xt795x25dw14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25dw14/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-12-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1985 1985 1985-12-11 2020 true xt795x25dw14 section xt795x25dw14 O
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Trustees V ote to d. t . t d t l I It
By ELIZABETH (‘ARAS t0 "eXpeditiomly" divest UK's hold— the recede t it ' ' " . , ' .‘ .' ’ '. ‘4
Editor-in-Chief ings in Exxon. Abbott Labs Ford 0 p . n 7‘ .3” “ numb“ .°,{ I WWW) f’gr‘," “."h ”m 3““ “”3 “"”‘h"‘“* ”r ““-‘ gmmmem h" "u” ‘1'" ... "I" WI "hr-Mentions .I'I’v- '- I, '
. ther schools across the country llx I dont think we can sit here and that matter he said mu,“ .,i ”h .i . _ , . i; i
. . , Motor CO' and [BM Ihvfitments of was the last Kentucky state univerI make a personal recommendation to Fr.»- students who att Ind d th» 'l‘l‘ IA Al I FIN-in" , ' I -' ' '2
Citing increased pressure to take equal or better potential return will sitytodivest the board " said coniiiiittw ii - l . - t I t . . t e ( m N" M”. M ”I, "”1 m n ‘ ”n ‘ " 7 I' I," h;
a stand against South Africa's apart- replace the stock, currently valued At a meeting earlier yesterday, m- (up Hershey» it in Iii \t sun: l1] totniiitttee meeting sup N better ge' ..i.v m : iIItI: risch '. '_ i.
held policy, the Board Of Trustees at about $700,000. vestment committee trielnbers.sa|d [mum member T9” I “\“nhw f: l '34“: :i‘hsltttet Ii THEM“ Memberx t'l' ‘lrhI-gtwi; _ _ .I I’,v.._ :. ' i“ '. if." . ‘6',
yesterday voted to sell the last of its On May 7. the board voted to sell they might not personally agree general manager for l e‘xiii Itiirs but i- ("ll‘ir:l‘(~5 (pm “lam mem .1 1(l. b, “I '1” MN '1 W. ‘WMH " .3 3 '- t“
stock in companies domg busmess in its holdings in companies that did with the action they recommended. lBM office. abstained “hm laugh“; h-(lmhlhy‘w l: Soil??? {fytllrm‘h‘k’l fully” h." V'" W“ ""‘ "’ 3; 4‘, .I‘J-ffi’
the COUNT}? not adhere to the Sullivan Prin- but recent developments had left and was the only trustee to speak til‘ t'l's \llll ‘avwcimm. In]? 5 If I T” I.) 1 WM.“ H V !' ""' M. ’n 3.: i 'b I. :2; 'l
The board also approved the 850 Clples. but there have Since been "a them littlechoice the subject duriiig yesterday‘s tilt-0" 'tptl'l-h‘t‘ltl blit willt l“ rim- ”3‘1 ‘ (HI I” m m" Tw‘w'lfr ””4 ' '1 1' ‘r;"'.,",‘
per semester increase in student ac- lot more battles. a lot more lives "This train has already gotten mg [BM "believesapartheidis rI-i liohtorthet'uuntr"315:2! 9 5mm- )9?” («L mm mm“ " “ H" g“ V" I? - ‘4 .'" "i .11
_ , tiVities fees proposed by Student lost." President Otis A. Singletary‘ down the track at a pretty heavy rehensible" but "we're \Uil‘klllL‘ \\e o my alt 1“,: y .. “his“ “3 l“ '1‘" V “1"" “""NW‘ .y,- " ‘51:“ y_-,'){
' i ‘ Government Assomation President saidafterthemeeting. speed , We have to take the Within that system to brim,» itiiiiiv 'tt' i, mp: lI . ”9.51“". ”MUM. BM!" "1““ “3 V' '3'” “‘3 ‘3'” ,I‘ ~' 5 '. t
John Cain. ride." said Bruce Lunsford, commit peaceful change," he mm . EM" (Phil; ()npdl‘tiltl‘tli saiddAlan dent iii-canal,” iii. that .I It'll} I, ,‘I _Zf; 3.»;
with one abstention from an IBM He also pointed to a recent GenerI tee chairman “It's almost like a l'hiI stufientf‘pu ) “whip-rem em mmw ‘ II .‘ I ’
g’f‘flcgh the. entire board directed al Assembly resolution urging state tidal wave almost not in our mm The company's record t‘oi iiglitiiii; xiim the i-iimhmxir: :fiifmlmiy "1““ “' 'h' " .-.~ u nigh-tar; ,1 . “:3 *1.
e niyersity 5 investment counsel public univerSities to dith and to ty tochange it anymore." discrimination "will stand .i‘g’ulllsl mm.- they mm members didn‘t dis» IR. cl,“ i .‘g I};
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Great balls of Wire .. , , , , ;
Jock Murphy, 0 Lexington resident, waited tor a ride home yesterday Omld rolls of Wire at a construction Site on RIChmood Road The wre a, used ,0 strengthen poured centre“: ,’ h ‘ I >,
Dance Cats routines ' ,.. , It I, , . * BVIBW l‘Oll hears ', '-
' :- . ,r . .> ‘ I y ; V'
0 o o . . ,‘. I Q ~ .,
resu t rom discipline - , . a I - '* ' i t I. t' - , .. , .
., . ~. ~ e .I [I U 011 ecrea 1011 ..
in practice demi s ‘ 9" " , "“ l a ’ ‘ ”'
3C3 C * I' v . . . .
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’ I“ ~ ~ I 3 ‘ ‘ ueri n '- -- ‘
s . , V . . . ‘ I ' . ’ I.- , " .-' '
1?} lat A J. “lhlylih fore every game If a member is one ; , ‘ ' , I - ,
(Ontl'lbutinngrlter pound over her weight limit, she ‘ ‘ _ -' ,-
could be replaced bV one of two 31- ‘ By A“ ll\ l)l~l\ ROUSIHX in}: senior who :iIts t. Ii'wii; l‘age ' II a; t y- . .
With high-kicking entertainment ternates on the team' ‘ ‘ Managing Editor apartments 'lt is ham and silliplt‘ . _ i : '1; ,
and complex routines. the Dance During the last night of auditions. a, ., Q ,. h‘h 1' dlh‘fl‘“ 1“? “‘ "“‘h‘h" . , ’ .
Cats attempt to break the monotony the weight of each new team mem~ 1’ l\\tl residence hall directors spoke Although the prolilt‘lt is littl one - . 4'. I j
of the lull period between halves of her was checked. ‘ . ‘ at the student affairs review com that can be stilH‘Il .Iz'hir: I'iiIit-ii: at I: ,- . __ 1 'I j,
h0m9l7Kbasketballgames, For the first night of auditions . ‘_ I J ‘ ' tiiittec forum yesterday to give fairs. the L‘ttllllllillt‘t «if TIl‘ll‘iig‘ the f ’ 7“ ..
Tricia Bley'ins. the team‘s captain. Dance (‘at hopefuls were required to a ' - 1*" . . - . .. ' some suggestions about how the res- pellllttll to the iiiiitft'tit :i’t- Iilllt‘t‘ ' I , . 5. I a . _
said she felt the Dance Cats had perform a dance they had choreo- ‘ ‘ Idt-nce hall office could better serve Brooks said I ‘7- ‘, 2.5
earned the crowd's - and the l'ni- graphed The second night. they had ‘3 i l h it ‘ the-hummus ’md“ MHNLM ”I if" ”NW" “3 I’.‘- , ' h i ‘
versity's . respect for their enter- to repeat the dance and learn a new ‘ . \ed Benson. Keeneland hall direc fairs ottice tlia' 2» 1:: charge til the _ ~‘ , .-' 3' '-_
tainment. “If we weren't [respect- one, which was taught by Evans. " 1‘ . I: 3 . tor. said he was concerned with the bus seryice said the oiiice is aware ' ‘« 3'," . : _ ‘
edt." Blevins said. “we wouldn't Auditioners were then Judged as ‘ l "‘ ”“hhr ‘h‘h lh" "95"h‘h"? ha“ ”“1“” “f lht‘ Whhh‘hi Ddhii'hdi'h at ”W " ,: ' ‘ i'
have madeitpast the first year." they were taught. to see how quickly ' ’cv‘ ' was being grouped mto another adI Page "Hearo- work it: or ‘T 1 .' . I‘ 1'“. ,
The iii-member squad is guided by’ they learnedthedances ' .3” . ’ ministration and was especially coiiI She said lex'l‘lt‘ \\ ,tlltl the i ii: ;' ‘ '1 ~.
choreographer [)iana Evans, wht) After the team was chosen the /‘ . I corned with the relationship between versiiy are I tl!‘l't‘lt'.\ tltt‘?.l’lllL‘, \Hlll , ‘
helps the team develop what Blevins hours of practice began The Dance iltt' homing office and the residence out a contract - ‘ ‘
describes as“modern-typedancei” Cats practice three to four hours , "m WW" " ’ ‘ ' h3‘“””“" When ”mm" “‘3‘” 3““ "‘“h'm’ 3” - ‘ V '-
“it‘s not supposed to beassociated during the week and about two The Dance Kats help enliven halftime at home basketball games "Sometimes the two departments comment on campus recreation, . , '1 I; . ‘
with majorettts or cheerleaders.“ hourson mostSaturdavsi Wi'h WhO' the gI’Oup's Choreographer calls ‘ modern-type dance. work against each other." Benson Henson said \lllllt‘l‘il.‘ on \ortli (am ‘_I ""3 ' _I ‘_
Blevinssaid. “lt's somewhere in be- In addition, to attending practices forming in front of thousands of 990- But since that time the team has :‘lld'. $01.16!} lilaikes them "coun pus are ”mm in)!“ “Mum, TWIN) " ~ 1- .' "' I
tween: . and keeping within the weight limi- pie Team members are too busy tried to please the crowd, without «It “31): thmluha ,k. h' f thi he???” 1mm“: . Mil “”ffh‘li ,H: I -
Blevins said members 0‘ the tation, Dance Cats must maintain a concentrating on the intricate rou» fendmgeithcrgeneration C ( ae m 5' C airman U i 5d“ I “mm m ‘\ W" .,., dm -. i ' " t»
squad were chosen on the basis of 20 grade point average. Blevins tines tobe terrified by the size of the review committee and a socmlogy dangerous He said he has com - , - ». .
dancing ability, dancing aptitude said the academic requirement has crowd. ‘ The squad saw it IS proud m rvp professor, said the committee has plained to campus ii-creatiun about . -,
and an overall physically attractive never beenaproblem. The Dance Cats, however are resent t‘K andappreciates the sup “3’3.” these mncems before and W” the. problem . _ , ' * ' "
appearance. a" seems that, for most people. concerned with fulfilling their major port and respect ttreceives look into the problem Currentlyl. ihe Alumni “iii. ”hair to he retur y 2
Although the team emphasizes grades seem ‘0 go up." she said. “1 function. entertaining the crowd housing office is m the auxiaary bished oi at It‘d‘I hau- IhI- floor - ' H y, 7‘ i.-
dancmg talent. Blevins said weight don‘t know what it 35‘ b“! I think The team attempts to please both "it has to be exciting to represent “TINY“, ,. cleaned‘on d ”ml” “1‘” I Brooks - . . I
and the way the person carries it maybe you 5‘3" learning [0 budget the younger and the older genera- Il'Kt.” said Tawnya Mullins a sec t lmédi [\ilinuld' .lltldwr hliallldlIrelf idldthwlmwm. h (“mum”) going ' . ,-
are also important 4 . your time." tion 'Blevim said in the team's first ondIyear member "It‘s really some Shhnhhzih mafihimhfimjl 3:“ oifnollhr‘am “mm”, H, W, wmah, - , " ~‘ ‘
mg?" fact. bz'elghl Its SO'élmportabici‘t But one thing the Dance Cats don't vear. manv of the older crowd dis» thing to represent a l'iiiversit-I this 'ind won‘dered why the houslllng of residence hm, Uh \mfyh ‘ .mmm - l . .I. '-
mem rs mus “wet in“ . h'v ' ' , w _ ‘I e ' ‘ . u y _ ‘ 4 _| U - t . I . i _ , ‘ . . ‘ , .
a e time for is worrying about per liked some of tht dance moyunents big and to dame m ltupp .\lt ha h“, L; hm under student affairs also have complained am“! the long . .
Arnold said there are so many of- walk to the ~\'eatoti t‘enter, espectal .
0 0 0 tires and departments. many times ly at night when they are scheduled ‘ . ' ,
0 I ay recrultln pro ram allows students don't know where to go to to participateii‘.intraiiiiitais - ' ' ‘
‘ get things done because of a comI ’ it is not sate to walk -'\I-t' there
, tiitinication gap she said ‘ ' '
-i_I. * ., 1am“; »€.-‘“":‘th j";;.:.§ytl.r i. . . t . . . i
2:.“ ; .fisw’?’3fl:';5:‘§"/5? hh’ifi’» St dents to ell I IK t ho t it would work better with some Brooks said campus rt-trciition is .
M _ V «vé‘w‘r u S 0 me owns kind of merger between the two do aware ot these problems it is .i ,
WW... wwafiswsthzy parttiients.” Henson said space factor. especially on this side '
‘;‘§;kef:@~Q‘ "3'7. , I: By SAILAJA MALEMPATI siasm for the ['niversity and a Will- partimpate in the program should _ Another student attending the 0f campus
fiomfiwagiw ., Senior Staff Writer ingness to fulfill the obligation. Rice attend one of two training meetings forum que53'33n9d ‘he thPrSll)’ S Became of the size oi the campus. .
2% a “I“; I,» -..: ' fl . . . . said “We'll be delighted with an)" that have been set up for more inforI hu“ service She biought a petition access 1“ a problem on both hides"
WW“ r'e‘f 3,3 V , h. Students With an enthustastic in- one who is interested" mation The first will be at 6 30 p m “We“ 3“ 31" students. MM" (“5' hesaid ‘
thewits?!iii-sight:his?Ii». terest in the University can use the . todav in 1308 Complex (‘ommons the cusses some of the problems 53” A! the hearing held 13“! week at
$3fl§f1§3§n2?:51:3»;f‘\;ii“'_::;"~.;'.,"{§aft“’3'“: Christmas holidays to help attract Students Will be asked to go to other ls scheduled for 4 30 p m m dents hayewiththe bus service the (‘omplex ('ommons. students ex
155;“: r «A; -.:- . . . their hometown friends to UK. their hometown high school and tell morrowin 228 Student Wm“. “i know Ibus servicet is a prob- pressed the same view about the
h; . fl ~ , *1 y‘ ‘ _ The undergraduate admissions of. incoming college students “what it’s iem." said Jodie Drees. an advertis- set» Rf\||\\.paic (
3 ' ' fice is developing a new recruiting liketogo tocollege. The training program will include
In: .. i. ‘. i , . process to give UK students a , . b , t )d t l , H, .
y a (y. . ~ . . “They can talk about their ex “7 a 351C in rt UL ion ant give 1( r e
as“, _. c, - chance to ex ess their warts and - , P“ . . . ,
«1in ”.i’, > .I l experiences 031M Univeros‘lty. ences at l K and how their freshman \Ol‘unteers ”Fae Slrptedgiesdii‘ililsi for o 0 lug CUtS copylng cost
. The Student to Student Recruit- year went." he said "Hopefully rumitment. ice sat ( give
~ the . 'll . ' them an idea of what the admissions
ment Program will use ”01d stu- 3 WI haye had a 800d experi- officewould likethem to lo "
dents who know the story the best ‘0 en}: here and will be able to tell 3 Stalin-ports ability and reduce waiting time at
hel make contacts with new r- 0t rs the advantages of attending . _ the selfIservicecopicrs.“hesaid
I l I spegme students," said Kent?!" UK. 851:; tglafifilz‘hilna 3:12:32; 3"]: 1:: For the rest of the semester. stuI Willis said the library is "in the
. - ‘ Rice. director of undergraduate ad- . spring semester to discfiss lhn“ the dents will pay less for copies at M 1, process of reeyaliiating machines
' ‘ missions. 'Volunteers for the program M“ be process‘went ‘ “ hing Library and reviewing copy service proce.
m is a .new venture." he said. {1392:5333 ggbgcugufytgvetrs"; The cost for copies made by liI 233150 :ha: Ijhrgnwtfianvbe made
“We're delighted that students are nepr bl' t‘ the 0° 5 “I en 5 “This is just the ms! step. and M, brary' staff on the large photocopier t - a. p‘ 5"" 9 'h 9 “pr‘hg 59‘
already showing an interest in the 'w P“ ”8,30“ UK v‘3’Wbmh' would like to get some feedback “in he reduced ”hm ‘5 cents ‘0 5 mes er
.. Will be available to incoming stu- ‘ . , - r 4 ' This film’s!" the mp" machines
. program, dentsf thef' t , from the students so we can im» cents per copy, said Paul “llllS. di- the lb . h ' bee .
I The only requirements for pertici- or "3 (”he prove the program in future vears‘f' recmrhf'mrahes She m plat-hazy) thgthlum: “51:2":
P‘hm ‘h the program are enthu- Interested students who wish to hesaid. "This should expand copier avail- said ' '

 Q I
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2 - KENTUCKYKERNEL WM” m 11, 1905
-W: 1‘ °
US 01118 ‘ see S smo e 688 na l0“
. a 9
mingle at " ' ' t b b d
K-H ouse . . . . .
. Ass , tedPr ‘ 4 islation — perhaps by next spring — c-ial speech' is constitutionally pro
U S I d . n . _ 003 €55 would. have to be followed by efforts tected."
‘ . - - a n oneSla S ‘_ WASHINGTON Sett' l f to butt}, SUPPOTt “in the years to “We take no position here \iith rt-I
~ 3 tobaccofree Unhed 5:? a fioa": comei spect to health risks; our concern is
. h . .t - ' t ~ 1/ 2000 the as y be .Asked for comment one day ear- that any such risks not be misused
S are SCaSOn Spll‘l year . . . 271.000—me'm. r her, Anne Browder, of the Tobacco in an unconstitutional attempt to re
i . _ __ American Medical Assocmtion ["5“th Wthh represents the in- strict free speech in a free SOCINV. '
t t 8‘ BR \lH‘ool'FR . t f; czlledtyesterdady for laws to :3“! all dustry, said aban on print. advertis- said the letter signed by Jerry 'W
'. ‘ \‘tatt “1m” ’ -‘ ‘ a ver 'Slgg an promotion 0 Ciga~ ")8 W011“ W313“? the lhdUStl‘y'S Friedheim. executive nce president
, . 2‘ ‘ c ‘. . "32f? 3“ Sf“,°ke‘f;‘s'°ba.°°°' . . right 0t free Speech and that such of the ANPA. and William (lorog
I . - Atinerictins and L'K Indonesian 1’; 16: 9855:25 8.8ml-ad‘iertlSln-g bans m other nations haven't president or the MPA
» - . students celebi‘ ited 'lll t“ll‘l\ " ' ‘ .‘_;. r50 ukion. H 355°C'at‘0" S POI" worked anyway.
. “ t‘hrtstinas last night during an es l l .. ,-\ . - l 3):]: :2g régsioffaDzelggfngfi‘f Only one COCtOI‘. D'E‘. Ward M AS for production 1933““. ”T
I, .I t change ot traditional htllld‘dV cus " .J‘ ' I n “P XI" ‘ l pf b " y Lumberton m tobacco-rich North Robert McAfee. the South Portland.
i . mm ' x , " mltsm {age a; uying sibacco pa‘od Carolina, spoke 1" OPPOSItmh t0 the Maine, physician who presented the
. . ‘ ~ ,\ ,1 , ‘\\ « uc ; or a n on ven ing mac ine pro |_ t'- d' t" "l .. .
‘ . - , “mm 3“ .n h shared the holidm ‘ l r t . ‘ M . 9°53. _ . ‘ an I 3 \er ising proposa . said that
‘ .- mum MM pimp“ ”I their homeland; \ § It \ , ‘ » hlagazltrhtfiarsnailniilagzg ggrsrhifilgg IHeesdfldhlélS state s delegation coir was ”a “my good question" that
' I ' - ' 'it iti‘cedinnci llt‘ltl l' the Ktltntllll'l \ l l a - a ' Slder t action inappropriae might be addressed “m the V”)
. . p . t '. tun.“ 1 . A t \~ \ . \ \ , _ totaacclofisuch as chewmg tobacco for the House of Delegates which in nearfuture ,.
» a t 5‘ r t V an sn i ' ‘ .
' '~ ..' - I “l5 I“)? f" “T‘” “‘ "“‘%""‘l W“ ‘ \ ‘i T . Association officials acknowledged tllcfna‘last'ieehdinfshemfidwheczlfiligld Other doctors however \“lld thei
‘ -, I ' tr‘ n ttlerent i; \ I an \ie‘rz . ' m1 ' ' - ' ' " -
- ‘ 5 L ' 841:; “‘1 ‘(satd Shahili (‘hilds prtl ‘h V‘ 1" 1‘ “lament: (““81“ to get such who that manufacturers should be allow- did not foresee the association rec
- I gram coordinator for the l‘K Human \ l [30513 it tough {ongresa (359901? y ed to advertise legally produced t0- ommending an outright ban on
5 I ' Rel'ltlttl‘h (‘enter \\hl\‘h co s )0” ‘ 1 " ‘ m lg ~0 0 1e? ionsla rea y raised bacco products. . . smoking
. .1, ,,. r, ‘. ~, . “mt“ the m'm- mm ”w [‘hlnm t . . ; e concerning p055ible Violation of free- "We believe strongly m the First
’ , -., t‘timpus \hth‘nec t“ ' spBeecthgights,‘ t ded . d bat Amendment" to the COhShh-th‘m- Attempts to persuade publishers
~ . - __* ', "I‘he t‘ellrmslnp b “hm“ L’JNXl ‘1 . > ‘ th ‘u toboc 0:5 CZ“ 1°" "1 e e lawyer Johnson said later: However. to voluntarily stop advertising haw
:1 ' l ' . “11mg [0 meet nc\\ people from nun ussic KeinolSvnN clgarlv lianckced atllat tggcgglafiireriré he added... there 15 nothing to the had only modest success. the prop»
, f M '. (”h”- “(,Uth “(101mg p00hh. S _ .. > _ ~ “ _ '5 assertion that advertismg must be sal said. estimating that l" S cigii
, h ' fi . A Ont BoIOgno a nursing freshman, successfully bobs an apple at mg encourages Americans to use to- allowed for legal] roduced rod- , ., _ _ . m,
. , — , . . v hum [mhmwn ,mtc me in.“ ,th . . . . y P P rette adurtisers spend Ls- billion ii
. . _ I" ,' ’1 . i t, . t. i l, . o dmhe, .m, ,th' ot the Komonio House. bacco products and that the medical ucts , , .
‘ .t 2‘ . ' 1 ‘ sure listening to them talk about profession has a duty to tI‘V to do ‘ yearon dd>
_ ., . . .. ' [hf‘lrf‘LllIIEit‘El'l ‘ hlktlrlhlffh,“ mm” taste ot 4; vegetable and noodle dish couraged to participate ,_ and they something about it ‘ But in a letter to the AMA. the Another tobacco i‘csolutton \int
c ' v .5 , . dmv ; h “flhp‘ibt t4i\::ltl‘l‘llll;.‘, ”HM”“rwn'nd d15¢“’\'<‘F9dit“‘ilsn't very easy , the 9x99“ lanchallenge; were American Newspaper Publishers As» ning approval called for lll(‘l‘t’&l>twl
.- 5 . , ‘ inf”, 521:1, ,, . [l .nfiomt‘i cull W Th“ mm“ "“5 ““0“?" m)‘ Saputra‘ wh0 had never plavcd the Wllllng to fight it. said AMA gener- sedation and the Magazine Pub~ education efforts to achteve tht-
* , . “”F d t ‘ “pt ‘ ft tongue to become acquainted Wlth d' d h' h . . ‘ s . al counsel Kll‘k Johnson at a post- lishers Association said "products AMA‘s goal of a smoke-free \(H'lt‘h
‘ ~ . tl'l‘t’\ throu 'b n‘m‘ttnz thew pen ., , game. ippe IS ead cautiousl) , , ‘ _ .
‘ , ‘. l ' h ‘ American tood said Daniel Sapu- into a bucket of water while he was you? "e“sconfere"09 that can be legally 501d 1" our 500"} b." the year 2000" and for (‘llltll'ngL’
.A ‘ ' " p ('l‘h' l d} . . 1 't dents MW m “It 41“ iiRFH'UltUl‘iil engineering cheered on by watchers He at- Dr. Ronald Dth5 9t Atlanta, a ty are entitled to be advertised; if it that goal to aim for ii "tobacco-ti‘ct
> - ' w ' x i ' , f. n ”KT”; 5‘” .. n. “she: h. Fir-“l“att‘ rhldt’m "l N“ 81>“ share tempted [0 grab the apple bv the member 0f the assomation 5 board [5 legal to sell a product, it should be society" “'lth no tobacco cheximg HI
" - . . , , f $33“ ‘L‘: :llfin'potnltilfithhablt ,‘ nu. “11mm ot my mm country mm “em but as he discovered .there of trustees. said introduction of leg- legal to advertise it. This ‘commerI snuff dipping as well
i . !‘ Ci"; 't' "W ’5 ,. vc t \' .' t l l A . ..._..__
.» » ' '- .. ' - In exchange. the :\lllt‘l‘lt'dll.\ \iere Yh‘ ”h“ ‘ tudtnt “35 “05W!“ to bite
‘ “ , . given a taste of such Indonesian spc In addition. the lndoiiestan stu~ “This was a challenge and a funny
' ' It ' l . ctalttes as soes cake. ti desert com dents tiere also introduced to the game." said Bambang Sutardjo. a . ° ‘
' ' ’ ‘ parable tocmktcs filled “ltll cream Hallmwen tiadittoi‘: of bobbing tor forestr} graduate student who did Bes Type Typesettlng SCI'VICQ 257-6525
, . '- lit addition the) were also duct? A apples The Indonesians were enI succeed
, ___—_—________—________
, _ ’ f We Specialize In Your Ladies Well
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KENTUCKY KERNEL WM” Docunbar 11, 1985 - 3
___'________________________________._. ._ _______—_________.___ _w,,, 1, , “a,” .. ____.__
AssistoniAiu t “or '
3 V l :2; ,, ‘ o o
‘ ’ o 'n 1 ' ‘Nuts’ auditions toda -
00 y goo x1 g i . _
' t ' . o ' .
, r 1 , » i k k ff * ~ -
can t save oc y « \_ , 1c 0 spring season ~ 4 . ,

1 ~ Vii r: ' .- -'
if} “HSIJJT-‘lllrliil‘ l‘ — 7/] is ‘ {f HyJANIl-ZSLSTULI. between the niairiodgi- tall support — ",
staffuritei REVIEW \ b w _' i Senior Staff Writer shows and the flu: iniii {miles the ’_ . '_ -

, i i r ' non \upptll'lt‘llx'llmkx tr (‘1', “w: , . " -_ ' _
.. ”‘1 lit-{hl5 80’ down ”it bf“ “nil-S , \ \ , ‘ The theater departments spi'lng lhe script calls for ax mm and 'J ,r' ,
tlhreeri:0 boxers "we! m the (mm 01 interesting The plot concerned the 1* . 59350“ Will get an earl) start toda} two women There l‘ am, a roar! re i, i. A II if» 1.
One 1 huge Russian lvan Drago development of his personal charae» t .“ . ’ ‘ Wm] fiufmm.“ for. Tom TOW? mid” the "f”? If!“ ”9 ”MW-Km" f"? I ’ ‘1 f" a
bearing a malicious sneer and 1 “(Mi ter as well as h",- fight for the heavy: ‘vk \: Nuts, a play whith will not \t‘iri nan sex, which \\d> piano in i. fe r. "‘.":' . f~ ‘
" -. h ‘ l xl k l kw t . w'eighttitle ‘ ' : rehearsaluntilnexuear ”ldl‘Hi. theorigiml plriiftfi" oi. .’. 't’l“ 1". i’"
liarliillfnliftlt‘ “ oo 5 I t d mus“! l” “HOCkV IV " there is no (-harae .A a q u ' ~ ‘3 Intensive rehearsals under the l-‘eltj. said tha' thou- who that not ' , fa": .
' 'U - ‘ ‘ ‘ l L 1' ~ . ' 1- . . r: t - - i1~ t -'.' 'f. ""
The other h “(WM Balboa m“ ter development Nearly fifteen min» ; .~ ‘ d~ .I direition of theater arts graduai. iradlithe script "f"“"‘ “in .... de 1"“: 35,,1'1-j-1 i‘,
punching m the fourth installment of utes have been devoted solel_\ to ‘ . . I 4 stude)nt ltill felt} W will run tron. x«in: . lit‘dtllllL’ ltt' stl'ipl ‘:‘ not 1,: .12.: :55
his series His pumped-up Physique footage of Rocky training Wlihlll the ' J".’_‘ .“ ”n.1,” the J“ _..opening ., Hutm‘i .U tam. "W: Jr THU if. (m) .13).? 1 '5 it.
“- 5911913111116 m” but hh ,‘hmw snow-yconfines ofthe Soi'ietl'nion . a 4 "’- I a x ‘ MR“ "‘ the "mri ”l Ham“ ““5 “ ‘H‘M‘m'w ” “ ‘ "2 ”2ft? .' if
f. t gins m“ hh l“ ‘nif‘ ‘lxcn In this installment Talia Shire morocowrmoruurrtonvrsvs Draper. a woman who lures .i lht' auditions w i, w innit .it 6 1,1; 41:]; 1,;
at” .;i s .. ~ , - . .. : ,. N v .rmi,_.i,..., . -.,1,i.r’.~- .
nine vears “mi? he thugiit Apollo Rocky's wife. is Virtually ignored. A battered but triumphant Sylvester Stallone represents the UHIi» :harge ll” Vm??il“”‘lgh;“ 'hlm'l‘h mt if”: f T: Vl‘l‘” M " 'l' "“ Elm .- ",- l“; ;“ ’
(‘reed bat-k m the original "Roelu" and actor Burt Young, has turned ed States as the boxing saga continues with Rocky IV king 5‘ 0““ i,” “Mi" m“ 9 ma \ :k P“ 1]ch) ‘1'? " ,“HN‘ ”f 3' if] i. '32,
and he'sthnikin of i-rlliiinr ' Rockys brother Paulie into a hour tion Of the play foilows the WU” M” ”‘L 1" "HT“ “7' “l" m ”I” ”1 'd'i-t-IK" I
f 19.- IL , a ish idiot with no redeeming, qualr .. ‘ _ , , . _ ~ ,. . ‘ ‘1 . . proceedings during which she mi. which “.11 ilt‘ln‘lul H. ,i "any. W": .2}; 23“..“ _; .31.!
He shim“ hdH [httllhhl d “"11 ., 1W . h) . . . ll V mail) €\€r)t)il( is scriaining iii to fight l)rago is ldll‘l) reliable in (95L, 3 psvchiatrist , “drama,“ that p1,: shim up Mm M11 m. would (5..., - wi
harder before appearing in "Rock; "'7: ’(ar 2“ if? d5 AP" 91> 1h" favor of Rock): suranee that he‘ll try to win it back she Is not. ('apable of standing ”mi 3,0,4”; Mm Wm. firm, L ,NWHWN 1:; i? -’-,-_~'l,‘ l
1\'_“ 9“ ~' “I” V‘ 0 " 0“" an} Sign“ ”f That Stallone should underesti- in "Roekv \‘f' would vou please for her allege-d (-rimm ii'lrf ili‘riuti t"‘(‘li vu-v ,, vs. t, - it , ' '5. ~’ 1 ‘
Now don't get the wrong idea ““hm'” 0" emotion bl“ h" 5 "“13 mate the intelligence of his audience give the . audience a break next The roduction Vllll('h helm i ill...r on» [Kim ”inf whi ,. 3: I f ‘5 "A " 15,3,ng : 21-1 '
The movie is not a total t'lop. ai 'hf'rf‘l‘wmf‘ hr“ half hour bv expecting them to believe fifteen time" a thesli or graduati- ,~.,m;(ly H}: \ l 2, will“. K?“ M,» ,1 .r .» r" ,{
though it does represent the piiina- "Md t” these a ”memo” *“l’plm minutes of a hosing match could uniiue-in blunt the fill \u .Mj, I.” “if M x“ . )1. H V ,1 f "j‘ ‘ "r ’ ,n' Es.
cleofaudience-manipulation ”“V‘mmg a ”m"! “"h a ”mill" erase a lifetime of anti-American h-ld» , t‘ ) It f, .11 , pf ”K , Pl 1 ' .' t'l‘ Z ,‘1 " 5‘3”“ ._ “:3 I; 31*
AS before. the fight sequences are yon-o given to Paulie for his l)ll‘lhr upbringing is insulting And that he “Ror'm H' is now snowing (n Lei“ :pmgihrtY-l 21min“! 1 its wi .ou It . “Eng“,orgasm?“_ .jeiqryhe J' - :1...)
bloodv well done. provoking total au (la). and you've got m" weakest 0‘ expects the audience to swallow the N""hi""‘*“”‘l5““‘f‘pu'k “mm“ "Tghls l «' :Seiih-r t 'l ink ii puli‘vwiik kt L \ Ml HHS W fits if“: C
dience involvement If the movie the four"Rockv'niovies horribly hoke) message for peace he - IL > t e. h ’1 d I. L m U MU A“ tiff: ”33}
had been only ihll‘l)‘ minutes long it these were the onl} faults. the delivers after the match is lnCUll~ ‘_-’:‘.VT -,‘- _. “1.2;:
featuring lvan's exhibition inati-h movie “Quid 5““ he bearable l'n: eeivable 1‘, ' ‘3...
and Rock} s fight no critic in the fortunately. the mm moves from Stallone has made Hock} so iin ,____._ ' x! . ~"j '-,".'_
world could hatefound fault disappointing to ridiculous Rock} portant that he can single-handedh ’ 1% \§\ ‘ ?
The problem is that they added agreeg to fight “raga in Hussla. bringtheSovietl'niontoits knees ”grew. rhpr“g:=szh§’ hr“. ya. ,‘Q
another hourof pun-trash where fans are cheering for their (iivemeabreakfily \_i§ss:l \ ~ “4'03: ‘ U I g".
ln lht‘ “11“ ”li‘K‘kF-f M'li't‘flt‘l‘ Russian representative in the boxing And, Mr Stallone. since the fact §~H§3% l! i , .‘ 'I' ’ h ' 'i
Stalloiie‘s character was much more world Yet by the middle of the fight that Rock} had to relinqmsh his t