xt79319s4h7r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79319s4h7r/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2016-09 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, September 2016 text LinQ magazine, September 2016 2016 2016-09 2019 true xt79319s4h7r section xt79319s4h7r 2 ' CONNECTING THE BLUEGRASS LGBTQ COMMUNITY t
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.22 Lexington s \x pages
New Art . i2 8a 53

‘2 Excerpts From ' _ Reflections From

, Bitten By , ’2 The Office of UK

2 The Foo-Foo 2 2 j LGBTQ* Resources

3 SEPTE%§@L§W%mon of the PCSO 1;

\ | thy
\ Editor—in—Chief — Christopher R. Bauer -
_ \ Assistant Editor] Advertising — Tuesday G Meadows
i Copy Editor — Barb Stead . ‘ '
\ Photography — Christopher R. Bauer 8L Tuesday G Meadows i' ‘
. \\ Design — Sarah Brown , 4' ’
\ Caiendar Coordinator — Chad Bundiey 1% ‘W i ‘
=. \ 37;. ('3 - -.
i V . i \ LinQ is pubiished monthiy by and for the Pride Community Services ‘
ii \ Organization members and community. The Pride Community Services -
‘ i I: Organization envisions a community that accepts and ceiebrates each individuai. K
i; ., '- Aii LinQ articies and information can be n 1. U C k y ' S O i“ r I. i
\ submitted to the Editor — editor@pcsoicy.org. L< ; B T Q n I y M O 1. W i W
\‘ \Aii LinQ advertisements can be arranged with the Assistant Editor/ Advertising - I I a g a Z i 311w
. ‘r‘ u _ ‘\ ads@pcso\
. Read LinQ Ordine'. wwwissuueom/Ling zbyPCSO ‘ i .
(D Q) @ LinQbyPCSO @ Linoyiagame _ . . .5? .
PRiDE sauces , ' » .~ ' a ‘ 7 .g - . . .
COMHUNH'Y ORGANENHON , . ’ ‘ ' ' . mg“ '3’ ’ ‘-\ "- "7" . , _:-" .H
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The Pride Comrnunity SerVices Organization Works to improve the \ives of V {5: . .. ‘ "‘ .
peopie in the sexuai minority and gender expansive community oi Centrai ' “”5 .. .. M
and Eastern Kentucky by enhancing visibiiity, empowering community , H - , i
members, and educating the pubiic about issues impacting said community. I‘ARW ”I; R ; 55 B m 7
: S Jeramw ‘ LG COW-"Umw ,
PCSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors A“ i I '3 W i- L ‘ 7
Christopher R. Bauer, President It . .
Paui Brown, Vice President 100$ lf‘
iacob Boyd, Treasurer N V‘
Vanessa Booker, Secretary 2* p i ‘
Roberto L. Abreu, Programming 291‘20| . :1 if. 15 i N 3“: 3f ;
Amy Hatter, Web I rr. 6 L f 5 1: “A J, . . .
DenaLee, Sociai Media RA ‘ ‘ "J “J a Gay i
. Tuesday G MeadOWs, Advertising Elgar W d ‘a F : \er :2 n L A, 5 .. M
Todd Ryser—Oatman, Outreach NEW :t‘qth Keentfl >: a. 4" > W 7 a B CSbIa . .
PCSO Stafi fl _ r us; FEW! 186 i
. 'n ‘t‘ ‘1“,QQlfif-rz ' . .. D 4
Chad Hundiey, Office Manager 42d E) 9 o n 0 ~11» ’ ' Wm. “*3“?ij Tm _ .
‘ "‘“p 1 ”n” 1”” as 1" .,
Chariotte Vice, Americorps Outreach Advocate night ("‘a . w p ‘ "1:, $1.5}; “327:1 '1’ ’ q
t d f“
‘° H- '--’*-*> " ”1 trai
PCSO Pride Center ' neg“ | 1 9 . Y W 9”“:
v: I.» r . y,» . .
389 Waiier Avenue, Suite iOO, Lexington, KY 40504 "m,“tdir‘ WRAGw‘E: - V. H t Z ,X
859—253-3233 - wwwpcsokyorg ' We“ ra—E'Ifi u“ , ‘ {f3 {’2‘ .
Office Hours: ‘! ac . >1. T ~ '.' m I
. P 56 B I fl ,
Tuesday - Friday: i pm. — 5 pm. P A GB I 2&1 .. (fir: E
Saturday: ii am. — 3 pm. 55““ 3 I: g " I ., W ,. :
_, FEBRUARY 7015 W ._ fit ‘
2 LinQ Ciosed Sunday 8! Monday ' VQL 3“ Lil-0?: A p " w ’ i
a; uh ' i an Visors ea e
73:6, =3 *0? To llsten to teens, ages 14-19
1 )~ . s .
. tar/GM Amwcfi Tuesday nights at the PC50 Pride Cetner‘ .
“‘1 Tao", ”6% .. 3.1.1‘ EM 3 1, V my
sldlsfl heart, flame illsemlate, aup’éfw and lave.
students (some ”fem vaioué‘éur‘mundmg counties.
0 .. o ‘ “ ‘ A. .. .
Thus group [has been ongoumg Wmost 15 mm
o o . x , o 1.
it as vntafl for the ywth of (QM? (mantra.
' ‘ K, {‘51:-
'I ‘ . 0 I . I . A
Pleas-e conSIder' ThlS opportunity to make a difference.
. . . O ‘5 p
If Interested contact. Mary Crone at (859) 223M396 ,9;
L A i . '. _ 7.. ,

 . E V l
. k» G! 0 UI I 5. .5.
'5' ‘5 “*5‘ '5 ’ 5t! 5’? ’5
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SisterSound, the Lexington Women’s Chorus,
; Begins Rehearsals for 2 I st Season
; Rehearsals for SisterSound’s 2016-2017 season begin Want to support SisterSound? Future issues
on Sunday, September 11 at Centenary United Methodist of LinQ will have information about our Speakeasy
‘ Church Choir Room, 2800 Tates Creek Road, Lexington. fundraiser on Saturday, November 5 and our Winter
: Join us at 5:00 pm. for snacks and conversation with Concert on Saturday, January 14, 2017.
l5 rehearsal from 6:00 pm. — 8:00 pm.
I SisterSound is a non—audition chorus and if you V
are female, at least 18 years old, and can match pitch with Need more information?
those around you, we would like to have you singing Give Patti a call at (859) 806—0243
. with us.
reviewed by Chad Hundley
——— M5 ' ' ,
Gay Conversations With God: Straight Talk on [A ,3
Fanatics, Fags, and the God Who Loves Us All <4- ~.., ‘ {5
written by james Alexander Langteaux 4,, , ‘3 \ 3k 5
n the summer of 2013, I met and spoke with the author subject to a positive and uplifting 5 555 5 ”557555
of Gay Conversations with God: Straight Talk on Fanatics, story of hope. This book targets G 0 d {5
Fags, and the God Who Loves Us All and it changed my those, like myself, who grew up '
life and how I dealt with being pansexual and a Christian in the church and were always i
forever. I had struggled with being both a Christian taught that homosexuality is a ,5 ' ' 1
and part of the LGBTQ community for years and upon sin and wrong, and comforts F ’ Sta-m m
5 picking up this book, I am now at peace with God and my and affirms those that have ‘ , 505”“; if” ff
sexuality. I am one that does not read often, but this was a felt abandoned, confused, and fij‘ 5 55
; book I could not put down and I had it read in a few days! damned by the teachings that ““5535 A5, ANDER " M cm- x Y . ,
‘ Langteaux brings an outrageously radical take on one of they learned growing up. 5 5" 5
, today’s most controversial subjects. I want to leave you with a small quote from ‘
He does not hold back at all on telling it how it Chapter 4 in the book: “Take a chance. Tell the Truth. Live
is and that God loves all his creation no matter what you in the Truth and then receive the love of the Father that is
identify as or who you love. He refrains from the ever- yours for the taking. No matter what anyone else may be
raised question of “Is homosexuality a sin?” and asks saying,, YOU ARE LOVED.” ‘
the community to forgive, love, and help put a stop to a Gay Conversations With God: Straight Talk on 5
l cultural war being waged in the world. Langteaux also Fanatics, Fags, and the God Who Loves Us All can be found ~
‘ avoids using specific scripture references and brings the in the PCSO library at RELI CHRI. V
5 .

2'3 EE',' ..
V M1 in; I.
2000 French Bread Awards —- First Prize 7
Published in Pacific Coast Journal,Winter 2002, v.7, no.2, pp.30-38 \
by Reinette EJones Photo Credit: Kopono Terry
A woman dropped out of the they preferred to focus on her gold accidentally on purpose rubbed
. sky a few weeks ago. She landed in sleeveless tunic. The garment was up against Foo-Foo. There really E
Cricket Hop, Kentucky, which is a a simple cut frock made of a sleek wasn’t that large ofa crowd to excuse E
community of mostly women on fabric, which nicely outlined two even a minor invasion of a woman’s E
highway KY50-1. With the help of circles that would have been nipples personal space, and Foo-Foo didn’t
an interpreter, the stranger explained on an ordinary woman. appreciate the uninvited contact. She
. that her name was Foo-Foo, which According to Crazy Betty, fired up those Oreo Cookies and sent
' meant newcomer. She said that a all of the circles were protective a blue web of static all up and down
comrade had told her about Pinks’ disks for the highly sensitive areas Wenny’s body. Then she told Wenny
‘ place, so she came to Earth to see for of Foo—Foo’s body. Well, that was to “AMSCRAY!” E
E herself. a cute answer, but most Kentucky It was a good thing that
At 3:00 am. in a small lesbian women recognize Double Stuffed Wenny had already gone to the
bar, it is not peculiar to hearawoman Oreo Cookies tucked down inside bathroom, because a full bladder
refer to herself as an extraordinary of a woman’s underclothes. If a few may have led to worse consequences. 1
f being from out of town. And who in confections made the newcomer feel Wenny’s hair was sticking out every E
E her right mindwould dareto question safe, that was all right, plus it made which way all over her head, she E
E the. integrity of a good-looking a nice impression. One of the more looked like the country clown from .
E stranger on a slow rainy Saturday brash women voiced her opinion of hell. She teetered back to the end of
morning? The stranger could be the display. “I got milk to go with the bar, and after several attempts,
3E anybody or anything that she wanted them cookies!” managed to seat herself on a barstool.
to be. Besides, with Crazy Betty Foo-Foo had absolutely no Her conclusion of the encounter was
E translating the woman’s words, it was reaction to the comment. She didn’t that Foo-Foo’s body didn’t feel cold 1
E a coin toss as to what was the truth seem to be naive; she was more like a or hot, but some of both and neither
. and what was Betty’s imagination. long-lived being with unconventional of either, and she was in love with the “
Two things were certain: no one had communication skills, all in a well- newcomer. Wenny is one of those
ever seen the likes of Foo-Foo and groomed body. Her skin appeared women who fall in love just about
. she had an innovative presentation. to have a cool richness to it, like your every other weekend. '
E Her eyes were the color of favorite milk shake in a tall frosted E
- sweet spicy brown mustard with glass on a hot summer night. She (To be continued in the E
a small black olive in each center. looked quenchable and some of the next issue of LinQ. )
When you looked real deep into those locals had worked up a thirst.
olives, it felt as if she was peeping at Wenny, who is always on
your emotions and desires. Some the prowl, took it upon herself to o
. said she had bedroom eyes, others get close to the newcomer. On her
said her eyes were spellbinding and way back from the bathroom, she .

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12 LinQ // SEPTEMBER 2016 . FEATURE ‘

 photography and story by Kurt Gohde & Kremena Todorova J
J I ou could say that this artwork was born in the summer of 2015, when communities around the country J
J began reconsidering memorials to the Confederacy as a response to the increasing publicity around acts of J
J J racial violence in the United States. In Lexington this conversation centered on the monuments of John C.
J J Breckinridge and John Hunt Morgan, both located in an iconic downtown space: not only the present location
,J J , of Saturday’s farmers’ market and numerous public celebrations, but also the former site of a prominent
T J market where enslaved people were bought and sold. The debate about these monuments included both
J those who passionately advocated for their removal and those committed‘to keeping them in their current
I J location. ‘
if J Like many conversations about difficult topics, this one, too, ended without changing the hearts
J1 , or minds of participants on either side. Wor