xt795x25dv73 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25dv73/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-08-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 31, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 31, 1982 1982 1982-08-31 2020 true xt795x25dv73 section xt795x25dv73 E
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vaetaanVO ‘1 fl 1m procg-f . Olded 8:33:11“ Board 01', in Foxyt mm ,n with Yeh u A Said 0 Ci‘ 'cords y of ham
Yin te any ”gm Port n an Bill m egal M $ Du!W wd '8 ph 0rd. 5%, Yesce Vs 11c Sho Dan .
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big "aisi:'gnun:ve're this K.ppa ansofootzcmtajnl bemmhxapp: “13h ed We: “many wvzd the St“ his fiw’ com pore resign Th: sheriffs! '90 OM a'n'o 'B-C, _ ffioes
up“! 8" “mm” M‘ mwered l”qua. thegiven t“ the el”e memg mb‘ans mliansto hi e'Hehe saie i“to ' o'd D sus ‘de Vi"9 ""e M: A
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“we mm mme Mt e It . m Chukgiag “8“]ng me “'0- ct 1, w d W. ’ guns a was“ , I ef'ff, Va 1 dr me Ur O b 'Ces n"
“Each“ may Wing‘st.?d 0f 133:0 a stop“. mv ‘M 11111:“ t maid a now: £9 szdm deg?!" of , er 3”. “cup worth and Piae that Will Lands; Carpy,’ 39,935“ 2" said the"s 9.90" firherey fir°d 'BM
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asthelse" ty and through “ . mm“ mm"? IW dha dmwewpy v“ any“ ditmta-wm'ld °f d AV "‘“e l'ce my K' e" ' e50 ' 'h '"9 °Y
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“m rai 'ty . -°°.,ndnm ~so' ' ° am' ted “mm him in 8- ,A, '0 °'e es s ‘- "0d "*i '“
and tey Will “3" ”03:83 mthat “Hm W&,,,throm first,” “up “yr?“ wi tenay might With gfi he the um be- k'ned 0n éhe apntly hah°°tine' Up AVer y “teed as L
P‘edsé’lgoto :83” “u” Cu?“ wmne' l'" “1‘ be about?n “the mflwfimflfihfi" thé “12“va funlwrould mantewnfl 28 th °"d 5M Offpr°0chgdsho?s' a roast: Carr ° ch°°"-
give“ am mti Ve 8:8 fl fine Will about Wmid id‘en rth’ maidt mind \V-i. . tsenalw ‘ legs! “and dOOr 0? be 'X we'ce in the hims |ock . We,s use
da «mtg» mand‘eboo bee‘e mmwab‘ m 1‘” In? sa‘ ”Emu l"teai “"8 "‘ me mtor $9. 1. “was“ 9%.: °nd 9"" w'° w Beth p°lic 9" in '" Ra ‘Uri
wardsy 0‘ 3/ they y poop]k ”of em tim ed a 1m ctions yd! me mam no w The be On fire hen ound esdo 9'00 fl"e lei9h
Ea M the 1mat: “n e m°°rr "teamemed: dec‘ 1mm 'msun-bed his smé‘pmoflh 811%, s"rr d 150 0 edd 'Md dbl he ,
“inch {Kiwi-any wifindfia‘zhat' top inseam the _ £00m- “paging“ tor Ve undulted by MW ionven- 11:18 muons eridere Shoman ruring ., ‘hrOCk‘ KPd Wit
ran atltuni‘scoreh co din mam: will as ”an” com “90n- mm GnPres .. s view'si’m ey dew duh '3 u -°mm ° 5h °° '"9sa-h a
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3130ma ‘33 to soron m. “041';th aw“, num_ “leg - eh be te dras flmvt ion 'buti degr one t "7%,.e 9 °u h.s 'ng Ne w
per ta gm. comp 't the will ‘tymh'e aided a e- hi ‘on mammmnk' ‘iSj “dias' WA, armI "‘an '°ma-C°r ‘Pree °re
w‘ evInWY-mw H “my “130 index; the a 3 pom woui “‘1 non of that “tone Rea H'N seve 'Ic wth'ou Ma
en; !n m; Sziaxgimatthe be ms: t t dbe think a warran I so “To 90., "'ho ea 9h V
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* 2.11:: «9:31. to gm” 1:» 1 to 00 est K» men he mm '13: Mg, “:9
. ' on -m 'de e yF . 1' sh e efi a . 90 . -50
1 ppa. or- the ASSOC!“ I need °Ck I’ ,Con,1 .Ve Off. b
E . K O b l’ 9 '5 k
. ff homey“ Mae bogEm “ted N535 lnu elrut Nin helpedy "1e ‘3' 0 emo’e m 0f ' washPro‘il'
. a UT AB GE "’1 c "a {re "a In 'ng
/ at Chalets: ’ mm writa' cam ' f ”90510" e boom-blots cO m marrow 3b" go'he
. /( “at yeztnd n _ m I ”are" Said BCond Ok's ded nfere real- _'si°n df-
“‘ simwed “an PLO Cam 7 e P I ° "0 °f ”c'in c°-e:a °'m "Ce "'es °nd
‘ ‘ ' ‘ Bef' tojomy “me“ sumo $1121.me has 9“ g°v°'n::° 9921”“ tgewie‘xhws ospheryfis'erd of 'if.
I ‘ ‘ t ’ passer: be his Puzmn” 88° memgd that s e"'OfeGr‘ll weeadmi: I Ranal: he 5? he
‘ / “ ”$9 “WM-9, :91: “an“; gfirmmm w‘ifnmtim 3;; 1;: we. Mr” m": “'ownzrd w‘azs
‘ at suf 1‘ °n y Am‘bo e 010 to 'o b sin n
i - mg“. wmfel' ”leader fora Gm] there agave 1y ‘.r:3'1mdpg dcaity WAS". ys so , rs] by Dbe int: c°I|o and
\ r“ - r‘ P Ar (ITO s “vengvomAm Euln e amdt. mm a .y3 o, W "6' VM UFO n' 0 ”sly .
‘ \ " "1:168:52 worm" Imam mm‘ei ”fiex‘ m: s‘gael hazing? '°Ve:k°rs 0°04 _ m "'1 ‘°r€xp’0d:,"‘.‘"-
» l ‘ /- “u , i" a (-‘l ¥ P0 a“! “be” {9' nod” attic“ ex e U ““5““ guerrillagm °"°'Y -°s 5'o "-d 5o The 50 pow x°n."c'"9
. .- ‘» I" ’-, “9,4: i‘\ sewaefimseI f“ it?” outahdpi keg mrtd'stbmuga'fitfly ; Arjésrflewlng ld'e" bvi” U or dbcl
“ '-- .' r‘ ’ ’ '5'" r \ : Manfng' 12“year a"? the “113’s" mend ed winersto rec. rinori'i*cu°s°dyp:pul01-Y'he "‘On c in'
x i“ . .7 .‘ CT bl“ t“ . on the dd onin S _ and of byt thdr' °Wn y in from sterdlon end 0u|d "pg
"" ‘ ‘ ‘ k m M ”an the theom aw . u. t t a 9r° of f
g' \m/ .- Arnhfhwke: milimck rut byme W ”mummy“ i, "On_ "War {‘0' "rends Y. w'h the coce O
. i“ f: . , I‘ V \ a :1 i ' 7 Sign In flashed “guy 3):“ 3m ' [Mum‘disuapped o "”9“.“ His sny' Oa'ion' comir‘u I accord'emu' shark:
’ 7*? V e" $4,? m‘Mmme ““‘Xeh he“ an: m " 1,,00- “‘W‘m‘a ' en“ 35"” '9% so“ Me' Ru '"9 'oy ""‘es 9°
1.9“; » l /( » 2&1 G a m Mini Vv. a “M “W of at Bdm omo Ur. Y. pu . “g 0 "fr Ssio a . 5 it
, al‘ , _ o w wd It for ddrel . y then . n a bl ugh 0y n; PT:
A I ‘ "K" "’1 * ‘m ho 6‘ vi jomeduenc' and l ’“t ”' 9 R u' "had °' Fe ‘° v°'
~ - - stood of 9“; ct v eft "9 Us . re I’u 3h “d 9
fl 1 F“ m‘ [chum-i: ory twmyws,w 01h. 5.0 p,»r b Yo be b
__,_....-—- “5 the ‘99“ ”I! ”the wax em a! an A m": t“1K1: Ru lghl n" U '5 'y "‘9 n 'h ch 0 ecOm
- M W’— welAflanm 9‘“ d '- “big f said officiy larg ssi°n W9" kr°i -h°' b-"°n 6 5° -f Ge 9 °
11/ " um» .. w " mg" m fab“ 9.1mm, ,2 :w: 1,
, _‘ . /-_ . With {0‘ .Vea m boom y hi! e fro m and 01 b 9w n" sin nd 3 row P0P pu'a.
* 1 “ml ‘ts two- Lem n at V nt- net mecca °rld Yd ns el 5 "lo-
/ } U-S “mmin ed tha neaet’eforeId “ an”? m 80' d'o sl u" °'2°'“in e'"io or"s -h°Ve "°n
/ ; ‘ m. wmlh‘ 10th Fl “me {11: t lice ”magi” . t. is up '0 'ems' F0. "'0 70m.|°.'e 'h "s °‘ ts'ans p'um Re‘or
m‘ed ”give 1.33."? flimsy-e: h": will the av t Smmlave mgiofzs 'ha:shba¢:isP¢;J§'°" Peso 5°vi:°' Cauthi'e cme'Oci
G”? mmnmmu. .nd “1;“ "“mfim‘ifiw b‘“ °"‘°r h°" b r'Po'y °‘ b-p'e- 'Popu'rY- °"'in.
W“ ale '. . Mul‘i‘nm In. 51* a. "'0' Y 'h ['5 t lr'h '0'io
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1"“me "a a d i- a“ ‘ the wand”! MM“. fgm'year 2&9 R s be, "d
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“’ WWW? 33,” max ’ ~ :
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Imm WW II "a . n .
(divoriwchlot A NOV" (d'm' may: ‘nswrzizxw Spottollzo‘iomtoi Lghovim 53,53,353?”
Immuni- cine Mu . .
MonoglngEdiioi (dI'OXUIEdi'o' Ammt: A:::on¥$'::mr swzmxxfitfinam Chzan:i::r:.pibnl “2:5;
Instant Am Editors Copy Desk
DO”)? IGSIdentS MUSt help step vandal .8 '
It’s time for residence hall dwellers to let when they see acts of vandalism, instead of
their less-responSible peers know they’re turning the other cheek.
mad as hell and they’re not going to take it We aren’t advocating Guardian Angels- i. \ a , ’ “7 /
anymore. style vigilante patrols or “linking” on your . , \ \ ’ - ‘ a I T l
TheIadministration is already headed in neighbor — actions that would only aggra- “U 'l DMAGE? A DAMA GE '3 7
that direction. It recently introduced stiffer vate the problem by promoting active defi- HQ) 1 -
tpenalties for restiidence hall vandalism. But ance. Instead, it’s simply a matter of mak- ‘2: l,
at’s not enoug . Residents who get their ing it clear through applied peer pressure M“ ' i'l ' J ' ' z "
. . . .. . . . . . he “i // " / A '
Jillhas by breaking ceiling “1‘5. f‘nd Windows that wrecking the place in which one lives is T \ mi:5§¥;l\1fl\,ul’/{/ “fiW/Z’ZV ‘1
take pains not to let their identities be known unintelligent and “uncool.” . b ‘ 4 it?) ’ : t .
— and the University has so far avoided The students of more than a decade ago ‘ 9 is A ' 17' " y'
posting armed guards in the hallways. fought hard to force the University to aban- t j 1/; "‘T L M - ' , ‘
There s only so much that can be accom- don its “in loco parentis” policies. The result , 1‘ ‘ ." //’ \V. / ', ’ 4
plished by threatemng greater pumshment. is co-ed dorms, expanded visitation hours 1‘ l 7’ 1', / 7"} :-
One solution may be to avald grouping to- and an all-around loosening of formerly re- ‘ ‘ I / r’ / ‘ I ' ’ “4/ 7 i «I ' " . '
gether those who have historically caused pressive rules. In return, the University asks ,2 its 55:37-12:53; / ”4/ ,-‘ WM 1
the most damage — freshman men and foot- that residents act like the adults they should “ 51‘ \ ' ‘I / \‘t r) 1
ball players (although new coach Jerry Clai- be. If they don’t, the inevitable outcome will , 1 '3‘ r / " / d it t5 "’7“
borne may put an end to that). Another may be an administration less receptive to fur- l'll‘l " , °v / it \* ’ '3
be to prosecute vandals caught in the act, al- ther liberalization of dormitory rules. .7’ , .. / fi/ / 7 \ “06¢, ’1
though the cost would likely be prohibitive. o 1 , 5 // «5” , - L n \ l) 0“) 5 Z7 ’
A few examples, however, wouldn’t hurt. The death of a UK sophomore early Thurs- l- . 'i’ .‘.;€W_.; ”Tara/(44% . = $
But the real initiative must come from re- day after she was struck by a car near the ’ ‘ "ea—t:— ' ' ‘ ' \f/ 4'.
spthIble residents of ,Umversuy housmg. intersection of Euclid and Kentucky avenues ’ ‘\ F ' all , ‘ , . . r. ’1‘ ‘1
Unlike some other umverSities, UK man- around midnight last Wednesday serves as a “#3 4i 4 ' l 3.3 5] i ,l/ 5;)“
dates its reSidence hall and cafeteria system tragic reminder of the fact that pedestrians % 63's - :2‘. - t“ l ”‘1' ”‘4 t a 44
must be self-supporting. That means the cost and drivers, particularly in a crowded urban A 4”” . [W ‘ ' %M «I 1 ‘
of vandalism is directly reflected in housing districts, must remain constantly alert «viva ,= , ‘ y, _._._7 . j ' . I’ ' we
. ' »i."'C« . \e I A v‘f‘ t- ‘ "
811%) meal plan rates. _ , Many UK students are natives of the sub- ,» gig", ‘ ’ ‘ $.a \~té%,/fil ‘ i c»
. ose rates have risen dramatically dur- urbs or small-town Kentucky, and have little ' 4,7; 5/; .i ,' In \‘ i 21’! , . . '
mg the past two years, largely because of re- knowledge of traffic conditions in the city. w , ”' " " . “9 \,_ é} " We)»
\ pairs made necessary by vandals. Every- Unfortunately,toomany learn the hard way. g9; _ , ,fifilfi . E- , 3 t \i’ f” (1 ' r" ’ 2
body shares the cost equally, whether guilty Staying alive is a simple matter. Just ”we’ll. ,. “”14“ " 5 —'7.'3,5i 199‘ K) ‘i i ’1 t v t -
or innocent, unless the guilty parties are dis- faithfully follow the rules that have been ' - N A’, ' I '73" a, Z / ‘ " \ ~
covered.I . _ pounded into your head since kindergarten: ,~‘,~‘ , /«,‘ ”3 ‘ ._. E35: ,5 J ' a /
What is needed is a change of attitudes keep your eyes open and look both ways be- -'t «“6; ‘- M» l ,7‘ g" / ‘ / l / \\ ‘
about vandalism amongIthe users of Umver- fore crossing the street, or before coming to ‘, gs, C" I] I. W 9 ' ———f’__ ' , , V ,- -
SltthOUSIng. The majorityof residents, who an intersection if you’re driving. And don’t I l t m5 .3 ' —' E j ' 3%”? 2'? /
don t want to continue paying for the imma- let a friend who’s been drinking go home 7
turity 0f others, must stand their ground alone, whether behind the wheel oronfoot. I
, ' "i {I - ukb Ifli/ w \i ‘ t
w . , ow o - -
MW“ i i tint» “i f V‘ P rt as d edb b fk
,, ,1, Q ,7. ,o , a I [u g ynum era egs
lUEi—a up it; ‘ i. m ‘
- no , ~ \v I .
lggg 9?: W \I\ \| Iwas at your party last night. You You can listen to a stereo blasting 1k b0 -
to: “fill. ,l A' it remember me — the little guy out music by the Doors and the ta“ a utnothmgn . . ,, that 3'0" have ‘0 scream at the top
on} 9o l , i‘ , standing in the corner. with his Stones so loudly that it makes your .iwmemywlmng "“1””? 0‘ Y0“ “in“ direcuy in” ”me”
June ‘9 '9 l l. , t ’ " ‘9 l l\ t hands in his 900de “811118 at the ears ring and makes conversation How was your summer? one’s ear ‘0 have a chance 0‘ being
:38? ”Si/tilt . ll 1”) ;: ._ iodi‘ floor. The one who wandered in, \— “w"ata’°y°“‘ak‘"3"‘isy°”?" hear"
\‘ifi'l F"? ’ ”I ' )" ‘QJW t . , or never said a word, drank tel beers " - Or you can simply drink steadily The real test Of a party comes the
"Qt-(FAB . :5 :31 W, fi‘gtg‘agj . -F b ‘4‘) andthenstumbledoutagain. Andrew untilyougetsick. next day. It was a 300d party if you
.\ I, / (.e a; .15; 2, _ 973?.33.‘ I love parties, I really do — ”pen , , BALL The best thing about parties is the wake up, look around, realize where
,5; . a I“ I “I (‘p e cially college parties. And now that I “I, drinking games. I remember the you are, and wonder how in the
A.” (-1. I H , .- II ,3— _ 5,, all the students are back for the fall ,I» I fu-st time I played “quarters.” You world you made it home last night. ,
\ I, "."‘-." r, a -(’k ' , semester, there will be a myriad of ,. ,. know the game — you try to bounce Then you notice that your head
V“ \ \ ‘ / ‘fii'imll / e‘ . V par-fig tochm from, each” mm- ”W a quarter Into a little cup 0f m has mp1“! In Size» your tongue is
-\ x , I?" ) ‘ . pletely alike as the people who fre- You can take home a total strang- and if you hit it you tell someone stuck to the roof of your mouth and
, I uflal- N‘ Jib..- , ,_ . i eat . else to drink it. If you miss, ou on are so weak ou can hardl
. ‘ a”. v a ,_._____ Q" them er, whom you would probably hate, . . y y y Y
/ ~ There are sodigany fun and iantas- except that you are both in a drunk- “#42ng m . mffve- ha
,, We. tic aim to at ies that i enst . . W X” 9°?ng qua" 3’0“ W a can Y0“ 8° ‘0 the
“331%,!ng DéR mm“ £ng ,1 "‘3 A MONETARIST.__THEN A don’tlmowwheietobegi’anl? You?“ run into an old friend and ters in left and right. I never hit the window, with visions of mutilated
cup, not once. After two hours and children and battered gaurd rails .
I ' I . ”slits? oftsbgeer, 1:332? iliIiyself, dancing in your head, and look to
. w ou i an a over see if your car is still intact and ~
Schadenfreude ls unworth on o able emotion W . MWWWW
' ’That was one of the best parties ered limbsonthe bumper.
Ive been t0- They had 3b0llt five You lie down again, vowing never
W tching th Rea w,“ H Rea k682i) PK :ttuoents $585? the to touch another beer, and an unea- ,
a e . gan 'te ouse gan’s emergence as a bom- of easure at list . to th , , on o apa ymnum rso egs. siness that begins to creep into your '
and the New Right war with each again tax reformer. To hear the conglervative White Home inehanllfosl: ehsgrmpgl‘i‘ie‘lmm—e 20m? speflalk —how- Iwent P08 we? party last night. consciotsness tells you that you .~
other over taxes is supposed to pro- K century explaining that most of the poi-ate tax soda-531mg", ese mg; They had SIX kegs. have d°ne something obnoxious and -,
duee a sense of solemmty, I know. tax burden falls on corporations $100 bill. def‘ : er year You should have been at that totally disgusting, but you don’t re-
.Pm gum to muse over the polit- rather than on individuals For Rea :33 be 101‘s ,and perhaps party on Linden Walk. They had memberwhatitwas.
ical unplicfitons of thisl'lft, or pet" \ Jeff years, I have listened to the funda- tor-lent; anothcites:)l'teritili’ilgl'to the m? mne kegs”. So you call a friend to find out.
baps pontificate overIits m , GREENFlELD mental co ative gospel on dent Theodore elticand gee}- The idea is to cram as many peo- Laughingly, he says, “You were so i,
in» thefuture oieconomic policy. 5 taxes which holds that corporations atta’ ‘ “ lef v "m on p 1e and as "men be” "m as 5m" drunk that W ‘ ‘ ' You mean you if
'3“, 1. him a ”Messiah ,0 make, E do no, many pay taxes, they simply waft??? "‘3 ““0” 0‘ 8w“ an area as possible. A really good don’trememberwhenyou. - 1’" it
Im emoying this spectacle. I’m en- president talk of ”some special in- passthemaitoindividu’als. Final] I’m itivel tat' party ls easy to - ‘ze. There are At first you feel embarrassed, but ‘“
JoyingitawholeIlot. terests” who oppose the bill, or peo- As an old populis' t, I have re- the test;,res g of 813:8] lgi at about 200 people m a home that is then you shrug it Off’ laugh, and ask,
“’3 CW " "P '0 “scheme We “evading their fair share of the carded this notion with about a ton congressionalpoRepublicans t? :3 5“W°“ed.‘°h°ld3°- . . “me Where there are any good
reudeu a German word for which tax burden," one would think that and a half of salt, particularly given cries of betra al comin from th There Is at least a 10 minute wait parties tonight?" 3
there is, regrettably, no English Ralph Nader or Ted Kennedy had the study of the Tax Analysts re- conservative gm 3 e for a beer and a half-hour wait for Andrew Ball is a journalism junior "
equiYalent. Schadenfreude means drafted chunks of the president’s search organiza' tion which discov- Arts the . p"do t’ M the “mm” The music is 3° bud “"daKmemmmis"
othes. It might describe the way Indeed, I can’t help btit chuckle than $100 million in U.S. earnings fer, the guru’of supply-side econom-
you would feel on learning that your over the conservative reacton to the paid no taxes at all last year. If it ies, appeared on ABC’s “Nightline”
next-door neighbor -.— the one who words of the president of Americans all gets picked up by the oomuiner to assail the tax hike With him was
Just spent $20,000 addinga den tohis for Democratic Action, Leon Shull, anyway, I wonder why these eor- Senate Finance Chairman Robert '
231:; — was havmg financial diffi- Iwhoi m,bfgliberea,lls mil? be- porations paid so much money to Dole whose responses bordered on
. .. . Iin_ iIon an .The Washintonlobbyiststo etthetax " ' \
We‘llhyf’ am I enjoying this quarrel? bill includes in it reforms we have laws rewritten. g mfigvmeiflflflplfigcammm the- - ~ I believe the relationshi between 7
,, or openers, lm watching the soughtforyears. So it’s especially delightful to lis- ories Dol “ ' AbOUt rellglon ' ' ' ' p ' '
reaction of lifelong conservatives to I am also getting a warm feel' ten to th best ‘ _ d , , e snapped" at Laffer. This intellectual sophistication and spin.
"is e nen Mm ever $8 the heal ti:;o:;l;)i‘.)w}imutireupon{Dtolle .tWithf axqthk 13mg? theUniVFr- tual attainment is that hetihther fits a
. roceeded one o e SI y 0 en uc ’s erna ives or necessary prerequisi e o 9 0t er;
.STAB TBEIQ A elation oi coho Roddonberry By Ron Hams and Sharman DlVono 18““ 3:9“? arguments of the Rea- religious activities, a student will meymwn exist independently of one
0N 7'HE N. ana mis a ion: air-ness. discover an “out of balance set- ano er.
542/065 0; W‘Eg‘gpflg‘ggfi, $1“ HgféEEgL/r 5(17, kiln/5642601010... What, he asked Laffer, do Iyou ting," one where a school of thought I would think at a university cam-
, THE 5255 - ogp'CER 0,: THE ”‘0 wmrroreu. want us tocut? Food stamps? Aid to commonly referred to as liberal, pus it should be hoped they would ,
gmH/P. _2 ”EA/2771550“ THE 5pm T/lE Kim/60,45 the poor and helpless? It was an moderate, or ecumenical is lacking. exist side by side and those who
is, xf THE FEDEiz'A‘l’tou 'EM.’ , mm; i ,_ echo of rhetoric once familiar to the The spectrum is tilted toward the have embarked on a religious quest
’/_ , wam's TO KNOW How i F0205! I I Republican Party of George Norris conservative and traditional in na- would neither neglect nor outright
era _ MUTCHEWE WANT F02 W , 35 . v and FioreIuo LaGuardia, but words ture. - disesteem the intellectual issues re-
_ h I 7. H CADETS. . . n , i5 E‘g 3:» mually alien to the modern Republi- I am in no way putting down the lated to the attainment of an in-
Q X _ M ’5 4 5 "If «4“ g, ~ q\ . 4\ g cans, who have seemed hell-bent on efforts IofotheIrs, merely pointing out formed spirituality.
,5. ~ . E J ,- / ‘ g! ,5 ’ - comforting the comfortable and af- a deficiency in the current rellgous Steven Carlisle
\ fl, : .; ,_. ”if, ,. ’ 1 g ‘1‘? l, .l fllctlngtlleafflicted. atmosphere. Politicalsciencesenior
\R W" W‘flf ,Ql? If i -‘44 Politics being what it is, there is The problem is certain elements
.. / ; fi‘w ,’_;\_ M g. ‘7’, 37 ‘ 4 little likelihood that this atmosphere of spirituality and different perspec- .
.OT . ,m e?" m‘fik‘ r ‘ f i 6 \ Will endure. Come autumn, the pa- tives on religion have gone without Lane’s Polic
‘ " b m gill be stumping with Rep. campus representation. While the y
INWEflMa/oworm ,I , ingrichmonearmand Rep. names of McDowell, Morris, Nee p le b In
mes mocksmp... E f fez/gwmmégfif II Vac/€5.995A’3r .....-...._’J 9 » Jack Kemp on the other, urgins the and Schaffer are frequently men- Kerfiz'l’ itfiiinulfrgitififh‘goflf ,
‘ l i ”,1,“ng i $1551 0 EVEN defeat of the liberal Democrats who tioned, the perspectives of Barth, menu typed and don“ ed
- 4“ “£4? / 0426014010 f , 7H5 000.54 ' rallied to its side while his oldest Bonhoeffer Fletcher Robinson .41... “P" ‘° '
XOUN/ERE, H45 6ONE K. / urns! ,2 , , . i v the at Ill Journalism
_ f I JIM! . N 3 WAYUP.’ J , a I,“ til. 9 supports! were standing athwart Merton and ChardiIn areIabsent from Bufldlng'ux'mz
. » 4 . x. . £5 to . e , a i e i mm Z“‘J2%i:fi-‘°‘““hl“" summarise“? - W we
,, - ,1 a. I ( quscx . /, , "‘ , , _ is or ng , u eel“- m It names. addresses. telephone
I 3%“ I ll 5 I 3 ”OUT. \ , ;/ x g g I the summers tastiest entertain- neither a means to nor a substitute number-I and their mu“... cl”...
\ {flth‘g} Q ’2 l “3 é ” 9? f; " \ mfihow schadenfreude lsan unwor- for santlfication and grace. I .1” “am or connection with UK'
N» @353 , i! ‘. ‘1’}! cf . ,2 h I . b thyemotlonButitswefeelsgood. WAT-:33"? x3 :umtomat- lde1:tlflcatlonwlllbevermcd,
yfli?" mum“ ' ’ i ‘1 \E ‘ hf! Greenfield appears on cas ically follow he has all the answer: i. “1.5"” mm" "" “5'"
w; E fies . ,, . I , “S Ma M .. or grammar. clarity and
z zvfia/Nofiéezw i m , A \ It 7 ,‘z .. u y .. ornlng and the CBS oreven understantk what is at issue length and go cumin.“ libelous
‘ FEWM/NUTE .' 3 r75 “L ., ( ,, , PMornln‘dI chow and is a Universal in a particular theological dll- material.
reu syn cated columnist. cusaion.

 THE KENTUCKY KENNEL, -TMy, Aw 31, m: - 3

Poles remember Solidarity l. - I “8

_ _ exnngton announces ayo
-~ Warsaw orders police Into streets ”5 - - I
0 Sflflltatlfln emp oyees
“ . ' ‘ " . .
-- By THOMAS W-NE'I'TER maintained its national headquar- nounced yesterday that vodka sales Solidarity leaders urging lrotests (hp). ‘ Nele‘h‘fe Iexmgton ‘There are some very intelli-
AssociatedPressWriter ters after the government and ship- were being limited to a half quart today have said a peaceful but 33mm?” workers “’1" he 0“" 9‘ gent men m that ”up and I be-
yard workers signed the accords per month for each person. In addi- strong show of support is important {Wk .‘h October he” the my 3 lleve they can d9)” "“5"" more

R Aug. si,ioaoending thestrikes. tion. Polish television announced a to head at: a possible move by au- "0'“? the Curb"! Fromm WWI“ "he ”Wise”. ,

. In Szczecin, a Baltic port near special program for this aha-noon, thoritiestodecertify the union. Phaefi out backyard garbage col- Herbie the Curbie is a plastic
WARSAW. Poland — Martial law Gdansk, managers and workers showing highlights of Polish team The Roman Catholic primate, lect'on- garbafle can 0“ Wheels 3°C!”
authorities ordered riot police and from the Adolf Warski Shipyards play in the World Cup Soccer games Archbishop Jozef Glemp, told , The workers sot layoff notices residents leave it 8‘ curbside.

army troops into the streets yester- placed a wreath marking the mo inSpain this summer. worshippers in Wroclaw yesterday 1" their pay envelom Friday fewer garbage °°he°t°hs ”e

day and clamped down orralcohol Gdansk accortk at a plaque com The television program apparently that “we cannot be nervom, for a from .Jlm Byrd. the CitY'S sanita- needed _

sales as a tense nation awaited the memorating workers killed during was aimed at keeping people off the man who is nervous commits faults tlon director. . Alice Stewart, the programs
second anniversary of the indepen- riotsin 19m streets. and errors,”cliurch sources said. “some of them stood there with implementation coordinator, said
dent union Solidarity. There were no incidents and wit- Newspaper warnings against tak- ‘ Sunday a pastoral letta' signed by tears in their eyes," said Carl those being furlouglled are tempo-
Helmeted riot police appeared on nessessaid the city was quiet. ing to the streets on the anniversary Glemp was read from church pul- Thornton, a sanitation worker who r {“7 Wk“ and not part of the
the streets of Warsaw, and water Martial law authorities and the were less shrill yesterday than in re- pits, urging Poles to avoid the possi- was "0‘ affeCted by the 13W!“ “Mlmc? . .
cannons were brought out. Armored Roman Catholic Church have shown cent days, bility of bloodshed and to be peace- “There‘s no way those people are The city is expected to turn its
personnel carriers were seen on concern over calls from under- The first independent union in the ful today. going to find a job. and some of samtahon workforce by'about 60’

- sidestreetsinWarsaW’sOld Town. ground Solidarity leaders for a big Soviet bloc was suspended when the Wroclaw was hit by riots in May them got families to support.“ she said. With cm] semoe work-

Police and military umts also Pa- show of union support today. military crackdown was launched and June, as were other cities The B“! Byrd said he was more Opti- ers being transferred to other de-

- trolled Krakow, Wroclaw end In an apparent effort to keep Dec. 13, and most of its leaders were worst rioting occurred May 3 in mISUC- partments.

Gdansk, where the labor umon things cool, the government an- interned. Union activityisbanned. Warsaw andadozen othercities.

. Ecology group ' 1...... a. ' ‘ R f, n - ~‘ Bro wn

Opposes plans -. _. e” . - i - names

to capture Urcas ‘ s32, e " ‘ its. new regents

SEA'I'I'LE (AP) — A showdown is « e . await“ a a I” r I' a
unfolding in an isolated bay of Van- ” ' , ‘5' t u y
couver Island as a Canadian aquari- ‘ _ ' i - g. g _. .

» um waits to trap two killer whales *' w" ~s f; a . . a FRANKFORT (AP) — Gov.
and an environmental erouo waits to g " . A. «' ' " g . John Y. Brown appointed five people
trytopreventthecapture. p , ' . \I _ , t v " to the Murray State University

The Canadian govemment issued , ' ' “h” me Q t ‘ a’ Board of Regents yesterday, apol-
permits for the capture last week ‘ - e. ‘ - ogizing for taking so long but point-
over the objections of Greenpeace. ' » _, . =1 :._ ~- ‘ ! ing out that four of the appointees
Crews from the British Columbia . _. - M .euw w are Republicans.

' aquarium and members of Green- ., ‘_ 1 . 5- ~ ._!_§ The new regents are Madisonville
~ peace have been watching the wa- ; 1' '1 V g ‘ . ,, ... y attorney Richard Frymire, 51, a