xt798s4jq77h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt798s4jq77h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1962-05-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 14, 1962 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 14, 1962 1962 1962-05-14 2020 true xt798s4jq77h section xt798s4jq77h .gly‘v .


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he University Faculty met in the Assembly Room

Monday, May 14,

The minutes of the meeting of March 12th, which

1962, at 4:00 p.m.

approved Without being "ead.

President Dickey

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Professor Sullivan presented resolutions from the College of Commerce on
the death of Dean Emeritus Edward

the College of Arts and Sciences on the death


Dean White presented resolutions from
of Professor John R.


and Vice President Chamberlain presented resolutions on the death of Miss

Maple Mooras,

families and

for a moment of



Assistant Rewistrar;
be spread upon the minutes of the Faculty, and copies be
to the Board of Trustees of the University.
to these deceased and

silence in


each with the


Edward Wiest, first Dean of the College


that the se




sent to the respective
in acceptance of





University of Kentucky, was born April 28, 1878, in Citrus County,

Florida, and died
Washington Universiny the degree
from Columbia University the degrees
and of Doctor of Philosophy in 1915.
professional journals and was the author of two books:

*ebruary 7,


. He received
of Bachelor of Arts in 1912 and

of Master of Arts
He wrote many articles for


from George



Buttgr Industry 3g the United States, published in 1916; and
Agricultural Organization in the United States,published in 1925.





He taught at the University of Vermont from 1915 to 1918,

coming to the University of Kentucky in May, 1918, as Professor

of Economics.

From 1919 to 1925 he was Head of the Department of

Economics and Sociology in the College of Arts and Sciences, and

from 1924 to 1925 he was Acting Dean of the Graduate School.


the College of Commerce was founded in 1925 he was appointed Dean,
in which capacity he served until 1948, when he went on change of
work status.

During the period in which he was Dean he laid the foundation

for the development of the College of Commerce, which has grown

in numbers from 221 to 1025, the present enrollment.

Along with the

growth in size, his endeavors and policies brought recognition for

quality of work.

His planning for the College was always caiceived

in such manner as to provide for a strong cultural background for

the professional training in business.

He also offered to the other

colleges on the campus courses which would give a breadth of knowledge
in Economics and allied areas.

He will be remembered by the many students with whom he came

in contact for his kindly counsel and his interest in their welfare.
His faculty valued his friendship and respected his staunch character,
his sound scholarship, and his dependable policies.

Therefore, be it resolved that these resolutions be approved by

this Faculty as an expression of regard for Dr. Wiest; and be it
further resolved that they be spread upon the minutes of this Faculty
and those of the University Faculty and that a copy of them be sent

to his family and to the Board of Trustees of the University.










































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Professor John R. Mitchell, 76, Emeritus Assistant Professor
of Chemistry, died on February 1, 1962. Born in New Wilmington,
Pennsylvania, he was a son of the late John and Margaret Mitchell.
He was a graduate of Westminister College and did graduate work at
Michigan State University. Professor Mitchell served several years
as an instructor in science in the high schools of Pennsylvania
and Ohio and, from 1911 to 1915, was an instructor in chemistry at
Michigan State University.

In 1915 he joined the faculty at the University of Kentucky:
from 1927 to 1942, he was director of general chemistry. During
the summers he served as a chemical analyst in the Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station. He was a member of the American
Chemical Society and the Alpha Chi Sigma chemistry fraternity and
was active in scouting.

Professor Mitchell retired February 1, 1956 after forty and
one—half years of service to the University. He was a devoted
teacher and demanded a high level of performance from his students.
He set the same high level of accomplishment for himself in his
work. He spent many lonely hours late into the night in developing
and setting up lecture demonstrations and laboratory experiments
for his classes. He was highly respected by those students who were
serious minded, diligent, and interested in chemistry. There
probably has never been a more faithful teacher on the staff of the
University. As a friend, he was warm, considerate, and generous.

We move that the resolutions be made a part of the minutes of
the College of Arts and Sciences and copies be sent to the Uni~
versity Faculty, the Board of Trustees, his family and loved ones.

Respectfully submitted,

W. F. Wagner

L. R. Dawson

W. K. Plucknett
Alfred Brauer
Dana Card

Approved unanimously by the Faculty of the College of Arts and
Sciences, March 26, 1962.

M. M. White

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Miss Maple Moores, Assistant Registrar, was born May 11, 1892 in
Lexington, Kentucky. She joined the University staff as a stenographer
in December, 1915. For a period of six months she was the secretary to
the President of the University. From January 1918 to July 1958 she
served as secretary to the Registrar. From July 1958 until her death
on March 25, 1962 she was the Assistant Registrar.

Miss Moores will be remembered by the following comments made by
her friends and colleagues.

“She was the most perfect lady I ever knew.“

”I recall most vividly her unfailing sense of humor during
times of stress.“

”She never played favorites within the office.”

“At the age of 66 it was said of her, ”She is the youngest at
heart in the entire Administration Building.“

”The most frequent comment made by visiting parents, “We were
on your campus with our son last week and were received most
graciously by Miss Moores.“

”One gorgeous Monday in the fall she was urged to accompany
her friends on a trip to the Smokies and she said: “No thank
you, I have to take the Faculty Minutes today.”

“Her outstanding traits were her tolerance for others and her
good grooming.”

”A former student and Registrar writes, “I will be forever in~
debted to her for getting me started — she was the best teacher I

ever had.”

”At national and Southern Association meetings of Registrars
and Admissions Officers the University of Kentucky means Ezra
Gillis and Maple Moores, and for the past five years strangers
have approached me and asked, 'How is Miss Moores? I remember
when . . .‘”

”She knew more about the University ~—
We have lost a real

A faculty member said,
the whys and whens than anyone else.

Because Miss Moores was Recording Secretary for the University Faculty
for 44 years, be it resolved that these Resolutions be approved by this
Faculty as an expression of regard for Miss Moores; and,be it further
resolved that they be spread upon the minutes of this Faculty and that a
copy of them be sent to her family and to the Board of Trustees of the














































Dr. Rudd, Chairman of the Honors Program Committee, presented a
report on the work of the Honors program which was accepted by the Faculty.

The rationale of Honors Programs, as stated by J. m. Cohen in
the October 1961 issue of the Superior Student, is to provide
special attention to the ablest students within a complex curriculum
set for the general run of students.


In its report (1959) to the University Faculty the Sub—committee
on the Gifted Student said ”It should be stressed that provisions
for gifted students have an impact far beyond the benefit to these
students alone. A university's strength is derived from the nature
and quality of its teachers, its material resources, and its students.
Able faculty are stimulated and attracted by able students. When
faculty can choose between positions, those who are strong and secure
will usually select a university which is known for its superior stu—
dents. Programs for gifted students provide an academic climate

which should favor and encourage the development of higher standards
for all students.“


The Honors Program Committee states the purpose of the Honors
Program to be ”to help attract students of unusual ability and
achievement to the University and to help provide them with suitable
opportunities for intellectual development.” The Committee feels
that fulfillment of this purpose demands, at least, selection of

students, special counseling or advising, and special courses or special
sections of courses.

In the second year of operation there are 47 students in the
Honors Program:


Bonnie Barnes Robert Halfhill Patricia Shinners
Joseph Beach George Harper Vivian Shipley
Karen Boxley Eric Henson James Shuffett
Slade Carr Max Jerrell James Sims

Paul Chellgren Lambert King Robert Stokes
James Congleton Laura Larkins James Waitman
Robert Dunnell Marilyn Meredith Catherine Ward

C. Richard Eckel Louise Natcher ’
Mary Evans William Ormond

Glenn Graber James Pitts


Eugene Barnes Victor Day Reba Puckett
Antoinette Barton Carolyn Hall Drusilla Rawlings
William Baxter Kenneth Higdon Lucy Riley
Charles Briggs Katherine Illston James Svara
George Broomell Robert Mittendorf Larry Thompson
John Cole William Ogden Barbara Yeoman

William Conlon Pamela Price


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All freshmen are enrolled in an Honors section of advanced English
Composition and in a weekly non—credit colloquium. Those taking chemistry
are together in a laboratory section. Engineers were together in a section
of General Engineering in the first semester.

The freshmen colloquium is divided into two sections to allow adequate
opportunity for student participation. Discussions center about readings in
Plato's Republic, St. Anselm's Eggslggigmg_d‘0hardin's Phenomenon of Man,
and Bultmann'swfierygma and Myth. T“ fl—-


Sophomores are enrolled in one of two non—credit colloquia, which
like the freshmen colloquium, meets one night weekly for a twonhour period.
In one colloquium discussions are based on Black's Critical Thinking and
other selective readings. The other Colloquium centers around several
aspects of the general topic ”Freedom.”


In the first semester several sophomores were enrolled together in
an Honors section of Humanities 201. An Honors section of Humanities
202 was scheduled for the second semester but it did not materialize
because too few students registered.

At mid—year the cumulative G.P.A. for all students in the Honors
Program at that time was 5.28; for the 2s sophomores, 3.46;and for the
20 freshmen, 5.08. A comparison of classes in terms of grade point
performance is contained in the following table.

Honors Program Grade Point Averages and
Class and Year Under 2.00 2.00~2.49 2.50—2.99 5.00~5.49 3.50 over
1961 Freshmen l 2 6 l5 15
1962 Freshmen 2 2 4 4 8
1962 Sophomores 0 0 2 10 16

Most Honors students seem to enjoy and appreciate access to Library
stacks and to a small reading room in the library, opportunity to register
first, invitations to faculty homes, occasional meetings with faculty
members and University Administrators at informal lunches and coffee hours.
Also this year five incoming freshmen were awarded $200 scholarships by
the Lexington Rotary Club.

Some of the advantages of being in the Honors Program as stated
by some of the students are ~ meeting interesting professors at inflarmal
social occasions, studying with other good students, friendship with
serious—minded students, stimulation to compete for academic standing,
introduction to a new world of books through the colloquia. One out—of—
state student stated, ”I wish I had known about the Honors Program. I
would have studied hard enough to make the required standing to get into
it at the end of my first semester. Now I'll try this semester." A
parent said, ”My son feels the Honors Program is the only thing that
keeps him in the University of Kentucky.” Statements and feelings such
as these cannot be measured statistically, nor can they be evaluated
impersonally; perhaps that may be significant.

A subcommittee is currently considering the question of future
directions for the Honors Program in the light of experience









































in such programs at this and other universities. If these
deliberations lead to suggestions for changes in the program,
such proposals will be brought to this faculty for consideration.

The Committee wishes again to cite the outstanding devotion
to duty of the Honors Program Director, Dr. Stephen Diachun,
whose efforts arelargely responsible for the success of the
program to date.

John Barrows
Ellis Brown

Loren Carlson
Vincent Cowling
Betsy W. Estes
Robert 0. Evans
Harold Guthrie
James B. Kincheloe
Chuck Kirk

James G. Morris
Douglas Schwartz
Vivian Shipley
Robert W. Rudd, Chairman

Dr. Diachun, Director of the Honors Program, presented recommendations
from the University Faculty Honors Program Committee for approval of
two honors courses which were approved by the Faculty.

The University Faculty Honors Program Committee and
the Honors Program Director recommend approval of the following:

One 2-hour meeting weekly.
Prereq. open only to Honors

One 2~hour meeting weekly.
Prereq. open only to Honors

Dr. Coleman, Chairman of the Committee on Committees, presented a
report and proposal for creation of a University Faculty Council and a
Committee on Curriculum which was approved. The President directed the
Elections Committee to begin its work to carry out the mandate which the
Faculty had assigned to it.

Herewith is a revised draft of our proposal. We plan to
submit this for action by the Faculty at the May 14 meeting.
A tentative form of this proposal was distributed to the entire
faculty and staff on March 50, with an invitation to react,
suggest, or criticize. A statement from the committee ex»
plaining the background and thinking relating to each major
aspect of the proposal accompanied the statement.


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comments and suggestions.


The Committee received about a dozen written or telephoned
The faculty and staff were then in—

vited to a meeting of the Committee on April 26, to present in

person any further suggestions or reactions.

No one other than

Committee members came, but at this meeting each suggestion
previously received was carefully reviewed by the Committee
and certain revisions were decided on.

The plan which we nd present for your consideration is

basically the same as that submitted earlier, but a few changes
have been made and we hope we have clarified and made more
specific certain passages that may have been obscure.


Submitted by the Committee on Committees for consideration
by the University Faculty at its meeting of May 14, 1962.

Name and Composition -— The University Faculty Council shall be
composed of nine persons elected by the University Faculty from its
own elected membership, in the manner prescribed hereinafter.


Purpose and Functions —— The purpose of the Council shall be to
enable the Faculty to more effectively perform its primary role

in formulating and carrying out educational policy for the Uni~
versity, as described in the 1960 Governing Regulations pf_the
University, pp. 8—9. The Council shall be specifically charged with
continuously reviewing the University's programs and policies and
providing leadership for the University Faculty in assuming its
proper role in the formation and implementation of University policy
and plans. In accordance herewith the Council shall serve as an
executive committee for the Faculty in fulfilling the following


a. The Council shall study and report or recommend (at the
Faculty's direction or on its own initiative) to the
Faculty on any matters of concern to the Faculty.

vote, be referred to the Council for further study and
recommendation. A motion to refer an issue to the Council
shall take precedence over any prior motion.

b. Faculty committees shall report through the Council, which
will receive, consider, and recommend action on committee
reports. Faculty committees may, and normally will, dis—

tribute their reports directly to all members of the Faculty,
but the Council shall present them for action, with or with~

out its own recommendations.

c. The functions of the present Program Committee and Committee

on Committees (Rules 2f the University Faculty, December,
1960, p. 28) shall be assumed by the Council. The Council

shall advise with the President and Secretary of the Faculty

on agenda and program for Faculty meetings, on the appoint~
ment and discharge of Faculty committees, and on personnel

made from the floor in the Faculty meetings may, by majority













































of such committees.

d. The Council shall have power to act for the Faculty on
course and curriculum changes, and on other matters delegated
to it by the Faculty. Action taken by the Council shall be
reported in writing to the University Faculty. The Faculty
shall have the power to reverse a Council action or to delay
its effective date for further study. However, if no action
is taken by the Faculty on a Council decision which has been
reported in writing to the Faculty seven or more days prior
to the Faculty meeting, the decision of the Council shall
stand. When the Council takes an action which needs to be
made effective immediately, but circumstances prevent written
notification seven days before a Faculty meeting, the Council
may report the action at the meeting for approval or dis~
approval by a majority of those present and voting.

Committee on Curriculum ~— To assist the Council in studying


curriculum and course recommendations, a new standing committee

of the Faculty shall be appointed in the manner of other standing
committees. This committee shall be called the Committee on
Curriculum, and shall consist of one representative from each of
the following fourteen teaching units of the University, as listed
in the 1960 Governing Regulations of the University, page 8:

Literature, Philosophy and Arts Law
Social Studies Education
Physical Sciences Commerce
Biological Sciences Pharmacy
Agriculture Medicine
Home Economics Nursing
Engineering Dentistry

The Committee on Curriculum shall review and study all proposed
course changes and make its recommendation to the Council, which
may approve, disapprove, or refer the proposal back to the college
with a request for further information, or with suggestions for
modification. In reviewing curriculum proposals it shall be the
duty of the Council and the Committee on Curriculum to strive to—
ward the formulation and implementation of a consistent University-
wide policy. The Council shall from time to time study and report
to the Faculty its findings and recommendations as to general

The term of office on this committee shall be three years,
with about a third of the members appointed each year. Members
shall be eligible for reappointment.


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Selection, Terms, and Make—Up of the Council ~- Any elected member

of the Faculty (or person appointed to replace an elected member)
whose term of office has not expired at the time of election shall be
eligible for election to the Council. Persons otherwise eligible may
be re—elected to successive terms. Persons eligible for the Faculty
but not currently members may be made eligible for election or re—
election to the Council by a nominating petition signed by 15 members
of the Faculty and filed with the Secretary prior to the time when
the first ballot is made up. Once elected to the Council a person
shall continue to serve on the Council for the length of his Council
term, regardless of whether his term on the Faculty may expire mean~
time. While serving on the Council a person shall have the full rights
and privileges of a member of the Faculty.


The election shall be conducted by mail, under the supervision
of the Elections Committee of the Faculty. On the first election
each Faculty member shall vote for nine members from the entire
roster of eligible Faculty members as certified by the Secretary of
the Faculty. Any member receiving a majority of the votes cast on
the first ballot shall be deemed elected. The remaining vacancies
shall be filled by a vote on the names receiving the highest plurality
of votes, with the number of high plurality names remaining on the
ballot being twice the number of vacancies yet to be filled. Those
receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be deemed elected, and
successive votes taken as necessary in the manner outlined above.

The terms of Council members shall be three years, except that
after the first election the Council members shall by lot select
three members for one—year terms, three for two—year terms, and
three for three~year terms. In each succeeding year, three members
shall be elected. In the event of resignation or death, the President
shall, with the advice of the Council, appoint a successor to serve
until the next Council election, at which time a person shall be
elected to serve for any portion of the term that remains.

The first meeting of the Council shall be convened by the
member whose name is first alphabetically. At this meeting the
Council shall select a Chairman, Vice~Chairman and Secretary.
Thereafter, the Council shall select its officers annually, at its
first meeting following the annual election of new members. Five

\ members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of Council


Special Duty —~ It shall be the special duty of the Council to pro—

mote and implement total University objectives, in accordance with
the principle of unity within the University, as stated on pp. 55~36
of the 1960 Governing Regulations of the University. The Council
members shall act as representatives of the total Faculty and total
University, rather than representatives of their particular colleges.
The Council shall maintain close liaison with the President, the
Secretary of the Faculty, and the other administrative officers of

the University.

Revision of this document e~ The structure and functions of the


Council may be changed by majority vote of the Faculty.






































Dean White presented recommendations from the College of Arts and
Sciences covering new courses; change in course number, title and de~
scription of a course; change in credit; a dropped course; and courses to be
offered in Europe effective with the 1965 Summer. These recommendations
were approved.

I. New Courses

Chemistry 502, Fundamentals of Physical Science for Junior High
School Teachers. (4) S Staff

A course to aid the junior high school teacher in selection
and presentation of physical science topics. Classwork and labo—
ratory,10 hours. Prereq: Employment as junior high school teacher.
To be offered during the Summer of 1962, only.

English 587, Oral Reading of the Bible. (3)
(To be numbered 387 if not approved for graduate credit.)

To offer the student specific training in the oral reading
of the Bible as one of the world's great pieces of literature.

Modern Foreign Language 212, French Civilization. (2)

The history of French literature and the arts will be correlahm
with the geography and history of France, including events of
scientific, political, social and economic significance. No know-
ledge of French is required.

Modern Foreign Language 284, Comprehensive Readings in Japanese. (3)
A course designed to give students a reading knowledge of

the standard colloquial form of Japanese used in newspapers and


Modern Foreign Language 285, Comprehensive Readings in Japanese.(5)
Continuation of 284. This course will increase the student's

reading vocabulary and introduce slightly more advanced grammatical

II. Change in course number, title and description

Ancient Language 251, Selections in Greek New Testament‘
Ancient Language 151, Elementary Greek Reading
New description: Reading from the easier Greek authors to
introduce Greek Literature and to give facility in reading Greek.
Prereq: A. L. 150.

III. Change in credits


Physics 504, Theoretical Mechanics, from 4 to 3 credits
IV. Drop

English 589, Speech Composition

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v, It is recommended that the
beginning in the Summer of




Humanities 205, Art:
Humanities 204,





, Orientation in Art

, Forms

of Art

following courses be


offered in Europe

, 20l, Art History Survey

556, Medieval Art

, Renaissance Art in Italy
, Renaissance Art in Northern Europe
English 221, 222, Survey of English Literature




The Renaissance to the Present
The Renaissance

to the Present

Elementary Aural—Oral Practice in French
Elementary French

Intermediate French

French Conversation and Composition
French Novel and Drama

French Civilization (if approved)

French Literature of the XIX Century
Advanced Phonetics
French Literature of the
Advanced French Grammar
French Literature of the XVIII Century
French Literature of the XVIII Century
French Literature of the XX Century

XVII Century

282, 285, Survey of Music Literature
580, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Music
58l, Nineteenth Century Music

Dean Matthews presented a recommendation from the Law Faculty covering

a numerical grading system in the College of Law.
the system and asked the Faculty to authorize the Rules Committee and the
Dean of Admissions to make the necessary changes in the applicable rules.
After discussion the recommendation was approved as circularized.

He requested approval of

Based on careful study by its Scholastic Standards Committee and
a Special Committee, the Faculty of the College of Law has approved a

numerical grading system for use in the College of Law.

The Law Faculty

requests and recommends approval of the system by the University Faculty.

The need for numerical grades in law arises mainly for two reasons:
(I) experience in grading law school examinations shows that a numerical
grade reflects more precisely the evaluation of the student's work, and
(2) a weighted numerical average gives a more refined basis on which to

determine the student's academic status in all of his course work.


use of a numerical average rather than a point average based on letter
grades is especially helpful in applying exclusion standards, in determining
the student's eligibility for particular programs according to academic
performances (such as law review membership) and in reflecting comparative

class rank for professional placement.

The Committee study shows that

numerical grades will make an important contribution to student morale and
that most of the good law schools having comparable programs, standards, and
objectives are using a numerical grading system.

The system involves these basic features:
(I) The official grade in all law courses would be a

numerical grade.


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(2) The official grade average in the College of Law
for all academic purposes, including graduation and dropping
of students, would be a weighted numerical average.

(3) For transcript interpretation purposes the comparable
letter grades and computation of grade point averages would be
according to the following scale:

85 or above A
75—84 B
60—74 C
50—59 D
Below 50 E

(4) The cumulative, weighted numerical average required
for graduation in law (On all law courses attempted for the
LL.B. degree) would be 60.

(5) The cumulative average required under present drop
rules applicable in the College of Law would be

55 at the end of the first semester
58 at the end of the second semester
59 at the end of the third semester

60 at the end of the fourth semester and thereafie

(6) No change in law faculty grading standards is con~
templated or expected under the new system.

(7) The numerical grading system in law courses would
be effective with the fall semester, 1962, and the College of
Law records would reflect a letter grade and a numerical grade
for all students in t