xt798s4jq103 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt798s4jq103/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1934 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1934 Vol.6 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, July 1934 Vol.6 No.2 1934 1934 2019 true xt798s4jq103 section xt798s4jq103 x; F? A z

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Volume Slx (V / E E}

‘ ; Number Two , . I?” E: E,
1 July, I934- ‘ _   , I .. £4

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‘1 1 3 , Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS July, 1934 ‘1,
1311 1 __________________._—__——————— 1
5 .1 1 '1 3
35, 311 3 v v v v V w c ' 5
1 1. 1 : Edltorlal Pollcles That Wm 3|] alter rim 31
15 I ‘ 3 To be thoroughly able to discuss such titled as a good citizen under our party rather than hurt the rehutation 015 some 5
13 3 3 a purely academic subject as this, the system of government to take his stand busmess man. '
l, 3 3 3 speaker should have the sagacity of on public questions. It matters little The 1301le of apaper to make friends
1 , ’1 5 3 Benjamin Franklin, the nerve and SEIf‘ whether hi? 1,5 a Democrat or a Repub- is one of its best financial assets. Speak- ,,
1 i 3: 3 ' assurance of Huey Long, the EditOfiQJ 1163'“: Pro‘filqmg he 15 a GOPD one. An ing along this line, in referring to the 3
5 ,3 3 31 grasp and wide experience of Sherwood honest opinion courageO-us.y expressed friendly basis of a country paper, Jim 3
. ‘3 1, 3 ‘5 Anderson and the massive brain power in his editorial columns, even 1f Wrong Small, of Wisconsin, summed up the 1
1 3- E "'5 of Prof. Rexford Tugwell, the latter from his neighbor’s viewpoint. will gain situation thus: »
3: ’3 being able, we are reliably informed, to respectxp'rovidedhe (1.0% not resort to “You must LIKE folks. If you
" ‘3 I 3’3 solve all and any problems Of 63‘th or back _ 331.3; mg, vilificatlon, insinuat 1.0 n, cannot become interested in them, if 3
1 3 1 f 33 3 finance, in any field of endeavor. abuse, Vituperation, lurid personalities, you want your time outside your 3
.3 1, 33 1’ With such qualifications essential to and the seven other sins 0f political ofiice hours all for yourself, if you
33 3 3 33 53 a proper discussion of this topic, it is editorial writing. are unwilling to act on committees, 1
3 ,1 3 I, almost a travesty on the part of a coun- There is moderation in all things. or to have personal problems brought
3 j , 3 try editor from the hills of Indiana to Heaven speed the day when moderation to your desk, to receive aid where
‘1 13 1 31 attempt to enlighten you to any extent. may have its place in editorial com- others have failed, than do,” go in
‘35 1,3 Perhaps a feW homely Observations ment, and may also the day soon arrive for rural journalism FOR THE
‘3 3 i i gleaned from a number 0f years Of when editorial comment is confined to COUNTRY NEWSPAPER IS LIFE.
,. 3 313 3 1333 close contact with folks invariouswalks the editorial page, f-Iow many ,Of us I would not say that it is more so
'13 3 3 3 3, 3'13 Of llfe’ and not the erudite dopinion 01; thahsgress’ by mJeChhg 01? editorial than the metropolitan daily, but]: will
' 5 3 3, a seasoned Journalist, (or ’0’ 330.13 ca Views In the news or the day. say that it weaves together the issues
"3.3 3 3 5 " them newspapermen as we .do In the From the viewpoint 0f the country of life and death, of joy and sorrow
53 3 1 5 HOOSler state?) may arouse in some of editor, may I liken the editor to the into a pattern that is infinitely more 3
1 31113331 :1 you a “036 0f a‘f’pmv‘h or’ perhaps’ minister of a congregation far greater harmonious than the drudgery of the 1
[, 53 3 3,3 ,33 3, a storm 0f protest. than that of all the churches of his metropolitan city room. In the latter,
3133 3 33 _,.,3 Editorial polic1es! What are they and Community combined. His sense of names are but names, while in the
31; 3 5‘ they measured? It all depends upon fairness should cause careful study of former, names are our neighbors,
13 ;_ 313 ,5: your own communltlh Upon the “flex every public question of local impor- And therein is presented to our view 3
-;1 3 13‘ 3 that comes from handling Situations tance before commenting upon it; his a gap that none has ever bridged, 1
3: 31 353 3; ‘ both local and state and even nation- ability to write clearly, forcefully and and in the very nature of things no
5“ ‘ : 1 3 13 ‘ j wide. with conviction will meaSure the influ- one can ever bridge,” 1
33 1 3 33 I 3 - (31’ heée are several angles to be con— ence Of his editorial column, He should 'What is the basis of a sound editorial 3
3333 33 ‘39 SI ere ' ,, , dlgESt thoroughly the question, In. hand policy? It would be presumptious for g
‘ 3 1 3,1 3 * 1 Primarny, the editor who shapes the and laying aSIdB personal prejudice, me to suggest- the answer. But if you 31
’ 333 3331polic‘y Of his paper so as to please attack the problem Wlth the SOLE idea present the news fairly and fearlessly. .1
1 3 33135 3 ‘5 everyone, in order to insure the ringing Of what iS best for his community. if you shoot square in your accounts of _
’33; 3; 31 3 3.5 , of his cash register, succeeds in playing “But,” you ask me, “what has all this matters that may not be to your per- .
3353 1 3: 3 , 15 exactly no one, and is usually doomed to do With the sweet sound 0f the 031511 sonal liking' if you are tolerant with
35, 1'3 3 :3; to certain failure. If he measures the register’s music?” the intolerant and kind to the fellow
. 1 ,- '1 - : 3.55 . . . . . - - 1 ,
33 I 33 t '3 33’ quality 0f hls news stories and editorial . I. wonder .If I can putdn words What who has misjudged your story about
113' ‘13 13 3 32, comment by the wishes and feelings of 1S In my mind. There 15 after all the him if the folks with whom you live 3
3353 g ‘11 5, 5 his advertising clientele, his paper will pay roll to meet. and all the fine senti- and’work and play believe in you and
33333 3 3 33 .313 be about as colorless as a last year’s ment that might be advanced for an your paper—then the least of your
13'1 , 1 1 3 1 351 bird nest. If he fawns upon his public, ideal paper would scarcely pass for pay . .
511 , :11 . . worries Will be how to keep the cash ,
3‘33 3 3 3 33 335 , and refers to every advertiser as “one checks on Saturday night. register ringing.
I131; 1 , _ 33331” of our leading citizens," his prestige is There is the practical side to idealism. D t h ts with ‘
3:31 3 3 ‘ 13331gone—he has sold out for a mess of Peter Stirling, according to his biogra- a dv: 1127;: mg; 5370;: 1::t1iconinto help
315 '13: 13 135; advertising pottage. If he evades telling pher, was a “practical idealist.” The them langto bf“; mgogre trade to your .
3- 1;. 5 13 3 11 the truth in matters of public interest successful editor and publisher of the h I: ,3 g u . te ted .
if. 1 15 3,3 in order to shield some offender who small towfl daily and the country _ome own. Are you real y in res 3
3: 1 51 333 371 may temporarily bring gain, he is sell— weekly has to be just that. m the pr‘OJBCtS that are being promoted 1
3 .333? 13313 15' iiig the self-respect of his paper and at - ~ - - by your Chamber Of Commerce or the
513,. 1 1[ 3, h t t' 1 Editorial policles are not confined to Rotary Club, or the Boy Scouts? Is .
5’ 3’5 3 3| 53 W a acos ’ . . . the pages 0f the paper, they are scarce— your wife a silent partner in the good :3.
33‘ 333 Adam there is the editor who is 1y mentioned above a whisper in the will of your paper and does she buy
1.3 ‘33 33 13 politically biased. We have them in best of offices; they are the unknown her clothes at home and tell the rest
1‘11 3 3 Indiana—l assume you are free from power that lies behind a healthy circu— of the women in her club about it? ,
3 3 3 ,3 ' 3 ’5 this type In your great commonwealth. lation, a fine advertising lineage, and Are you ashamed of yourself to turn ,
' 313;; ' .33 , 3 3 SC) If I refer to them only-casually, you a solid reputation for honesty and fair- back your coat-lapel in a. group of men
1‘ 33133 3 ' ’3 35 'Wlh undell‘stai‘ig Iham tilkmg about my ness 1n the news 0f the day. or can you show your local merchant’s 1
3 1331 133 311,3 _ (“73’1“ 9330131: the aV‘ét he fearless type Editorial policies that make the cash label on "the inside pocket? Does your 3
1 1:33 1:33 3131 W 0 “011 ra er W“ e than be preSI- register ring are the friendly hand- farmer friend upon whose trade your
'33 . 3 3 dent: They W1“? on all andevery Clasps on the street, the loyalty of advertiser depends look on your paper
3 333 ‘1 j 3 .33 f,%1::1c:fiesuz‘lle8t’.m:h fireatfsophistica: subscribers who send in their subscrip- as 7a, TRUTHFUL emmissary bringing
3 31‘ \ 3 3 viith theii‘l 3113133216 . elr rfihlt page.) tions without question but that they 1 not only the news of the day or week.
3 33j ,3 :1 . is relegate dip to othehlews’esh’ :1? news Will 8‘“ value received. They consist but also the advertising messages that
1,311 ‘ 1 3 3 their o-litical narro pag 1 (1 9y aklr of uncounted hours of work on the part are truthful and to be relied upon? Are
3, 333 f 331331.113 k p , ' f yfiless, an ma e of the publisher and his loyal staff for you urging him to come in on. Harvest 3
3 331 3 f3: 3 ,53 ”h hOWh enemies ° 911' readers. a. community interest; of a drive for a Trade Day so you may get better ac- i
3- .33 3; 3:1 {5'7 3 Do not misunderstand me. No editor new highway, when a vacation would quainted with him, see that he likes
3 .333 r 3113 3 33 3 is worth his place in the sun unless he have been more enjoyable; of hours your town and your merchant friends?
s 3 3 3 3,3 .3 3 has some political opinions. He‘is en— spent in securing facts on a story, Or, is it wholly in the interest of the
51331 1,3 3’ .
‘ 11‘ '3 1 11 '3‘ I. 7‘ 1 3
1 111,13,
«1:. 1, 11151133 3.13:, ,
' “ 11.11 1 1'1: 5,

 ' 1" ' 31" ‘31.». ~. "

' ‘ I1’ I",

. 3 .3 3 ,3

1 i
July, 1934 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 3 f 3
. 1 I ll .
— 1:, ———-‘—-————-—-——-——-—-——-—-~-——-—-—-—— 13 a; 1
. MANY SERVICES MAKE AN N.E.A. in both weights in two-letter matrices awarded George A. Joplin Jr., Somerset 3 ’ 513.3313
MEMBERSHIP GOOD INVESTMENT in the 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 point sizes, Journal, on his story on “Ohio Gun— 3 “j"
— and companion italics are being cut in man and Associates Captured Near 3 .133
16 Among the many special membership both the bold and light weights in City"; third place certificate was awar— “111
services of the National Editorial Asso- several sizes. ded J. N. Fueglein, the Kentucky Stan— 3 E"

is ciation are the monthly publications, “Many printers who are ordering dard, Bardstowri, on his story on “Tal- . 3
<- the N.E.A. Service Letter and the N .E.A. Memphis small caps tell us that they bott Flays Governor”; Honorable men- 3 . eff
ie ' Bulletin; the Personal Service Depart- find them particularly useful for cards, tion: J. Earle Bell, Union County Ad— 13 ' 2:33
in 3 ment, answering inquiries of members letter—heads, lists of names in annuals, vocate, Morganfield, A. Robbins, Hick— 3 31:3.
13 1 regarding advertisers, sources of supp1.y folders, catalogue lines, and so forth. man Courier, and R. C. Kash, Somerset .3 1, {$3
of materials, and other topics; and, the And, of course, the light and bold Journal. ,33 1.11

1 ' Engraving Departmental, with three weights on the same matrix double the Best Advertisement: Full page, $5 {:31 g3;
f {' oifices at Indianpolis, Ind, Williams- variety they can get fromaf-ont." cash prize, Union County Advocate, 333' ‘33
r 3 port, Pa., and St. Paul, Minn, render- _———————— Morganfield; Best half-page, $5 cash 33 gt!
1 ing engraving service at reasonable A rapid review of 300 copies of both prize, the Somerset Journal; Best quar— 3‘ 3133f;1 z“,
1, ' prices. daily and weekly newspapers received ter page or less, $5 cash prize, the Som- 3 ':33; _.
3: Other services of the N.E.A. include in exchange by the N.E.A. General erset Commonwealth. 3i %3
3 protection of interests of publishers in Offices discloses that only 10 per cent _________ 33 3 “'1'
1 legislative matters; the N.E.A. Accredit— of the newspapers represented were ad- The Davis Advertising Agency was 3 1‘5;
3 ed Departmental, designed to help vertising their own advertising columns, opened on June 1 by John E. Davis, 3 ' 51:33
;_ newspapers in connection with national or their commercial printing depart- advertising and publicity counsel, at 3 .33
3 advertising problems; and Our Wash— merits. There’s an old saying—“practice 431 Martin Brown building, Louisville. .33 , 3313
1 ington Letter, a weekly letter of news What you preach.” Mr. Davis had been associated for 33 1 33
5 from the national capital’ available at _——_—-—‘ the last. two years and nine month; ' '3 3‘33
V 10W COSt’ written. by W' 1" Daley, Wash- Winners in the five contests m the wit-h the late Thomas H. Stark in the ,1: ' :1 .1
3 3 ington representative Of the N'E'A‘ 1934 prize contests 0f the Kentucky advertising business in Louisville. He 31' {H
9 Providing payment is made by August Press Association were: was director of the public utilities ad- :33 1‘ _,.I.3
.3 lst, old members of the N.E.A. who -Best eel-around newspaper: First vertising department of the Wlhitney— 33.1.
3 have not as yet paid their 1934 dues prize, Silver Bowl, presented by the Grahan: Agency in Buffalo, N. Y., in 3 33.3,
;, may pay dues at the old rate of $5. Lexington Herald was awarded the 1930 and 19313 and for six years was 3 3 .3133
v The new scale of membership dues ap- Somerset Commonwealth, George A. director of publicity and public rela- 1333 31:13
3, proved at the N.E.A. convention in St. Joplin, Jr. editor; second place certifi— tions for Kentucky Utilties Company. 1.{3 ' 1;"!
3 Louis is explained in the May-June cate was awarded the Somerset Journal, During former years, Mr. Davis was a. 33 .133
1 issue of the N.E.A. Bulletin. Cecil Williams, editor; third place cer- reporter and editor on various news- 3 E 1

a1 . ——__—— tificate was awardEd the Lyon County papers, including The Courier—Journal 33
5 LINOTYPE MEMPHIS NOW Herald, Eddyvmei Gracean Peale-V1 “11‘ and The Herald-Post Louisville the 1: . EL.’

3r 3 AVAILABLE FROM 6-144 POINT tor; Honorable mention went to the Chicago Tribune, the K'ansas City 'Star, 33 313;.3
“1 ‘3 1 —— Georgetown NEWS; 391“ch Standard; the Philadelphia Public Ledger and the 3' :71?"
Y. 11 Linotype Memphis (Girder) Bold and Bardstown, and Union County Advo- Washington Evening Star. 33 333
0f ' , Light is now available in all sizes from 03-138, Morganfield. 33 '3'
r- 6 to 144 point, according to; C. H. Best Front Page: First prize, Silver ——_-‘ . 33
3h ‘ Griffith, assistant to the president of Water Pitcher, presented by the Lex— EVERY KENTUCKY PUBLISHER 3’ 1 {-113
‘W the Mergenthaler Linotype Company, ington Leader awarded the Somerset SHOULD JOIN THE N- E- A— 3 j._ g1
113' “So popular are both weights of this Commonwealth, George A. Joplin Jr., —— 31 2.
1e ’ face proving,” says Mr. Grifiith, “that editor; second place certificate was The July issue of the N.E.A. Bulletin 33' ”333'
Id We have cut them from 6 to 36 point awarded to the Campbellsville News- will carry the first issue of the New 3 33,
311' for the standard Linotype, and from 18 Journal, J. P. Gozder, editor; third “NE. A. Cooperative Advertising Service 3 ,
’h s t0144: point lower case as well as caps) place certificate was awarded the Shel- Section,” devoted to increasing the fa— ’13 . 3133
- for the All-PUYDOSE Linotype. by Sentinel, Shelbyville, M- O‘Sullivan, cilities of the small town publisher in , I ‘ l','3_

31‘ “In addition to caps and lower case, editor: Honorable mention: the George- selling local advertising. This section if f "I‘lg‘
In small caps have been made available town News, Kentucky Standard, Bards- will carry tested and proved ideas and 33 1.;'..
1r -————______—__.___ town, and Providence Enterprise. suggestions regarding the solicitation 1.; i3 :3
:3 3 advertiser who has merchandise to sell, Best Editorial: Silver loving cup pre- of local dealer advertising. Advertise— 3 1'5 '1'1
' that you put out the old “ballyhoo”? sented by Past—preSident Lawrence ments of national advertisers illustrat- .1 . 1.13 3.
19 3 Be honest with your readers, men. Hager was awarded to Gracean M. Ped— ing advertisements and cuts for local " { :3,’
Is 3 . It pays. ley, editor, the Lyon County Herald, use will appear regularly. 3 3 333’
is '43 Does your heart swell with pride Eddyville, on his editorial, “Small 005‘? Order blanks for use by publishers i 3 "1,.
st when some progressive merchant opens Of 0011th Agents NO Longer Frightens in ordering illustrated cuts and mats 3 ' 33'
t9 3 11D a. better store, with better goods for Lyon County Farmers ? Second place will make it easy for newspapers to '.. 13:1
n . Your community? Or, are you thinking, certificate was awarded J. L. Bradley, procure such material. This new service 3 1 ' .5 f:

'>n ‘hOW much extra advertising can I get 9‘13“”; Prondence ’Enterprlsenon 3115 can be made an integral part of your - ,1 I3;
2,5 3 out of this account?" Be honest, men. editorial 'What Price Relief? § thlrd advertising department’s selling efiort. i3 '33
:11. IS your editorial policy On the street place certificate was awarded George “If used regularly, it can be a source of 33 I "333
H such that you really deserve the support A Joplln Jr.,edltor, Somerset Common- increased local lineage and profit. . 3 _ 33 3
er of 3,0311. community? wealth’, on his editorial on A Sanitary This is just one of the many helpful 3 3 3-323:

1g .ij It is, you will get it. It will pay Sewer, Honorable .mention A- R0bbm5: programs that the N.E.A. is offering to 3| . {3313
k. fiIVIdends not only in advertising, in the Hickman Courier, R- C- Kash, the its members. A membership in the £3 , .3 ,3,
at Increased circulation, in prestige and at Somerset Journal, and A- A Daugherty, N.E.A. has always proved better than a 333 3313
re .the cashier’s window—it will pay that the Georgetown News. 100 per cent investment. Every Ken- _ 33 i3 3
st lI‘lta-nglble and heart-warming dividend Best News Story: Silver lovingcup, tucky publisher should join and pro- 33 3 3,3
c_ 3 that is desired by all real newspaper first place was awarded Adrian A. cure these benefits for himself; and 3333i

es ‘ men—the respect and the affection of Daugherty, Georgetown News, on his every wide—awade ambitious Kentucky 31,3: ..

5? the community, a life enriched by con- story on “ ‘Uncle Wiley’ Rela-ford Laid publisher is a member of the N.E.A. 3 ’ 133,.

ie 3 tacts With your fellow man. _ to Rest”; second place certificate was Think this over! 3 3 33,3.
' i ' i; 2 3'3

'4 35 3 i

';"1I'.~~ 13 3 , ‘-

 ‘ at ‘_ F F ‘F ’
F F“ ‘ ‘ ' “F
F F“ _ FF . Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS July, 1934
l - l :FF —_——_—__—-——-———_——-————————————— 1‘
“F ' F‘ t th‘ f t ' t to ea 11 ’o t the passa eof th Re At “
y, Q 112‘ er or no, is ac is apparen c pri r o g e venue c .
f F Kentuqu press individual establishment at this time, of 1932. The lower rates present cuts ‘
F . . .13} _ ____—____———-—— such establishment must and should ranging from one half to three cents,
F- Official Publication 0f THE KENTUCKY pay its assessment immediately. Your In the first and second zones, the rate ‘
. . F . ‘F‘F PRESS ASSOCIATION association ofiicials and the members is reduced from two cents to one and
. . 'j ‘F m of the Kentucky Regional Code Author- one-half cents; in the third zone the
.' F; F‘; ‘CIOR ' ORTM N‘ ity are working day and night to perfect reduction is from three cents to two _
F F‘F‘F‘I‘ Printed 011 THE KERNEL PRESS, Depari- the state organization for the benefit cents; in the fourth zone from five 1'
v F ‘F F‘.‘ mem of journalism, University of of publishers and printers, and not for cents to three cents; in the sixth zone
. f F F31 Kentucky, Lexington vain or personal glory. Each publisher from seven cents to five cents; in the
: F i‘ F‘ -—.__—————— and printer can aid these officials in seventh zone from nine cents to six .
F F F F PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS perfecting our state organization, for cents; for the eighth zone and between F
F‘ F F FF: .— . his benefit, by paying promptly his the Philippine Islands and any portion ‘.
. F ' i'_ ' _ E3,‘ George A— ”101111, Jr. - ~ - PreSident assessment. Let’s make Kentucky the of the United States, including the Dis- F
_ F: F . FF Commonwealth, Somerset . first state to answer 100% strong the trict of Columbia and the several terri-
u Fl ,~ 321C A- Robbins ' ' ' Vice-PreSident call of President Roosevelt. tories and possessions, from ten cents
. i F F FF‘ Courier, Hickman —-————— to seven cents.
. F ‘ 2 F F FF‘F‘ J. Curtis AICOCk . . . Sea—Treasurer CALL FOR NEW MEMBERS —_______
. , Fw" - _
F F f F F FFFF EXECUTIVE COMI‘IITTEE In order 't0.bulld up the KentuCky _ .
. I j . F ,F‘ ‘FF Press Assoc1ati-on 100 per cent strong, The Owensboro entertainment of the
. FF :FF J. L. Crawford, Chairman, Times-Trib- and to enroll every newspaperFin the mid-summer meeting of the KPA. is
‘3 I‘ . F .F'F“: . une, Corbin. state in the Association, the directors over in reality, but the memory Will live
F . “ FFF G. M. Pedley, Herald, Eddyville; J_ L. have voted, efiective this date, to tong in the minds of those who took
F F . FF: Bradley, Enterprise, Providence; Vance suspend that portion of the by-laws advantage of the opportunity to learn
F . :FFF FF Armentrout, Courier _J ournal, Louis- which requires new members to pay an what perfect hosts could do for their F
:‘. - i,‘ . FF. ‘:F ville; J, p_ Gozder, News—Journal. initiation, or entrance, fee of $5.00, to- guests. The Hagers, et al., fulfilled .
. FF ‘ Campbellsville; Keith H. Hood, Demo- gether with $5.0‘0 for the year’s dues. every promise that they made before
F . ‘F F ‘.‘ F crat, Redford; Thos. R. Underwood, Accordingly, until January .1’ 1935, new the meeting and provided three'days
.Fi , FFF |=‘ FF‘,‘ Herald, Lexington; Joe Costello, Demo- members to the Assomation Will he of enjoyment and good-fellowship to F
F:1 FF‘ FF crat, Cynthiana; J. T. Norris, Independ— welcomed on the payment of the 1934 over 159 members and guests of the
U; F FF F _‘ FF,’ ent, Ashland; R. L. Elkin, Central Rec- dues, $5.00 only, upon formal applica— Association. The Press congratulates F’
F F FF F FF, ord, Lancaster; Joe Richardson, Times, tion to Secretary J. Curtis Alcock. The them and thanks them for their hos—
. ‘ '.|‘F F ‘F FF \Glasgow, KPA is doing a splendid work among pitality; it congratulates Owensbor-o on F
g. 51‘; F. Chairman Legislative Committee: the newspapers of the state and'every its wide—awake and progressive news—
-F . FF FLUF B. B. Cozine Shelby News Shelb ville newspaper, which has benefited in the paper and its editors. The Press also :
, F. F F F: FsF ‘ ’ y ' past, should join the Association for congratulates the editors on the splen- 2‘
F‘ F F l5 -,2»‘ strength and for active partICipation. did speCIal edition of the Messenger ,
F F .‘ F F FJ'FI THE CODE IS IN EFFECT Again let the Press remind you of the and Inquirer on that occasion,
‘IF F 'F . F F a. motto on our state shield, “In Union * * * .‘F
11‘ ‘ F: F F F“ Elsewhere in the Press will be found There Is Strength.” As a solid-united .On account of lack of space, the Press
I T. F; F ‘, ”5“ notice of the authorized and legal front, the KPA could accomplish far Will forego publication of the story of
FF ,F . l‘ assessment for the budget and equitable more than. has been done in the past the mid-summer meeting, otherWise .
, F , i F1 1; F basis for contribution for the Re ional for Kentucky Journalism and Ken— than the printing of Walter Crim’s ad-
F § . F FF ' F FFF . and National Code Authorities g This tucky newspapers. A cordial invitation dress, the resolutions, the prize winners.
FFF ‘ , 5F F ‘F FFF Statement, as of June 30’ 1934, has sent is extended to all newspapers, not A full account of the meeting appeared
it: . FF F iii FF? . from Secretary Alcock’s office to each members at this time, to Jon] the KPA 1n the PublishersAuXiliary under the
F" :3 . F F and every newspaper and printing ofiice nozv. You need the KPA; the KPA by—line of'the editor. Read it there,
F F F F F FFF m Kentucky. It is due and payable im— needs you. and clip it.
l? ‘ F. F F F‘ mediately and every Kentucky pub- ———.———— ———*—~
Fl‘i ‘ FF FFF FF“ lisher and printer should forward his NEW POSTAL REGULATIONS COMMUNITY STICKERS
l . ‘ i‘ .1' t F, assessment at once to Secretary Alcogk, ARE NOW IN EFFECT .
. a F‘ FFF Editors and printers should know that _ DéRneadeIFi: cla 11;an a: the office (ffi th: F
‘F . ‘~ FF thls assessment 15 dUIY authorized by An amendment to the Postal Laws vei 005 OS are g“ en ree
FF, F _. FF NRA and accordin 1 ,. . , , . , sheet of 20 stickers bearing the slogan, ,
if; f F .. F51. ’ . , , g Y: must be paid. and Regulations which affects mailing .‘ ’Tis a Privilege to Live in Colorado” ~
F F. > FF " Ff: Such authorization 15 a 13W 0f the land, cost in distribution of circulars and - ‘ ‘
Fl , i . ,F :F and Code Auth ‘t‘ . , , . , These stickers are to be placed on all
. s, F - =§ 0“ 195 have the backing Similar types of mail matter which ~ ~ , F
F i: . F F .. of the Uni+ed St te . ’ _ .etters gomg out of the state. A Col-
. F‘ F i 1 V a S government in should be noted by all publishers - - . .
F F '. i; F‘? enforcing the payment of this assess— follows ’ crado paper comments editorially. .
‘. .' F . :F r ,2 ment. This is t thr , . . ‘ , “There is no doubt in the world that
_. F F F ii F no a eat, it is mere— ‘.....‘ until July 1 1935 the rate of , .
F FF F . F a! 1. 1y a statement of th 1 _ ’ , the Posts slogan has brought many
Fl'. F F -: , e aw. Court cases, postage on all mail matter of the first . - - ‘
~. . E F, l: i so far have establish (1 t . people to Colmado, and a Wider distri— .
. FF, , ; F‘ , e hat the NRA, class (except postal cards and private - . - -
I‘ , ,FF . through national and . _, bution of it through the medium of
F1. . E :3 F- th 't' I‘Bgional code mailing of post cards, and except other these stickers will bring hundreds F
F FFJ F F“ F‘ glen $111131, can 03:16th such assess- first-class matter on which the rate of more”
‘ ‘ .‘ :‘y 1‘: 91‘ perm y -0 loss of Blue osta e under exist'n 1a ' . ' - .
FD ' F Fl; 3 Eagle, and, also, imprisonment or fine go e: h 1 i t“ 18 C‘ltrlfie cerfit Can you sell thls idea to your local
. FF; E F 1; or both Th C d . . ’ T c ounce or rac Ion ereo) Chamber of Commerce? If so, it means .
:FFFF .Q .F 5 FF . . d' . . e 0_ e is Working for each shall be one cent for each ounce or extra revenue for the job printing F
. FF. \ F FF 5 1n ividual establishment, whether this fraction thereof in addition to the rate de artment
,1 31;: : . F F F fact is apparent now or shall be later. providing by existing law: ......” p O
. 5-1;; .‘ i i It has, and Will more so in the near This interpreted means the rate is ' .
' FEFF‘ f F ,Fi . future,t_tstop all ctut-throat, ruinous now three cents on this class of mail. Every ProgreSSive publisiher i“ Ken’ F
i ‘F‘%‘ F . Fl F :7 compe 1 ion—compe ition that has been The advertising mailing rates on ’ ‘
L‘F“ F‘ . “F FF. F so detrimental in the past to our com- second—class postage will be lowered on tucky belongs to the KPA’ Why dont
": F, F . L [F F: . . .
_- EFF F- FF F: mumty publishers and printers. Wheth- July 1 to the same level that existed YOU join today? :
cf ‘3.“FF F 1 ".‘
{FF 3 ‘ F “FF“ F '
‘13“ i. "F '
Flu}, . .FFFF ,.
‘u—u -. F 5.? .‘ JF ‘
' “ f "1 ii:
a“. ‘i— ’ " ’M’ '

 i ‘ 15 'a ‘

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'5 ' i! E 333w 5
E' July, 1934 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five .15 E53; 3
-— 5 —____——_ "i . ':_i E
c l V V V V 5 ‘5 'E'
.t. . Notlce Of Contributlon Due Graphic Arts Code E
ate 1. The Administrator for Industrial 1934 to December 31, 1934, and oppor- ganfield; H. L. Felix, Chicago; Mr. and "r {7'
.nd Recovery has approved the plan for tunitytobe heard having been afforded Mrs. George A. Joplin, Jr., Somerset; 5
he budget and equitable basis of contribu— all members of said Industry and any Miss Ga'il Richardson, Washington, : 1E
wo tion submitted by the Joint National objections filed having been duly con- D. C.; W. V. Richardson, Danville; J. 5.5 r E
ive 'E" Code Authority of Graphic Arts Indus- sidered, and such budget appearing to W. Knox, Danville; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 5 . {5115
me 5 tries No. A-2 and No. A-5. Such ap- ‘be reasonable and necessary to support Williams, Somerset; Selby Sparks, .5: {g}. i
:he . proved basis of contribution and the the authorized activities of the Code Pikeville; Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thomp- . '5 E ’l
six I pertinent Code provisions are set forth Authority, and such basis of contribu- son, Paris; Mr. and Mrs. Vance Armen- 5; .5
zen E below in this article. Copies of said tion appearing to be equitable, trout. Louisville; J. Curtis Alcock, Dan- EE E I, :5
ion ‘E budget are available at the office of the NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to au- ville; W, Chauncey Alcock, Danville; 5i E 97?]
is- 5 undersigned National Administration thority vested in me it is hereby or- Dixon Merritt, Lebanon, Tenn; Mrs. 55 E ‘EuEE'E
ri- Manager. dered, subject to any pertinent rules Nora Wlood Grant, Nashville, Tenn; 55 . if 'EEE
nts 2. Use the “Statement” furnished and regulations issued by the Admin- _ J. P. Gozder, Campbellsville; Wesley E. 5; 5" E
5 you by the Code authorities for figuring istrator, that Carter, Campbellsville; Fred B. Wachs, 5 5; EEE E'

the amount of your own contribution, (a) Said budget, the original of which Lexington; Joe Richardson, Glasgow; 95 5.}

fill it out, detach it, and return it as approved, is on file with the National Mr. and Mrs. E. Russell Dyche and Miss E. . E '25

promptly. as directed, with your re- Recovery Administration, be and it is Margaret Dyche, London; W. D. Wil— E 1, 113-5

.he mittance for the amount “Now Due.” hereby approved, provided, however, liams, Louisville; A. C. Hopewell, Louis- E . ”"5
is 3. Your contribution is due and pay- that the Administrator may at any time ’ville; John S. Lawrence, Cadiz; C. M. E: : “ESE .
ive able upon receipt of this notice. Your amend or modify this Order or impose Gaines, Bowling Green; J. B. Gaines, 55 E .E ”5.3
.01; attention is called to the fact that fail- any further conditions therein as he Bowling Green; Mr. and Mrs. S. V. E? 3 "EEE E5
.rn ure to make payment thereof within may deem necessary or desirable to Stiles, Louisville; Miss Mildred D. Bab- :5 g 595
eir 5 thirty (30) days renders you liable to effect the policies of Title I of the bage, Cloverport; Donald McWain, 55 E
led appropriate legal proceedings. National Industrial Recovery Act. Louisville; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Norris, 55 "'5
)re ‘ 4. Your attention is further called to (b) The basis of contribution by Ashland; Miss Dorothy Leigh Harris, 55 ' E5
Lys 5 the fact that you have the right to file members of the Industry, authorized by Henderson; Mr. and Mrs. Shelton E ‘ E5
to , a protest against the payment of such Article I, Section 3 of such Code, is as Saufley, Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Keen 55 i E
be ' contribution with the undersigned, or follows: Johnson, Richmond; George Bingham, 55 5 ’ 555
tes 5' with the Joint National Code Authority, $10.00 minimum base charge for Mayfield; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bradley, E E' . E
)s— or with the Contribution Section of the each establishment, except, however, Providence; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crim, E ' ‘ 2‘5.
on 5. Compliance Division, NRA, Washing- that one-man establishments whose Salem, Ind.; L. G. Barrett, Hartford; 5 E' 4395
15- ton, D. C., at any time within fifteen gross volume of business for the cal— R. W. Reynolds, Mayfield; Miss Vivian E ’_ El
150 5 (15) days from the receipt of this no- endar year 1933 did not exceed more Taylor, Glasgow; J. M. Rosseau, Glas— E E5
:n- 5 tice, Such protest may be on the ground than $1,000.00 Shall be subject to gow; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gates, Louis- 55 ‘ 5
{er L‘ that the basis of contributi