xt79319s4m9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79319s4m9k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-09-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1977 1977 1977-09-06 2020 true xt79319s4m9k section xt79319s4m9k Volume LXIX. Number 13
Tuesday, September 6, 1977



w No help

5’ Government drops
all funds from RCC

Kernel Reporter

State Department of Justice offi-
cials have been accused by Patricia
Elam, executive director of the
Lexington Rape Crisis Center, of
being insensitive to victims of
sex-related crimes.

In a statement released last week,
Elam said the justice department
indicated to her that funding was
withdrawn because “in comparison
with other crimes, rape is not a
problem in Kentucky."

The Lexington center, along with
rape crisis centers in Louisville and
Covington, lost their Law Enforce—
ment Assistance Administration
(LEAA) funding in June. The justice
department made the decision to
eliminate funding.

Elam says the statement by the
department is “totally ludicrous,"
and cited state police statistics that
show that the incidence of reported
rape has increased by 16 per cent in

Ronald J. McQueen, justice de
partment spokesman, denied that
the department had withdrawn
funds because rape wasn’t a pro

“It was strictly a lack of funds,"
he said. “We've never been against
the rape crisis centers."

He said the statement released by
Elam was a personal opinion of a
member of the department and “not
a posmon of this agency."

Elam said she realizes federal
funds have been reduced, but said
she deplores “the manner in which
they set priorities for funding” and
the fact that the center had little
input into the justice department‘s

“Their (the Justice
department’s) preference has been

police hardware, at the expense of
victim services,” she said.

The $23,000 LEAA grant for the
Lexington center was approved
after a long struggle to get $1,400 in
matching funds from the Lexington
Urban County Council.

The council never financed the
center, but approved the grant
application in November 1976 after
the center raised matching funds
through local contributions.

At that time, the council suggested
that the Lexington center merge
with other programs in the area.

Carol Wigginton, Social Services
Commissioner, said the Lexington
center would “be in a much stronger
position now if they had joined with
other services.“

According to Elam, if all grant
extensions, which are good for six
months, are approved by the justice
department, the LEAA grant should
last until February 1978.

She said there is not much that can
be done to regain financing from the
LEAA. “We’ve asked people who
are upset about this to write to Gov.
(Julian) Carroll," said Elam.

The center, which offers a crisis
line telephone service and a
speaker‘s bureau for community
education, will continue functioning
despite the termination of funds,
Elam said. The center‘s advisory
committee. however, will seek ad-
ditional grants and will begin fund-
raising drives soon.

Elam said the Lexington center
was going to expand its services to
include a safe house for battered

The center's plans also included
opening two more rape crisis cen-
ters in Kentucky and instituting
statewide seminars to coordinate
the state’s rape and incest services.

Elam said she isn‘t sure how the
withdrawal of funds will affect those

BGS under scrutiny

Kernel Reporter

The Bachelor of General Studies
(BGS) program was instituted five
years ago within the College of Arts
& Sciences (A&S) as an experiment.
It will be evaluated at the end of the
1978 spring semester.

Since the program’s initiation, the
number of BGS majors has quickly
increased A&S Dean Ben Black does

not find the increase alarming he
said since the BGS degree is useful
to many students.

Each student who enters the
program receives a pamphlet that
explains the requirements and con-
tains two copies of the application
form and a questionnaire. The
questionnaire is an attempt by the
college to determine the student’s
reasons for applying.

Continued on page 5




an inde endent student newspaper









—B|l| Klght

A rushed brush

Two Wildcat cheerleaders, Julie Welter. an ac-
counting sophomore, and Renee Mussetter, a business
administration junior, primp prior to a picture session

last weekend in Commonwealth Stadium. The pictures
are for programs and other publications.

Medical experts disagree
on infant ca re availability

Kernel Reporter

Despite the recent addition of
eight neonatal intensive care units
tNICU) on the third floor of the UK
Medical Center, there is still ques-
tion as to whether or not they will
provide sufficient neonatal facilities
in this area.

According to Dr. Jacqueline Noo
nan, head of the UK pediatrics
department, the hospital must re-
fuse admittance to the neonatal
units at least three times a week,
due to lack of facilities and space.

The original 17-bed capacity at the
Med Center, currently expanded to
25, will eventually grow to a total of
31 units, according to Med Center

These units, along with the eight at
Central Baptist Hospital, total 39
neonatal intensive care beds. But
Dr. Noonan said at least 50 units are
needed for this area.

Based on a national beds-to—popu-
lation ratio, it would appear that
more beds are needed to provide
adequate health care to the Eastern
half of the state.

Med Center Vice President Dr.
Peter Bosomworth said the statistic
is based on the assumption that this
area is providing the only health

care for Ashland, south central
Kentucky and northern Kentucky. It
has not taken into account the
neonatal facilities in Huntington,
Knoxville and Cincinnati are availa-
ble to families in Kentucky, he said.

One of the major reasons behind
the shortage of available neonatal
isolettes (incubators) is that 12 per
cent of the babies delivered at the
Med Center are high-risk infants,
compared to four per cent delivered
at other hospitals in this area.
Doctors who suspect problem preg-
nancies refer expectant mothers to
the UK Medical Center.

Lack of room is another reason.
There is no more physical space left
on the fourth floor for more babies.

A tour of the NICU ward showed
that an unoccupied isolette had been
moved out into the hall to provide
the staff ample space to function

Neonatal intensive care is a highly
sophisticated field and requires a
specialized staff. There are basic-
ally three levels of infant health
care: high-risk, intermediate and

High-risk infants require round-
the-clock attention. These babies are
usually premature and weigh two to
three pounds. Until recently, a
high-risk baby would not have had a
chance. but now, with proper care, a





Kentucky to help train vocational and technical
school students in mine safety and procedures.

It appears the first mock mine will be constructed
on the site of the Hazard Vocational School in
eastern Kentucky, according to Billy Howard,
asistant superintendent for vocation education.

Built above the ground, a simulated mine should
be “ as realistic as possible," said Howard. One
difference, though, is that it poses no safety hazards
to students such as roof falls, he said.


investigating Bert Lance‘s financial affairs told
President Carter yesterday they have uncovered
raw allegations ”of such a serious nature" that the
laidget director should resign.

Sens. Abraham Ribicoff, D-Conn., and Charles H.
chy, R-Ill. , both said they felt it was in the former
(borgia banker's own interest that he resign. They
dd not disclose the allegations.

Ribicoff confirmed that three committee inves-
tigators had talked with a man serving and
dght-year prison term for embezzling $1 million
hm Lance's Calhom First National Bank.

Lance, contacted at his vacation retreat in Sea
Island. Ga., earlier Monday, denied any involve-
rmnt in the man's criminal activities.

SERIOUS outbreak of Legionnaires disease since it
was identified in Philadelphia last year are
rte-evaluating recent pneumonia diagnoses and may
love found a fifth victim within a month.

Dr. John Ackerman, Ohio‘s health director, said
yesterday a 65-year-old woman now in Riverside
Ibspital is being tested to see if she has
Iegionnaires disease.

So far, Legionnaires disease has been confirmed
in the cases of a 56-yearold Columbus woman who
tied, two other women who are hospitalized, and a
fourth woman who recovered and was sent home.

asudden attack on a crowded Chinatown restaurant
were revengeminded gang youths aiming their
bullets at rival gang members, police reported

However, none of the dead was known to associate
with the morning gangs that have terrorized the
famed San Francisco tourist area during the past
men years.

Police received the information about the gangs
after Chief Charles Gain criticized the Chinese-
American community for “an absolute abdication
of responsibility“ in helping officers solve the


naped a West German industry leader from his
chauffeur-driven car yesterday and an anonymous
telephone caller said he would be killed unless
imprisoned political extremists were released.

Four persons were killed in the attack at a
Cologne traffic intersection on the automobile of
Rama Martin Schleyer, chief of the powerful
German Industry Association.

The extremist attack was the third in recent
months involving prominent West Germans.

POLITRURO, has called on the Chinese people not
to dogmatically follow political theories, it was
morted yesterday.

Nieh Jung-Chen stressed Mao‘s theory of “dem-
ocratic centralism," calling for wide discussions
among the masses before policies are adopted.



' --..i Am." ;.sm»»a~wu aweaswfgumasrwaa~ ~


high-risk baby can grow up to be

In order for this to be possible,
constant monitoring of heart rate,
breathing and temperature is essen-
tial. Currently there are 17 isolettes
available for high risk infants.
located on the fourth floor of the
Medical Center. There is also one
flat bed, which is partially covered
by a dome that keeps the tempera-
ture constant. This also allows the
nurse to touch the infant.

Intermediate infants still need
special care but do not need to be
watched constantly. There are eight
available units at the Med Center for
this level of care, but they are on the
third floor. This makes it difficult for
the staff to keep a careful watch on
all the infants, since staffers must
constantly run from one floor to the

Convalescent babies are those on
their way to recovery, out of the
critical stage.

Med Center nurses last month
sent a proposal to Gov. Julian
Carroll, asking funds for neonatal
ward improvements. The nurses
suggested that the entire fourth floor

be designated for high-risk and'

intermediate infant health care,
leaving the third floor for the
convalescent and healthy babies.
There has been no answer.

University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky



to utilize


Kernel Reporter

A wealth of Medical Center infor-
mation will be stored in a University
computer by October, according to
UK Health Care Support Program
Coordinator Dr. Garth Olde.

The program is leasing IBM
equipment that will feed patient
registrations, accounting and other
data into the McVey Hall computers.

Conversion in two years

“The conversion to a computer-
ized system is a two-phase program
which will take two years," Olde

The first phase will involve trans-
fer of patient registration, admis-
sions and the medical records index,
which presently holds 400,000 medi—
cal records, be said.

“Much of the medical records
index is now on the computer in a
test mode," he said. “The actual
implementation of the computer
should be around October.”

No personnel displaced

None of the Med Center personnel
will be displaced by the computer,
according to Judy Benson of patient
accounts. “We will train the people
who are exposed to the computers in
the first phase," she said. “We've
already had a one-hour session with
82 employes on a one-to—one basis.”

During the second phase, test
results and patient care data will be
fed into the system to be used by
authorized personnel.

Second phase broader

“The second phase will be a
broader phase to accomplish be—
cause it will encompass all areas of
patient care and involve more
employes,” Olde said. “Each em-
ploye involved will have a code
number that will give him access to
theinformation he needs."

“The Medical Center has a com-
plicated network of information
because it is both a patient care and
a teaching facility," Olde said. ”The
Health Care Support program is an
effort to speed medical center
communications through the use of
electronic means.“

New Fine Arts dean
plans innovations

Kernel Reporter

in a recent Lou Harris poll, 92 per
cent of the adult population sur-
veyed said they feel the performing
and fine arts are important in their

Such facts and trends are relished
by J. Robert Wills, who was named
dean of the College of Fine Arts July
1. Since establishing a separate
identity from the College of Arts and
Sciences a year ago, the college has
presented 389 public arts events,
drawing an audience of about 78,500.
Counting miscellaneous presenta-
tions such as halftime performances
by the marching band, the audience
total soars to almost 1 million.

Wills said he is satisfied that the
“arts programs have touched a wide
base of the population.”

Innovations include an Arts for the
Aging program that concentrates on
an elderly audience.

The Arts Therapy program will
incorporate the art, music and
theater departments as therapy for
disabled or psychiatric patients.

“We, as a college, hope to gen-
erate arts activity as well as arts
education," Wills said. Wills hopes
to devise a new curriculum to
benefit art majors and nonsart

The new fine arts building to be
completed November 1978 will house
concert and recital halls, plus a new
art gallery. Wills emphasized, how-
ever, that the new building will not
relieve cramped teaching space.

Wills said he is glad that the fine
arts have "come to their rightful
position." He admits the recent
popularity wasn’t easy to achieve.

“I think John Adams said as
President that he would be content
to study commerce, so that his sons
could study law, so that their sons
could study the arts.”






Ne w 3 Editor
Steve Balllnuer

Sammie Durham

Assoc h to I?“
Iltck Gabriel "

Marie Mitchell

l-‘dltorlal l‘ldhor

Stall Artist
Joe Kemp

\AiIIlam Frigate

(\kl Photographer (‘ovy Editors

um Klan: Judith Elerton
Lynne l-‘unk
Sports Editor lie Lsy Pearce
llavll lllbbltu l’hllllutledge
Arts Editor Adverthlng Manager
Tom (‘Iark Tmy Gray


d editorials 8’ comments

Crisis Center deserves su

The decision by the Law Enforcement Assis-
tance Administration (LEAA) to curtail funding
for the Lexington Rape Crisis Center (RCC) is a
classic case of the insensitivity of government.

Worse, it shows an insensitivity to one of
society‘s urgent problems.

The RCC fought a difficult battle with the
Urban County Government last year just to get a
grant application to the LEAA approved and

A move to combine the crisis center with
smilar groups was defeated because RCC
staffers insist their service is too distinct to join
with other agencies.

After LEAA okayed the $23,000 request, a
permanent staff was hired, facilities and
operations were improved and more programs
were planned.

The future looked bright.

But. in June, the LEAA’s executive office of
staff services, reviewing an agency-wide finan-
dal strain. decided that the number of rapes in
Kentucky wasn‘t as bad as for some other

Trying to balance money between murder and
rape in terms of cost-per-incident seems
cold-hearted, but excusable if there’s a money
shortage. What‘s not excusable is ignoring the
RCC‘s value and progress and the operations
dependence on the funds.

A recent state police reported cited the
operation of the RCC as a major factor in
controlling the incidence of rape. Since last year,
the organization has expanded its work in

dealing with community education and battered
wives, has improved the staff training program
and plans to establish a women’s shelter.

United Way now includes the RCC in its
funding and pays the group‘s telephone expenses
(an average of 90 rape-related calls are made
each month, according to RCC director Pat
3am). The RCC is now working on a protocol
agreement, the first in the state, with police and
hospitals on victim treatment and the availabil-
ity of counseling service.

In short, the RCC has been effective during the
last year, and was rewarded with revocation of
the grant it depended on. Perhaps governmental
agencies aren’t used to working with effective
(rganizations; as the RCC expanded and rape
statistics improved, the LEAA didn‘t recognize
who should get the credit.

The Lexington RCC may be better off than the
state’s other two crisis centers, according to
Earn. Louisville, in its third year of LEAA
funding, and Covington, in its second, are almost
entirely dependent on the grants for continuing
their operations.

In Lexington, the center has subsisted since
1974 largely with the help of volunteer staffers.
Until the federal grant was obtained, Elam was
the only salaried employe, with money from
mother grant.

The organization can return to surviving on
local enthusiasm to continue operations, but
won’t be able to maintain the educational
p‘ograms and rape-related work without the
grant. And after depending on the promise of
funds for three years, there will be a big jolt in



at '1

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again seeking finances through private dona-
tions, or entering the elaborate paperwork
procedure to gain other grants.

If Lexington is fortunate, new sources of funds
for the RCC will be found, or the LEAA will








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reconsider its decision. In the federal balance
book $23,000 can’t be too much to spend on the
mly organization available that deals with a
particular and crucial problem. Especially if
that organization has been helpful and effective.



Sonism: It's a synonym for 'hardball’


Much has been written about
David Berkowitz and the possible
reason for his bizarre killing spree in
the weeks since his capture, and
some of it has seemed to carry a
great deal of validity. None of it,
however. has so accurately explored
the philosophic roots of the crime as


3 recently published essay by the
Swedish-born behavioralist.
Dr. Glanz Pinas.

The essay. “Wanton Homocide as
an Extension of Primal Therapy.“
was published last week by Texas
Tower Press. Inc, and has already
been called “one of the most valid
statements to date on the American
mood in the '705" by Nelson Folger,
who runs the 10th and Vine news-
stand in downtown Lubbock. Tex.

The “Son of Sam“ slayings. Pinas
contends. were the final stroke in the



development and formation of a new
temper of American philosophy.
This temper, which Pinas has
chosen to call “Sonism,” was given
rise by the tension that Americans
have come to accept as a natural
part of their life, and is based on the
motto. “if you can‘t get along with
them. SHOOT ”EM."

This last, Pinas says, sums up in
short the American mood. The
words themselves were first uttered
by Arvis Cooke in July of 1976, when
he was questioned by detectives of
the Cleveland homocide squad as to
his reasons for doing away with his
entire fifth grade class at PS. 227.

This later became the official
motto of a Cleveland street gang,
whose members were said to have
tattooed it on their chests. It has
since been picked up on a nationwide
scale by urban street gangs, profes-
sional baseball players and politi~
cians. At least one former presiden-
tial adviser is said to have used it as
the frontspiece for an unpublished

book of poetry entitled Hardball.

In order to fully appreciate the
roots of Sonism, it is perhaps
necessary to look at a list of
American“‘folk heros” that Pinas
has characterized as Sonists.

Charles Manson was probably the
first Sonist lecturer. As is by now
well known, he gathered about him a
large group of followers whom be
educated in the philosophic princi-
ples of what he then called “Helter
Skelter.” There can be little doubt,
Pinas says, that Helter Skelter was
an early form of the concept of

That the Manson people used
knives and clubs as well as guns is of
little consequence, for two members
of his research group later used guns
in their own personal expressions of

Squeaky Fromme was a Sonist
pioneer who for a time studied at the
feet (and elsewhere) of Manson.

Pinas is not sure, he says, whether
to include Richard Speck and


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Charles Whitman in his list of
Sonists, for their particular cases
were said to have been university-
oriented, and might possibly have
been part of some rather rigorous
fraternity initiation rites. Another
theory holds that Speck was having
trouble in Med School and was
merely doing some extra homework
with a group of nurses who had
passed the same courses only a year

Sonism has also had influences on
the political leaders of the ’70s The
massive secret bombings of Viet-

nam and Cambodia surely reflect
Sonistic tendencies, according to
Pinas; and Arthur Bremer is said to
have been greatly influenced by the
political actions of pre—Sonists like
Sirhan Sirhan and Lee Harvey

Pinas devotes a great deal of the
text of his essay to the life and
theories of the man who is the
unofficial patron saint of Sonism,
Gary Mark Gilmore. He interprets
Gilmore’s urgent plea of “let’s do it”
as far more than the bravado it was
thought to be by the press. Here is an

excerpt from Pinas‘ closing re-

“...Surely, ‘let‘s do it” is a symbol-
ic plea for our hectic times; a lone
gunman, his back to the wall at last,
has cried out to all in our society who
are frustrated, depressed and 0p
pressed to break the chains of social
control and speak out with lead.“



Chas Main may be a journalism
sophomore, but he claims to play
hardball without a glove.

——Letters to the editOH—

Morally outraged

It seems that every society down
through the ages has had its share of
misfits. Some more, some less. The
more idleness and deprivation in a
society from the highest to those in
the lower brackets. the more the
misfits it generates. When a system
of society is in a process of decay all
kinds of evils spring forth, naturally.

Homosexuality, lesbianism, por-
nography, smut, etc, let alone
crime and corruption, these activi-
ties have a field day along with
venereal disease.

I do not subscribe to a breakdown
of moral values in pursuance of
freedom. Some people make the
issue of freedom paramount. Free-
dom for good as well as freedom for
evil. A healthy society needs some
form of regulation for the tender
years of its people.

During the war (the big one),
many of Hartford's (conn) poles
along the sidewalk, especially those
near bus and trolley stops, had
placard signs on them reading,
“Fight Venereal Disease.“ I under-
stand that Phoenix, Ariz. had a
similar campaign and perhaps other

Recent reports say that venereal
disease is still our number one
problem and that most cases are not

Right now the homosexuals are
making the biggest noise. Clamoring
for equal protection in our capitalist

society, these people don’t seem to
have any quarrel with any other
phase of our society. At present it is
just to live for peace in their little
world. This is only to get a foot in the

Their goal is legal protection to
pursue their special profession.
They would like to operate out in the
open and get around to educate the
uneducated among the youth under
the guise of freedom. There will be
no stopping them after getting legal
protection. When it comes to agita-
tion and propaganda, they are
bolder and more brazen than the
communists ever were in their field.

Sexual activity between men and
women is enjoyable and necessary
for the propagation of the species.

This homo activity is an insult to
our women and we should keep in
mind that the sexual and the other
nearby organ of both men and
women are the tail-end of the human
sewer line where all of the internal
body filth has to be eliminated. For
people who slobber around these
parts of the body is an unhealthy
state of mind.

begin new groups for all interested

Many women are not familiar with
consciousness raising, so I will
briefly explain what these groups
are about.

A consciousness raising group
consists of six to 10 women. The sole
purpose of the group is conversation.
Groups generally choose a topic at
the end of each meeting for the
following meeting.

Consciousness raising groups
usually meet once a week for two or
three hours.

Topics can be virtually anything. I
have spent evenings talking about
role playing, dependency, self-suffi-
ciency, marriage, self-esteem and
career success.

The structure of a consciousness
raising group is simple. There are
some mechanisms, however, to
make the group flow. This will be
explained at a meeting for all
interested women.

Consciousness raising groups are
warm, growing places that have
given me strength and energy. I
think consciousness raising groups

FrankSlngewald are especially helpful to women
Norwalk. Conn. joining groups simply to meet other
There need not be a reason to join
consciousness a group. I will also start men‘s

Last yea the Council on Women’s
Concerns, the University’s women's
organization, sponsored several
women’s consciousness raising
groups. Once again we would like to

consciousness raising groups if any
men are interested.
All interested people may call me
Debbie Koslott
BGS junior

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New York Times
News Service

I turn the corner at St.
Nicholas Avenue and 125th
Street, the damp. gray day
covering my brow with
sweat. Around me the streets
are teeming with shoppers—
people sifting through racks
of clothes, vendors haggling
over vegetables, children
pressing their faces to win-
dows. Blocks away I can see
the gutted room of tenements,
trash toppling from door
fronts, cats circling warily
from burnedaout foyers.

All my life I have been
afraid of Harlem. More than
it was ever a symbol of black
America’s troubled dream, it
was a place where the white
man should not go. When
Adam Clayton Powell Jr.
wrote in 1944, “I could have
no keener feelings about be-
ing a foreigner in Berlin than
I had in Biloxi, Miss,“ he
expressed the anxiety that I
felt toward Harlem. Having
grown up in Mobile, Ala., only
an hour down the road from
Biloxi, Harlem was my Ber-

In my Mobile, there was a
local Harlem. On the other
side of town, near the cranes
and warehouses of the state
docks, it was a place where
white folks rolled up their
windows and locked their
doors when driving cooks
home after supper. The
neighborhood was seques-
tered by an other-world mys-
tique of knifings, mental
breakdowns and dark spells
cast on moonlit alleys.

In New Orleans, Selma and
Atlanta, other childhood lo-
cales, there were Harlems as
well. Whether they were
small pockets of tumbledown
shacks fronting a river, or
brick and concrete housing
projects sprawled along the
outskirts" of town, they were
all places where the white
kids never ventured, where,
come dusk, a lethal gloom
was said to creep into the air.

But no place ever ap-
proached the magnitude of
foreignness that Harlem
called up in my mind. No-


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in your pocket.

Thcre is no (03‘ to have these
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Coin Chute Fiitrvnrism



wasn’t there I 4

where seemed as fatal to tres-
passing whites as the New
York Harlem after I heard
the clamor and wail of the
riots coming through my
radio as I sat in Alabama high
schools during the ‘605.

When I moved to New York
a couple of years ago. Harlem
seemed as far from midtown
or Greenwich Village as it
had from Mobile or Atlanta.
Even at the 96th Street stop of
the uptown train the distance
there seemed immense.

I dig out a handkerchief to
wipe my steaming face and
neck and begin to walk down
125th. I pass the area where
blacks picketed lily-white
stores in the 1930s demanding
black employment and then
the place where a teenage boy
was accused of stealing a
knife in 1935, setting off a
hinge of rioting. The riots of
1943, the riots of 1966, the
agony of the Harlem Depres-
sion after the violent Harlem
Renaissance of the 19205—all
flicker by me like accusations
from the past.

I see the faces of those who
came North from alabama
seeking their freedom in the
same year that my own
grandparents left the po-
groms of Eastern Europe and
immigrated to America and
then to the South seeking

Where a man piles hats and
umbrellas on a small wagon
and a woman glances into a
compact, brushing back her
hair, I envision Marcus Gar-
vey climbing a soapbox dur-
ing the first quarter of this
century; Adam Clayton Pow-
ell Jr. during the third. And
every place I walk and re-
member, I feel more white,
more foreign.


Joan-Claude Snares

But nobody turns to stare at
me as I pass. During weeks of
my traipsing the Harlem
streets on a research project,
nobody lifts a suspicious brow
and sneers, “Hey, white
boy!" or “Don’t I hear a
Southern accent, son?"

As I stop to rest on street
corners or wait in line for
ices, I fully expect the years
of alienation and terror that
Harlem has imaged in my
middle-class white psyche to
rear back suddenly and come
lashing out at me. But there is
only the gray, damp heat of
another summer’s day.

For blocks upon blocks I
walk the dimensions of a
myth until Harlem begins to
unfold into the stark images
of reality: a teenage girl
holding her younger brother
with one arm and nursing her
own infant in the other; a
building once capacious and
elegant now falling to ruin; a
family of 10 to 12 drifting onto
the torpid summer streets to
converse and remember and
trade stories and dreams;

and the old straw-hatted wo-
man who rocks by the door of
the fish market, nodding dai-
ly as I pass, smiling shrewdly
as if to say, “Isn't fear, like
love, rooted in the mind of the

Toward dusk I pass Harlem
Hospital and descent to the
subway at 135th Street and
Lenox. Above me I can hear
the rumble of tire wheels as
people push home from work.
It’s time for me to head back
downtown, back to so