xt798s4jq40r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt798s4jq40r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-02-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 1988 1988 1988-02-22 2020 true xt798s4jq40r section xt798s4jq40r  



Sports Monday



Van Horn wins fight in knockout. For a
; blow-by-blow recount, SEE PAGE 3.





Bonifer announces SGA
candidates. SEE PAGE 6.



Today: Windy
Tomorrow: Mostly ClOudy'




Kentucky Kernel

Vol. xcr.No.'113 _ ‘

W 1894

University of Mucky. um. Kentucky

lndspermntslnce 1971

Monday, February 22. 1988




UK sophomore Darrin “School 80y" Van Horn
takes a breather between rounds during a ju-

Taking a blow

“Luv 2'. .. v‘:

’ Uh.
.1 J , ,
~' ’5 ‘. . -‘ :t.. .. -

nior middleweight bout with John Munduga yes-
terday in Frankfort. See Page 3 for details.

'~ . .9...




Wednesday is landmark day
for many Kentucky legislators

Associated Press

FRANKFURT —— Wednesday is
nothing special on the General As-
sembly‘s official calendar for the

The 33rd day of the session will in»
clude routine committee meetings
and the House and Senate will prob-
ably meet at the normal time of 2

But Feb. 24 may prove to be the
watershed day of the term.

At 4 pm. on that day. the books
close for candidates in the May pri-
mary elections. Put more succinct-
ly. incumbent legislators will learn
whether they will have opposition in
their bids for reelection.

Lawmakers and lobbyists agree
the filing deadline determines when
much legislation will be introduced

a C -C-u-c

or acted upon. The more controver-
sial the legislation. the less likely it
is to have moved before the filing

Legislative leaders disagree over
the extent to which the filing dead-
line determines legislative action
this session.

“It seems like it's presented more
of a problem this time than it has in
years past, or at least in ‘86.‘ said
House Majority Floor Leader Greg
Stumbo. D-Prestonsburg.

“I can't see but maybe three or
four issues that it would have a

Legislative leaders say
real session begins now

By JAMES wean
Associated Press

FRANKFURT ~ legislative lead-
ers say the first half of the General
Assembly session has progressed
smoothly, but the real action will
start when lawmakers take up the
state budget.

“I think we've had a good smooth
first half of the General Assembly."
said Home Speaker Don Blandford.
D-Philpot. “Of course we've got the
toughest to go."

The tough part — action on the
this week. Blandford said. The
House Democrats are expected to
meet late this week or early next
week to consider how to proceed on

Rep. Joe Clarke. the chairman of
the Home Appropriation and Reve-
nue Committee. is expected to pre-
sent his unbecomittees' reports on
how the Met would 10¢ wltllllt
Wilkimon‘s proposals to tramfer
money from the Road Find and


Lawmakers decision in-
fluenced by Hollywood
star. See page 5.

some agency funds and reduce the
state appropriation to various retire-
ment programs.

House Democrats had asked the
budget committee to put together a
spending plan without those mea~

Clarke‘s conclusion — that $166.5
million in cuts would be needed
from the $6.7 billion budget —- is
bound to spark concern among
members. Blandford said.

“We will have to consider whether
to seriously consider the ways they
have formd to do it, to try to in-
crease revenue. or to accept the Wil-
kimon budget — I think those are
our three mtiom." Blandford said.

Wrangling over hornet options
will likely continue the slowdown of
other legislation, Senate President


bearing on." said House Speaker
Don Blandford, D-Philpot.

()ne of the issues in the House is
whether to consider a tax increase.
Blandford acknowledged. House
Democrats will have a closed meet-
ing after the filing deadline to deter—
mine how members feel about rais-
ing taxes.

The matter is not as pressing in
the Senate. perhaps because only
one-half its memberhip is up for re-
election during any given campaign
year. All 100 seats in the House are
up for grabs every two years.

Senate Majority Floor Leader Joe
Wright. whose job it is to control the
flow of legislation. said the problem
will not be as acute this year.

“We are not going to have as
many major initiatives this session
as we do in some sessions. because
we don’t have any money. first of
all." said Wright. a Harned Demo-

One other especially public issue
has already been effected by the fil-
ing deadline.

House Bill I would amend the
Kentucky Constitution to allow a
statesanctioned lottery. As its num-
ber implies. the bill was introduced
on Jan. 5. the very first day of the

Despite pleas from the office of
Gov. Wallace Wilkinson. the bill still
languishes in the House State Gov~
ernment Committee. The commit-
tee. meanwhile. has approved 29
other bills. some of them introduced
as late as Jan. 25.

"There are some votes that mem-
bers make in every session that are
politically sensitive votes." said
Stumbo. “It‘s difficult to get corn-
mitments from some members not
knowing what an opponent‘s going to
say athome."

The problem is not new but
seemed to get worse after the 1m
legislature moved the filing deadline
to 90 days before the May primary.
which puts it smack in the middle of

The whole issue of timing is more
critical became the session is re-
stricted to so working days and must
endbyAprll l5.

Sen. Al Gore receives
mayoral endorsement

Editorial Editor

According to former US. senator
Al Gore Sr.. “neighborliness” is one
of the greatest assets a politician
can have.

On March 8. Gore is hoping Ken-
tucky will show its “neighborliness”
toward Tennessee and help to propel
his son to the Democratic nomi«
nation for president.

Friday. Gore made three stops in
Kentucky, announcing several en»
dorsements of local political leaders
for his son. Al Gore Jr.

Among the political leaders who
endorsed Al Gore Jr. for the presi-
dency is Lexington Mayor Scotty

Baesler told a group of about 30
Gore supporters in the Breckinridge
Room of the Radisson Hotel that he
decided to endorse Gore Jr. because
of the interest Gore Jr. has taken in
central Kentucky.

“It‘s important to central Ken-
tuckians who sits in the White
House." Baesler said. “If we have
someone who's interested in the
South and central Kentucky and
Lexington. there's no question it
could only help us."

Baesler said Gore Jr. had called
him a couple times. more than any
other Democratic presidential candi-
date has done.

“I thought anybody who had that
kind of interest in Lexington or cen»
tral Kentucky deserved as much
support as I could give him." Baesl-
er said.

State Commissioner of Agriculture
Butch Burnette. who is the state
chairman for the Gore campaign.
said Baesler's endorsement should
boost Gore‘s efforts in central Ken-

“We‘re just really proud to have
Scotty Baesler serving on the Al
Gore team." Burnette said.

Although Gore Jr. received only a
small percentage in the Iowa cau-
cuses and less than 10 percent of the
vote in the New Hampshire prima«
ry. Gore Sr. said “they didn‘t settle
anything. The real battle is right

On March 8. 21 states will hold pri-
maries or caucuses and Gore Sr.
said that is when his son will cat-
apult to the front of the Democratic

Tennessee borders eight states.
and Gore Sr. said that with the ex—
ception of Missouri. home of presi-
dential candidate Rep. Richard Ge.-
phardt. his son should carry all of
the neighboring states.



“I always voted for my neighbors
and they always voted for me." he
said. “And that's going to be enough
forAltobeNo. 1."

One of the states contiguous to
'I‘ennessee that (lore Sr. said he is
especially fond of is Kentucky. For
about it) years. Gore Sr had the
headquarters of his coal company in
Lexington. and “I've never found a
place as pretty as lx‘xmgton since."
he said.

‘il ill!“
.ili‘l Ken

”there are an: \:..'- .
union like lt‘lllit“-\t‘t'
tucky“ Hori- st \‘u iri- just
alike and m .l!’ i "tlt'il
other except win-l: .-.. pin) iii ltupp
Arena and in imittif'l

in addition It; in.
(lore receiyr-rl ':- l - -
picked up >t'\t‘l’.il ;;

Stale Audi' .5 int,
liil‘y ‘ll \‘trilv l-li- !:.<-" I‘.t.f‘t‘l and. \‘ii
pcrintcnrlenl «it l"ibl..
John Brock tilt ilit'tl-Jt r:

In a press lt'it‘lid'
(lorr- lifts the tit‘ll'! it
v. LURI . -‘_i


'.»."-i" in Hui
i‘lniiix‘tni1 .imt

initiiiiiur r-nti‘i'
1iis‘i'iii lion
:n-ei support
iitilil‘JLii' will!

'im-lii-t‘ .lIl“:


Staff Writer

Some of Presidential Candidate
Al Gore's goals are to better edu-
cation. change the United States‘
relationship with the Soviet
Union. and make a new Ameri—
can era of American prestige and

Yesterday the Tennessee sen-
ator articulated these views to
students nationwide during the
“Students for Gore National Con-
ference" at the Harrison Commu-
nications Center in Washington.

At UK, the conference was tele-
vised in 106 Whitehall Classroom

UK student, Jim Howard. an
English senior. addressed Gore
with a question about the United
State‘s relationship with the Sovi-
et Union.

“iGorel wants to negotiate
with the Russian’s position. I
want to know what this means
and if this is a continuation of the
Star Wars program." Howard

Gore responded that he has
been opposed to the Star Wars
program from the beginning.

“The best and most effective
way to control arms control is to
negotiate (with the Russians)
from a position of strength."
Gore said.

Gore also stressed education as
one of his priorities.

“The key to our future is edu-
cation." Gore said. “On the aver~


Senator tells students
education is a priority

age someone who goes to college
gets a better job and is able ti.
pay back lots of taxes to the tria-

In answering a queslmi: about
financial aid lroni an Arkansas
State University student. (.‘orc
said he would like to see student
loans and grants more accessible
because it IS an advancement to
the future.

Specifically. (lore
focus on early education

“Fifty percent hi all learning
starts before lllt' lust grade
Gore said. “The country needs to
recruit more talented \‘ttldf'll’n
into the teaching profession ,'

Gore drew favorable response
from the to students w ho watched
the teleconference at l "K

Sandra Barnett. :: political sci-
ence freshman. said (lore cami-
across well. Harriett said site la-
vors Gore because he has .2 lot ()l
answers and a broad burr oi in»

Mints to

State Director of “Students tor
Gore" Silas Deane. a finance se-
nior. predicts Gore Wt” do well in
the general electioi.

“He is very (‘lt‘tiililit’ because
of his age and Cxpt‘t‘lt’nt't’ in the
Senate.“ Deane saiii

Gore told a Duke Ifniversity
student that if he, is elected there
is opportunity to «route a new
American era .

"We have to change direction, I
have to win this election." (lore



Alcohol more likely to be in dorms

News Editor

When the issue of UK‘s alcohol
policy arose in the fall of 1986 it
seemed that the UK campus would
remain eternally dry.

But in light of a vote by the
Alcohol Task Force Committee on
whether alcohol should be prohibited
on certain UK properties. it seems
that UK may be eternally damp.

The results, which Vice Chancellor
for Student Affairs James Kuder
says are purely “directional in na~
ture." show that the committee was
predominantly liberal on the issue of
permitting alcohol on the UK cam-


The results showed that the ma-
jority favored a policy allowing alco
hol (for 21-year-olds and over) in the
fraternity and sorority houses — an
issue that has been discussed many
times since the committee‘s incep
tion in the fall of 1937.

But perhaps the most surprising
statistic that came out of the vote
was the fact that the 13-member
committee was deadlocked 6-6 in re-
lation to allowing alcohol in the resi-
dence halls (one member of the
committee abstained from voting on
the residence hall issue).

That one member of the commit.
tee who chose to abstain could go ei-
ther way when it comes time to vote
on the policy. The committee will
send the policy to Art Gallaher.
chancellor for the Lexington cam-
pus. and ultimately to the Board of

At the committee‘s last meeting
on Feb. 19. a subcommittee was ap-
pointed to draft two policiu and the
rationale behind those policies. The



only difference between those two
policies is that one policy WI” allow
for alcohol in the residence halls and
one policy will not

Both those policies will be mailed
to the committee members before
the March 2:3 meeting so that they
can read through it.

So. for now. the committee is idle
until March 25 when they will meet
to review the two possible policies.
And it is poSSible. barring lengthy
discussion of the issue. that the com
mittee could decide to vote on which
policy they will pass on to Gallaher
and the BOT.

If and when that vote does comes
to fruition. there is a 5050 chance
that the committee could decide on
the policy allowing alcohol in the
residence halls.

Fifty percent is a large chance
when the conditions that existed in
the fall of 1987 are reviewed.

First of all. students returned to
campus in the fall of '87 to discover
that not only had the Kentucky Gen-
eral Assembly passed a state statute
prohibiting the possession or con-
sumption of alcoholic beverages on
state property. but the University
had taken a new stand on what was
commonly referred to as the
"opaque rule.“

Joseph Burch. then acting vice
chancellor for student affairs. said
that the UK residence hall rule on
alcohol was being strictly enforced.
But the rule had a new twist. no



terprctation of the rule was never
the case and that the t'niversity was
taking the words "public display“
out of the policy to make it less am»

A drastic change trom the way
things used to be
Students were upset at first

David Botkms. Student (ioverment
Association senator at large. formed
"Student headers Against Prohibi—
tion" to fight the new conditions

But Botkins didn‘t plan his moves
well and stepped on the wrong ad-
ministrative toes

But now. two years and two com-
mittees later. the task force has
made some moves toward a liberal
policy for the rt‘w‘vm‘e halls that
show a glimmer or hope for the
rights of 21-year4ilm


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. February 22. 1988


Information on this calendar at events is collected and coordinated through
theStudeniCenterAetiviiiesOtllce,-203/20481udentCenter, Universityot Ken-

tucky. The Information Is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with ed-
ltorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity or expression. For student organiza-
tions or University departments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus Calen-
dar form must be titled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the

publication date.




'f‘virrs Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes. Free Alumni
Gym iott n 10p m Call 266-0102
OReiiqruus Cornerstone Musrc Practice no auditions. rust bring enthu
\r-II’“ r't‘t‘ mitt Columbia Ave .6 30-89 rri .08“ 254 3714
'; Carve/Wm s Dark Star

. You Are False Data
~‘..r r,.- ir7. 7 ton m CallB 6298



Amidr» Lipanese Martial Art Beginner Classes. Free, Alumrti
'i it ; it. (Jar-1660102
Wit-rt .ir iLiski-tball vs [SU 7 Hornrl Free With lull time UKlD.
;A-r-ut '1 wry-r C4II71818
tr urn-i- S! 35 Worsham Theatre 7 309m Call7 8867
. v\i wtstur k 31 95 Worsham Theatre 9 30 p m Call 7 6867
- Dinner Casual dinner 8 good company 53 00 508 Colum-
’- it "i Call 254 3714
Bible {)lSiuSSlrJn Group Free Student Center 231 7 30
n4 Nu!
m . JUUU Club 7 Beginners welcome Wrestling experience valu
rfl‘ls' in» Aluirinr Gym Lott 5 6 30 Call 8 4156
IQr-njlritls Student Faith Sharing 7 Upcomrhg Sundays Gospel read 8i
.twt 1.; l iii-rr Newman Center 9 ‘0 p m Call 255 8566
“W'll‘ (‘i-irimuninn Service Free Newman Center 58 45 pm
' tri‘ j
0‘ il'ir-r l/iltt'itr' '11 Education Advrsing Sernrnar 7 Sacral Studies Ediica
.. w. w ristm in advance) Tree Dickey Hall 135 1 3 ;i 5 p m

; (wt. nun. HI‘aCTtValIOH or X Chromosome with Aging Free
Call .1 “.549
t-arriirrqs Skills Program 7 Speed Reading $10 semester
.. r‘i-r r1 haze-o- Hall 2 1 50p r‘rr Call 75673
4.. t”',’rl,“r At‘YlJr‘iL;§ Free K House 412 Rose Street i 30 n m
' 41

tap». -' ttri- Grieving Proizess Free MN 1.10 Noon Cali 2.1J

Fruit: liir Thought Sandwuhed Generation Women Strrtr
"t‘t' 151 Student Center Noon Cali 7 3295





it mrriri- $l 95 Worsham Theatre 7 300 m Cali 7 8867
i 1- lrv - $1 ‘15 Worsham Theatre 9 30:) m Call 7 8867
N‘ .r w Airs-r Hours 7 Agatha Christii- Classu, $5 and $4
. "i (Tail 7 1.185
ti-rriutriri Philharmonic Concert Christopher O’Riley Piano
: ‘ $1 T ‘rtr $20 SCFA—COnCert Hall 8p m Call 7 4900
Li-iurititriii Philharmonic Christopher ORiley Free with UKID
"7m Ar'k H p n' Call 7 3145
~ .miru ertr. Deadline tar Wrestling 145 ‘waton Center 4 p m

' .' tl‘ titrtrtilrir Dale tor Wrestling Call 7 $925
Am. Aim-iii .iii History 7 Dr Arnqrert [)iinslon Free Peal Gal
'4 ' ’ rr‘ ' ‘itt‘l‘:
- im-riui - What a Rural About Rural Agrnq 7 Graham D Rnwlr-«s Plr
rim. ‘1,‘ ’iiii dim. Bit-wt» Noon Call 3 5471
- : -‘ (.rlTTlt u: Arrrrrtw 5 Free K House 4‘ 2 Rose Street 3 :ro p iii


OSports UK Fencrng Club Free Alumni Gym. 7 30-9 30 pm Call
272 1013

“Sports Japan Karate Club 7 SHOTOKAN Free. Buell Armory; 7 30
9 30 p rri

OReligious Lunch 5i Last Lecture guest speakers share about topics
lrorn their careers it lives 52 00. 508 Columbia Ave 7 30 p m . Call 254
J 7 1 4

~Reiigious Tuesday Night Together .4 TNT — a time lor worship 8
leilowship Free 429 Columbia Ave , 7 30p rn Call 7 3989

IReligrous Campus Crusade tor Christ 7 WEEKLY MEETING"; Free
Student Center 245. 7 30 p m Cali 7 3989

ISeminars Learning Skills Program — Coping With Test Anxiety
$10 semester or $25 semester 301 Frazee Hall. 22 50 p rrt. Call 7

cReiigous RCIA 7 Program tor people studying to enter the Catholic
Church Free Newman Center 7 30-9 15 p m .Call 255-8566

OSports Aerobics Free; Newman Center 5 50-7 p m Call 255-8566

~Reiigrous Prayer or the Rosary lor increase in Vocations Free. New
man Center 7 p m Call 2558566

0Lectures Lecture by mystery writer Mary Higgins Clark — UK Theatre
Dept. Free Guignoi Theatre 5 p m Call 7 3297

-Serninars Brochem ‘Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Glycosylatron Novel
Linkages and Brosynthetrc Paths ', Free; MN 363 4 p rn ;Call 36549

.Sports Lady Kat Basketball vs LSU Free with UKID Memorial Col
iseum. 7 30pm Call71818

'Somls UK Cycling Club Meeting Free. 213 Seaton Center; 8 p m .
Call 82350










‘MOr/les Roxanne $1 95 Worsham Theatre, 7 30p m Call 7 8867

~M0vies Woodstock $1 95. Worsham Theatre 9 30p m Call 7 8867

-Serninars learning Skills Program Speed Reading Techniques
S‘OSetneSte-r or $28 semester 301 Frazee Hall. 11 11 50 p m Call 7

0Religinus Cornerstone Drama Practice 7 enrhusrasm is the only it‘
quiremenl Free 508 Columbia Ave 6 :10 H p m Call 254 3714

'RPliQIOUS Decision Pornl Bible Studies locussing on Human Sexuality
Living in America ETC Frei- 51m Columbia Ave 8 9 30 p m , Call 254

DReliQIOus D 5 L Grill (Devotion 8i Lunch) $1 00 429 Columbia Ave
12 15:: rti Call 7 3989

.Rehglous Fellowship oi Chrrstian Athletes 7 FCA Free 502 Columbia
Ave 9 p m (Zr-110330.315

ISports Japan Karate Club .. Free Introductory Class Free; Alumni
Gym Balcony. 5 30 Li 300 m Call 7 6832

OSporls UK Fencing Club Free Aliinirri Gym 7 30930 pm Call
272 1013

-Spnrls Japan Karate Clut: 7 SHOTOKAN Free Alumni Gyin Balcony
53(1731lp m

'Sports UK Ping Pong Club Free Sealon Center Squash COuri 7 30
lop m Calla 5161

ORL-liqrous Thursday Bible Study — Christian Student Fellowship Free
502 Columbia Ave 7 p in Call 233-0313

0Religirius Spiritual Reading Group 7 Discusston 01 Various Spiritual
Writers Free, Newman Center. 10 30 Noon Call 255 8566

ISports Aerobics. Free Newman Currier 5 50 7 p m Call 255 8566

otheatie Murder Alter Hours 7 Agatha Christie Classn; $5 and $4
Gurgnel Theatre 8p m Call 7 3297

OSports Lady Kat Basketball vs Midrttr- Tirrinnssr: Free vvilh UKID M0
morraICoiiseum 7 300 m Call 7 1818

IOlhr‘r Fawn Halt Speech ”Ttri- Freedom to Get it Right $5 $3 Stu
dent Cerrti-r Ballroom 8 [7 r1: .Call 7 8867

OOther The Chinese Cultural Revolution lit Retrospect Free Student
Center 22.8. Hr: in Call/ 1415

'Semirrars Creative Leadership Series How to avord being a dumpster
7 Being Assertive Free Student Center 228 4 p m Cali 7 8807

Iberriiriars Creal've Leadership Series Pattirru Yoursell on the Back
METKQTITK] Your Organization Free Student Center 203 A p m Call 7
Htjfi 7

oSeminura IBM UK Resr-uriztr LUCYHN‘ (in Parallel Processmg Free Stu
dent Center 359 3 rt ii Call 7 .3441

'Otrrer Computatiurml Analysrs ol Mulri Parameter Equilibrium Free Stu
di-nt Center T459 Al ii ’n Call 7 87.17

-Reliorrius large Group Gathering 7 lnlurvarsrty Christian Fellowship
Free Student Center 20‘) it p m

'Lectirrirs Lei luii- Modernity and Ralirinality' by Thomas Rockmore
Dillllit’Sl‘t' lliiivi-w'v Fri-e Student Center 24‘) 7 30;) m Call 7 307‘

-Othi-r Mil 'lr’lr't Kr‘rttli'r‘ty Mathematical Bases. 01 the, Golden Section
irr-r- 117 i‘urir i~ Mali 7 [r in Call 7 124-1




OMiivies Riimnrri- S‘ 95 Worshanineatrn 7 30p m Call 7-8867

.MUVOF'K Wondstirr x 51 95 Worsham Theatre 9 30p m Call 7 8867

.nt‘llqflrll“ tin Hut- (Zollerrhouse 7 Christian bands drama groups
inllnwsrrrri 5. tiiri' iii-v K House 412 Rose St 7 30 p m .Call 2775190

'Ré‘liqlint'r (Lirrinlir Celebration at Mass Free Newman Center 6 p m
Call ; .‘r‘i H56“

OSpnrts Kentucky Gymnastics vs Alabama lowa State. Free With tuit
timr- UKID Mervin-vii Coliseum Call 7 3838

Cintrarnurals Wheeikals vs West Virginia Free Call 70928

Otheatri- Miirdi-r Alter Hours. 7 Agatha Christie Ciassrc 3.5 and $4
Griioriril TririatriI til) I" Call 7 1385

'Spnrts .ttrruiiulr .' 281 UK lndorrr Track Southeastern Conlerenrfe
Baton Rouge LA Call 7 .1838

'Cunciirts William Adams Senior VOILJ‘ Recital Free SCFA 7 Recrtal
Hull 8(1’71 Call 7 490fl

Itntrarnurais (;utthriral Tennis Tournament Free Boone Indmr Tennis
4 r, in Call r .1928

0Crmr,erts tIK Criiiiert Band -
Cont r-rr Hall 8 p m Call 7 4900

OSLiorts ’errvrlie Biker-rare, Free Danvrltn KY lp rn Calls 2350

Dale Warren Director; Free SCFA 7



Ari- it Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alumni
. Hummu- $1 95 Worsham Theatre 7pm Call 778867
. “,r-ri-trratrhn ot Worship tree 50? Columbia Ave 7 p m

. i" run!" Knuth Club 7 SHOTOKAN Free Alumni Gym Bairony

. Larririiir Celebration at Mass Free Newman Center 8 10
. i (lirr m (1311255 8.566
0 . .; a" uni". ereelkats vs West Vl'Qtnlfl Free Call 7 3928
-~ri~r~- university Concert Rand Free SCFA 7 Concert Hart 3
’ til 7 4'1”"
-r.-rr-. ‘irr- ,i; Ian insembto Com err Robert Biiquslaw Drrnrtor
r I r. rum i~rt Hall 8 r) in Cali 7 4900
r‘. .,iily Vrr' Basketball vs Virginia Tech Free with till time UKID
r.» .i..;...r. 7.11me Catl7lit18
"-1 Wu Wilrtrul Basketball vs Syracuse 7 Home Free with tuiltimr-
twirl nilpn Arr—m4 ,‘ 100 m Call71818
. r-rra Irv vv IVY‘P" s Tennis vs Florida Free with 71“ time UKID Call
mm. .;rt,ri- (50mg to Play What By Whom 7 Part It Free
u, -.i mil rrr M Call 7 4900



'RehQIOUS Cornerstone ‘ Drona Practice no auditions rust bring enthu-
sram' Free ‘i08 Columbia Ave 6 30 8p m Call 254-3714

'RPIIQIOIIS Worship Service warm A casual gathering time or Singing
prayers. it messages Tree 508 Columbia Ave 8 9 30 p rh ; Call 254
37 14

rReiigious Monday Evening Fellowship triendship group discussron
parties A not lix I- dinner Free K House 412 Rose St 6 p m ; Call 254-

OReirgious Free Meditation Group Free Newman Ctr 6 p m Call
266 49 18

'Spnrts Judo Club -- Beginners welcome wrestling experience vatii
able Free Alurrranyrn Lo" 5 6 300 m Call 8 4156

OSDorts Arkido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free. Alumni
Gym [011 8 300 in Call 266 0102

IReiigious Creative Prayer Group 7 Time to relax 971.6 and relate with
other students Free Newman Center 8 p m Call 255 8566

UReiigious Student Meeting — DiscusSion oi Upcornrng Events 7 All
Students invited Free Newman Center 9 p M Call 255 8586

sSports Campus Aerobics Free K House“? Rose Street 3 JO 9 M
Call 2 7 7 ‘i 1 90

00ther Cottege or Education Advismg Serhiha —- Early Elemehiay Edu
cation (register in advance) Dckey Nat t35 1 3 3 5 p m Cat 7 7971

osemmars Leaning Skrls Program 7 Procrastinators Anonymous
$10 semester $2.6 semester 30v Frusettett 3 3 50:: rrt .Cdt 7 8673

'Cnncerts Earl Thomas Guest Clarinet Recital Free SCFA — Recruit
Mail 80 m Cd! 7 4900

oFitrris Firm Medium (,ool Drrrrclor HosxelWexier Free Student Con
ter Theatre 8p m C3117 1849






tMovies 7 2/24: Roxanne; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-8867

-Movies —— 2/24: Woodstock; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 9:30 p.m.; Cali 7-8867

0Movres 7 2725: Roxanne; $195: Worsham
Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-8867

sMovies 7 2/25: Woodstock; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 9:30 p.m.; Call 78867

~Movies 7 2/26: Roxanne; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-8867

OMOVies — 2/26: Woodstock; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 9:30 p.m.; Call 7-8867

OMovies 7 2/27: Roxanne; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-8867

°Movies 7 2/27: Woodstock; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 9:30 p.m.; Cali 7-8867

0Movies — 2/28: Roxanne; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre, 7 pm; Call 78867

OFilms — 2729: Film "Medium Cool", Director Haskei
Wexler; Free; Student Center Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-








OConcerts — 2/26: Lexington Philharmonic Concert;
Christopher O'Riiey. Piano; $12.50, $15. $17.50. $20;
SCFA 7 Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-4900

OConcerts — 2/26: Lexington Philharmonic. Christo-
pher O'Riley; Free with UKiD; Center for the Arts; 8
p.m.; Call 7-3145

°Concerts 7 2/27: Vlfilliam Adams/Senior Voice Reci-
tal; Free; SOFA—Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 74900

0Concerts — 2727: UK Concert Band — Dale Warren
Director; Free; SCFA 7 Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-

'Concerts 7 2728: University Concert Band; Free;
SCFA 7Concert Hall; 3 p.m.; Call 7-4900

°Concerts — 2728: Rm. 22 Jazz Ensemble Concert:
Robert Boguslaw, Director; Free; SCFA — Concert Hall;
8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

0Concerts — 2/28: "You're Going to Play What. By
Whom" 7 Part it; Free; SCFA — Recital Hall; 3 pm;
Call 74900

-Concerts — 2/29: Earl Thomas/Guest Clarinet Reci-
tal; Free; SCFA — Recital Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4900

OTheatre —— 2725: Murder After Hours — Agatha
Christie Classic; $5 and $4; Guignoi Theatre; 8 p.m.;
Call 7-3297

0Theatre 7 2726; Murder Atter Hours 7 Agatha
Christie Classic; $5 and $4; Guignoi Theatre; 8 p.m.;
Call 71385

OTheatre — 2727: Murder After Hours 7 Agatha
Christie Classic; $5 and $4; Guignoi Theatre; 8 p.m.;
Call 7-1385




OSeminars — 2’22 Learning Skills Program — De-
signing a Study Plan; $10/semester or $25/semester;
301 Frazee Hal|;11-11:50p m ;Call 7-8673

-Seminars 7 2722. Learning Skills Program 7 Note-
taking Techniques; $10/semester or $25/semester; 301
Frazee Hall; 11 :50; Call 7-8673

OSeminars — 223. Learning Skills Program 7 Coping
With Test Anxiety: $10/semester or $25/semester; 301
Frazee Hall; 22:50 p.m.; Call 7-8673

OSeminars — 2/23: Biochem: “Nuclear and Cytoplas-
mic Giycosyiation' Novel Linkages and Biosynihetic
Paths"; Free; MN 363:4 p m ;Call 3-5549

OSeminars — 2724. Biochem; "Reactivation at X-
Chromosome with Aging"; Free; MN 463; 4 p m; Call

OSeminars — 2124' Learnings Skills Program —
Speed Reading; $10/semester or $25/semester: 301
Frazee Hall. 22:50 pm ;Call 7-8673

OSeminars — 225 Learning Skills Program Speed
Reading Techniques; $10/semester or $25/semester;
301 Frazee Hall: 11—1 1 :50 pm ;Call 78673

OSeminars — 2’25: Creative Leadership Series: “How
to avord being a dumpster 7 Being Assertive"; Free:
Student Center 228: 4 pm ;Call 7-8867

OSeminars — 2125: Creative Leadership Series: "Pat-
ting Yourself on the Back Marketing Your Organization":
Free; Student Center 203; 4 p m . Cali 7-8867

-Seminars 7 2725' iBM—UK Research Lecture on
Parallel Processrng; Free; Student Center 359. 3 pm ;
Call 7-3441

~Seminars 7 2/26. "What‘s Rural About Rural Aging"
7 Graham D Rowles. Ph D: Free; 112 Sanders-
Brown. Noon, Call 3-5471

OSeminars — 2/29: Learning Skills Program — Pro-
crastinators Anonymous; $10/semester, $2573emester:
301 Frazee Hall. 3-3 50 p m ;Call 7-8673

DLectures — 223' Lecture by mystery writer Mary
Higgins Clark 7 UK Theatre Dept; Free; Guignoi
Theatre. 8 p.m.; Call 73297

-Lectures 7 2/24: Food tor Thought: "Sandwiched
Generation Women Stratgies tor Coping"; Free. 231
Student Center: Noon; Cali 7-3295

OLectures — 2725 Lecture “Modernity and Rationali-
ty" by Thomas Rockmore, Duquesne University; Free;
Student Center 245: 7:30pm ;Call 7-3071






special events




001her 7 2/22 College 01 Education Advising Semi-
nar — Mathematics Education; Secondary; (register in
advance); Dickey Hall 135. 1-3/3-5p.m.; Call 77971

'0ther 7 2/22' Traditional Washington's Birthday

00ther — 2/22 Employer 01 the Year Luncheon. UK
Medical Center Personnel; Free; Student Center But-
room 11.45—2245;Cail3—5975

OOther — 2/22: "Greetings" and “Hi Mom" by Brian
De Patina. Free; Worsham Theatre; 8 p m ; Cali 7-1849

00ther 7 2722 Auditions. Little Shop oi Horrors
(Bring Music/Show Tune); Free; Guignoi Theatre. 4-7
p m ;Call 7-3297

0Other — 2/22 Juiiian De La Fuente “An Existential
Approach to Architecture". Free. 117 Pence Hall; 3:30
p m ;Call 71244

OOther 7 2/22. Anne Pendeton-Juiiian "College Pa-
etics oi Le Busier“: Free: 117 Pence Hall: 6:30 p.m.;
Call 7-1244

'Other ~— 2/22 SEDS presents Carpenter's "Dark
Star." “You Are Fdse Data"; Free; Student Center 115:
7 30p at Cell 8-6298

'Other 7 2/24: College 01 Education Advising Semi-
nar — Socid Studies Education: Secondary (register in
advmce). Free. Dickey Hill 135: 1-3/3-5 pm; 081 7-

OOther — 2/24- Stages oi the Grieving Process;
Free, MN 136. Noon; Cdt 233-5156

COther — 2725- Fawn Hut Speech “The Freedom to
Get it Right"; 35. $3; Student Center Bdroorh; a p.m.;
Cell 7-8867


OSports 7 2/22: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/412 Rose St; 3:30 pm; Call 27 7-51 90

USports 7 2/23: UK Fencing Club; Free; Alumni
Gym; 730-9230 p.m.; Call 272-1013

-Sports — 2/23: Aerobics; Free; Newman Cente