xt795x25c11t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25c11t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1969 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- A Bulletin of the University of Kentucky- Catalog, Vol. 61, No. 2, 1969-1970 text A Bulletin of the University of Kentucky- Catalog, Vol. 61, No. 2, 1969-1970 1969 1969 2013 true xt795x25c11t section xt795x25c11t   I m * ?*2*1           ,
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Q This publication is a presentation for the 1969-70
  academic year and preceding summer term. lt is ex- _
*:3 ' k lace durin the ear
pected that some changes will ta e p g Y
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Q and the student using this catalogue should keep this
T in mind. Fees are subject to change without notice.
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1 i
Registration Fees T
i School Year 1969-70
F ull-time Student: Resident Non—resident Part—time Student: Resident Non—resident  
All Colleges except All Undergraduate Colleges 1
Medicine and Dentistry— except Law E
Semester Fee $140.00 $490.00 Semester Credit Hour Fee $12.50 $44.00 1`
Summer Term Fee 80.00 260.00 Summer Term Credit Hour  
Fee 14.00 44.00
Colleges of Medicine and
Dentistry- College of Law `
Aeeuei Fee 600.00 1,500.00 Semester Fee 14.00 49.00 ,
Summer Term Fee 16.00 52.00 _
Graduate School
Semester or Summer Tenn
Credit Hour Fee 17.00 $$.00
Fee Regulations
Students enrolling after the regular registration period will be ch-arged an additional fee of $20.
Auditors: All auditors are charged the same fee they would pay for credit.
Registration is automatically cancelled for the 1969 Fall Semester if the registration fee is not paid in full on or
before Tuesday, September 30, 1969.
Registration is automatically cancelled for the 1970 Spring Semester if the registration fee is not paid in full on or
before Saturday, Ianuary 31, 1970.
A student who oflicially withdraws from the University after registration but before the middle of the term, may, z
upon presentation to the Registrar’s Oflice of oflicial withdrawal evidence—student records and identification card- ,
be refunded one-half of the fees paid for the term. If the withdrawal occurs after the middle of the term, no re-
fund will be given.
Graduation Fees
Undergraduate degree $11.50 Master’s degree $25.00
Specialist in Education degree 12.50 Doctor’s degree 75.00
Additional Fees and Deposits
Additional fees and/or deposits may be assessed for certain courses or activities.
All fees and housing costs are subject to change without notice. `
Housing Costs I
Per Year Summer Term ·
Men’s and Women’s Residence Halls $920* Men’s and Women’s Residence Halls: ‘
Men’s and Women’s Residence Halls 816** Fcr <1c¤1>1e rccm cccupancy 1 $115:;;*
Cooperstown Single Student Housing: Per Year For single mom Occupancy 145
Single graduate student in efliciency $570**** ———
Single graduate Sl1Lld€I1t ltl OHB l)Cd1‘00m ° Includes room and three meals daily except Sunday evening
apartment $660* * * * meal- _ _
_ _ °° Includes room and breakfast and the evemng meal daily -
l\’l3T1'1€d stl-1d€¥1t H0U$1Ug¢ P€l' monlfh (Sunday noon meal replaces Sunday evening meal).
Efl1Cl€I`1Cy aparnnent $ 85**** °°° Meals are not included in the housing costs for summer
One-Bedroom apartment 100**** ““$§‘Q°f·I 1 .
d d b · { mm , un ‘ , d
T-·c-Bcdrccm ¤i>=¤¤¤c¤t 110**** meieeeesliei Dl1esandfll}iidlludel>Sd;rd.umm gs " ms °"
Professional Students: Per Year ` 1
Single Occupancy $646
Double Occupancy 514
Personal Expenses A I
(Not payable to the University) .
Books and Supplies. Range from $40 up, depending on Dry Cleaning. Both men and women students make Z
the student’s major Held of study and schedule of classes their own arrangements for dry cleaning. The cost is T
for the semester. comparable to that in any city.  
Laundry. For students living in the residence halls, Linen and Towel Service. This voluntary service is pro- l
laundry facilities for personal items are provided. Other vided on a contractural basis for occupants of the resi- 1
students must make their own arrangements. Local cost dence halls. Information concerning bed linen and towel .
for this service is comparable to that in any city. service can be obtained from the University Housing °'
Otlice. I
2 I

  1  Summer Session Novemlr¥:l§ 2;,   29IT}1'311ursday, lgridaymaririi Saturday
J O_M d d T Csda _Rc _Smt_0 — an sgivmg Ol ays—aca emic .01 ays _
` lunc E): 1 W don day mc] U { Bl I “ December 1Z—Fr1day—Last day to submit all required
1 10112 1- 9 1105 2Y— 238 W01 b€€1¤S _ documents to Registr-ar’s Office for admission to
I ]une 16—Monday—Last day to enter an organized class the 1970 Spring Semester
1 for the Summer Scsslfm _ December l3—Saturday—Class work ends
I 11188 a2;;11;1¤¤d¤v—L=·S* day 12 1:211 1 ¢<>¤1S~:= W111¤¤¤1 neeembee 15-Z0—Monday thru seeem1ey-Fme1 exam-
, I¤¤¢ 26-27+1`1¤¤1Sd¤y ¤¤<1 F¤<1¤v—L¤S1 days 101 511¤8 0eeell]1i,$?“i0—se1eeeey-Eee of Fen Semester
J g°£ll°at'°“ for an August dcgrcc m College Dm S December Z3—Tuesday—All grades due in Registrar’s
‘ Cc, _ , Oiiice by 4:00 p.m.
]uly 4—Fr1day—Independence Day—academ1c holiday
, ]uly 14-1 SjMonday and Tuesday—Last day for paying     Semester
` graduation fees for August degree 12 12 M d d T d Cl .5 t.
· ]uly 23-—-Wednesday—Last date to withdraw from a lfmuary. U1 t. " don fly tm:. FBS ag; assi ja mn'
class before end of Summer Session iggiztcicgln an OUCH 8 lon 01 S u cms 20 pm
" ]uly 28—Monday—Last day to submit all required .
documents to Registrar’s Oflice for admission to I¤¤¤¤:y 14—W°dncSday—C1asS€s bcgm .
the 1969 Fall Semester ]anuary 20—Tuesday—Last day to enter an organized
· lass for the Spring Semester
August 6-Wednesday-End of 1969 Summer Session C 26-M d L d t d .th
August 8—Friday-—All grades due in Registrar’s OPrice lanmggt 3 gmdcon ay" ast 81 0 mp 3 Course Wl `
by 4:00 p.m.
February 16-17—Monday and Tuesday—Last days for
filing application for a May degree in College Dean’s
1969 Fall Semester omee
l ]uly Z8-—Monday—Last day to submit all required docu- March S—Thursday—Undergraduate mid-term grades
‘ ments to Registrar’s Oflice for admission to the due in Registrar’s Office by 4:00 p.m.
y 1969 Fall Semester March 14-ZZ—Saturday thru Sunday—Spring vacation
1 August Z5, 26—Monday and Tuesday—Classiiication, March 23-Z4—Monday _and Tuesday—Last days for
J registration and orientation for students not pre- paying graduation fees for May degree '
registered March 30—Monday—Last day to withdraw from a class
A August 27—Wednesday—C1ass work begins before finals
September 3—Wednesday—Last day to enter an orga- March 30-April 10g-Monday thru Friday—Advance reg-
nized class for the Fall Semester istration for the 1970 Fall Semester
September 8—Monday——Last day to drop a course with- April 1—Wednesday—Last day for out-of-state fresh-
out a grade men to submit all required documents to Registrar's
. September 30, October 1—Tuesday and Wednesday- Oflice for admission to the 1970 Fall Semester
, Last days for filing application for a December de- May 2—Saturday—End of class work _ I
, gree in College Dean’s Oliice May 4-9—Monday thru Saturday—Final examinations
{ October 20-Monday—Undergraduate mid-term grades May 9—Saturday—End of Spring Semester
1 due in Registrar’s Oflice by 4:00 p.m. May 12-Tuesday—Last day to submit all required
` October 27-November 7—Monday thru Friday—Ad- documents to Registrar’s Oflice for admission to
vance registration for the 1970 Spring Semester the 1970 Summer Session
October 27-28—Monday and Tuesday—Last days for May l0—Sunday—Baccalaureate-Vesper
paying graduation fees for December degree May 1l—Monday—103rd Annual Commencement
November 10—Monday—Last day to withdraw from a May l2—Tuesday—A1l grades due in Registrar’s Oflice
class before Enals by 4:00 p.m.