xt795x25b977_37 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25b977/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25b977/data/56m307.dao.xml Seaton family. 21 Cubic Feet 26 boxes, 18 volumes, 5 map folders archival material 56m307 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Seaton family papers United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. Railroad companies -- United States. Iron industry and trade -- Kentucky. Ledger text Ledger 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt795x25b977/data/56m307/Box_4/Folder_7/Seaton_4_7__1506.pdf 1912-1921 1921 1912-1921 section false xt795x25b977_37 xt795x25b977 .3 ‘-
CONTR‘ACT made this 27th 2122321 Of Janum‘y, 1912, by and, tgrst‘w‘itjz‘;
Li‘lr’: Aguiu’ufi DRILLING & Bi;j‘]_;5)L«JPL.-ELI“? 00129143237, 8 C2: P12031321 1J1, party :3“ £116:
fif’SL :JE'KL'“:-, and the ASHE; .;.2 FIm} BETH; CULJ—mfif, a 23231”;2C21":;11i011, party C2?
the SCOODQ part; botn parties ocing inccwpnrutra undcr Law laws cf Ljd
31:2; of Kertucky and having their princiyul airless 1L Asnlanfi, 50;}
C 04.“; LJ : Keri, 1c ky ,
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{271) Dr“ [MPH M3118 for natural 5:63 and C11 at his“ [21.3.33 flaming 5612::gt
' 02” L112: party of the second parL, in Boyd County, zicn‘flug‘q; mm tuck: pug-1;;
01" Lilli} First part agPGUS LO fifirffljfivfl 3352311111638, CJ‘JjfiJA‘JEEL 2311’: {Grit} TLCCCS“
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refer you to the following classification: L
Notes Receivable-Demand Unsecured $ 6,400.00 «
“ ' Time . ' 1,4vo.co< f
' ‘ ' ‘ecurcd 9?§,09K $ 8,795.60 9
' ' Seconc Mortgage notes 3
secured by enmrfgogeon the property of the V
thland Iron and Hiniug company maker of these r
notes P3 920,99 l
$32,715.60 ?
These certificates are held in trust by the thland
fiational Bank. A certificate of confirmation as to poooeceion wan ‘
obtained from the bank. ‘
LIB'E‘RTY 303333 335322 I 759, 255 i ‘
These were produced for our inspection and verification, }
and they were found to be in agreement with the Ueneral Ledger Account. ‘
ADVAWCFE ’1‘0 ‘zi’flggflgfig fl 1]. .187. 14 3 ‘
This repreeentc advances made to employees of the various
plants, and in to be applied against their future earningo. ’
ZRVEEQOR; 3g 3%1‘73 .885, 96 g
The Inventoriee as of ueoembor 31, 1920 were carefully
inspected by us, numerous taste being made in respect to prices,
extensione and footings and came found to be correct. 5e did not make ;
any tests of the quantities, but were advised that the work was done
under the supervision of an official of the company, the quentitice,
pricing etc, were cerefully checked.
Egggg Afi§§$§ $345,115,52;
The additione to nachinery and Fixtures during the
period under review were verified by inspection of the invoices and
cancelled vouchers, and found to be proper ohorgee thereto. An
misquote reserve bee been provided for depreciation and also for depletion
Q ‘ Q ' ‘
Form 3-80M 6-21) (

 iii " t
‘ t
v t

}‘ or 61s: Lands.
, DEFERRED CHARGES $6,405.80; i
i The unexpired portion of Insurance Premiums, Prepaid Interest 3
i ii
‘ uni tho invontorios of Advertising and Office fitotionory woro dororrod fl
3 to future operations. 5
Accousr§ PAIA‘LE $23,694.70; fl
, Wore ohookod from the Voucher Register and round to be in i
A agreement with tho General Ledger Controlling Account.
' Agcaggg PA: 30;;3 §15.299.123 ‘
Thsoo wore accepted as correct, howevor numerous pay sheets
ii and tins books wore inspectod, extension: and footings verified, and y
- some found oorroot. , h
{; Accaunn Lgéaggxrr xugggAacn £614.49; 3
Ho verification woo undo of this sooount.
;' ADVAN§E§ on cgggaAcrg 2 7,999.59; V
" monoy roooivod from customers on orders for futuro delivery.
' nggggvns $115,603.87;
, This consists of reserves for fionuooe duo to laploysos t
I and rooorvs for Inoono and Profits Tux.
; ‘ AP 7 31 000 000 00
Tho authorised capital is $1,000,000.00, $576,900.00 is l
j issued and outstanding st Uoconbor 31, 1920, all common. ‘
ggggggg £253,19?.50i ,'
r Surplus Janunri 1, 1920 9 337,962.88 3
‘ Loss.Additiono Federal Taxes paid for 19ig___§gg,§g
. $337,570.06 0‘
; Loss-50% Stock Dividond paid ‘
‘f baptomber 21 , 1920 W
3 $145,970.06
1 Profit for year of 1990 agg‘;;1~9§
f $423,387.14
T - Loss-Cash Dividends paid in 1920 76,220.09
- 8 - $346,467.14
i 380M 6-7.0 ‘

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