of sin and “06‘?

“Shall my Spii -it stiive for- eV - er
But the Savioui still iS knocking Still is St1o11g the Splntspo“ 1.
And the sweetly Whisper’ d call-i110 Of the 3311it— inu‘ stra‘mgei nigh.

Je - sus culls thee now poorsin- 11er 9 \Vill you Spurn Him as be — foie?
_ _ _ _ _ -1- _ _
o o- _o ~'_#’__|£_fl.__ 4:;""1_’:M—'F' o

M. 4 g, :Q_._’?—
__ __ ~__ ___ __ g t! _‘ __ _ _ 7 i
@;—_ 0 j. _o: 5:] o f. o o _§:Ur '37??—
l 1+ 1 e 3.0— A.
l | r r



# 1 1 ' ‘
i I ,__1"_141._1

:j: if“: ifi—i':‘3': :i:£—.;--- _.__. _ —_F_

Haste, ad- mitHim—Why (losttar 1’3." He ma) lemeand czon eno 11101e.
Yet 0 Fa- ther keep the err- ing, Biingthem to Thy-sell at last—
Late so late but hear ou1 pleadimr Hmr us c1111 in(1 110111 thedoo1
Come no more nor move the spi1 - it— All a- lone theb 111crht331nds Sinh
Haste to 1111- swe1—do nolt tar - r3——\\ alt not 011 the n1011011’s sun;
_g_ _Q_ _g.- - _g_ .,9_-
' ' ‘ ' ‘ T—o——o-——o—l—1~#1—~ .






“Go Thy way, ” the sin — ner answers “Stay not by my cottawe door.”
\Vhile I go the lost sheep seeking, Ere the shades of night be cast.
Come 0 Christ, with love en- treati11<1',As Thou didst 1n days be- fore
And no voice of an- gel s:-1y eth “Christof Nazareth passeth by.“
Now ad- mit, {10- cept Him fiee- ly, Ere the day of grace be done.

o 1. 6;
1;: - —' —'j











.D. S. —-—“Go Thy way,” the sin- -11er answers, “Stay not by my cottag'e door.’

Copyright, 1897, by .1110. B. Ketchum.






Christ Calling. Concluded.









5 V4 4 I‘ _5“ 3;: I :i; 4“ .5“ 3i“ i :5 l 13 i
1 ___21 d' :1: :1 E :_ ,__,__§:___‘ _[ II p:






5 Christ is knock-ing, knock-ing at the por - tal,
‘ Knock-ing at the per - tal,

_._ _._






















m - .

A !'! J‘J.‘ thesiscl.
:I:I:i;::l: ~—-I 9::11: i :3: L a— f 2
§?5 0’ o 0' 0' X o 6 Ed- [5) ——1| 5 ’
Christ is tap — ping, tap - ping at the door; 1 i} V
Ta - in at the ‘ i

p p g | r!
':.:—:—37—::::::::::4::::i:—mjfl:l 2.;
' [T fl 'r 5 F0 is '




Hear Me, Saviour. ,
A. s. K. Aldine s. Kiefi‘er.

5—930. IJ iI




41 I, I
:21: o'— :5: :3:—.‘:
5 ‘A#O—




1. Hear me. Sav-iour,whi1e I pray On this ho — 1y Sab-bath day;
2. Hold my hand with -lllTillllCU\Vll, That I may not walk a - lone;
3. Bless mine eyes that they may see Light and life a - lone in Thee ;
4. Bless my soul with faith and love, L