xt795x25dv5x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25dv5x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1980 1980 1980-02-26 2020 true xt795x25dv5x section xt795x25dv5x vol. ixxn. Nu. m Ker el l'nimsitr of Kentucky
Tuesday. February 26. to“ an independent student newspaper Lexington. “will“!
‘ \
- g . ”“22” .. fl ' I I .
. 25:2,. 2 it " ‘ 1 g . h ' ' '
. a I e sororities a so
2 it ' . 2."; ; : . - .
, . id - - ' . , . i Q C es ‘
r , .2 {w £122; a; / 2, 2.3% l” w M? - . . 1:! Tins is (lie/mt ofathree-par! series up with the codes extant. he said.
. \ . 2 2 ,2 ta . t "/ p 2 dealing mth the effects of recent Assistant State Fire Marshall l‘erry
‘ , ,. .2 ‘ . “it heme: in the store’s lhe codes- She said the shahnslt deso-
. i‘ i .. W 1.2 .. ‘ ' 2 “as :1 ‘1 ,, ~\. ~ 21% Today's story will focus on theeffort yered during one of the routineannual
‘ 2 s... "9 "7;; , %‘;: _. 2 ‘ , mm” of UK fraternities to comply With the inspections made by his office.
1.“ .7; .1 r . , 22%? I" 2 2 his} 2i,*/‘%’ , 3“,” x. .1 2/2 Sin" \\ liter Marsha“ Steve Skinner, Skinner said
= . ... " .2 2- e theta st " hh‘ o‘heh serious lull-time
7 ’; git/1p y ’ 2%“ ”a???” 2 / 2 gr . In much the same mannerasthe‘liK inspector at UK who works in
_1 ”12M?” p/ ' t “’f/fliifav ', .. fly") at“? ,3, sororities, some campus fraternities compliance with l.'K‘s Department of '
. ‘22 ' . 222% set 222 have been notified that the d 1 Public Satori. .
3;; /ffi/g;; 52 2/ _ , ' git/”2” $323. ' tions exist in their houses. And as 3 “Generally. we review the buildings
:1 I 5 ’ . 2 i" ' 22:22 " ads» result some fraternities will expe- (at UK) yearly.“ Skinner said, "once
2% ' a , ;~ " e2 ’” her house desl he mos sheh oh so huh to end
i ”We '2" wit” f‘-:i"1 ' jig/”ti r. /‘ All fraternities on campus were just review (the buildings) every two '
2’92 " W .. . ‘ . tit” {4% shal‘s office and have been notified of "We generally try to work with the
”’ ' .j . fl ' ' :11, 2”?ng the results. according to Assistant University in every way possible." he
. ' " - /%’ Dean of Students Mike Palm, Palm said.Skinnersaid his office works with
, ’2 ~ 2': said the situation With fraternities Gary Beach. assitant director of UK‘s
. 3’ TOM MtiitM/it°'"°i 5"" probably approaches the seriousness public safety office. in reviewing the
YUk of the sororities. buildings on campus.
Two weeks ago. the Kemp/reported “We give the University ample time
Braving yesterday 's sudden snowstorm. graduate student Jeanie McAlpin She was heading to her automobile to prepare foratreacherous driteto her that all nine LtK-ow'ned sorority to make changes.” Skinner said, “lf
' smiles as she walks from her 2 pm. classin the Chemistry-Physics Building. home in Paris. Ky. houses were in violation of state fire something presenting immediate
codes and ordered them to make mod- danger is found. then changes Will be
I I l I I ifications to comply with state fire made immediately." . _ _
Codes. Greek houses. if found in Violation. ‘
t ‘ 08' IS I I K S future ace In the ho I e Some of the fraternity houses face stand the cost of modifications from .
rather extensivedamages. while others their own funds. “Sororities and fra- ‘
have only minor violations. Lin West. ternities pay their 0th way," said Jim _ .
By RON HALL Plant Division. said the total cost of ing plant means that coal-fired boilers Ciently at low loads he explained. house president of Kappa Alpha. said Wessels. director of the Physical Plant '
start write: the boilers and their installation is can become the main source of total Another obstacle to total coal con- his fraternity may have to spend at DiViSiOtl- “lfthey 85k (and pay) UStO .
83.238000. The boilers were pur- steam production. version is the amount oftimc required least $3.200 on improvements to do it. W611 certainly do it" .
. chased from Vogt in I977 and installa- However. it will still be necessary to to Start and stop a coal-fired boiler. comply with state fire codes. Robert Blakeman of Auxiliary Ser-
, lhe installation of two new coal- tion work began in I978. he said. burn some natural gas. Wessels said. "You don‘t turn it off and on like a The fraternity was cited with range vices said three fraternities are Cur-
fired boilers in the Central Heating Because of their size. the boilers “We won't be able to handle all the lightswitch."Ritchie said.“Tobepre- hood violations inthe kitchen. lack 0f rcntly under short-term rental
, Plant on l'pper Street will that ble L'K were shipped from LOUISViHC in pieces peak loads with the new boilers. We‘ll pared for an emergency you have to emergency lighting and lack of a cen- agreements from the University. . ‘
‘ to supply most of its future heating and then reassembled at the Upper have to use our gas boilers to help haveagas boiler ready to go.“He said tralized smoke alarm. West said he Delta Chi and Tau Kappa EPSiiOH-
needs by burning coal, Street plant. “The new boilers out." this was especially important for the assumed UK fraternities‘ situation under year~to~year lease on UK prop-
Wa} nc Ritchie. l'K manager ofutil- wouldn't fit in exactly."Wessels said in Ritchie explained that it was 8 mat— Medical Center plant WhiCh mUSt meet "Wt“ be the same as the sororities.“ erty 0” Maxwell Ave. Wiii have their 0
i ‘ lites. said that since I973 when two dcscribingthe process. “We had to dig ter of“plain economics" totry to gen- the needs of the Medical Center and Although Palm said all houses had lease arrrangement terminated June .
coal-fired boilers iii the (‘entral Heat- an additional l0 feet through solid crate as much steam as possible from the \’.A. hospital. been notified of the violations. some 30 becausethe University considered it
' ' ing l’lant were shutdown becausclhey rock. It took severalmonths to digthat coal-fired bOiiCTS- "C0211 iS more CCO- Coal-fired bOiier must also be ShUt house members 53)’ they have “Oi been more worthwhile to use the space it” '
‘ , couldn't meet air pollution standards. out," nomical than gas orfuel oil. and coal is down for cleaning and inspection each informed of the problem. Kappa other purposes. SUCh as storage or UK
‘ natural gas burning boilers hate been RitchiCCXplained that Practicallyall readily available in our s'ate."he Sitid- year. RitChiC said. This OCCU” during Sigma PTCSidCht Jim Carpenter said parking. Blakeman said. He said Stib'
. ‘ the priiiiaiy source of total steam of the campus heating needs are supp- Ritchie said natural gas is about the summer months when steam his fraternity has not received results stantial improvements were needed in
production. lied by two heating plants; the Central twice as expensive as coal. and that requirements are lower. The atcrage ofan inspection which occurred nearly the two houses.
' Ritchie said installation ofthe boil- Heating Plant on Upper Street andthe fuel oil is at least three and one~half maintenance period for a coal-fired three weeks ago. And David Klemenz. The tWO fraternities Wiii change
. . ers should he completed in April “if Medical Center Heating and (‘oOling times as expensive as coal. boiler is one month and UK staggers president of Lambda Chi Alpha. said locations when their 188385 expire. '
' . we're lucky." He explained that a Plant on VA Road. Though coal is definitelythe ace in the maintenance periods so all the he also has not been notified of Blanton said the leasing arrange- ' .
« strike at Bailey Control. which manu- The plants use boilers to produce UK's energy future. total conversion coal-fired boilers willnothe shutdown violations. ment UK has with the fraternities .
factures the main control panel forthe steam. which is sent through a network to coal is not possible at this time. Rit- at the same time. Ritchie said. “Part ofthe problem with sororities doesn‘t necessarily delegate the blame
boilers. has slowed work on the of pipes to heat the buildings on cam- chic said. Wessels said the current coal usage and fraternities is the new regulations, to any one party.“lt‘s ambiguous as to ‘
protect. pus. Steam from the Medical Center He said for coal-fired boilers to be is |6.000 tons per year. He said he and that comes in the aftermath of WhO‘S responsible." said Blanton. .
()nce installation is completed. the plant is also used in the air- most efficient. they must handle an expects coal usage to increase to Beverly Hills."said Jack Blanton. vice “We‘ve 80t hereadozcn kinds oflease
manufacturers ofthe boiler. the Henry conditioning systems at the Medical adequate load. “You can‘t run a coal 22.000 tons per year in Misti-til and to president for business affairs. referring arrangements With sororities and fra-
. Vogt Machine Co. of Louisville. will Center and the Veterans Administra- boilerat lowload.“he said. “You runit 26.000 tons per year in l9XI-82. to the May.28. I977 fire atthe Beverly ternities. YOU can't deal categorically
begin testing the boilers to see ifthey tion Hospital. at a respectable load or you shut it Wessels explained why it is a good Hills Supper Club in Southgate, Ky. With the fraternities.“
mcei design specifications and air pol- The steam produced in each plant is off. ” policy to use more coal than natural where ”35 people died. Blakeman saidthat UK i5“reSP0n5i-
. ' iUtiOh standards. if the boilers pass SUpplied by a combination of coal- When steam requirements are not gas. “(‘oal of course ii the less expen- Blanton said he believed existing ble forwhat goes onina houseasfaras
. . these tests the) will be ready for use fired boilers and natural gas burning enough to justify using a coal-fired sive fuel. (‘oal isthc most abundant in codes were mctwhenthesororiticsand a Person‘5 hie" bUt~ i" turnstheitatei'
nest winter boilers. The addition of the two new boiler.anaturalgas burning boilerwill Kentucky. and coal is the fuel the go'.- fraternities were constructed. “I can‘t nities must pay rent. maintain upkeep
.lames Wessels. director of Physical coal-fired boilers in the Central Hcat- be used because it can run more effi- ernor and president want us to use." conceive that we would have put them and abide by UK regulations.
. . Sovret—backed government oda
right to be notified before their daughters undergo an prevented from cross-examining John Adamson. the
- - campus abortion. state‘s key witness in the I977 case. .
' breaks down In Afghanistan lhe justices agreed to renew a Utah law that Robison and Dunlap have beenonAriIona's Death
- MARSHAL LOEB. senior editor of Time requires doctors to notify parents before performing Row:
magazine‘s Business. Economy. and Energy sections. asked-for abortiom on minors.
By MICHAFI. tion) SMITH night. but a Frenchman in Kabultold Wi” “”3" i" L°*i"ti‘°" ”day“ Mem°i""ic.°'i.”"”m . “‘9 “’5‘" ““"i‘ “iii" “'ii "0' b°.a’8“c‘i“"‘”"°“ worid
mmmlm pm“ “Hm a Paris radio station durin on campus. AdmlSSlon is by season membershlpinthe fall and decided sometime in I981. forces the court to THOUSANDS OF IRANIANS PARADED
. , g a Central Kentucky Concert and Lecture Series. Also. weigh the constitutional rights of voung women to ,- . . , .. -
telephone Intenlew that the center of . , - -. . , . _ . ‘ . through rain and snow past the occupied US.
. _ .. . UK and Transylvania UnnerSity students with have abOitlons against the traditional rights of . 4 ~ . . .-
KABi 1.. ’tigiidhi-‘ttih ”19 the City was calm. validated ID, cards also will be admitted. parents. Embassy In Tehran yesterday and “may?!
Stt‘le‘t'i‘ds‘tdd t-‘t'it‘mment appeared lass. the official Soviet news Loeb. chairman of Tlmetr board of economists. The l'iah law‘isbeing challenged byan ltt-year-old ”3mm" Ban'fiadrntfild ‘th1iri’mmfxiiinIh: ~
to ild\C virtually broken down agency. said "life in Kabul is now joined the magarine as a contributing editor in 1956. girl. identified only as H.L, in court documents. who $368:st :?enrii)i:ilflcr:ian thgyaplus 5 ay u
yesterday in the face of strikes and gradually coming back to normal.“ and has held variouspositionswithintheorganllation did notwantherparcnistobctoldaboutherabortion. Machiine gun-armetgi Moslein militants marched
violence protesting the Russian and claimed an”armed sortie ofagents overthe years. He lsan award-wmmngyournallst.and The girl. at age l5. went out of state to have an back and forth inthe courtyard oftheembassy where
presence in Afghanistan. Medical trained by the special services of i‘T‘ifnyiini‘s" aazdiffdmmcotctrzoi‘ooCt?"“it”?it; ab‘iitit’" ”tic“ .‘Ci‘i‘iiflit- approximately 50 American hostages spent their
‘ “\' . . ._ . .. I. ' 'crsor'on.an ‘V‘, .. .: .
3?:J(.:..‘§Lgtiiigi§ri2" too mlham Xi:‘°'.:s;f,::igi§5 if: 2181’? 51;. Arabia‘s Kins Faisal won seierdl awards)“ ”is its“ JRKW‘.‘ M ('0‘ ,HQOR {0}“. .y' “in“ ”it: dfiysm :Zthiiirient said it had understood that
g . .- ~ ., . .. . . economic story m general magazines to appear m .may havestartlcdlruldent(arteras he began his 9 8 . . .. y _
Striking cnil servants and office fighting that erupted last lhursday. l974 endorsement .innmmccmcm yesterday. the UN. fact-finding mission would lead to the
workers ignored repeated official A Kabul radio report monitored in ' (‘arter‘s campaign had gathered a couple of doren release 0t ti" hOStaSCS- in" the immans iiiS'St the” '5
broadcdts ordering them to return to Islamabad. Pakistan said “the citizens State KcntUCitianS for tht‘ 0903mm in the White "0”“ :0 :"Tlh;°£:“ti9nj Resolutionfy leaserdAy:tpllah .
work and Af han overnment of Kabul have returned i ‘ ’ . .. Cabinet Room. u o a omeini sat overt e wee en a any
ministries were pgaralyreg for a third and all shops in the cifyui:rh:ih)t:: hai‘Trirggfidegmgflmug: N; (£11,213; “()n item” m the lFadership. 0f the Democratic “dim" on the “Swag: inmtai‘ihlhtthc‘itctcctggnuariiii
A . 4 . " ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ars 0 n U 'V l \ TIH C O lhe our
day A general'strlke of shopkeepers open. But diplomatic sources there Cardinal Dayin recognition of U ofL's “exciting and Emiliaiii-:edxznfpfrtémém 3’s?“ Fiftiartd Kgcqncdye Stoplrileriiintgheoeailire‘; arlamcn p
. tongue: 3:31:15 £l(f)t\liwda:[.ld M n disputed the reportand said the strikes successful season of first-rate basketball." , Brown said, Hepaiiscd then added.‘“forre-elecltionto State Department spokesman Hodding Carter.
, _ ' g an were continuing, In a proclamation issued yesterday. Mrs. (‘olins the [7,8, Senate from Massachusetts." speaking to reporters in Washington. offered no
troops. backed by submachine gun— An Assouated Press reporter and 3'50 deflated this “'ch MN") (‘O'licrcnce Week in “And rm you Mr President our support and prediction on when he expected the hostagcs‘release
toting cnilian members of the ruling another Western correspondent in “030' Of the. Cardinals‘ ”‘0 ”"9 0i th‘ Metro endorsement to he teelected presidentdarown said. and refused to comment 0" Wheth" iiiii‘ii'"
Khalq People s Party maintained Kabul observed the effectiveness ofthe confirm“ Tm:- , . The crowd. including most of Brown‘s cabinet. the “thoriti” it“ "-'“°8ed 0" a tin"
_ control throughout the my general strike. destruction from the M,“ comm Pi"°iaii‘at'°" wasis'suedthe diiyaitei Democratic leadership from the Kentucky General h
There were indications the Soviet street fighting and heavily armed 2T taxiagrst’dl‘acnctzgznlricogntmngthe UtthctSIrt‘y Assembly. (‘ancr'ss‘affand the national presscmps want Or
. . ‘ . . . . . . IS men In Winnln ( C ’
:iilytatt) Lantral]:“dais: mhf:dhmo\fastii2 fligiflgsuziiicerdslcizltlc'igqtuh:d:;“ 0Utsrde Southeastern Conference regula‘r'season title8 with broke {mo laughter . . ‘ . . _ ‘iT'S GOING TO SNOWI.'rio. it‘s 8°ih8t0 rain. "0.
. ‘ ' Sunday‘s 76-74 Victory over Louisiana State. THE. ARIZONA bl PREME (OliRT yesterday it sgomg to sleet. Actually. it “apposed toto do none
80Wrnment.‘ . Only a few stores were open. and reversed the murder convictions of Max Dunlap and ofthose. but with way it has been lately. who cantcll.
Reports indicated fighting that those were the ones selling perishable nation James Rmson in the bomb-killing of newspaper Partialclearingand cold today. Thehighwillbeinthe
raged in Kabul on Friday had slowed foodstuffs. reporter Don Bolles upper 203. Clear and cold tonight with temperatures
considerably. One report reaching Soviet soldiers in heavy T.55 and T. THE SUPREME COURT said yesterday it WI" The high court said Roison. a Chandler plumber, dipping into the low teens. Mostly sunny and warmer
New Delhi said gunfire rattled through (,2 tanks stood guard at the airport. at decide whether the parents ofyoung girls have a legal and Dunlap. a Phoenix contractor. were unfairly tomorrow with the high in the low 40s.
the streets of Kabul through Sunday Continued on p.“ 3 _____.-... -. _._..--. .._- -- _-—-———————-———————————————
- , f

 KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel
V Miro! in ( hlrl Muk (um Kim Aubrey Thom-s ('hrl John (by Guy Landon
Jay Mme" Bob (ochrlne hilrrlurmumi [Ali/HI 5PM" hm“, Munro! 0/ Phulogmphi
( Iry Willis liiiii iuIi’ limo/i Poul \lnnn
Managing hit/or ( ind) Mel-u Soil Turban 31in. Rich"! Duld Maynard
Jlelii Rudd 4ii/ylum 4iiiilunl Spout Izduor Pitum Manager
Steve Massey lisl Dousnrd ( o/ii ltliiun lilit’llui’llllc’nl him”
editaials & commnts (um/tut limo! lilllll’lu/ lt/IIi/r ,
7 't' ' 395 could mean and of school for some
Studenli, the porn is over. l'ou't'e hut/u free I'll/6’ Kentuckians at UK iace a 5200 increase. (iraduate that Metcali‘s ItobI‘.’ ()r. didn't he think the meeting Isays Ithe Tl9iill-8I2I year may bring another tuttion
[or rhreeyears. (rive us our money, or tel/built your students who are Kentuckians will pay SIOO more at important enough? _ . . increase. 6 us It dmt 50‘ . .
hooks andgohomt’. (jaw/oh Wheft’IlUlldU’llhul't'itl L'K and L' oi 1.; out ol-state graduate Igludcnl5 “In . According to Snyder. the increases will moye tur- Students should eyaluate their educational oppor-
- use i‘qumlnd. jusrget the money: l'ourun'ratlori/ro pay $200 more at UK. but nothing at l' oi l.. “on Charged h) Kentucky colleges closer to the tunittes in Kentucky versus those outsrde the state. .
. expandi our knowledge ant/finish l'Uul’t'dutallU’l III Medical students from Kentucky Wlll pay S3l5 median itgure oi the benchmark schools in surround- Snyder says he thinks theIproposalIto increase rumoIn
college unless tou have/inamiu/ hut-king. more at both l'K and l' oil. out-ol-state studentswill ing states. Benchmark institutions ior L K s Lexmgton will be approved by the iull councrl when it meets in ~
“If you‘ye got no money. you'ye got no money. i pay an additional S7lS. campus are tiieIstateIIuntyersitIies and land-grant col- irraInkfort Wednesday. . . .
won't be here next semester.“ one L'K student Wd [)entai students from Kentucky will pay $65 more. leges in Ohio. West \Iirginia. .‘\orth(aroltna. lennes~ bK studentsnowhave boththeturtiontncrease and
‘ ' )cgterday out-oi~state students must shell out SJIS. Pharmacy sec. Missouri. Illinois and lndiana. the student actiytty fee increase to pay next fall. Stu- . 1
V ' ‘ him because ”it poor grades. 0’ personal PtOthmV students both in‘statc and out-oi-state students it t'K StUdChts “t” be payingtuition comparableto dents have been Silent [00 long. We ICOUId suggest
not because the college enyironment doesn’t fit the “I” pay 8le more. Kentucky law students can iacea that oi the benchmark institutions, shouldn‘t they turning tOI our student leader for athCC 0" hOW t0
student‘s lifestyle lhis student isleaying not because 5200 increase. (,ubmfiw‘c students will pay $535 receiye an education comparable to that of bench- tObb." against the proposed increase. bUt he wasn‘t
‘ I he “can‘t make it" but because he‘s already on iinan— more. mark institutions? ()r don't they haye a right to even present to hear the proposal. With "0 leader to
I cial aid. [Hing In a student slumlord‘s house With no this ‘ht’PPing list doesn't es en take into account demand quality education‘.’ ”flee; U lihstudIcnIts tiltherests. the Ismdgmfiowftifln
money ior iood and his wallet is empty. ro 0st increases ior Northern Kentucky l.'niyer- A5 consumers and taxpayers. don‘t StUdChtS hay‘ea is Iace m- ,“.a C mg C proposa 7 ma pro 8 I-
. Harry Snyder. tht‘ (‘OUDCtl 0” Higher Education‘s Fitypl'astern Kentucky l'niyersity. Morehead. Mm. right to know that because they attend school in Ken- ")1 h receivIeIIapprovaIl. .
. executiye director. said tuition will increase for Ken- r' y Western Kentucky State and the community lucky. it will benefit their future? How much is a UK 6n. it Vii tie a matter of making a decision: pay!
‘ ' tucky‘s college students this tall because it is no longer Id-H‘I tes‘ ‘ ' ' . degree “mm in the job marketplace? the additional money. drop out of college. mowe to a
, reasonable to expect the state‘s (ieneral Fund to hear m kt: ' . . S ime roiessionais say‘ itde endson what ro ram less expensive in-state school or leave UK and Ken- ,
'1 . ‘ the lull cost ol inflation lor student tuition. According to the (UUHW-JUW'IIIHL :hiI'Id” youtmajtrir in gomc s'iy it makes no dil‘lcrenZC ft all tucky behind and moye to another state and attend its
' j ht, SnyderI announced the increases to student lea ers . un ay; . ~- 4. » . college.
. 3:; after three years with no increase. were my- Morehead. \Kl' and WKl' student presidents “th l—ariier this year. education officials said they were Wednesday may be a sad day for many Kentucky .
' “ dents slapped with an outrageous rise in their tunion the Ohl.‘ members attt’hdtth the ( HE 5 StUdt’ht dd‘t‘ worried about decreasing enrollments they should parents iiIthey seetheirsons and daughters who attend
' . costs’.’ Has no one heard of raising tuition by stages'.' Wt} COhtmtttCt‘ ”“3611“? “he” were the “5t 0t the be extremely worried now. Slapping down increases college will be. home after this semester until there 15
i ' lell us it ain‘t so. Snyder. collcgt‘ leaders “h0 “C sUt‘lPOWGt) W‘Chthg 0t” it" with no prior warning means students who are now enough money to cover the increases. For many
Snyder said Sunday that lull-time undergraduate the” student body‘s “gnaw? strugglingto makeends meet probably hate not salted Americans. there‘s just not enough money to go
. . students at [K and l? oi l, whoare Kentucky residents Where was our leader. Student (ioyernment l’resi— away enough money to coycr the increase. around.I
.' 7 will be hit with a $100 tttition increase next iail. \on- dent Mark Metcali'.’ [K was not represented isn't And. this tnay not be the end oi increases. Snyder (50 big blue.
L n‘ 1‘ th Ed '1‘
l ' QuaSi organization adttcc Mter iindinga bucket oi more coherence. and extroyertiye qualities Self—determination ‘ttatI'Itm‘ condemningtheatrocrttes 0t “Ct." country has the right to self— I,
l . I am writing this letter in protest to than adequate wen i placed the cranial which when coupled with its ama/~ it would probably be best iorme not tht‘I general. Also (Jaht'et Marque]. determination . “hit _Itt any country ’
. ' I. the letter m protest tothe letter written portion ol my body into it l‘oiiowing ingiy nebulous ideologies and oyeriy to get ”“0th in political arguments the author 0t Iohe Hundred ‘93“ 0f Ch00595 lobe 5°Ctdt15t~ communist 0r
’ z" . ‘ m protest y” me to the Kappa Delta a few hours oi meditationai reilection iurttie actions made it desparagingiy but when i read the letter “l‘oor Rus- 50t'tUd9~ '5 ”t aIliteraryI strikeasapro- whatever. it '5 UP to them.
.' Jello articleintheleb 14 Kernel ”“5 in this most peculiar oi situations. I neiarious. Additionally. I would like “an" by Mr leonid luxemburg I test 3831”“ t'hOChe“ dictatorship. i would like to remark to all those
. ' V' ' ' letter I am writing now is deiinately began to see the error oi my ways. it to announce the dissolution oi a new was shocked by the blasphemy 01 his 0” the 0th“ hand. many countries. who are 50 keen on getting ready to
. written to rebut the letter written by was at once slowly apparenttomethat group i amiormingtoproyidca ptiptr statement that “the (‘hiiean coup trance and Ittah‘I IaImOFtS them were fight for America that they are really"
. - . . Msrs Hardin and Barton. the rebut- the basic nature oi the coalition, oi iar soc1ai organt/ation ior those d‘etat was a step towards democracy looking to (h't? ‘_‘I5Id model to follow getting ready to fight forthe interests
. . I ‘ 10” m [ms case though the saying which i was the sole spokesman. was opposed to popular social organi/a— and progress because H gate some to “hit“? ”Ctdh’dt'on through the of Mobil 0in Gulf. Texaco and other
.V 5065 abOUt hOt being able to “m my “0‘ what ” seemed to b“ lh“ Wm" “0n” ““5 group. called 1h“ lnterm~ options to the (‘hilean people " i don‘t democratic means bl” after ”.16 coup multinational corporations.
f ,i .1 rebut mm both hands. I must thank organilation was absolutely intent mediate Vector Boson Society. will know what he means y“ democracy detatthey cametotheconclusionthat '
' ’ Msrs Hardin and Barton ior showing more on the socialisttc sub\erston oi not meet any 'ihursday night in the but whateyer n ”I don‘tthmk 1t hasto 't ‘5 Wt} d'thCUltItO make any 50?“ (‘arlos Morales .
.‘ ' . " their rebut in publicwhere it was much the capitalist American way (starting Student Center Rm IUS at Till) p m. do with the tyranny 0, a murderer mg changes h} peaceiul means. one thing Spanish graduate student
’ -' ' easier [0 iind with the stalls in the ladies room) than “erth m1». brutal policeman who '5 5““ clear and that "I that Allende '
' . _ ' Alter reading m” yast conglomera~ in any really coherent sell-destruction Matthew Mooney runs the goyernment oi ('htle “aI-‘t k‘lIlIthbUtI no; ht: ideIas. HI? itm Thoughtful step
- U .. ‘ , 01 seudo—nonsenstcal. alle on. lherelore i hate qun this so-called Ex praetor. Intermediate . . Ch 3th t C a “33 .‘ ong ”It 0 Imar- . . . I _ -
' . 2:1?) oprikised and yet diammetriially St \ aleritine‘s coalition in protest ol Vector Boson Society ”filial hap.pc;1.c:.(y:i} SgpteImb:IrsII.lJ 0 rs “lth Che (iueyara. (‘amilol 0”“ ieriialZs C26:nresgfcg:5::: liltitlihrdidva
- i ‘1 ‘ coherent yargon. lyoyiully took their its disgustingly apparent delinition. l'ndefiled sophomore d‘ * wasonc “ ‘ t 0" 1“ an I? and the unknown number of students I I
~ cst UCDIS oi the history oi l.dl|l‘l and other people who haye sacrificed being raped on or near campus 15 to .
.1 , ~ Fort Knox gang 231.212“ylifLLJ’iiiffliiiii‘lii’iJl2: :.°;“.r:::::‘sti°::.:,"attic:
' i V . I . maIiority oi the people. was killed I “(Md like to remind Mr. Lquem- friend to safety. Butno doubtthereare
_ . ’ v' 'V LeXIn ton ban kln confuses because he nationali/ed the copper burgtha4(uba.eyenwiththe mistakes many women who hesitate to impose .
- I rt 9 g mines and thereioreaiiected the inter— that are he‘l‘g made there. '5 (h? only on a friend t0 CSCO" themt CSPCCtahy
i l . ests oi a particular international cor- Latin American “)9er where ”me“ when doing so would take him out of '
. . 'I i By JAMES GRIFFIN CVCH 'd bank in l.oUisttllL‘ l‘d heard On an lnledUiil b31515. transiering poraljon Hundreds oi people were 8C} has been IabOlISth. “here CVC- his way.
._ » 'I '. about that still makes an exception for your account is one DUNNC Wiuttoh- massacred in the National Stadium ryone has the right [0 go to schooland If indeed you are willing to Spend
' ~ . l.‘ “Maybe we yust won‘t adyertise in . students and oiiers them totally iree Seyeralarea banksoiiera much lower where [hey “ch put m “neg to get to hate a shelter. and where health , f - 1' . 'nthis wa' lencoura e
' '-I. yourschool paper anymore."the gruil checking monthly minimum balance than the ready to be ““ch Many artists iound CRIN ‘5 free. i might add that arts have dI 6“ mIinIu e“ h' 't‘. t f 8le
. II . . ' yoice crackled oyer the phone “ l his is a trend that is spreading all two menttoned aboye. [)CSPttC thC (115‘ their deaths there. lhe- books oi the flourished with the support 0f the .l::n:j(:myl$w:rill linsdriic: (:elzlirtling
- , . “i don‘t think you understand the oyer the country." she assured me. adyantages the big banks moan about (‘hilean p0“ Pablo Neruda. mm”) goyernment. 0 ortunit' to talk and enjoy the
‘ 'I . ‘ banking business." he continued. It struck me as odd that l.exington and the smaller banks‘ own unique Nobel pry“. winner. were burned and to be from Latin America is to see mm?" Additionally if vou haveabicv-
I . “Hate you been to the grocery store has suddenly become a trendsetter ior problems ”t terms 0t ““5 these baht“ musical groups like l.os Quilappayun starting people on the streets every- deg bin“ in italon‘ willsaveyoutiinc
’ , lately" Prices are going up ior eyery- iinancral institutions across the all want students as customers. and [no lilimani with thousands oi (1an Crime is so high there because on‘ ourgoligtar 'retErn ltisimportant
i 31 ' _ . thing I can‘t belieye people expect to nation Just think. the price oi gold is l reier here to Bank oi l.exington. other people are wandering the world that ,5 the only way to surviye for that you take this thoughtful step to .
' . I' bank lree " set in lunch. the price oi money in Bank oi the Bluegrass and Hank ol m exrle. many people. f h ~ h . fr e
, ‘ lhe man was lrom First Security Washington. the prime rate in New Commerce and Trust. their plans _ . _ ' . . lg H 6mm“) ap '
‘ ' . i - Hank. and he was explaining the York. but Lexington sets the going sary. but generally oifer a Sl50 min- In some t'att” American “’untr'?” _ t at“ Ih0t t” lay‘or “t ahl‘I htnd 0t
_ ‘ . bank's recent policy change raisingthe rate for minimum balances in small Imum balance and imposeaSl.5() ser- (the 1““ democratic ones) and 'n imperialism.I neither RUSS?" nor Thomas O'Dell Jervey
-. . - . minimum balance reqUired in check- checking accounts. \lCC charge it you iall below the [mow the” are 5“” Whit“ demon- Anglo-American. ht" t think that B'OIOEY graduate student
,I . . . .I' ing accounts u“— minimum. .
'1.=I- ' . He had one thing right. I don‘t ()n a group level. there must be
x ' I - understand the banking business as It 'fi' somebody ready to lead the rumble ‘
t. is practiced here in lexmgton. espe- g” In against the iron Knox gang, l‘ll bet
“I . ‘ I - .I crally it its run anything like the groc- that all those student accounts they ‘
. -' If H‘ ' . Cf) business “x claim “don‘t eyen begin to pay lor \ 9 ‘
1 I.‘ t I . His C0ntVU5|0h “35 partially under- ironically. she noted the origins of themselves" “t“ hCSlh to look mighty i - i J l \ ' a»
. I; . , I. I. standahle; these days it is oiten neces~ the problem he m competition irom profitable as they walk out the door 3’ ‘ ‘. '- l \
, 1 g ‘ { sary totake more money tothegrocery credit unions. sayings and loans. as and down the street. I. '1 ‘. ‘\ ‘ . (£I
‘ .I ' .t . ‘ .I storethantothe bank.andthe Brink‘s well as other financial institutions. [f What if we all started dealing in ?‘/I--t/"§ :—‘=-‘ s‘ , ‘ I
.' . 1 ' Armored Cart may bethe innovation this It, the bank's way of attracting cash. keeping our money in sayings g.) ' A—l .a. i
..f I’ 1 i . on the shopping horizon. iuture customers irom its competitors. accountsinsteadoichecking accounts. ' 1 5-3 " a: " f‘
II » t '.II Still. when we lease the bank we no wonderthey hate money problems. and tOOk adyantage oitheirlree ”5t“ '31“! at? ‘ t / 3%- I ‘45», ‘ ,
.' ,' I II leaye our money behind and take Raising priceswhentheotherguyruns ier and certii‘ed check seryices to pay u i #1. '49" , ‘A ‘ ”ins Q Q" ’
I , 1,3 , '.I' nothing With us Bankers need our a sale is not a smart business Practice. our bills'.’ What would the) think then'.’ m ' ' Q ‘t's‘° _ \ * ~ 1"%
. . . money to make money The only place people really get i wonder if it costs more to process 1" '2‘!" \ ‘I s I 1 \
‘. . . 'I ,5. ”lhe Federal Resene Bank has "mad as hell" and “won‘t take it any checks 0’ Pal tellers oyertinie'.’ I . ”‘9 ”') Z‘ ’1 - 1
. I ‘ doubled the price of money they lend more" is on the screen. When it comes it he lmtStt’thttes are endless.asisthe ‘ ‘1'“ (0 t 4 I ” I. ‘ l
.' '. ; ' us. so we have to pass the costs on." to fighting the bastards. they cave in. power ofthe consumer. But it must be \t I/‘\ ' " ' v a”
.t . . lhe man from lexrngton‘s largest bend oyer. and get what they deserve. exercrsed. I! \ 0. ® t .W‘
. I ' I - . . bank explained. Instead of really fighting this thing. Practice fighting for your rights on 6’: l ‘,
'I H] ' I‘ lhis only increased the confusionin students have offered only token res- th