xt795x25bc7b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25bc7b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1963-02-feb15-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-02-feb15-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-02-feb15-ec. 1963 1963-02-feb15-ec. 2011 true xt795x25bc7b section xt795x25bc7b 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky, February 15, 1963.

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met in the President's Office on tne campus of the University at 1:40
pm. , EST, Friday, February 15, 1963, with the following members present:
Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Robert H. Hillenmeyer,. Dr. H. B. Murray, Judge James
H. Sutherland and Smith D. Broadbent.  Dr, William R. Willard represented
the Medical Center and Dr. A. D. Albright, Executive Vice President of the
University, was present.  Also present were President Frank G. Dickey and
Dr. Frank D. Peterson, Secretary of the Board.

      A. Meeting Opened.

      The Chairman called the meeting to order and invited the press to come
in. Dr. Willard and Dr. Albright, who had met with members of the Committee
informally for luncheon, remained for the meeting. Dr. Willard had made
an informal report to members of the Committee concerning the programs of
the Medical Center.

      B. Minutes Approved as Published.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Minutes of the Executive
Committee of January 18, 1963, were approved as published.

      C. Financial Report.

      Mr. Peterson presented the financial report to members of the Executive
Committee. Mr. Hillenmeyer moved that, since members of the Committee
had had an opportunity to review the financial report, that same be received and

Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the motion was accepted.



        D. Surplus Property Listed.

        Mr. Peterson reported a list of property which had become surplus
to the needs of the University. He stated that the list contained thirty-three
items, including engineering equiiipment, operation and maintenance equipment
and vehicles.  He requested permission to insert the list in the Minuites and to
receive bids for disposal of the property at the most favorable prices to the Uni-
versity obtainable.

Group I Engineering Surplus Equipment - Sale Items #306-315

        306      Retort
        307      Car body
        308      Crusher & screen for conversion system
        309      Hoist
        310      Tank, developing with electric motor
        311      4 Tanks, large, 4' diameter, 20 ft. long (30 to 40 gal. cap.)
        312      Drums, small. .. scrap only
        313      Wheels, large
        314      Tank, developing
        *315      Scrap metal

        *This is scrap metal which is located around the Coal Research Laboratory
and is too small to list, Mr. Robert Duncan has stated he does not feel the Engineering
College would have any use for it.

Group II M & 0 Surplus Equipment--Sale Items #316-333

        316      Drinking Fountain
        317      Sink - 2 compartments
        318      Wash Basin
        319      Wash Basin
        320      Heater, elec.
        321      Wash Basin
        322      Wash Basin
        323      Wash Basin
        324      Sink
        3Z5      Grease Trap
        326      Laboratory Basin
        327      Laboratory Basin
        328      Heater, gas
        329      Heater, gas
        330      Heater, gas
        331      Heater, gas
        332      Heater, hot water. . 20 gal.
        333      Radiators



Group III Vehicles - Sale Items #39, 41-44

        39       UK#98     Ford, 1 ton truck 1951
        41       UK#82     Chevrolet, 1 ton truck 1951
        42       UK#5      International, 2 ton truck 1956
        43       UK#R-2    Chevrolet, - ton truck 1950
        44       UK#67     Ford, 3/4 ton truck 1957

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee concurred
in the recommendation and authorized the list put to record arn the sale made.

        E. Injuries.

        Mr. Peterson read the following letter reporting a number of accident
cases that involved University personnel:

                                                   February 11, 1963
        Mr. Frank D. Peiterson
        Vice President, Business Administration

        Dear Mr. Peterson.

        The following accident cases have been referred to this office by
        the departments concerned with the recommendation that they be
        considered by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees and
        that the expenses involved be approved for payment. The cases are
        as follows:

        GROUP I - General

        1.   Harrington, John R. - M & 0, Tin Shop
             Date of accident January 18. 1963
             While repairing duct work in Coliseum, foreign object fell in eye.

                  Dr. Claude Trapp, Lexington, Kentucky       $ 6. 00

        GROUP II - Accident cases which have received treatment in the Out-
        patient Clinic, University Hospital - charges as shown below being made:

        1.   Lacy, Robert E. *- Hospital, Nursing Services (Aide)
             Date of accident November 6, 1962.
             Restraining patient from leaving room. Was grabbed around
             throat and shoulder.                                $ 7. 50
        2.   Brinegar, Michael L. - Animal Care, Animal Technician
             Date of accident November 6, 1962.
             Injured hand while removing animal from cage.    $ 9. 25



3.   Baumgardner, Richard - Animal Care, Animal Technician
      Prescription date November 14, 1962
      Medication given to treat reactions from duck embryo shots,
      which patient was required to take.                    $ 1.60

 4.   Eversole, Amy - Dept. of Medicine, Research Associate
      Date of accident November 20, 1962.
      Cut finger with pipette, requiring two stitches.    $11. 00

 5.   Eversole, Amy - Dept, of Medicine, Research Associate
      Date of accident November 20, 1962.
      Laceration of hand requiring three stitches, caused by
      tube breaking.                                         $11.00

 6.   Kuykendall, Jerry - Radio-TV-FilmsEngineer
      Date of accident November 29, 1962.
      Large box fell from shelf: striking patient on back of
      neck.                                                  $25.00

 7.   Gillentine, William V. - Animal Care, Animal Technician
      Date of accident December 4, 1962.
      Received body bruise on right side while unloading an-
      imals.                                                 $ 7.50

 8.   McDonald., Dorothy - Pathology Dept. , Technician
      Date of accident December 4, 1962.
      Needle puncture while cleaning syringe.                $ 9.25

 9.   Sparkman, Patricia - Hospital, Housekeeping (Maid)
      Date of accident December 4, 1962,
      Bumped head on cabinet when stooping to pick up trash.  $ 9 05

10.   Jackson, James Willis - Hospital, Dietetics (Porter)
      Date of accident December 15, 1962.
      Stuck splinter in  thumb from trash container.       $ 7.50

11.   Forbes, R obert Lee  Hospital, Dietetics (Dishwasher)
      Date of accident December 23, 1962.
      Slipped on piece of food. Severe blow on head.       $ 7. 50

12.   Chipley, Patricia - Hospital, Nursing (0. R. T.)
      Date of accident December 29, 1962.
      Pricked finger with contaminated needle.                $ 9.25

13.   Porter, Inez - Hospital, Dietetics (Dietitian)
      Date of accident January 3, 1963.
      Cut right hand on tin can,                              $12,75



       14.  Blackford, Matti,- Hospital, Housekeeping (Maid)
             Date of accident January 14. i963.
             Laceration of right leg requiring two stitches, caused
             by janitor rolling bed against leg.                       $11. 00

       15.  Mitchell, Margaret - Pediatrics, Lab Aide
             Date of accident January 18, 1963.
             Fell in Lab while working. Sprained muscles in back.  $58. 58

       16.  Leet, Simeon K. - Hospital, Nursing Services (Aide)
             Date of accident January 27, 1963.
             Hit on head with basin by patient.                        $ 7. 50

       17.  Smith, Kathryn - Hospital, Nursing Services (Aide)
             Date of accident January 28, 1963.
             Hit in chest by patient.                                  $ 7. 50

       18.  Dulin, Martha L. - Dept. of Medicine, Research Assistant
            -Date of accident January 30, 1963.
            Twisted right ankle on Hospital stairway.                 $19. 00

       Unless you have further questions, please present this information for
       consideration by the Executive Committee,  My recommendation is that
       approval be given to pay the respective charges for services rendered
       in these cases. on the usual. stipulation that the University assumes no
       responsibility for these accidents and that the approval for payment of the
       charges will establish no precedent,

                                                   Since rely yours,

                                       (Signed)   Geo. R. Kavanaugh
                                                   George R. Kavanaugh

       Mr. Peterson recommended that the claims be approved for payment.,
with the expressed understanding that the University does not admit to negligence
nor set a precedent by favorable action on these claims.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried. the claims listed above were
approved for payment with the expressed understanding that the University does
not admit to negligence nor set a precedent by this action.

       F. Candidates for Degrees of the University Approved.

       President Dickey presented the following list of candidates for degrees
of the University, those named having completed the requirements for degrees
at the end of the first semester of the current academic year. He recommended
that the degree to which each is entitled be authorized, the University Faculty
concurring therein.



                            GRADUATE SCHOOL

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Ray Arvid Field
Robert Robbins Garrigus
Terry Ray Greathouse
Jack Gruber
Thomas Lee Huber

Hughes Brantley Jenkins
All Akbar Paydarfar
Potu Narasimha Rao
George C. Skelley, Jr.

Candidate for the Degree of Specialist in Education

        Donald Edward Jones

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts

John Earl Cleek
Ronald M. Enroth
James Lee Heizer
Billy Frank Hunt
Russell Joseph Jewert
Shafiq Tawfiq Kazzaz

Barney Lee Keith
Andreas Robert Prindl
Winifred Ann Stuart
Vernon Crafton Warren, Jr.
Lawrence Bernard Wasserman

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science

        Rudolf Berle Clay                        Glenn Arlo Miller
        Jerry S. Faughn                          Ikie Neal Presson
        Vatsala Garg                             Ping-Ie Sun
        Jerome Dean Hopkins
Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture

Charles 'Edward Brewer
Robert Eugene Eplee
Ben William Hayes
Harold Gibson Love

Leroy Seaton McMullan
Carl Richard Mochow
Narendra Vrajlal Nanavati
Arthur A. Williams

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering

David Carlton Cowherd
Thomas Olin Glenn III

Donald Ray Lynam
Richard William Smith

William Creager Setzer

Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

        Larry Ray Gibson

Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering



Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts in Education

William Dean Bender
Larry Garmon Bruce
Vernon Jack Calhoun
George H. C. Chun
George W. Cornett
William Bryan Diamond
Robert Bush Haggard
Blanche Trammell Harris

*Raymond Rice Hornback
Renfro Clark Manning
John Oscar Merchant
Barbara Estep Nolte
Carole Faith Sasser
Patricia Gibson Stewart
Helen Martin Turner
Donald Ross Williamson

Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science in Education

       Catherine Robertson Boyd

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Business Administration

Virendra C. Barot
Walter White King

James Verne Ledford
Robert Lilburn Porter

Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science in Public Health

       Allen Edward Crowe

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Library Science

        Helen Fisher                            Barbara Jean May Williams

Candidate for the Degree of Master of Music

       John Ernest Conley

                     COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Cha rle s W. Baker
Elizabeth Lee Bourne
John Richard Bozeman
Kathleen Cannon
Marsha Lynn Crow
Valentin A. De Marco
Linda Lou Duncan

Amnon Golan
Ronald Lee Grimm
Russell Houston III
Larry Lee Johnson
Elsie Ewart Kay
Gwen Kettenacker
William Edwin Lightfoot


Linda McDowell Major
Joseph Richard Martin
Milton Carlisle Minor, Jr.
Betty Jane Mitchell
Linda H. Mount
Dufdley Lanier Milward

Elizabeth Croley O'Roark
Ronald Glen Polly
David Grant Purdy
Doris A. Wallingford
Arthur Townsend Webster

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

Bulus A. Ajlouny
Jimmie Lee Barr
Francis Robert Clarke
Morris Preston Fields
Carl Jeff Hounshell
Robert Browning Ligon

Robert Raymond Mook
George Nicholas Pearce
James Allen Pearson
Leonard Carroll Tatum
James Winstead Thornton, Jr.
Tommy Bowen Tompkins

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Journalism

Zach Charles Justice
Richard Kent McReynolds

Charles Hamby Stone

Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Music

       Janice Cook


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Marvin Lowell Atwood
Cecil D. Bell, Jr.
Omer Alfred Bentle
George Gayle Berry-man
Leslie Donald Colvin
Garnett Earl Crask
Robert A. Floyd
Ancel Duke Henson, Jr.
DeSoto Hughes
Larry Ray Long

David Stone Lyle
Leslie Louis Manley
Dennis James Phar
Philip Ra.y Smith
Francis Walker Thomas
Gary C, Thompson
Ronald Larry Vaughn
Fred Frank Waters
Cecil Wayne Wells
Jacky Quinton Wilson




Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Home Economics

Janice Weisenberger Birislin
Florence Rebecca Cook
Anna Bernice Lucas
Marty Ann Martin

Sandra Montgomery
Carol Johnson Sebree
Mary Nell Stephens
Anna Louise Wilson

                          COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering

David Franklin Fleming
Francis Kenneth Lyvers

Neill Brooks Tyler, Jr.

Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
       Roy Duard Ireland, Jr.

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Henry Melvin Bennett
Charles P. Daus
Henry Clay Downing II
Franklin Pierce Duncan, Jr.
Jerry Lynn Glover
John B. Jones III
Donald Bruce Keat
Thomas Robert Layman
Robert Lynn Mc Daniel
John Lewis McMichael

Harry Ament Marsh, Jr.
Thomas Henry Morrow, Jr.
Marshall Lee Payne
Charles Darrell Powers
Robert Cass Sims
Robert Wayne Vaughn
James Markwood Wintermyre
Kenneth Wayne Young
Bradley Yount

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

James Douglas Aaron
Joseph Barna
Sally Marian   Beide.,becke
Gordon Edward Bloom
Anthony Drew Bowlds
Glenn Norman Braden
Bradford S. Clark, Jr.
Lynn William Coe
John George Damron
William Morris Druen
James Edward Dutton

Roy Larkin Goodwin
Owen S. Halpeny
Robert Louis Herrick
Walter Richard Lightner
Harold Nicholas Miller
Richard M. Neal
John Paul Paynter
Aubrey Willard Pearson
Joseph Ernst Whitfield, Jr.
William Joseph Yousey
Clarence Edward Barnes

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
       Reginald L. Bethel                        Ormsby King Hackley, Jr.
       William Carson Claunch                    Robert Lucas Kaftan
       Bobby Francis Creekmore                   Mary Lenna Morton


John William Duncan Paschal, Jr.
Benny Joe Pember

Ronald Paul Porter
Doyle Wayne Sims

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering

Robert William Stovall

William Roger Straw

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering

Bruce Wayne Finley

Jon Carol Jenkins

                             COLLEGE OF LAW

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws

Thomas Howard Burnett
Ollie D. Carter
James Franklin Clay, Jr.
Reford Harold Coleman
Errol Lloyd Cooper, Jr.
John N. Cornett
William Edward Gary III

Robert Barkley Hensley
Hiram Jefferson Herbert"Jr.
William Robinson Patterson, Jr.
David Aubrey Rhodes
John Ellis Smith
Daniel Jackson Tribell

                          COLLEGE OF EDUCATION

Candidates for Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Education

Clarella Settle Ayer
Susan J. Bertelsman
Patsy Faris Bowling
Ronald Fetters Brown
Stanya Louise Burlew
Bettye Hopson Choate
Myrtle Lee Coffey
Miriam B. Crawford
Andrea Dykes Daniels
Lena Jo Dees
Joyce Leanne Dotson
Kathryn Dudley Evans
Allen L, Feldhaus
Alice El aine Ford
Patricia Trower Garrett
Gene Germain
Robert Lee Gilmore
Norma Snapp Greely
Gullion Evans Gross

Norma Lee Hamilton
Twyla Ree sor Hanna
James Daniel Hill
Martha Cecilia Hill
Burnis Jacobs
Lula Tiller Kiiland
Nora Lee Longmire
Charles Truman McCracken
Vicky Lu McLendon
Monroe A. Major
Ruth Fothergill Mason
Roger Lee Meek
Phyllis Sue Michael
Percy Wilson Miller
Carolyn Baxter Minor
Janice Joy Mitts
Opal Gibson Moore
George D. O'Brien
Barbara Gale Pass



Viola Ballard Pumphrey
Josephine McLean Purkins
Beverly Kay Roberts
Adolph Frederick Rupp, Jr.
Patricia Temple Selke
Tommy Ray Simpson
Sarah Ward Slusher
Judy Buisson Smith
Ila Marie Soulis

JoAnn Stone
Anne L. Irvin Sullivan
Marilyn Julia Swift
Gilbert Blakely Tanner
Carol Summers Taylor
Marilynn Alice Tripp
James Conley Valentour
Gertrude Carigan Webb
William Emerson Woodall

                          COLLEGE OF COMMERCE

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce

Mary Warder Anderson
James Allen Bailer
John Lancaster Banta
Paul Bee Bond
William 0. Brower
Rodney Scott Cain
Paul Edward Campbell
Charles Robert Caudill
Gerald Bruce Coffey
Jack Clifton Crutcher
Barry S. Dillon
Carle Lewis Garrett
David William Graham
Wifliam Wilbur Gray, Jr.
Charles Thomas Greene
Robert Stephen Kanarek
Barrie Leslie Konicov

Larry Jones Ledbetter
Joy Ann Wettstein Loomis
John Louis McDaniel
Paul Thomas Martin
Joseph Clarence Moraja
Stanley Campbell Nickell
Joseph Henry Peeno
John Conner Powers
David Edward Searcy
William Bennett Secrest
Judith Lynn Shewmake r
David Fulton Smith.
Wendell Hunt Smock
Seymour Martin Spears III
Ronnie Walker Suter
James David Sympson

                           COLLEGE OF NURSING

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Faye Teresa Hagan

Doris J. O'Connor

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the list of candidates
was authorized placed in the Minutes, the degree to which each is entitled was
awarded, and the President was authorized so to confer the degrees.




       G. National Science Foundation Fellowship Program Transferred to Ken-
tucky Research Foundation.

       President Dickey explained that the National Science Folundation Fellowship
Program has, since its inception, been administered by the Kentucky Research
Foundation.  He recommended that the funds granted be so delivered to the Ken-
tucky Research Foundation.

       Members of the Committee being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the recommendation was concurred in and the necessary authorization
given to transfer the funds.

       H. Budget Adjustments,

       President Dickey recommended that the sum of $875. 00 be approved and
transferred from unappropriated funds of the University to the Dean of Women's
Office for the purchase of equipment needed.

       President Dickey also recommended that the sum of $125. 00 be taken
from the Haggin Fund and made available to the Wilson Collection Fund to enable
the Committee to make three prize awards, one to a graduate student, one to
an undergraduate student, and one for a second-place undergraduate award. He
further explained that the Wilson Fund would be used to supplement this appro-
priation. He recommended that the budget adjustments be approved.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendations
were concurred in and the transfers authorized,

       I. Consultive Services Approved.

       President Dickey presented a recommendation from Dean M. M. White
that Dr. Roger J. Chacon be permitted to continue a non-credit course for the
IBM Management Study group.

       President Dickey presented a recommendation from Dr. William A. Seay
that Professor Wendell C. Binkley be permitted to be a consultant with the Ken-
tucky Cooperative Council. He reported that the work Doctor Seay would'be called
upon to provide would not interfere with his duties at the University. Without
objection, the requests were authorized put in the minutes.



         J. Report on Coldstream Farm Right-of-Way.

      President Dickey reported that the action taken by the Board of Trustees
 in approving the execution of a deed to a right-of-way for Interstate 64, Fayette
 County, Coldstream Farm, could not be complied with. He referred to a letter
 -from the Executive Assistant of the Commissioner of Finance to the effect
 that the deed to the Coldstream Farm was made to the "Commonwealth of Ken-
 tucky". He further stated that, since the deed did riot record it as transferred
 to the Commonwealth of Kentucky 'for the use and benefit of the University of
 Kentucky", the University did not have any title to convey. The attorneys for
 the Department of Highways concluded that the Commonwealth can not grant to
 itself the title that it already has and that the Commissioner of Finance will be
 requested to transfer the acreage involved by the official order signed by the
 Commissioner of Finance.

      Dr. Dickey further advised that this, to his knowledge, is the only deed
held by the University for property that did not carry the clause "for the use and
benefit of the Unive rsity of Kentucky". This question was reported, at the time,
to Commissioner of Finance James W. Martin but the Commissioner at that
time felt that the proper procedure was being followed and refused to make the
change requested by the University.

      Dr. Dickey recommended that no action be taken and that the Chairman of
the executive Committee appoint a committee to investigate what might be done
to correct the situation,

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation was
concurred in.

         K. Temporary Easement to the General Telephone Company of Kentucky

          President Dickey reported that the General Telephone Company of
Kentucky desires temporary easement to lay a telephone cable around the south-
west corner of Stoll Field. The General Telephone Company feels that better
telephone service may thus be given to the University PABX.  He reported that
Mr. Peterson, Mr. Farris and Mr. Shively concurred in the recommendation
and President Dickey recommended that the easement be granted.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the temporary ease-
ment was approved, subject to meeting the approval of the Chief Engineer of the
University at the time the cable is laid, as to location, depth and other desirable



          L. Free-Fee Scholarship Granted.

          The Committee on Foreign Students recommended Miss Soon Wha Yu
  as the recipient of a free-fee scholarship for the Spring Semester of 1963.
  President Dickey stated that this was not an additional scholarship but a replace-
  ment of one already granted.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
  was concurred in.

          .-M. ,alary Schedule for Physical Therapists Approved.

          President Dickey presented a salary schedule proposal for a profession-
 al group of personnel in the University Hospital classified as Physical Thera-
 pists.  He stated that the department is not currently activated but will soon
 be in the process of recruiting staff. He recommended that the following schedule
 be adopted and followed under the supervision of the University Personnel Office.

                         UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
                                Salary Schedule
                             Physical Therapists

          This salary schedule is based upon a merit plan which permits increases
to be awarded after specified periods of service. Each staff member's salary and
performance is reviewed annually and merit increments will be approved upon the
department head's recommendation that the incumbent satisfactorily meets the
standard of performance required for the increase. Such salary adjustments will
normally be effective on the anniversary date of position occupancy

         Salary increments are dependent upon the availability of funds.

         Normal Starting Rate - This rate will be paid to new staff members who
possess the necessary minimum qualifications for the job.
         End of Probation Rate - This rate to be paid at the end of the probation
period or when work performance warrants as recommended by the department head,

         A. Rate - After one year with satisfactory performance rating.
         B. Rate - After one year on "A. Rate" with a satisfactory performance rating.
         C. Rate - After one year on "B. Rate" with a satisfactory performance rating.
         D. After one year on "C. Rate" with a satisfactory performance raving.
         E. and F. Rate - These rates to be reserved for special rewards for ex-
ceptional job performance ratings.



            ____________________________M          erit Range        |Sp. M erit Range
Salary    Position    Probation  End of
Grade     Title      Rate        Probation    A.    B.     C.     D.     E.     F.
                                  Rate        Rate  Rate   Rate   Rate   Rate   Rate
         Staff Phy.
PT. I    Therapist     418        426         443   460     477   494    511    528
up to    (Reg)        5016       5112        5316  5520    5724  5928   6132   6336
PT.II    Phy.Ther.     458        468         487    506    525    544   563    582
up to    (Reg)        5496       5616        5844  6072    6300  6528   6756   6984
         Asst. Chief
PT.III   Phy. Ther.               538         560    582    604    626   648    670
up to    (Reg)                   6456        6720  6984    7248  7512   7776   8040

         Upon motion duly
proved, effective at once.

made, seconded and carried, the schedule was ap-

        N. Salary Schedule for Medical Technologists Revised.

        President Dickey presented a revised Medical Technologist Salary
Schedule; effective upon approval. He stated that the present salary schedule
in force is not sufficient to permit the University Personnel Division and the
Medical Center to recruit the personnel needed. He stated that the revised
Salary Schedule adjusts the rates upward by approximately 8% to 13%, depend-
ing upon classification. He stated that everyone concerned feels that these rates
would permit the recruitment of capable personnel in a competitive market, and
that all people concerned concur in the revised schedule and recommend its ap-

         Members of the Executive Committee being advised, upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the revised Medical Technologist Salary
Schedule,Nas follows, was approved.



                             UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
                                   Salary Schedule
                                 Medical TechnologistS

           _______________________ _ __._Effective                       M arch _,`963
              This salary schedule i.- based upcn a merit plan which permits increases to
be awarded after specified periods of service. Each staff member's salary and performance
is reviewed annually and merit increments will be approved upon the department head's
recommendation that the incumbent :;atisfactcrily meets the standard cof performance re-
quired for the increase. Such salary adjustments will normally be effective on the anni-
versary date of position occupa.ncy.

              Salary increments are dependent upon the availability of funds.

              Normal Start~in Ra!.e  Th.-- rate will be paid to new staff members who
possess the necessary minimum quaLficat-ons for the job..
              End of Probation Rate - This rate to be paid at the end of the probation
period or when work pe rformance warrant- as recommended by the department head.

             A. Rate  After one year with satisfactory performance rating.
             B, Rate - After one year on 'IA Rate' with a. satisfactory performance rating.
             C. Rate - After one year on '"B. Rate" with a satisfactory perfcrmanes rating.
             D, Rate  After one. year cn ' C., Rate'' wvth a satisfactory perfrmanc9 rating.
             E. and F, Rate - These ra-tes to be reser-ed for special rewards for
                exceptional job performance ratings,

Salary    Position
Grade     Title
MT I      rMed, Techs
up to     (Non Re)
MT II    Med, Techs
up to _   'ASCP Re,
MT III   Med, Techs
up to    (ASCP Reg)
MT IV    Med Techs
up to    'ASCP Reg)
MT V     Med. Techs
up to   (ASCP Reg)

                           Merit Range      fpME r t RangE
          End of Pro-
Probatic.n bation     A.     B,    C.    D,    E,    F.
Rate     Rate       Rate   Rate  Rate  Rate   Rate  Rate

3 i 5
.4 't. 6-
4 '?


561i 6




52 32

6 336

41i0  424   438
4920  5088 5256
452   468   484
5424  56 6 5808
498   5' 6  534
5 976  6ib 2' 6408
548   568   588
6576  68 -16 7056

A, "On Call" Rate. Monday.Fr:.day -- $ 10 00 pe r cn caP,. Saturday s. Sundays. Holidays -
     $12. 00per on call. ,On call. per od  After 3(30 p m, to 7,00 a~m,)



         0. Residence Halls .Rates Adjusted for Summer Session.

         President Dickey reported recommendations from the Dean of Women
and Dean of Men, concurred in by the Vice President for Business Administra
tion, requesting certain adjustments in summer rates for residence halls, ef-.
fective June, 1963. He stated that room rates requested for the Men's Residence
H-alls for air-conditioned rooms are from $60. 00 to $70. 00 for the summer
session and for the Women's Residence Halls increases requested are as listed

                                  June, 1963


1962 rates

1963 rates

8 weeks - air conditioned building (double)

8 weeks--non-air conditioned
    bui lding

5-8 weeks

14-28 days

didn't exist

(double)  62n 50
           80, 00

(s ingle)

(double)  10. OO wk
(single)  120 00 wk

(double)  2, 00 per day
(single)  2. 50 per day

2. 00 per day
2.50 per day


Air conditioned building

Non-air conditioned building

$3.00 per day

$2. 00 per day

         Members of the Executive Committee discussed the rates and thought
thern to be in line with economic conditions locally and reasonable and. being advised,
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the rates were approved, effective
June, 1963.

80. 00
95. 00

70, 0 0
85. 00

9.00 wk
1i 00 wk

14. 00 wk
16 00 wk

1- 13 days



        P. List of Bonds and Coupons Destroyed b-j Incineration.

        President Dickey reported that a Certificate of Destruction of prin-
cipal bonds and coupons was authorized by the Board of Trus