xt798s4jmm0x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt798s4jmm0x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1994-02-mar1. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1994-02-mar1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1994-02-mar1. 1994 1994-02-mar1. 2011 true xt798s4jmm0x section xt798s4jmm0x 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, March 1, 1994.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00
p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, March 1, 1994 in the Board Room on the
18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.

       A.    Meeting Opened

       Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson, called the meeting to
order at 1:00 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mrs. Marian Sims.

       B.   Roll-Call

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call
of theroll: Governor Edward T. Breathitt, (Chairperson), Mr. Paul W.
Chellgren, Mr. Robert N. Clay, Mr. Lance Dowdy, Mr. James F. Hardymon,
Professor Loys L. Mather, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Dr. Elissa Plattner.
Dr. Deborah Powell, Mr. C. Frank Shoop, Mrs. Marian Moore Sims, Professor
John Sistarenik, Jr., Mr. William B. Sturgill, Mr. Daniel C. Ulmer, Jr.,
Mrs. Lois C. Weinberg, Mr. Martin Welenken, Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson, and
Judge Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr. Absent from the meeting were Mrs. Kay
Shropshire Bell and Mr. Henry L. Jackson. The University administration
was represented by President Charles T. Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors
Peter P. Bosomworth, Ben W. Carr, Jr. and Robert E. Hemenway; Vice
Presidents Joseph T. Burch, Edward A. Carter, Donald B. Clapp, and
Delwood Collins; Dr. Juanita Fleming, Special Assistant for Academic
Affairs, and Mr. Paul Van Booven, Associate General Counsel.

       Members of the general public and the news media were also in
attendance. A quorum being present, Governor Breathitt declared the
meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:00 p.m.

       C.    Approval of Minutes

       Governor Breathitt said that the Minutes of the January 25, 1994
meeting had been distributed and asked for additions or corrections.
Mrs. Sims moved that the Minutes be approved as distributed. Mr. Ulmer
seconded the motion, and it carried.

       D.    President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       President Wethington called attention to the following items in
his report:

       1.   Three finalists have been named for the position of.
             Chancellor of the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center: Jordan
             L. Cohen, Dean of the University of Kentucky College of
             Pharmacy; Richard Allan DeVaul, Vice President for Health
             Affairs, Executive Director of the Health Science Center and
             Dean of the College of Medicine at Texas A&M University
             Health Care Center in College Station, Texas; and James
             Wilson Holsinger, Jr., Director of the Veterans Affairs
             Medical Center in Lexington.


- 2 -

       2.   Modern Healthcare _Maazine, a weekly business news
             publication, has named the University of Kentucky Hospital
             as one of the top 100 hospitals in the United States.

       3.    The senior class at the University of Kentucky has announced
             plans to raise funds for historical markers on campus,
             ensuring that future students and visitors will know about
             UK's rich history.

       4.    The UK College of Business and Economics established an
             Alumni Hall of Fame and inducted its first nine members
             January 27. Former Governor Edward T. Breathitt was among
             those honored.

       5.    Eighteen University of Kentucky physicians are featured in
             the second edition of "Best Doctors in America," a listing
             of nationally recognized physicians in the United States.

       6.    Herbert A. Fertig, an assistant professor of physics at UK
             since 1991, has won the prestigious $30,000 Sloan Research

       He asked the Board to read the entire report at their leisure.

       President Wethington informed the Board that the UK College of
Dentistry has recently initiated a dental initiative in Kuwait. The 10
million contract has been awarded to establish school-based dental
screening for Kuwaiti children. He noted that this is a sizable
undertaking for the College, and the College continues to play a very
useful role in the state and other parts of the world.

       Mr. Robert Clay mentioned that Mrs. Marian Sims' son, Andy Sims,
had been recognized in USA Tgday as one of the top 25 high school student
athletes in the country.   President Wethington expressed congratulations
to Mr. and Mrs. Sims and their son for receiving this honor.

       E.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       President Wethington said that PR 2 reflects personnel actions
since the last Board meeting. He recommended that approval be given to
the appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board
action; and that the report relative to appointments and/or changes
already approved by the administration be accepted. On motion made by
Mr. Wilcoxson, seconded by Dr. Meriwether and passed, approval was given
to the personnel actions in PR 2. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       F.    Transfer of Department of Computer Science (PR 5A)

       President Wethington recommended that the Board of Trustees
approve the transfer of the Department of Computer Science from the
College of Arts and Sciences to the College of Engineering.   This action
is the result of the restructuring of the University which was completed
during these last two years. He reported that there is good support
within the University for moving this department to the College of
Engineering. Professor Mather moved approval. His motion was seconded
by Mr. Chellgren and passed.   (See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)


- 3 -

       G.    Change in Organization Structure College of Business
and Economics (PR SB)

       President Wethington said that PR 5B is also a result of the
restructuring efforts. He recommended that the academic departments of
Decision Sciences and Information Systems, Finance, Management and
Marketing within the College of Business and Economics be merged into a
new School of Management. With the approval of this organizational
change, the College will consist of the School of Accountancy, the School
of Management, and the Department of Economics. This will reduce the
College from seven to three administrative units. He reported that the
recommendation comes from the Dean and the faculty of the College of
Business and Economics. Mr. Chellgren moved approval. His motion,
seconded by Mr. Hardymon, carried. (See PR SB at the end of the Minutes.)

       H.    Approval of the Development of a Children's Hospital (PR 6A)

       President Wethington reminded the Board that he had alerted them
dt the last meeting that the Hospital Board was going to be discussing
this item at their last meeting. He asked Dr. Bosomworth, Chancellor for
the Medical Center, and Dr. Meriwether, Chairperson of the Hospital
Board, to comment on PR 6A.

       Chancellor Bosomworth expressed pleasure in supporting the
recommendation that the Board of Trustees approve the Medical Center's
plan for development of a Children's Hospital. He reported that a study
of the health care needs of children of Central and Eastern Kentucky had
been completed, and there was strong support for the project. He
explained that there is space on the fourth floor of the hospital to
expand the pediatrics area.  This would be a two-phase project in which
the Children's Hospital would be constructed and existing pediatric space
then would be retrofitted to accommodate the program. In his opinion,
this is the most economical way to make a giant step forward in the care
of children.

       Dr. Meriwether praised the leadership at the Chandler Medical
Center. He said that Chancellor Bosomworth, Frank Butler and others have
done a fine job of devising an economical solution in times when
construction of new buildings is not the main interest of health care
planners. He said that this is a response to the needs both statewide
and nationally, and this recommendation will do it as economically as

       President Wethington said that he was pleased to recommend
approval of PR 6A. Mr. Sturgill moved aproval. His motion, seconded by
Mr. Wilcoxson, passed. (See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)

       I.   Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of
Kentucky for the Seven Months Ended January 31. 1994 (FCR 1)

       Mr. Hardymon, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, reported that
the Finance Committee met at 11 a.m. (Lexington time) and reviewed the
eight items on the agenda. He said that FCR 1 is the monthly interim
financial report for the seven months that ended January 31, 1994. He
reviewed the realized income versus the expenditures and reported that
the individual items are on target with the plans. He recommended
approval of the report. Mr. Shoop seconded the motion, and it carried.
(See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)


- 4 -

       J.   Report of Leases (FCR 2)

       Mr. Hardymon reminded the Board of FCR 5, dated October 5, 1985,
that authorized the President or his designated representative to enter
into leases and easements not exceeding $30,000 in value and required
that all leases entered into under this authority be reported to the
Board. He commented on the two renewals of leases and recommended that
the report be accepted and made a matter of record. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Chellgren and passed. (See FCR 2 at the end of the

       K.   Approval of Lease (FCR 3)

       Mr. Hardymon reported that FCR 3 involves an addendum to a lease
between University of Kentucky (Hospital Accounting) and CHM Property
Partners, for property located at 191 West Lowry Lane effective March 1.
1994 through June 30, 1994 for the installation of a communications
network. He noted that the original lease was approved at an annual
rental cost of $55,398.22 and this addendum brings the total annual
rental to $60,867.56. He recommended approval of FCR 3. Mr. Chellgren
seconded the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 3 at the end of the

       L.    1993-94 Budget Revisions (FCR 4)

       Mr. Hardymon said that FCR 4 is a budget revision reporting
updates mainly from federal appropriations. He highlighted several items
in the report and recommended approval. His motion, seconded by Mr.
Sturgill, passed. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       M.    John H. Clark Gift of Property (FMR 51

       Mr. Hardymon reported that John H. Clark of Lexington, Kentucky
has designated a farm in Woodford County valued at approximately $897,500
(160 acres) be given to the University. He said that Mr. Clark will
retain the use of the property during his lifetime or until he
relinquishes such interest.  Eventually, the property will be sold by the
University and the proceeds used by the University of Kentucky Equine
Research Foundation to fund research in the Department of Veterinary
Science. Mr. Hardymon recommended approval. Mr. Clay seconded the
motion and it passed. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       President Wethington expressed appreciation to Mr. Clark for the
gift. He also thanked Mr. Clay and Mr. Shoop, who serve as members of
the Equine Research Foundation Board, and Mr. Albert Clay, Chairperson of
that Board, for their assistance in getting this fine gift for the

       N.    Ralph G. Anderson Pledge (FCR 6)

       Mr. Hardymon recommended that the Board accept the pledge of
$2,000,000 from Ralph G. Anderson, Cincinnati, Ohio, for help in
constructing a new mechanical engineering building on the Lexington
Campus. He asked Chancellor Hemenway to comment on the pledge.


- 5 -

       Chancellor Hemenway said that Mr. Anderson is a 1950 mechanical
engineering graduate of the University of Kentucky College of Engineering
and has been one of the staunchest supporters and friends of the College
for the past three decades. He said that Mr. Anderson has always
remembered his alma mater and has made possible a host of things for the
College, including campus planning, recruiting, video tapes and
television ads. He said that Mr. Anderson's gift of $2 million will be
joined with other private gifts, and hopefully legislative approval for
bonding authority, to build a new $18 million mechanical engineering
building. This new building will be the last step in a plan to create
comprehensive world class engineering facilities at the University.

       Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were in attendance. They were asked to
stand and be recognized, following which they received a round of

       Governor Breathitt thanked Mr. and Mrs. Anderson for their
generous gift. He said that this is a splendid demonstration of loyalty
to the University and to the College of Engineering. Mr. Anderson is a
witness for all of the alumni of the institution.

       On motion made by Mr. Hardymon, seconded by Mrs. Weinberg and
carried, FCR 6 was approved.

       President Wethington expressed appreciation to Mr. and Mrs.
Anderson and members of their family for the excellent contribution to
the University. He said that Mr. Anderson's gift has given everyone
involved in raising private money a great boost and his support has also
helped in seeking approval of the General Assembly for the mechanical
engineering facility.

       0.    Resolution of the Bqard Qf Trustees of th-Univ  rsity of
Kentucky Accepting the Successful Bid for the Purchase of University of
Kentucky Housing and Dining System Refunding Revenue Bonds. Series N
(FQR 7)

       Mr. Hardymon recommended that the Board approve a Resolution
accepting the successful bid of Morgan Keegan & Company with reference to
the sale of the $4,170,000 (plus or minus up to $415,000) of University
of Kentucky Housing and Dining System Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series N,
dated February 1, 1994, at a net interest cost of 5.1192%. He reported
that the cumulative savings is $212,717, the present value savings is
$157,466, and the annual savings is $14,881 which is a 4.152% savings.
Mr. Chellgren seconded the motion, and it carried. (See FCR 7 at the end
of the Minutes.)

       P.   Agreements with CyprusSouthern Realty Company nd the
Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Regarding Robinson
Forest (FOR 8f)

       Mr. Hardymon stated that the Committee is recommending that the
University's administration be authorized to enter into agreements with
Cyprus Southern Realty Company and the Kentucky Department of Fish and
Wildlife Resources regarding Robinson Forest. The Cyprus agreement would
settle a boundary dispute. The Fish and Wildlife agreement would
establish the Forest as a Wildlife Management area. He asked Mr. Carter
to provide background information.


- 6 -

       Mr. Carter displayed a map of Robinson Forest and reviewed the
circumstances involving a boundary dispute and the entitlement to coal
royalties from mining on the area. He said that everyone was in
agreement that it is not in anybody's benefit to spend a lot of money in
court trying to resolve the dispute. The Wildlife Management area would
enhance the research uses and land management practices in the Forest.

       On motion made by Mr. Hardymon, seconded by Dr. Meriwether and
passed, FCR 8 was approved. (See FCR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

       President Wethington recognized Mr. Tom Bennett, Commissioner of
the Department of Fish and Wildlife, and said that he was instrumental in
helping work out the agreement.

       Governor Breathitt said that this is an innovative, cooperative
effort between three very important institutions in the state: a fine
coal company, the University of Kentucky, and the Department of Fish and
Wildlife. He expressed appreciation to Mr. Bennett for his leadership
and good work.

       Q.    Dr. Plattner's Comments

       Dr. Plattner said that everyone is enjoying a great deal of good
will in higher education in the state but many pressing issues face the
legislature. She said that it behooves all of the Board to work not only
with the legislators and the executive branch but also with friends
throughout the state, especially those who serve on other boards whether
in formal dialogue or in other ways. She emphasized the importance of
everyone working together as advocates for higher education.

       R.    Mr. Dowdy's Report

       Mr. Dowdy gave a report on the following Student Government
Association (SGA) events and accomplishments:

    - The SGA was able to arrange the donation of 50,000 books from the
       Christian Appalachian Project and Penguin Books to thousands of
       students, faculty and staff. The event was planned for three
       days; however, all of the books were taken the first day.

    - Undergraduate students will now officially receive mid-term
       evaluations on their classroom performance.

    - A recommendation that would allow open access to teacher and
       course evaluations by all students has been submitted to Dan
       Fulks, Chairperson of the University Senate Counsel.

    - SGA is setting up booths for students to call legislators on the
       800 telephone number to let them know that higher education is a
       priority. They are also encouraging students to send handwritten
       letters to the legislators.


       Mr. Dowdy expressed thanks and appreciation to the Board for all
of their work that they do for higher education. Governor Breathitt
praised Mr. Dowdy for his comprehensive report.

       S.   Meeting adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the
meeting adjourned at 1:44 p.m.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Lois C. Weinberg
                                       Board of Trustees

(PR 2, PR 5A, PR 5B and PR 6A; FCR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 which
follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)



                                                 Office of the President
                                                 March 1, 1994

Members, Board of Trustees:

                           PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: that approval be given to the attached appointments,
actions and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and
that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
approved by the administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have the President's concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. These items of report follow the recommendations requiring
Board approval.

Action taken:  Approved      L     Disapproved          _Other

Date: March 1. 1994




                           CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION


         A.  RETIREMENT

                 Employee Benefits

                 Mattingly, Calla A., Disabled Staff, Employee Benefits,
                     after 31.5 consecutive years of service, under
                     AR II-1.6-1 Section III.B, effective 3/31/94


                 Publishing Services

                 Chapman, Henry M., Graphic Artist, Publishing Services,
                     after 29 consecutive years of service wider
                     AR II-1.6-1 Section III.A.2, effective 3/31/94.

                 Watts, Edwin Jr., Print Specialist IV, Printing Services,
                     after 39 consecutive years of service under
                     AR II-1.6-1 Section III.A.2, effective 4/1/94.



                 University Lib ries

                 House, Thomas M., from Librarian IV to Librarian III,
                      Special Collections Department, effective 7/1/94
                      through 6/30/95.

          B. CHANGES

                  University Libraries

                  Burgett, James E., from Librarian IV (without tenure),
                      Collection Development Department, to Librarian IV
                      (without tenure), Collection Development Department,
                      joint appointment as Assistant Professor, Surgery
                      Department, (without tenure), College of Medicine,
                      effective 2/1/94 through 6/30/94.




                           COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



                  Transfer from Madisonville Community College
                  to Elizabethtown Community College

                  Vail, James A., Professor in the Community College System
                        (with tenure), effective 1/1/94.


                  Elizabethtown Community College

                  Spratt, Sharon, appointed Dean of Student Affairs,
                        effective 2/1/94.


                  Henderson Community College

                  Chapman, Donald A., Professor in the Community College
                        System (with tenure), (under AR II-1.6-1 Section
                        III.B), following 24.5 consecutive years of service,
                        effective 12/31/93.

                  Mavsville Community College

                  Lowe, Ben M., Building and Grounds Supervisor, (under
                        AR II-1.6-1 Section II1.B), following 26 consecutive
                        years of service, effective 12/31/93.



                  Transfer from Madisonville Community College
                  to Owensboro Community College

                  Phillips, Kenneth J., Assistant Professor in the Community
                        College System, 1/1/94 through 6/30/94.

                  Ashland Community College

                  Layman, Jane, Instructor in the Community College System,
                         1/1/94 through 6/30/94.
                  Morrison, Allison S., Instructor in the Community College
                         System, 1/1/94 through 6/30/94.



Elizabethtown Community College

Mudd, Susan, Instructor in the Community College System,
      1/1/94 through 6/30/94.

Hazard Community College

Hughes, Amy, Instructor in the Community College System,
      1/1/94 through 5/31/94.

Hopkinsville Community College

Fikes-Maki, Barbara, Instructor in the Community College
      System, 1/18/94 through 6/30/94.
Gharavi, Abraham, Assistant Professor in the Community
      College System. 1/1/94 through 6/30/94.

Jefferson Community College

Lutz, Terry W., Instructor in the Community College System,
      1/1/94 through 5/31/94.
McAllister, Rebecca L., Instructor in the Community College
      System, 1/1/94 through 5/31/94.
Pruett, Stephen R., Instructor in the Community College
      System, 1/1/94 through 6/30/94.
Szczapinski, Robin, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 1/3/94 through 12131/96.

Lexington Community College

Barnett, Gary Olen, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 2/7/94 through 6/30/96.
Elrod, Mary Ann, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 1/21/94 through 6/30/96.
Fahringer, David, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 1/18/94 through 6/30/96.
Galvin, Sarah J., Instructor in the Community College
      System, 1/3/94 through 6/30/94.
Jefferson, Kimberly L., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 2/4/94 through 6/30/96.
Jenkins, John, Instructor in the Community College System
       (voluntary), 1/21/94 through 6/30/96.
Johnson, Lyndon B., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 1/21/94 through 6/30/96.
Mason, Rosemary, Instructor in the Community College System
       (voluntary), 1/21/94 through 6/30/96.
Monzon, Gary, Instructor in the Community College System
       (voluntary), 1/21/94 through 6/30/96.
Nipp, Rebecca B., Instructor in the Community College System
       (voluntary), 1/21/94 through 6/30/96.
Roberts, Sandra, Instructor in the Community College System
       (voluntary), 1/21/94 through 6/30/96.
Royse, Leisa L., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 1/21/94 through 6/30/96.



            Tuney, Denesa, Instructor in the Community College System
                   (voluntary), 1/21/94 through 6/30/96.
            Vogt, Martin, Instructor in the Community College System
                   (voluntary), 1/21/94 through 6/30196.
            Waddell, Phillip, Instructor in the Community CollegeSystem
                   (voluntary), 214/94 through 6/30/96.

            Madisonville Community College

            Mabrouk, Saied A., Assistant Professor in the Community
                  College System, 1/10/94 through 6/30/94.
            Simpson, Jennie K., Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 1/3/94 through 6/30/94.
            Troutman, Darrell L., Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 1/3/94 through 6/30/94.

            Owensboro Community College

            Duke, Thomas L., Instructor in the Community College System,
                   2/1/94 through 5/31/94.

            Prestonsburg Community College

            Mahmoodian, Ladan, Instructor in the Community College
                   System, l/l/94 through 6/30/94.
            Massengale, Debra M., Instructor in the Community College
                   System, 1/1/94 through 6/30/94.

            Somerset Community College

            Gray, Warren F., Librarian III in the Community College
                   System, 1/3/94 through 6/30/94.
            Turpen, Kimberly, Instructor in the Community College
                   System, 1/3/94 through 5/31/94.

            Southeast Community College

            Pace, Janet M., Instructor in the Community College
                   System, 1/1/94 through 6/30/94.


            Lexington Community College

            Newberry, Anthony, Associate Professor in the Community
                   College System (with tenure) and Vice Chancellor for
                   Academic Affairs, appointed Acting President, l/1/94
                   through 3/31/94.




            Hazard Community College

            Morgan-Caldwell, Venetia, Instructor in the Community
                  College System, 1/1/94 through 5/31/94.

            Jefferson Community College

            Leonard, Mona F., Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 1/1/94 through 6/30/94.

            Owensboro Community College

            Temple, Jennie C., Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 1/1/94 through 5/31/94.


            Somerset Community College

            Jeffries, Neleta, Professor in the Community College
                  System (with tenure), sabbatical leave at one-half
                  salary for the 1994-95 academic year.



                            LEXINGTON CAMPUS



                 College of Agriculture

                 Johnson, Mark C., Visiting Professor, Plant Pathology,
                     1/1/94 through 6/30/94.

                 College of Business and Economics

                 Gillette, J. Robert, Associate Professor* (without
                     tenure), 1/1/94 through 6/30/94.


                 College of Business and Economics

                 Stober, William J., Professor (with tenure), Economics,
                     and Chair, Economics, reappointed Chair, Economics,
                     7/1/94 through 6/30/98.


                 College of Arts and Sciences

                 Cunningham, Teddie, Staff Assistant V, Biological
                     Sciences, after 24.5 consecutive years of service,
                     under Section III.A.2 of AR II-1.6-1, effective

                 VicChancellor for Administration

                 Davis, Thomas W., Jr., Maintenance Superintendent, Key
                      Shop, Physical Plant Division, after 36 consecutive
                      years of service, under Section III.A.1 of AR
                      II-1.6-1, effective 3/31/94.
                 Moore, William, Utility Worker, Custodial Services,
                      Physical Plant Division, after 15 consecutive years
                      of service, under Section III.A.2 of AR II-1.6-1,
                      effective 4/8/94.


                  College of Agriculture

                  Allen, Steve, Consultant (part-time), Agricultural
                      Economics, 2/1/94 through 2/28/94.
                  Smith, Ed, Professor (part-time), Agricultural Programs,
                      1/24/94 through 6/30/94.

* Special Title Series





                  College of Agriculture

                  Copeland, Marie, Instructor (part time), Horticulture
                      and Landscape Architecture, 1/1/94 through 4/30/94.
                  Davis, Molly M., Instructor (part time), Horticulture
                      and Landscape Architecture, 1/1/94 through 4/30/94.
                  Jacobs, Jane, Instructor (part time), Horticulture and
                      Landscape Architecture, 1/1/94 through 5/31/94.
                  Samson, Scott A., Assistant Extension Professor, Rural
                      Sociology, and Assistant Extension Professor,
                      Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 1/1/94
                      through 12/31/95.

                  College of Arts and Sciences

                  Cooper, John C., Instructor (part-time), Philosophy,
                      1/1/94 through 5/15/94.
                  Ewers, Ralph O., Instructor (part-time), Geological
                      Sciences, 1/1/94 through 5/31/94.
                  Heaston, John Thomas, Instructor (part-time),
                      Anthropology, 1/1/94 through 5/15/94.
                  Humphreys, Matthew, Instructor (part-time), Geological
                      Sciences, 1/1/94 through 5/31/94.
                  McBride, William S., Adjunct Assistant Professor,
                      Anthropology, 1/1/94 through 6/30/96.
                  Pennington, Pamela R., Instructor (part-time), German,
                      1/1/94 through 5/15/94.
                  Raney, Michael, Instructor (part-time), Mathematics,
                      1/1/94 through 5/15/94.
                  Rountree, Pamela W., Assistant Professor, Sociology,
                      8/1/94 through 6/30/96.
                  Rowles, Ruth A., Instructor (part-time), Geography,
                      1/1/94 through 5/15/94.
                  Svarlien, Diane, Instructor (part-time), Classics,
                      1/1/94 through 5/31/94.
                  Vance, Virginia K., Instructor (part-time), Chemistry,
                      1/1/94 through 5/31/94.
                  Wood, Teresa A., Instructor (part-time), Sociology,
                      1/1/94 through 5/31/94.

                  College gof Business and Economics

                  Singh, Meenu, Instructor (part time), Decision Science
                      and Information Systems, 1/1/94 through 4/30/94.