xt79319s4n1f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79319s4n1f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1979 1979 1979-09-04 2020 true xt79319s4n1f section xt79319s4n1f “ . . . . . ' ‘ . . ., _ I, . . . . ' ‘ _t a . -v .3 't ' ,, g. . . v . . I . , fl ._ j . . s . . p . . , - . - , . .
‘. I ‘ 'r
. ‘2 " V,
Vol. LXX". No'bl; ‘ "79 l’nlverstty of Kentuckv I I
THM‘L S‘Pm" ' ll‘l Independent student news a r Lexlngton, Kentucky
P I,.
I . - ' .‘ ' E“ m ’3 V ”f. V - :93. . .. 3'3": ‘ . ' .I.-. ”III
Davrd kills 5 in Florida -' m \ ~ 1' I I.» . . ,
.._ ”3:21.595. - ., I' [5", h W. 33’ VijV 7:,- i
. . . :_._:,_,... ~. _4 . .. at ,s , . “W" I. 1'15 ,t, ....~... . .1 I” -
‘ - ., . . - . . . - a a...
moves toward Geor ia , .. -moms _ a, ..
-, . ,. $1 é ...,.,,,,,,. ; W 43%; A. _ 2-1. ._ til .‘ .2
. v.4y.cs._.,.,_., ..,/ . , . W Mari“: ’. In» .
' "." It at W?” 1:. "cl?:;v:::'I.:.§::-.;i-i'¥."v ~ -. .. . .iV' .- In, (he?
. . . ._ a: g .V z z I“..va ' reg
AP Dispatches out crops . '5‘ ' x 'fl—V-vn V“; ’ ,.= .H .I.. a .. V“ ' - ’“V,-
Jose Colon, director of the ; § . > ”m 7 ' i .3 . ., “ , W: , _ . [:5
A weakened Hurricane David National Weather Service in San '1 a, f g , ‘ ,' .~ ._ . t . I t; ‘ ~ n. . "I z. :-
bypassed Miami yesterday. skirted Juan, said there . were electrical ‘ $1...- ., . up _‘ .3 ,I 2',- ’ - - , _ 1 I?“ g. M “g .— I ' . .
up Florida’s golden eastern coast ShUtdOth 0“ Antigua, °“e ti“ the 5 3;, . ' a T 3i” ’ . . ,. " __ ‘ . “ a r ' t». , .. ”wax...” .. V; "
and turned slightly westward Leeward Islands nort 0 s; - a, . ” .m... 'i ‘3‘? Q . VV.‘ 3 ~. . ff” .. ’ t _
yesterday as it pmished the resort Guadeloupe, but no reports of .' t -. _ . -. : “‘3‘“, , .. .. , a“; I . . , 'W’ ‘
beaches of central Florida with serious damage. There also were no f. .- . .. - ,2 i ' t ix” ‘ . t . U . 53:" ”7.. g5? ' .
winds of 30 mph in its march reports of casualities or severe it“ “’t ' f ”Wt—«v id . , .. « - . .I: a“. . a ,
towards Georgia and South damage from. nearby Barbuda, l‘ke I... t 0 ‘ymfi a"? g ' tithe ' ' ' ”'"I" .. «I KW Ea. ,. -, T
Carolina. Antigm a British protectorate. : tf‘ . , \ ' , t i ‘ i: E " t g ,.t- / ,, W
Meanwhile, the National Glitry Goldstéeiéi, civil dtefentse j: J, _n. 11.1.2. x.‘ h 5* .. .. .1 .~ I . 2 . _ .. ‘ .. . . . z j. t .
Hurricane Center was keeping a spo esman, sai' amage es ma es “1-H . . , wt. h ‘ :T . . , , .- .
. close watch on Hurricane Frederic, reached $1 million in Palm Beach 3‘; t A a, «4...: K, , fl .. . G W -- . ' w .' I .
, a smaller hurricane which is car- County where the eye of Hurricane .: .... ' ”VIM-m ' [W , . _S, 2 ~' ‘ .. »
ving a path similar to David. DaVld brushed Singer Island,_ a V 42”» ' w t ,
. Although David spared populous resort hideaway near the mansion f} .. ._ M. _w ,
southeast Florida yesterday, it City Of Palm Beach, about "0°“ “’1‘" ; " . , W “M f, *“I '--- WW. .
surged inland to carve a path of 75HmPh wrnds. , .. , ' .:,; "at“; ., I» ‘
destruction through beachfront It was just beautiful,_ said. Roy My ,gg/Iw” . . .
‘ condominiums and trailers south of Showman, who inVited nine frienth ”WM ' ' " ' .
the nation’s space-launch complex. to his Palm Beach home littte more B) DAVID ( our. Kernel sun
Furious winds blew refrigerators than a block from theocean: ‘ We sat \
~ and television sets out of wrecked “heme and watched the Wind thW. Firemen clean up the mess after yesterday’s two alarm fire at Joe B.'s. The popular pizzaria, a favorite of many, received smoke and water damage. V
apartments like toys and tossed watched the water blow and wat- '
ruined trailers a quarter of a mile ched the transformers blow. I '
-} said. worse, but it just knocked down a .

~ Forecasters said the storm would “melt 0f trees. . I ,
Mam”... .. asemen aze c oses oe o ogna s -
end of the day and track toward extended north to the coasts 9f . .

Georgia and the Carolinas, possibly Georgia and South Carohna and 1h . . , . _ » .
reaching those coasts by tonight. the northwestern Bahamas. A By TERESA YOUNG basement. Durbin said this might general cleanup in the basement clean up needed. Daley said Joe .-
Though five deaths were in- hurricane warning was in effect Associate Editor have caused the fire. when the fire broke out, Daley said. Bologna‘s would be closed no longer ,
directly attributed to storm con- from Boca Raton to Daytona Beach Bob Daley, vice-president and Although he could not give the than two weeks. .
ditions, evacuation along Florida‘s in Florida. A two—alarm fire broke out in the general manager of Joe Bologna‘S, exact amount of damage .to the The restaurant employs about 35 . '
beachfronts appeared to have David was centered near Jensen basement of Joe BOIOgna‘s said neither employee was hurt. restaurant. Daley estimated it to be people. including 15 students, and
averted a highe- loss of life. Beach, Fla., at latitude 27.1 north and Restaurant, comer of East Maxwell The first alarm was called in at between $20,000 and 325.000. Daley said he was hOt sure whether
Wind scoured beaches from Cape longitude 80.1 west. Ithad veereda and South Limestone streets, at 11:08 am. with a second alarm Because therestaurant was closed they can receive unemployment
Canaveral—where missiles already littletothewest. butwas expected to about 11 am. yesterday and caused called at 11:25 am. for added yesterday. its StOCk 0t perishable tunth- Some Of theemployees willbe
on launch pads were lashed down _ resume a north-northwest course at substantial damage to the basement manpower “because of the amount tOOdS were 10W. Daley said- BUt he Paid t0 clean UP the damage from .
south as David swung inland at 12 mph. as well as smoke and water damage of smoke coming «from the added that, “for insurance and thesmoke.andothers willbeusedat
midday shortly after passing the Georgia officials urged the to the first floor. premises).“ Daley said. health reasons. we are saving no the two Joe Bologna‘s Restaurants
' mansion enclave of Palm Beach. evacuation 0f the barrier 'SlanCS. . . Four engine trucks. two hook-and- food." located in Southland and on New “ .
Until then, the giant storm had such as the popular resorts of Tybee . Battalion Chief Ralph Durbin said ladder trucks and one emergency There was also some damage done Circle Road. he said.
remained just offshore. con and St. Sinions 151mm, and CM} it was reported that one of the two vehicle responded to the alarm, to the electrical wiring in the "Hopefully we Will be able to take _
siderably weakened since stunning defense authorities opened employees present was “cleaning up Durbin said. btiilding, Durbin said. care of them «the employees) with
the Caribbean islands of Puerto emergency operation centers in grease With paint thinner" in the The two employees were doing With the amount of repair and some satisfaction." he said.
Rico, Dominica and the Dominican Glynn, Chatham and Camden
Repiblic with at least 640 deaths. counties. '
usmess recor s on rown sa .9-
Then near noon its eye curved preparations in the Carolinas. . I I 'i
- ashore. “It‘s the first time the eye “We‘re gomg to start movmg
has been going directly over land people into Charleston at this point," I l .
.. re utes 0 arms ram 9 u loan cam
Paul Hebert at the National director of the Greater Carolinas , 1
Hurricane Center. “It’s just been Chapter of the Red Cross. “We‘ll . .
inching off to thewest, but it looks as followit up the coast." . '95 3 By SY RAMSEY examples of btsinesses that haven’t other than testing of new concepts. '. t'
if it won’t go far inland." DaVld slethal eye stayed at sea. as ; Assodated Press Writer worked Wt." “One was Lum's which was a
The National Hurricane Center the htrricane higged the Florida 3, 1.. But in truth, the candidate said, bankrupt company that had closed 2;?
was also keeping a close watch on coastline on its trek northward. ' ,, he}, C."_;.“j FRANKFORT — John Y. Brown “all they're referring to are some over 200 stores before I purchased .3“-
Hurricane Frederic, which could L05$ 0f lite anldproperty In Florida ‘ ~% ,3 ' 2.: Jr. claims his business record since development concept ideas that it,“ he said. .‘23' ’
follow in David’s path. appeared far lighter than OtthialS . at; M “t W he became a multimillionaire is far every company tries" which are not “I just liked the challenge of j i.
Hurricane Frederic was located hadfeared. But Neil Frank, director “the ' V. Mg... better than Republican “distor- always successful. trying to turn it around, and during _3; ‘ .
west of the island of St. Martin, oftheNational Hurricane'Center in $3: we 4}; pi“? tions” would have the electorate “It’s a form of research and this period it was turned around. .. ’7. _- .

. Virgin lslantt, and 170 miles east of Miami. was clearly worried about My ” believe. development." he said. “And money and the restaurant industry I think If .

. San Juan, Puerto Rico. It was ex- states farther north such 35 North are m” The Democratic nominee for has never been my idol. I haven't will report it was one of the most 1':-
pectedto P355 a short distance north Carohna, where Labor Day crowds "" ...»»-' m“ ‘ governor said in an interview that had thesame motivation sinceKFC. dramatic turnarounth in the field 3;} _
of'St._Thomas. Vlrgln Islands, about were packing beaches and mountain 5" P aside from misleading allegations “Besides, no one required the because everybody expected it to go If '
mtdhlght and 50-60 miles north of resorts. . _ . . i em about his so—called lifestyle, his Wright brothers to build another under."

San Juan about dhyhreak today. We think the hurricane is going 53;: political enemies are disseminating airplane.” What this proves, the Democratic .qu _ . _

In Paris, tho Ministry for 0V.er’ to parallel the coast and continue /, 32"" ( falsehootk about his expertise in Brown said that when one delves nominee said, '5 that he has the 1.; ‘~
seas'l‘erritories‘said Frederic, north andbea threat somewhere in i '1’ 5:41; various enterprises. into his business caree‘, “i think ability to manage, thediscipline and ‘.~' ' '
packing 80mph Winds, skirted past the Carohnas. sometime In the next 31:" .— “They make heavy emphasis in you‘ll find that every major in- the correct judgment in making ‘: .
to the northeast of Guadeloupe, a 4‘? hours. saltl Frank. He Stud the l "3:; it their accusations about Brown volvement of mine has been decisions — “they do show ‘2 7
French island where DaVid’s 150— winds 60“” hlt SOUth Carolina by ’ 3i; {:1 hasn‘t been as successful after he responsible and productive.” qualificationsto serve as governor." j, .

. mph wmds last Wednesday knocked late TUCSdaY- 1'35» "1 got out of Kentucky Fried Chicken," He said there have been several Brown cited the national -. . f >_

, down thousands of homes and Wiped Continued on page 3 JOHN Y. BROWN Brown said. “Thai they give several big undertakings since he sold KFC, (‘ontinued on page 3 f. . .

“ t- lnremarksprepared for delivery ataWhite House picnic T855 political analyst Yevgeny Babenko tOCU59d his f V ‘ h

"8 Ion for 1,000 members of the labor movement, the president comments on Sen. Frank Church. chairman of the Senate 1 .
, , , . ‘ j . . . . told the Labor Day audience that he his returned to the Foreign Relations Committee. who last Thursday said US. . ’
SIN-(E "_"3 PALLOF ““3 SHAH 0" "FAN last wmter. nation's capital “with a renewed appreciation of the fun- intelligence sources had confirmed the presence of the ’
Sam “33:3 has emerged by far as the biggest US“ arms damenial strength of our nation." However, he added, he Soviet troops. . ‘
u‘yer, a isconsin “WWW?“ said yesterday. also returned with an intense awareness of Americans' Babenko‘s commentary said sarcastically that Church .' “
' 'd Saudi Arabia '5 buying_t1 times as much as the second fears about the future. had somehow developed "striking distance vision." . :
"‘8' O largearmhgtfgy automxr. esgld REP Les Aspih, D-W'is.. a The president returned ]a[e yesterday afternoon from a Cuba, now hosting a conference of non-aligned nations. _
M d me‘rsnpin 5: id (ill-rte‘iis%aurdil Arfgiravhs: gzwemduiigefor $3 7 foggy vacgiion in his home town of Plains, Ga. where he declined comment on the Church allegations fexcept to say .
Oped ma "088 billion,or50percent of the $6.3 billion in goods and services “S“ “en S and relatives and {Shed and jogged. they were made to embarrass Cuba at the con erence. .
that the Pentagon has agreed to sell under the foreign ' . V
I can be fun — and dangerous. military sales program smce February. “(“5333“ch "mops STRIKING L'NDER COVER .’
. world of jet fighters. helicopter gunships and tanks breached ' '
see page 4 for safety tlpS rebel defense lines outside this Kurdish stronghold city
H . t .d" tfthe ‘lls into the .
moment 'll. AFTER BLAZING A TRAIL other EGYPTIAN PRESIDENT ANWAR SADAT SAILED for zzirfifihg Iii!“ ms 0 mm a
spaceships wrli follow to Saturn, left excited scientists lsrael aboard his presidential yacht yesterday. having Asthetroops advanced inatwo-pronged attack aimed at '
‘ State poring over their five bestever pictures of the giant moon declared his hope that the trip will produce a breakthrough crushing the rebellion the main guerrilla force and most of - '
Titan yesterday. on Palestinian self-rule, - . ~ '- ~ “ hill nd
.. . . . the City 5 population filtered into the surrounding s a
. / dl feel really iteryngiood ataut the fact we have the data It IS Sadat's third trip to Israel and the first for his wife. vowed to fight on
. . an pic uresa a .a even tterthat it looks like the data Johan, whoaccompaniedhim aboard the yachtaiong witha Th 64thl f3 1 I D' ‘si ndthe inst Armored Division ‘
Eilgill‘TEtE FATcehl'hlES YESTERDAY ltOOSTED T0 aregotrigtobevery useful . in probingthe atmosphereof small group of the president's closest advisers. hut-Ste through "rang: 332nm: positions on the city's
K tuck ennum 0 persons to die in traffic acc1dents on Titan. a unique and fascmatmg world in its own right. said Until recently the threeday visit to the Mediterranean northern approaches but observers at the scene said they
. eln y l_tg‘ljhlways during the Labor Day weekend. State Martin Tomasko of the University of Arizona. city of Haifa was expected to be largely ceremonial. But apparently did not {want to enter the city at night and ;
Enoislhe repo an arrest in connection with oned the fatal Pioneer flew past Saturn on Saturday. thai swung within last month Sadat helped lsrael stave off an American probably would make their final pish into Mahabad at ‘ ,
. ' P laps. ’d Rober ' . . about 220,000 miles of Titan as it sailed away from the initiative that might have cleared the way for a dialogue daybreak today. , V .
. . Ca eicecsai 1 William Boggs of Porter Creek in mother planet. . with the Palestine Liberation Organization. Andlast week,
.. _ l r ert ount'y was charged With seconddegree man- Because 'lhtan istheonly moon in the solar system known without making a direct reference to the PLO issue, Sadat \
. , . , ~ ~ gtughdaer ihrthe hit-and-run death of Thomas Arthur: last to have an atmosphere. some scientists have speculated it made it clear he hopes to cash in on good will he feel: has weather _
. . _ ur y. its, 26. of rural Olive Hill, was struck while might harbor some form of life. been built between him and Begin. ’
. ~ . ~~ walking along the Lawton Ridge Road about four miles .V ,
w .- g ' ‘ ’m‘ggm" ”‘3'; m , . PARTLY (room. WARM AND HUMID THROUGH ; . , ',
,1 V " ,. ar ed 'th 509'!“ h e "It? 3_ yearly count to 590, com- PRESIDENT (‘ARTER TOLD A GATHERING of labor THE SOVIET NEWS AGENCY RIDICULEDaUS claim TOMORROW with a few widely-scattered thunderstorms . . ‘ 7 '
_. i,“ . . . . | 5m M or tKe stun; pawn: last year. Ten fatalities leaders last night that America‘s “willingness to go beyond that the Soviet Union has based2.000 to 3.000 combat troops during the afternoon and early evening hours. Low tem- . . ‘
5‘, _-_ 2‘» . . ‘ l holidamw he (I: en y ng the 1978 Labor Day whatwear'eobligedtodo...willgetusthrough our current in Cuba but the Tess report yesterday, Russia's first peraturestonight in themidOOstoaround 70 and high both .7
_r I; -' , y °° n problems. comment onthe matter, did notde theassertion. today and tomorrowinthe midsosto around 90. ’ ' .‘
.V 'A'.,.'...V ' ‘ .\ a
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‘ >.. . . .- ':'/._ th>;.4: "t - . t t . \ t I . ‘
,. _ ~ BEST capv AVAILABLE i ‘ '“ ' 'V “ V' ” '

 -. KENTUCKY one. McDaniel 1., room Melt Gnee Tho- CM Gui Land-I “ ‘
- er 6 Editor in Chic] Campus Editor PM Man Entertainment Editor Director of Photograph ‘, 1
Sun Money i
(In waits u.- Doe-lard cm, McGee MI CI-i David Maynard ‘g
Managing Editor Editorial Editor (opi- Editors Sports Editor Photo Manager
' ' ' ' ram You. an... anion ‘;
editaials & commnts Associate Editor Assistant Sports Editor _;
e .
Lexmgton’s ’bl ue laws’ should be enforced or forgotten -
t l
Three out-of-town yompanies selling furniture, panies unless they were cited for breaking the law sostrgngly against other compames opemng the“ 0" Chicago. 0? some City less desirable than .. . i
carpets and books during a liquidation sale at the are correct when they say out-of-town companies- doors. Lexmgton, TOdd said: _ .9 2
' Lexington Center Sunday were cited for breaking have sold items at the Civic Center on Sundays Money. _ _ n It the leaders 0t Lexmgton are 80 set against
state blue laws. and never been cited by Metro police. _That money ‘5 bound to be gomg out Of town, changing the blue laws to allow Sunday °Pehlhssi .
' . . . . _ , said Bob Fergurson, manager of Plaza Carpets in why have they closed their eyes to sales at the '
Metro police ‘ssued Citations after local thah Kuznof, a manager for Mattress and Lexington and one of the businessmen who Civic Center in the past? If th are goin to allow ‘
businessmen complained and threatened to sign Furniture Distributors of Cincinnati — one of the complained to police Sunday. He was quoted by Sunday sales why d") theyey allow ougt -of-t own v
warrants against the companies. If the companies present at the Civic Center—said her theLexington Herald as saying,“We justfelt that, businesses —’which don’t pay city taxes _ to -'
businessmen had n-Ot complained, would the company has sold merchandise m Lemme” if we’re not allowed tobeopen on Sunday, neither make money while local businessmen lose dollars
Pellee have issued citations. Sunday tw1ce before this weekend Without being should they.” for obeying the law" .
State law prohibits retail stores -_ except those C‘ted- . Who has decided that the state law is void for If the blue laws are not enforéed against '
prov1ding necessary public serv1ces web as Surely Tom Minter, general. manager. 0f the OUt-Of'tOWh companies and who gives them businesses in Lexington all merchants should be v
. ' supermarkets and drug stores — from opemng Oh Lexington Center Corporation, 18 respons1ble for permission to use the Civic Center _ which is city allowed to open on S’unda without fear of .
Sunday. Who gave the out-of-town companies the overall operation of the center. He can not property _ on Sundays? receiving a citation y ' .
germs?” to rent space and sell merchandise on Clatth he was “2%?” Of the salt": 1:; agate? This spring, a Lexington Leader survey showed It is time to face the issue and to decide whether
un y. . public1ty It caus or some oca s 0 y ' that not one of the fifteen Urban County Council to enforce the state law or use our “local option”
J0hh Flack. manager 0t carpet sales “”th J°hh When he dismisseda closmg law charge against members was willing to ask for a change in the and allow business on Sunday. Members of the '
Flack Carpets 0t Atlanta, t°1d The Lexmgton a . 10931 garden shop owner, Fayette County blue laws, although some Kentucky cities — in- Urban County Council said it was up to the voters 2. .
Herald that he. couldnt remember anyone DlStt‘let Judge Don Paris called the law “unen- cluding Louisville, Frankfort and Winchester — to decide; but first, the voters must see whether 1 .
mentioning that It 15 against the law to sell 0“ forceable.” have used the local option to open stores if they the law is actually being enforced. ,;_
Sunday when he rented the space. Wh° opened the According to a Chamber of Commerce poll wish. If out-of-town businesses continue to sell '9
doors of the CIVIC Center to customers Sunday and taken last year, 61 percent of Lexington’s - And, Vice Mayor Jim Todd said in a Lexington merchandise on city property on Sundays, then
why thdht they know about the 13‘”? businesses are opposed to Sunday openings. Leader article that he was firmly opposed to local businessmen should open their doors also ,4
The businessmen who complained and Lexington businessmen may not want to open Sunday openings. “I’m afraid if we let the until the issue is decided byacourt decision or by
threatened to sign warrants against the com- their doors on Sundays, but why should they react barriers down, we’d become another Pittsburgh the voters. :
I I I I $.32.
American morality IS determined , T
.2 l M M We 93th him WINGS g
' ' ‘fB HANDIQD mWilll'e SOURCE: ,
y here who suppress freedom 'l'lllSCABIIE'l' mutating 1}}.
SHAke'Up Wit GeoRGlAkS 3%
BY GREGG FIELDS company. , like him, really, are liars. That ' RiGHT : , , AND “”6”th i
Something about thlS man was nothing. really, threatens to un- 9 It” ” LISHLBNT 3-,}
Don‘t get me wrong — I used to familiar. And then I remembered dermine society so much as the .~ 5;. ”AM" /‘ ’ ,l . 4\.\ IN [FBD’ {i
respect authority. For instance, in back to when I was a Child. and a close-minded mentality that 335‘” ', :x, A“ / it?» ‘55
high school the principal decided friend and I went downtown to buy presumes anyone who doesn't RIP}? '. ‘ ntt‘x 9&9? "
that the prom could no longer be ClOtheS- This man, this very same believe in God is somehow per— ti): ¢ . , ., ‘ ‘ \ vhf! 6/5 7 ‘t
held in the gym because it was a fire man. was standing 0“ a street comer verted; that it's okay to steal andlie ,, ' ‘0 ‘3. ', I" . \ m , t ’ . " it
haIzard. f ll d] d —— but do it in the name of apple pie. $9? "‘3‘ x ; ‘3 \\ Wfl/i/E‘GO'C‘Q E:
respect u y ‘ssente , pointing This man, of course, could never ' . v " ~ g A ‘ f ' .
out to him that most of those who commentary have dreamed that America isnot AND THlS m... W 511368 I [ff m I} ' , t E
attended were usually too drunk to the land of plenty for the millions of SW SAYS S ’ 5i;
start a fire anyway, and that the ____________,_,_ people who have been lied to and d A me . , ;i
school was near a lot of a cheap He picked up a copy of Playboy stolen from. In fact, a paper which WHEWW WNTALITY REHTWW LL i i?-
, hotels. magazine and set lire to it. “We the man is closely associated with “31' Heme HM lb m 2 CIG'Cl-l TH . rt
He, of course. wasnot swayed, and must stop this type of perversion editorialized last summer that [A ‘X" ,‘t' TRAdeZ AND 2 :.f,
decided to hold the prom at a safe, that threatens to undermine our “Americans may one day look back N496 ire AND , 8W, “ g” ,2 ‘0“ . ‘ 3%;
commercial establishment. He society anddestroy theminth of our fondly t0 the days when an anti- WALTYBCARER HAM . I A ("w 1‘ Cam ‘ a;
chose the Beverly Hills Supper Club. children," he said, as the flames communist such as Anastasio AND HIS H) t ‘ 2 40v '7 Lie, . MAW]. t -:v.
Losing the fight made me rather enveloped the magazine. “We must Somoza ruled Nicaragua." And we , . ', W ‘ "h ['21 m .3:
submissive. Social commentary eradicate those forces which seek to verywell might. Butldon'tthink the mm... . t , ’v W“, ‘ M'" . 3'
became something that was ~ well, change America from a respectable, Nicaraguans Will. , “\\ 4.1 a, “K9“ fix fiflajr .1 ’
unnecessary. god-fearing place to a Gomorrah What all of this has resulted in is -' "~‘-’ / ’ . mitl‘anfiZUI7/M,;9},m%' , . _ g" -‘
This summer, however, I covered waiting to fall." that now what anyone says they’re "' ‘1‘ g") ‘t‘ / 432' , “ WfiifiJ—E 7'
the financial community for 8 Well, the crowd went crazy. They doing something in the name of ”7: {f‘/ i“ 22! ‘k” “ht
newspaper inamajor American city. loved him. And while God never freedom, morality 01' GOdiIaSSllme tug ' 45 " T 2
During the course of the summer a scared me, I have to admit I didn't they’re lying. I really wish I didn't \ fut" \ . _ _ ’
{nan was cloméicted of illegally want anything to undermine society. feel that way; guess I just went to K
rying to mis ea people into scllin Thatis,nothin as unnecesar asa too man roms. n - M- .
the stock they had in a company? centerfold. g y y p Mam”
This man planned to purchase this But this summer, as I saw this Gregg Fields graduated from UK ‘
stock — at a rate that would be man convicted of lying to last semester. He will soon start . 5’
diaper because of the lies he told — stockholders, I realized that he had working as a financial reporter for a l g _
and then retain control of the lied before. And that most my; midwestern newspaper. am, a n or an. i
. 1'.
Letter to the Edttor . . .
I h d m h t ‘
N at that Ian forwarded a report of his discovery metic tells us that WWI was over a s e trappe In an I age e 1‘}
9 890 tso btgm Germain Ministry of lWith: good 15 years before Dr. Schrader’s l l I 5
Let’s get the facts Sm“ ht, u equent rrnan research ea , 'scovery. Let’s get the facts next d I b t I b d 7
Kernel! On page one of your August unfortunately, tothe development of time, Kernel. e I era 8 y em race t
30edition you reported that“a large the met nerve agents, “Sat-in" in t ‘
quantity of fatal nerve gas, some of 1938 and “Soman” in 1944. Sherman R. Couch . i . _
it he“ over from W}, is stored at Now a little bit of mental arith- Physics sophomore Hamilton Jordan is now busily would just be for a while. to help get these matters does not confirm that he “a '
the Richmaond facility" (of the L A . denying the ties he cultivated in his things started. Then he would depart1 Cashall)’. sniffed COR? at a. trendy _'
Bluegrass Army Depot). You’ve ettera DOIICY Amid motor: University employers disco-crawling days. But it is hard to Why? “Because if I stayed I might d'ss'Pht't’h 5P0“ but ‘t explains why .-
misrepresented the facts. [he ”mutt-t Ker“, ”mm“ ”'°‘."." Ii" their thW’" “M live down an image deliberately become another Ted Sorcnson “ The the charge ls taken ““9“".y‘ The t
The fact is that in 1936 Dr. and entouragesvcomhbmions from 1"”th embraced _ he a arcd in outlaw _____._______'_— White House tried to dismiss the
Gerhard Schrader, a research the UKcommunityfo‘rpublicatlonon "'9 k't’rnelrrcscrvcs' the right to t f R II' pp; d w t matter as tainted at its source, since it .
chemist working with the I. G. tisleiittgrsial and OplmO: page). lCh):dcrhlsthlthrcrciecifcontterittit-ms.lint?! (“”51de (5); Odmg Loze’han _cn , comes from the owners of the very _‘ .
. . . . .o intons an commentar- r 0 5“ mlSSIOns 0 U IO . an m ’
:arben-mdUStne m Leverkusen, res musibeIZPCdanddoubk-Spflfld. frequent writers. and to edit ah ty who lived in to}; cWhit: first: garry Wills place ML Jordan'went to see and be " *
ynthestzed a ha‘etofore unknown and mm inch“, , 0 'b . . pcs , seen. Some have hintedthatihecharge 3 4
. . e the writers C ht” ““0“ for style. spelling, before him. - u ' '- '
a‘hd htghty tome compound — signatureaddressandphmnmh grammar. clarity and libelous _____________ ‘s McCarthyltc ‘ 8m“. one Of the i -
‘Tabunf.’ DT- Schrader who .was t'Kstuaentsinouldtnchcdcthetryear 5tallcmcms. ' During the 1976 campaign, Jordan hostility toward establishment types disco‘s owners‘ lawyers '5 Roy C°h“' i .,
researchlnglnsectlmdes at the time, told me that if he went Washington it that radiates from the Carter who used to work for Joseph .3:
V administration comes mainly from McCarthy. 8‘" 390th" lawyer ‘
mad Mr. Jordan, who (during the same relaying the charge '5 M'tChe“ 2' ,
l. AMEI- . Rogovm, known as a man of shrewd .
campaign) fired Cyrus Vance as i ntc rit in Washington -. .
MAN T'HKF (rm-L SURE I WON 96‘]. WHAT CW0 '2‘, secretary of state before his boss ever g y '
. WA ‘4 I had a chance to hire him. if the charge is false, it is a vile one,
0;" 6 0.611 ' . ’ and those making it should be (and
Air ,, Caner told The New York Timesun probably will be) treated more
It.) 6‘8 r PROBABLY ”76' thht he differed from Lyndon harshly, not less, for theiruseof it. But i
‘ ' . t. 5 YEA“ ESPEC‘ALLV J°hh5°h I“ one respect: He was net the sad thing is that the public only 3
‘.' o C‘.‘, . 1“ O 5 “E TEN FOO-r afraid of intellectuals. lthink that may takes the matter seriously because the 2
. ‘ v E RED fiLOT'C S betrue. But the president hasrelied on person who has been described as “the ~ I
. ‘v- \’ / ON “ER FACE‘ POLES.’ Mr. Jordan, who hides his fear 'h second most powerful man in , .
.r ’ ——- contempt. and thinks he can America" is widely perceived as ’ .
. _ g y- ‘ demonstrate case by simple rudeness. contemptuous of the law itself as well i
. it Y. . it . Jordan deliberately snubbed as of the social code or mere civiliiies
3,:- f.” \\— %’ “igfl i» congressmen and insulted Cabinet of Washington.
‘ §g -f ~ can?) )I” ' members. He wanted to show how Jordan no doubt is coming to wish ‘
s. ' ' ’V . I. v “ V 'i ‘ .' .
. Si L~ §§V‘ (.1 x ' O ' . . .- a . - unorthodox he was. For months he he had stuck to his resolution not to
. ‘ V // ' ” . . , , O a) / j calmly left scofflaw charges on his linger in Washington. It isawish that
t r \ , t " . ’ I ' I / , , / '/ illegally tagged and parked car. He President Caner musibcentertaining,
. E Q )‘é -_ / I'- \ ' a , ’ \ ) I I /, ’ I 71/ t was to be a Washington outsider in too.
. , , h I” (4‘ /':/ ‘5 ' ~ \’ _ / ' every way —— even outside the law. I
' I ’2’) d i \ ’ ' V‘ Now he wishes he could undo all that Garry Willa "h“ a syndicated
' y. . , in, A - calculated boorlahneu. His record in column out 0' “Mm- -
, -' . ;. - “rim”??? ; pr ‘7i'frr"; .. -: “