xt795x25dv25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25dv25/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-10-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1977 1977 1977-10-20 2020 true xt795x25dv25 section xt795x25dv25  

Volume LXIX, Number 45
Thursday. October 20. 1977



an independent student n




elected Justice John Palmore as its chief
justice Tuesday to replace Scott Reed,
who stepped down because of “comtant
administrative burdens."

Reed, 56, of Lexington, reverts to his
former status as one of the seven justices
of the Supreme Court, the highest in the

Palmore, 60, of Henderson, the court's
senior member, will serve out the
remainder of Reed's four-year term,
which enth Dec. 31, 1979.

concentrating blackbird-control efforts
in Kentucky and Tennessee even though
other Southeastern states have a far
greater problem.

“Funds for blackbird control have
decreased to serious levels throughout
the Southeast," said Allen Stickley,
project leader at the US. Fish and
Wildlife Servrce Kentucky Research
Station in Bowling Green.

The only exceptions are in Kentucky
and ’l'ennessee, where he said funding
has been increased.

Stickley said politicalpressure applied
by the two states has resulted in more
funds, even though other states, such as
Arkansas and Mississippi, each have as
many blackbirds as Kentucky and
Tennessee combined.


listened to opening remarks yesterday
during a nationally televised hearing that
could become one of the worst scandals
in congressional history.

Special Counsel Leon Jaworski sum.
marized his side with, “Because of what
has come to light in our investigation,
buttressed by the present attitude of the
South Korean government, there are
compelling indications that the South
Korean government...was engaged in an
effort to influence members of Congress
by giving them valuable gifts."

He said the Seoul government has
withheld cooperation in the investigation
because he would not agree to drop the
probe before it reaches into the South
Korean government.


dustrialist Hanns-Martin Schleyer,
kidnapped six weeks ago, was found last
nightstuffed into the trunk of a car in the
French city of Mulhouse near the Ger-
man border. His throat had been cut.

Earlier in the day, a communique sent
to an extreme leftist Paris newspaper
said “The existence of Mr. Hanns-Martin
Schleyer has been ended.”

Schleyer was abducted Sept. 5 by
terrorists firing automatic weapom as he
was being driven home fmm work in

The communique was signed “Com-
mando Siegfried Houssner R.A.F.," the
German terror group that said it kid-
napped Schleyer and threatened to
execute lim unless the West German
government released 11 terrorists from
West German jails and flew them to the
refuge of their choice with nearly half a
million dollars in ransom. The govern-
ment has not met the demands.

DOWN South Africa‘s white rulers
yesterday banned virtually every major
black organization in the country, closed
its two principal black newspapers and
detained at least 50 prominent blacks.

Striking nationwide, security police
also slapped restriction orders on six
whites and raided the offices and homes
of black leaders, movements and church

The crackdown, the toughest in this
white-ruled nation since the early 190m,
came amid mounting attacks on the
government over the Sept. 12 prison
death of Steve Biko, a major South
African black nationalist activist.


sunny and warmer with high in the mid

Compiled from Associated Press


Deciding on which career to pursue can be a tough
decision, especially when you‘re only it years old.
Michele Shou is hesitant as she considers the
potential of a typewriter compared to her stuffed
rabbit. Michele postponed becoming an author or
joined the other

taxidermist. though, as she

Tiny typist

New awareness
Council recommendation
can help, says Singletary

Kernel Reporter

The state Council on Higher
Education (CHE) is now aware of
the University’s financial troubles.
reported UK President Otis
Singletary to the Executive Com-
mittee of the Board of Trustees

“I believe for the firsttime the
CHE really does understand the
problems at UK," said Singletary.
Although the University received
only one-third of its requested in«
crease, “we will be able to address
in some degree our problems,” he

The council approved recom-
mendations yesterday that would
raise UK‘s state funding by $13.1
million to$10FL2 million during 1978-
1979, $14.9 million less than
requested. In the second year of the
biennium, UK's appropriation would
be $114.5 million, $26.4 million less
than the request.

Singletary also commented on the
council’s recommendations for
capital construction. “Nothing has
ultimately been decided, but there is
a clear intent to have avery small
capital construction cost."

The council staff had approved
only two projects, both at Northern
Kentucky University, from a list of




«leenne Wehnea

children at the day care center in the Home
I‘Zcmiomics Building for their aftenloon snack. The
is operated by the School of Ilome
I‘Icollomics for the children of faculty members,
staff employees and students at the l'nviersity.

77. Final construction recom-
mendations will be considered at its
Nov. 16 meeting.

The executive committee ap-
proved restructuring of the College
of Home Economics that reduces the
five existing departments to three:
family studies, human environment
and nutrition and food science. Dr.
Lewis Cochran, vice president for
academic affairs, said the
restructuring would cause no
change in the college’s programs.

In other action, the executive
committee approved the transfer of
land near Commonwealth Stadium
to Kentucky Educational Television
to be used as a parking lot for KET.


"15‘s,.- .


University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky


Unique company
aids handicapped

Copy Editor

Working to make the handicapped
more mobile and independent is the
major objective of Handicapped
Opportunities, Inc. (Handop ).

Handopis a unique profit-making
organization that primarily services
wheelchairs in addition to doing
contractwork for local businesses.

It is unique because it is the only
place in Kentucky that converts
vans and other vehicles to ac-
commodate various handicaps,
according to Bill Craig, plant
manager. This is also Handop’s
biggest money-maker.

Craig, a part-time UK business
student, explained that a person
confined to a wheelchair can drive
as easily as a non-handicapped
person, by using hand controls at-
tached to the steering column.

These manual controls resemble
an automatic shift lever. Craig
demonstrated that when the lever is
pushed toward the dashboard, the
vehicle accelerates. When pulled
toward the driver, the brakes are

“Even with limited use of hands
and shoulders,a booster can be
added to this device so that it takes
less pressure to operate," Craig

Installation and adjustment of the
“most reliableset" of controls runs
close to $300, Craig said, although
the most basic hand conuols may be
installed for less than $200.

Handopoffers four different types
of lifts that allow handicapped
persons independent access in and
out of vans.The average priceof a
basic lift is about $2,500. In addition
to putting in the lift, outside and
inside lift controls must be installed,
as well as push-button dooropeners.

“But most people want more than
a lift, unless they‘re notgoing to
drive,“ Craig said. A majority of
those requesting lifts can drive,he

While the installation of hand
controls may take only a few hours,
Craig said installing andadjusting a
lift “normally takes an average of
four to five working days, which
includes helping the cwtomer get

acquainted with the equipment."

About half of Handop's work on
lifts comes through state pur-
chasing, according to Craig. It has
been a“successful bidder" on state
contracts, but some bitb have been
lost to similar companies in Ohio,
Rhode Island and New Jersey.

Locally, Handop’s biggest com-
petition is probably in wheelchair
repair. It has the dealership for
service and parts with Everest and
Jennings, one of the nation’s major
wheelchair manufacturers.

Craig said that besides doing
repair work forindividuals, Handop
services wheelchairs for hospitals
and nursing homes as well.

Making Lexington aware of the
services it offersis currently one of
Handop's major concerns.
“Lexington is a big medical center,"
Craig said. “However, lots ofpeople
don‘t know where to get their
(wheel)chairs repaired.”

Handop provides wheelchair
pickup and delivery service. For
those who have only one chair, the
company is trying to provide one-
day service toreduce the length of
time the customer must remain

Ron Hampton, Handop president,
takes great pride in his 9-month-old
company although he’s “still
waiting to see a profit."

Hampton, who has a master's
degree in rehabiitation from the
University of Florida, came to
Lexington in 1961 as founding
director of Opportunity Workshop, a
training center for the handicapped
established by the Junior League of

In 1974, he left the Workshop to go
to Thailandwith the United Nations
for a drug addiction rehabilitation
project. He was there two and a half
years before returning to Lexington
to organize Handop.

Three of Handop’s nine employees
are confined towheelchairs and one
walks with theaid of a cane.

“A handicapped person '3 not
necessarily a better worker; he’s a
person," Hampton emphasized.
“One must approach it as a business
situation and evaluate the em-
ployee‘s abilities and assets.”

Cont'nued on back page


Kernel Reporter

were taught in high school.

sources that are available."



Some UK history students are
probably now learning things that
are very different than what they

“Many of the standard works
on Kentucky are very much
outdated,” according to Dr.
George Wright, who teaches
History of Kentcuky 240. Wright
says he is using “the more recent

Although Wright expressed
concern about upsetting some
traditional beliefs, he felt that his
“students like hearing different

Wright described his teaching
method as providing students the
opportunity to"analyze and think
aboutwhat I‘ve given them and
come to their own conclusions. I
want my students to raise
questions aboutwhat 1 say."

Slavery has been one aspect

that Wright‘sviews have differed
from past historical accounts.
Supposedly Kentuckians treated
their slaves like part of the
family, but Wright pointed out
that “slaves in Kentucky were
treated nobetter or no worse than

in anyother states.

other states," he said.

chopped up and burned.”

preferred to question


“Owning andselling slaves for
profitwenton here as much as in

“Slaves were treated according
to how they were viewed by their
owners," Wright added. “There
are many cases where slaves
were whipped to death and even

While Wrightsaid hethought
literature seems to be most
concerned with this treatment, he
relationships between slaves and
owners, andwhat blacks learned
from whites and whites from
blacksrather than the hardships

Wright, who is black, said his

History professor upsets
usual Kentucky beliefs

all of the various aspects."

Teaching the course has been
very rewarding, Wright said,
because“Kentucky history helps
the student understand US.
history, especially during the
Civil War era, since Kentucky
itself was divided. Not only are
we talking about the famous men,
but also the neglected people—
blacks, poor whites, women and


discrimination suits.

views on slavery are not
prejudiced although “all of us
have biases. But I have been
faithfully telling my students
when it is myopinion or not. I
have triedto show slavery from

who received his

bachelor‘s andnaster’s degrees
atUK and his doctorate earlier
this year at Duke University in
North Carolina, said he planned
to concentrate on current events
near the end of this semester,
possibly discussing the reverse










S editorials 8: comments

Newl W

mar-tackle! Clef Photographer c." 24“."
50v. Bolling-r Suzanne Durham lull Km...
Judith Elerton
m...” Edltor Associate Editor Sports EM Lynn rm
M Gabriel Marie Mitch.“ David fltbblttl Betsy Pluto
Phil Rutledge
“harlot Editor Stall Artist A,“ an“.
Jo. Kemp Milt-m I-‘uute 11m” Clark




Universities must urge support
of council's recommendations

The Kentucky

and coping with inflation.

University officials and everyone who
is concerned over the future of higher
education in Kentucky must work
together to get the increases approved,
now and after the state budget has been


There willbe little money next spring
for increases in any area of the state

(‘ouncil on Higher
Iongawaited budget
recommendations for state universities
are in. While the difference_between what
is asked and what is approved continues
to be startling. the recommendations, if
granted. will allow some progress to be
made in the crucial areas of low salaries

recent conference.


budget, though, according to remarks
made by Governor Julian Carroll at a

Carroll has stated that Kentucky
universities (lagging badly in crucial
areas behind benchmark institutions in
other states,and requiring more funds in
critical areas such as faculty salaries)
still have lower priority than otheritems.

If there is even a remote chance that
the governor is still listening for louder
cries of support for state universities
before he agrees with that position,
proponents of higher funding should
as never before.
council's recommendations are present
in the Governor‘s budget proposal,
Kentucky's universities stand little'

chance of winning more than minimal
increases in their state appropriations.

The council‘s recommendations are

Unless the

already practically survival measures to
stay ahead ofinflation. At UK, no new
programs could be implemented under
them, according to President ()tis
Singletary. In a stunning gesture of
I'orthrightntss, the council staff initially
recommended construction of only two
buildings out of a list of77.

To prevent state universities from
becoming third-rate, with deteriorating
facilities and mediocre faculties, the
council’s recommendations must be
approved. 'l‘hose whoare concerned must
unite and begin working to win that ap-
proval now.
















Turning the other cheek—’Calcutta’ responses vary


)Re. the Oh! t‘alcutta! caper)

Hurray Lexingtonlf Once again
we've proved that righteous
(‘hristian morals will win out over
decadent pornography.

We can concentrate (forour kids'
sake) on lynching those godless
queers. making them loudmouth
females put on the aprons again.
convincing the niggers they were
better offas slaves (or at least in—
dentured servants.

Also we can concentrate on bur-
ning those heathen “intellectual"
books. gunning down those crazy
dope fiendsand maybe soonwe can
shit herdall the liberals in this land
to a concentration camp in
Greenwich Village ttho' we might
haff to shoot some. if‘n the meat-
eaters outnumber the vegetarians).

Then at lastwe can become a truly
free countrylike this great nation of
America was meant to be.

Boyd (‘ofer
(Ix-Psychology senior

PS. If I‘ve left anyoneout,don't
worry , you are next'.

King defended

As personal friends of E. Lawson
King and family, we resent the
cartoon appearing in Monday's

We know that E. Lawson King is a
fine. honest individual. he is a good
and devoted father and he is a
dedicated worker for his children‘s

We are proud that E. Lawson King
had the courage to follow up on the
Uh! t‘alcutta! controversy. It would
have been asimple matter to let the
controversy drop, especially afterit
was decided that the courts could not
ban the appearance.

Furthermore, Lexington has
finally done something about the
growing immorality here. It is
significant that Lexington still has a
shred of Christianity and morality.

Instead of criticizing E. Lawson
King. Lexington officials and
Lexington, we should be proud that
Lexington, the only city in the
t'nited States had the courage to
arrest these individuals.

After all,if we appeared nude in
public. we would be arrested, why
not members of Oh! (‘alcutta!?

We say bravo and thank you to E.
Lawson King and other officials
responsible for the arrests.

Mike Taylor


Ruth Anne Taylor

Housing and Interior Design junior


I would first like to thank the
Lexington Police Department and
county attorneyE. Lawson King for
the fine job they did in protecting our
fair city from the evils of nudity and
(Oh, myGod!) foullanguage on Oh!
('alcutta‘s! stage Saturday night.

It is certainly a proud
achievement. Without firing a shot,
those hardened criminals were
arrested and charged for their un-
(fhristian acts. Gosh we are luckyto
live in this city.

Other cities in our promiscuous
country are not so fortunate in
having such diligent and hard
working individuals enfocing their
laws. It takes good old American
guts to arrest performers for
practicing their profession without

Notonlywere the arrests handled
efficiency. but evidence was
procured also. Photographs and
home movies of the performance are
now in the hands of the police. I was
always told that itwas illegal to take
pictures duringa live performance.
But if we have to break laws to
prosecute the perpetrator of sex and
comedy. so be it.

Even though patrons of the
production knew that they could
expect the performance to be
bawdy, racy and lewd. those of us
who did not attend were positive it
would be obscene. And this was
upsetting our moral standards.

Driving by the Opera House
Friday night, I graphically
imagined the unholy goings-on
there. I got on my knees at a red
light to pray for forgiveness. Un-
fortunately, my righteous left knee
hit the gas pedal which made me run
the devil red light. Luckily, there
were no policemen around, as they
were able to watch 0h! Calcutta! 0n
taxpayer‘s time.

I am so happy that the new
downtown Lexington will not be
bringing in anymore filth to our
highly respected city. I do hope our
wise city council can keep that
obscene My Fair Lady from ap-
pearin g here in December. After all,
four “damns“in a row might be too
much for Lexington‘s theatre
patrons to hear.


Deer or int—tqfinsm














And when Gone With The Wind
runs here again, I would suggest you
dig upClark Gable and arrest him
for saying “damn" in that film.

We‘ll declare every questionable
play, movie andtelevision program
obscene in order to censor them.
And then we'llget our names in the

Lexington will continue the proud
tradition of being the true “Athens of
the West.“

Gary D. Galbraith


The recent arrest of nine 0h!
(‘alcuttat performers in Lexington
reflects the sometimes irrational
way we approach law enforcement
in a freesociety. It also highlights
several current issues in criminal
justice aboutw hich the public should
be concerned:

- The unwarranted interference
of governmentin the area of private
behavior among consulting adults.

7- An ongoing disregard of the
First Amendment‘s guarantee of
freedom of expression.

---The intervention of law en-
forcement agencies in the area of
victimless crime at theexpense of
the enforcement of laws dealing with
serious and violent crime.

As the incidents of murder, rape,
assaultand burglary increase the
courts and law enforcement
agencies should be reassessing their

Is the publiclegislation of private
morality thefunction of the criminal
justice system‘.’ Are the limited
resources of an overburdened
criminal system wisely used when
invested in the arrest and
prosecuted of performers who in-
jured no one? Was anyone in the
audience there against their will.

Government i ntrusion into public
morality is, in the last analysis, the
true obscenity.

Mark W. Lusk
Graduate student
(‘ollege of Social Professions


The “Oh Calcutta“ arrests have
incensed thousands of UK students
and other Lexingtoniam. The ex-
pression, “I can’t believeit," is on
the lips of the majority.The arrests
have even been denounced in a
Lexington Ilerald editorial. It is
widely agreed, especially among
those who would support the arts,
thatthis action is notonly a disgrace
but a n insult and threat to the people
of this community as well as the
members of thetlh! (‘alcutta troupe.

These absurd arrests are a
terrible blow to the arts and civil
liberties in this area as well as a
serious injury to downtown
development and business interests.
No one seems to approve except
those of narrow religious convictions

who wouldnever have seen the play
anyway. “Lexington: The (‘ity of the
Seventies" has regressed two
decades overnight.

So why are we taking it lying
down ‘.’ Why do we let county officials
dictate their mores to us'.’

There is no good reason! We must
take action. I suggest that we
protest-~- loudly and seriously. There
is no other way to show the extentof
disapproval that has been
generated. If anyone has plans for
such action or would like to help
initiateor participate in such action.
then please contact me after 5 pm.

When actors are arrested for
performingin a commonly accepted
American play and when laws are
interpreted so as to force a very
narrow-minded morality on the
entire community, then repression
has gone way too far. and we the
citizens and residents of Lexington
have surrendered up a large chunk
liberty that is ours as American

UK employee

Close race

As recent polls indicate, the
Lexington mayoral race has become
a close one. In an election such as
this, a small number of people (like
students) voting one way can
determine the outcome.

Therefore. I ask UK students to
consider the realistic commitment
Joe Graves has made to the

If elected mayor he will create
additionalstudent internships in the
Urban County Government,
providing valuable learning and
working experiences.

Joe will also appoint task forces to
study problems such as student
housing shortages. Most im-
portantly. Joe will be accessible and
seek student input.

Besides these and other com-
mitments,consider some things Joe
has already done— worked for civil
and human rights, supported the
preservationof Cumberland Island
National Park, Red River Gorge and
Paris Pike.

Considering his past ae
complishments and future com-
mitments, I urge students to votefor
Joe Graves.

Jeannie Murphy
Education Graduate Student


(To Steve Ballinger, Kernel editor-

In your lead article last Tuesday, I
was quoted as having said to Gil
Lawson (Kernel reporter) that
"Salaries paid here (at the College
of Law) are competitive with most
other law schoob..." _

Perhaps Mr. Lawson does nottake

notes as quickly as I speak; or
perhaps you are in the habit of
editing quotations without in-
dicationsof ellipses.

What I in fact said was that
“salaries paid here are roughly
competitive with those offered by
most other law schools and private
firms at the lower end."

Inorder to attract qualified young
people law schools, unlike, say,
English departments, have to
compete with buyers in another
market into which potential can-
didates have easy access. Thus
beginning salaries in general are not
subject to substantial variation.

I do not believe that similar
considerations obtain higher in the
salary scale. People who have been
teaching for some time are probably
less likely to change schools, after
having developed personal and
geographic ties, not to mention
habits of work.

For that reason,price competition
becomes less of a factor and the
disparity in salaries between this
college and others, and certainly
between this college and private
practice, becomes larger.

To omitthat qualification is a bit
like saying that Bud Harrelson
batted thesameas Dave Parker last
year. He did. through the first six

John H. Garvey
Assistant Professor of Law

Good coverage

The UK Rugby Football Club
would like to thank the Kernel for its
coverage of our matches this year.

The Kernel has assigned a
reporter to travel with the club
whenever job and he (Brian
ltickerd) has done a com-
mendablejob. However, there are
about4 0 members of the Rugby Club
and itseems that only our “firstlS,”
(Blueside) is playing, when this is
not the case.

The UKRFC has a “B" side (or
White side). if you please. TheWhite
side presently holds an impressive
record of four wins and no losses.

Of those four wins, three have
been shutouts, while allowing only
nine points in their other contests.

Also included in this record '5 a
firstpace finish in the “B" level of
the Indiana Rugby Football Union
Tournament at Louisville last

This is the first time since the club
was startedin 1970 that it was won
first placeof any type in any tour-

The UKRFC has two very good
and experienced sides which are
assets many teams cannot claim.

Our club takes great pride in
everything it does. This includes
both our Blueand White sides and
we would like to see credit given
whu-e credit is due.

Michael Nathanson
UKRl-‘C member
368 senior



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New yearbook sales
exceed expectations

The first hardbound UK
yearbook since 1974 will be
published at the end of the
spring semester. “This year,
we are concentrating on a
quality yearbook—to give the
students what they want,”
said Nancy Green, student

During the previous two
years. the Kentuckian had
been published in a magazine

format. Student reaction was

not favorable. and the
magazine folded last

According to Keith Muth.
this year's editor-inchief,
“The sales have progre§ed
well this year. We have sold
approximately 2,400 books."
The 1974 staff sold only half as

Prices for college year-

Students to hold
dance for charity

Last year about 100 needy
children in Floyd and Knott
counties received Christmas
presents, compliments of
numerous UK students.

For the past five years the
(‘omplex Service Committee
and UK residence halls have
raised money for such a
projectby sponsoring a Bring
Your Own Toy dance. Ad-
mission is $1 or a toy andlast
year nearly $500 was raised.

Proceeds usually go to
needy children around the
state but this year. according
to Drema Wire. head resident

of Blazer Hall,“We are going
to send presents to the
Lexington Orphanage Home
and the needy foster

Each yeara different group
of kids receive presents made
possible by the dance, said
Patty Medbury. head
resident of Kirwan 4. “lnthe
past four years we‘ve raised
around $2.000and hope we
can surpass last year‘s
amount,"she added.

This year’s dance will be
held 8 tollp.m., Wednesday.
Oct. 26 in the Complex

Conduct code open
for possible revision

The (’ode of Student Con-
duct rules published in UK‘s
“Student Rights and
Responsibilities" booklet
disturb few students these

But anyone specifically
disagreeing with policies may
petition the Student Code
Committee to make changes.

"This committee is where it
all gets started." said Dr.
Robert Zumwinkle, vice
president of student affairs
and chairman of the nine-
member faculty. staff and
student committee.

They study Code objections

and concerns, then make
suggestions to UK President
()tis Singletary who takes
important matters to the
Board of Trustees for final

Students wanting to submit
new revisions should bring
specific written statements to
Patterson Office Tower 529.

liastyear's revisions were
“mostly of an editorial
nature." Zumwinkle said.
"There have been a small
number of proposals in the
past two orthree years. but
generally no large
dissatisfactions with the
Student Code.”



If you wont to make your mark

in the world the Kernel needs
you. Come by H4 Journalism,





If you want to get into nuclear engineering, start by get- ‘,


books average $12-$15. Green
said. 'l‘heKentuekian is only
$5 this year because of a
subsidy it revceived from

The University originally
allocated $11,000 for the
yearbook. UK PresidentOtis
Singletary ordered the
subsidy for thisyear doubled,
to help smooth the transition
back to the hardbound for

“Due to the added income
from the subsidy, it is un.
necessary to have advertising
in the book his year." Green

The Kentuckian is usinga
traditional approach in
design thisyear, with a navy
blue cover. embossed witha
white wildcat.

Students purchasing
yearbooks will receive them
around May 1, instead of
having to wait until the
following fall semester.
Senior portraits willbe taken
and the Kentuckian will be
sold through Nov. 4.



‘ “l“ STER

:. t EEU DAN



KENTUCKY KERNICL. Thursday. October 20, [977—3

"Helping the Handicapped"
is the theme of a new stamp
from The Netherlands.

The new stamp shows a man
confined to a wheelchair over-
looking an intricate landscape
of steps, thresholds and narrow
passages — all obstacles that
can make the world in-
accessible to the handicapped.

Also issued by The Nether-
lands is a stamp com-
memorating the “Centenary of ’
Dentists‘ Training in the Neth~
erlands.“ The stamp pays trib-
ute to the thousands in den-
tistry who now practice in that
country. The 55-0 depicts a
symbolic sketch of sound teeth
and healthy gums






renal or other debilitating conditions.



List Price, $6.98



Will be given to UK Students, Faculty, Staff

and their spouses at the Student Health Service.
(Medical Center Annex 4 - Across Rose St. from Univ. Hospital)

Tuesday, Oct. 25 and Thursday, Oct. 27

CHARGE: student with the fall health fee $1.00

All others $3.00

Flu shots are recommended for individuals with diabetes, chronic heart lung.


Save 33% From


er’s. Suggested





Annual influenza vaccination is not routinely recommended for healthy adults

Older persons and persons providing essential community serwces are also
advised to consider annual vaccinations.

Influenza vaccination is not recommended for pregnant women or for anyone
who is allergic to chicken eggs or feathers.








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