xt795x25bc8x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25bc8x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1931-01-jan21-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1931-01-jan21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1931-01-jan21-ec. 1931 1931-01-jan21-ec. 2011 true xt795x25bc8x section xt795x25bc8x 

     Minutes of the Regular Monthly Mieeting of the Executive
Coommnittee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky
for Wednesday, January 21, 1953.

     The Executive Commiittee of the Board of Trustees met in
regular monthly session in the President's Office at the Uni-
versity on Wednesday, Januiary 21, 1931, at 10:30 a, mn  The
following members were nresent:  Judge Richard C. Stoll' Robert
G. Gordon, James Park, and J. B. Andrews.   President McVey and
Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Committee, were present.

     The minutes of the Vxecutive Ccm.mvittee for Wednesday, YTo-
vember.     were approved as published.

     1. Report of the Business Agent.   The reDort of the Bus-
iness Agent was read and ordered incorporated in the minutes as

                                         "EXHIBIT B"

           Statement of Income and Expenditures
                  Month of December 1930



To Date

General Fund Income
  Federal Appropriation   42,750.00
  Dairy Bldg..Equip. -
  State Appropriation
  Special Agr. Appro.     17,070.84
  State Tax              485,362.20
  Int. on Liberty Bonds      650,00
  Int. on Endowment Bonds  4,322.25
  Student Fees            78,103.35
  Student Fees - Sum.Sch. 42,129.35
  Student Fees - U.H.S.    3,858.80
  Student Fees - El.Tr.
    Sch.                   3,985.00
  Student Fees - Un. Ext.  9,522.21
  Teacheies Training Build-
    ing Equip.-State Appro.

Miscellaneous Receipts








556, 759,10

  10, 507.92




Service Building, State
Rentals                  1,198.50
State Appro. - Sum. Sch4
ien' s Dormitories      13,185.80
            Total       732436.72

25,000.00 25,000.00
    324.50   1,,523.00
10,000.00 10,000.00
     24.52 13,210.42
135,303.02 867,739.74

  Acim. Exp. and Maint.
  Add. & Betterments

123, 792-49
755 075.56

77 128.01 426;598i22
23 300.40 147j092,89
40,686.60 322,499.46
141,115.01 896 190.57

Excess of Expenditures
  over Incoite


(5,8l1,99)(P28 4.50. 83)

Patterson Hall Incor-;e
Miscellaneous Rec.
Room Rent - Summer Schi

  Additions & Betterments

  Excess of Income over

General Fund Inco-me
General Fund Expend.

  Excess of General Fund
    Expend. over Income

Excess of Expenditures
  over Receipts for Gen-
  eral Account

34, 021 * 90
  134. 40
4,417. 25


415.00 34,4 436.90
54.90     189.30
      __ 4,417 25
469.90 _39;04134 45

5,172.62  22,231633

17,101.21     5,172.62 22,273.83

21 ,472.34   (4,702.72) 16,769.62

771,010.27   135,772.92 906,783.19
772,173.77   146,287.63 918,464.40



(10, 514. 71)(11,681.21)


Excess of Expend. over
  Receipts for the fis-
  cal year to date - Gen-
  eral Fund

1065.9  (1,647 (_,0 9

- -  - :
           - -

E        -  -






Excess of Expenditures over
  Receipts for the fiscal
  year to date - General
Cash in Bank July 1, 19330 -
  General . Funds



Cash in Bank Decer-iber 31,
1930 - General Fund

Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund.
  Stud ent Not es Paid

1, 558. 33  38.68
2, 354.00 341. 40
3,910.33 380.08

(89. 601.26-)

1, '93.01

  Student Notes

Excess of Expenditures
  over Receipts

  243.00  40.000
3,81t. 50 540.00
4,0570 580.00


Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for the fiscal
year to date - Trust

Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 -
  Trust Fund
Cash in Bank December 31,
  1930 - Trust Fund

Experiment Station Incone
  Hatch - Federal Appro.
  Milk and Butter - Cash
    Receipt s
  Beef Cattle Sales
  Dairy Cattle Sales
  Sheep Sales
  Swine Sales
  Poultry Sales
  Farm. Produce Sales
  Horticultural Sales
  Seed Tests
  Fertilizer - Fees
  Public Service - State
  Public Service - Hisc.

7, 500.00

  161. 32
  798. 35

979- 06


7, 333. 32 3, 636. 66

7, 500, 00

1 , 301,60
  202. 24
   988. 02
   403. 46
 5, 776. 25


4 ,315  50

( 347.09)






  Feeding Stuffs - Fees   33,085.00
  Adams - Federal Appro.   7,500.00
  Seruim - Sales           1,059.38
  Serum - Virus Sales         63.45
  Serum - Supply Sales        53.10
  State Appropriation     20,491.38
  Creamery - License Fees  6,598.50
  Creamery - Testers' Lic, 0,092.00
  Creamery - Glassware Test-
    ed                       302.83
  Robinson - St. Appro.     5,172.80
  West Kentucky - State
    Appro.                  4,777.14
  Purnell - Federal AoDro. 30,000.00
  State Appropria-tion -
    Patterson Far- Pur-
    chase                 25, 000.00

  Nursery Inspection -
    State Appropriation       825.00
  INursery Inspection - Fees 1,160.00
  Cream Grading            2,625.00
  Poultry Thprovemnent     1,460.00
  Blood Test                  924.50
               Total      173,232.24

  Expense                176,772.24
  Additions & Bettern.ents  6,532.35
               Total     183,304.89

Excess of Expenditures
over Income




37, 604,90
   33. 35
3 ,33. 00


4,919.36    9,696.50


   899. 75




214 421e 54

I1,072.65)    (5,012.07) (15,084.72)

Excess of Expenditures over
Income for the f i-scal year
to date - Experiment Sta.
Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 -
Experiment Station
Cash in Bank December 31, 1930 -
Experiment Station




Extension Division InconrE
  Federal Smith-Lever
  Federal Additional Co-
  Federal Suppi ernent ary
  Federal Capper-Ketcharn
  State Smith-Lever
  State Capper-Ketcham
  County and Other


27, 321. 28
47,663.01 23,855.57
   270.00     135.00
 1 578.49    112.50
2 00: 59 1. 40 24,103.07


224, 702.47





  Excess of Inco-me over


162,0_73.21 33,673.32

38,526.19   (9,570.25)

Excess of Inco-me over Ex-

p~enditures for the fiscal

year to date - Extension


Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 -

  Extension Division

Cash in Bank Dece-mber 31,

1931 - Extension Division


  General Fund Income     771, 010.27

  Trust Fund Income          1,556.'33

  Experiment Station Inc. 173,9232.24

  Extension Div. Income   200,599.40

                 Total   1,146, 398. 24

General Fund Expenditures 772,176.'77

  Trust Fund Expenditures     243.00

  Experiment Sta. Expend.  183,304,89

  Extension Divieion - Ex-

  poenditures            152,073.21

                  To tal 1 ,1 17 , 79~7.8~7

Excess of Income over


Excess of Expcenditures

over Receipts for Gen-

eral Ledger Accounts



Student Loan Fund - Notes(1,460.5~0)

Excess of Expenditures

  over Receipts for the

  fiscal year to date -

  Comn~bined Fund

17,690. 78

135,772.92   906,783.19

     38.68     1, 595.01

 32,877.03   206,109,27

 24,103.07   224,702.47

 192,791.70 1,339,18'9.94

 146,287,63   918,464,40

     40.00       283.00

 37,889,10   221,193,99

 33,673.32   195,746.53

              1,335, 687. 92

(25,098.35)     3,502.02

(1,449.99)   (10,899.08)

    (198.60)    (1,659.10)

(26,746-.94)   (9,056.16)

Excess of Expenditures over

  Receiptu for the fiscal

  year to date - Zon;bined

  Fund                                               ( , 5 . 6


28, 955, 94


31, 929.12




Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 -
   Combined Fund
Cash in Bank December 31,
   1930 - Combined Fund



Abstract of item shown on state-
ment of Incoine and Expenditures
as "Excess of Exoenditures over
Receipts for General Ledger Ac-
counts $10, 899.08"

                  Debit         Credit

Accounts Receivable


Insurance Pa8id in Advance  4,347.84

Sundry Accounts


Not es Payabl e

10 899.08

     2. Book Store Committee.    The Book Store Committee report-
ed that a contract had been signed with James E. Horris, as han-
ager of the University Book Store.   The contract was read and
a motion was -made, seconded, and. carried approving the action
and directing that the contract be entered on the record.  The
contract was as follows:

     THIS AGRMEALMT, made this 17th day of December, 1930,
by and between The University of Kentucky, party of the first
part, and James E. horris, party of the second part,

    WITNESSETH: That the parties hereto, in consideration of
the mi-utual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, to
be kept and performed by the parties hereto, agree as follows:

                          F I R S T

     The party of the first part agrees that he will, on the
1st day of January, 1931, place the narty of the second part




in charge of the operation of the store, hereinafter called
the "Book Store" which is located in U-c0Yey Mall, on the campus
of the University of Kentucky, and shall cause to be turned
over to the said party of the second part all of the stock and
fixtures which are now located in said store, subject to sales
made subsequently to this date and perior to said 1st day of
January, 1931.

                       S E 0 0 N? D

     The party of the first part further agrees, subject to the
provisions hereinafter contained, that the party of the second
part shall, for a period of one year, retain control of s aid
store and the sale and rental of books, supplies, gowns, etc.,
in and from said store, and to furnish to said second party the
space now occupied, or other suitable space for the operation
of said store,

                         T Xl I    1

     The party of the second part agrees that he will keep an
accurate record of sales and inventory of said store; and will,
on the first day of each July and January

     (a) Pay to the party of the first oart ten (10) per centum
of the gross revenue derived from sales, rentals, etc.,m.^.ade
through said store:

     (b) Pay to the first party a sum of -money equal to the
decrease, if any, in the irnentory at cost price, of the stock
of goods in said store, since the first day of the preceding
January or July

                       F 0 U R T H

     The party of the second part agrees that he will sell books
at a price not to exceed the list price thereof, and that he
will add no merchandise to that now handled by said store except
such articles as are legitimate on a student's list of wants and
are properly associated with a store of this character.

                        F I F T H

     The party of the second part further agre6s that he will
pay all salaries of persons employed in the operation of said
store, and will pay for heat and light for said store, which
the party of the first Dart agrees to furnish.



                         S I X T H

     The party d the second part -agrees that he will sell all
articles and supplies nurchased from him by the University of
Kentucky at a price to be arrived at by adding ten (10"0) per
centum to the cost thereof to the second party, and the party of
the first part agrees that the revenue derived. rrom such sales
shall not be considered as gross revenue for the purpose set
forth in Section (a) of Paragraph Third hereof.

                        S E V E M T H

     The party of the second part agrees that he will continue
to rent the caps and gowns now owned by said store at the prevail-
ing rates, and that he will, within ten days after the receipt
of sam-.le, pay to the first p-arty one-half of all sums derived from
said rentals, this to be in addition to the payment of ten (0b;)
per centum thereof as gross revenue as provided in Paragraph
Third hereof.

                        E I G H T H

     The party of the second part further agrees that he will
cause to be executed to the party of the first part a grood and
siy ficient bond, in the sum of $30,000, conditioned for the
prompt payment of the smms of money mentioned in Paragraph Third
hereof, Paragraph Seventh hereof, and the performance of the cov-
enant contained in Paragraph Ninth.

                         N I N T H

     The party of the second part agrees that he will, on the
lst day of January, 1932, turn over to the first party the fix-
tures described in Paragraph First hereof, and a stock of goods
equivalent in value to the stock of goods described in Paragraph
First hereof, taking credit for all sunms paid under Section (b)
of Paragraph Third hereof, in as good condition as when received
by him, subject to ordinary wear and tear, and loss due to fire,
accidents or the elements.

                         T ES T H

     The first party agrees to keep the stock and fixtures here-
inbefore described insured in a. sum not less than $25,000, and
the second party agrees to pay the premiums for such insurance
when the same sshall become due and payable.  Such insurance shall
be payable to the parties to this contract, as their interests now
appear herein.



     IN WNITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands
and seals the day and year first above written.

                             TEE UNJIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY,

By _ Frank L. McVey
     Its President

     Jqmes E. Morris



    3. Book Store Inventoryt A statement was made by Mr. Morris
giving inventory of the Book Store which was as followsl

                                        January 16, 1931

     The following is the inventory
of January 1, 1931

    Supplies (Students)
    Supplies (University)
    Caps and Gowns

of the book-store as


        May I point out that the fault with this inventory
   lies not in the amount invested in books, and which we have
   taken the professors toiask about, but rather in the supply
   end of the business.   Some of the items under supplies to
   my mind are worthless but on the whole the stock is simply
   an oversupply of good and salable merchandise.

        The changes to be made dividing the 'a ok-store and
   post-office have not, been begun.

        The bulk of the second semester orders were made today.
        The safe which was sent us is inadequate and will have
to be moved back.



         Used book business is beginning:
             it Ad,'to appear in Tuesday's Kernel.
             2. Posters will be put up at that time.
             3. We are buying on knowledge contained in orders
    from instructors, clerks' experience, etc.

         Cost of telegrams will no longer be added to the cost
    of the book to the student.

         The same people employed by Miss Bean in the store
    are now emiployed. until Larch 1, 1931, when the force will
    be reorganized.

                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                    James E. Morris

     4.  Insurance on Warehouse.  A statement was read from
Klair and Scott indicating that it is not possible to arrange
co-insurance on the warehouse recently purchased by the Universi-
ty owing to the fact that the ownership of the warehouse is one
of divided interest.

     5.  Purchase of Library Equipment.  Bids for library equip-
ment were received from the Globe Wernicke Company and the Li-
brary Bureau.   A motion was mande, seconded, and carried that
the contract for library eouipm-ent be awarded to the Library Bu-

     6. Stacks and Delivery System in the Library.   President
McVey reported to the Cornittee that the delivery system in the
Library and the upper three floors of the stacks had not been
installed due to the expense of installation at the time of the
contract.   The matter was disnussed and the President authorized
to recuest a bid from the Sneed Company to furnish stacks and de-
livery. system..

     7. Dedication of Library. The question of dedicating the
Library was brought up and discussed and a motion was -ade,
seconded, and carried that the .matter be left with the President
of the.University with rower to act.

     8. Mid-Year Coom:-neqnce.zent. President UcVey stated that the
University is having its first mid-year commencement on Friday,
January 30, 1931.   A motion was made, seconded, and carried, di-
recting that degrees be conferred upon those recommmended by the
Senate in its meeting of January 28    the list of candidates
to be reported to the Comr.q-nittee at its next meeting for record.



      9. Cutting of Ti-.nmber at Robinson's Sub-Station  Dean Cooper
 reported that in order to relieve the unemployment situation,
 approximately 100,000 feet of ti-mber is being cut at the Robin-
 son's Sub-station, and put on the market.   He feels that this
 will help in the unemployment situation in the mountain section.

      10. Amending of Board of Trustees' Regulations.   A commun-
 ication was read fromn the Secretary of the Senate recommending
 an amendinent to the Constitution and By-Laws of the University,
 The communication was as follows!

           "At the -meeting of the University Senate November
      10 and again at the meeting January 12, the following
      motion was considered and recommended to the Board of
      Trustees for adoption:

                "Moved that the Council shall consist
          of the President (Chairman), the Deans of
          the Colleges and of the Graduate School, the
          Dean of Men, the Dean of Women, the Registrar,
          (Secretary ex-officio), together with four me m-
          bers elected by the Snnate.   At the first
          election two are to b e elected, for one year and
          two for two years and. thereafter two meobers are
          to be elected each year for two years.   Noot
          more than one Member may be elected from any
          one college.

               "It is further provided that the menbers
          elected annually from the Senate may not suc-
          ceed themselves in office."

                               Very truly yours,

                                        Ezra L Gillis
                                        Secretary of the Senate

     A motion was niade, seconded, and carried approving the
proposed changes in the Regulations governing the University,

     11. Water Power Project.  A communication from R. T. Gunn,
of Lexington, KentuckTy was read ano discussed.    The co11,mmunica-
tion proposed a power plant on the Kentucky river as a ?izossible
source of income for the University.   The matter was taken under
advisement by the Executive Com-mittee.



     12. Scholarship for Foreign Students. President McVey called
attention of the Committee to the fact that the Institute for In-
ternational Education has requested the University to provide a
scholarship for some foreign student.  The matter was discussed
and left to the President for recommendation.

     13.  Use of Gymnasium for Meeting.  A communication was
read from the American Christian Association stating that that
body is having its annual meeting in Lexington on June 17 and
that there is no church big enough to hold the delegates. They
ask the privilege of holding communion services in the University
gymnasium on that date.  A motion was made, seconded, and car-
ried authorizing the use of the building for that purpose.

     14.  Doctor Dimock to do Consultation Work.   A communication
was read from Dr. We.  . Dirnock asking if he might be permitted to
do consultation work in veterinary science on occasions where it
would not interfere with his regular employment.   A motion was
made, seconded, and carried that Doctor Dimock be permitted to
do consultation work in veterinary science so long as it does
not interfere with his duties at the University, it being under-
stood that the privilege is subject to revocation at any time by
the Board.

     15.  Observatory Dome.  A communication was read. from the
contractors constructing the observatory dome asking for payment
of $5,870.  They state that the work is completed and the dome
will be shipped when the building is ready to receive it.   It
appearing that this is in accordance with the contract, a motion
was made, seconded, and carried that the Superintendent of Build-
ings and Grounds be authorized to inspect the dome and if it is
found satisfactory that the payment be made and that the structure
be insured until such a time as it can be installed.

     16.  Plans for Tobacco Warehouse.   Preliminary plans for
the use of the warehouse were submitted by the Superintendent of
Buildings and Grounds, Mr. Crutcher.   These plans involve office
space for the Department of Buildings and Grounds and space for
the Department of Physical Education.   The plans were examined
and approved subject to further modification when full information
is available as to the cost of construction.

     17. Appointments, Leaves of. Absence, and Increases in
Salary.  The following list of appointments, leaves of absence,
and increases in salary was recommended by the President and on
motion, duly seconded, amproved.

     The appointment of David Young, assistant in Geology for the
second semester of this year, at a salary of $200.



     Appointment of Paul Averitt, assistant in Geology for the
second semester of this year, at a salary of $150.

     The services of Eugene Simpson as nursery inspector were
discontinued, effective January 31.  It appears that the in-
spection work for the year will be completed by that time.

     Appointment of H. H, Thompson, County Agent, Harrison County,
at a salary of $216-2/3 a month, for a period of one month, ef-
fective December 1, 1930.

     Appointment of Miss Tilla Cox, clerk in the Extension Division
at a salary of $85 a month, effective December 22, 1930.

     The resignation of Alice Latham, clerk in the Extension
Division, effective Dece-tiber 19, 1930, was accepted.

     The resignation of K. J. Bowles, County Agent, Horgan County,
effective December 1, 1930, was accepted.

     The resignation of H. B. Haskins, assistant County Agent,
Morgan County, effective December 31, 1930, was accented.

     The death of W. C. ,Williams, colored, County Agent, Christian
County, on December 31, 1930, was reported.

     Sabbatical leave of absence with full pay for the first
semester 1931-1932 for Professor B.3. McInteer was granted.

    Appointment of Miss bernice Finn as a substitute instructor
in home economics at a salary of $200 a month for the month of
January was approved.

     Professor L. C. Robinson was appointed acting head of the
Geology Department for the second semester, 1930-1931, due to the
absence of the Head of the Department.

    Appoinitment of Dr. C. Q. Eddy, as associate entomologist in
the Experiment Station at a salary of $3400 a year, effective
larch 1, 1931, was approved.

    Appointment of Russell D, Hunt, field agent in tobacco in
the Extension Division at a salary of $2400 a year, effective
January 1, 1931, was apDroved.

    Appointment of Julian Elliott as graduate assistant in Polit-
ical Science for the first semester at a salary of $100 for the
se.mester wasEpproved.



     The allowance for Martin Glenn for the first semester of
$200 as allowed by the Board on Ylovemn'ber 5, 1930, was on recommen-
dation of the Head of the Denartnent changed to 100.

     AppQintiment of Harry Lyhn as graduate assistant in Political
Science for the second semester at $200 for the semester was

     An increase in salary of $200 was allowed J. S. Mitchell
of the University High School.

     An increase in salary of $15 a month was allowed Miss Marie
Forsting of the College of Education.

     An increase in salary of $10 a monthwas allowed to Hiss
Olive Gresham of the College of Educationi

     An increase in salary of ^..10 a month w as allowed to Miss
Marjorie Wilcoxen of the College of Education.

     It was understood that all of these salaries were provided
in the budget last fall and that the appointments were made on a
lower level when the persons were first appointed.

     Appointment of Miss Joy Pride as part-time instructor in Art
for the second semester at a salary of $400 for the semester.

     Appointment of an assistant in the University Commons at a
salary of $1200 a year on a twelve months basis, was authorized.

     Appointment of Doctor Davis as a part-time physician in the
Department of Hygiene and Public Health at a salary of $1200 on
an eleven months basis.

     Continuation of employment of W. C. Johnstone, county agent,
McCracken County, at a salary of 8258 1/3 a month, for a pekoe
of one year from January 1, 1931.

     Continuation of employment of W. B. Howell, county agent,
Oldham County, at a salary of $208 1/3 a month, for a period of
one year from January 1, 1931.

     Continuation of employment of J. L. Miller, county agent,
Madison County, at a salary of $233 1/3 a month, for the period
January 1 to March 31, 1331.

     Continuation of employrzont of R.*. B. McClure, county agent,
Garrard County, at a salary of $200 a month, for a period of one
year from January 1, 1931.

     Continuation of employment of J. $. McClure, county agent,
Daviese County, at a salary of $233 1/3 a month, for a period of
one year from January 1, 1931.



     The resignation of K. E. Ksykendall, colored, County Agent,
Warren County, was accepted, effective January 31, 1931.

     Continuation of em-Ployment of H. P. v!ichols, County Agent,
Ohio County, at a salary of $225 a month, for a period of one
year from January 1, 1931.

     Continuation of em71oyment of E. i. Lambert, dounty Agent,
henifee County, at a saelary of $133-1/3 a month, for a period of
eleven months beginning February 1, 1931.

     Continuation of employment of H. C. Brown, County Agent,
Fulton County, at a salary of .l175 a month, for a period. of one
year from January 1, 1931.

     Continuation of employment of Joe Hurt, County Agent, Boyle
County, at a salary of -Tl91-2/3 a month, for a period of one year
beginning April 1, 1931.

     Appointment of Runyon Storey, colored, assistant County Agent.
Madison County, at a sala;- of ;75 a. month, for a period beginning
February 1, 1931, and ending June 30, 1931.

     Continuation of e Dloyment of R. H. Lickert, County Agent,
Fleming County, at a salary ofI -225 a month, for a period of one
year beginning February 1, 1931.

     Appointment of John H. Finch, assistant County AIent,
County, at a salary of 7.'75 a month, for a period beginning January
15, 1931 and ending February 26, 1931.

     Continuation of emprloyment of W. E. Wiedeburg, County Agent,
Christian County, at a salary of ,.,i233-1/3 a month, for a period
of one year beginning January 1931.

     Continuation of emnloyment of Earl i'ayhew, County Agent,
Knox County, at a, salary of `87.50, for a period of one year,
beginning February 1., 1931.

     Continuation of enmoloyment of G. 0. Routt, County Agent,
Graves County, at a salary of '.24-1-2/3 a month, for a period
beginning January 1, 1;'31, and. ending June 30, 1931.

     Continuation of emoloyment of 1M1iss Frances Wiese, Home Dem-
onstration Agent, Christian County, et a salary of 1'166-2/3 a
month, for a period of one year, beginning January 1, 1931.



     Appointment of Miss Christiana S. McCoy, assistant Home.
demonstration Agent, Boyd County, at a salary of :1l10O a month,
for a period beginning January 2 and ending January 31, 1931t

     Appointment of Miss 'IGary Catherine Gormley, assistant Home
Demonstration Agent in Central Kentucky, at a salary of $180 a
month, for a period beginning January 12, 1931, and ending June
30, 1931.

     18. Release of Bonds of J. F. Hardymon Company.  The Uni-
versity is holding p25,000 in-bonds of the Fourth Liberty Loan,
owned by J. F. Hardymon Companyi  It appearing that his work on
the Education Building is completed and the building acceptedi
the bonds were ordered released.

                                Respectfully submitted

                                        WellixEton Patrick