xt795x25dt5c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25dt5c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-04-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1971 1971 1971-04-08 2020 true xt795x25dt5c section xt795x25dt5c . I l . ” . .
A .3” TV ” 1 . '” ,'
H E KE N U KY 5 k, f j; ”a” ii.” ”I ‘ A”
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. Y, 1 , . niursiu o Kentuik). Lexmgton Vol. l..\'ll, No. llx , 5} .
\ 3f 19 3’31“” t“ " 1'.V _ 1".” ’ :,,'j a
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.ould begin next week .- .y, . .3.
Students organize boycott W
. LII...” (:5: on; , ”’3‘ a, . V is. I ; H.1'. .1“; .V . 3".”-
0f M emorml H all classes a
. , . »,W ”to.” --« (cg-- : ., ("'13: . 1”" ”y ..:'
a”. ., ‘ I”: 1 5 .” - ' i '3 : t I
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By DALE MATTHEWS according to Mark Paster, who originated that the purpose of the notes he 5'?" .”
Kernel Staff Writer the notes. explained to those who buy them. “1.5;.“ ”$153; 3 ‘3 . _f i 1 .;'
A group of students has decided to Paster said he had intended the notes to When it became apparent that the 3" ht‘i’”w ; 3', :_',:'-1~.:,
organize a bot/CO” 0f large classes in show the “absurdity” of the large classes general concensus on the lecture notes 13;? g , -,; , '.
Memorial Hall next week in protest of as well as providing a valuable service to was that they gave students more time to ,_' “3,12%”; g a“ 1 11.,“ .'
crowded classrooms at UK. students taking the required courses. devote to “desired” studies. Paster posed :“tk ”if. 4%,; _ 1' 1
Approximately 50 students WhO have Paster had wanted the students to make a question. "” ya: 1'73? y: '1 . ._ ” ;,;11'
been buying lecture notes from QUEST, 8 some noise about the learning conditions “Is anybody taking one of the courses ' ” . . y *ii .i. :. 7:91,.) ‘
Free U- group, met In the Student Center they were faced With, he said, and to do we have the notes for other than as a ‘1‘ firms g; o _ 1.
Wednesday to discuss the notes and whatever they could to bring about some requirement?" 9 . " a.“ ,3 ‘I- y '. ,
decided on the boycott to protest the constructive change. H: , , ) d 'tl , . ) “f 1 , _ _ 51.1"! 1 11-‘1‘ ,
several large lOO-Ievel courses held in However, he said, early reactions from megs/””5 answue “”1 1 an impresswc . ‘ . .. ”'2
Memorial Hall. those attending the meeting indicated the ‘ Pahter ex la‘ned th't “ body” l'k‘ _ A w ' , '. .
Since early last semester there have purpose was misunderstood. t} " 5, ht” ,1, d bmt) tl‘ 1' f1 _”1:5, ‘3’ sh”: . ‘- 1 , ”
been two file cabinets in the Student One student who said he bought the ”L congrega ory casses .u K ‘1‘“ y _ 3‘ W I», ‘ .. t
. . . . and students feel “stuck With them ” and sung (”Eris 1.": 1 -.-2 * .
Government office filled With notes explained that he no longer has to the d , , t 't‘ “f 1 t k ‘tl‘th Qhfii“ .. .. ,4 ‘5}: ,_ ...
mimeographed notes from classes such as worry about “going to sleep” during . Eithmtsh {‘1 1:)" :6 ss ”C til-t1” em s g1,” ‘,',:L,.f. 1. 3- =
lOO-level history and biology courses. boring classes, especially “ifI have a term an m . ey “l" g“ away w” ” ' i n‘ ” {157,305 ,p‘ ft -
They disappeared this week because they paper or a project” in another class which “WC W1“ continue in this weak circle 11:. ,. p ' fefia, 1.. :1.
were “not achieving their purpose,” is more interesting. The student suggested Uhtll somebody breaks the CiTCIC.” PJSICI f” 1. 1 , . ””‘,,"1,,;."” 5-: _, {of _-
said, “and that‘s what we’re asking you to 1 , . 1 ' 9;: _ ‘1_, .
. 1 1 ' .. . ’ When the suggestion of a boycott was ” ' . ,” ”is; . .. 1. _‘l '
.. _ ‘ . . . 3),“).V » \ r , ‘ , 1
3 , " 1- 1 1 brought up, Paster asked if ever} one 2 _ . :1: -, 3’. gr ; ., 3,:
1, . ' " present would favor a boycott of _- W . _ :- "' "ii , . 1.
._. . . Memorial Hall “if then is one person (7’ .;~...,.,:.,... . ”if”: :1? , “iv/"A“ :.> .1;
-.. 5; _ ..1:..-.. . .. ,_ .. ‘ there to take notes if the professor still 21 .13} - 6! _’ ‘1 ”1., .. .__ t, - 1 1
” wil..i' ” ””1 M ¢ wants to lecture?” The affirmative -“-W ‘ dag“. ..1 * . 1; .V .5”.
I” i ” , k”W‘”T'””WWW”‘WW" . W" 1“”? "W "' response was unanimous and discussion ‘5; '1 ,g‘; ' :w ' 1, ,_ ._‘ 1.
_, r’f _ {3’ «as. then centered around the feasibility and 3,. r. 1 g; 9, ,ji ’fzfl‘ _L‘; : .'
”ii” ' 1 1’ Nut“: “ 5i .. . logistics of a boycott. , i .1311. *g ' ,, J _ ‘ ;
A );}‘°”’,;$“{ _, _ .” .,¥§ ' ”.,” , _ ' 4 ,, \“’< $32; f, '4‘”. g, Q _1_~f . 58;; ,”' 52”,” ,H , , .13
2‘91: ,wq; 3;. .1. 7’ 1;, :52» 5 One of the first questions raised : ... ,2“ q f i.‘-‘_ 1.
” "'1 f. ”3””?i ‘ 2:13. .' ”To. a1. concerned those students who might wish '. " f 5” ob»? ”.1- 2 ‘4. E- 1
4.58;; .1”; 1o. *.-.?f1"1 ,9... . .3; .‘_.,...-,=~:,§ 7} - . , ., 1 .1 1 1,: a; ., .; . .1 _ -_ . . .'
f- ”: ' i ‘ m1 ‘. to attend the C13551 The ”hmed‘ate ' ' 1 ”1s 22 . .. - 1
_ ' ‘ 5 . “21s,; response was let them go. “It‘s not our 1 ' I ’2;") ,. ~j‘-_, '1
p, "A ~ ...; 9% , busmess to try to stop them, another - off? §.,‘§5 1a.. . : 2 :1 ,zr :
ii . ' ' , A” .’ “ '. g ,' representative said. “,5 1‘ g1”.”',-;’ V" " ,_ .31; y, x . : . . .'
” -‘ .fi The group decided to hold another ' " ”" ff. . .‘1 7 .1
1 . . "1.1.01 meeting Monday night in the Student S dm ,. 1
.. ,. :2} ' , '1 f ' , ;
goo , W Center Grand Ballroom With more people _ ' an an . -. ,1 .- ‘ .
3’ to gather support for the strike. The With spring on its way, the campus is
" 3,1911” students will soon begin leafleting the getting a_thorough cleansmg. YCS‘erha.‘ .,. 1' [5'
i _ ... area around Memorial Hall and the the Administration Annex got 3 Shghl ."‘.i . f
;o 2; ” boycott could take place next week. faeehfllhg- , .
‘ : Z: . ,. . ~ I‘ 1. "I L ,‘
’12. 3*: raj ,. h I a“ C t d P o tt ‘ l ._ . ,- ' -‘ 1 ,
... 1 as 0111‘ 6]] 168 l 3 3p pea . -_ .1
”la:- 1 ‘ _1» The Supreme Court decided Wednesday Selective Service S,» stem is ll‘.‘llL‘I'Cl‘.ll_\ , . . ‘ -, , t ‘ _1
, “OI 10 hear former UK student Don discriminatory toward minority groups - 1 j _1 1". ~
- -=1,”””h§§, Pratt's appeal on his conviction 0f draft and Poor People. lie was found limit} and ”j,” T. i’ I
_ _ ' ” " . . . ‘ . . . s ,, _ ‘ a. ) . , ; , “ .. . , ‘. l o
Willie Gates, left, and Mark Paster headed discussron among about 50 students {5:111:8ng {3221;335:5151M31423; :hménghig 03;) ”IVAN-”field;1136;”Nm ”n” 51‘. .
Wednesday night in the Student Center on the problem of large classes in the no reason” ivengfor the (wigs decision” me ‘ on l ‘ ‘ _ x: "
University. A boycott of large classes held in Memorial Hall was later proposed as a g . . " ' Pratt said he plans to appeal tor a _. , . ,' .‘
. . . . . Pratt refused induction Jan. 26, 1968. , . , u l : - , l , h' _ ,,,. r, ,,r ..
means of protesting the crowded Situation, and Paster said action could come as early . . reduction of sentence to t It. timt it as . ._ , 1. ,1
as ext week (Kernel Photo b Geor e E Gibson) ””8 case contended that the Vietnam War already served—42 davs ,1' -1 i 1 .1!
A is immoral and illegal and that the - . 2"”. ”‘: A I” ”I. . I.” .”
Pratt has become a folk hero of sorts if _1," g '
. . among the radical community at UK and "f ,- ,1 '
l t e qulc er has been involved in Lexington and ~' .
campus politics. ,' , " ‘,1 . . I
No 0 o o u , Pratt chose not to apply for a '~..,I.11, ‘- 1”
ixon ignores critics, ups pu out rate only slightly deferment as a conscientious objector or ,-. .1 r 1
_ _ _ , ' , , attempt to obtain a physical deferment. ‘,_ = 1
WASHINGTON (AP)—Presrdent Nixon, Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of American air support and supplies. Nixon saying, “I personally cannot ask someone .: . 1. . ;
putting his second-term hopes generally Nixon’s speech was the fact that, it crtedLaos, along With Cambodia, as two else to serve in my place. The best way to 1. . ., 1
on the line, announced Wednesday night seemed clear, he was not bowmg to decrsrcgns dI hav: maide Wthlh fhave stop the war and the draft is to refuse.“ .1 1
' ‘ ' ‘ ' 8 ac ievemen 0 our . _ _ , - . 1
an only shght increase in monthly troop pressures from many Sides to come up contri ute to t" Pratt pomts to the shift in public 11: ; .1 .
Withdrawals from South Vietnam for a With something dramatic that would goals in Vietnam. _ . .. . ‘ . _ , | . . ’_ g
- - 1 1 , 1 . 1 sentiment toward the war and the dratt in , , -.
seven-month Period. promise an early end to American The Presrdent dealt With a mounting th‘ 1 t th ‘ g .g Wd‘ .. ‘t, th' 2. , . , |
- - - ' involvement in the Vietnam War. congressional chorus of suggestions and ‘ 35 R9 year. a. t l mu < i é.'i' . _ “
At the same time, Nixon said m an - 1 ~ . effectivenessofdrait res1stancc 1 .
dd o re ared for a nationwide Instead, he said: demands that a fixed date be set for total ' . , , , _ ,
feleyfiesison-rgidi”; audience' “In my campaign for the presidency, I withdrawal of American forces. Throughout the past three years Pratt ., _ p' '.1 y '
., ” . . pledged to end American involvement in Declaring this to be “a proposal which has not lost his sense of humor. While j . _
I_ can assure 31.0“ tonight w””.h this war. I am keeping that pledge. You at first glance has a great deal 0f appeal t0 admitting that he expects to go to prison - 1_ ‘ ‘ "
confidence that American involvement m should hold me accountable if I fail." the American people." Nixon went on? Within two weeks. Pratt says he Wlll be ‘. 1 f 1 ', 1
”"3 war ‘5 coming to an end. _ He claimed a success for his disputed “The difficulty in making such an ready for it. “I have been sitting' in my ' ' 1-
The chief executive said it is hls decision to invade enemy bases in announcement to the American people is closet all day practicing.“ 1‘. , , _
intention to withdraw between May 1 Cambodia, and said the equally that I would also be making that , .5 . . ,'
and Dec. 1 an additional 100.000 controversial Laotian incursion was “even announcement to the enemy. And it . , ' ‘ ' 1
American troops from South Vietnam~a more damaging to the capability of the would serve the enemy‘s purpose and Plot N i ‘7 ‘ -. . . \ . 1
monthly average or barely over 141000 as North Vietnamese to sustain major our own." 0 e l '16 1' ‘ ' ’
compared With the average 0f 129500 in offensives in South Vietnam." In staking his presidency on the end of ~ ~ . ,
effect for the past ycar. Questions have been raised about the American involvement in the war. Nixon The kernel W'h “(ll be ["1thth p , '
This would reduce the troop level ‘0 performance of the South Vietnamese said: tomorrow.Good Fridavurrorder that the ' 2
about 184,000. army in Laos~1sustained only by Continued on Page 3. Col. 1 “a” may partrcrpate "1 TehtZIOUS servrces.

 Q 1’ .
‘.’ TIII’. kI’NTI'LKY KI“.R\'F.I.. Thursday. .\pril 8. ltl7l _______ ____.____________.__.__...—— . _
b I 0 o o 0 ~ . ,.
l‘llt‘l'lOl' motive in \ Ielnam ‘
rmy warne 0 afer s vlsrt . r
- . . . ,, From AP reports
SAIGON (AP)r—~ Military “The reported memorandum “explo1t a casualty story. A u
. information officers in the concerning Morley Safer‘s CBS report Tuesday said that NAGOYA,Japan~American Ping-Pong players have volleyed re:
‘ ' central highlands have been assignment in Vietnam casts its South Vietnamese officials were their way into a visit to Red China. It developed Wednesday I)!
_ . warned that television newsman own frightening shadow. I can trying to minimize their losses in that China has invited the American contestants in the Slst in
~ Morley Safer, now on hardly believe it was written, but the current fighting. world table tennis tournament, and the Americans have (It
- , assignment in Vietnam, may if so it is a particularly David Miller, CBS bureau chief accepted. The table tennis championship has just closed here. i'r
» have an “ulterior motive” in hair-raising attempt to discredit in Saigon, commented: “If their The incident may have echoes in diplomacy. State Department
. what he plans to report. news, reporting in advance of its intelligence is not better than officials in Washington said they welcomed it as a possible
. , A memorandum written in the preparation, much less its that, then we’re all in real break-through in efforts to smooth the path to better relations
~ U.S. information advisor’s office distribution. trouble.” with Peking. They said the United States would view with
for South Vietnam’s 2nd “In other words—government Miller said Safer was in favor a reciprocal visit to this country by an athletic team I
- - ‘ . Military Region at Pleiku names news management and news Vietnam to do a documentary from Red China. ( ‘
. __., ~ :' the Columbia Broadcasting manipulation.” on Vietnamization, and that the (3'
_ -' System man. Safer denied the The note said there “exists the memo’s comments concerning SAIGON—North Vietnamese troops launched a heavy assault ht:
memorandum’s accusations. possibility” that Safer would his intentions were unfounded. Wednesday on a central highlands fire base that has been under r
' ' Safer 13 1“ Vietnam on a attack for a week. The South Vietnamese rushed up g
, 10-day assignment for the CBS . reinforcements. The fighting swirled around Fire Base 6, near I?
, prOgram, “60 Minutes,” Of D . C l the border juncture of Laos, Cambodia and South Vietnam ~
I ; WhiCh he is COhOSt- The CBS lStrlCt our! as {6 about 300 miles north of Saigon. A North Vietnamese i"
telecast “The Selling Of the defector said his battalion was low on food and nearly starving .t.
' Pentagon,” has recently been 0 because a US. BS2 raid last week wiped out supplies. i‘n'
- . ' under criticism by the Nixon t d 1 ll 1
_ adininistrations. 0 66 are war 1 ega WASHINGTON—The House defeated Wednesday an attempt 0f
he memorandum noted that - . . s .. a - x ., ‘ i 728 million
- . 4 . - . to increase federal spending for education by S ..
., Safer planned to be in the Tan WASHINGTON (AP)~7Three political but legal, he said. over President Nixon‘s budget request. The proposal. backed it
Canh area where licavy fighting antiwar congressmen Wednesday Courts refuse-to hear cases they by most education organizations, was turned down 19] to I87 Li
has this“ Pldt‘k‘ around SOUth :‘Shc‘j ‘hC Lz'h' Dmha Court conSider political. , after opponents said repeatedly that its approval would result \h
, _ Vietnamese iirc bases along the llcrc to declare the Vietnamese Velvcl said a ruling could be in a presidential veto. After adding 530 million to one in
tri-bordcr in the past week. and War illegal (ind lo order it expected under normal program, the House then passed a bill appropriating 84.8 m
. . said in part: stopped in M) 'days unless circumstances in three or four billion for the Office of Education. $131 million over the VI)
1 . “The word is to be cautious Congress approves it. . ‘ months. but, he said attempts budget. The bill now goes to the Senate where another effort h:
and that Safer is not merely Since the (onstilution gives would be made to speed up the will be made to tack on the big increase.
' ' covering the was but has :er Congress the right to declare process. ' '
ulterior motive. war. the) said. the Nixon . . Lit
. . .. , ~ -. . . . . 11
( “Thorc ilTC [\yo DUSSIblllIL‘S. ddlIlllIlSlIdllOIl and IllL JOIIIISOH W h d d
. NILICOI' {h e- U..S (‘Onnnand UdIIIIIIlSII‘LIIIOII bt‘l‘OTL‘ ll. VlOlLIICd l/re tapping C urges enounce SC]
. Office of Information—has their right as congressmen to dh‘
learned that he is seeking decide” whether the nation WASHINGTON (Am-Deputy had never been accused of any congressman or any senator ha
. . evidence to pan Vietnamese ShOUld‘tlght . . Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst “being a political arm in the now or in the past and won’t do ,
. ' training. USARV~VU.S. Army h 15 the hrSt time members today denounced as Slanderous, government,” he said the air it in the future.” gnu
. g ,. Headquarters, VietnamA—believes 0f Congress have sought SUCh 3 false and irresponsible House needs to be cleared. There is no Byrd. in talking to reporters,
" . " ‘ ' ‘ " ‘ " he is attempting to do a feature court tCSt‘ ThC Supreme Court Democratic Leader Hale Boggs’ proof of the charge, Kleindienst noted that charges and ou]
. on fraggings.” . . . has COhSIStChtly refused to hear charge that the FBI has tapped said, and Boggs “is extending the suspicions such as raised by
_-w,..-..w.-. Fraggings are incidents in 0thCl’ SUltS flgdet the war. _ his and other congressional very basis of the falsehood that Boggs have been voiced from ch
j . . ' which enlisted men set off LUSI year It refused 3 direct telephones. he started himself.” time to time, and said “I think i
f ‘ fragmenting bombs against test. 0t 21 Massachusetts 13W Kl . d" Kleindienst said “the FBI has there is a good bit of l'
' officers. against sending state TCSidehtS t0 ,, ein lenSt urged ”that never tapped the telephone of imaginationinvolved." "1‘
- In New York, CBS News fight undeclared wars. That case responsible . members 0f , ha:
' ‘ President Richard S. Salant now is working its way up Congress investigate the whole , i th‘
‘ . . ' issued a statement about the through lower courts. operation Of the FBI SO that thls ° ' ' . ex
' _ ’ note, saying: “This is something we hope matter can be settled once and anCStlgatlon . I“:
.- will not be just another futile for all, so that'this' question of * _
. : Efficiency gesture,” said Rep. Michael fearhand diViSivenesst and ( (Ii)-
. ‘ Harrington, D-Mass. The suit was appre (T’hSIOh ,1,“ our some y can t K t l s‘ I:
~ _ I filed by Harrington and Reps. be ehmlnated- moves 0 en 110 {y ‘ rer
Apartments Parren J. Mitchell, D-Md., and Meanwhile, Sen. Robert C. ah‘
, ' Benjamin S. Rosenthal, D-N.Y. Byrd of West Virginia, the LONDON, Ky. (AP)—At least presidential candidate Joseph 32’“
. ' 442 and 462 Rose Lone Lawrence R. Velvel, one Of Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, called eight witnesses were expected to Yablonski had been facilitated in t}
, . _______.________ five young attorneys who drew on Boggs,a Louisiana Democrat, appear today before a federal some manner through the the
_ ' Summer rates 590-5100 “D the Shit, said recent legal to reveal immediately the basis grand jury investigating the UMW’s District 19 headquarters S
, trends make it likely the courts for his charges, United Mine Workers Union. in Middlesboro, Ky. DTP
'_ _, Call 254 0452 ft d Will consider the SUit- Kleindienst, asked on the show T h o mas Henderson, an Four field representatives of d”
. h - .a "no“ a" The QUCStiOHS 0f whether “CBS Morning News” why attorney for the US. Justice the UMW attached to District 19 ren
. '“9 ' °' '°° ”'9'" D- V'"“' congressmen are being denied a Boggs made the charge if it is Department, came to Kentucky headquarters testified Tuesday. —
, . ‘62 ”‘9 L3"! Al”- 15- right to decide on the war is not untrue, replied: Monday as the grand jury probe All previously had testified
' - _ “Well, all of us in the was moved here from before a similar jury in
Department of Justice have been Washington. Henderson also is Cleveland. That jury indicted '—
‘ _ asking ourselves that and we directing activities of a special five persons in connection with
V A have come to the conclusion grand jury in Washington that is the slayings of Yablonski, his , C
y , that he was either sick or he was investigating allegations of wife and daughter. ‘
' _ - means not in possession of his faculties corruption and illegal One of those who testified
‘ when he made that statement.” expenditures in the UMW. Tuesday was Noad Doss, whose
‘ ' ' Kleindienst said the FBI agent Justice Department officials name turned up in a sixth
in charge here was sent by FBI refused to comment Tuesday on indictment out of Cleveland
,' . m r Director J. Edgar Hoover to the shift of grandjury activity to when UMW member Dillard
' ‘ 0 e Boggs’ office Tuesday to ask for Kentucky or the nature of the COUCh 0f Harlan County, KY,
' , evidence supporting Boggs’ interrogations. was cited on two counts of . (
' ' . . charge but the congressman However, federal officials have perjury. ft
‘ refused to see the agent. speculated in the past that a Doss and Couch, according to
. Saying the FBI in its 50 years payoff given the killers of UMW the indictment, had been 3'
. . an ' involved in a money transfer
.' . related to a District 19
. _ research-and-information
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 \ ' . '
é Mm“ 'l‘lll. kl'\Tl (.l\\ Kl'R\l-‘.l,. Thursday. April 8. l07l ‘7 7 '
o 0 <2"..
lXOIl do ends aos, ups w1t rawa rate
f Continued from Page 1 supposed to lead to a reduction the record: l‘t'ct')’ dentin [Jim l) l \k :i \.\ l rig: 2h \Hi rt ..: mi f ‘ ' " i.
\ “But can you believe this? I of American involvement in by this administration. ever}. \I'lctmlnew um: unli- lai- '.\- Tc 3.x: int-me: ‘ _‘” 'i
understand why this question is Vietnam. Over and over these decision made has accomplished \HHH «H'M'tl lln‘lwtiwil} ii iii. ' l..;r«1 it“? "’ 7 7 l' ' . .i :i .,
raised by many honest, sincere actions resulted in increasing what I said it would acmmphsh UPL‘tllllttll uzntlitxlteli t: I . ANA; “"1. ' 4; .. g. 'j r, 1; . . ,7“ ,
people. Many times in the past American forces in Vietnam and They have (“thud tum-KM goals he sought lJ-stlllrrne ti. ll Em.» and tin- _ ,. .I: '1. ‘ '. ,
in this long and difficult war. higher American casualties; involvement. They hm C he has “not c‘iifiitiit'h'ti 3:;5 .1t'l,':till!llttli is»! ~ 5 ‘ a "7 ‘j 1: (. \;
actions have been announced “Tonight I do not ask you to d rast lcally reduced Hm assessment" he saw these battle ‘zm “K." " "
from Washington which were take what I say on faith. Look at casualties.“ conclustons: lumping: in, tlw :l-__ r. ' (-2
”First. the South \'.cttz;:titcst the North \‘ictrlasiicm " Hutu: ' 5,1.
. 9 dd (:1 f . demonstrated that \Nllliitill inatur r-ttcnstxca .‘l‘ S Izti 151"“:
. V V 7‘. . . v",
NIXOH S a I'CSS raWS (11861.59 JBCI.S American adVisers the} Litlild \' i e t ilam than \\ kl" t'm -. , ‘1. 'j 1'. .1:
.. fight et'lcctlvel} against the best operations lit (Linztnniga it) [-17 71‘;
W A S H I N G T O N announced a tlxed date tor “means 365‘000 [Mllerlcan men mm“ North “chum “mm m” ”wmt‘ww,_~- figi.‘ 1‘ f“ :
(AD—President Nixon’s address withdrawal would have been will have come home since m the held." ‘ ' ‘ Shortly MM” QM“; 4m my 1-: v‘ ,“i 3 5.,
on Vietnufn drew Cheers and “the best pI‘OSpCL‘l l‘OI' an end to R l c'h it Yd \ l X‘U n liL‘L‘itliiC . i S C L‘ i) ll tl, lli U S ”U I ll Viki)?! lS-Iigf'gj St‘ittlllc‘ .ill’cl ling-t; dial-.121»
criticism from the usual quarters the war» . M President; .I don t know (ii a Vietnamese “Mum llmi‘} mm.” m M NIH“. “if at, J; .. EVE-iii, ‘
Wednesday night, With the . D016 “9th that .leon 5 latest Single an" Who could have casualties But in the mm! the l xectltlt; ()ltiu; liagltifig ., i .l 1:
greatest outcry over his refusal increase in the Withdrawal {MC done better conseryatlxe estimate» the m,“ I” ”A. “hm. ”WM 1?", .‘ '.
to name a certain time for total ‘ in: ~ ._ . : .
U.S. withdrawal. — " ’i .; '-
The early consensus indicated 7 '.
announcements, and fewer ' ‘ 1— i j
inclined to change their opinions ' . . x. j' 15.2. 9
of his policy. "I 1...,“ -. ' ..
senators Democratic whip I I ‘
Robert Byrd and Retiublicun ADDRESS . f ..
Leader Hugh Scott- claimed that O. n _'. ' _ .- V.“
Nixondocsindccdhavcadatcin ‘ PHONE r~ 2‘ - .
mind for ending American *1 ‘ f "I ' _‘
involvement in the war. adding U COMBINATION ‘D ‘I.-' ‘
he reluscd to disclose it for fear I. , 1 VI
I \ . -, . ._ _. ,
of playing into enemy hands. I FRIDAY 5 WlNNER Wi NNER l .- ‘3. s » .'
And Assistant Senate GOP RACES lst RACE 2nd RACE -: ‘i- :.
Leader Robert Griffin offered 3 ,,- ’=; ;i‘*v’.
the thought that “In a practical ._
3215352321.“ Wda‘emt‘hon 395 S. Lime Phone 252-4733 ,5. ~- »
Scott declared that “I know he - ‘ , ...__._ v——-~ "~T"V’A':‘F-:'-"_' ‘
has a timetable. . . . but the most ' ' ill , M, k I k , ‘ dd . 1,. ! lk I k i -77. . . .04 , I‘
out of the war. . . we have cut 8 ~_ q “I I.» ._
our casualties significantly.” § ' i _ .,‘ ' g"
Bryd opined that the speech <,§_- ’41:... -——. i 11“} l
“wasn‘t of earthshaking a. ""3 _ '~
character. ' 6” 4; a--. .‘I...:';:‘;
“I wish," said Bryd, “that he ED ‘ w. , H :
had said to the public he himself ' , ,{J'g -‘ LI...
K then he could have gone on to a '~._ r .
explain why he could not state it ‘9, x4383 i ' .- . - ‘ "-
publicly at this time.” . [50% . ‘9" -. -l .
., Sen. Edmund s. Muskie, fl @\ Bob Wolf designs for both Guys and Gals who want -; .
' . . “ h ‘\ . .V' ‘L . ‘ _' A. I
, DjMame,_ 881d ”he . was every — x the best when they step out for Sports and Recreation. .g ‘ - '. r .
. disappomted in Nixon s \\ . x ’.'
‘. remarks, adding that to have g ‘ «. g —
announced a fixed date for g— \ 3 I :r
withdrawal would have been at ‘15 ~"’ .- _- ..
“the best prospect for an end to Q‘ 21', .1 s '-
the war.” g . ‘ :'j-~.._ 3" fl . j" i ii,
Sen. Edmund S. Muskie. ,7 '4 - 7"
DI-Malne,. sa1dflhe. was "‘very . Men’s style in white leather with black fl ‘7 .E I ,
disappomted ln Nixon’s ' Q . - r.
remarks, adding that to have (,9 “"pes and blue ”'0" '5 95 .00 ,3; 3."; g
. O with white stripes. . .5 -. v 1, . ..
KERNEL CLASSIFIED ADS B / . g '. U~ -; ‘K .“ ’_'.'
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begin April 13 e _ J W red/whim and We $10 00 3 9-2 .. 3
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10 a.rn.-12 noon Tue.-Thur. i. ‘1 W stripesl . fl ' '7‘ 5 . ‘ 7
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for details, phone 255-4025 g i r x (13 " .‘. '. ,, .'
Barbara Stemrock, Instructor §~ ' ¢ ‘ ’Q) .' . ' . . . ' ‘ .
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Clays Mill Road }. W ' SHOPPERS CHARGE .w : l -
Peter Lee Scott, Minister Kl) W é . . =.
Phone 277-6248 or 278-6259 I .\ N “ ' ~
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"Stephen, and the Willingness" “g ' 09°" EVE'Y EV9"5"9 1'" Ni"! .VD ' g
5P“"°" & Also in Louisville at the new Wenneker’s at the Oxmoor Center - -
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minis mWSQWSJSLWS aamdms mmhsélumias @M’S W's fl ‘

 ,, 'l' 7 ' d' T K ERNEL "
Another l\ 1x011 111 letment HE ENTUCKY
President Nixon httg decided an unacceptable form of population UNIVERSITY or KENTUCKY ‘
that the battle over abortion laws is control.” - FIST53L183$P 18?4,.,, ,4 ,, .,_, ,, , THURSDAY',.APRIL 8. 1371
crucial enough to merit his That statement, no matter Editorials represent the opinions of the Editors, not of (he Unit‘t'rsity. COLLE
' ’ attention. It seems that somehow hOW tCtttl‘Cth by “personal Frank S. Coots Ill. Editor-In-Chief Gill/AS:
- the Pentagon managed to issue a opinion" sentiments may h'dVC Jerry Lewis, Editorial Page Editor Jenn hvnakt‘r. Managing Editor battlias a;
. . . memo some six lllOlltllS ago widespread consequences. The Mike Tierney, Sports Fditm‘ 1) . ,. . Keno Rosa, Cartm‘illtst responsib
- » . ' : ' - s Association of Planned av'd kmg’ Hume” Manager . . Cam ai'
. . allowmg dbOI‘thllS dlmOSt on American . . ' Jane Brown. Ron Hawkins, Bradley Jeffries, John Gray, Mike Wines [1:
, g . . demand" in military hospitals. lt Parenthood PlinIClans have said Assistant Managing Editors Eipons’if
was kept fairly quiet, at least quiet that Mt. Nixon’s statement 15 . haunting
' enough that the President didn’t get comparable to the 0116 he made "?WWW‘.‘::;.~::;::;:.~;-,:.-:.-:s:s:'-~.:-r.:::;:-' '...-;:::.-=:-4:::=:.._:;:.::-;:;.-:::;r-'-:-:;agazgz.¢agzgg r esp onsiv
. , .. . . g , - , - gig 0 announce
~ word 0‘ 1‘ ”nmIUS‘fiwm‘Y- ,. regard”? Chaf‘“ “3m“ dumg iiKernel Forum: the readers wrltei; taking 0
But, upon I'L’Ct’lVlllg word of It. the Slldron Tdte trldl. Dr. Allen 5-}: I‘ ‘ 4- Directors
- , ‘ ‘- (and it is rumored that a large Guttmacher, president of Planned Free U. Offspring Supports bales Mainta
_- ‘ write—in campaign helped in this Parenthood—World Population To the Editor of the Kernel: To the Editor of the Kernel: Sharehow
. g . . called the statement “politically We who are working with the New The addition of students to the 32:1ch?
' . ‘ expedient” and said that it, in School Organization would like to UhiVCTSitX gang“: has [liegrdgilgtldtkggrp direction:
. ' ‘ - ex ress our appreciation of the Kernel’s compromise , u won. .
. I '; effect, scuttled any conclusmns COSerage of our March 30 meeting and the power from b61118 6V8“ more dIIUted» :hglsl’tlil
‘ ’ 3 that his own commissmn on the encouraging editorial which followed. responsible {“3th people must be chosen. d e cisi or
; ’ ‘ population may have reached. There were a few things in your article The Universrty Senate makes most 0f the presently
, i- ‘g, Nixon is regarded by many as WhiCh were not QUite as accurate as we academlc ponc’.’ 0f the umve’s‘ty 5‘? "ow sanctums
- . ‘ ’ . . might have hoped, but the only students have finally gotten a vorce in the f D‘ t
' . \ . being a very credible source. He . .. . . _ l't fth' ducation 0 heel
. ,. h . _ _ , _ Significant error was one of omissmn. the qua .‘ IV 0 err e - . Phflhp
“g may have, by Inserting his opinion Free University has never been given the Willie Gates III has shown through his momma
' I i, . . at this time, hindered much credit it deserves for providing the fertile work 19 QUEST_ (a Free U course for proposals
. “‘ responsible thought about the ground from which the New School has lmPYOmeg Cduiiatloh), his ShttlatIODIOf 3‘16 to Chaim
. “ . . sprung. The Free Umversrty has given a study 0 1103 emic C0" “9“5 in _e Roche w
- SUbJeCt' If the PreSIdent says SO, It great deal of impetus to the founding of BIOIOEY department, and his work In ’I
. . instance, too.) Nixon determined must be.” Perhaps that doesn’t this independent school whose StUdent GOV‘meent that hfelstawa’: hid Neqmre
- I ' ‘ that the subject was “so sensitive sound very realistic in this day of “graduat68” IWlllIYery likely understand concerl‘ed a 0‘“ ma’gy 3:26 8. o h' e Proxy
' ‘ - - - why free umversrties are so important to educational system. y e ecting 1m nominee
I _ and controversral that only the independent thought, but exactly man,s {Mum student senator from the College of Arts manage,“
‘ ' President should set the policy.” 110W realistic iS the concept 0f To all who share our hopes of and ISCiehceS Y0” “”11 be, assured 0f )expam
' ' Set the policy, he has. He said, independent thought? establishing a school whose students continued work for educahonat Change- d e c isim
. it . . . . 1 Id h - would be partiCipants, not merely 231 East Maxwell permittin
. But while this matter 15 being t wouI seem t at just observers, in both their education and (emplo‘
, debated in state capitals and because the issue IS in the courts their society, I urge each to bring his consume,
weighed by various courts, the and the legislatures at this time XagmthdY t0 th; 1:39)? N-S-O- meeting. 5“ domfis ”0631:1315”? 3110:2322; election 0
, g . , - .. n t ewarmer e e ter. typed,’ u esp: not ex
. tsunh‘y hIdS 3 fight to kmw my W011ifIIIh