xt795x25dz7r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25dz7r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-04-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 2008 2008 2008-04-08 2020 true xt795x25dz7r section xt795x25dz7r QUESTION MARKS; With Keenan Burton, Steve Johnson and Jacob Tamme gone,
who will emerge as UK’s next big receiver in 2008? PAGE 6




Mayor promises low-income housing plan

81 Jill Lester






Section of

lights on
Cats Path

because of redevelopment.

The deal was brokered by Build-
ing a United Interfaith Lexington
through Direct-Action. a 22—church
organization based in Lexington. Each
year. Build identifies two city issues

an affordable housing trust fund by
July I. 2009. for Lexington families
and individuals making no more than
80 percent of Lexington families' me-
dian income. which Build cites as
about $49,000.

scheduled to begin in April.
Residents Were forced to leave
their homes for demolition and re-
ceive $l .000 compensation. or relo-
cate their homes and receive nothing.
While Ingleside played an impor»

An agreement made yesterday
evening between city officials and a
community action group will not help


By Alice Heymend


Students who stay on campus for
class or studying into the night may find
their walk home darker than usual along
one section of the Cats Path. which was
created to provide a safe, well-lit and pa~
trolled walk across campus at night.

Rainfall most likely caused a stretch
of lights a few hundred feet long on the
Cats PL'h around Memorial Hall to go
out even though they were replaced last
week. said Lance Broeking. director of
finances for campus services.

Broeking received a call March 31
from a UK employee about lights on the
path that were not working.

A physical plant employee fixed the
lights. Broeking said. but by Sunday
night. the same lights were out again.

Something is tricking the breaker on
the circuit, he said, and until physical
plant employees discover the cause, the
Cats Path around Memorial Hall may
continue to be dark at night.

“It could be a million different things
that are causing the problem." Broeking

But the most probable cause is recent
rainfall. he said.

“Due to all the rain. moisture‘s get-
ting into the junction box and causing
the trip." Broeking said. “By the time
they (physical plant employees) go out
there. the water's dried up."

The Cats Path was one of the safety
features added to campus after the Cen-
ter for Research on Violence Against
Women published its first Women‘s
Safety Study in 2004. The study re—

See Path on page 3


'Worst video
ever’ earns

TRL visit

yflelisse Vessels

When Josh Rupp. an integrated
strategic communications junior. joking-
ly decided to submit a video for an on-
line contest. he never imagined that a
few weeks later he would be on his way
to New York City for an appearance on
“Total Request Live."

Rupp. who entered MTV‘s “My Big
Prom Night with Brittany Snow" compe-
tition. is being flown to the Big Apple
and will appear on today's airing of TRL
at 3:30 pm.

TRL is an hour-long show that start-
ed in I998. The show lets viewers vote
for the top-10 music videos of the day.

Contest participants had to submit a
video telling Snow. one of the stars in
the new movie “Prom Night." why she
should pick them to go to the film pre-
miere with her. Rupp described his sub-
mission as the “worst video ever."

“I don‘t know how I won. It‘s not
creative at all." he said. “I just held the
camera up like a MySpace picture."

Rupp is one of three finalists in the

See TRL on page 3

a student housing complex.


Sarah Gordon. one of more than l00
residents of the Ingleside Mobile
Home Park displaced to make way for

But the commitment made by
Mayor Jim Newberry may help Lex-
ington residents in the future who,
like Gordon, live in lower—income

More than 1.000 people, including
Gordon, packed the Consolidated
Baptist Church to watch as Newbcny
agreed to create a legal ordinance
aimed at helping low-income housing
owners and renters who are displaced

to focus on.

our homework.“

Sept. l of this year.

“We are not here to place blame.“
said the Rev. Joseph Owens. a Build
leader. “We are certainly not here to
gripe. We are here tonight as citizens.
We are powerful. and we have done

Last night, the group chose low-
income housing and health care as its
issues of interest. As part of the agree-
ment on housing. Newberry said he
would present the ordinance to Build
by July I and to the city council by

The agreement would also create

The Rev. Richard Gaines. another
Build leader. said the displacement of
Ingleside residents was a major influ-
ence on the decision to spend months
preparing yesterday‘s agreement.

Lexington developer Neal Evans
bought Ingleside Mobile Home Park.
a 6.8-acre lot off Red Mile Road. for
$3.3 million in January to build an
apartment complex targeting students.

The development plan calls for
168 apartments with a total of 504
bedrooms and 457 parking spaces to
occupy the property the mobile homes
currently sit on. Construction is


tant role in Build‘s selection of issues,
discussions on protecting the rights of
low—income housing owners have
been ongoing for years. Gaines said.

“Evert with Ingleside. they wanted
to make this happen. but there were
no codes." he said.

UK has no official involvement
with Build or the deal brokered last
night. However. Gaines said he would
love for UK to start its own organiza-
tion to get involved.

Negotiations between Build and

See Housing on page 3


HIUI IER DEGREES ()F I.E.‘\R.\'I.i\’(i



behind Memorial Hall.

Claudia Monge, a biology and Spanish jUIIIOI, and middle school


neering courtyard yesterday.


Mechanical engineering PhD. student Jinghao Liu uses his afternoon time to study in the engi



education junior Meghan Sizemore, right, take advantage of the Sitlli‘y anwr‘snn yesterday .it am; tiiftti‘ats‘

The sun came out in
Lexington yesterday. a few

days after be

my rainfall. giyirig

students a reason to go outside
and enjoy the pretty weather.
According to the National
\Vcathcr Seiyicc. the high
yesterday was 71 degrees. The

sunny str ‘ak

today. as the

will continue
forecast calls for a

high of 72 degrees.

Kernel chooses editorial, advertising leaders for 2008-09

9! Jordan Bishop


For three consecutive years. Brad
Luttrell has shown his journalistic ver-
satility at the Kentucky Kernel as a
writer. photographer. editor and design-
er. Starting in Fall 2008. Luttrell will be
given the opportunity to prove himself
on the highest level -— as editor in chief
of the paper.

The Kentucky Kernel Board of Ad-
visers selected Luttrell as the Kemel‘s
editor-in-chief for the 2008-09 school
year yesterday. and Samantha Saracino
was selected for the advertising director


Luttrell Sencino

Board members lauded the candi-
dates for their leadership skills and for
their vision of the Kernel heading into
the next school year. ‘

“Both of these students are going to
make great leaders." said Duane


Bonifer. president of the seven-member
board who unanimously approved both
selections. “They are a reflection of
great mentoring by the Kernel staff and
the School of Joumalism and Telecom-

Luttrell is a jounialism junior from
Middlesboro. Kym. who has worked for
the Kernel since his freshman year. He
has held duties as a photographer. pho-
to editor. writer. Web site designer and
mixed media editor. Bonifcr compared
him to a “five-tool player" in baseball
— someone who possesses the versatil-
ity in the newsroom to properly cover
all aspects of the industry.

Luttnell‘s primary concem as editor

is to make the paper‘s Web site more
user~friendly. he said. He plans to do
this by making the site easier to nayi~
gate and easier for the Kernel staff to

“I've known since I‘ve gone to l'Is
that the Kemel‘s a great senice to the
community. and I feel like I could bring
lots of positive changes." I.iittrcll said.

The Kcmcl's Web site will incorpo
rate more videos. and more breaking
news Will be covered at the time of the
incident -_ hopefully vvith incorporir
tion of video broadcasting. he said.

“The big thing readers Wlll notice is
the diminishing line between our print
and our online product.“ said (‘hris

I’ooi‘c. faculty .idi isci to tric Kcmcl
“Both of these students how great ideas
to increase iiitiltinicdia storytelling "
I.iittrcll said some other thangcs
readers may notice when the Kernel
hits newsstands in the tall is the papct 's
print layout The paper “I” be physi
cally shorter and narrower doc to tinan
cial reasons. he said But I iittrt-ll said
the same quality of stories \i lll till the
spread. including more iwrsonablc am
cles that readers can directly relate to
Saracino is .i ioiirnalisiii sophonioi'c
trom i‘TL‘ChUltl. VJ She has sctu‘il as
athertising manager this semcstcr and

See Kernel in page 3

Newsroom: 257-1915; Advertising: 257-2872



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a i”




By Linda C. Black

70 get the advantage, ixtii'i‘i the
day's rating l0 is the easiest iiav, i?
the most challenging

Aries (March 21 — April 19) loiliiy
IS a 7 ..,. You may have to Just say
no to an appealing but expensrvv of

fer. You can't afford to waste either
time or money at this point l'l the

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) liiilay
is a 7 Hold out for what yoi.
want, even in the face of resistancr

You don't have to come on itli i
lot of reasons Just do it tioia‘isia
it's right

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) l'lllth
is a 7 fl. Don't get stuck on the
specifics of your Vision for the future
A couple of details Will need to iti‘
changed to get from here to lléill‘
Heed an older persons warning

9’ ‘ *~{4-r"£ vme‘d' .’ I - w
Wreckiiriur-gmiimmttiitmanner ..

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) loilay
is a/ figure out what your group
lltft’iiri ti. achieve its otnorstivo It
may seem iiko a horrendous
amount. a: frrst if it really is, siig
gi‘st changing goals
Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) loitay a
7 A pi‘rso’l ‘Nho advises you to
relax is steering you wrong You
tiont have tune to relax right now,
not you can he (liltl Ilon't lot thorn
see you sweat
Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) llltlay’ is
': /' lire liltilt‘ arrvttioo ly yon ran
th‘l l of the llitll't‘ : ii ore you'll
tern irit‘s not nos-sit n ewryv
i.‘ .l i you lies! Wlierwior

l'iiiiii t
'Iirlkt‘ yoo' l'iwiilidnih sol

Wit) l‘i',



Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) lilliriy is
a / liilf‘sll ritah'y dot: in". have to
'ililitoiati: your ilriziiins lion: invt:
to II: Look 3in another ii‘twri‘iii vii
fireiitiv ‘y is flfllllllllll‘i’lllilll

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) liiilay
is a 7 Yoi. may not liiivi; onlly
Wzlllltfll a critic on your learn Mike
the host of It Somebody else's tax

A ‘z‘o‘pl’ n; z
I','~.'l llwir < l hiw I’ III‘ |- rim

skaamvi {in-.Ivr
inmmnr- rl‘ am.

' an.-
-.~m 'w| - l i-

porienre can save you grief, even if
he or she is a )erk

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
loilay is a / The money keeps
coming in, and that's a wonderful
thing Don't get distracted by what
rniglit have been Do the host you
can Wllll what is

Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) lo
day is a 7 Your plans are some-
what inhibited by an unfortunate
lack of cash You have lots of confi
dance, though, and a talent for
salr‘s You'll get by

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) lo-
day is a / All the reasons why
your sr,lierne won‘t work are tore
most in your thoughts This is good
if H lll'lil you figure out whith option
is *uzihlo

Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) iii
day i. a 7 Your curiosity has
taint aroused Find the answers to
tiiios'ioiis that have nut/lei) you for
yinirs Iliizy're not all what you ex-

‘ .r’filli", lilellNl Ml Illi‘i .‘il WIN 3 lNil

1119 “SH

By Eric Andersson

ERIC MABIUS (Ugly Betty)

Why he‘s hot: As WtililillIl/r
ing. formerly drug»abusnig boss
Daniel on the ABC comedy
(back April 34). Mabiiis, 36.
makes being bad look really

Let it snow: During the write
crs’ strike. the Massachusetts
native and his Malibu. Califor-
nia-based family (wife Ivy Sher-
man and son Maxl’ield. ZI
months) recharged back Iiast.
“We took Max sledding for the
first time and made our first
snowballs." he tells LTs, adding
that lie is “in negotiations“ to
ban c more kids?

With the Stars)

Why lie‘s hot: Dubbed "The
Mambo King" after his master»
fiil mines with partner Iidyta -
Sliwiiiska on the ABC hit. the ()-
foot-(i Miami Dolphins defen—
sive end. 33. has proved he‘s as
beautiful on the dance floor as
he is brutal on the football field.
Modestly'. he tells Us. “I am just
focused on not tripping o\ er

Humble liuiik: Ilis phy siquc
rivals a Greek statue. but the
Pittsburgh iiati\c w ho l(i\C\
fishing and golfing in Weston.
Florida. with w ifc Katina Til-HUI)
33. and their kids Isaiah. 5. Mai
son. 3. and Zoe. 3 doesn‘t
boast. "(iod gave me some good
genes. I gticss.'~ he says. "My
wife likes to tell me. ‘Your body
is amaniig‘ to boost my confi-


There's more to prime time than
McDreamy and McSteamy!
Check out the latest batch of hunks

Makeover: ome Edition)
Wliy he’s hot: Who doesn‘t
like a hunky handyman? This
37-year-old San Clemente. Cali—
fornia, actor and model tells Us

vhc w as a fan of the ABC series

“but I had to stop watching
because I cry."

I do. I do. I do: Hillis and
firefighter wife Melissa. 32
(they have twins Dane and Han—
nah. 4). wed four days after their
first date in Into "It was the
era/lest thing I‘ve ever done. but
it felt the most right of anything
I‘ve ever done."

8: Sisters)

Why he‘s hot: The 33-year-
old adds heart and sex appeal

to gay player Kevin Walker
on the ABC drama (back April

Best come-on: The Welsh
actor. a neophyte surfer (“I‘m
upright. an achievement in it-
selt"). is straight. single »— and
not above stealing a cheesy
pickup line: “I got this from
(costar) Dave Annable: ‘How
much does a polar bear weigh?
Iinough to break the ice!‘ Isn‘t it
aw ful'.’"


Why he‘s hot: After more
than a decade in Hollywood. the
34~yeartold landed his best role
yet as egotastic. tell—it—like—it»is
I)r. Iiric Foreman on the Fox
medical smash (returnini' April

Bag man: In real life.
though. Brooklyn‘s lipps is a
softie who spoils wife Keisha

heating up the small screen

(they have kids K‘mari. 3. and
Amir. 3 months". Epps has
daughter Aiy’anna. X. from a pre—
vious relationship) by splurging
on purses. “She‘ll be looking
through a magazine. like. ‘Oh.
this is hot.” the aspiring screen—
writer tells Us. “and I‘ll surprise
her with it."

Your Mother)

Why he‘s hot: The 333year~
old had the cliut zpah to turn
down Britney Spears? Well. his
CBS sitcom character did. when
the pop ieon guest—starred
March 24.

Simple life: No showbiz the-
atrics for this Columbus. ()hio.
native. “I‘m a bit of a hippie."
he tells Us. "I meditate." The
single Radnor also calls himself
a music dork: “I‘m always
scouring the blogs and making
CDs for my castmates." So the
ideal" date is. natch. "seeing
some music.“


Why he‘s hot: (‘IaremonL
California‘s Buckley. 26. stays
buff by “enduring the gym five
or six times a week." the CX