xt795x25ds47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25ds47/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1989 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1989 Vol.60 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, April 1989 Vol.60 No.4 1989 1989 2019 true xt795x25ds47 section xt795x25ds47 4g
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Official Publication of the Kentucky Press Service - Volume 60, Number 4 - April, 1989
= In studz done at Columbia School of Journalism
Messenger Inquirer recognized as
. _ I : i I
one of top five newspapers In US.
The Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer has Surveys were sent to editors at 1356 newspa- "I
been named of the nation's top five newspapers in pers nationwide and to directors and deans of 350
under 50,000—circulation, according to a study at the journalism schools across the country, asking them to i
University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journal- rate the top three newspapers in their states.
ism. Abbott said most of the better newspapers
The study, done byJeanne Abbott,amember on the list take care to tailor news to their readers'
of the journalism school faculty, was done with daily interests, monitor their readers' opinions from time
newspapers with circulations less than 50,000 to to time, take pride in their work and choose news
determine which newspapers excel and why. She reporters and staff members carefully.
found many similarities among the papers making In her blueprint of excellence, Abbott found
her final list, most notably that small dailies can be of that the best small daily newspapers:
high quality without high salaries and expensive * have a clearly articulated mission with
equipment. high standards;
In all, Abbott rated the top three newspapers * expect their staffs to commit their best
in each state. In Kentucky, her list included the work to the product;
‘ Messenger-Inquirer, Kentucky Post and Elizabe- * provide an atmosphere to maximize effort
thtown News Enterprise. through inspiration, feedback and resources;
She then pared the list to come up with five .
newspapers that are examples of what makes small (Contlnued on Page 5)
dailies outstanding. On that list, with the Owensboro ‘
Messenger Inquirer, were the Fredericksburg, Va., . .
Free Lance Star; Gwinnett, (3a., Daily News; St. 8 PJ d I n ner ho non ng
Cloud, Minn., Times; and theLa Crosse, Wisc., Trib- _ _ .
"Happily, these five proved to be remarkable G I I I WI I l be Aprl I 1 3
illustrations of the premise that under—50,000 circula- The date 0f the SOCiEtY 0f Professional 1011f-
tion papers can be quality dailies with fewer staff and nalists dinner, honoring First Prize recipient George
resources," Abbott said. Gill, president and publisher of the Louisville Cou—
Her interviews at the five exemplary news- rier-Journal, has been changed.
papers in the study indicated that while salaries The dinner will be held Thursday, April 13,
aren't as high as reporters might want, job satisfac~ beginning with cocktails at 6:30 pm. The dinner is
tion keeps them at the papers. scheduled for the Galt House in Louisville. Tickets
"Many of them said they would consider are available from lack Guthrie and Associates,
another position if it were a better job opportunity, Louisville.
. but not merely for more money."

 Page 2
Controversral change may alter . .
. _ . 1989 Executive Committee DISIM 10
John Del Santa
handling of libel surts, awards mm Ashmoayymdependem
Green River Republican District 12
A controversial change known as the Annenberg , L°”'S° Ha'make'
. . Davui Hawpe Jackson Times
proposal would alter the way libel suits are handled. presidem Erect
News organizations would sacrifice the actual malice Courier Journal & Times 333;: d“
standard (Times vs. Sullivan), but they would get Celia Menorah vaémofl $9,121
relief from long and disruptive libel suits and huge Vice President
damage awards LaRue County Herald News District 14
. . ' _ . , Stuart Simpson
In a libel suit, the only issue dec1ded waJld be the . Mary Schurz Pulaski Week
truth or falsity of what was said or printed. The loser 3985.?” M Dism 15
would pay the other side's lawyers fees. This speedy anv'le.AdV°°at° essenger Guy Hatfield
"non-fault" judicial determination would also‘pre- Steve Austin Citizen Voicea-Times
vent aggrieved plaintiffs from collecting punitive past Presidem 5,.“ “mg,
damages for libel. ”“950" G'emr
- - - - - . _ Steve Lowery
Aimed at finding .neutral ground in libel dis Kentucky Standard
putes, the proposed Libel Reform Act has a three-
stage process. W ““50"
. 1989 Board of Directors ' .
:p Stage One: A person complaining of coverage Lexmgm Hera“ Leader
' * could seek a retraction or an opportunity to reply. If JDiS‘mC‘Ie John Lucas
the newspaper agrees and honors the request within Bi'gonYTgmcm, meme" P'ess
‘ thirty days, there is no case. _ _ Dan Lacy
» Stage Two: If the Stage One request is denied, JDelfttrDfilllizngham trhzli‘glwsm Chaim"
plaintiffs can sue. Either party can request a declara- Dawson Springs Progress " Inc.
tory judgement, no-fault, trial option. The trail D. t, 13 Kentucky Press Assochtion/
- would only argue truth or falsity of the statement, £56m“ J, “mucky Pm" SW” Sta" '
and must be held within 120 days of filing. If either Owensboro Messenger-Inquire! David T. Thompson
side accepts, no damages would be awarded, but the District 4 5‘9““ Dim”
media defendant loses First Amendment protections ' Mary Jane Smith Lica McCain
(including the plaintiff's burden or proving actual ”9“” “WWW Dem“ Members Services Direct“
malice against'public figures). The loser would pay District 5 Bonnie Howard 2
for the Winner 3 attorney's fees. Celeman Love . Bookkeeper
Stage Three: If neither side agrees to the shorter ' El'zabetmown News mam“ maria Davis
procedures, the libel suit can proceed to a present— Districts Kps Advertising Director -
day type of damage suit, with only actual losses 33:22 21”?”th T _ Mcc rd
_, . . erlsa 0
, awarded. I unitive damages would not be allowed. 0 u. 17 Semmmcepflon-m
The proposal comes from the Annenberg Wash— KENS: Wamgck
ington Program of Northwestern University in Evan- Gallatin County News Division Officers
ston, IL, and has benefits and drawbacks for the Dism 3 Adv n' i D. . .
media. Among the benefits are that the proposal Gary Quinn Larr; $019k. MSW
presumes that editorial, letters-to-the~editor, edito- MaVSVi"°L°d9°""deP°"dem Lexington Herald-Leader
rial cartoons, reViews, parody, satire and fiction are 055m 9 Chum“ Division
works of opinion and are not actionable. Ken Mall Ralph Henshaw
Floyd Abrams, a noted constitutional lawyer, Bah c°umy News MW DAM” Adv°°m° “955°"99'
thinks that such a sweeping proposal should be The Kentucky Press (ISSN-0023-0324) is published monthly
tested in a small area before proceeding on a larger and 56F?“ daSSPPStagePaid at Frankfert/ KY7 49601' and
scale. "The main danger of the proposal," said :2:f%:;:;£$i§§:éi$fi:¥:§gzeéjnfifif;
Abrams, "is that it could lead to an explosion of new Press, 332 Capitol Avenue, Frankfort, Ky., 40501, (502)223-
libel litigation in which people seek declarations that 8821-
4 something that was said about them was not true." Official Publication of the Kentucky Press Association

J UL 5 198§age 3
Ac ross Ke nt u ok. mm
Jim Thompson, retired Kim Mattingly has been been prisoners of way during
Courier-Journal business re- promoted to classified advertisng World War II-
porter, is the new editor of USFN manager of the Kentucky Stan- Shelbyville Sentinel
Alert, a new monthly newsletter dard in Bardstown. Mattingly for- News general manager Jim Ede-
that Will report on stocks 0f com- merly was secretary-receptionist len has announced the addition of
panies based in Kentucky and for The Standard. two staff members. Paula
Southern Indiana. Douthitt, who most recently was
Danville Advocate Mes- Lea Schultz, Lifestyles with Landmark Community
sengercolunistHelen Palmer and editor of the Richmond Register, Newspapers headquarters in
the Boyle County daily have been has earned a Thomson Newspa- Shelbyville, has been named cir—
honored by the DogWriters ASSO' pers Award of Excellence a culation clerk. Lisa Rose, who
ciation of America. Palmer, who monthly recognition honoring worked with the Eastern Ken—
writes a weekly column for the exemplary work by employees of tucky University P‘lbliC informa-
Advocate called "K-9 Korner" re- Thomson Newspapers. The tion office during her time as a
ceived the Kal Kan Pedigree Out- awardwasgivento Schultz forher student, returns to her native
standing Journalists Pet Care four-part Veterans Day package Shelbyville as an advertising rep-
Award. The Advocate-Messenger about four local men who had resentative.
also was honored because of
Palmer's columns promoting .
properdogcare. Kentucky Post files appeal
Steve Robrahn, Associ- ' - ' _
ated Press corres ondent in
Pikeville,hasbeenna1i,nedtheAP's Of local newspaper rUIlng
news editor in Louisville. Ken-
tucky AP bureau chief Ed Staats The Kentucky Post has "We feel the Kentucky
made the announcement. Ro- filed an appeal to the Kentucky Post is a local newspaper within
brahn has covered Eastern Ken- Court of Appeal in its attempt to the meaning of the legislature
tucky fromhisbase in Pikeville for receive notification of special when it drafted the open meetings
' the past two years. He succeeds meetings in Maysville. law," said Dunlap. "The statute
DebraHalewho hastransferred to In February, Mason Cir- should be broadly construed to
AP's Atlanta bureau. cuit Court Judge Richard Hinton effect its purpose of providing a
Mel Holbrook and Bob ruled that the Kentucky Post was mechnaism for citizens who
Herron have joined the staff of the not a local newspaper for would be affected by the action of
a Berea Citizen. Holbrook, previ- Maysville as defined in a public agency tobemade award
ously the sports editor of the Kentucky's Open Meetings /Open of public meetings."
Frankfort State Journal, Mid' Recordslaw and thus the city was
' dlesboro Dally News and under no obligation to notify the
Richmond Register, has been Post of special meetings of govern-
added to the Citizen's sports staff. ment agencies. 7 '"
Herron has worked as a reporter The notice of appeal did I
and photographer for the Citizen not state the grounds on which the
Voice 8: Times in Irvine and the motion was based, but Whitney e
Richmond Register Will operate Dunla III, attorne for the Post,
in a similar capacity With the said he would urge the court to Llfigéngfiélgehm
Madison County weekly. interpret the opening meetings 1-800-223-1600
. . _ statute in the broadest way pos- , Metfgifiifipgelsihice
Paula Danlels has IOIned sible. . Advertising Dynamicse
the staff of the Cumberland 'Classified Dynamics"
County .News in Burkesvflle as Dunlap said the Post was 3:12:31 gigging Serwce
advertising production manager. a regional newspaper, not a state-
Before pining The News, she wide newspaper and that a 5. 7g 9
worked for the Cltlze“ Statesmen Maysville falls within the scope of m
1n Celina, Tenn. its coverage and circulation. Your creative advantage. _

 Page 4
hI-Larry-ous m. The thief of bad gags,
~ and a good book to go along Wlth them
by Teresa Sullivan and edltlhg term papers “for the Thief of Bad Gags. Never let it be
There is something stubbornly less fortunate”. Where other said that I was guilty of oververifi-
sacred about humor: it seems to students had money and no cation.
reach into the soul of man and knowledge, Stone had knowledge “There are all kinds of stories in l
make bad situations seem amusing; and “0 money. The umqueness Of this book: true stories, partly true ,1
it takes the hurts and heals; it his talent was thisz It the kld was a stories and stories that are pure in-- .
soothes the nerves and settles the “B” student, Stone wrote a “B” vention. This book isacombination
arguments; it’s like seeping rain term paper. If_s/he “£13,?“ “A” stu- of all three.” (Trying to figure out
water that slowly makes its way dent, he’d “m“? an f} ”paper. He which story falls into which
into every crevice of the mind to could even “mm a D paper If category can bevcry interesting.)
dispell despression. It’s been said. necessary! He defines his sources as such:
that laughter is a cure-all. Dis-ease HIS Wlfe’ Jufty Magee Stohei “Today’s headlines, friends who
and Dis-order alike have been ,saYS. “The Pursmt of wordsled him contribute material, a little stretch-
cured by it. In fact, cancer has even into a number 0f reporting JObs Uh' ing of my little grey cells and
been known to fall prey to its heal- "1 World War H when he went 1“ downright thievery.”
ing powers. the Infantry and ended 11R 0“ the He continues, “I am not sure
Good humor has the power to staff Of Stars and Stripes 1“ whether an apple a day will keep
t reach down deep and draw up a Europe.” After the war, he bought the doctor away or not for look
bucket of kicks even on sensitive his own newspaper. The Times-AP what trouble Adam and Eve got
subjects. Somehow humor has the gus in Central City (in Muhlenberg into foolin’ around with an apple!
i ability to make one laugh when the County), Kentucky. Thus the name Nothing has been in apple pie order
{ whole world is turned upside down Of his weekly column, Muleber- since then.
2 in your lap! gers, which he has written consis- “But 1 do think a good belly
Larry Stone is a master of this tently since 1946. laugh twice a day will keep the
i type of humor. His recent book Literary work, which is a natural blues, if h0t the dOCtOF. away...”
‘1 release, Mulebergers, by hi- for Stone, comes a little harder Aman Who never takes anything
2 LARRYous STONE is a perfect ex- when it involves writing good seriously is “serious” when he says,
j ample of his light-hearted sincerity humor. At that, he works hard. “My cure for bellyache...belly
1: and innate talent. Perhaps one of Mark Twain once said, “Humor laugh twice a day.” And that’s
'1 his greatest strengths is that he is is the good-natured side of truth.” precisely what his book, Muleber-
I definitely not superficial. He is when it comes to taking the truth gers, is all about...a good laugh.
: deeply opinioned on nearly every and turning it inside out foralaugh, The laugh is sometimes on your
, subject, but can make light of any Stone knows his P’s and Q’s. He friends, sometimes on the
l of them whether they agree with writes, “Lead me not into tempta- neighbors, and sometimes on your- ,
what he really thinks or not. He’s tion...I can find plenty by myself.” self. Like when he says, .
; versatile...he touches nearly As if that wasn’t tipping the scales “Childhood is the time of life when
' everyone on nearly every subject. on truth he adds, “I worry ab0ut you make funny faces in the mirror. ..
‘ This talent, along with his il- temptation...what ifIresist it and it Middle age is the time of life when i
, . lustrious personality, has made him never comes again.” the mirror gets even.”
thousands of friends across the More than one person can iden- He is a wonderful and talented
United States and made his book a tify with this: “Nobody can say that man with a wonderful and talented
. SUCCESS. Idon’t know my own two minds,” wife. Both are prolific writers, but
‘ Stone is no Stranger to success. Nor can anyone say Stone his book was solely a product of
Most important though, is the fact doesn’t know kids. He writes, “Hire her determination. He proudly ad-
that he has earned every letter of it. a teenager while he still knows it mits, “(This book) was conceived,
When he was ten years old he star- all!” carried and delivered by my bride
ted in the newspaper business 8611- And 1ife....we11, he’s got that based on my previous writings.”
ing newspapers on the street. By figured out too. He carves these .The Times-Argus and his Muleber-
the time he was 12 years 01d his words straight from the animated gers columns have won more than
mother and had died. Compelled to basics of living: “Just when y0u 100 prizes in contests sponsored by
forge his own way, he took advan- thought you were winning the rat the National Newspaper Associa-
tage of his 'love for words and race...along come faster rats!” Or, tion and the Kentucky Press As-
throughout 1119‘ SChOOI and 0011686 “America is a great country.....if sociation. Larry Stone is one of the
he wrote the wrote term papers. you can’t make it in the rat race,
Being a very intellectual man, he they give you free cheese.”
put himself through college writing Of this book he says, “I am the Continued on Page 5

 V Page 5
, .
Be glad he s on our Side
New Georgetown publisher
member of U .S. karate team
I Karate instructor and ., martial arts, he has given private
‘ newspaper publisher Bob Scott 2”” ' -, ,_ lessons on numerous occasions
[7 gent to the Soviet Upion in mid- / becfif’: he just "enjoys working
archasamem ero thefirstU.S. wit i s."
karate team to compete with that ,7 " Scott was born in Wheel-
country. . V W m “9;; ing, W. Va., but has lived most of
Scott, a Morehead State “9 ' / at" his life in Kentucky. At Morehead
University alumnus who was ' . ‘ State, Scott majored in communi-
named publisher of the Geor- l ”I cations and received a bachelor's
getown News 8: Times in late ” degree in 1982.
February, was the only Ken- Upon graduation, Scott
tuckian on the 20—member U.S. " worked for a year as the assistant
. team that participated in the com- ’ general manager of Channel 61 in
petition March 8-16 in Leningrad. , Ashland, sold life insurance and
"Excited" and "elated" are was in advertising sales with the
the words Scott used to describe . Ashland Daily Independent.
his first trip out of the US. "There _
aresomany good martial artistsin Bob Scott M I h o n 0 red
this country," he said. "It is indeed _
an honor to be selected as a mem- The competition was or- (Contlnued from Page 1)
ber of this team." ganized by the Waterbury * treat their staff with en-
(Conn.)-Lenningrade Intersport lightenment;
_ MUIebUl'gerS Trade Commission, a non-profit * take the chance that a
. 4 organizatlon which helps amateur gifted journalist will use them as
Continued from Page athletes train and compete in the an interim step to a bigger job;
most widely quoted writers in the US. and the Soviet Union. Eric * establish avenues for
state of Kentucky. Breuer, a Connecticut state communication, including plan~
He has four sons, two stepsons trooper, suggested Scott attend ning meetings, critiques and
r” and one stepdaughter. He refusals)e to the competltion aftleir watching andl other feedback, and regular
. retire; continues to write Mule r- im wor out at a arate camp eva uations;
1 gers and several news stories each some two years ago. * harbor mutual respect
* g week; loves P601316 and doesn’t The schedule for the So- and decision-making equality be-
WOITY 3130‘“ any'thmg‘un the world. viet competition included four to tween ownership and manage-
50 when he writes, Age 1s when five days of getting acquainted ment;
:2: Sgg’zglelrnsizlriisgrcltiifibliii; Td :nd excihangipg idelas, followed d * enclpurage flexibility
, .' ’ ytwo ayso actua competition an teamwor ;
he1911?:Sflutrilcetflliliile?earlllnsomewhere with the Russian team. "The expe- * and are a complete
betweeti) the bold truth and a rience of seeing another culture product, with strong local ele-
suspected lie...just where I’m not only adds to the thrill of this com— ments, a high quotient of enter-
sure, but they’re sure to make you petition," he said. "In the Soviet prise and follow-up, mature re- ,
laugh. “The trouble with truth,” Union, karate is illegal and can porting of issues, well-organized
Stone sa 3, “is that it has so many onl be used b members of the resentation and reader involve-
Y d h' h tak lY 1y f P
variations”...an lS umor CS mj itary or 130 ice orce." ment_
advantage of them all- A black belt instructor in Abbott gained first-hand
H13 book, Mulebergers, can be Tae Kwon Do/ Tang Soo Do Ko— experience in coping with the
purchased at the Times Argus 0.1. at rean Karate, Scott teaches four challen es facin small dail
th Ma ee News a rs 1n W1ck- g g y
lifei’e gmithlandp pélinton and eveningsaweek at the High Street newspapers during 15 years as a
Paducah, or by writing to him at Greater YMCA in Lexington. reporter for the Anchorage,
Box 31 Central City, Ky. 42330 Since he became involved in the Alaska, Daily News.

 Page 6
New postal regulations A’t9‘40yea’s ‘
_ Hust retires |
on inserts now In effect
the Providence Journal-
Enquirer announced his retire- a
New postal regulations endars of events) and envelopes ment in mid-February in his I
- which apply to pre-printed inserts carrying their own enclosures. column "Edd-itorially Speak— I
carried in second class publica- Receipts and orders for subscrip- ing." C
tions took effect March 19. These tions are exempted from the latter Hust has been editor/ 1
are the same regulations which category. publisher/owner of the Iour- f
had been scheduled to be im— nal-Enterprise for the last 25 1
plmeneted in December but were N NA confe re nce years.
ost oned in recognition of ' ' Hust recalled for his I
Ehrisptmas business contracts. The on DUbIIShIng readers the changes in the I
three main rules now in the Do— set for July 20_22 newspaper industry over those ‘
mestic Mail Manual in 425.42 say: NNA's third annual elec- 40 years in the business - I
* A supplement may not tr . bl' hi nf f "Today...I don't even know the E
exceed the external dimensions of onic pu 15 ng C0 erence or terms our staff members have I
the host issue; newspaper publishers, Desktop had to learned about our brand 1
* Material inserted as a III, 15 set for July 20-22 at the new computers." I
. Denver, Colo., Hyatt Regency.
supplement 1n a second class The National Newspaper
5122:121:%?: 13;? bear a thud Association-sponsored confer- :
* Ng indepelndent publi- ence is designed for newspaper f. l
. . . . . professionals who are considering ' ‘ MM ‘*
cation (identified by its own Inter- or are already using electronic f; 1
fig: Egg: 18:13:11.?300b1; Publishing to produce their neWS- 2 ”v I
mailed as a supplement in a)s’ec— papers. Sessions for the experi— a»
on d class publication enced will cover future directions, ., 4% a: 2
Here are a coupl e more integration and pagination, per- ‘2 ‘5
regulations you need to know some] changes and training, 10“ :1 l
. . . . of new software andausers panel. ’w g.
when mailing inserts in your Those who are consider- If; e
newspaperfhere . ing a system will benefit from ses- , :
. are 1.10 Teqmre' sions such as one with Don Com- I
ments mandating editorial con- ed ublishin of the Haskell , I
tent in advertising supplements T612151? Free P is 5. Comedy will John Scharfenberger ‘
1353;314:113 cfizélgbflflicfig give straight answers on what ;
In such second class publications, 2’:ng m the newspaper opera- SCharfenbe rger l
, the supplements may contain no ' Max Gor don anex . . I
. . . , perton
:‘zlfigilrggategn: $122,223 {In}: the graphics abilities of desktop JOInS U K P R t
advertising cgntent of the supple- computer systems, presents ses- John Scharfenberger, for- t
ment however mustbei nclu de d sions on scanners and graphics mer director of community rela-

y when dtermining the total adver— manipulation. She is contributing tions for the Regional Airport i
tising and non-a dve rti sing per— editor to Electronic Publishing Authority of Louisville and jeffer- ‘
centages of the second class publi- and Printing magazine and author son County, hasbeen named assis- j
cations of the book "The Guide to Image tant to the director of publication I

', No product or product Processing." relations at the University of Ken-
5am le ma travel as an ews a r Desktop 111 also features tucky. 1
Pl y E 1 f phP: an exhibition of the latest com— UKpublic relations direc- . x

supp ement. xamp 8.50 pro 1 _ puter equipment used in desktop tor Bernie Vonderheide said
“Ed products ale stationery, cas~ publishing. Scharfenberger will be respon— e
settesi floppy dfiks’ merchandilse ' Desktop 111 registration sible for news media contacts, ‘
samp es, swatc e: o mateé'ia ?' forms are available for calling script writing and specialized (
calendars (New or pnnte ca ' NNA at (202) 466—7200. . public relations projects. <

 Page 7
Entry deadline is dung g '
KEA accepting School Bell award entries .
Entries are now being tude to resents ecial awards. - ‘3:
accepted for the 1989 Kentucky 1:Entries from newspapers {22:33 3:12; Ffjérgailggg. no ;'
Education Association's School should be submitted directly by Entries are to belnailed to :
Bell award. The award programis reporters or on their behalf by Mary Ann Blankenship KB A .i:
designed to recognize excellence their editors. Such nominations Communications 401 Capitol I
inreportingand analysis ofpublic mustbeaccompaniedbyaletter of Avenue Frankfort Ky. 40601. V.
education news in Kentucky dur- endorsement from the local edu— [Judging will b; done in-
ing the 1988-89 SChOOl year. cation association. dependently by professionals in i
This year's awards w111be Local associations also journalims and communications.
presented to reporters who have may make nominations With the Winners will be notified .:
made a significant effort to pro- concurrence of the journalists they of judges'idecisions in July 1989. '
vide continuing coverage of the wish to nominate. In such cases, Public announcements of winners ,:
public schools and education is— the reporters will be responsibiel will be made in connection with 4;
sues. Emphasis will be placed on for submitting the entries. KE A's 1989 Summer Convention.
news coverage leading to improve Entries become the prop— Winners will be invited to attend
public understanding and sup- erty of KEA unless return is re— that conference to receive the ,
port of qualty public education. quested and return postage is in- School Bell awards. 7;
Entries will be judged on cluded. .:
effectiveness of news, feature, or '1
editorial issues. Enterprise must SChOOI BQ" awn I‘d: Entry Form
have been published between _ , . ,
August, 1988, and June, 1989. I lease check claSSIfication that applies: .
Up to two entries by any . .
reporter will be accepted. Newspaper " _Daily — Weekly/bi—weekly
Entries will be 'ud ed »:
according to these classificatiofiis: Spec1a1 Award '
- pers and wire services -- Print This nomination is made by (check one):
entires will be divided into two a media representative
categories (1) daily newspapers
and (2) weekly or bi—weekly news- a local education association
papers. Name of Newspaper
Each newspaper entry
should consist of three or more p
examples of sustained coverage Cit ——"' ""
by a single reporter or by a team of .y M
reporters. Edltor ——_———-——-_——————
Entries should be submit- Reporter/Writer ————————-—-—-—————
ted on full—page tearsheets with +-——————————————————-
' the entries clearly outlined. SUbJECt matter ____________._—___—-
' Entries form wire serv- ___________________._____
t ices, consisting of telecopy from Explanation and signficance of entry (use additional sheet)
' wire service printers, will be
' judged with those from daily
‘ newspapers. Entered by
‘ (Category. B and C are Position _
_ ‘ reserved for tEIEVlSlon. and radio Address ___ V
1 news coverage respectively). _ —— ' —“ " _“ " '
__ abl CATEGORY. 13' Invari- Complete form, attached to entry and mail to Mary Ann
y there Will be instances in , . . .
i, which outstanding media efforts Blankenship, KEA Communications, 401 Capitol Avenue,
1 do not fit listed categories. In such Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
cases, judges will have the lati- __

 Page 8
Will '89 Kentucky Derby winner spend the night on a bed of....newspapers?
Hay! Look what's new in recycling
Recycling is the name of the game in paper also demonpases and is no problem in
many states and here's any interesting angle waste handling systems.
which was reported in the _Feb. 6 issue of the The article also quotes a pig farmer who
Milwaukee Sentinel. says shredded paper lasts longer, too, and is
Shredded newspaper is cheaper and healthier for the pigs, since it does not support ‘
cleaner than straw, say Wisconsion farmers mold growth 01' dust, the "tWO things that are
who use the shredded newspaper for animal really bad for animal health."
bedding. So the next time you have to spend the
"Straw is about $75 a ton, while newspa— night in the doghouse, take along some shred-
per can be purchased for $20 to $30 a ton," said ded newspaper.
a county agent who demonsrated the practice. _
In addition to its lower cost, newspaper N eW H U D ad reg u I at“) n 3 set
‘ is non-toxic, has an absorbency of almost twice . . . . .
as much per pound of bedding as straw, and it's pen altl 98 fo r d l SC“ m l n atlo n
a relatively sterile product '” meaning that New rules by the Department of Housing
shredded paper has lower levels 0f breeding and Urban Development setting heavier penalities
flles than other beddmg materials. Shredded for"discriminatory" classified and display advertise-
Attorneys Genera I focus ments went into effect March 12.
_ _ The new rules also expand existing defini-
On car r en ta, advertISIng tions of "discriminatory" phrases to icnlude those
Attorneys General of all 50 states took under which refer to "handicap" and "familial status." Cur-
, . . . . . . rent law already prohibits the printing and publish-
gum m a
. ofNational Association of Attorneys General will ask g2: 2233;235:1811: 33;: basxs 0f race, color, fell—
for atlhpltqfill (if llgutstalmied fit hidden charges and Exempt from the federal restrictions -- under
ees a 'llhe agetiiadta‘lierielssengrillcdesrequire that print the current and new regs - are advertisements for
. . . , share housing accommodations which indicate a
36323 $353332}: C1823“: Call-13,1131??? 3132105“: preference on sex (tenants seeking roomates, but not
vancepreservation rselqfiiregrheats mandatzr'ly a: in landlords indicating a preference based on sex) for .
access fees, refueling costs, time limits cost for agdi— housmg by rehglous orgaruzatxons limiting occupan
tional drivers blackout dates mileal e limitations to members Of the 5am? religlon (unless membership .
and costs of c Illision d ma ’ . g in such religion IS restricted on account of race, color,