xt795x25dx28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25dx28/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-02-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1996 1996 1996-02-01 2020 true xt795x25dx28 section xt795x25dx28 -. -a -wWW..-. j






WEATHER Cloudy today.

high near 20; mow tonight, lot."

ill'OIlllll I 5,- .mou‘ tomorrow.


high around 2 5.

KEG I .oi'iil gill/cry ozz‘nerflilie llri'im‘teiu

February 1, I996

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' ‘ (,iormi .S/Ionh






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. lllx‘ltli’ Nerf/0H.







(frotx'u'oril I l'Ii'iz‘poI/II 4




Bacterial infection kills llll freshman


Disease control

Meningococcal meningitis is a
bacterial infection of the blood-
stream and the thin lining cover-
ing the brain and spinal cord.

VSymptoms include lever,
headache. vomiting, stiff neck
and a rash. The disease is occa-
sionaiiy fatal. The symptoms may
appear two to 10 days after expo-

in close contact need to have
treatment. Casual contact as
would occur in a classroom or




By Brenna Reilly
Nari lid/tor

and Jenniler Smith
Managing Editor

UK Chandler Medical Center
officials have diagnosed a case of a
severe bacterial infection on cam—
pus, and are asking for students
and staff help to minimize the
possible spread of the infection.

Freshman Jana Oliver, 1205
Blanding Tower, and member of
Sigma Kappa social sorority, died

director of L'niyersity Health Ser~
'I he infection is an Overwhelm—




By Chris Easterling

Ataxia)" Sports Editor

A proposed coffee shop, which
will be built in the Student Cen—
ter, will give students and faculty a
place to sit around, chat and sip
java in a relaxed setting.



Pruette \Vitt, a senior physical
education student, is one of the
regulars in the game room.

“I hang out here all the time,
play pool," Witt said. “I am totally
against (the coffee shop location).
Don't they have a coffee shop
upstairs (in the Student Center)?”

or sneeze on you.

Oliver's case was extremely
rare, Ttirner said.

“Many people carry this bu 1
without getting sick," Turner said:
"\Ve do not know why it reacted
this way in her." .

()liver, 3 19—year—old from
Louisville, began to feel ill Tues~
day afternoon. At about 5 a.m.
“'ednesday, her friends took her
to the Medical Center's Emergen—
cy Room. She died about four
hours later, said Mary Margaret

Schneider, said he had been dati—
ing ()liver for about a week.
Schneider said he recieved the

checking on her all day."

He said he found ()liyer in the
hall of her dorm and carried her to
her room. Schneider said that
Uliver called her big sister in her
sorority to take her to the hospi~

“I carried her down to the car,"
Schneider said.

Schneider said he went to the
emergency room with ()liver and
stayed tiil about (i a.m, at about 8
a.m. Oliver's friends called him
and told him she had died.

house and with staff and students
in Blanding Tower at 6:30 p.m.
“\\'e encourage everyone with

receive the antibiotic, rifampin,
free of charge. The Medical (len-
ter has prepared 200 doses of the
drug, which is almost 100 percent
effectne in killing the bacteria,
'l‘urner said.

The center extended its
hours last night and will
open .it 7 a.m. today.

Turner also met with
Sigma Pi social fraternity
members last night
because Uliycr attended a
Super Bowl party at the

bers ifthey had contact with (Nb -
er they should go to the Medical
(Ienter to rccei\e the free antibi—


to be safe," Brysoii said.

About Ii people out of about
{0 at the meeting said they would
get the drug.

“I just want to be sure," said
Ame l'ilsser, a business sophonioie
and friend of (Iliver,
"because we w cut out
together \Vednesday and

Rifampin. like
antibiotics, may cause sltlL
effects. Students who
recene the medication will


sure. bUt usually Within 5 days. yesterday at 7:51 a.m. in the Med— (lolliver, Medical (ienter University Health officials met Siinga I’i house Sunday . be fully briefed on the pits-
!- ical Center from meningococcal spokeswoman. yesterday afternoon with about ()0 night. Olwer sible side effects bcforc
VOnly people who have been sepsis, said Dr. Spencer Turner, Sigma Pi member Harry Sigma Kappa members at the Turner told the mem- lt‘.l\'ll‘i‘;1 health services,

()fficials met with one of I Iln
cris classes yesterday afternoon
and will meet with the rest of iict‘

office setting is not usually signili- ing bacterial infection associated antibiotic last night. close contact wit 1 her to go to the otic. classes today.

i cant enough to cause concern. with meningococcal meninvitis. “I am not worried," said Med Center," said Tracy Burden, Sigma Pi member Patrick “I have very little concern with
‘i, Meningitis is consideredbhighly Schneider, a marketing freshman. Sigma Kappa president. “She will Brvson said he was going to the anyone in that classroom or any
‘ SOURCEI The New Y0fi< Slaie contagious, but it requires iiitiI- “I have been thinking about her be greatly missed and was a great Medical (Zenter to get the antibi— other would become infected"

Department Of Health mate contact with the infected alot and praying for herfamily." friend tiiey'ery'iine." i otic. i Turner said.
individuals like eating or drinkin Y “She said she felt like she had Anyone Concerned about expo- “I talked to her and was with ,
after them, or having them cough the flu." Schneider said. “I was sure has been encouraged to her on Sunday. so I .iin just trying 5"" STUDENT ”’1 3



But the game room in the Old






around here,‘ Steve Parks, an
accounting junior said. “These
guys are here every day, most of

Parks works during the week at
the game room and said there are
always people there, and even
people waiting for it to open every

what some of the

TI )()ln .

\Vitt said the game room gives

“They could turn the faculty
lounge into a coffee shop if they
wanted to," \Vitt said.

Parks said he is clueless as to

do if they shut down the game

“I couldn't imagine," he said. “1

students would

See GAME on 2

learning the SVSIBIII takes time

By Beth McKenzie

Senior Staff "'G‘Itfl‘

For Kentucky’s college students majoring in edu-
cation, the induction into KERA is for the most part,
widely accepted. The future teachers are taught
nothing but KERA. But that's not the case for more
experienced teachers.

learning to teach. I

Experienced teachers are taught to teach via ,
supplemental education — r0 essional devel-
opment training sessions 0 ered during in-ser-
"coda .

In t e past, Kentucky has provided for four
in-service training days throughout the school
year for teachers. Now, each school has the option of

mcnt sessions to learn KERA methods.
Susan Ste hens, a teacher in the Hazard Indepen-
dent Schoo s, began teaching three years before

The transition from traditional teaching to ,/"-'-"'-'-""

KERA is all but easy. It re uires new ways of "
learning. New ways of teacfiing. New ways of gtea c hing

2 Teachers


much of how she was taught to teach suddenly
became null and void.

For the most part, Stephens thinks the state and
schools have done a pretty good job of getting KERA
up and running, especially considering she had no
college training for KERA. But the transition to
KERA hasn’t always been easy.

“I teach American history for the fifth grade, and
think it's a very important
course,” Stephens said.
“But when you do (the-
matic) units you're skip—
ping so much that's
important. I’ve been
forced to pick out the
things that I think are
most important about

Another major compromise has been in the arena



or teachers.
“I tried really hard to keep an open mind because
I knew I had to do it,” Stephens said. “But it can be






”1va WE: Matt Brown, rm undeclared sophomore (left), takes time out hem'een (lam: to
go to the amide. Chemical engineering junior Shannon Welly (above) plays in the game room.


Stephen has learned to analyze and score portfo-
lios — one ofthe main components of KERA. Port-
folios consist of an exhibit of each student's work on
specific projects. Not only are the portfolios a collec—
tion of work, but they also are an opportunity. An
op ortunity for students to reflect, evaluate and
res ape their work.

One of the points tnost emphasized was that the
teachers' hands were virtually tied as far as correcting
students' portfolios was concerned. Portfolios are
reflective of the student's thought processes, exclu—
sively. The students receive their assignment and are
“left retty much on their own,” she said.

T at's where professional development comes in.

“We’re learning something ve ' specific to our
own school and our own kids," Stephens said.

Because students learn at their own pace, it‘s hard
to get a handle on what the know when they enter
her class, adding fuel to the re.

“I don’t think a lot of teachers have figured this
out, but you have to find out, as a class, what they do
and don‘t know," Stephens said. “Then you have to
analyze what they need and go from there. Why hit

of the class is havin problems with something, I
know that how I taugfit the lesson didn't work.”



Senate leaders voting on
new teleoom hill today

\\';\SI ll.\'( i'l'( )_\ir >lIoiisc (i( )l’ leaders intend
to bring a broad bill dcrcgiilatiiig thc lt‘lt‘c‘ttlilllilllih
cations industry to .i \otc today without changes
sought by Senate Majority leader Bob Dole.

“I am delighted to announced that the logiam ..
has now been broken." Rep. Thomas Bhley. R~\'.i..
one of the bill's primary authors. said \Vedncsday'.
adding the bill will move forward “without significant

Sen. Larry Pressler, R-~S.l).. another ofthe bill’s
primary authors, said he would like the Senate to
vote 'l‘hursday, too.

l’ress‘ler said the bill would not be rewritten to
change a provision opposed by Dole, which would
give TY broadcasters free use of extra channels
they'll need to provide highervquality digital televi-


Williams arrested on Violence Charge
LUS ANGELES —~ Billy Dee \Villiams was
arrested on suspicion of roughing up a woman.
Police were called to a house in the Hollywood
Hills on ’l‘uesday by a woman who said she was
\Villiams' girlfriend, said Detective Serge Ryevski.

By Alison Kight

Kremlin Editor

A lot of students may have experienced too much
Jose (:uervo in their lives, but Matt “all had the per-
fect amount on Super Bowl Sunday.

Wall. a UK post-baccalaureate student in political
science, won the jose’ (Iuervo Super Bowl contest
during halftime. He registered to win on josé (Iuer—
vo‘s web site and received a phone call from the com—
pany two nights ago.

Wall won an all expense paid trip for two to spend
four days in Hawaii. His prize includes round~trip
airfare, free meals, a free hotel room, tickets to the
Pro Bowl and “all the (Iuervo I can drink" for the
duration of his trip, he said.

“I just walked over to the MI Kin Microlab
about seven minutes before halftime andggot on the
web,” Wall said. “And then they called. I was freak-
ing out. At first I was like yeah, whatever. I was wait-
ing for them to ask me for my credit card or some-
thing, but they never did."

“’3” said the man that originally won the contest
forfeited because he didn‘t realize the trip took place
so soon.

Aside from attendin the Pro Bowl, \Vall also gets
to take a tour of Pearl arbor, which he said he was
particularly excited about.

“I’m a political science major, and I actually have a
war class this semester,” he said.

Wall said his friend and he were
'drinkin a little free José on the way,
I6-hour Bight to Waikiki Beach.

“In case we have too much Cuervo on the trip, the

planning on
during the

H " ld f f— It d th tfl'.Ith ld.f . ' "
3...: ragtasa‘t‘ei’a 7.: sustains- autismtzatsa:.1::..;...;.::i.t an. 32:33:; Iggygheytrjmgsifirg: 1; 33%; may, may? {3333: _..... i... hr whehehr
lege before RA must attend professional develop— teachers to know what was expected of the students know they needgindividual help. Biif if the majority Wall ot the idea to enter the contest while at

BVV3s, w ich has a trivia contest sponsored in part by
José Cuervo. When asked if he was a big fan of the
beverage, he had a simple response:


KERA was implemented. Once KERA was in place, difficult at first for teachers to be cut loose like that.” s" IE‘CHEfls 0,, 2 «1 will be."
,1. ._ _- -‘ .s - 1 5 ‘ ...,... - ‘ .A Mr.
' i ‘W"‘“"' ’ ‘ “ W ’ ‘W‘ " ”-0—

; Student Center, next to the students some- T - .. l l . 'h _ ‘ I' \ . 'l l

3‘ the Martin Luther King thing to do between hepB-ycar-o ‘ Sim“ “ ose Emu“ inc‘uie
7 Jr Cultural (‘enter is In? Id classes “Lady Sings the Blues and “Return of the‘ledi, was
i ' ' -1 I 6 it ' freed on $50,000 bail after being booked on suspicion
i the planned Site of the ust a place to f I. l ..

t coffee shop. V hang out in between ” "”enu‘ (, l-l .. g j
This move has Studentsfind other classes if you have an .omp/ it h om ullt’ It‘pm‘h.

, Cause‘I 801]]e Students pbceytopbygamex hour Off or S()lne- .0..............I.0...........'....I..
E who hang out in the and vent daily thing,” he said.

. game room to be upset frurtratiom. He also gave his ' d ' I 8‘ d .
y; with the change. See .i‘tmy, page 2_ opinion about where WInnel‘ I‘lnks a". u ent
5 “There would be a ' officials should put - -

g lot of mad pool players the coffee shop. recalves a Pro BOWI tl‘ln






- i


, .
. .



1 Tbumhy, February I. 1996. Kmmil-i Krmrl




john Abbott, Scott Gordon, I

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Lance \Villiams ..................................... . ............. Editor in Chief
Jennifer Smith .................................................. Managing Editor
Brenna Reilly ........................................................... News Editor
Jeff Vinson ........................................................... Campus Editor
. Alison Kight ....................................................... Executive Editor
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Benjamin Abes
Andreas (lustafsson ............................................ ()n-line Editors
Ashley Shrewshury .................................... Asst. Editorial Editor
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YiBien Thain ............................................... Photography Editor
Tracie I’urrlon

Sheri Phalsaphie ......................................... Asst. Design Editors

jeffVinson and Tiffany W'hite ............................... (Iopy Editors


........................... A sst. Arts Editor

.indsay Hendrix, Beth McKenzie,



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By Kathy Betting
Sniff H '1 'llt'I'

“just one more rame and then
I‘ll be right wit you," Seth
I’auley, a nutrition freshman, said
over his shoulder as he put yet
another quarter into the Street
Fighter gatne at Kentucky Arcade
on Rose Street.

Pauley is one of the handful of
patrons at the arcade during the
noon hour of a weekday, glued to
the screen of a video game while
frantically pushing the control
buttons and talking at the figures
on the screen.

“Yes, greatl I got him," Pauley
said to no one in particular.
Next came a loud “No!" as his
video opponent knocked his tnan
to the ground.

Pauley called himself a “video
game addict." He spends 2-4
hours four or five days a week at
the arcade.

He said playing video games is
“like a tradition" for him because
he has been playing them “since
they first came out years ago."
“It’s really a bad habit because

By Beth McKenzie
Senior Staff H 'I‘m'r

Teaching the teacher with 31)
years of experience seems weird.
Yet, KERA requires it.

()n any given Sunday after»
noon, Clays Mill Elementary
teacher Danny Ellison can be
found in his fifth—grade classroom,
but he‘s not teaching. Instead, he's
keeping up with the time demands
of KERA —enduring education
refortn, tolerating towers of
paperwork and pondering the
prospects of retirement.






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in. NAB! BluMudlcal pointer will .my W... up u. sigo


the human tour-h
o Lexrnqton KY 40%05



It’s not uncommon. he said, for
teachers to work ()0 to 80 hours a
week w especially in primary
rooms. \Vhen teachers aren't
teaching, they are preparing to

“I think the biggest problem
with the transition has been the
time demands KERA places on
the teachers," Ellison said. “I
don‘t know if you can prepare
someone for that."

Ellison has been teaching for
38 years now, and says most
teachers his age (service and year~
wise) haven’t gone back to school

for KERA training.
He said it's a make-and—take
situation of sorts —— more of an

enrichment—type training. He
believes there’s plenty of the old
ways of teaching in KERA, but
said he thinks that would be to the
dismay of KERA’S designers.
“The thing that bothers me,
you've heard the expression,
‘throwing the baby out with the
bath water,’ I think they’ve gener-
ally taken the approach without
going back to look at what was
positive,” Ellison said. “A lot of
people tried to blend the old with
the new and were told to go by
KER: .”

From what he's seen, it looks







’ m llllll




I/ut ”mi/Iv. (In Him [it’ll] II

lli‘ilffil filfu ~ flilllli flit fist ill



l i / H)


\o~/( ”(SI l/\/\’\

J \A/l l l l VAI ll


till/\l l It

)lil< (Hi |(‘(. HI

like KERA is precisely what the
new teachers are ready to teach.

“The new ones that I see com-
ing in seem better prepared, bet-
ter equipped to handle the
demands (ofthe reform)"

Like Stephens, Ellison says one
of the problems for teachers is dis-
cipline A or lack thereof. The
reform focuses on group learning
which allows much more leeway
for children to speak out. i

In UK‘s department ofcurricu—
lutn and instruction, l’eter “'ino-
grad isn't panicking over disci-



Students spend tons of money on games

it can cost you up to 20 bucks a
time," Pauley said. “I wish I could
stop, really, but it's engraved in
me, I suppose."

He has in the past spent as
tnuch as $100 or more per week

Confessions ot an arcade addict


“(The games) are kind of like a
test of your reaction time," Pauley

Bryan Price, a music education
and vocal performance freshman,
said he also likes the fighting
games such as Mortal Kornbat and

Street Fighter because
he too uses them


on video games. t . _ t ‘
Aaron Harris, a sopho— 9 mm JEETCS’
. . . sions.
more art studio mayor, said ‘ . “Some eo )le
he spends about $5 per week ‘ h P _l
at the arcade plaving games are . ard—cqre
- , , -' Somepeople addicts, but Im
himself, watching others I) d . not that bad ..
play or just hanging out with are .47 -t07‘e Price said ’
friends. addicts, but He “'6 d t
. . S 0
He said he used to spend 1 m not that . d -
tnore time and tnonev there [7 d ” spen more time
. - ’ a - in the arcade, but
but With the harder classes - .. .,
V due to his class
and more homework he has . . 'h l l , d
h' . . h d :1 d Bryan Price 5‘ ““6 . J“
I 15 SCHICSICI, C CUtc f0 _ (Eh It bl. _. I]
cut down on his rame day» M’"‘“"""‘””"" ) er 0 “(5’ e
in . E l . ”Mm”, generally comes
4(1)] y. 'id ‘ .~) .‘ performance In 0nCC_ CVU)’
aying H eo games '5 fi'erbmrm couple of weeks.
a good way for me to pass Price and
extra titne and relieve stress




from classes,” Harris said.

“It’s not the most important
thing to me, though."

Pauley said his favorite games
are the fighting ones because they
provide an outlet for aggression
and his abundant energy.

Pauley both said
that video games at arcades are
better than games on hotne sys-
tems because the graphics and
sound are higher quality.

“Once you learn how to use
(the arcade games), it's really fun
to do," Price said.





°/o Better 84 84 60
%Worse 4 3 .19

Return School to Pro-KERA Policies and'Practices

%No 92 70 47
Percent 0! Res Gr

Working Well 82 50 41
Working Poorly 11 30 36




cups Who Judged the Primary
Program to be asking Welt and Working Poorly

74 42 39 57
9 26 23 22

62 52 53 67

Source: Ky. Institute for Education Research

58 62 68 41
18 15 13 36






pline problems. KERA is no small
undertaking. \Vith any change
like this, one phase at a time seems
to be the only viable approach.
But there are other aspects of

ROBIN JONES Krvm‘i’ Anni
equals money ~ for the school
and (usually) its teachers.

Regardless of the teacher —-4
beginner, intermediate or
advanced W how thcv are taught


KERA that to teach will surely
affect the evolve with KERA
teachers. - itself. :\s the
Namely the Teacmnn the teachers reform is cultivat—
incorporation ed and becomes
of rewards and This is the second of a two-part more polished,
sanctions. series on the challenges facing teacher education
Teacher teachers since the Kentucky will likely be
rewards are Education Reform Act was refined as well.

indirect. The enacted in 1991. For Ellison, he
teachers are sees flaws in the

rewarded on
the success of
their students,
not on their
own successes
as educators. If
a teacher
inherits a
room full of
children who
aren’t working
on the appro—

than 20 years,

the classroom.

prepare the



VTODAY: Teachers who have
been in the classroom, even
those who have taught for more

through a re-education of sorts in

changed the way schools like UK
teachers of

reform — in what
the children are
learning, and in
how the teachers
are taught. He said
he wouldn’t dis—
courage anyone
from becoming a
teacher, but thinks
students to be
aware of KERA's

shortcomings. If

have been



iriate grade
level, their test
scores will likely show little or no

“\Vhat does it (sanction and
reward system) mean? Ifyou don't
get the right test scores, are they
gonna close the school? Does it
mean the janitor won‘t get an
extra bucket of water for the
floors? They send someone in to
help," Ellison said. “\Vhat kind of
sanction is that?"

In the long run, Ellison said,
the patrons will determine suc-
cess. In the era of KERA, success

the pluses out~
weigh the minus—
es, the decision is easy.

Has he learned a lot since the
reform? He says “no." But he has
seen a lot. He remembers tradi—
tional teaching, “open classroom"
experiments and finally ~ HERA.
If he could turn back time,
chances are good that he'd still
become a teacher.

“I still think it's one ofthe most
rewarding jobs you can have.
“The glow, the light in their eyes
when they learn something for the
first time -— nothing beats it."






Students protest the

game 7007” ”love
From PAGE 1

don't know where these people
would go if they closed it.
They’re here every day.”

junior architecture student
Ken Berry said when they take
out the ame room, he will
have no pTace to go in his spare

“We won’t have anywhere
to shoot pool,” he said.

“I ain’t han 'ng out in no
coffee shop an I ain’t goin’ t'o
the library.” T.

The game room has pool
tables, video games, inbaJl
machines, and an air iiockey
table in it.

Frank Harris, director of the
Student Center, said right no'w
the coffee shop plan is still fit
the developmental stages.

“We’re at the stage of the
game where we’re looking for
vendors to see if this idea is fea—
sible," Harris said.





Veteran educators adjusting to IlEIiA


Universities often
behind, teat/yer says
From PAGE 1

Autonomy. Making decisions
about teaching —— about what
needs to be taught — with confi-
dence. In the early days of KERA,
Stephens said that wasn't easy.

“The first time they gave the
test, we didn't have a curriculum,”
Stephens said. “But we know
what's on it now, and feel more
comfortable with the (KERA)

Each day, Stephens struggles to
steer her cross-section of society.
Each student presents a different


with her
()ne stu- ‘ .
dent will
be blind lVbat we’re
3;“ "”5; seein is a total
months. refit-Flo” of
Another our society, and
has 35 the professors
percent in their ivory
manng- towers don ’t
”math” teach you (how
takes - .
three to deal with)
ritalin this. ”
each day. V

The Susan Stephens
Student Ky. rmrbn‘
abilities ‘




from low
to average to gifted. With each
student learning in his/her own
ways, chaos may seem imminent.
That bothers her —— a lot. \Vhat
she's starting to hear from sotne of
her own kids is that they don't
care much for chaos, either.
Because it's gone on so long, the
only option is to tone the chaos
down. At this point, she doesn't
think it can be stopped.

“This is where our colleges
fail," Stephens said.

uThey‘re out of touch with
reality. “'hat we're seeing is a
total reflection ofour society, and
the professors in their ivory tow-
ers don't teach you (how to deal
with) this.M



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loyal Iggy's Diner patrons,
I want your face on




Sherman’s Alley by gibbs 'N’ ‘Voigt

It“? not So formal billboard.
y nap w's painting an
old woman's house. On one
side, he's goma throw
in a “bonus”



















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By Alison Kight

Executive Editor

Students who were inconve—
lnienced by the closing of UK's
:Clieck ( ashing Service when Stu—
'dent Billings moved from the Stu—
.dent Center to 18 Funkhouser
,Building have some other options
to exercise.

'“Students have always been
able to cash checks at Kennedy
Book Store,” said Student Gov—
ernment Association President
Shea Chaney. “So (the closing)
isn’t really a problem.”

Chaney said students who


By Stacy Schilling
Staff Writer

One of the highest awards a
graduating senior can receive at
commencement exercises is the
Sullivan Award.

The award, which is presented
to one female graduate, one male
graduate and one person who is
not part of the University, is for
recognizing individuals who have
provided good service to other

“\Ve want to recognize individ-
uals who have helped people,” said
Phyllis Nash, vice chancellor for
academic and student affairs at the
UK Chandler Medical Center.

The award was started more
than 60 Iears ago by \lgernon
SIdneI Sullivan who wanted to
set up a program in uniIersities to
recognize people who show good
caring love and demonstrate a
commitment to service ’toward

Anyone can nominate someone
for the award. A one-page state-
ment highlighting the record of

don't want to leave campus to cash
checks can (I to the lobby of the
UK ChanLiler Medical Center.
“'ith a student identification card,
checks can be cashed at the lobby

“Students can go to the Med
Center to cash checks if they live
on South Campus and to
Kennedy's if they live on North
Cam Ius," Chaney said.

C aney said he thought the
Check Cashing Service closed
because the new Student Billings
Office didn't have enough space to
offer the service.

However, Chaney said students


should still have the service pro-
vided for them.

“\Vith Automated Teller
Machines, fewer students need to
cash checks.” Chaney said. "But
there are still a handful of students
who need the service."

Vice Chancellor for Adminis—
tration jack Blanton agreed with

“Kids that come out of town
and kids that don’t use ATM
machines need to be able to cash
checks on campus,” Blanton said.

Blanton said Chaney and SGA
Vice President Heather Hennel
lobbied to him for a new clause in

the UK Bookstore contract. (:tllll'
panics will have to bid for the new

“\Ve‘re putting specifications
in the new lease agreement
requiring that the bookstore now
cash checks for students," Blanton

Follett (. .ompanI currLIItiI
holds the lease on the L K Book
store. Follett, which bases opera-
tions in Chicago, is the largest
bookstore leasing agency in the
countrI '

( haneI' said bI _lulI students
will be able to cash checks up to


service of the nominee must be
submitted along with an applica—

Nash has a tip for those indi—
viduals and organizations who are
struggling to nominate a candi-

“Just give an example of what
the person has done and how it
has helped other people," Nash

The selection process for
selecting an award winner for each
category is a simple process.

Once all applications have been
turned in to Nash by March, then
the process begins.

A committee of 10 Universitv
faculty and professional
members gather and review each
application one by one, ranking
them in order of quality.

Members of the board base giv-
ing the award on what candidates
have done and how long they have
been doing it.

“\\’e only know about those
who get nominated," Nash said.
“\Ve get a lot of nominations and
we would like to be able to recog—
nize all ofthein, but we can't."

Last year more than 40 applica—
tions were sent in to nominate an
award winner and only three
received the award.

Sullivan Award winners at last
year’s commencement exercises
were graduating seniors Mary
Jane Regester and Paul Sullivan,
and the non—student winner was
Jean Cravens.


Director wants

By Glenda N. Ethington
Smjf H ’riter

H. Maelor Davies takes over
as the new head of tobacco
research for the Kentucky
Tobacco and Health Research
Institute at UK today.

Davies is replacing john
Diana, the former director of the
institute, who retired jan. 31.
Diana had served as the director
since 1988.

Diana feels that Davies’
expertise in genetic engineering
of plants makes him a perfect fit
for the institute.

Davies said he hopes to bring
a change to the institute and to
focus research in a new direc-
tion. He said he welcomes the
opportunity to work at the insti-
tute and to redirect its efforts.

“The ins itute was originally
set up to gather information
impartially, on tobacco usage on
people s health," Davies said

The new direction of the
institute is to develop tobacco
plants that will make new and
different products, Davies said.

Davies said that most people
are not aware that tobacco plants
can be used for applications
other than cigarettes.

“Plants have been altered
genetically to produce a huge


variety of medical compounds,



















to change locus

ingredients for cosmetics .ind
for food ingredients such as
sweeteners hesiid.

“Tobacco could become .i
source of more things than it
already is. "

DaIies said he hopes to help
the farmers and agriculture of
the state in creating new tobacco
products. The inst