xt795x25dr0b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25dr0b/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2005-09 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 2005 text GLSO News, September 2005 2005 2005-09 2019 true xt795x25dr0b section xt795x25dr0b "7"" , " m
K ,_.iii-V"H."”"‘i,h ‘ GAY and ’V r
\7 .30 News
\1 Lexington. once September 2005
A Publication of the Lexington 2'31! and Lesbian Services fli'gunizatien
N r . VolumeZO Number9
a renal Radio Program T0 Be ActOut Presents
Broadcast From The Pride Center . . .
The GLSO will be hosting The Southern 15mm“?t 8/35/93
John McMullen Show on Wed, On September 2, 3, 9 &10, ActOut
September 14 broadcasting live from The presents Southern Baptist Sissies, a story of
Pride Center, 389 WallerAvenue. Oth, four young men raised Southern Baptist
Sirius Satellite Radio channel 149 based who must come to terms with being gay
in New York City, is including us as part of winthin an anti-gay denomination. Through
a 13-city tOUF- This isa HUGE opportunity laughter and tears, each story unfolds to
for the Central Kentucky GLBT reveal a struggle for self-discovery and self-
community to shine in the national acceptance. Join us at the downtown
spotlight. Library Theater on Fri. and Sat. nights at 8
OUtQ states “John McMullen opens pm and at 2 pm Sat. for matinees. General
his 'GLBT community center‘ after hours. Admission is $10 and you can reserve
Every hour is a rollercoaster ride that tickets by calling 2533233
entertains, enlightens, en ages, and- ,
occasionally-enrages! gou'll hear Imperial CCU” CIOSGT BO“
thought-provoking dialogue with guests Ladies get out your suits, Men get out
from all walks of life-and there's always your gowns! It’s time forthe Imperial Court’s
room on John's soapbox for you!” Annual Julie Vaughn Memorial Closet Ball
The GLSO is currently pulling Pageant—a fierce evening of gender-
together a guest rosterfor Mr. McMullen's bending performances featuring your
program, which airs from 10pm to 1am favorite local drag performers and new
Eastern Time. We would love to have talentsinthe making.
representatives from all Kentucky GLBT Applicants must have never performed
organizations available for brief, on air for tips before. Contestants first present
interviewswith Mr. McMullen. themselves, then have one hourto transform
The GLSO and Oth cordially invite into the opposite gender for one number of
you to come and be part of this historic their choice. The Imperial court competition
event for Lexington's GLBT community. will be held in the Gilded Cage showroom on
The last hour ofThe John McMullen show September 5‘", .
is an open Q&A forum that welcomes all Continued 0" ’79)“ page
' questions pertinent to the GLBT
community. We hope many of you will join SDGNSOF Gf the Month
us. Refreshments will be provided.
In the wake of an extremely difficult Sing Wit“ Sister'Scmud
political year for us, this is a chance to let «orihecencensonne
the nation know that we are not taking it Tenth Ann'vfrsary Yeah
lying down. Join us for part or, better yet, ”i / fi "
all of the live broadcast. To learn more ’l
about Oth or The John McMullen Show fl”; ,
please visit www.5iriusoutg.com or ‘
WWW.iohnmcmullen.com. .

I LE; and ‘“ Southern Baptist Sissies ‘
\e /‘ SERVICES -, September 2, 3, 9 &10
fig ORGANIZAIinN ,5 ,_ \ Central Library Theater
Lexln on, Ken uc r " . I?“ .
i gt ky , . 2" r FrI. & Sat. 8 pm
a 55s» NEWS -; SatMatmeeszpm ~
J Vol. 20 No.9 , , . . , Admissuon $10
' Published Monthly by: , -
i GLSO , fit“ _ xi m '
t P.O.Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 ' ~ 1 .m— . _ ,
[ www.lexingtonglso@yahoo.com _ ‘ ' ' _ . "
www.webspawner.com/userslglsoqxnet Staring Michael Thompson, Shayne .
N—Ed't- Brakefield, Marc Roland, Miles Meehan,
ews I or Troy Johnson, Juanita Jeter, Greg Jones,
Mary Crone Lisa Foreman, and Kathy Jones ,
GLSO Board Imperial Court — Closet Ball continued ‘
Joan Brannon, President Doors open at8z30 PM. with the show starting at 9:30 1
. - - PM. There will be a $5 cover with proceeds ‘
Lam golllmsfiélce Pres' benefiting the charities of the Imperial Court of
en a yers’ ecretary Kentucky. Appliations are available by emailing
, Empress Phoenix Gaye at PhoenixGaye@aol.com,
l Thomas Collins orfrom any board member.
Mary Crone The Mr. Kentucky Leather contest has been
Lindsay Mattingly postponed. For more information check next month’s
- newsletter or email Larry Statnley at
Terry Mullins
LDStanley09@aol.com. As always, the Court would
Pride Center Office Manager like to thank those that support US, WhiCh in turn
Bill Chandl l‘ allows us to donate money to worthy causes within
_ e ourcommunity—one dollar at a time.
859 253-3233
Club 141
GLSOM b h' d has closed its doors temporarily
em ers Ip an .
Newsletter: for a face lift .
Individuals 0, Couples $20. Plans to reopen sometime In October
For One Year Subscription. Join us then and enjoy our “new look”.
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are
those of the authors and don‘tnecessaiily "Mb Kentucky "me some“
represent Those 0(th GLSO Board . _ The Miss Kentucky Pride Pageant, “A Nightwith ‘
' giggiggnjf’e 9:53:32? $313233???th Women Superheroes”, will be held on Wednesday,
printedwhenspaceislimited. Thestafi‘ August. 31, at 9.30 pm. at CIUb quUld, 2319
reserves the right to edit or reject submissions WOOthIl Dr., Lexmgton.

L'ommunitu News
Fairness Bluegrass Chapter RAINBOW FAM/l/ES
‘ Rainbow Families will have their
Annuallllnner sememher 25 September gathering at Chuck E Cheese
The members of the Bluegrass (1555 New Circle Rd.) on Sunday 9/11 from
‘ Chapter are busily planning this year's 1oam -noon: Kids 0f any age Wt" have fun
annual dinner. Given lastyear's success, With the various games the restaurant has.
the dinner will again be held at the ChuckECheese even has things fortoddlers
Sheraton Suites on Richmond Rd on to play with! And the pizza isn't bad either!
. Sunday, Sept. 25, starting with cocktails Please RSVP to Cheryl at 859'523'3083 by
and silent auction at 6:30 pm. Dinner will 9/5- Hope to see you there!“ _
begin at 7230‘ Tickets are $60. Rainbow Families of Lexington (RFOL) lS
Reservations are strongly recommended an organization fgr gay and lesbian parents
and can be made by calling 806-4114. andtheirchildren inthe Lexmgton area. Our
The Dinner Sponsor is Scott Ackerman, mission is to show our children that there are
who will be on hand to discuss his new otherfamilies like theirs. We invite parents as
, realty company, Keller, Vlfilliams Realty well as those who are just starting their
. Bluegrass. lourney to parenthood to lom RFOL. To
, The silent auction will include become a member call Jen at 533- 3083 or
contributions from Bluegrass artists as join http://Groups.yahoo.com/groups/rfloky.
l well as a number of other interesting , , , ,

. goodies. The proceeds will help Kentucky DIVBI'SIIY “l Gender Alliance
Fairness Alliance and the Bluegrass The Lexington Diversity in GenderAlliance
Chapter stave off the rumored efforts by (LDGA) will be meeting on Saturday,
the religious right to pass legislation September 2 at 7:30 pm. Call for location.
banning gay \lesbian adoptions. LDGA is open to all people who transcend

The featured speaker at the Dinner gender norms or who are questioning their
will be Jen Christensen who served as a gender identity including transsexuals,
Steering committee member With the effeminate men, masculine women, gender
Bluegrass Chapter before accepting a queers and more, Family and supportive
POSlthh With CNN in 1999- Jen has JUSt friends are welcome. This is nota therapy
been promoted to “Investigative Field group,

Producer” with CNN. She is also listed in , , ,
the masthead at the Advocate and as a WlShlng Chall
contibuting writer with Planetoutcom. There are several places you can 90 to
She was alsojust made a producerwith Q hear Vlfishing Chair during September. on
Television Network. Saturday, September 17 they will be at the

Jen will discuss her observations Ohio Lesbian Festival in Kirkerville Oh. This
about the the GLBT community from a festival is for women only and runs from
national perspective and share her ideas 11am-11pm. For a tu” listing 0f the
as to how our community can effectively performers VlSlt www.0hiolba.org
organize an opposition to the right wing On Saturday, September 24th. the
agenda. Festival of the Horse will be happening in

. in an e-mail to the Bluegrass Georgetown between 6:30 and 7 pm.
Chapter accepting our invitation to speak WIShan Chair Will be playing on Main Street
at this year's dinner, Jen says she is quite afterthe parade.
excited about her workwith CNN and Q More Community News on page 5
...Conf/nued on page 6
GLSO Page 3

 SISTERSOUND SisterSound is a wonderful balance of
professionalism with an extreme sense of

SisterSound is observing its tenth mischiefinthe air. “
anniversary with the beginning of the 2005- The thing I love most is the “sisterhood”
2006 concert season. We will celebrate the that I feel with these ladies. I have made
occasion at both the winter (January 21) and some truly wonderful friendships that will be
spring (May 20) concerts by reprising the with me always.”
very best of our repertoire from the past ten So, you are invited to join SisterSound
years and adding new musicthat celebrates for its celebratory tenth Anniversary
thelivesofwomen. Season! For information email

Ifyou have ever sung with SisterSound sistersound@hotmail.com, or call Pattti at
and have thought of coming back some time, 806-0243
this is the season to do it. Or if you have
considered giving us a try, come lend your The BC"
voice as we prepare to put on our best shows 80': I’Imhbnck
yet. Fall rehearsals will begin the Sunday, Step backin time on Friday, September
3991 11- Rehearsals are at 5 Pm SVGW 9, flashback Friday. Totally 80’s will salute
Sungaty .at ghandfidggién; diymbgdrlaFnd the decade ofshoulder pads, big hair, valley

res yerlan UFC , 9 mg . 0r irlsiandexcess
information call 806-0243 or email Patti at g The Gilded Cage cabaret will dedicate
paowens@ekcite.com. ' _ . both shows to the theme. The Divas are

What W'” you get 0‘“ 0f 3'”9'”9 Mt“ already working hard searching for acid
SisterSound? _ Teri, a member from 1995 wash jeans, leg warmers, and boy toy belts.
says “I can’t imagine my .I'fe W'thOUt ”F's Karen Kollette still has several pairs ofjelly
group. it has brought me into contact with shoes in her closet. Natalie Gaye can’t
people ' would never have met otherwrse. keep the scissors away from sweatshirts.
Overtheyears, we have grown from agroup Showtime in the Gilded Cage Cabaret are
oftimid Singers who struggledjust to Sing the 10:30pm and 12:30am.

- notes...to a group of more confident Johnny Angel is also getting “Into the
performers who produce our own concerts. Grove.” The night will feature the classics
W? now develop our own concerththerpes, fromthe 80’s.. Alotofthe songs you hearon
5: ect al hour musrc, pltan wdatd 'lt'e the radio today sample these hits. You can
C oreograp y we can mas er, an esrgn “Flashdance” to new wave, freestyle, and
andcreate ourown sets. k If ou’d rather et “Footloose”

“We are a non-auditioned chorUs. Some roc ' y g ’

. . . . Madonna, Culture Club, Depeche Mode
ofus have been Singing in public as long as .
, and Prince are sure to be heard as well.
we can remember, others never sang The Dance flooro ens ath m
anywhere outside of the shower. This group p p '
works for all of us. We support each other Feel free to °°m.e 3m dressed. for the
and give each otherthe courage to do things part. an everyone '5 Pretty In F:mk but
we never dreamed were possible.” you C?” t go wrong when you are Back m

Sara, a member for only one year adds Black . Get a skinny tie, peg yourJeans and
her perspective. “l was very nervous when I fl'p up yourcollar, '_t s as srmple asthat. ,
first arrived. I hadn’t sung with a chorus Flashback Friday: Totally 805 ' Ff'déyu
since I was in middle school and never did September 9th. If you are a “Westend Gm”
know much about reading music. However, i or on. Of “The [705" Boys” you’ll have a totally
was put at ease by the friendliness and Eng/Tm ggtoftgne atThe Ear Complex, 224
smiles.” . ain . n own own exington.

I’m a proud member of SisterSound W e also invite everyone to quench
because of how much time and energy goes their thirst at our happy hour in the LiVan
into every performance_ To me, Room Lounge, Mon-Sat. From4to7pm.

 Sing Witfi SisterSouud
for the concerts of the
Tenth Anniversary Year
as teat} ”gt 0 r-
\f‘é‘ ' ,v,’
No audition required
All women welcome
Rehearsals begin Sunday, September 11, 6 pm
at the Lansdowne Cumberland Presbyterian Church
333 Redding Road
s so 9 Xi
\ts te/ ‘5“ '
For more information, contact us at
or 806—0243

 Bluegrass Falllless Dlllllel Continued from page 3 1(011/101’1161 SuprOi/t Group
Television Network and filled us in on other Jubilee Be lowsbiiq
aspects of her life.

Jen grew up in La Grange a historic Koinonia, a new support group, has
suburb South—West of Chicago, Illinois. been organized. Starting on Saturday,
Currently, she lives in Atlanta, in a funky September2,Koinoniawillmeet every Friday
modern loft in the middle ofa great Victorian night from 7-9pm. The group will meet at
neighborhood, lnman Park, Jen is also an Jubilee Fellowship located at 713 East
amateur artist and works in mix-media Loudon Avenue.
paintings. A recent photography project This is a place you can come to discuss
includes an instillation involving her cat spiritual abuse issues, addictive behaviors
Perry in a variety of cat costumes including a and howto overcome them, and a safe place
Princess Lea outfit, complete with buns. to come to begin to re-discover your

Jen says she has always been a spirituality. The group will be facilitated by
passionate observer of the democratic Rev Sandy Nabozny who has a Masters in
process. “My beloved mother will tell you Human Services, over 20 years in drug and
thatthe onlytimelevergotina fistfightwas alcohol counseling and is experienced in
when lwas in preschool. I broke the nose of dealing with battered persons. Her co
the little kid my mother was babysitting. We facilitator is Karen Taylor who has a Masters
were debating (and I am not making this up) in Education and a BS in Psychology and
Jimmy Carter's role in the OPEC oil crisis Sociology. Karen hasthree years expereince
and the little boy called him a dumb in leading similar support groups. She is also
president.” an ex-ex gay group leader. Call 514-5518 for

We hope you will join us and Jen for more information.
what should beafun and interesting evening The Jubilee Fellowship continues to
of art, politics and helping out a good cause. meet every Sunday for Worship at 11 am, at
For further information please call 806-4114 713 East Loudon Avenue. We will serve the
orgoto bluegrassfairnessorg. community as a safe place to come and

receive the love ofJesus through a variety of
MACT KY resources. if this vision sounds like

Menofi All Colors Together something you would like to be a part of

MACT, is a chapter of the National please contact-PastorC-oriWood@859-514—
Association of Black and White Men 5518 or e-mail- us @ WM'
Together. We have social get-togethers We have a b'9 V'S'On and a b'9 GOd'
regularly. For more info email
MACTKY@aol.com, More Religious and Spiritual Resources

on pages 18 - 20
Moi/edé/e Fedsf -_ M _

Thanks to everyone that came out for r, ,“Keep the love you find,
the Seventh Annual Dining Out for Life. We . U, Get the love you want!”
appreciate yoursupport. V

We are in great need of drivers to , ,
deliverfood to our clients. You can volunteer Jessrca BOllInger LCSW
once a week, twice a month, orwhateverfits Imago Relationship Therapist
your schedule. We know that the gas prices
are discouraging but having a hot meal is life EMDR Trauma Work
saving for many of our clients. Bring a friend Couples, Family, Ind'V'dual
along to share the work and the cost. Call imagoconnection.com 552'6533

 kentuckv fairness all'ance ‘
f W W ' ’i i i” ‘elueg'reee‘eeeete‘rm
I Annual. Dtnner
3 Sheraton Suites Hotel
r Richmond Rd.
1 Sunday, September 25, 2005 If}
: Silent Auction /L.51 l '
i rjeekmite .t a u. e; 3:0 /
~ Dituter ”3": Bit) 6/:
. Reservations; are strongly
i - . . w recommended
i fickets Met) call 806 «4114
f .
? Featured Speaker Jen Christensen
, A past Bluegrass Chapter committee member
CNN Investigative Field Producer
Special thanks to our Dinner Sponsor
Scott Ackerman
, Keller Williams Realty Bluegrass
Proceeds to benefit KFA Action Fund and its campaign
to prevent a statewide ban on gay/lesbian adoption.

 389 Walter Ave. 350 253-3233 .Mrm. - En”. 10:00 - 3:00 I
3 Volunteers keep the Center open after3 and on Saturdays. Call to be sure someone is here.
Save The Pride Center Pride Center Library Highlights:
How you can help Lambda Award Winners
1.Subscribe to this newsletter -pg 22 By Jane A/l/no’er
2.Attend Southern BaptistSissies We have all heard 0f the Puma" and
3. Volunteer some time at the Center Nobel Prizes, but have you ever heard of the
4 B . Id cell hones and em t ink Lammy? Since 1988, the Lambda Literary
, ' ””90 p p y Foundation has honored the best in lesbian,
Jet cartridges to the Penter- When we gay, bisexual andtransgenderliterature with
collect enough we WI“ make a small the Lambda Literary Awards (Lammy, for
amountofmoney on each one. short). Each year works are nominated in
5. Attend our Board Meeting on Sept 19 categories ranging from Fiction and Mystery,
and considerjoining the board or getting to Poetry and Humor. Children and young
involved on one ofourcommittees. adult WES. along With biography and non-
fiction on topics such as transgender and
lEXINGTUN INSIGHT spirituality, are also honored.
Lexin ton lnsi ht is a rou for a Here are just a few of the Lambda
9 g . . g p . g y LiteraryAward winners thatyou willfindinthe
men to meet and socrallze. We Will be PrideCenterLibra ,
meeting on the first Friday of each month. Fiction ry. '
Jom us on Friday, Sept. 2 at the Pride Fingersmith bySarah Waters(FWateF497)
Center at 7.30 fordrscussron and planning. .
Funny Boy by Shyam Selvadurai (F Selv F982)
4,0 Club Catilina's Riddle by Steven Saylor (FSayI
The 40+ Club rs a group for women over 0364)
40 (andyoungerfriendS) Who are interested Intersection of Law and Desire by JHM
in attending a wide variety of activities Redmann (FRedml58)
together. In September, we plan to go to Humor
Southern Baptist Sissies. Contact Ginger Alec Baldwin Doesn't Love Me by Michael
for the day (253-0061). AdmlSSlOl'l IS$10 Thomas Ford (PN6231.H57F677A366)
and you can call the Pride Center office to Homo Handbook by Judy Carter (HQ 7531mm
reserve tickets. (253-3233) Our next 03?)
meeting will be on Sun, September 11 at 2 Poetry
pm atthe Pride Center. Poets for Life: Seventy-Six Poets Respond to
If you have questions or would like to be AIDS edited By Michael Klein (P8595.A36P64)
added to the 40+ mailing list, call or email Children/Young Adult
Ginger and Jane at 859-253-0061 0|“ Am I Blue?: Coming Out From the Silence
ggclr@yahoo.com forinformation. edited by Marion Dane Bauer(P25.A495 5344)
Scarlet Professor: Newton Arvin: A Literary
Every Wednesday 7 pm Life Shattered by Scandal by Barry Werth (PE
Pride Center 389 Waller Ave. 64.A78 W47)
Open to all. Transgender
- She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders b
Jane at lad anek ahoo.com. y
W y@y Jennifer Finney Boylan (PS 3552.09142477)ckl
Continued on page 10
GLSO Pages

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GLSO Poge9

 Pride Library continued from page 8 SCOll Ackerman - On the MOVE
Spirituality/Religion ScottAckerman hasjoined a group of real
WrestlingwiththeAngel:Faith and Religion estate agents to bring a new real estate
in the Lives of Gay Men by Brian Bouldrey company to Lexington. They will be opening
(BR 115.H6W74) Keller Williams Realty of the Bluegrass in the

The Lambda Literary Foundation isthe next couple of weeks. This will be a full
only national non-profit devoted to the service, high energy company that is focused
promotion, preservation and publication of on agent support. This support as well as
Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender access to the latest tools, education, and
literature. Their mission is the promotion of marketing will combine to give our clients the
LG BT literacy in the widest possible sense. best in their real estate experience.

In addition to the annual Lambda “This company reinforces the clientfocus
Award, they PUbttSh the Lambda 300k andservicethathas beenacornerstone ofmy
Report, a monthly magazine devoted to career.”Says Scott. “I can'twaitto share more
reviewing books, interviewing authors, and information with you as we get the Office up
following the trends in lesbian, gay, andrunning.”
bisexual, and _ transgender publishing. During this transition, Scott will be
There are 009's? 0f the Lambda b°°k available to assist with all your real estate
report at the Phde Center. For more needs with enthusiasm, dedication and
information or to become a member Of the professionalism. He can be reached at
Foundation see. the” web She at Downing Street Reality for the next several
http://vmrwlambdalitorgl. , weeks. (Phone numbers in ad below)

Check out a Lammy Winner today. _________
These and many other books, videos, APT for rent-~1stfloorofVictorian houseon
DVDs, CDs and tapes can be check out "architects'row" between Fayette Park and Elsmere,
from the Pride Center Library_ The Pride Off West 6th. I I/2 Bedrooms, porches; Side
Center at 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100 is yard. Central Air. Washer/Dryer hookup. $520/mo
open Monday-Friday, 10_3_ plus utilitiesCalI 254 - 1799 for more info.

3 l Real Estate Service With


3 if nESllIJ'S

l _, , : x '-

t t ' . l R If .-\ l.’l'\’


Scott Ackerman ”EDIGATION m"

Meblle. 859-338-8483 Eunmsmsm

V0ice Mail: 859-294-2055

Fax: 359 269-0065 Serving Lexington &

E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com All of Central Kentucky

Call me W1th all your Real Estate Needs

 I game mm W
3 The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914
5| A Charity Organization
g 2005 PRIME .Mthtll Sl’thSliRS:
‘ Scott Ackerman.
; For all your real estate needs...........................................294-2055(Voice Mail)
, 338-8483(Mobi|e)
, SAcker4224@aoI.com
: 2005 Newsletter Smmsers
3 SisterSound ...............................806-0243
Diverse music for all women
I Richardson Vision Center
1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201
Ernesto Scorsone
Attorney At Law 2545766
Unitarian Universalist Church
Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448
Kentucky Fairness Alliance
Bluegrass Chapter8064114
Windy Knoll Farm
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding............................-..........299-7410
Quirk Café and Coffee .859 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway
Debra Hensley Insurance.............................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Laura Wigglesworth
Long Term Care Insurance Specialist ...............1-866-582-2426 ext 4212
I GLSOPogell

 Qua "mull" flqlendu To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 cams—7
s E PT E M B E R 2 o o 5 Visit us on the web at: www.webspawner.comlusers/gisoqxnet W
Sunda Monda Tuesda Wednesda - Thursda Frlda Saturday tant/
: More information about many of the events are i Pride Center open t“ I (:23 fingpaIé’é'éefbian AA j ACEOUt presen'ts
1’ in this newsletter. You may want to call or email t 6pm i 7530 Lexington Insight- t5 SIOUEIhem Hamlet Weekly Aelivilies:
E the group to confirm the date and time, see the i i] ‘ PC i SISSISS 2300 pm 8t
i directory on back Page. i It i ACiOUi pi’éSQi’iiS ‘ 8200 pm Mondays:
t . . ' Ii " ‘ . 8pm - AA
l Prlde Center may be abbreVlated - PC Ii i i Southern RENEE t . I
I Call for Place may beabbreviated- Call i if ti Sissies 8100 pm as 3 LDISCUI?SIO]n/Speoker[CO// for
. l I l . 000 ion
I 1 i . . i _ t Tuesdays:
. . . . i I 7pm GSA (Gay Straight
10.30 a St. Mychal DiscuSSlonlSpeakers i 266-5904) t Group-PC 6pm g Complex i ma" f°’ place) Alliance)
(call for place) Closet Bail @ 8p Gay/Lesbian AA _ iActOut maggots ; Aottfitlt presents Wednesdays:
, I The Barccmplex i i Southern Baptist tgouthergl ggpflsgt (75pm - GLSO Discussion
I I,SlSSles 8.00 pm VI 8:00 pm 3 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA (Ca/l
Labor 03 _l l i for Location)
- - l l . . i _ t t ‘ 9 9pm — Rainbow Bowling
10a UU Church . - 6p Bluegrass Fairness-PC i 7p GSA (call for place tI 7p GLSO Discusswn ' enter i7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA I League Southland Lanes
10:30 aSt. Mychals I 266-5904) i Group-PC i(caii for place) ! Fridays'
2p Women's 40 + GroupPC 8p AA Open i it 8p Gay/Lesbian AA I’Ii ’ .
4p integrity @ St. Michael's Discussion/Speakers t . ii 10p- 1a Out Q Sirius 1 8pm - Gav/Lesbian AA
10a 4% RFOL@ Chuck (call for lace) , g! i [CO/l for Location]
E» Cheese p i! Satellite Radio - ‘ i j Saturdays:
6p SisterSound Rehearsal , ii 5mm mm the .
Begins j :l Pridb Center. Newslelbt Deadeiine i; t Sundays:
I t i ’ I 3 9:i5& iiam-UU Church
1825” gth‘IJI/rfh h l' 7330 P GLSG‘ 50“ Mtg. 7p GSA (call for place if 7p GLSO Discussion Pride Center open til it 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA ’ Worship Services.
SouiFjrceicayiic'Jznfie 230- SP AA Open 256‘5904) ‘i GFOUP'PC 5pm i‘ (call for place) 3 . 10:30 - Mass, St. Mychal The
5625) algfigjf'figéigeakers _ i ' i 8p Gay/Lesbian AA ' i ‘ Martyr. .
6p imperial Court Mtg-PC p l 3 6pm - SisterSound Rehearsal
' i 5 t i ‘ @ Landsdowne Presby.
J i . | Church.
l i Autumn bems l . 7pm - LMC Rehearsal @ St.
i " 1 Michael’s Epicopal Church.
10a UU Church 5‘ - - ' ' 13 .
7 GSA call for lace i 7 GLSO Discussmn Pride Center Open til I t
6p imperial Court Mto__pc Discus3lon/Speakers i ) i r 0UP . . _ ti = h | I I C rt
6:30p. Kentucky ram (call for place) i l 8P Gav/Lesbian AA 3; i 6pm ' T e mpe’“ 0”
Alliance Annuai Dinner ‘ ‘ ii ' SoulForce -
_ l i I Call Jamie 230-5625
l l . I'
l l l
Monthly Activities:
Mondays: Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: Saturdays: Sundays:
7pm ~ GLSO Board Mtg. [3rd ll/lon.) 7:30pm- LexDGA (137‘. Sat. ] 2pm -Women 40+[2nd. 5
7:30pm - Fairness [2nd Mon.) 4pm- Integrity {2nd Sun]
8pm- Lexington Lyons [2nd Mon-Every 3 months}
' em $9 596 12 I “I I. "-l-_ I— I. I GLSO Poesoapoge l3

 Leave No Child Alone As part of our strategy, I believe that
we need to emphasize the fundamental
by mary crone need of children for loving homes. Thus
There are thousands of children in need the title of this opinion piece: Leave No
ofhomes and loving parents. No, notalot of Child Alone. I believe the needs of
healthy babies, but children who are not children will make sensetovoters.
newborns, who have been removed from There are literally thousands of
abusive homes, who have health problems, children in need of adoptive and foster
orfor other reasons are not quickly snapped parents. Gay and Lesbians should have
up bycoupleswantingto parentthem. the right to be considered as parents,
In orderto reach out and find more and going through the same evaluation
better parents for these children, adoption process as other couples and we have
and foster care policies have become that right in a majority of states. But our
increasingly inclusive over the past two desire for children and our rights are not
decades. Single individuals - male and the only consideration.
female, older couples, individuals with lnthis case as in many others, we are
physical disabilities, gay and lesbian couples working for the benefit of our society as a
and singles, and families across a broad whole, notjustforourindividual rights. For
economic range are now accepted as example, we are working forajust and fair
potential parents. And there are still children society for all, which is one reason the
waiting. word "fairness” works so well. In regards
And yet, in 2006, state legislators across to adoption and foster parenting, the goal
the countrywill be considering billsto make it is for the healthy nurturance of those
illegal for GLBT people to be adoptive or children in greatestneed of parents. Good
foster parents. Kentucky's legislature is parenting will benefit the children and our
likely to be asked to consider such society as a whole. If we think we are
legislation. (See next page) fighting only for ourselves, particularly ifwe
It is not that we do not have support. convey this belief, the opposition's rhetoric
Among the national groups that support maysoundmore convincing
parenting by gay and lesbian people are the Of course the rightwing will claim that
American Medical Association, the Child we are not fit parents. We will need to t
Welfare League of America, the American become conversant with the issues (
Academy of Pediatrics, the American involved, consider a variety of ways to l
i Psychological Association and the North refute our attackers, and be able to quote C
American Council on Adoptable Children. the studies thatsupport ourclaims.Wewill f
These national organizations aswell as state need to once again have many t
child advocacy and mental health conversations with people we know and
organizations oppose policies that ban those we don't. F
lesbians and gay men from fostering or Saying that we have the right to be_ 5
adopting children because such bans hurt parents will be one of our arguments. But r
children who need homes. emphasizing that children have the rightto “
But that will not stop the right wing loving families is an even more f
theocrats from using Gay-Lesbian parenting fundamental argument. Without us, there 5
as a wedge issue in the buildup to the 2006 will be more children with out homes, 9
elections. The KY Fairness Alliance is which will be damaging for those children t‘
preparing for another fight to try to stop the and for the communities they grow up
KY legislature from passing a ban on within. “Leave No Child Alone“, a slogan “
gay/lesbian parenting. We may have to work and aconcept that will gain the support of r
to defeat another amendment at the polls in many Americans. '1
November 3

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Righ’i W'ng Agenda bestiality, pedophilia, prostitution and
bymory crone public indecency, herein noted as
.The political agenda of the right wing “deviant—sex”, shall _NOT be given any
theocrats for 2006 is becoming clear. “tramway protection sum as fofundhin
(Theocrats: those who believe that the the 3'? lengES Statutes :ltht oef
United States should be a Theocracy, a ons ' u “in O e ommonwe
country based on their definition of Kentufikyga thatsuch an amendmentis
fundamentalist Christian beliefs and ruled necessgrly because of the Fairness
by funfiaeme—rgjlgifignsgggzg American Ordinances which they call “Gay Rights
. . . . laws”, and which they say will “give
Fem”), Assomation, 0f wh'Ch Frank 6'