xt798s4jq34j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt798s4jq34j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-07-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 08, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 08, 1982 1982 1982-07-08 2020 true xt798s4jq34j section xt798s4jq34j THE~ minority, Juya, 1982
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An Independent student newspapers!!!“ 1.971 Noam charm of mid-ram
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Associate Editor eggy McClintock, former per- alsoaffected other employees.
@1932 Kentucky Kernel E sonnel director, explained the pur- Harris pointed out a discrepancy
uIla Moore has served as a sec- pose of the study, begun in 1980 and in the administrative network. “In
retary ln the College Of Arts and Scl- still underway, was, “to establish an this particular instance, the persons
ences for 19 years, bOth ill the statis- equitable classification system. The who were making the decisions de-
P . _ . . tics department and in the dean’s intent was not really to impact the nying the validity of my grievance,
atrrcra Harris has worked in office. “The complaint I found with employees, but whenever you do from the director of personnel up,
the philosophy department for 10 the whole system 15 they do not have something like this, it always ends were the very ones who had ap-
. years as administrative secretary to any means 0f handling longevity up impacting the employees." proved and implemented the policy .
Q the chairman. Her executive-level people. We seem to get the Shaft Fifty-five to 60 percent of the 1,800 against which I was initiating the
job is described as “highly responsi- every time they d0 something like clerical positions studied went up in grievance."
- - . . . . . ,. ble." this.” grade; about 20 percent went down;
. ' . ' “ - Harris' secretarial duties involve Moore was upgraded one level to and the remaining 20 to 25 percent “Let's hope that the University’s
-.: .. I'm-“5 I.‘\\ , . initiative, judgment, confidentiality Staff Assistant VIII. grade 0009. She stayed the same, according to Mc- reputation {0’ being .3 ‘turnstileI’
I,- ., ' I’M_S I or #\ . and discretion. She types all come does not have a college degree. but Clintock. training ground for 0th“: and 919’“
I ,. -‘ ‘ . I\ . spondence, manages accounts and her experience qualifies her to do Of the positions upgraded, howev- cal Staff — here to be trained, out to
{‘3 t" . .. 9‘ fulfills various administrative func- administrative-level duties. er, only those salaries that fell be paid for their semces— can turn
'1: ‘ -, .71 ‘ (It. tions. “I know this campus wrong-side below the end-of~probationary levels around to be a P0tehtlaul’ satisfying
'I. I!“ $.32". ’. Her former department Chairman, Ollt." Moore said. “Heretofore, we on the new scale received pay in- career 01990"th for those who
.. m '~‘~ “ MO I“, Ronald Bruzina, requested a reclas- could go into the administrative line creases. “There‘s a ‘hiring in’ rate “’15“ to makeIItheir careers within
E- (ii; , ' .( . " , .. _ . . ,. , srficaItlon of her job gi-adeItiIo reflect Without any college degree. Now for every level and after you’ve the University, shesaid. .
- -. it“ ._~ : ' . f .. I - her increased responsrbilities over they’ve done away with that com- been in the job for three months
;_I i. I. I, ,,- I. f. i 3 j g f_.. the years in the Spring of 1900. The pletely. TOP staff assistant is as far you finish your probation and you
'1? . a; . . . at“ I" _ . reclassification was denied, howev- aswecango." get a three percent salary adjust- M
. \ '1‘? ‘ I865 -. I er, because of a campus-wide study Harris and Moore belong to a ma- meht‘" McClintock said. ain Campus Chancellor Art
. I .. ' \v isr‘flb "9‘9 I’ to re-evaluate all personnel posi- jority of long-tenured clerical work- But those with salarja above the Gallaher attributed this to part of
.. \\\ I ‘ 9 _ ,' I , tions. ers who did not receive any salary end-of-probation rate did not receive “the administrative chain of com-
I. . 1’ . . ' \H“‘. I I In {1'11ny 1%, Mb'l'is write ? gle- Increlmentslattthe :tag hOf 2'th 1283 any monetary renumeration for mand.“ ‘
’j- '. ' . ' scripion r jo as pa 0 e isca year as wee , tou ot er theirhi er ades. .. .
. .- l' . University Personnel Division’s Of- employees still within the probation- Aboutghao :rppeals have been made I}: comet: the . retclassulicatior;
. fice and Clerical study. An intafiew ary scale sot pay hikes corrospond- by employees who feel their posi- 2m e55 “’9'. ”a” a 9355 °
2» . . . . . . , . , ployees, mainly those wrth long
.. _ I followed in the fall of 1981 in which ingtotheir upgraded levels. tions have been underclassrfied, but tenure but 'd . t w .
~ ‘. ,. she again desribed the details of her “They’ve started to squeeze Harris is the only clerical worker to decision madalb 1th 315) ‘i‘ conscrogs
‘ . job to a Personnel Division employ- things, bring up lower ones to be attempt a formal grievance, and ministration e y e mversr y a '
. ’ I. “' ee. competitive and not raise upper that grievance has been carried all ‘
. . , .‘ ‘ , - The outcome was a grade increase ones,” Harris said. “There’s no in the way to President Otis Sin- “You do the classification system
, of four levels to Staff Assistant lx, centivetotakeonresponsibility." gletary‘s office. She was denied a and you get dollars. You try to
. , grade 0010. But that was just the be- The failure to reward longevity personal grievance hearing at each match up the reclassification system
ginning. In April, “My boss (Bruzi- has several clerical workers launch- level _ A&S Dean Michael Baer. with the dollars. That’s basically
i 9 na) called me in and said, ‘Pat, I’ve ins complaints about the new grade former Personnel Director McClin- how it works," he said.
8 the system flawed I got some good news and some bad system, WhiCh has been designed to tock, Main Campus Chancellor Art
news. Your position has been raised, create equity among personnel posi- Gallaher and Singletary — because
but you get no pay increase.’ " tions. her complaint was not “unique" —it see GRAD'NG “9° me
Minin head’ oal- d 't t' ' ~ =
g , S g ' rea core I a IO" = : sees...
By KA’I’HIE MILLION students and industry to “help up- ”What we do, we do very well, but faculty members are “very hard ye ‘i " “g" ,2
Staff Writer grade mining engineering in the na- we need to do more things to get re- working” and he is looking foward ‘ ' sf‘hifi%§$,nhng 4’ '
tion's greatest coal state.” accredited," Leonard said. to working very closely with them to a. wow “R‘ssvsomxi 7%; i .
035°???” ”ii": “an"? my Imam said that although many shape theprooam. ““ a -» ' I '
8 ac y.” sai . “ ut we com nies will not hire an en ‘neer ,, . . . , .. s" . M ' V ;' *x .3
Joseph w. Leonard, regarded by need to build it some. It‘s not big whopahns graduated from a glam] , 1 "Wk the adminstIration 5 “I" fight ' ' wafib
his peers as one Of the better known enough”. lacking accreditation UK has ar- med efforts are beginning to Show i i xii} V -. " '
mining engineers in the United His eventual goal, he said, is help ranged for optional 'procedures so fruit.” he said.I“We've come a long . , i“? w \‘W ' t gig}
States, has a novel philosophy con- shape the department into a first- that students will not have to get way, but we Sh” have S°me way to , ' -. “fight
cerning the field in which he has rate program. their degrees from an unaccredited 30‘ Thf program 15 "0t yet etched m f t . - " “5
spenthisentire career. “They (mining and civil engi- program. stone. ' xi“ -. i 1 a I. . II
“This world is a big rock," Leon- neering) are the yandaddy of them He said students can get accred- Leonard is a member of many . f .1 .‘ - . I . , "c
ard said. “We’re working with the all,”he said. ited degrees in mining or civil engi- professional and honorary societies. : a ’ e ' » i a? Q Li. .1"
very basics." There are currently 110 to 130 stu- neering by adhering to a formula de- including a distinguished mem- l’ 5‘ gist: . " F~ it“,
Leonard in the Inext two years will dents enrolled in the department, veloped by the department. “No one bership in the Society of Mining En- ‘ a .. '
not only be working With the basics. Leonard said, and his program’s needs to graduate with an unaccre- gineers. He is also a Howard N. Ea- s ix” ‘ n V ’5‘
but will also be teaching them to pressed for space," he said. “Space dited degree," Leonard said. “If venson award winner. . “if: h... .
students in UK's mining engineering and room are important.” they do, it’s by their choice.” Before coming here, [eonard was ‘,\ r ‘ .
department. . He said the additional 10,000 Leonardsaid no single action will at West Virginia University, where “a . ”£3
Leonard, here Since May 1i has square feet will be med for teach- guarantee reaccreditation for the he was the director of a reseach j.*“""" i . ’ at" _. its '
been appointed as the department’s ing,research,andservice facilities. department, but “we hope (the group for 20 years, a chaired profes- ' ‘ g ' '» .v ' I . sit“ ‘6
new chairman. He has also been Leonard said the department has team) will see a very good faculty of sor for 13 years and dean 0f the it: ’_ .' » t. we»: ' ‘
givenafullprofessorshlp. several plans in store to gain reac- seven members, the new building, School of Mineral Resources. . , " “g;* 'I
I-IIis plans to advance the program, creditation, including a revision of some equipment and a new broader Leonard also holds 23 foreign and ‘ * . ’ ' s ' fi,e.
which was demed accreditation last the curriculum, the hiring of another curriculum, like those in great min- domestic patents the most recent sf» 5 Kt W’s,
September, include W01‘klll8 With the mining engineering professor at the ing departments and schools in the one being a system for the rapid ac- s 3 “gigs We». .
University’s administration, the de- doctoral level, and an expansion 0t United States." cessment of coal concentrating de- fhiflfi’i‘ “‘1’:
partment’s faculty members and current course offerings. Leonard said the department’s vices. 3' “it? ,
. . :x» t. a.
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