xt79319s4t0m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79319s4t0m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1973-09-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 10, 1973 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 10, 1973 1973 1973-09-10 2020 true xt79319s4t0m section xt79319s4t0m MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY SENATE, SEPTEMBER 10, 1973 3622

The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday,
September 10, 1973, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Adelstein
presided. Members absent: Staley F. Adams, Lawrence A. Allen, Charles E. Barnhart,
Peter P. Bosomworth*, Garnett L. Bradford*, Charles L. Brindel, Thomas D. Brewer,
Stephanie Brown, John L. Butler*, Charles Conner, Wayne H. Davis, John A. Deacon*,
Stephen Diachun, R. Lewis Donohew, Anthony Eardley, Juanita Fleming*, Paul G.
Forand*, William Gates, John G. Gattozzi*, Richard E. Gift*, George W. Gunther*,
Jack B. Hall, Joseph Hamburg, Holman Hamilton, Virgil W. Hays*, Charles F. Haywood*,
Andrew J. Hiatt, Ron Hill, Margaret Jones*, John J. Just, David Mattingly, Marion
E. McKenna*, Michael P. McQuillen*, Jacqueline A. Noonan*, James R. Ogletree*,
Doyle E. Peaslee, Robert W. Rudd*, Marjorie S. Stewart, William J. Stober*, Andy
Strickland, Lawrence X. Tarpey, Paul A. Thornton*, Relmond P. VanDaniker*, Jacinto
J. Vazquez*, M. Stanley Wall, Tom Weber, Daniel L. Weiss*, David Williams, Leslie
K. Williamson, Paul A. Willis, Constance P. Wilson*, William W. Winternitz*,
Kenneth R. Wright*, Robert Yeager.

Chairman Adelstein gave the following introduction to President Otis A.

We will first have an address by President Singletary and I thought
it wise, in greeting him, that I say a word or two about the President.
I know that many of you are familiar with his academic record, but to refresh
the memory of some people and to place it before others, let me remind you
that he received the doctorate from Louisiana State; he was an instructor
of history at Texas in 1954 and became a full professor in 1960. On his
way to becoming a full professor, he received awards for teaching excellence
in 1958 and 1959. He served as Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences in 1958
and 1959. He was Chancellor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro
from 1961 to 1964. He was Director of the Job Corps from 1964 to 1966. He
was Vice President of the American Council on Education from 1966 to 1968.
He was Vice President of the University of Texas from 1968 to 1969 and
became the Eighth President of the University of Kentucky in 1969.

As you can see, he has not perished but he has published: two books,
one, The Negro Militia and Reconstruction, published by the University of
Texas Press in 1957; the other on the Mexican War published by the University
of Chicago Press in 1960. In addition, he has authored several monographs
including "The South in American History," published in 1965 and now in
its second edition, and another on "The Civil War and Reconstruction." In
1968, while with the American Council on Education, he published a work
entitled "Freedom and Order on Campus."

I give you the President of the University of Kentucky, Dr. Singletary.

President Singletary's address follows:

Thank you very much. That is the second testimonial I have had in the
last 36 hours. For those of you who read the newspaper I would just like
to say to you that I enjoyed this one more than the article in the Sunday
Courier Journal referring to me as "river boat gambler" and "super jock."

*Absence explained











Minutes of the University Senate, September 10, 1973 — cont


Thank you very much and good afternoon to you. It is my pleasure
once again to be here for this first meeting of the Senate and to greet
you and welcome you back to the campus. I hope you have had a pleasant ga‘
and restful summer and that you are ready to go again for yet another school ‘

It is always difficult to decide what to say to a group with such di— ,
versities as are represented in this room but I thought that perhaps this year
the best service I could render would be to give a survey —— to touch the
high spots on our campus last year —— and to take a very brief look at some
of the problems that I suspect await us in the year ahead. Before moving
into the body of these comments, however, I would like to make a personal
observation. I have now finished four years in this job and as I begin my
"graduate work" at the University of Kentucky I want to express my appreciatflm
to many of you in this room and on this campus for the help and assistance
you have given me —— help and assistance that ran not only to the furtherance
of my own education, which I think does continue, but, more important, for
your many and real efforts in helping to fuel and therefore move this great g
engine of this enterprise that is known as the University of Kentucky. 2‘

I would like to begin by making some comments in the area of students
and their activities. Any such discussion begins nowadays with taking
stock of numbers. The situation has become fairly stable at this institution.
We are going to have a modest increase this year in head count over last
year. This is a somewhat different situation than we have been accustomed
to in the last decade. Up to two years ago we were having nine and ten
per cent increases in students at the University. Last year it leveled
off to where we had a very small increase and that is what we are experiencing
again this year. It is my belief that the head count will show a gain of
close to 300 bodies. When we convert that to full-time equivalence, we
probably will have a lowering of enrollment over last year, but that remains
to be seen. At any rate, it appears that for the second consecutive year >
we are out of the business of having to deal with a vast influx of additional
students over those we had the year before, and I welcome that. The
latest figures that I saw put the enrollment at something like 19,890 or
so as of last Thursday. The Community Colleges' enrollment is something %
around the 12,800 figure. All in all, the head count, in toto, will
be something in excess of 32,000 students.



The analysis of these figures is of some interest I think. On this
campus we have seen increases, for example, in Agriculture, decreases in
Arts and Sciences, some in Business and Economics, a decrease in Education,
an increase in the Graduate School, and an increase in Home Economics. As
you look at the picture in the aggregate, it is interesting to note that
our new students are up a little and that our total returning students are
up some more. So it is in both categories of new students and those who
were here and are coming back that we have increases in numbers. I would
say further that part of what is happening around the nation at large is
not peculiar to us here and that there are reasons for it that I think can
be identified. On this campus there is no question that our enrollment limitations

have had some effect. As you know, we have been limiting the enrollment dfi‘
in such areas as Medicine and Dentistry and Law. This has been extended for ‘
us —— for example, Nursing and Allied Health. We are looking at it in still

some other areas. We are talking about hundreds of students who could not

come here this year in just the Nursing—Allied Health areas. So the whole im@“t
of the limitation of enrollments is being felt somewhat in the growth of the
student body at the University.






at 53







for 6%”


: impaCt

Minutes of the University Senate, September 10, 1973 — cont 3624

You have heard me before on the other topic — that the cost is
getting to be a far more serious factor than it has been in determining
a student's ability to come here. And when one adds to the cost the
uncertainty that has been accompanying the federal aid business, which is
a very big business indeed in student aid programs, one gets an additional

It should come as a surprise to no one in this room that many students
are simply disenchanted with what they see and are opting for other things.
And I think that is fine. If that is their choice, that makes it simpler
for that group although it does not relieve us of the responsibility of
asking the question ”Why?" And I think other preferences clearly do enter
into it.

There are some other implications as far as students are concerned,
implications that run primarily to the financial area, that ought to be
mentioned. I think the big problem runs generally to a changing public
attitude that does, in effect, place on the student and his family a
heavier portion of the actual cost. If you are not familiar with the
recent Carnegie Report on this topic, I encourage you to look at it. It
is an old recurrent theme of "Who should pay?" "Who should go?" There
is no clear—cut solution in sight, no policy that is being made clear or
definitive. But in the default of those decisions, what is happening
is that the cost is escalating rapidly and it is going to continue to
have its effect. Tuition on this campus for in—state students went up $75
last year and another $75 this year —— one hundred fifty dollars in the
biennium —— the largest increase ever imposed in any one biennium in the
history of higher education in this state. And there is no indication yet
of what is likely to be the resolution of that for the next biennium.

Student aid: I am happy to say we will salvage something out of
the confusion attendant to federal programs and, for better or worse, we
are about where we were last year in terms of ability to provide student
aid. If I sound optimistic about that stagnation, let me say it could
have been a great deal worse. We thought just a few months ago that it

would be a great deal worse. But events have changed that picture, I

think,_for the better. The difficulty is that while the dollars remain
essentially the same, there are more students and costs have gone up.

One of the footnotes that I hope will be of interest to you -— although
we remain very modest in this endeavor —— is to increase scholarship aid
for academically talented students, the so-called superior student, if

you want to use that old catchword. We have increased again this year the
limited number that we have been able to provide for in the Honors Program
and I am hopeful that, for the first time, we are going to be able to
make some small amount of money available to the Dean of Undergraduate
Studies' Office for the recruiting of superior students to help them come
to UK, superior students who are not in the Honors Program. And I think
that is all to the good.


Other campus affairs in the student area lead me to the following
observations. The Kernel had a fairly good year last year in its fiscal
and legal independence. We did hope to implement the Report of the Housing
Policies Commission which is yet to be that, in practice. We got through
the revision of the Student Code without the annual flap that accompanies
that exercise. I hope that we have improved the recreational opportunities
















Minutes of the University Senate, September 10, 1973 - cont

for a lot of our students by the opening of the Seaton Building which, I
am told, is being very heavily used, a fact that should surprise no one.
You should be aware that the Student Affairs Program, called NEXUS, is
in operation. Actually, you phone in and dial a question. If you ask
the right question, you can get the response needed.

I will end my comments in the student area by saying that I hope
and believe the general situation on this campus is somewhat improved. I
personally welcome what some people descry and that is the lessening and
lowering of frictions on this campus. Make no mistake about my position.
I am glad the decibel count has gone down. I would welcome, and do welcome,
the return to some civility and, on the whole, consider this past year a
very fine one.

I move now to make some eomments about faculty and faculty activities
during this past year. We explain our activities in rather traditional
terms and I think that I want to approach it in that way. But first of
all I would like to talk a little about teaching, if I may. One of
the myths that dies hard, perhaps not at all, is that teaching is not
a respected activity at this institution. It continues to be a primary
pursuit although not the only one. The sooner we get it out of the context
of "either/or," the better off all of us will be. The student evaluation
of teaching is still considered to be an integral part of the annual review
of faculty members and, while nobody in this room is going to believe it,

I will tell you that administrative decisions about faculty are made on
the basis of several factors, teaching being one of them.

Let me talk a little bit about the qualitative aspects of teaching here.
Some of our teachers are singled out and are given awards for good teaching.
I think this is a symbolism that should be preserved. I was happy to see
that we moved in the past year to recognize graduate teaching assistants -—
the first time that graduate teaching assistants have been singled out
and recognized for superior teaching —— a young man in Mathematics named
Mike Slosser, was selected. This is the third year we have had the
graduate summer orientation program. The summer program for teaching
also involves a number of faculty people and is also having its effect.
Let me give you a footnote here that I think is of interest. Members
of this faculty either taught or conducted research at 14 colleges and
universities other than in this country — in Europe, Asia, Africa,
the United Kingdom, and the West Indies, among others. We hosted visiting
scholars from Colombia and France, from the Netherlands, Hong Kong,
Nationalist China and, Zanzibar. The teaching function in this University
produced more than 5,000 degrees last year if one includes the Associate
degrees in the Community Colleges. When one looks at not just the general
education that goes on, but the number of doctors and the number of dentists
here, and the number of teachers and people who are going to have a direct
effect on the mainstream of life in this Commonwealth, it is, I think,
a very significant figure. There is one figure that sticks in my mind --
and I pass it along to you -— you probably already know —— about one—third
of all students who are engaged in higher education in the Commonwealth
of Kentucky in public and private institutions are being taught by the
faculty of the University of Kentucky. Nearly a third. That, in itself,
is a significant figure.



 Minutes of the University Senate, September 10, 1973 — cont 3626

Let’s say something about research which continues, as it should,

to be a primary activity of the University faculty. The activities are .i7
d!;!‘ too numerous to list and I will not bore you with a long catalog. I

\V‘ would simply generalize by saying that projects of particular interest
to the world of scholarship, in general, and to the state of Kentucky,
in particular, are being carried on in nearly all of our major colleges
by individuals or by groups of faculty members organized into institutes
of one kind or another. For example, in Agriculture alone there are more
than 180 projects under way at this point in time. You should be reminded
of the birth of a new national journal published on this campus entitled
"Research in Higher Education," published by our Department of Higher
and Adult Education.

Closely allied to the research activity is a figure that I think is
also interesting. In fact, it has been in the press fairly recently. It

has to do with extramural support -— a reflection, I think, of the quality

of this faculty. These are the dollars that are attracted to this University

and to its programs because of the competence and interest of members of
fi§¢h this faculty. The generalization I would make is that the University

of Kentucky has had the best year in its history in terms of attracting
these dollars. I need hardly tell you that this makes me very happy
because it comes at a time when other institutions around the country are
finding it to be a very difficult time and many of them are suffering
severe cutbacks. I think that is worthy of note.

The Research Foundation has had an all-time high, something in excess

of 17 million dollars has funneled through that organization -— more than

a million dollars over the year before. The University, with respect to

federal dollars coming in, ranks now, or did in this last census, forty—sixth

nationally. The point I would make to you here is that there were only

/ four institutions in our region, two in North Carolina —— Duke and Chapel
Hill -— and two in Florida -- Gainesville and Miami —— that received more
federal monies than did the University of Kentucky. Once again I think
that is directly related to the stature of this faculty.

“,3 The service function runs the same way. In an attempt to catalog this

'TM’ I would remind you that our service activities range very wide, as they
always have, and I hope will continue to do. From our Agricultural Center
in Thailand to the Pharmacy College's drug abuse interest, from teaching
at the federal Youth Correction Center in Ashland to our service to the

I Lawyers' Information Service, the various programs we have in the way of

counseling assistance to state and local governments, these are the things
that have always been the responsibility of a state university and land—
grant college and I hope will continue to be.

There are some other activities in which members of this faculty have
been engaged that are worthy of some note. Here in Kentucky, for example,
members of this faculty have served or are serving as Presidents of the
Kentucky Nursing Association, the Kentucky Library Association, the
Kentucky Federation on the Council for Exceptional Children, and the
Kentucky Psychiatric Association. Beyond the boundaries of the state the

'% members of this faculty serve as chief officers in the National Association

I for Education in Journalism, the Rural Sociological Society, the South
Atlantic Modern Languages Association, the Regional Conference in Educational
Administration. A member of this faculty is on the Board of Governors









Minutes of the University Senate, September 10, 1973 — cont

of the American College of Surgeons. Another is on the Advisory Board

of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These are the more visible,

Symbolic testimonials, I think, to a certain level of developed competence ‘9‘
and expertise. Eight of our faculty members were selected last year V
for Hayes—Fulbright Scholarships. A member of our Sociology Department

was selected as the outstanding teacher on the Council of Family Relations.
Three members of this faculty were selected for American Council and Learned
Societies post—doctoral research grants. A member of our History faculty

was chosen a Fellow by the National Endowment for the Humanities. One of

our mathematicians received the Sloan Fellowship in basic mathematics research
I am not just trying to detail a catalog for you. What I am trying to say

to you by that listing is this: the evidence seems to me clear that the faculw
is continuing to take seriously and to perform the various activities that

are their primary concerns. I mean research and I mean public service. And

in the process of doing these things, they are receiving widespread recognition
for the quality of much of what they do.

In the area of Undergraduate Studies there are some things that I would

like to talk about in the Undergraduate Dean's office. As you may know,

John Stephenson, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, has been selected this year.

for an ACE Internship. In his absence, Professor Dan Reedy will be Acting

Dean of Undergraduate Studies. We have recently appointed Dr. Robert Sexton

to head up the Office for Experiential Education which is something new and
experimental, something the interest for which grew out of a study by Professor
Jesse Harris. I would say that the Undergraduate Office also had some major
activities last year that were brought to fruition and that should be mentioned
We distributed an Advisers' Handbook. We have had three printings of it,
something more than 1,100 copies. Another publication — Special Opportunities
in Undergraduate Studies — was also completed. More than 10,000 copies

have been distributed to high schools and guidance counselors. The aim of

this publication is to call to the attention of the students or prospective X
students the unique and different and unusual academic opportunities at

this University. We have had at work during the year a Committee on the
Freshman Year. A report is being worked on now, as I understand it.

The Undergraduate Studies office also has been the moving force behind the A
orientation program of teaching assistants, of the teaching award that

I mentioned, and of the TA and the instructional improvement program.

One other item in the undergraduate area - I think it is on your agenda
today — a review of the Honors Program and some definition or redefinition
of it.

We turn now to developments during the year in the academic program. 1!

Moving to graduate education I would like to share with you some
information that I was made privy to just recently that I think is interesting
For a three year period from 1968 to 1971 the picture that emerges is that
U.K. ranked something like 72nd among doctoral-producing institutions in
the United States. In the southern region, a larger number of doctorates I
were awarded by Florida, Florida State, Chapel Hill, Tennessee, Georgia,
L.S.U., Virginia, North Carolina State, Alabama, Vanderbilt, and Tulane.
In the same period we awarded something like 1,775 or so Master's degrees
which ranks us well below a hundred in institutions for that. One
indication that this suggests is that graduate education is not being fig,
overemphasized at this institution. It could indicate some other things:
the lateness with which we came into the field, the lack of adequate
resources. As far as the graduate program is concerned, you may recall
that we have reactivated the Ph.D. program in Educational Psychology and


 Minutes of the University Senate, September 10, 1973 — cont 3628



Counseling, we have approved internally a Ph.D. program in Health, Physical
e Education and Recreation, and a Master's in Public Administration. This #5 ’
49‘ is internally. They have not yet been approved by those external agencies
which are required to do so. There are several that are now at one or
3. another stage of consideration: a Master's degree in Education in three
ned areas, Ph.D. programs in Philosophy and Communications, and I believe
a in Behavioral Sciences. I remind you at this point of the role of
the Council on Public Higher Education. It must approve all graduate
earch programs for any state institution. I remind you further that they still
' have in effect a moratorium on new programs and that does not suggest
faculw that our desire to haye one nor our ability to clear it internally necessarily
t W111 bring it into being. Other items having to do with the graduate
And program that I would call to your attention are the two fairly important
nitim1 committee reports dealing with graduate education — the Wagner Committee
Report having to do with guidelines for the evaluation of graduate programs —
a business that we are going to be into fairly heavily — and the Mitchell
Committee report having to do with the role of graduate education in
a the University.
ar. I would remind you of another unsettling development and that is

the decreasing support at the federal level in graduate fellowships. The
g NASA Fellowships are gone, the NDEA Fellowships will be phased out next

:Sn year. After 1973—74, essentially no federal fellowship support is expected

fessor and the impact on the graduate program is going to be fairly severe,

jor another manifestation of what I meant earlier when I talked about the

. student financial problem.


ities Still another development that I think is cause for some favorable
reaction is the receipt by this University of a grant from the Appalachian

E Regional Commission — a million dollars plus. This is a satellite broad—

ve casting program. What is significant about it is not just the amount of

‘ dollars, not just another grant to announce, but that it came to the

University of Kentucky in spite of very fierce competition from other
institutions and because of a very real interdisciplinary effort, in

a 1 the best sense of that term, on the part of members of this faculty. I

' sw‘ think that the ability of this institution to respond in a very short
time and to prepare a proposal that beat out such institutions as Ohio
State, Penn State - two examples of Appalachian—related institutions that

1 were very interested in this thing — was, in no small measure, due to

' the effort that went into the production of that proposal.

One last item that has to do with the Graduate School is that Dean
sting. ; Royster has recently issued a very weighty publication having to do with

t publication. It is a compilation of the books and articles and referee
journals published by members of the faculty in the last four years. I
will simply remind you that there are more than 2,500 items listed in
there and I am told by the Dean that he sees this as an annual effort in
the future.

Another area of interest which I think is worthy of mention is the
‘g‘ fact that we redesignated the Department of Music as the School of Music
‘“ this past year. We also witnessed the most interesting development in
sometime in the dissolving of departments in the College of Pharmacy.
I am compelled to comment that this may be the first such group to
lagislate themselves out of existence since the Continental Congress.














Minutes of the University Senate, September 10, 1973 — cont

The University Press of Kentucky has had a good year. The Library
has had some success, I am happy to say, in the acquisition of some
valuable manuscript collections. The John Sherman Cooper papers have
been given to us as have Governor Chandler's papers and I think these ‘3‘
will upgrade and strengthen our holdings in 20th Century politics. We
are seeking some others and have, I think, every reason to be optimistic.

We don't notice very often what is going on here in the extended ' ?
education programs. You might be interested to know that the Evening Class
Program last year reached more than 1,500 students, an enrollment that I
suggest to you is larger than the total student body in all except one of
the state's 14 private institutions. In the Independent Study Program,
which is a fancy title for correspondence work, more than 3,600 students
enrolled last year — some for credit, some for non—credit, some even working
on high school courses. In the Extended Class Program that goes throughout
the state more than 1,800 students were enrolled in 130 separate courses
offered at towns and cities throughout Kentucky. In summary, these extended
educational opportunities run to something like 248 courses, 24,000 students
and over 400,000 contact hours. This is not an insignificant activity. 65%
In addition, in our Conferences and Institutes program some 137 programs 7
were conducted last year that reached more than 22,000 people in and beyond
the confines of Kentucky.

I think there are some activities of a special nature that require some
additional comment and one of these is our Medical Center, certainly an
important and active enterprise. In the area of program development, for
example, the new Family Practice Program, which hopes to be in its new
quarters in the new year, is proceeding; building up the faculty and staff,
developing the curriculum, enrolling the families and working out the
necessary affiliations around the state. We have cleared, internally, the
Midwifery Program —- the B.S. in Nursing. I don't know whether you have
heard about something called the Kentucky January Project in Allied Health.
The entire faculty and student body are involved in 14 different locations
in Kentucky —— out in the field for three weeks —— a dozen or so students
at each location, highly successful both for U.K. and for the various
communities. I am told that many of the places where those students n
were actually working were eager to hire them for those jobs when they
finished their program here. I don't know whether you know anything
about the Clinical Associate Program, a two—year program for training
physicians' assistants. These are associates that work directly under
the supervision of the physician. This is a federally funded program and
was funded for 10 students. It should be a matter of some interest to you
that we actually received in excess of 4,000 applications for the first
class. They are also working on their aspect of the Master of Public Admin-
istration program as it relates to health care in cooperation with the
College of Business and Economics. They are also at work developing a ‘
program for the Center for the Aging which is tied in with the gift that ;
was announced last year. I am happy to say that the new Veteran's Hospital
has been activated. As of July 1 we had something like 235 patients in
that facility. The staff is being phased in. It will probably take
something like a year to reach its full complement. I will simply say to
you now that the facilities and the equipment in that facility are superb. 4E3“
The people who are knowledgeable about these things tell me that some of ;5
the x—ray and other highly specialized equipment is as fine as exists
anywhere in this country.







Minutes of the University Senate, September 10, 1973 — cont 3630

The University Hospital continues to be one of the Commonwealth's
most important medical care facilities. The many people who are arguing
over little minor annoyances of one kind or another lose sight of the
importance of that. Just consider, for a moment, that we will admit some
17,000 to 18,000 patients as in—patients this year for 130,000 patient
days; that the out-patient clinics in that hospital will deal with
something like 215,000 ambulatory patients in Kentucky; that some 32,000
people will come through that emergency room and, startling though this
statistic may be, some 1,500 babies will be born in that hospital in the
course of this year. It is a thriving, busy, booming place that provides
very real services to this Commonwealth in many ways. One of its really
significant areas is in the amount of indigent care that it provides for
those who are not covered by those kinds of programs that seem to be
available to so many people in our society.

Let me comment briefly about some organizational changes in the
Medical Center. The College of Nursing has organized itself into admin—
istrative divisions. I have already mentioned that the College of Pharmacy
has reorganized. There have been extended controls in the student area
on enrollments as I told you earlier and they are facing the very serious
problem.there, as well as elsewhere in the University, of the loss of
their capitation grants. The amount of dollars involved is substantial
and the problem that it raises is serious.

Of particular interest to this