xt798s4jq60v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt798s4jq60v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-08-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 24, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 24, 2005 2005 2005-08-24 2020 true xt798s4jq60v section xt798s4jq60v NEW

Students weigh in with early reactions to UK's
new meal plan system PAGE A3


E Waiting to exhale...bid day for sororities




Wednesday, August 24. 2005

School year
starts, but

SG doesn’t

‘ Court will decide who's in
charge 6 months after election

By Sean Rose

With a string of summer lawsuits follow-
ing him into the fall semester, the schedule of
the SG president is keeping Will Nash busy —
for now.

He has been working on organizing the
Kentucky Welcome, budgeting the $355,000 in
Student Government funds and planning the
Gator Roast street party for the Florida vs.
Kentucky football game next month.

“It’s been a busy week," Nash said in an in-
éerview after he was reinstated as 86 presi-


Two upcoming hearings —~ one Friday and
another on Sept. 1 — will decide the winner of
the March election after al-
most five months of legal bat-

Nash and running mate,
Michelle Bishop, won the
presidential election with
1,307 of the 2,818 student votes
on March 31. Nash was dis-
qualified after former presi-
dential candidate Tommy
Cunningham and Justin Ras-
ner, chairman and communi-
cations director for the
Ellingsworth campaign, filed
claims against the Nash cam-
paign. The complaints ac-
cused the campaign of using a
tax exemption certificate not
available to other students,
causing them to overspend
their limited budget by $16.37.

Ellingsworth and her run-
ning mate, Kyle Burns, were
sworn in as president and
vice president on April 18.

The SG Supreme Court voted 4-2 to uphold
the disqualification, but on May 18 the Univer-
sity Appeals Board recommended that Nash
and Bishop be instated as the winners.

This sparked Ellingsworth to file suit in
Fayette Circuit Court on June 7 arguing that
the SG Supreme Court should have the final
decision on the matters.

Ellingsworth declined to comment until af-
ter the hearings.

The 86 Supreme Court has made the final


See 56 on page A2


Boone Center
back on table
for UK trustees

By Troy Lyle
nir'xrurucn xrnuu

UK President Lee Todd resumed discus-
sion on the future of UK’s Hilary J. Boone
Center Monday by proposing a smaller $2.7
million renovation project to the Board of

The new proposal focuses on renovating
the interior of the dining facility. previously
used by faculty and alumni, by creating a din-
ing space capable of handling 300 people, and
making changes to the bar, library and out-
door cafe.

The board tabled Todd's original $4.4 mil-
lion renovation plan last September.

The previous plan included a 3,300 square.
foot extension of the building. which would
have expanded the facility to almost 23,000
square feet in size.

“The important thing is. we need to make
this campus a friendlier and classier location
for events,” said Todd, pointing out that facul-
ty and alumni currently go to Rupp Arena, the
Marriot, the Lafayette Club and other off-cam-
pus locations to hold their functions.

Last year, the university spent $1.9 million
for food and entertainment services off cam-
pus, Todd said.

“That’s money that should be going back
into the university." he said.

Todd thinks the renovations could be ac-
complished without having to use university
general funds. citing private dollars and fund
raising as the main sources of income. Uni-
versity general funds, which can be used for
anything on campus, provided half of the
needed money in his previous renovation pro-



Celebrating 34 years of independence

Kentucky Ker


It was a huge shock, and I really still can’t believe
it. I just talked to him (Monday). I can’t even believe

I’ll never be able to talk to him again.”
- Nick Reeves (below), speaking about former UK track teammate
and childhood friend Thomas Byers (left), who died early yesterday



Train struck 19-year-old
as he ran from UK police

By Megan Boehnlie

A UK student was struck
and killed by a train early yes-
terday morning after running
from police at an off-campus
party — marking the second
straight year a student has
died the day before fall semes-

Thomas Joseph Byers 111,
an English sophomore, died
trying to cross the railroad
tracks near the Virginia Av-
enue overpass before an on-
coming train passed.

Byers, 19, and another sub-
ject were among what police
estimated to be a crowd of 200
to 300 students partying on
the 100 block of Conn Terrace
around 1:20 am.

UK police officers were
trying to clear the street when
they approached the two men.
who were holding alcoholic
beverages, said Maj. Joe Mon-
roe at a press conference yes-

Monroe said the subjects
“threw down their drinks"
and began to run once police
asked them questions aimed
at determining their ages. Of-
ficers caught the first suspect.
but soon lest sight of Byers af-
ter he crossed Press Avenue.

“Apparently this was a sit-

uation where the officers felt
the subject needed to be taken
into custody for his own pro-
tection," Monroe said in re-
sponse to a question about By-

Police gave Byers‘ ac-
quaintance a citation for alco-
hol intoxication, but declined
to press further charges due
to the circumstances. Monroe
said. Police will not release
that suspect’s name until lat-
er, he added.

After searching for Byers
for three or four minutes. UK
police received a call from
Norfolk Southern Railroad
that a train had hit a person
on the tracks behind the Holi-
day lnn Express on Export
Street. Officers involved in the
initial encounter identified
the individual as Byers.

He was pronounced dead
at the scene from multiple
blunt force trauma injuries
less than one hour after the
initial encounter with police.
according to a Fayette County
coroner’s report.

Byers, a former member of
the UK track team, trans-
ferred to the University of
Mississippi last year after his
family moved from Dublin.
Ohio, to Germantown, Tenn.

See Death on page M



Nick Reeves, a sophomore on the UK track team, grew up with Thomas Byers, and the two competed together last season. Byers, a second-year English major,
was killed by a train near Virginia Avenue early yesterday.




of events:

I Byers was party-
ing in the 100 block

of Conn Terrace

I After police ap-
proached him, Byers
dropped his drink
and fled

I Police lost sight of
Byers near Press Av-

I The Norfolk South-
ern Railroad Co. re-
ported that a train



hit someone on the



. tracks near the Wr-
‘ ginia Avenue over-
pass (bottom left)

I Police officers
identify Byers' body

-,.; v. «. p \Qfl. ‘v‘.-
manila-e- t“:\ nah-d ' '
. .nei‘firx saws"; '~

Lump? mm'w

Students move into first new dorms since ’79

By Elllabeth Troutman

“'pr Z) Housing" translates
into clean carpets. modern
technology and new furnish-
ings for many students who
moved on campus last week

The 684 students living in
the new residence halls are en-
joying such amenities as plas-

ma screen televisions. gas fire-
places. a full kitchen on each
floor and new furnishings in
each room.

But to students such as ju-
nior Nicole Lally, the dorms 7»?
the first on UK's campus since
the Greg Page Apartmets
opened in 1979 v are about
more than just new furniture
and private baths.

Lally. a resident adviser in
Baldwin Hall on South Cam-
pus. said she thinks the dorms
are all about community.

“With UK being so big.
there are a lot of ways to make
a large university feel smaller."
she said. “The dorms are the
best way to do that."

Baldwin Hall. lngels Hall
and Smith Hall are located on

South Campus. The North
Campus dorm. unofficially
named “New North Hall." sits
on the Avenue of Champions.
Lally. a sociology and educa»
tion junior from Frankfort.
lived in Kirwan I] last year She
said the new dorms make her
job promoting social interac-
tion between residents easier

See Dorms on page A3

Newsroom: 257-1915











Continued from page A1


decision on past battles over the
presidency. Burns. who isn't in-
volved in the current case be
cause of academic reasons. said
that Ellingsworth went to the
Fayette Circuit Court because
SG’s existence as a self-authori-
tative government was violated
when the University Appeals
Board stepped in to instate
Nash. Burns said that
Ellingsworth thought that stu-
dents' rights were violated.

“Becky ran her campaign
based on student rights. and in
her eyes that's what it‘s about,"
Burns said.

In June. the Fayette Circuit
Court barred the university
from naming Nash the president
until the legal system deter-
mined the winner.

The Court of Appeals vacat-
ed that injunction earlier this
month. which allowed Nash to
be sworn in as acting president
on Aug. 12.

“There's been a lot of hur<
dles we've had to cross. but
we’re hoping in the end the stu-
dent voice will prevail and we‘ll
be in office as we were elected to



The Boone Center opened in
1987 and has not received any
major renovations since that
time. It was closed in September

The project is in a prelimi-
nary stage, said Jay Blanton. ex-
ecutive director of UK public re-

“As of yet. no exact funding
mechanism has been deter-
mined.“ he said.

Todd will have to present a
detailed and comprehensive
package to the trustees for ap—
proval before anything else can
happen. he said.

Even if the board were to ap»
prove the $2.7 million in renova-
tions. said Blanton. the universi-
ty would still have to get ap-


Put A2 I Wednesday. Aug. 24. 2005



be." Nash said.

The injunction against the
university produced a situation
where the students had no rep»

resentation for about two
months over the summer.

“I certainly think there’s
been a cost to the student body
for not having a student body
president." said Pat Terrell. vice
president of student affairs.

There was no student repre-
sentation at the June Board of
Trustees meeting. in which sub-
jects including tuition costs and
parking were discussed.

“By her (Ellingsworth) filing
these motions. it has affected
every branch of Student Gov-
ernment. which has been detri-
mental to the student body."
Bishop said.

proval from state legislators be—
fore any construction could be—

All university construction
projects over $400,000 require
state approval. The next session
of the Kentucky General Assem-
bly is set to begin on Jan. 3. 2006.

Blanton said most uni-
versities similar in size to UK
have an on-campus entertain»
ment facility and he thinks ren-
ovating the Boone Center could
"achieve substantial savings for
the university."

Several board members
agreed. citing that the center al-
ready exists. is structurally
sound and is centrally located
on campus.

Phillip Patton. a board mem-
ber, said the center is an “em-
barrassment“ because it's been
closed for almost a year and isn't
being used for anything.

Not all board members
thought renovating the Boone
Center was a good idea.

Billy Wilcoxson. who's


Will Nash
(right) chats
with UK stU‘
dents Maria
Reynolds and
Bobby Setter
at the Stu-
dent Govern-
ment table at
Ruckus at
Haqqin Field.

organizations such as Safe Cats.
221 Ride. Elevation Tutoring
Project and Wildcat Wheels all
depend on funding budgeted by
the SG president. Nash said the
lack of student representation
this summer put these programs
at risk.

The injunction also halted
summer Senate meetings. Bish-
op said.

Burns agreed that the stu-
dent body needs an official rep-
resentative to start the semester

“It‘s good that the student's
voice is being heard for now, re-
gardless of whether it‘s the
right or wrong person." Burns

newsm kykernelrom

served on the board since 1987.
said the center has never made
money and added that he doesn‘t
think the renovations are worth

“I understand that the facul-
ty and university need a place.“
he said. “But at what cost?"

He continued by arguing that
the center won't be able to oper-
ate without extra financial sup-
port in the future.

Roy Moore. one of two facul-
ty trustees. said regardless of
timing. the process must involve
strong support and input from

“Everyone agrees the build-
ing needs to be used in some
way." he said. “The question is
what to do with it and how to se-
cure the money"

The board will likely
discuss the plan in a special
Sept. 7 board meeting.

tlylem kykernelrom







A1416: Criminal mischiefatParkinqStmctmeNoJreportedat4:40 p.m.

Aug. 17: lheftatUK Chander Medical Center reportedatiZiS pm.
Auq.17:1heftatAqricultu'al Science North Buildingreportedattls pm
Aug.17:1heftatFineArtledinqreportedat6:50 pm.

Aug. 17: Criminal mischiefatColmibiaTenrace reportedatitxzo pm.
Auq.18:1heftatFineAitsBui|dinq reportedat9am.
Aug.18:CIiminal mischiefat417 ColmibiaAvemeportedath am.
Aug.19.CdminalmischiefatCooperstounApartmentsreportedat120 am.
Audi‘ilheftatUK Chandler Medical Center reportedat12:28 pm.






393 Waller Ave





Students sample new meal plans


UK students are utilizing
a new dining plan this semes~
ter — one that UK officials
say tailors more toward indi-
vidual needs.

“The majority is pushing
for higher plans" with more
options, said Jet? DeMoss, ex-
ecutive director of dining
services. In the new plan,
food is purchased by the
meal; previously, all items
were sold individually.

Flexibility is the main
factor that makes the new
dining plan a better alterna-
tive to the old plan. DeMoss

“We’re being able to offer
more venues and different
concepts to draw from." he

All students living in resi-
dential housing _, estimated
at 5,200 — are required to

choose one of the seven
plans. Two other plans are
available to students in Greek
housing and Greg Page
Apartments, faculty staff and
commuter students.

“As far as the plans being
required, that’s just the facts
of life," DeMoss said. “We
have to have a guarantee that
the money will be available to
keep the facilities running.”

The previous plan re-
quired all residential stu-
dents to pay $825 per semes-
ter on a declining-balance
system for about one meal
and one snack every day. The
new minimum plan costs
about $60 more and offers
about eight meals per week.
including the “unlimited
choices" that some on-cam-
pus facilities offer.

DeMoss said 40 percent of
students have upgraded their
plans to something more
than the required minimum

The availability of ‘-un
limited choices" is why some
students think the new plan
is better.

“1 like it because you only
pay one price," said dietetics
junior Jacquelyn Evans. “It's
all you can eat.”

Students will be able to
upgrade their plan at any
time. Students can also down-
grade their plans at any time.
but they will only receive
money back during the first
two weeks of classes. Meals
also do not carry over to the
next semester.

All but the minimum and
maximum plans include $100
in “flex“ dollars. which can
be used only at UK dining fa-
cilities. For every $100 de-
posited into a student’s flex
account. UK will add $5 extra
to their balance, although
balances do not transfer over
to the next semester.









Meals Per Week

2005-06 Dining Plans

Meals Per Semester Cost Per Semester



*lnclude $100 in “flex" dollars





“The extra monies left
over in flex accounts (will) all
go back into the facilities."
DeMoss said. “Everything
from building new facilities.
remodeling older ones. paint-
ing. everyday maintenance,
that stuff all costs a lot of
money so it all has to go back
in to help cover those costs."

“The only way for us to
keep up with the top univer-
sities is to serve good food
and keep our facilities updat-
ed." he said.

Students have mixed
views of the new plan and its

“I like it because I'm a
freshman.” said Adam
Mesaros. a business major. “I
don’t have to go off campus
for anything."

Theater freshman Brit
tney Saylor said she wants
more options than the new
plan offers.

“It’s OK." she said. “I
think there should be more
restaurants“ included in the

Some say the plan doesn‘t
offer the same flexibility as
the old one.

“You have to get a meal,"
said social work senior
Aaron Mann. “1 just like the
old way better. where I could
buy what I wanted, when I
wanted and budget it."

Others are waiting to
make their decision.

“I think the true test of
the meal plan will be if the
food gets better." said eco-
nomics senior Daniel Turner.

newsra kykernel. com



Continued from page A1


“Some dorms don’t have
community because people
don’t take the initiative to
hang out," she said.

The $46 million construc-
tion project broke ground in
September 2003. Ben Crutch-
er, vice president of auxil-
iary services, said the project

had no flexibility to extend
the completion date.

“We spent some sleepless
nights worrying if it was go-
ing to happen,” he said.

The four buildings pro-
vide 272,000 square feet of
living space for students.
About 5,000 students applied
for one of the 684 spots last

Lally was impressed with
the spaciousness of her sin-
gle room. where she fit a fu-
ton. A student must pay $500

more to live in a new ball.
The floors of Baldwin Hall,
for example. are split
through the center so that
men and women may live on
the same floor. but on differ-
ent sides of the lobby. Each
room has a framed message
board beside the doorway
Lindsay Giauque, presi-
dent of the Resident Student
Association, said many re-
turning juniors and seniors
wanted to try out the new
dorms. Students attended

some of the association's
meetings last year to help se-
lect the interiors for each
room. she said.

Giauque said the Resi-
dent Student Association is
focused on improving the old
dorms now that the new
buildings are complete.

etroutmanra kykernelrom



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lxsz<.i‘ r a?

Dy troy Lyle
lHE ittiiium mm

Earlier this summer.
President Lee Todd anti UK
representatives embarked
on a grass roots effort to pro-
mote the university around
the state.

UK's inaugural “Dream
Tour" consisted of a five~day
tour in late May and a four-
day tour in early June in
which deans. faculty mem-
bers. students. tlte president
and his wife traveled across
the state.

The caravan traveled
tnore than 1.600 miles. slop}
ping in 16 cities speaking to
communities about how UK
research directly impacts
the citizens of Kentucky

Todd said the university
must show Kentuckians why
having a Top 20 research in-
stitution is important.

"Without a Top 20 status.
we‘ll be picking up the
crumbs of the industry
while jobs and opportunities
go elsewhere." Todd said

At a cost of about
3120.000. the majority of
which came froin UK's gett-
eral fund. the tour was a
bargain. said public rela-
tions executive director .lay

“We thought this was a
unique way to market the
university." said Blanton.
who participated in the tour.

Ernie Yanarella. chair
man of the liniversity Sens
ate. said where the money
came front is less important
than whether it was used ap


Continued from page At

He later decided to return to l'K.

"i know he was extremely excited
to get back and cottie to Kentucky.”
said Nick Reeves. a member of the
track team who ran with Byers in high
school and at l'K. “When we found otit
he was coming back. we all were i-t’sltlr


Reeves, who had known liyers since
the first grade. said the two of them
would often exercise together

“You get to know .i lot about some had (”Tm-M] him
one over an tt-inile run. he said. "He
made tne realize what it was like to

PAGEM I Wednesday.Auq.24, 2005


”The president is
charged with being a good
steward of the university's
money.” he said. “I would as

sume he was niindftil of

where the money came

Yanarella added that he‘s
heard nothing but positive
feedback about the tour. cit
itig the numerous newspa
per editorials and extensive
news coverage that followed

'l‘odd wanted every as
pect of this toiir otit in the
open and as transparent as
possible. lilanton said He
added that the tours worth

liven after transferring to (He Miss.
Reeves said he would receive a call
from Byers nearly every day. The two
typically chatted about rtiiiniiig and
other eyeiits in each other's lives.

"It was a huge shock. and i really
still cairl helieye it." Reeves said, “I
inst talked to him (Monday).

“l can't even believe l'll tiever be
able to talk to him again."

liyers is the second student to die in
an offcampits accident involving tin-
derage drinking the day before fall se-
mester began. At this time last year. lfi»
yearold sophomore Brian Mtith was
hit and killed by a tractortrailer on
New (‘ircle Road after being released
from the Fayette (‘oiinty .lail. Police

and charged him
with alcohol intoxication.
(‘tirrently Monroe said liK police is (‘ounty




far eXceeded its cost.

Kelley Bozeman. UK's
deputy director of market-
ing and special events. said

the tour was a better use of

8120000 than newspaper or
television ads.

’l'bose don't guarantee
connecting with an audi-
ence. said Bozeman. who
came up with the idea for
the “Dream Tour."

The university could
have spent more than
5130000 on four or five tele»
vision ads. she said.

“You have to tell people
what you‘re doing you
have to tell your story.”

have a friend who is always llii‘t‘“ “'1' working with Lexington police and
state authorities to crack down on off


soon town I smr
UK's Dream Tour bus arrived shortly before 9 pm. at Maxwell Place on Thursday, June 9, after completing the
second and final leg of the summer's Dream Tour. The summer publicity tour took UK President Lee Todd, his
wife, UK administrators and UK deans around the state, stopping in 16 cities.

Bozeman said. UK felt it best
to do that in a personal way.
rather than through the me-
dia, site said.

Blanton said with the
success of this first venture
it‘s likely there will be an-
other “l)ream Tour" in the
future. At this time. no spe-
cific date has been set. he

“The bottom line is. we
have to engage with the
state." said Blanton. “We
must find ways to bring the
campus to the common-

fly/c u Afivkerneltom

campus. underage drinking. He said the
officers involved iii the accident were
among a group designated to patrol and
cut down on underage drinking on cam-
pus and streets near campus.

“This is a time of year where you
have a lot of parties." Monroe said.
”We have our specialized officers who
will be out looking for that."

Monroe spoke with l'iyers' father
several times yesterday. "The whole
family‘s very shocked." Monroe said.

Phone calls to the Byers home were
not returned yesterday

lhitherf‘ord Funeral Home in Wor-
thington. ()hio
arrangements Details of those plans
haven‘t been determined yet. said Shea
'l‘itlow. a deputy coroner for Fayette.

minutes from Byers'
is handling the funeral

macs u frykerne/rom

Apparently this was a situation Where the officers felt
the subject needed to be taken into custody for his own

-- UK Police Maj. Joe Monroe, explaining why officers pursued Byers and his acquaintance


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Google to launch IM service

By Yuki Noquch
The lashinoton Post

messaging. a type of commu-
nication long dominated by
chatty teens, has become the
latest front in an escalating
war among big Internet com-
panies competing to make
themselves indispensable to
mainstream audiences.

Google Inc. plans to enter
the fray Wednesday by
launching Google Talk. its
own version of a service that
allows registered users to
send instant messages or talk
over the Web to other users.

The new test program
will compete with more es-
tablished services offered by
America Online Inc.. Mi-
crosoft Corp. Yahoo Inc. and
Skype Technologies SA.

Instant-messaging soft-
ware from those companies
is available for free. but it is
an important moneymaking
tool because it increases traf-
fic to those sites. which in
turn helps generate more ad-
vertising or subscription rev-
enue. Also. as companies of

fer more news and entertain-
ment on their sites. having a
communications tool to de-
liver and distribute that con-
tent is increasingly impor-

Google comes relatively
late to the game. almost a
decade after Dulles. Va.-
based AOL launched the first
version of its Instant Mes-
senger service. AOL remains
the country's largest IM net-
work, with 41.6 million users
last month, according to Web
research firm ComScore Net-
works Inc. Users typically
sign up in groups. creating
so-called buddy lists of co-
workers. friends and family
they communicate with.

In total. there are al-
ready 80 million users of
other IM services in the
United States. and many ser-
vices are beginning to link
to one another.

Skype. which has 51 mil-
lion users worldwide. plans
to announce Wednesday it
will allow its service to oper-
ate with numerous other ap-
plications or Web sites. And
MSN Tuesday launched a

new version of its IM service
that will link to Vodafone
Messenger. which is offered
by British mobile phone gi-
ant Vodafone Group PLC.
Google says Google Talk's
user base could catch up
quickly by tapping the multi-
million-strong user base of
its e-mail product. called
Gmail. and by tapping into
other IM programs that have
open networks. It has an
agreement with Internet ser-
vice provider EarthLink Inc.
to work with its Vling voice-
and-messaging network. and
plans to discuss similar
agreements with other major
IM providers. said Georges
Harik. director of product
mana ement at Google.
”We t ink there's a lot of
stuff you can do to improve
what's going on now." such as
linking e-mail and voice mail
to the service. and improving
the sound quality of comput-
er-to-computer phone calls.
he said. Over time. Google
plans to add various features
to its service. although he
declined to discuss specifics.


Gas costs soar, travel lags

By Debora Vrana

Record high gas prices
are putting a damper on
travel expectations for Labor
Day weekend. according to a
AAA survey released Tues-

Nationwide. about 34.5
million Americans will trav-
el at least 50 miles from
home during the Labor Day
weekend, up 0.9 percent from
the same weekend last year
but lagging behind strong
yearover-year travel increas-
es during other holidays. the
auto group said.

Labor Day travel rose 2.4
percent last year compared
to a 1.8 percent increase in
2003‘s Labor Day weekend

AAA Chief Executive
Robert L. Darbelnet blamed
the slower growth on soaring
fuel prices and an increase
in the number of school dis-
tricts whose fall semesters
start before Labor Day. not-
ing that “it's worth taking
steps to save on gasoline and
improve fuel economy to
soften the sting of the high-
est ever summer gas prices."

The trend also is seen in
Southern California. where
an estimated 3.7 million peo-
ple are expected to take a
trip during the holiday week-
end. a 1.8 percent increase
from the same period last
year. according to figures re-