xt795x25bc6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25bc6r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1929-11-dec17. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-11-dec17. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-11-dec17. 1929 1929-11-dec17. 2011 true xt795x25bc6r section xt795x25bc6r 

     Minutes of the reg.ular quarterly meeting of the Board
of Trustees of th.e University of Kentucky for Tuesday, Decam'Qer
17, 1929.

     The Board of Trustees of the Universit- of Kentucky mnet in
eegular quarterly session in the President's office on Tuesday,
December 17, 1929.  The folloving members were present: Governor
Sampson, Mr. Hillenmeyer, Judge Stoll, Mr. Park, Mr. Gordon, MIr.
Bright, Mr. Turner, and Mr. E. B. Webb.   Meeting with the Board
were President l'cVey and Dr. Patrick, Secretary of the Board.

     1. Renort of the Business Aapnt. The report of the Busiress
Ae=ent was presented and was ordered incorporated in the minutes.
The report was as follows:

                                                  EXHIBIT "B"

                 Statement of Income and Expenditures

                     M41onth of November, 1929

Pre viousliy

Our r en t
IMon th

To Date

General Fund Income
Federal Appropriation        42,750.00
Education Building-St.Appro.11,907.14

Ed. Bldg.-Gen. Ed. Board
Special Agri. Appro.
State Tax
Interest on Liberty Bonds
Int. on Endowment Bonds
Student Fees
Studtent Fees- Sum. School
Student Fees- Uo H. S.
Studlent Fees- Univ. Ext.
Miscellaneous Receip ts
en't s Dormitories
Dairy 3ldgs.- St. Appro.

148, 347. 60
  8, 639.82
  4, 322.25
  66, 938.10
  36, 657. 50
  2,254. 00
  8,472. 82
  3, 838.29
    865. 00
  9, 241.70
  _1 41316. 53


          42, 750. 00
          11, 907.14
          148, 347. 60
367.41    13,007,23
673.49   358,964.87
452.47    67,390.57
662.99    12,135.81
172.69.    5,010.98
200.00     1,0E5.00
518.19     9,759.89
           04.716, 53
T!-7* 24  728, 739 .37

  3 ,


  Admn. Exp. and Maint.
  Additions and Betterments
 Excess of Expenditures
       over Income

130, 098. 66
2_6L?08. 19
_61Js442. 96

26, 480.29

149 .L  6 86 2 9

335, 629.42
156, 578.95
273.120 .88
765,329 .25

(77. 839 .O5)  ..,6L589.88)
  = I = ==-




Patterson Hall Inco.e
  .1Iiscellaneous Receip ts
  Room Rent - Summer School
  Expens e
  Additions arnd Betterments

   .2 . 00
22 L845. 03

12, 523.49
1, 121. 43


Excess of Income over
   Exn enditures

General Fund Income
General Fund Expenditures

679, 537.96

17, 664.20
   148 .00

___ 7_8 _L _

35, 829.03
 24 4  00
40. 658.03

7,705.35   20,228.84
             1, 121.4-3

7,_ 705.35  21 350.27

L0 106.85   1L307. 76

89,859.44  765,397.40
157.591.64  786_79.52

Excess of General Fund
Expenditures over Income  50,450.08
Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for General
Ledger Accounts            4,428.55

(67,732.20) (17,282.12)

( 7,125.44)

(2, 696.89)

1928-1929 Accounts Payable
liquidates during Current
Year                      1

Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for fiscal year to
  date - General Fund        1

Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for thie fiscal year
  to clate - General Fund
Ca-sh in Bank July 1, 1929 -
  General Fund
Cash in Bank Nov.30,1929 -
  General Fund

Trust Fund Income
  Stuaent Loan Fund
I Student Notes Paid
           Total Receipts

Exn endi tur ex
  Student Notes

Excess of Receipts over

DL011.27) (5,395.51) _(45,406.78)

L .2L253 15) e ( 65 385.79)

             ( 65,385.79)

             72 ,311 .10

1,236, 55
21 58. 81
3,39 5.  

    1 69. 50
___l _85
__L857~.t 75


1,_ 62.00
-i 1, 10 .00

  1,289 .66
_   s041.0 6
__4,330 .72

    21 7.50
 ..2,7 50.25
 2, 9 67 -75

11537. 61

.4lij67.3 6


Excess of Receipts over
  Expend. for the fical
  year to date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, l929 -
  Trust Fund
Cash in Bank Nov. 30,1929 -
  Trust Fund

Experiment Station Income
  Hatch - Federal Appro.       7, 500.00
  Milk and Butter-Cash
     Receipts                  5,042.56
  Beef Cattle Sales            3,813,06
  Dairy Cattle Sales             613.12
  Sheep Sales                    584.54
  Swine Sales                    528.18
  Poultry Sales                  943.29
  Farmz Produce Sales            487.43
  Horticultural Sales          1,675.21
  Seed Test                       18.00
  Rentals                        703.73
  MIiscellaneous Receipts         64.81
  Fertilizer - Fees            5,965.00
  Public Service - St. Appro.  3,666.66
  Feeding Stuffs - Fees       20,832.10
  Adamis - Federal Appro.      7,500.00
  Serum-Sales                  1,346.89
    " -Virus Sales                69.38
       -Suwply  Sales            104.35
    U -Iliiscellaneous Receipts    9.35
  State Appropriation         11,594.54
  Creamery - License Fees      5,581.50
    11    - Testers Licenses  1,600.00
    it     - Glassware Testedc   339.22
 Robinson - State Appro.        969.55
 W. Ky. - State Appropriation 1,721.42
 Purnell - Federal Appro.    30,000.00
 State Appro.-Patterson Farm
    Purchase                 20,000.00
 Nursery Inspection - State
   Appro.                       734.97
 Nursery Inspection - Fees    1,185.00
 Cream Grading                1,550.00
 Abortion Test                  852.25
 Co--Op. Poultry                530.00
 Apiary,^ Inspection - St. Appro.



  31 .25

  4, 670. 50

  186. 13
    12. 85
 5, 698. 60
    42. 00
    54. 50
 2,129. 93
 1, 600. 09

   435. 88
   1 95, 00
   300. 00
   286. 50
   25. 10
21 9Ll 68 50

6, 448.69
     1 9.00
  5, 996.25
  3, 666.66
25, 502.60
  7. 500.00
     1 8.47
 5, 623. 50
 1, 694.00
    39 3.72
  3, 099 .48
  3,321 .51
  30, 000.00

  20, 000.00


1 ,3.62.97




Experiment Station ^o"x:enditures
Exp-,?ense                 132.29i469
  Additions and Bettti     j-.1nf.,   723 10
                    Tota     l .1  i ,

Excess of Expenditures
  over Income

30, 567.64
    Z38. 39

162, 862.33
  ) ,9 1.48
1, 823 . i

(LL1,617.52) _LZL 29.Q2)

Excess of Expenditures over
  Income for the fiscal year
  to date - Experiment Station
Cash in 3ank July 1, 1929 -
  Experiment Station
Cash in Bank November 30, 1929 -
  Experiment Station

Extension Division Income
  Federal Smith-Leveii        76,120.65
  Federal Supplementary       27,321.28
  Federal Capper-Ketcham      18,645.97
  State Smith-Lever           23,785.42
  County and Other             1,655.79
                    Total    147.529.11

  Expense                    I111L086.29
  Excess of Income over
    Expenditures              3642.82

 1 .16 5. 84

 L) l j~889.69

(7,529 .20)

227 788.40

76, 120.65
27, 321 .28
18, 645.97
35, 684.56


L129_.723.85)  1 6L718.97

Excess of Income over Ex-
   penditures for the fiscal
   year to date - Ext. Division
 Cash in Bank July 1, 1929 -
   Extension Division
 Cash in Bank November 30, 1929 -
   Extension Division

  General Fund Income        679,537.96
  Trust Fund Income            1,236.55
  Experiment Station Income  138,126.11
  Ex:tension Division Income  147.529211
                    Total    966,429.73

              4. 575. 21

              21 294.18

89,859.44   769,397.40
     53.11     1,289.66
19,168.50   157,294.61
12LL65.84   159,694.95
k__  __...46.  1lQa87676.62

_. - _jj   3=32
- _j.!aL



General Fund Expenditures   629,087.88
Trust Fund Expenditures         169.50
Experiment Station Expend. 134,017.79
Exter s ion Division Expend. 111.086.29
                           874,361 .45

157, 591.64
 30, 806.02
3128 83.369

_12       9975,98
1.094. 96.81

Excess of Expenditures over
Excess of Ex:enditures over
  Receipts for General
  Ledger Accounts
Student Loan Fund - 1Notes

1928-1929 Accounts payable
  liquidated during Current

92,068.27 (99,088.46)

  4,428.55   (7,125.44)
    470.56     (179.75)

(40,011.27)  (5,395.51)


(2, 696.89)


Excess of Exnenditures over
  Receipts for the fiscal year
  to date - Combined Fund    56.956.1 (111 789.

Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for the fiscal
year to date - Combined Fund

Cash in Bank and on hand July 1,
1929 - Comrbined Fund
Cash in 73ank and on hand November
30, 1929 - Combined Fund

             Abstract of item shown on Statement
             of Income and Expenditures as "Excess
             of Ex-oenditures over Receipts for
             General Ledger Accounts $2,696.89."






Accounts Receivable

Insurance Paid in Advance

Sundry Accounts

24, 036.79


26, 733.68
24,036. 79

24, 036.79



     2. Auditing of Smith-Lever Fund. 14r. James Park an--1 M1r. Louis
Hillenmeyer were appointed as a committee to audit the report of
the Smith-Lever Fund.

     3. Sale of State Warrants. The Business Agent was authorized
to sell State warrants on hand in such quantities as may be
necessary at 99 or better and accrued interest.

     4. Payments on Memorial Building. President McVey reported to
the Board that some questions had arisen regarding the payments on
the Memorial Building with the J. T. Jackson Lumber Company. The
matter was discussed at length and a motion was made, seconded,
and carried authorizing such payments be made when and as recommended
by the University counsel, Or. J. Pelham Johnston.

     5. Report to the Legislature. The biennial report of the Board
of Trustees to the Legislature was discussed at length and read in
detail, modified and ordered printed for presentation to the Legis-
lature. (The report will be printed separately.)

     6. Conferring of Degrees. The University presented to the Board
a list of degrees recommended by the University Senate. A motion was
made, seconded, and carried authorizing the degrees recommended be
conferred. The list was as follows:

                           December - 1929

Bachelor of Arts

Beecher Powell Adams
Ollie James Bowen
Frances Ford Bradley
Maye Howell Briscoe
Edna Elizabeth Corder
Marion O'Connell Crowder
Earian Elizabeth Dalrymple
Finley Houston Davis
Joseph Woods Gardner
William Harlow Glanz
Eustace Granger Hester
Mary Narcissa Holt
Haven Link Idleman
Elizabeth Courtney Jordan
Jeannette Monroe Kimberlin
Mary Jana Dean Lyle
Guy Francis McClure
Thomas Harlan Milton
Doniphan Penn Moore
Lewis Tennyson Peyton
Casey Jay Purday

Bachelor of Arts Lcontinued.)

Adam Stacy, Jr.
William Newton Stice, Jr.
Lena Lunceford Talbott
Ruth Martin Kennedy Thompson
Sara Lynn Tucker
Elizabeth Harkless Woods

Bachelor of Science

Francis Lorraine Yost

Bachelor of Science in A4riculture

Horaoe Bernard Alderdice
Charlie Cobb
Everett Preston Hilton
James Rosser O'Neal
Edward Anthony Pruott
Odis Leo Whitrney



Bachelor of Science in Civil

Errol Macy lowling

Bachelor of Science in gecziinical
     Eninee .

Robert Marshall Alverson
John Henry Butler
James Reardon Moore

Bachelor of Laws

William Richard Ballinger
Ralnh :Eugene Connell
Adolph 1M1onroe Edwards
Charles Spurgeon 14atherly

Bachelor of Arts in Education

Charles Edward All en
Marguerite Gilham Arnold
Mdarion Jasper Belew
Bettie 3utton Bennett
Anne Wade Brown
Harlan Raymond Brown
Minnie Mae Byrd
Edith Rice Caudill
Haz el Chat f i el d
Benjamin Franklin Coffman
Allie ''ay Heath Coryell
Ora Bascum Dabney
Nell Hart. Davis
Archie Cosby Duncan
Sara Elizabeth Duncan
NTorma Catherine Fitch
Katharine Alexander Forsythe
Gracie Christine Grable
Ewell Farren Hatfield
Alice Whayne Hickman
Sarah Bennett Holmes
Anna Telch Hughes
Frances Irwvin Johnson
Louticia Karrick
Margaret Ely McClellan
Grace Alice 11arrs
Hofirfan Batson M.1ills
Mary Elith 1M1 oores
Mary Edna Neal
Irene O'Dell
An na P ot oel 1
Noll Eimorald Powell
Marguerito Reasor

3achelor of Arts in Education

Curtis Jett Reed
-41.l5 ifiMarion Reeves
Amy Walker Richardson
Emma Baker Roswell
Bernice Louise Schaeff'er
Fielding Scale Speak
Anna 1M1ae Stamp~er
Cora Mtorris Sweeney
Elma Emma Taylor
Elizabeth Farmer Thurman
Ralph Beckham Tyree
Andrew Jackson Walker
IMattie Lou Chambers Watson
Minnie Crawford Winder
Phoebe 3eckner Worth

Bachelor of Science in Commerce

Russell Ross Adams
Harry.Ligon Groen

L"Master of Arts

Charles Thomas Canon
Denzil Bruce Carpentor
William Loren Case
Louis Clifton
Louise Turner Cloyd
Grace Anderson Cruickshank
Daniel Preston Curry
Julia Lucille Farmer
Davis Stuart Fields
Emily Elizabeth Tandy Ford
Ernest Willis Gibson
Ata Lei ghton Lee
George Voiers Moore
Claud Eugene Samnmons
Margaret Buckner Ta-ndy
Jarvis Todd
Mary Lucile West
Bell Irvin Wiley
Victor John Wiric

Master of Science

William Lee Gonterman
Altheus Saliqua Rudolph

Master of Science in Ar icullture

David Pritchard '1orris
Paul Riddle Record



Doctor of Philosophy

James Anderson Yates

                           HONOR LIST

                      With High Distinction

                      Francis Lorraine Yost.
                      Margaret Ely 11cClellan

                         With Distinction

                      NTell Emerald Powell
                      Anna Mae Stamper

     7. Commencement Exercises. On recommendation of President
McVey  the Board authorized the holding of comamencement exercises
three times a year, namely, at the close of the first semestber,
at tile close of the second semester and at the close of summer

     8. Draperies for Memorial Hall. President MScVey indicated't
it was necessary for window draperies to be used in Memorial Hall,
and presented a bid from C. F. Brower and Company, Lexington,
Kentucky for $977.50. Motion was made, seconded and carried author-
*izing that the draperies be installed by Brower and Company.

     9. University Observatory. President ':.IcVey reported that the
question of rebuilding the university observatory was being studied
and that he had a recommendation on the matter from the Towner-
Sallewv Associates at Middletown, Ohio for the reconstruction of the
observatory.  He indicated t-at this organization was a group of
specialists in this field and that it is the only concern in the
country specializing in that type of work.

    10. Uniforms for R. O. T. C. President HIcVey presented to the
Board a proposal for the purchase of a new type of uniform for the
R. 0. T. C.  The matter was taken under consideration by the Bonrd.

    11. The Townsend Library. President McVey presented to the Board
a statement that Mr. J. W. Townsend has collected a library on
Kentucky and Kentucky History of 1500 volumes and which he is
offering for sale to the University of Kentucky for $2600. President
14cVey indicated that he was having some members of the faculty make
recommendations regarding the purchase of the material.   notion was
made, seconded and carried authorizing the President in his dis-
cretion to purchase the volumes.



     12. A-12ointm-ents, Resignations and Leaves of Absence. The
following list of appointments, resignations and leaves    of absence
was Presented by President LTcVey and on motion, duly seconded,

     Sabbatical leave of absence was r:ranted to Professor Alford
Brauer, Zoology Department for one-'h1?.f year on one-half -ay for
the scholastic year 1930-1931.

     Appointment of Mr. J. B. Hollowayr for the second semester of
the year 1929-1930 as part-time instructor in the College of" Edu-
cation at a salary of $720.

     Appointment of Mr. Estel J. Cline as tobacco grader in the
Experir-ient Station at a salary of $200 a month, effective N~ovember,
25, 1929.

     Appointment of Mr. C. J. Mtaupin as field agent in Poultry
Improvement at a salary of $175 a month.

     Continuation of Employment of Miss Isadora Williams, Home
Demonstration Agent, Henderson County, effective December, 1, 1929
to October 31, 1930 at a salary of $200 a month.

     Resignation of Miss Lilly Kohl, Director of University
Commons, effective February 28, 1930.

     Resignation of Mr. J. B. Gardner, county agent, Muhlenberg
County, effective December 31, 1929 at the close of business.

     Continuation of employment of D. B. Redman, County A~sent,
Green county from December 1, 1929 to December 31, 1930 at a
salary of $166-2/3 a month.

     13t Alumni Election. The ballots of the Alumni election for
a member on Board of Trustees were received by The Board and in
accordance with the regulations were opened and counted. The
following persons from the Alumni Association were present tat the
counting of the ballots: Mr. Raymond Kirk, Secretary, Alumni
Association, Professor 4, E. Freeman, Mr. M^.aury J. Crutcher,
Miss Jane richols and Miss Helen King.

     The result of the counting of the ballots were as follows:

                    Names         Votes
          1. T. R. Bryant ......... 521
          2. Louis Hillenmeyer .... 502
          3. William Rhodes ....    398
          4. W. C. Wilson....       394
          5. N. G. Rochester ....  379
          6. B. M. Heavrin ........ 260


     On the completion of the tabulation a Lotion was mad1.e,
seconded  anCd carried that the followinl: persons be declared

          1. T. R. Bryant
          2. Louis Hrillenmeyer
          3. William Rhodes

     The Secretary of the Board was directed to certify to the
Governor of t'he State these names as being duly elected in
accordance with the provisions of the statutes governing such

                             Respectfully submitted

                             Welling ton Patri k, Secretary
                                  3oard of Trustees