xt795x25bt4r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25bt4r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-11-17  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1944 1944 1944-11-17 2013 true xt795x25bt4r section xt795x25bt4r Best Copy Available

The ECentucky Kernel

Wildcats Will Meet
Mountaineers Tomorrow




Current Guignol Production K) ian Queen
Opens Monday, November 27 Is Tomorrow
Formal Dance
With Beth Caddy Inead













AST Men Receive

Dinner Invitations

Sweater swing . . .
. . . will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
today in the Union ballroom.
Kentarkian Queen dance . . .
. . . from 9 to 12 Saturday night in
Uie Union ballroom.
Dutch Lunch club
. . . will meet at noon today in
the Union building. Pictures for
the Kentuckian will be taken at
12:30 p.m.
Home Economics club
. . . will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday
in Uie Home Economics building.
Kentuckian pictures will be taken.
Independent party . . .
. . . will meet at 6:45 pm. Wednesday in the Union building.
House committee
. . . will meet at 5 p.m. Monday hi
tlie Union building,
feocial service committee
of Uie YWCA will meet at
pjn. Monday in the Union building.
Dance committee . . .
wut inert M yu. i. ucAuay iu
the Union building.
Koffee Klub . . .
. . . will entertain with a coffee
hour at 4:00 p m. today in the Music
room of the Union building.
Movie . . .
at 5:45 and 7:30 p.m. Monday
in the Union theatre.
The Following Week
Sweater swing
will be given from 6:00 to
7:30 pjn. Friday. November 24. in
the ballroom of the Union building.
Dance . . .
. . . from 9 to 12 Saturday night,
November 25, in the Bluegrass room
of the Union building.
Hone committee party
for the Student Union Board
and all members of the Service
committees at 7:30 p.m. Thursday,
November 30, in the Union building.
VWCA recognition service
. . . for new members will follow
regular "Y" meeting at 7:30 pjn.
Tuesday, November 28. in the ballroom of the Union building,
(iuignol opening . . .
of "Junior Miss," on Monday
night, November 27.














k 25371



Each soldier on the campus has
been Invited, through the War Effort committee of the Student Union board, to have Thanksgiving
dinner in some Lexington home.
Many qf the soldiers w ho accept
will be called for at the Union
building by their hosts and others
will go directly to the homes.
Martha Ringo is chairman of the
War Effort committee and Betty
Ann Brauer is in charge of arrangements for the Thanksgiving dinners.

Maureen Rose, Alpha Xi Delta;
Doris McCauley, Kappa Kappa
. v'v
Gamma; Doris Smith, Chi Omega;
and Lucy Meyer, Delta Delta Delta,
f. i
were the four final contestants
chosen from the 47 entries in the
Kentuckian Beauty queen contest
in the preliminaries Tuesday night
in Memorial hall.
Formal Presentation
From these four competitors the
Beauty queen will be chosen. Her
name will be announced and she
will be presented at a formal dance
Virfollowing th Kentucky-We- st
ginia football game tomorrow night
in the Bluegrass room of the Union
The Queen's three attendants,
also selected Tuesday night, will be
Betty Haynes, Alpha Gamma Delta;
Bobby Jean Omer, Chi Omega, and
Kappa Kappa
Anne Ensminger,
Chosen on a basis of general appearance, features, and figure, the
contestants were dressed in formal
gowns. Maureen Rose wore white
satin with self -- trimming; Doris McCauley was gowned in black chifBETH CADDY
fon velvet with a rhinestone clip
at the low
Smith's gown was of shell-pin- k
and Lucy Meyer
wore black net with a black satin
Presented To Judges
The entire group was first presented to the Judges, after which
they paraded across the stage separately. By the process of elimination the judges finally narrowed the number of prospective
queens down to seven. Three of
these were named as attendants
and the Kentuckian queen will be
chosen from the remaining four.
The contestants were entered by
the sororities and other campus organizations, according to the number of yearbooks each organization
had sold.
Entries were: Alpha Delta Pi
Ella Doggett, Maxine Rogers, Iris
Slater, Mary
Elizabeth Young.
Alpha Gamma Delta
Jane Fitzpa tricky Annie Francis,
Betty Haynes, Margaret Hollyneld,
Frances Pritchitt, Carolyn Stevens,
and Jean Wlreman. .....
Alpha Xi Delta Mable Carnes,
Betty Jane Priestly, and Maureen
Chi Omega Ellen Cook. Judy
Johnson, Martha Jones, Bobby Jean
Ohmer, Doris Smith, Elizabeth Allen Thomas, and Carolyn Walker.
Delta Delta Delta Mary Fox
Clark, Sue Flynn, Frances Draffen,
Lucy Meyer, Jane Miller, and Ann
Kappa Delta Nancy Glass, Dee
Dee Melvin, Helen Milman, Helen
Olmstead, and June Scott.
Kappa Kappa Gamma Doris McThe House committee of the Stu- - Cauley, Ruth Dimmock, Ann Ensj deiit
Union Board will entertain minger,
Frances Field, and Brown-e- ll
with a sweater swing from 6:00 to
p.m. Friday, November 24, in
ZeU Tau Alpha Betty Ann Bond
the Bluegrass room of the Union and Maureen Taylor.
Hamilton House Virginia BerCommittees iu charge of arrange- nard.
decorations, Floye
ments are:
Shelby House Doris Porter.
Jean Tinley, Betty Barnet,
Independents Juanita Hendry,
Marian Salisbury, and Roberta Wil- Eva Singleton, Pat Gable, Ann Big
son; publicity, Juliette Jones; gerstaff, and Georgia Portmann.
music, Elizabeth Simpson; chaper-one- s.
The judges were Misses Chloe
Sue Gamblin; posters, Jean Gifford and Mildred Lewis, Mr. Wal
Pliipps. The Thanksgiving theme lace Briggs, Mr. Ed Templin, and
will be carried out hi the decoraCol. G. W. Chipman.






Violinist Will Present
Musicale November 26
Miss Mary Joseph Leeds, violinist,
will present the third of the Sunday
afternoon musicale series at 4 pjn.
November 26 in Memorial hall. She
will be assisted by Miss Laverne
Gustafson, pianist.

Won National Honors
Miss Leeds received her B.A. degree from Eastern State Teachers
college at Richmond. While attending Eastern she was a scholarship
student of Thomas Stone, of the
muMc faculty there. She received
each year, while in high school ,the
muhighest ratuig in the state-wid- e
sic contest sponsored by the University. She received national honors in
1937 at the National Music contest.
Miss Leeds entered the College of
Music of Cincinnati in 1943 as the
pupil of Emil Heermann, concert
master of the Cincinnati Symphony
orchestra and a faculty member of
the College. She is now concert master of the College of Music Symphony under the direction of Walter
Heermaiui, first cellist of the Cincinnati Symphony.
From Musical family
She has been presented frequently
in recital and concert in various
cities of Kentucky. Indiana, and in
Cincinnati. She comes from a musical family and is tne eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Leeds
of Richmond.
Miss Laverne Guslalson, who will
assist Mlns Leeds, has been studying piano with John Quincy Biiss
of the College of Music for several
years. She will receive her B.M.
degree in June. Miss Gustafson has
appeared as soloist with the Cin
cinnati Symphony orchestra, in the
Young People's Concerts under the
direction of Eugene Goossens.
The program: La Folia, Corelli.
The second group: Sonata in E
minor. Allegro molto appassionato,
Andante, Allegretto, ma 11011 tropjx),
Allegro, molto vivace, by Mendelssohn, Miss Leeds.
Third Group
The third group: Sonata in E minor, allegro moderato, by Griegg;
Prelude in B flat and Prelude in G
minor, by Chopin, Miss Gustafson.
The last group: La Gitana, Kreis-le- r;
Habanere, Ravel; Dance from
La Vide Breve, by De Falla, Miss

Sweater Swing


Veterans To Meet

Farquhar Improving

Veterans of World War II who
are attending the University
are asked to attend a meeting

Prof. E. F. Farquhar, of the
versity's English department, who
has been seriously ill at the Good
Samaritan hospital, is in a satisfactory condition, doctors report.


pin., Friday, at the
Man o' War post on Main street
in Lexington.


War Loan Drive
With $70,000 Goal

The sixth war loan drive, which
will be sponsored by the Student
Association on the
campus, will begin Monday and
last through the closing of tne
quarter on Dec. 14, Sara Dee Rain-e- y,
chairman of the victory committee, has announced.
Goal Set At $70,000
The campus goal is to buy two
tanks, which are valued at approx
imately $70,000. Sales to reach the
goal will include that of the faculty
A war loan drive booth will be
set up in the Union building in
the SGA room. In Great hall of
the Union cardboard replicas of the
two tanks will be placed. As the
sales are totaled each day, portions
of the tanks will be blocked off, in
dicating how many bonds have been
sold, and how many must yet be
sold to reach the goal.
Drive Competitive
Although there will be no prizes,
the drive will be put on a competitive basis. Each week the Kernel
will carry a list of the amount of
bonds sold, tabulated according to
sorority, fraternity, dormitory, or
other campus organization.
Each student on' the campus will
be contacted personally, Miss Ralney
said. All the members of the victory committee have not been appointed as yet, but they will be announced next week.
The fifth war loan drive on the
campus exceeded its total, and
netted more than $100,000. Miss
Rainey said that she hopes the
current drive will top previous ones.

S.G.A. Members
To Be Elected
An election to fill nine vacancies
In the Student Government Association will be held from 9 to 4 pm.
Wednesday, November 29, in the
Union building.
Voters will elect legislators for the
and Scifollowing positions:
ences, one lowerclass man, one
woman, two uppefclass women; Commerce, one man at large;
Agriculture, one man at large, one
upperclass woman; Education, one
upperclass woman; Engineering, one
upperclass man.
Candidates File



All candidates must file their Intentions to run for office, indicating
which office they wish to fill, by
4 p.m. Wednesday, November 22,


Kyian Queen
To Be Crowned
Tomorrow Night



Out of every war since the beginning of wars, plans for peace among
men and countries have been conceived, but perhaps never before has
there been a time when these plans
have been discussed as widely and as
intelligently as they are now.
World peace is a Utopian theory
which many people believe may at
last be reached after this war. However, it is a theory that must be developed carefully and with a great
deal of concentration and discussion.
Since Mr. Culbertson delivered
his convocation speech on that subject the students on the University
campus seem to realize how very
Important it Is to the welfare of the
future, and wherever one goes the
grill, the book store, or in classes
world peace is being discussed with
both intelligence and determination.
Perhaps if this would take place hi
every college campus in the United
States and abroad, the ideal of last

The crowning of the 1944 Kentuckian beauty queen will take place
during the formal Beauty Queen
dance which will be held from 9 to
12 Saturday In the Bluegrass room
of the Union building. Col Chip-mwill crown the queen.
Maureen Rose, Doris Smith, Doris
McCauley, and Lucy Meyer, are the
women who were selected in the
Kentuckian contest Tuesday night
at Memorial hall as the candidates
for queen. From these, with the
exception of Doris Smith, last year's
queen who may not be queen again
according to the Kentuckian tradi
tion that no girl may be queen for
more than one year, the final se
lection will be made.
The queen will be escorted to her
throne opposite the orchestra by
Bill Embry, president of the Student Government Association, and
will be crowned with full ceremony
The three attendants will be es
corted by three AST men.
A grand march, led by the queen
and Bill Embry, will follow the
Doris Smith, chairman of the
dance committee, announced that
the Kentucky Knights wUl play for
the dance and that admission will
be 75 cents, girls to be admitted
upon presenting their hostess cards.
Jean Crabb and Eleanor Bach,
buslness managers of the Kentuc
kian, are in charge of the crowning
will be among
All housemothers
the chaperones.

By Jean Paxton


"And the little dog laughed
see such sport "

Last Saturday night a lonely-lookilittle brown dog wandered
into the Union building and, apparently a time led by the sounds upstairs, he found his way to these
upper regions. All the Daisy Maes
were dancing with all the Lil'
so no one had time for the
little brown doggie. The music stopped, and the chase
was ready to begin again. All the
available men huddled in one corner of the big room, and all the
eager women fought for places in
the first line. There was a moment
of silence; then came the mad rush.
Suddenly, ringing out above the
clamor, came the shrill, excited bark
of the little dog. He sat with his
head thrown back and his mouth
wide open, howling at the top of
Ab-ne- rs,

Who knows but that the little
dog was laughing? After all, in his
world the women never chase the

Funkhouser Elected
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of
the Graduate srhooL was elected
president of the Conference of
Deans of Southern Graduate
Schools at the annual meeting of
that organization held in New Orleans on November 11.
will be used to prevent fraud or errors in the election. The committee
urges all civilian students to vote
but each student may vote only for
the representatives from his own

severe. One student in this group
said she felt that it Is not necessary to take away all the raw materials from Germany and Japan.
The group agreed that there should
not be a great amount of Interference with Germany's economic and
commercial world.
young male said
One brain-lade- n
he believed that Germany and
Japan should be divided into districts and each district should be
presided over by officials of certain
nations for 10 or 12 years. This
method, simlllar to a world police
force, is believed by many to be one
of the best bets for an effeclent
and workable plan.
These are but a few of the plans
voiced here on the campus, and
they prove fully that the students
understand very well the graveness
of the situation we face.
Perhaps the best way to learn
Although some few of the stu- these plans and to form ideas of
your own for our world peace is to
dents agree with Secretary of Treasury Morganthau's policy, one group enter more and more into these
that was interviewed feels it Is too discussions.

ing peace might be attained after Italy, she would be limited somewhat but not as greatly as Germany
A survey of different individual and
A faculty member suggested the
plans on the campus reveals that
plan that Germany and Japan
the most debated question is whether we should have a union of nations should be completely disarmed and
function in
and whether all countries should should governments. the He saidunder
be represented?
Some of our youth other
here believe that such an organiza- German people are as much to
tion would be a great help in pre- blame for this war as are Hitler
and his Nazis. And it would cerventing any sort of war again. However, it is generally agreed that this tainly seem so if one looks back at
organization should be conducted the history of the German nation.
differently from the way our league The first leader in Germany's history to be blamed for all of Gerof nations of the last war was conmany's faults was Bismarck and
ne plan suggested by a coed, who next came the Kaiser, and now
went into deep thought over a coke all of Germany's brutality is atin the book store, is to have a tributed to Hitler.
This faculyt members asks, what
league which would limit productions for each country, Including type of people is this that allow
America. According to this plan themselves to be led by every
dictator that comes then-way-?
Germany and Japan would not be

this war.


completely disarmed but would be
most rigidly limited in all military
production, and Russia would be
limited to some extent. As for


Since Miss Opener;

Thanksjiving day will be a
holiday for University students.

the registrar's office, Betty Ann
has announce'd. Any application received after this time will
not be accepted.
A candidate must have been In
residence two quarters at the University excluding the present quarter, must have maintained a 1.3
standing, and must be a student in
the college which he wishes to rep- his lungs.
Retiring Legislators
Legislators whose terms expire at
the end of this quarter are Marvin
Churney, Norman Chrisman, Betty
Fleishman, Wilma Jeanne Canada,
Jeanne Bureau, Martha Gayle, Betty Ann Brauer, William R. Legrande,
Doris Smith, and Bill Sturgill.
Although some of these represen
tatives have just been elected by
SGA to fill the terms of other assembly members who withdrew, according to the quarterly representa
tive plan, their terms will expire in
Electiun Committee
The election committee of SGA,
composed of Betty Ann Ginocchio,
Georgia Warwick, and Jerry Napier,
has completed plans for conducting
the voting and a checking system

Tats Strongest

Thanksgiving Holiday

Students Discuss World Peace Plan
By Mary Louise


'Wildcats To Use T Against
West Virginia Tomorrow;
Dance Features Coronation

SGA Sponsors

Football Game

By BUI Wrench
Monday, November 27, will be
opening night for the current Guignol production, "Junior Miss," Wally
Briggs. Guignol director, has announced.
The play, first of three which will
be produced this year by the Guignol staff, stars Beth Caddy, Arts
and Sciences senior. In the leading
role of Judy Graves.
Adolescent Daughter
Miss Caddy will play the part of
the mischievous
daughter of Harry and Grace Graves, and
sister of Lois Graves. She gets
mixed up hi the usual adolescent
scrapes, among other things, causes
her father to lose his Job and almost brings about a divorce between
her mother and father. However, she
finally squares herself with everyone and the play ends happily.
Produced On Broadway
Junior Miss" is directed by Wallace Briggs and was written by Jerome Chodorov and Joseph Fields. It
was first produced on Broadway.
The complete cast of Uie play includes: Eli Popa as Harry Graves;
Sarah McLean Wilson
Oraves; Beth Caddy Judy Graves;
Jean Collier Lois Graves; Edmund
Mills J. B. Curtis; Carolyn Schef-flEllen Curtis;. Opal Palmer-Hil- da;
Don Irvin Willis Reynolds;
tvalou Ross
Puffy Adams; Jennings Kearby Barlow Adams; Don
Haskel Cummings; Hugh
Collett Western Union boy; Johnny
Merrill Ferback: Conrad
Richardson Albert Kennedy; Robert Ogden Tommy Ar buckle; and
W. B. Wrench Sterling Brown.
The play will continue through a
matinee on Saturday, December 2.
Sale of tickets will begin when the
box office opens November 20.


17, 1944

Campus Drive
Will Begin
On Monday

Will Follow


Kirwan Picks



'Junior Miss
First Of Three


Howe Will


By Al Reynolds
For the first time since the Michigan game, Kentucky grid fans will
and penalties will be imposed
in use when
see the
for cuts taken on Wednesday
the Wildcats vie with the" West Viror Friday.
ginia Mountaineers at 2 p.m. toCuts before or after a holiday
morrow on Stoll field.
add one quarter hour to the
The single wingback formation
number of hours iequired for
was abandoned with the return of
graduation. Dean Leo Chamquarterback Bill Chambers who
berlain has stated.
adroitly handles the intricate T. The
There will be no issue of The
boys looked a little rusty but Coach
Kernel next week because of the
Kirwan believes they will be In tune
for the contest with Coach Ira
Rodgers' boys.
The Mountaineers who have won
5. lost 2, and tied 1, will employ a
single wingback, unbalanced line formation with Jimmy Walthall in the
key position. This boy is labeled one
of the outstanding backs of the season, and If Kentucky is to win he
will be the man to hold down. Other
outstanding players for West Virginia will appear In the game tomorrow.
The return of Jimmy Howe, who
was injured in the initial game, will
mark the second appearance of the
Dr. Daniel Poling, editor of The original starting backfield. KenChristian Herald, will speak at the tucky's two stalwart backs, Jim Parthird convocation of the fall quar- - rot t and Norm Klein, are certain
ter at 10 a.m. Wednesday In Me- - starters and others who will probably see action are Dutch Campmorial hall.
His subject will be "The Spiritual bell, Norm Weiner. Hoble Thomas,
and Roger Yost. However, the line
Aspects of This War."
j is not in the same shape. Three key
Minister of Religion
Dr. Poling is a minister of religion, men have been lost within the past
leader in civic movements, counselor two weeks.
Doc Ferrell became the most reof philanthropists, novelist, and ra
cent loss when he was called Thursdio speaker, as well as
of the century-ol- d
Christian day by the Navy. The
Herald. As president of the Inter- guard from Richmond was outstandnational Society of Christian En- ing in early season games until a
deavor, he has been a leader of dislocated elbow forced him from
Christian youth around the world. action. The other permanent loss is
He has traveled as a war corre- Floyd Shorts who left school bespondent with assignments from his cause of scholastic deficiencies. He
paper, and also from Time, the had started almost every game at
Christian Science Monitor, and the center. An injured ankle win keep
Philadelphia Inquirer. Flying some Capt. Jim Little out of his first
73,000 miles he has visited many of j game but it is probable that he will
the battlefronts where American be ready for the Tennessee game.
Jim McDonald wTI replace Shorts
soldiers are in action England. Africa, '3ui'aia, China, andT the Near with Fred Ferris and Duke Saunders
as reserves. Gene Haas will replace
Ferrell. This game will also mark
Working For Peace
Dr.- Poling is working for the futhe return of big Hugh Shannon
ture preservation of world peace, so- whose knee has kepc him off the
gridiron lately. Henry Paul, Wash
cial and Industrial justice, evangelism, medical aid for the poor, and Serin 1, Jesse McCune. and Tom Lita more courageous Christian church. tle are other regulars who are cerBesides his sermons, he has pub- tain to see action.
At half time there will be passlished three novels: The Furnace,
The Heretic, and John of Oregon. ing contest in which the best high
Classes regularly scheduled for school passing combination in the
this time, third hour, from 10 to state will be selected. Each school
can enter a passer and
11:50, will be dismissed for convoreceiver
with the prize going to the duo
Dean Leo Chamberlain will pre- which completes the longest pass.
side, and Robert McNeil, assistant The prize is a pair of reserved seat
pastor of the Maxwell Street Pres- tickets to the Tennessee game.
byterian church, will give the Invocation and benediction.
All classes will be dismissed on
Thursday, November 23 only,

Dr. Poling
To Address

Classes Dismissed
Third Hour




210-pou- nd

SUB ADDoints


Committee Chairmen
At a meeting of the Student Union board on Tuesday, Gwen Pace,
president, appointed the newly elected members as chairmen or
of the various committees.
They are: Maurice Leach,
of the Dance committee,
who will share the chairmanship
with Doris Smith; Reginald Bowen,
of the Activities committee, with Marian Yates as the
other chairman, and Nancy Ellen
Taylor as chairman of the House
Until the vacancies on the Board
were filled. Gwen Pace had been the
acting chairman of the House committee, but will now become an
member as she is chairman
of all of the Student Union Service

Installation Service
For SGA Members
Held Last Night
The first formal installation service for members of the Student
Government Assembly was held at
8:15 p.m. Thursday in the Music
room of the Union building.
Bill Embry. president of SGA,
spoke on "Student Cooperation
with SGA" and Mrs. Sarah B.
Holmes, dean cf women, spoke on
"Faculty Cooperation With SGA."
All assembly members were formally sworn in by Kilmer Combs,
chairman of the judiciary committee. A charge to the officers and
members of SGA was given by
President Herman L. Donovan.
Betty Harris Russell sang "The
Lord's Prayer," and at the close of
the program Rev. Robert McNeill
pronounced the benediction.
Following the Installation service. Dr. (and Mrs. Donovan held
a reception at Maxwell Place for
members cf the assembly.

By Shirley Meister
Question: What are your Thanksgiving Day plans?
Mary Louise Patton. A AS. junior:
I'm going to work on a term paper.
BUI Batten, ASTRP: I'm going
home for a big turkey dinner.
Dora Lee Robertson, A AS, junior:
To read an Eighteenth Century

Frank Browning. Eng.. sophomore: I'm going to Louisville to the

football game.
Mary Crawford, A AS, senior: I'll
probably have to read a book.
Pvt. Nick Housley. A3 TP: I'll be
resting after the Wednesday night
Carolyn Schoeffler, Ed., senior:
I'm going home for a little "preparatory" work.
Charles R. Craig, A AS. freshman:
To go to the game and celebrate
Male-Manu- al


.Eugenia Donahue. Ag., sophomore: Get oft my diet.
Pvt. Dorsey Abshire, ASTP: I'll
probably sleep all day.
Becky Grisby. A AS, freshman:
Eat turkey (if they have it) at the
Sue Ragland, A AS, freshman: My
boy friend is getting a leave need
I say more?
George Hobbs, A AS, freshman:
To dream of Thanksgiving day at
Winnie Roy Lewis, Af., senior: A
real sharp bird.
Johnny Smyth. AAS, freshman:
To eat. drink and be merry.
Betty Haynes AAS. sophomore:
My boy friend will be here on furlough.
Cora Mae Strain, Af, freshman:
Eat and sleep and take it easy.

� Best Copy Available

The Kernel Editorial Page




FXAMTNATioN pfptods

.Managing Editor
Neil's Editor
Milium I.or,
Short s Editor
Bfttv Tevis
Mary Lii.i.ian Davis
Society Editor
Maroarft Jt'HA Wharton. . . Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Marcta Uraddy
Marv ' Iaf. Dorsfy. .Assistant Managing Editor

except houdats or

FntPiTd at th post oirir
t iTineton,
ui.it rlass mtln undrr thr Art of Marrh



KfntnrkT intnroiingi.t prpM Association
LrxinKton Board of commerre
Kentucky pr
National Editorial Association




'. '. '. '. '. '.



0 Features

'. .













AdVlr rvnman.
BHty her Fleishman, Catherine
Slitrlry Mcistcr. Frances Keller. Dora her Robertson,
Mitchell. Martha Yates. William Wrench. John
Laura Headley, Edna Crawford, Marjori
Haaan. Mary Louise Patton, Jane Hunt Clark. Patsy
Hammersley, Frances Jenkins. Maud Keller,
Jones, Carol Raurh, Martha Jones, Rcihard Love,


mfmmotu m tio..
njUOlMlrUiiei LCrillgoei TICC, lift.

CiIIiit fir'-

atO Naekmn Avi.











new York, N. Y.
Aaatita - !


tone erflrlet and
opinio 'o (he rritert thewtelret.
reflect the opinion o rfce Kernel.

$1 So



pi"g cl;ts


By Billie "CI.AIRE"

Forgetting that the number


he was calling was no longer on
Whinfield and Fitfit raltl.
the University extension, one of
the Sigma Chis. when asked ware! Jimmv Newton is
railing, writin" the Ruhaivat of Omar
what number he
said, "C'.ilv, please." In a few Khaain! Of course, it's none
seconds, a deep voice growled f(f (ir business, but we son ol
liked it the wav it was.
out. "Catv Police!"



r to be considered th0
and do not nerestaril

left lx fole (.hrisliii.iv

We were walking along, singing a song, when we p.isvil :i

photo studio uhith li;iiV a picture of Mill I L in lit- window. Our siupiise at si t ing hi






f.ue gave the song we were singing a rather odd ending: "ll
e admit that we know ery seems that happiness is just a
Manv stories have lieen told
f. ;,Ikui football, and we're thing called-.MF.- RI.
about the fenny pinching habits
murder, and for mere existence in war-tor17. 19.1'J.
i- - f; t:
ic cars :igo lodav. on Novc-mlnof the late John I). Rockefeller. PO complaining. P.ul we think
Ceilio-!v.tcities and villages. In tomorrow's wot Id it will
in lt :i;ii-- . one hundred and fif'tv-siFrom a friend in London
Our favorite one concerns the ,ai our Imivs have the wrong
mikIcihs were masarrcd
the Nais. be French, Yugoslavian. Norwegian, Polish. Chitime he went to a dentist to have attitude towards the game. W'e (tunes the story of the two Yank
.iik) oik- thousand two hundred taken to concen-ii.iikm- i
nese, and American youth who will be fighting,
his tooth pulled. "How much.-- " watched them at practice the who wanted to ve the War Ot- he asked in advance. "Three other clay and saw one of the i,e, but elidu'i know on which
Germany, leaiio they re-Ithrough courageous effort, by friendship, and
i,inits in
dollars." said the dentist, who nK. rumble the lall. His near- - Nitle of the street it was located,
common striving to replenish the intellectual
lied against German invasion.
didn't even know who his client t.sl teammate shied away from 1 hc v hailed a passing Ioium.
Since that day valiant youths from all of loss.
s the opposit ion bore down antl asked. "Which side is the
was. "Hmph! Three dollar to j,
A pledge must Ik made to strive toward these
those tommies which have lxrn occupied by
pull a tooth!" grumbled John fm the loose ball, we yelljl War Office on?" The Tommv
tin- - Germans and all students from the other
principles of democracy even though the tasks
D. "Here's a dollar. Loosen it from the sidelines. "Pick it up!" thought hard for a nioinc nt and
I'niicd atityis. have fouglit and hied and died that are before. ns will not le easily accomplished
a little bit!"
And what do you think he an- - then replied. "Goi blinux' Oms
in a short time. The idea could be strengthI rbink!"
i hi where free nieii
to iu4 U togetlKT
swered? "Pick it up. hell!
ened by helping to work out an International
'e have finally accomplished didn't drop it!"
secure from such force.
niiv Ie
We were slurping down ;i
-t: is iz
that for which we've been striv- ,.,.i- ,...w
In inaik this blackest of events in the.his-to- i Youth Rill of Rights, to instigate an organiza- a.- -,
iri ai ir a7tai iT V,' ) jni.il iwr
ing a long time. We can now
.iicl that reminds lis of the Kw of chili at a downtown
tional aid of student groups in which the imof youth an anniversary known as Inter-li.inhale great quantities of smoke tjme when a pitiful little fool- - sot, when a slightlv incbii.ued
would be stressed,
ional Students' Day has been observed for portance of working together
and swallow it completely, with- - hall team from a jerkwater col- - j,t ni sat down next u us at the
tin- past four years, and this year, with so much
or mavbe the challenge lies in fulfilling first of
out exhaling a trace of it. It lt.,,c ocncd its season against counter. He hailed everyone
l Luine already lilerated
from Nai rule, N'o- - all the appeal made at home.
should lie convenient when we ont. ()' Notre Dame's most x- - who tame into the place with,
17 will be especially significant.
The procurement of blood for the armed
feel the urge to smoke in classes. u., tltVeiis. The coach tried to "Hello. Kcllv!" He declared in
By Don Lai I
So there is an appeal to the vouth of Amer-i.i-a-n fortes is one of the most important wartime acas did riear Claire" and "Dear it really is a great discovery. ,ns,j scime fighting spirit into a loud voice, to no one in parti- apeal which means just a little bit tivities. The fact that blood plasma saves 97 The tragedy of adolescence is a Alben" we must end our
terrified lxvs, ,u;ir that he came from Texas,
You must trv it some time. Our i,;s ji,siif,ablv
by roomrn,,e became intrigtietl whill. ,iev huddled in their
i note than respecting those voting
cople who out of every 100 wounded men is a challenge nameless entity named Fischer. The Fa