xt79319s3f26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79319s3f26/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1920 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 13, May 15, 1920 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 13, May 15, 1920 1920 1920 2015 true xt79319s3f26 section xt79319s3f26   V Er
T0 Editors: Tho · llc 
news in this Bulletin         Entered as second ` ; 
is prepared for the     ;_3_>.v_;7g,._ f,&,$5 .     a __ class matter at the A
  ealc                     Q E I EN     “    
for publication on   rQ’·· ”·`' 2-'y`lt";" ,.__           lngmul KY'  
receipt. L. - ";   _ r,   ge'? eh      `·Y_;i'-.._;·?.' .
May 15, 1920 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. III. No. 13
Stuagnis Who VJgn Honor Slll'i¤5§ll€l¤l· ONO? H- S- LIUYG. l"0l`d5· $c»ooo·ooo u Your ru the ueeruerrou Center Man Honored; "No Sllldéhts Pledged by
· • · Ville; K2l.tll€l`lI]€ Megibbon, Cynthiana; of G1‘0l`¤S, lllfi lJlI`tl is the [Lll`lll€ "S 111042. v · ·
In University for Scholarship RWM Hamel Louisville; R0,m_U_ mlualm amy The Song bmj, how Chance to Reach Mars Honorary Fraternities
Out ofapproximatclv l:Ol1l`[(;‘€‘lllull- rpccnclcccccc ITMVDON; H` V. T’c."“"‘ ever, am mst djsum)G.Miug`n Sam DF Walter H Coolidge che·nl~·t-v The llOll0l"l.I'V societi= "tl l‘· l
dyed Swdcmg Of thc. Unimrggw H Bgwlmg Green; Elizabmh Cmd, pj}?- lie, umn] unless pi·otet·m·e measures D1_O[é$SO1_m Ccnker Ccgugwé wqs‘€l`;g;£_ mm, QODIIOAOIZG and gsi? llefes lg
Kentucky 17l have come within yvhat rule; Ethel 1o1€cCh€l"ASl1mml; Lueir me Soon when Wm Som] be EXHML Bil Dl`€5l(l€lll to succeed Iiiul P Ply-1 the lllniversitv or 1'ei; ll Clisics 0
is knownlw the _hO_m'_ list,) for th;) Haibold, Lexington; Effie King, Mid- At the average rate or r1eC1·€;,S€ pm- of thc KGMUMI V X N I   f S-   ull; Cem] h H mln \ I 11CxY hue re- /
Mt ncmwgr of m¤·Vé&__ WO The way; lungtll-er necrm-e, Lexington. year in lwntucky in unee or rein- at its w_;Bm1£fin;u°_"1‘ent? I“‘_j?"f’ vimy °i‘ uu mnuuu *ue"g‘“g $6*
11;):101;;;   umwh (LSimJUOH“U‘ Olive}; lrldna Smith, Corbin; Marion Spragule. Y€21l‘S Lllel‘e·Wilwl` be no bluebirds or the Phvsics I EQUWZ1  lgiittililciu SiY't9€u men and W m V ' 1 dr
t th _ _t d { V1 lv 1 "_   7 Lexington; David Thornton, Versail- quail lelt; in iiiteen years no song [Y   I} F ‘y' v_ I * *·*·f'·y ‘ I __ ol on “erel’e ¤'
0 .ose s ii, ents xx io late d;[[;l1l’),€(| les; Mary VanM€t€l_' Lexington; buds Of any kind. or xen uc {5, May o. D1. G. D, Smith, Gd to Lamp and moss and Staff and
a Sumdmg Ot t,.OmH2_,% to 3, ,._.,,,Ch·,S   Louise Wm, Louisville. uwhile the loss Of our Song bird; Richmond, was elected vicapresideng Crown, honorary senior societies, at
perfect record; with ~ distinction College Of AgI_iCu1tm_8__Fmd G. is Caused to smug Extent by Changed to SHCCBGG D12. Coolidge, Dr, Alfred the mprday exercises, Friday morn- .
given tolthose: who)atta1ne‘d an aver- Cml_y‘ Bcattyvmg; Z. L. Galloway; economic Conditions Of the Country lll. Peters, Lexington, was re-elected lIlg,ADl`1l 30, following the observance
fjngxllelgi r?0~3;0f;;>’e\v;(;";;’;;}(;’ri XX/illiam Hieatt; E. E, Allison, Yose- such as the clearing of the land by ;i;;;g1y£I_£;;;ll{`   rg,CHa;gu1j€-ries me $;.,tgw,anrua1S€11101`Arbm`Day by um
Standmé of from 2 to 22 All Sm- mite; James Server, Henderson; J. H, the farmer for cultivation pu,-poses members and re;-igllt*V<;Ig1l;`·B;l1g is-ei —;·Fh;—;l;;0win me ' ld d V
dams Ou the honor rolfliavg main- Taylor, Henderson; lEl1zabeth Tlirel- of native shrubs and bushes on which members were admitted to mg gn"; Lampénd Cm;. Figvgc Pte g§ to V
t med a m_n_ _ f B _ lield, Lexington; Marie Barkley, Lex- many birds formerly gubgigtgdy ye; Ca-- _ · ‘· P ous on-. lay,
a' _ _ 1 mmm evcmge 0 or mgton; Clyde Bland, Cynthiana: the loss is to some extent preventable amy' c _ Lcxmgtom Earle Wellaccl Wrrton· V
a standing of 2, Harry Cottrell, Owensboro; virginia just by killing of English Spawows Dr. R. A. Milllkan, of Chicago Uni- R. E. Dealtry, Louisville; George Zer.
Six Students Of the University have Croft, Louisville; H- P. Halbem and cats who are the Song birds, chief versity, was the speaker of the after- foss, Lexington; W. M. Baulch, Ful-
erternen e Standing or 3 which is the Vanceburg; Hattie Ell Wheeler, Lex- enemies and then by feeding the bird.; noon eesslom He discussed “Th’¤ mn; J' P' Barnes' Bardstown? Horn  
highest rank Dossiblg They are Ma,. mgm!]. in Winter, and building homes for Twentleth Century’s Contribution to don Evans, Frankfort; James Server,
garet Wall, I-Iawggvillg; Elizgbgu, College of Engm9€l,iDg__M0sBS Ab memo, · · 0ll1` Knowledge of the Atom"—-bring- Henderson; H. L. Tliompson, Provi-
Davidson, Hartford; Alberta Wilson, perm, Charleston, vm V3"; W_ B_ _ mg Out the point that the atom is not dence; W. D. Thompson, Liberty.
somerset; \v_ D_ Salmon, Cork; wil- DaviS,LOvB1zmd; J_ W- Owens, HONG Strollers to Egtgbhsh An indivisible, but Sir Oliver Lodge, a The women pledged to Staff and
Ham M_ Phipps, Salyersville; H_ .J;_ Cave; B' I- Hines, Wickliffe; R. S. Annual   Fund world famous scientist, predicts the Cl`OWll were: Mary Archer Bell, Ra-
Bryan, Paducg_h_ Park, Richmond. ___ use of the atomic power within a few Dhl¤€. Va-; Cl31`lb€l Kal', Spflnglliild.
· Students in the College of Arts and College of Law—Hubert Blakey, Plans haw b€€¤ made by Thé Sf1‘0‘l· yeere Ohio; Limo ¤¤‘<>mw·=¤- Cynrnrene?
Sciences who have attained the rank Beattyvmei H. E. Hicks, Madison lays, drmmmc Organization Of the UHi_ "Atmospheric, climatic and econ- Elizabeth Kraft, Louisville; Katherine
· of "hish distinction" are: ville, Tenn.; E_ A, Puryear, paducah; versity of Kentucky, for a sinking Omic cenditions 011 Mars decree that Christian, Lexington; Martha Pollitt,
W. A. Anderson, Ju, Wickmfe; Blah. Udertony Florence, Sv C- fund which in time Wm be used to man, constituted as we are, could not Vanceburg.
Elizabeth Cook, Marion; Lois Fisher, Students who received uhonomblc provide a pémmnem Strong,. hmm,} exist there," said Dr. Henry Meir, Keys and Mystic Thirteen, honor·
Cynthmua; Frances Jennings, Gym mention., am: Bmw,. in the form Of adequate moms al scientist of Center College, in his ary freshman and sophomore societies, A
thizma; Ridgely McDaniel, Cymmmm; rcouegg Of Arts and SciencBS_Mm_y O,. a building of Some kmd_ They, discussion of some of the factors con- pledged their men to membership at
A James Ol Null, Clay; Ernest SWiL_S_ Frank Diuguid! Murray; Peter Gem plans originated at ,1 recent meeting, sidered 1n attempting to communi- a dance given by the two societies in
helm, Lgujgvjllg; Lucjlg MOC,-€_ Mm- try, Lexington; Virginia, Gyijfithl of the members ot the club, at yvhich C9-{6 with the Supposed inhabitants or Buell Armory. The men pledged to
C ion; Henrietta Rogers, Danville; l). Ghent; Gerald Griffin, Elizabethtown; time it was decided to lay aside at Mere- He exlueined gmphiwlly that KeY$ W€l`€i H0¤191‘ B&k€1‘, Gilbeff
E. Shalnnhou,   Fl·anC(.rS Rutll Hllgllsou,   C_ B_ Pei'.       year for   pu1‘DOS€_   \vQ'S· an il]-lpossibility and 3. drealllcl Sxllith,   Benjalnin, BYIICG Fullc]',
Marsh, Maysville; Lime _C1_Omw€u’ gum, Mt. Smrlmg; Edmund Richep OffiC€,.SfO1.th€ next yea,. were also and his fellow scientists offered no Harry Beailsford, Raymond Kirk,
Cyuthimm; Mildred Porter, Lexiug SGH, Elizabethtown; Mary P. Roysmry elected at this mcetmg Herndon argument against his position. Harvey Smith, Otis Jones, Ryan Ringo _
ton; Raymond Rogers, Milton; Neal Fulton; Jennie Simmons. Lexington; Evime Fl`a¤kr°1`r» Stage m¤¤&·‘5€¤‘ Or "`"`"""" and Cer1L°’in‘
Tnurnnni, Somerset; \Vm. R. YVilson, Aubrey Armentrout, Linville Depot, "The Cumb€1`S»" the S¤‘0u€1‘ PFW f0l' Young Women Nlade Heads Mystic Thuwon nroogeo tue for
Evansville, Iud.; Bernice M. Young, Va.; M. K. Cooke, Smith’s Grove; this )'9€Ll‘, was elected president, University Organizations 10`vVlIlg ·1‘ll·3I1: Barron Faulconer, Rob.
Pineville, Lucy Cmmaft, Shelbyville; Elizabeth Kimbrough, Cynthmna; Omg,. Officers Were. Martha Buck in- ert Lavln, George Oldham, Ed, Gregg, —-
. Elizabeth Davidson, Hartford; John Annie R. Moore, Hickman; Lucille mail HGHGGYSOH, vice p1‘eSideI1t; J. Miss Mmgmét Ford Shelbyville Tnonreee B¤·<><>kS. Hermeir B€ek0!'»
Henry Davis, Lexington; Lucne Dean, Rice, Richmond; Jim Wilhelm, Pa- BUNOH P1`€Wl€t, ML Sterling, Secfe- was elected president gf the Univerj SunS_r'VuSon· lv-¢~ll$¤· Morrre Burron
Marcellus; J. A. Dixon, Bowling ducah; Mary Arcerer Bell, Blue Field, tary-treasurer; Vvilliam Finn, Coving- sity of Kentucky branch of the Sm- Prewltt, James Truitt, bvarren (jlarg,
· Green; elizabeth Marshall, Prince- W. va.; W. W. Boggess, Lawrence- ion, business manager of the play dent Self Government Association ai Li“"l`€¤°° B¤1`¤h¤m- Donald D1¤¤1¤S·
I ton, N. J.; R. F. Peters, Winchester; burg; Martha Buckman, Corydon; ¤€Xl1 Will`; Fred AugSbu1‘g, Lexington, a recent meeting of the Women Of the W--;
·’Mar-tha Pollitt, Vanceburg; George Katherine Herring, Lexington; Roy e·dVe1`rlSr¤&’§ m&¤¤g9l` of next Y€%l1”€· University at Patterson Han Miss' No Faculty Increase
' A = · . A · lv ' · ¤
§,;,S‘;°'}jQ;§,Q’=,;,,f;1?‘lj,,_Q’QOQ°‘§,§§Qé1_@{0*5; §f§(ff§j‘““;,§1?y“lh§;;L A§$Ljt§}jj_§§· pm ————— Elizabeth in-arr, Louisville, was ata. For the 1920-21 session
,.., Sm, Africa; P. E va. do-War., a..».iaa·.u-gl W. R. campbell, na- Unlvemi? elw club ,i‘§,§j€,‘;‘,f.§}‘Q$,2f’ “§§§“a,§}§‘;§ H§?;‘,j,; Tl,. U,.l.,.,...., of Kmcl., wm b.
Merico, South Africa; Alberta WVU- ington; James S. Hudnall, Riverside: GIVES NOl8blC Concert ` Evans, U_wSu1_él_· Miss Ford recent- unable to increase its faculty fm, the
son, Somerset; Margaret·’\Voll, Hawes- Virginia Helm Milner, Union Star; ‘  —~ · i ly remrugd from the Midwest CODVBW forthcommg Scholastic yew., Owing. to
ville; Ora Lee Jones, Monticello Zerolda Noland, Richmond; Dean One ol the. most dehghtrul pro- mm Of the Self Government Assocml the fact that it is about $150,000 Snort
College of Agriculture-——R. E. Davis. Slagle, Bakersville, N. C.; Robert §l'%1lllS. ever given by any University mm held at Ann Arbor, Michigan- Of what is actually Headed, according
· Covington; R. H. Ford, WVlHCll€St€I`§ VVal‘ih, Ge0l‘get0W¤. orgenrznrrcu Wes weseulml bY the At ,1 mgcuug Og the Vvonlenls to University authorities. About
~ Maud Asbury, Petersburg; C. U. Jett, College of AgricultllI‘B—C¤1‘tlS Bell- Glee Curl) of the Uulyererty or Keu‘ League of the University, held mm $470,000 was appropriated for the use
Kgvll; ]y[gLygg_ygt_ Buy], Shelbyville; Jamm, Providence; Julia Willis, La- Uleky ill-   €0ll0€l`lZ U1 the 0113179} ’1lueS— Week, Miss Kathérine Christmny Ley of the University the next fiscal year
V Joseph Gayle, Falmouth; Ray H. Gil- Grange; Mary Adams, Brighton; day evening, May 4, under the direc- iugton was elected president of tha by recent legislation This fact was
H bert, Lexington; A. S. Gill, Columbia; Mary L. Ingles, Carlisle: Garnett Mc- UGH of Pl`0f. Ca1‘l L2UlllJ€l`lZ, head of O?_EHmLmiOn. Other Officgrs elected mmm known when the GXBCHUVG C0m_
' E, A. Godbey, Middlesburg; Anne Mc- Kenney, Winchester; Henry Sellards, the Dellartlnent of Music. wéye Miss Cmribcl Kay SDl_ingH€m` mitmg Of the UmVB1,Sity met and ap,
Adams, Lexington; Louise Mayer, Prestonburg; Katherine Bell, Lexing- The program was as follows; Ohm Vice Dl_€Sid€m_ 'MiSS Mary moved me budget with mmm, Changes
Louisville; Goebel Porter, Dixon, ton; Kathleen Brand, Mayiieldi “O¤ tht? Sunny Side? NY‘·’¤ll§ “H0‘V LYOIJS Lexington S€C,.éta,.y and Miss for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
Wm, D. Salmon, Cork; Mary Turner. Bertha Depcw, Summer Shade; Ruth Much \V0od XVould _a \Vood-chuck Mmmzt Van Mctér Lexmgkcn tmuS_ It Wm be Huauy acted upon by uw
4 Louisville; E, Y. Van Deren, Cyntl1— Gregory, Louisville. Chuck?U_Lr¤rrere_Gree C1¤l>· m.€,._ I ’ Board of Trustees at tl1e next quar-
. iana; William M. Phipps, Salyers- College of Engineering—F. W. "Gypsy Dance," Sarsate—Professor mrly mmung to be held June 1. _\
` ville. Creedle, Fulton; L, Giovannoli, Lex- L?llllD€1`t. S- ,,1 - . - _
College of Engineering—H. D. ington; W, R. Hutcherson, Glasgow; “Pllgl`llll,S Chorus from Tannhau- Professor   Seelgs gggtlgilhljli €;;(;;;3Gun1§ mggfucifl
Brailsford, Louisville; J. E. Burke, Buford Williams, Lexington; S. M. ser,"Wagne1·—Glee Club, Data, on National Land are ,,,.6,,,],, mgdcd
, Cave City; J. XV. Crenshaw, Versailles; Spears, Auburn; C, R, Bourland, Mad- "Lucky .lim," Parks——Universi;y —-—— D ` __; _
E. L, Baulch, Fulton; R. E. Dealtry, isonville; V. L. Johnson, Lexington; Quartet. Dr. Chas. A. Shull, head of the De-
Louisville; Frederick Houston-Shaw, F_ 0. Weatherbolt, Cloverport; N. 4;. "Clang of the Forge," ;odney—— partment of Botany, University of Ken- New K€!'H€l Head Names
Lexington; C. W. G0l`(lOlly Lexing- W'ilson, Louisville; D. O. Choate, Glee Club. tucky has been appointed a member Part Of   Staff
ton; R.‘W. Wateriill, Lawrenceburg. Covington; Neal Knight, Louisville; Banjo Solo, selected—l—I, E. Hicks. of the committee for the "Preserva- —
College oi Law-·C. E. Smith, Main- C, R. McClure, Lawrenceburg; J.   "Swing Along," Cook——Glee Club. tion of Natural Conditions" in the Robert Raible, Louisville, was elect-
moth Cave; Robert E. White. Flor- lvlorris, l\¢Iarshal]_, Texas, "l’ve Two Grenadiers" (bass solo), Ecological Society of America. The cd Editor-in—Chief and Miss Martha
ence, S. C.; Berl Boyd, Sedalia; H. G-. College or Law—Edwin Abraham, Schumann-—-C. Anderson. purpose of the society is to investi Buchman, Corydon, was elected l\’Iau—
Bryan, Paducah; Neville Moore, Mar- I-Iarrodsburg; Guy Ledwidge, Hick— "Steel Guitar Duet/’ selected—S. gate and gather material about tracts aging Editor of the Kentucky Kernel
_ ion; N. G. Sullivan, Elkton; Jim Park, mall; Virgil E, Pritchett, Clay; Otto Fendlay, H. Hicks. oi land which have remained in their at a recent meeting of the Kernel
Richmond. C. Gartin, Louisa; Thomas Grubbs, "Ol’ Carolina," Cooke—A. Bell. natural conditions with the view of staff. Part of tl1e appointments for
Students who have attained the Mt, Sterling, "Winsome Woman," Fearis—·G·lce asking tl1e Government to set these the other staff members were;
rank of "distinction" are: —-————- Club. tracks aside as Government reserves Donald Dinning, Franklin, Assistant
g   College of Arts and Sciences—Ollio Funkhcuscr Sounds   Reading, selected—A. Lisanby. or to make national parks of them Managing Editor,
-·_ ,·Black, Harrodsburg; Eleanor Can.- . . Whistling Solo, selected—R, Porter. that scientiiic students may have such Mary Elizabeth James, Louisville,
olggaclc, Owenton; Laura Hubbard, Note About Bud Llfe "When the Blue and White is Wav- places to carry on research and study. Feature Editor.
Lexington; Mary Elizabeth Lyons. _`j"` ing," VVilson—Glee Club. Doctor Shull is in charge of list- Arthur Cameron, Lexington, Squir-
‘ Lexington; Marie Moses, Lexington; HBu`ue are one or tue me-lest ree Those who appeared in the concert ing Kentucky and Tennessee land rel Food Editor,
V Geoiia Riley, Lexington; Elizabeth tore rn recucrng the nign cost or ur" were: A. E. Bell, Eminence; H. E. areas and requests information of the Arthur Hodges, Greensburg, De-
_u¤Weller, Shepherdsville; Clarice Bel- lng-U Said Doctor W- D· F¤¤k¤¤¤S¤¤·· Hicks, Lexington; J. R. Curry, Mays- citizens of the State about all such partmental Clubs.
lew, Fulton; Nelson Conkwright. need of rue Department or Zoology- ville; A. C. Smith, Lexington; S. D. land areas that may still be existing Reporters: Lucille Moore, Marion;
`Winchester; Jessie Dodd, Lexington; University of Kentucky- rn en address Fendlay, Frankfort; R. H. Craig, Lex- in their natural state, such as the cyp· Thompson Van Dern, Cynthiana;
,,_ Hallie Kay Frye, Waddy; Ilma Thorpe, rneue Audubon Dey at the Lexington ington; Silas Wilson, Frankfort; YV. rus swamp land along the Mississippi Giltner Segenfelter, Paducah; Adeline
_ gow-engboro; Mary L. West, Walton; Public Library- P, Tibbett, Lexington; C. M. Riley, river and of unmolested deciduous Mann, Covington; Amanda Forkner,
.‘ Fred K, Augsburg, Lexington; Paul "Since many of our native $0113 Covington; C. C. Anderson, Mayfield; forest areas. information of such Winchester; Fred Augsburg, Lexing-
p_ Cooper, Benton; Herndon J. birds are insect eaters and i¤SectS A. Lisanby, Princeton; R. L. Porter, natural formations as Mammoth Cave ton; Robert Mitchell, Paducah; Mary
Evans, Frankfort; Claribel Kaye. cost the farmer on an average of Anderson, Indiana. and Natural Bridge are also desired. Archer Bell, Rapine, Va.
.2 .
-», .