xt798s4jpz60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt798s4jpz60/data/mets.xml  Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1905 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. minutes  English Newport, KY: Davies Print Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Minutes of the Sixteenth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at the Spiritual Temple, Newport, Kentucky, November 10, 1905. text Minutes of the Sixteenth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at the Spiritual Temple, Newport, Kentucky, November 10, 1905. 1905 1905 2019 true xt798s4jpz60 section xt798s4jpz60 ' ; Sixteenth AnnualConvention _-
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Miss lnltllil Clay la-xingtnn. Ky
/«‘u_\/ I 1r. ,, /‘z/‘x.u/,'m’.
Mrs. Mar) 11. Clay... ..... ........,. ....Rn'lmnrnci, Ky
.S'rmm/ IVY/— /‘n .\ 5:1} u],
‘ Mrs. Mary C Cmnn‘r...... Lexington, Ky
77.! [11/ Iiz-r/ 'z‘uvii/wzzu’.
Mrs. .\'. S, McLaughlin... ....Cm‘ington, Ky.
(' hwy .\‘1"I7.7!1/.’-/. \- NIH VIII/l
_ 312‘s: Alice Carpenter . . l<(“l‘l’.‘ Your faithful and attached co-laborer,
.- . .2
S":._7w:: 7 .‘_;'_.A;7 777 ' 77-» ~ ‘ , . .. —

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Vice—Presidents Mrs. Mary B. Clay, Mrs. Mary C. Cramer and
Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin each gave a short verbal report of work
done in their locality.

Cor. Sec. Mrs. Mary C. Roark not present, having left the
state. '

_ Rec. Sec. Mrs. limma M. Roebuck reported having heard from
w the associations of Fayette county, Madison county, Twentieth
} Century of Covington; Campbelleounty, Bowling Green, Frankfort,
Louisville, Ashland, Hickman, Lancaster, Madisonville and

I Hawesville. ,

Treasurer Mrs. Isabella H. Shepard not being present sent a re-
quest, asking that as the books were always kept open until January
lst, the auditors appointed at the convention be instructed to audit
the books the first week in january and their report attached to the
Treasurer‘s report, and so appear in the printed minutes.

Report of committee on Credentials received and accepted.

Mrs. Graves and Miss Oliphant were introduced to the conven-
tion and the courtesies of the floor were extended to them.

‘ Voted that the Treasurer‘s request as to the auditing of the
books be granted. .

Report of Mrs. Mary E. Giltner as member of the Executive
committee of N. A. \V. S. A. read and accepted.

Discussion of plan of work.

Voted that we continue our efforts to obtain from the legisla-

‘ ture, school suffrage for all women of Kentucky who can read the
, constitution of the United States.

Voted that we petition the General Assembly to pass a bill for
the covguardianship of father and mother of minor children.

Voted that the members of the local E. R. A.’s write to the
legislators of their counties and ask them to vote for the co-guard~

‘ ianship bill.

Voted that we ask the legislature for Presidential suffrage for

I Voted that we endeavor to have women appointed on the boards
, of all punitive and educational institutions.

Voted that we continue our efforts to secure a Dean of \Vomeu
and a department of Domestic Science at the State College.

Voted that the members of the Executive committee be ap-
pointed the Frankfort committee._


ll Voted that we make Increase of Membership the principal
i work for next year.
V Adjourned until :2 o‘clock.
Plan of Work committee met at ].30 o‘clock, and decided to
recommend that the Constitution of the State Association be revised
f and that the convention appoint a Revision committee.
‘ That Miss Laura Clay, our state president, be chairman of Re-
vision committee.
; Committee rose.
i Convention called to order at 12.30 o‘clock.
: Devotional exercises led by Miss Anna B. Morgan.
Minutes of morning session read and approved.
. Mrs. Harriet Stanton was introduced to the convention, and
courtesies of the floor extended to her.
" The following local associations sent in reports of work done
the past year.
‘ Fayette County E. R. A.
V Madison County E. R. A.
., Campbell County E. R. A.
. - Louisville E. R. A.
‘ Madisonville E. R. A.
% Ashland E. R. A. .
. , Twentieth Century Club.
l Bowling Green E. R. A.
ll Report of Press Superintendent Mrs. Lida C. Obenchain read
l and accepted.
, Report of Superintendent of Advancement of \Vomen’s \Vork,
' Miss Anna B. Morgan, read and accepted. I
. Letter was read from Mrs. Susan Look Avery, Superintendent
‘ of Literature. .
1 Rev. Anna H. Shaw greeted by the convention. l
‘ Voted that Rev. Anna H. Shaw he made a member of the cou~
: vention. l
‘ ' Voted that we proceed with the election of officers. ‘
‘ (i

 7*;r' - "fir: 5,295.... 1“- .
e, . 7 . 7.7... “H-"qma..-._.m__.a.-._m .' _..;em‘ ‘“ -5..§

Mia-1s Anna 13. Morgan and Mrs. F. C. Gth were appointed
distributing tellers.

Mrs. Agnes L. Mind and Dr. Louise Southgate were appointed
counting tellers.

The election resulted as follows :

President, Miss Laura Clay.

Iiirst VicePresident, Mrs. Mary B. Clay.

Second VicePresident, Mrs. Mary C. Crainer.

Third Vice-President, Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin.

Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Carpenter.

« Recording Secretary, Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck.

Treasurer, Mrs. Isabella H. Shepard.

Voted that we nominate our delegates to the National conven-
tion by acclaination.

Member of the Executive committee of N. A. W. S. A., Mrs.
Mary E. Giltner. _

Delegates— Mrs. Mary C. Cranier, Lexington ; Mrs. Sarah
Charles, Newport ; Mrs. Agnes Eifort, Ashland ; Mrs. John Burke,
Newport; Mrs. Ii). B. Johnson, Covington.

Alternates—Miss Sallie Daly, Lexington : Mrs. Laura Spinks,
Newport ; Mrs. E. M. Roebuck, Newport ; Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin,
Covington; Mrs. Mary T. Muggeridge, Newport.

Voted that the first alternate fill first vacancy, the second
alternate second vacancy, etc.

Voted that if, when the delegates arrive at the National con-
vention at Baltimore, there should be a vacancy among the dele-
gates, they be empowered to fill such vacancy with some member of

. the Kentucky E. R. A. there present.


‘ Rev. Anna H. Shaw addressed the convention and told of the

J good work being done iti Oregon, and the very important part our

J state president Miss Laura Clay was taking in that work.


l J -



.- . W

 1292i??62"';c“! - a":-= "4‘
l1; The tree-will offerings made were :‘
. l . Madison County E. R. A. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . $10 0!)
Fayette County E. R. A. . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . , .. 10 01)
Twentieth Century Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 022
Campbell County E. R. A. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. 5 01)
Mrs. M. E. Giltner........................ 5 00
" Mrs. M.B.C1'13 3 02)
ll Mrs. Harriet Stanton...-.,................. 1 00
Mrs. Agnes Eifort................ 101)
6“ Dr. Louise Southgate. . . . . . ........ 100
l Dr. Katherine'Roebuck, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 ()1)
222 Mrs. M. C. Cramer..............,......... lot)
.22 Mrs. Mary Smith......................... 100
{221 MissJennieRugg.......................... 100 .
22 Total, — ~ ~ - $52) 02)
: Letter from Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton, the National Treasurer,
was read urging all to work for a great increase of membership.
Voted that the constitution of the state association be revised.
‘ Voted that Miss Laura Clay be appointed chairman of Revision
Jl committee, and that the selection of members be left to her.
22 Voted that the Revision committee report at the next annual
2‘ convent10n.. ’
l2 Rev. Anna H. Shaw explained to the convention the different
methods of voting for officers being considered by the National
‘ i, _ association.
l Voted that the delegates from Kentucky to National ediivention
i go instructed to vote for a full representation.
2P Report of Resolutions committee read and accepted.
i ' Minutes of afternoon session read and approved. '
‘2‘; _ Adjourned.
1 The evening meeting was opened with a prayer and an address
2' by Rev. J. P. \Vhitehead. After two very delightful vocal solos
t by Miss Muggeridge and Miss Brookbank, Mrs. Mary B. Clay intro-
_!E duced Rev. Anna H. Shaw, President of National American
3'; Woman's Suffrage Association. Rev. Shaw is a most eloquent
2 8
.2}; -
W ..

 3“,. _ ...._ l A..- 4-1-4
spcalusr with a very pleasing personality. The subject of her
lectur: was 77M [\l‘a" /l/mz, which was enjoyed by a large and en—
thusiastic audience. ;\ ftcr the ltcturc, and during the rendition of
two nu 1e musical mnnleis, three membtrs (.f tlte Kentucky Equal
Rights Association passed through the audience and fifteen names
were obtained as new members of the Campbell County E. R. A.

It was decided to make the following appropriations:
Rev. Anna Shaw’s salary... .. .... ... . .. ......... . ......$715 tit!
Stationery, stamps and typewriting for Press Superintendent. 5H UH
l’rintingof Minutes...................,......... 2H UH
()Pficers’ traveling expenses... ...... . . ... .. . ........ ., . , ll. 70
Frankfort c01mnittee....,..............,..,............ 25 ()1)
Total $151 70
Voted that if $25.00 is not sufficient for the Frankfort com-
mittee, they be allowed what is needed.
Voted that the Frankfort committee be allowed discretion as to
which bill be urged most when before the legislature.
Committee adjourned. '
EMMA M. RoEBticx.
Recording Secretary.

 r'.lI’-F‘iT?’-ii"vi.~'::3 .--_ :"e-a'l -'~ .‘
., __,,,.. . -_____- . . . 1.
Ii. —
Hi To Balance last report................ $140 28
Pledges for 1905.—I\Irs. Mary B. Clay..... ‘5 5 Ut)
,: Mrs. Wellington Payne.............................. 5 00
1'5 Mrs. Roark...... 5 00
,i Mrs. Spiuks......... 5 Oil P
Mrs. Roebuck............... 1 00
Mrs. Stanton 1 00 k,
Mrs. Shepard.............................. 100 4
i, Mrs. Charles......... .. 5 00
ii Mrs.Gi1tner..... .. 5 ()0
ii Mrs. Bennett.......................... 30 00
.‘ii Miss Belle Bennett....... 5 ()0
i} i — (58 UU
i, Donations—Mrs, McLaughlin $ 80
ii Miss Laura Ch) 25 ()0
ii Miss Laura Clay, donation for convention expenses,
3; and redonated by Newport Ass'n for state work 25 tit)
; —— so so ‘
Pledges for 190t3,—Mrs. Mary B. Cl:1y.. .. .X 3 00
‘ Mrs. Stanton” 101)
, ,, ——~— 4 00 '
i;.. Amount of Local Ass‘n annual dues to State Ass’n.
5i! Ashland 17..............$ 3 9.3
_ Bowling Green 7............... 2 45
I’ Frankfort 5............... 175
9,, Hawesville i 105
;i Henderson 4...............1 4t)
‘1, Catlettsburg (5............. 2 ll)
5: Kenton County Assn 3............. 1 ()5 ‘
i. Lancaster 5.. l 75
1 Lexington l30............... 45 50
j: Hickman ti.............. 2 10
Louisville............................. 16...... 5 (it)
i Ludlow 7....... 2 45
i Newport 65........ :22 75
ii. Nicholasville 4 1 40 i
,“ Richmond......,.........................................., 86...... 3o 10 '
.5 Twentieth Century Club,C0\'ingt0u........ 90............... 31 51,) F
ii '- Madisonville 14...... 4 90 .
ii —~LUS —— 163 80
i Amount overpaid by locals .. 2 05
ii’ Total$4d3 93
32' . 10
i‘ .
‘ . .

 _ 1 . , , _ ”W", , . _ . ms", a_Ai can,”.,--____*._~_._H__ ___ W
iusmutsicniin‘rs. ’
Miss Shaw, lectures at convention Nov. ll)0»l........ if") on
Programs for convention...... :- 5t)
» Press \Vork............ 501")
Salary (pledges) Supt. of Press \York..... tit) 00
Salary, Corresponding Secretir} 7» 0U
Delayed animal dues to National Association.................. 71!
P Traveling expenses, 19tl4.............. 1061)
Printing Minutes......................................... 20 00
Miss Shaw, lectures, November 1905 4501)
it Traveling expenses, November lt!t)5............ ll 70
/ Animal dues (MOS) to National Ass’n 46 «‘40
— $297 3”
Balance January 1, lHl)li......... 136615
This report has been audited and found correct.
E. M. ROEBI'CK, 1- Auditing committee.
(Acting for Mrs. Spinks.) 5

I have 90 papers now, 14 more than I had when I made my last report. I
notice that in Mrs. Babcock‘s report at the convention in Portland, she recom-
mends dropping a paper unless it publishes half the articles sent. If I were to
do this my list would probably be considerably shortened. But it seems to me
too exacting a measure at this stage of suffrage in Kentucky, and I continue to
cling to any paper that once comes on my list unless the editor positively refuses
to publish anything for me. It requires only two dozen cheap envelopes and

‘ 21 cents postage to send a paper two articles per month. and it seems to me it is
worth this expense to get even three or four good suffrage articles in a paper
during the course of a year. Moreover, I think an editor is very likely to read
our literature even when he does not publish it, and a year’s reading of such
suffrage matter as we send must have its effect on the most prejudiced mind.

I have had two aims in view this year. One was to enlighten my editors as
to the nature and purposes of the Kentucky E. R. A., the other was to make

I them feel that the Press Department is not a machine for sending out syndicated

V articles written by strangers, but that it has back of it a personality that watches

F, every newspaper on the list, reads every newspaper that the editor sends, takes

, note of every suffrage article published, and is grateful for every courtesy an
editor shows.

I found that many editors were wholly ignorant of the past work and future
purposes of our association. I thought a perusal of the pamphlet, “What the
Kentucky Equal Rights Association Has Done," would be advantageous, so

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J z .

J! ' i ,

J". Miss Clay sent me a bundle of these pan-iphlets and I sent them to the editors

J’; with the request that they read them and write an editorial expression of their

ii views as to the value of the work. I asked, too, if there was any part of the

:J2' work they would like to to see undone. Only four papers responded to my

request, that is only four editors sent me papers containing the editorial 1 had

requested. A few others may have written the editorial and failed to send me

'3} the paper containing it. This was rather disappointing, but as I have never

J‘J seen any other editorial notices of the Kentucky E. R. A. than these four, I

J’J tliiuk it was worth while to send out the pamphletts. The Hair/ford Hera/Ll

and the Madisonville Crap/11% expressed approval of our work and thought it

is: would be better for the state if we concerned ourselves still more in public af-

JJ, fairs. The (:‘I‘afi/zic‘x editorial was in large type and conspicuously placed. '
'i" The Jackson l/Itsllirr devoted over a column to a consideration of the matter,

iJJ praised us extravagaiitly for all we had done, but thought that the right of stiff-

JJJ rave was too biU a nice for us to set on our labors and that the men of Kentuck '

.Jr D o l 7 3

JJ certainly would not pay it. Some day he will learn that we do not ask for our ‘
:J; rights in the name of our good works, but in the name of justice.

J The October number of Program was so fine that I asked )lrs. Upton to J
Elf send me 30 copies for distribution among my editors. Mrs. Catt’s brief history l
J. of Woman Suffrage 011 the third page of the paper is something that every J
> editor ought to keep on his desk to prevent his making such mistakes as the J
3 Hon. Grover Cleveland makes when he writes about woman suffrage. Mrs. ‘
J Upton sent me the 30 copies of Progress free of charge, and I think it would be J
, a fine plan to send l’rag'lexs out regularly. I enclose it in the same envelope

with my syndicate articles ; as there is no writing, a one cent stamp carries

J: both, and thus we distribute valuable suffrage literature without increasing the

J“, expense of the pres work. Program shows the wosld wide nature of the wo- ;
iJJ man-movement, and its increasing strength. and when an editor realizes the J
‘| magnitude of this movement, he will not be so quick to decline our literature. i‘
J} I blue-pencilled every copy of Progress to call attention to the most striking J
' facts. For sortie weeks past I have been sending otit postal cards asking the 1
JJ editors totsend me an occasional marked copy to assure me that they are using J
5 our literaiire. The responses to these cards have been very gratifying, and .
J; many papers that I had been uncertain about have shown themselves faithful to J
‘5 their pro 5 ises. '
r Nineteen hundred and sevent -four syndicate articles and am lilets have

1 . Y. r . . p p .
, beeiisent out this year. I have written fitteen special articles for the National 1‘.
. press bureau, and for my individual papers. The Louisville municipal campaign
if has furnished me with many texts for little suffrage sermons which I hope to 3
5'“ get into print when the excitement subsides and the papers have room in their

J. columns for the words of a mere woman.


lJ- _ ‘ For the year ending November I, 1905. 5'

Nov. l,1£lU»t.— Balance Press Work Fund on liand......... 35 5 ()0

Jr, Received during the year for Press \\'ork...... 50 ()0

J‘ Amount expended during the year for Press \\'ork...... :tt) ()1) ‘
r3 Nov, 1, moi—Balance on liaiidifilfi 00

:J r.‘ Respectfully submitted,


g" '- Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 7, 1905. Supt. of Press Work, Ky. E. R. A.

3: - 12


;. .


J“ .

' . . ‘ M _.. by...”


1n lb’lH, when the first Woman‘s Rights convention washcld, men cxclaimcd
in horror at the idea of women in public positions, saying it was against the
ordinance of God. Yet in little more than a half century and against all sorts
of obstacles, woman has successfully filled the positions of minister, lawyer,
physician and teacher, and almost all occupations save that of saloonkeeper. i

. This last year equal suffrage resolutions were adopted by the American

Federation of Labor, the Teachers’ Convention at California, the Grangers of

Kentucky, Ohio, Delaware and other states. And so the Advancement of Woman
‘ goes on, and will go on until she is a free American citizen, equal with her


Respectfully submitted,

‘1 The Thirty-seventh annual convention of the National American Vl'mnan‘s
. Suffrage Association convened on June 28th to July 5th, 1905, in the First Con-
! gregational Church, Portland, Oregon.

The first meeting was that of the Executive committee, which was in secret
session until nearly midnight on the evening of June 28. I

Vice-President Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt presided.

Many questions were brought up and discussed.

1" The convention proper was called to order at 2 p. in. June 29th, by the
f president, Rev. Anna H. Shaw:

l A greeting was received from Denmark, and many from our own country.
i *At the evening session an address was made by Rev. Anna II. Shaw. PorL
land certainly had a grand treat in her eloquent power for reasoning in advo_
‘ cacy of general suffrage.

l Morning, June 30th, was given 11p to business. The afternoon was spent
‘ at the Fair grounds and a reception to Miss Anthony. The evening at the
. church was taken up with stirring speeches by many prominent people.

Sunday, July 2nd the pulpits of all the churches were thrown open to us,
and many were filled by our prominent speakers.

01) July 3rd, there were interesting speeches on the initiative and referen—

l' dun], and how best to use the Press for equal suffrage.

Rev. Anna H. Shaw in her greeting to the Labor I'nions, claimed that her
members belonged to that party, as they were the hardest workers in the '

The announcement that the equal suffragists would conduct a campaign in
1906 aroused quite an agitation, and in a very short time $3,000 was pledged to
conduct it. $5,000 was raised in a very short time for the National work for
the coming year, California leading all other states by giving $850.00

The Fourth of July oration was delivered by Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt and

.. _._, w

 =7: e 7 I. .. 1*:77 m . ._. #“w - , .wfiwmprrv: MW“.- at.
g .
‘t was one of the most brilliant addresses ever delivered in the city. Miss Anthony
!' read the Declaration of 18:18. which was read that year by Elizabeth Cady
i Stanton in the first Equal Suffrage convention ever held, at Senecca Falls,N.Y.
i _ I want to add to my feeble report that we have reason to believe our cause
‘. will be won in Oregon at the election next June.
I Respectfully submitted, '
i The Fayette County E. R. A. has held three business meetings during the
3 year. Miss Clay informed us at the first meeting that she would leave to spend
if: the winter at Warren, Ohio, assisting the National association. i
ii' At the meeting on May 19, 1905, Miss Clay told us of her work at Warren,
Ohio, and of the hopeful tone of all correspondence which came to the National ’
i. headquarters from