xt795x25b977_70 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25b977/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25b977/data/56m307.dao.xml Seaton family. 21 Cubic Feet 26 boxes, 18 volumes, 5 map folders archival material 56m307 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Seaton family papers United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. Railroad companies -- United States. Iron industry and trade -- Kentucky. Abstract of Title to the Main Buena Vista or Princess Furnace Tract by Purchase from Thomas W. Means text Abstract of Title to the Main Buena Vista or Princess Furnace Tract by Purchase from Thomas W. Means 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25b977/data/56m307/Box_8/Folder_1/Seaton_8_1__0753.pdf 1880 December 16 1880 1880 December 16 section false xt795x25b977_70 xt795x25b977 , 1"}; V;“',:-J;§,‘G‘l:’ '¢f‘ "“»'-’r."?” ' - '1 -‘ ‘ . . ' _. i .,., a /' > .. a, 4.x, 4 x ~,. . f 1.... , 1‘ 4 ~
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-V 1. John Young;r to David Trimble ; 24,000 acres, 20 Jan’y, 1836. '
2. Mortgage. David Trimble to \Vm. Riggs and others; about 20,000 acres of same, 28 Dee. 1839. l
3. Mortgage, D. & J. Trimble to Richardson and Letcher; 24,000 acres etc. 30 I)ec., 1839.
P 4. Supplemental mortgage, David Trimble to Buford, Richardson and Letchet': same, 2 March, 1810
5. l\l0rtgage, D. X _.I Trimble to Isaac Trimble; 24,000 acres, etc. 10 April, 18to.
6. I\Iortg11ge, D. Trimble to \Vicklitfs, 24,000 acres, etc., 14 Feb’y., 1840. .
i 7. Suit in foreclosure. Isaac Trimble vs. D. Trimble & Cm, tiled 16 April, 1840, and deed by eom'r therein to Geo. Rob-
‘ ertson, 6 ()ct., 1841. _
8. Geo. Robertson to Sandy Iron Mfg. Co.; 24,000 acres, etc., 12 July, 1842. i
9. Sandy Iron Mfg. Co. to \Vurts and Peters: 24,000 acres, etc., 30 May, 1844. I
10. I Peters to \Vurts; his interest in 24,000 acres, etc., 29 Nov.1844. i
11. \Vm. \Vurts t0 \Vm. M. Patton; I of 24.000 acres, less sale toJohn Peters, 10 June, 1846.
' 12. Geo. \Vurts and Samuel G. \Vurts to John S. Patton; 1-6 of 24,000 acres, less Peters exclusion, 1 l Sept, 1848.
13. Samuel G. \Vurts to \Vm. M. Patton; :1; of 24,000 acres, less Peters exclusion; 14 Sept., 1848.
14. J. S. Patton to Edward Gibson; 1-12 of 24,000 acres, less Peters exclusion, etc., 16 May, 1849. '
1 15. \Vurts, Patton and Gibson to Means and McClure; 5780 acres, main Huena Vista tract, 15 Rich, 1849.
16. \Vill, Ias. \V. Means to executors; all his property; probated 5 June, 1854. 1
. 17 Executors and widow of Jas. \V. Means to \Vm. Means; 18 of 5780 acres and Moran and Shelton tracts added.
24 March. 1854
18. Samuel McClure to John Rhodes; 1<16 same, 5 March, 1860. i
19. Samuel McClure to T. \V. Means; 1-16 of same, 5 March, 1860.
20. T. \V, IVlezlns to I). D. Geiger; I same, 24 Sept, 1861.
21. Suit in eiectment, Daniel Henry patent holders vs. Buena Vista partnership and others; tiled 10 July, 1848; verdict
adverse to partnership entered I0 que. 1859. and compromise, Nov., 1864.
22 and 23. Powers of atty., Daniel Henry’s heirs to Thos. Joyes, February ’49 and Feb. 1861.
24. D. Henry’s heirs to Means, Geiger and Rhodes; all interest in the patent 10,000 acres in conflict, 29 Nov, 1864. :
25. D. D. Geigerto T. \V. Means; Itof partnership holdings; 24 April, 1865. ,
26. \Vm. Means to T. \V. Means; 1-8 same. 10 April, 1866.
27. J. Rhodes to T. W. Means, 1-16 same. 8 Oct., 1867.
28. Hugh .\leans to T. \V. Means; 1-16 same. 14 June. 1867. ‘
29. T. \V. bleans to \V. \V. Culbertson; I same. 31 Aug, 1867. ,
30. T. \V. Means to K. R. Culbertson: 1-10 same, 20 March. ’71.
31. ll. Means to T. \V. Means; I same, 20 \Ich., 1871.
32. Suit \V. \V. Culbertson and T. \V. Means vs. adm‘r.. widow 1nd children ofK. R. Culbertson, dec’d, tiled 23 Nov, ‘78.
33. Com’r. in above to T. \V. Means; all “1161151 Vista, 37 ”“01 1879'
3.}. T. \V. Means to Hugh Means. :1». toJohn Russell. 1—8 same; 16 Dee, 1880. 1
@6~ ‘
TIIEJOIIX YOIING TITLE is based upon three tax deeds from the sheriff of Greenup County. Kentucky, on sales
for delinquent tax for 1864, sale made 1806 and deeds thereunder in 1815. They are recorded in Book “K", pages 240: .
241. 242 respectively, Greenup County, Ky.. records. The land abstracted falls within the ten thousand acre patent of '
Daniel Henry, whose heirs later brought suit against the Buena Vista Company. and recovered against them. Said Furv '
nace Company bought out the successful litigants, as appears later in the abstract. ‘
JOIIN YOUNG A; Wife, bIARY, Dated 20January, 1836. '
l Ack. in form by him 25 April. 1836, and by her 12 8011,1836. ‘
To Cons. $3,000, cash.
I Lodged 12 Sep.. 1836, recorded in Book “F”, p. 228. Green“
CONVEYS about 24,000 acres inclusive of a previous purchase by the same grantee from the same grantor, reciting .3
it to be for the same as in the previous deed of 1825 with about 10,000 acres more, which said additional 10,000 acres ‘.
includes the property in this search. The deed excepts a few tracts within its boundaries sold theretofore by John Young 1
and excepted from the previous deed and also some sales that might have been made by John Young prior to 4 July, 1835. ‘
‘ l
i .‘ ’ ' , .. .. '" “' "”“"—" ' i ii " .”mm-,-,.._..,.-..4,.......,........_,. , _ , l __ . i ' ' ”' 4‘

l l
DAVID TRIMBLE, I Dated 28 Dec.. 1839.
Ack. in form same date.
To Secures amounts below enumerated t0 the various mortga-

gees herein.

\VILLIAM BIGGS. GEORGE W. DARLINGTON, I Lodged 28 Dec., 1839, and recordedin Book "G", page 107,

SAMI'EL SEA'I‘ON. JOSEPH D. COLLINS, GAR— ofthe Greenup County Court. Ky, records.



BIORTGAGES about 20,000 acres by estimate including the Raccoon Furnace 0n the waters ot Tygart’s Creek and
the waters of Little Sandy with a general description as follows: Beginning at the upper corner of Jesse Poynter on the
\Vest side ofLittle Sandy, thence with his line out from the river to the first corner, thence straight to a low gap where the
road crosses the same from the old furnace ot'D. 1V;J.I‘rim'il-: o 131:1.Iy t)t'1:11:\vl{1cc>oi Euro 1;; on top ot‘the gap, thence
straight to the line ot‘John Bryant’s patent where the same crosses BufYalo Branch, thence with said line S. .15 West to
the beginning corner of the Bryant patent entry of 20,000 acres, thence N. .15 \Vest to 12 white oaks at the East corner of
Richard Graham's 80,400} acres, thence with the lines and corners of Jas. IIuckersons7 patent of 32,000 acres to three
black oaks on a hill side \V. 0t"I‘ygart’s Creek, etc. Excludes heretrom 350:101‘68 for General I}. \Varing, 2’00 (\CI‘CS {Ur
Basil \Varing, Esq, 250 acre tract for— Waring and the land sold to Jesse Poynter.

1\Iortgage includes also the personal property 01‘ John T. Woodrow 0; C0,, including the blooms, stock, etc., to be run
up into vendible shape as soon as possible. John Trimble andJohn T. W'oodrow join in a later addition to the mortgage
to consent to a mortgage of the property included in their partnership.

Recitals accompany the mortgage as follows: Said David Trimble. John T. \Voodrow and John Trimble are engaged
as co-partners in making iron at the Raccoon Blast Furnace in Grecnup C0. K y., as John T. \Voodrow tk Co. and are
indebted as co-partners or otherwise to \Vm. liiggs in sundry notes, fully enumerated, in_all,‘ $3211.16, to Samuel
Seaton about $900., to IIiiam Campbell about $1100 , etc.


Auk. in form 31 Dec., 1339.
TO I Secures various sums below enumerated.
Lodged 31 Dec., 1339. recorded in Hook “G.”, p. 179,

IVIORTAGES John Trimble‘s undivided 1-3 of 1,000 acres on Little Sandy out ot‘ Logwood‘s 10.000 acre-s and David
Trimble’s interest in the property described in No. 2 hereof, containing bv estiinate 21,000 acres, rcl‘ercnce being bad to
the two deeds of John Young one dated 17 Now, 1325 and the other 20 January. 1336, excepting the lands sold to John
McAllister, 1,000 acres, 100 acres to Jas. Callihan and 200 acres to Edward Eastham. Mortgage includes slaves, and
other personal property, reciting the partnership as above and that they owe to \Vm. Richardson on bills of exchange
$6,194 53 etc., and to Northern Bank of‘ Kv., $3,0oo, with said Letchcr as surety, and now wish to secure them and others
who are interested as endorsers. etc. 7


DAVID TRIMBLE, Dated 2 Mch.,18.;0.
I Ack. in form but date omitted.
T0 Secures as below.
Lodging (late indefinite but recorded duly in llook “GT.
\VM. S. BUFORD, \VRI. II. RICHARDSON. and I page 191, Greenup Co., Ky.

BIORTGAGES the same property as in (3) hereof, reciting that the undersigned on the 30 Dec.. 1339 mortgaged their
iron establishment in Greenup Co., K)", and other property in trust as shown therein and \Vm. S_ liut'ord holds $1500
against said Trimble and others and is willing to give six months more time thereon itgiven a lien on the property as held
by the others, so they now mortgage to him as though his name nad been written into the other one, and as the other mortg-1
age was ambiguous as to terms, it is agreed that the mortgagors shall have the right only to sell the accruing proceeds of
the iron without consent of the trustees and the not personal property other than this.


.‘\Cl(. in form same date.
'1‘“ I Secures about $12360. in smaller sums as shown in the
Lodged [0 April, 18.}0, recorded in Book "G.", page 20;,
ISAAC TRIM BLE, of Baltimore, Md. I Gieenup C1.” Ky.

MORTGAGES property below named with recitals, that D. &J. Trimble are co-partners in iron works in Grecnnp
Co., Ky., and with John T. Woodrow, and said Isaac Trimble loaned the various amounts named in the total above, and
whereas, saidJohn Trimble is a party to a company contract between Richard Deering and said David Trimble dated 23
Aug.. 1824 under which he is purchaser of the equitable right to 1-3 of 1,000 acres on Little Sandy patented to Edmund
Logwood as 10,000 acres, and, whereas, he has the equitable right to 1103 acres in virtue. of the same co-partnary contract,
also on Little Sandy and t0 1 3 more of the same 1103 acres by contract of purchase of the said Richard Deering 22 Oct..
1826, and also to 1-3 more of the said 1,000 acres by contract with Richard Deering of 23 Oct, 1826211111 by his convey»

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 l i
ilcgcs and appurtenances lllt‘l‘t‘lh liolonginq when the m’litl tract Was sold (ll uuction to the highest liiddcr. “'11011 llH‘
Hon. Georgc Rohcrtson, liciiigtlic highest hiddcnat tht- price ol‘ lClcvcn "l‘lIOllfillHl Five Hundred Dollars, became tho pur-
chaser ot the (fllill‘k‘ mortgngt-d Ilrl‘llll5l'5. 'l‘hc >alc \\ as thus made in pursuance to that (lL‘L‘l’L't' and notice aforesaid. No
bond wastzzlu-n l‘orthc purt‘liasc money by direction of \\'illitnn ll. Richardson and the other Mortgagocs, who wvrv
rt-prcsentcdliy 'l‘hoinas Mott‘allb :inti tht- llon. (icorgo R0licl't‘4011.

DECKER and deed cntcrud r.) ()t‘tolit-r, MEI, is as follows: Alicrward‘, to wit. on tho oth (lllV of October, ttitt,
(It :1 Court lit‘lll for said circuit, l“runci< 'l‘. llord, tho coinniiwioncr appointed under the l‘ornicr (lCCl‘UC Ol~ thix court in thi\
CILHL‘, to mulxe Nllt' of tho lzinds‘ und otln-r prcpcrty in tho dccrcc mentioned, having;r :it the lust tcrm ot‘ this court inadt: his
report, and no L'xcuption having: lit‘cn lttl(ct11ltcl't‘il)li>\’:lttyl)liilit‘l):ll‘lic\:trttltltc court limingr inspccicd thc same, on
Consideration doth approve said report and conlirin the sales of tho litrids and otlzcr property ll\ ropodvd hy S‘Llll commis-
~ion<3r, whost‘ rcport is ordcrtul to lit: i'vcordcd. . . t . . . . . . , .

.\nd thcrcnpon, tho \aid C()llll‘.ll\'\l1)llkfl' lirought into opcn court, a dot-d to said Rohcrtxon. which living cyznnint-d and
approved liy thvt‘ourt was1rclv'nowlt‘dgt-d by tho \‘I)lt]ll)i>~\l()11t‘r to ho hi» :lt‘l :ind dot-d. and thc :ict rind d: ml ol the, partitw‘
thc'rL-to, .ind i~ as tolloyw:

""l‘lll.\ indenturv, nitulc tlt1l"l1l1itl, which were ~\aycd rind cxccplt-d in the mid dccd ol" convcyanct- from said _thn Young to Day id
'l‘riin‘ilc, and thcrc was also cxccph‘d the loud mld to JiltllCS l)own\, on liittlc Sandy, and out: thoumnd acres promised to
_thn McAllistt-r, it he clcctcd Io talw th-it ipiantity; one linndrcdund lil‘ty norm of land sold to ‘oncph (hurts and one
hundred acres to limos Callahan. (Hid two hundred acres to lidward lizts‘lhain and any other l):U‘Ct‘l\ wild or corn cycd liy
'l‘rimblc, prior to the date of mid mortgage. i);l\‘l(l 'l‘rimblc and _Eolin 'l‘riinblt: made a snhscoucnt mortgage to a ccrtuin
l<.i:n‘ "l‘riinlilc, and the said lxaot‘ 'l'rinihltzon thc lotli day ot April, 1811», lilcd his hill in chunccry in thc (irt-cnup Circuit
Court againx't David "l‘rinililt- .uid lllltt‘l“~ to l'ort-t‘losc the said mortgage, and to have a Mllt’ ot Illt’ mortg'ugL-d promises to
wc wht-thcr tht-i'c would he tiny llilltlIlCC :ittui‘ paying tho tlt‘l)i\ St-t‘urcd by tho ll\'t‘\1lllk‘t‘,lNlltililt‘, liy' lllt‘ said commiviom r,
ht: i~ to t‘Xlllllll thc some in court, to l)t‘ at‘ltnoyy'lcdgwl and upproy’cd.

Now, the and Francis '1‘. lloril, L'I)llltt1l.\~ll)tlt‘l' as :tloi'c<.iitl, tor and In tiiiii\itlt~i'zttioii ol‘ tho prr-niixtw :tliorcwtid, and tln‘
~un‘. of our dollir to him in hand ptiid, tlic i't-ccipt ol' which i\ llt‘rt‘lH' :tt‘ltnowlt-ilgml, {or and on thc port ol' the \Jllrl l).t\'id
yl‘lilltl\lt‘,‘ll)llll 'l‘iimhlu, \\'illi;tm ll. Richardwn and Rohcit l’. lltllCllt‘l', hv \ iittu: ol' tin- tlt't‘i‘t‘t‘ :ili.i:'c\;iitl, has given, grant
(id, l):lli_";tillt3ll and sold, and liy tht-w pt‘csonh, do giy'v, grant, lizirigniii, St‘ll, rclt-nw, convoy und Conlirzn unto illt‘ \llltl
(icorgt‘ liohcrtson and his hmrx undawigvn toi'cn‘i‘, the tract ol' land incntiont-d ili thc niwrtgag‘c l‘roni llayiil 'l'riinli'jv
:mdlohti l‘rimhlc lictctoloi'v thmiiilwtl, with the Iron \\Y|)l'l{\,1)l‘l\'llt»‘;_f(‘\' and §l3)3>'lll(‘llltll\‘t‘\ thurt'nnto liclonging, or in
‘iny \\ lxt‘ zippcrtuini-igr to said tract ot hind, "l‘hc \nid Commissioncr, lit‘rchy convoys onto said (it-orgt‘ l’/,
lrorn this day.
GEORGE \Vl'R'l‘S. SAMUEL \VUR'I‘S. \\'ILL[AM E Lodgedgo May. ISM. and recorded in liook "II". page :60
“VIIR'IVS and JOIIN PETERS. E Greenup Co. Ky.

CONYEYS 3 poor) acres. known as Argellite Iron \Vorks. with the followingr recitals:

\VIIEREAS. Francis '1‘. Ilord. Commissioner LVe... in pursuance ot a decree in Nicholas Circuit Court to sell the prop.
erty itr Greenup County. on Little Sandy and its waters. being a portion ot the property mortgaged by I). X I. 'l‘riinble
and John 'I‘. \Voodrow 3; Co.. to “’11). II. Richardson and R. l’. Letclrer (rep‘t Com’r referred to. N Circuit Court or-
ders. page :6, etc.) at whit-h sale George Rol)e"tsot] became purchaser for himselt‘ e; co rnortgae’ees. and

\YIIERIIAS. by act of the General Assembly of Kentucky. approved 3; February. ISEZ. to incorporate the Sandy
Iron .\lanutircturing Company. Robert l’.l.etel1er. \\'m. II. Richardson. 'l‘homas Metealte. George Robinson. Dayid
Irving.]arnes M, Coggswell. Asa K. Lewis. A. \V. Mil's. \Villiam Owsley. \Villiam S. llut‘ord, Orlando Brown Xe. and
successors were created a body corporate under the name aboye. to whom said George Robertson eonyeyed the en
tire interest vested in him by purchase and deed from eom‘r IIOrd, and

\VIIEREAS. said 'l‘homas Bletcalt‘e elected president, of said Company. with full and ample power to sell and convey
the property ot' the Company.

NO\\'. for sell‘ and eyery vnember ot' said Company makes special warranty. but agrees to make l‘urther tooyey-
ance it~ desired. etc.


IOIIN PETERS X \yit‘e. MARY A.. Dated ZoNova ISEE.
E Ack. in form 30 Nov. to] E,
To Cons. 34 rgoo. in cash.
Lodged 30 Non. 1S”. recorded in I’mok “II”. page ro‘x ot
GEORGE \VUR'I‘S. SAMUEL (l. \\'I'R'I‘S k \VIL- E Greeuup County. Ry” records.

CONYEYS with special warranty allint. of grantors in the property sold to the parties to this tlt‘L‘il by 'l‘hos. Metcalte
president of the Little Sandy Iron Manufacturingr Company on the 30th May 1S1}. intending hereby to iui'lude the
Argiliite Iron \\'orks, the forge and fixtures and supposed to be Lpooo acres


\\'\I. \YI‘RTS. EDated r0 June. rSpi.
Ack. iu l‘orm 3: lune. 1316.
To E Cons. $Io.ooo to be paid the Szi‘rdy Iron Cir. still unpaid.
E Lodged .1} Oct.. ISEG. recorded llook “ll". Greenup Co.
\Vhl, Al. PAT’I‘ON. Ky. records. p, E13

CONVEYS with special warranty the equal undivided t—gofall that parcel on Little Sandy. t'rorn 'l‘hos. ‘Metcalte.
prest. of Sandy Iron Co,_ containing 3,}.ooo acres. less. some land sold to _thu Peters.

\\'M. ;\I. Patton. acknowledges the instrument. also so as to engage to pay off the rliromoo~ to the Sandy Iron Co__,
bet‘ore \Vm. Corum C. G C. C. (Greenup Co.. Kym. clerk) in form.


GEORGE \YUR’I'S & \Vilt}. MARY A.. and SAMITEL Dated ll Sept. MES,
G, \\"'.'R'l‘b‘ «\1 wife. MATILDA. E Ack. by (r). {3) and (E). 1]. Sept. EEK. and (11):” alat-
erhour on the s imcday in form.
To Cons. $6.6562-3 paid and secured to be paid.
E Lodged 14 Sapt., 134%. item-«led in Rook “I”. p. 292.
IOIIN S. PA'I‘TON. Greenup (L0,. Ky.

CONVEYS the undiyided r-Got‘ the former property of the Little Sandy Iron Company. known asthc Argellite

and Pennsylvania Furnaee tracts. except the land< sold to john Peters 2() ng. 1S; 1. in Hook "1 I“. p, n)(,_ now tlit‘ Greerv

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