xt79319s3361 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79319s3361/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1946 journals 047 English Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Regulatory series, bulletin. n.47 text Regulatory series, bulletin. n.47 1946 1946 2014 true xt79319s3361 section xt79319s3361 R==g¤1·m  ‘
The Kentucky Pure Seed Law
and Its Administration
' A By VV. A. Price
Z NW; ¤= ‘
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
University of Kentucky

GOOD SEEDS arc those that are adapted, have a high
percentage of pure seed, a high percentage of germi-
nation, and are free of noxious and other weed seeds
and bulhlets. Such seeds are indispensable in the pro-
duction of satisfactory agricultural crops. It is the ·
purpose of the Kentucky pure seed law to enable farm- i
ers and others who desire good seed, to obtain it, by
making full use of the information furnished on the
official seed tag provided in the act.
This publication gives a transcript of the law, pro-
vides a set of rules and regulations for the administra-
tion of the act and furnishes information of interest and
value to the seedsinan and farmer alike. It should be
read by all who are interested in seeds.

 The Kentucky Pure Seed Law
and Its Administration
June, 1946
250.020 [1376b-23] Sales in violation of KRS*250.020 to
250.170, and false labeling prohibited. No person shall sell, offer
or expose for sale any agricultural seeds or mixtures of agricultural
. seeds for seeding purposes without complying with KRS 250.020 to
250.170, or falsely mark or label any agricultu1·al seeds.
_ 250.030 [1376b-19] Seeds exempt. (1) Agricultural seeds or
mixtures of seeds shall be exempt from KRS 250.020 to 250.170 V
, (a) Possessed, exposed for sale or sold for food or feed pur-
‘ I poses only;
(b) Sold to merchants to be recleaned before being sold or ex-
, posed for sale for seeding purposes;
(c) In store for the purpose of recleaning and not possessed,
` sold or offered for sale for seeding purposes; and
' (d) The seed is grown, sold and delivered by a producer on
his own premises to the purchaser himself. If, however, the seed is
i advertised fo1· sale by the public press, circular or catalogue or if
the seed is delivered by a common carrier, the seed and the seller
' shall be subject to KRS 250.020 to 250.170.
(2) Lawn grass seed mixtures sold in quantities of five pounds
or less shall be exempt from subsection (4) of KRS 250.040, sub- t
section (4) of KR-S 250.050 and subsection (5) of KRS 250.060.
250.040 [1376b-15] Label requirements of agricultural seeds.
Every lot of agricultural seeds, when in bulk or a container of one
— pound or more, or in the case of tobacco seed of one-quarter ounce
· or more, shall have affixed, in a conspicuous place on the exterior
of the container of the seeds, a label in plainly written or printed
English, in a manner prescribed by the director, stating;
(1) The commonly accepted~na»1ne.ofthe seeds;
° _ (2) The approximate percentage by weight of purity, which
means the freedom of the seeds from i11ert matter and from other
seeds distinguishable by their appearance;
'Kentucky Revised Statutes.

(3) The approximate total percentage by weight of noxious
weed seeds;
(4) The name and approximate number per ounce of each
kind of noxious weed seeds present, per ounce of agricultural seeds;
(5) The approximate percentage of germination of agricul- ~
tural pu1·e seeds designated, together with the month and year the
seeds were tested;
(6) The full name and address of the seller of the seed; and
(7) The name of the state where the seed was grown, and if
this is unknown, a statement to that effect.
Provided, however, that the Seal of Certification of the Ken-
tucky Seed Improvement Association approved by the University
of Kentucky showing the year the seed was grown shall be accepted
in lieu of the written or printed tag or label required herein. (1942,
c. 160, 3).
250.050 [1376b-16] Label requirements of mixtures of agri-
cultural seeds. Mixtures of agricultural seeds which contain two
or more kinds of such seeds, each present in excess of five percent
hy weight of the total mixture, shall, when sold, offered or exposed
tor sale as mixtures in containers of more than one pound, have
affixed, in a conspicuous place on the exterior of the container of
sueh mixtures, a label in plainly written or printed English, stating:
(l) That the seed is a mixture;
(2) The name and approximate percentage by weight of each
kind of agricultural seed present in excess of five percent by weight
ofthe total mixture;
(3) The approximate percentage by weight of total noxious
weed seeds;
(4) The name and approximate number per ounce of each
kind of noxious weed seeds present;
(5) The approximate percentage of germination of each kind
of agricultural seed present in the mixture, if it is in excess of five
percent hy weight, together with the month and year the seed was
tested :
(6) The full name and address of the seller of the mixture; and `
(7) The name of the state where the seed was grown, and if
this is unknown, a statement to that effect.

250.060 [1376b-17] Label requirements of special mixtures. ‘
Special mixtures of agricultural seeds, except as specified in KRS
250.050, shall when sold, offered or exposed for sale in bulk, or
containers in excess of one pound, have affixed in a conspicuous
place on the exte1·ior of the container of the mixture a label in
plainly written or printed English, statingi
(1) 'l`hat the seed is a mixture;
(2) The name of each kind of agricultural seed present in
proportion of five pe1·cent or more of the total mixture;
(3) The approximate total percentage by weight of noxious ,
weed seeds;
(4) The approximate percentage, by weight, of inert matter;
· A (5) The name and app1·oximate number per ounce of each
kind of noxious weed seeds present; and
(6) The full name and address of the seller of the mixture.
_ , 250.070 [1376b-26] Sale of labels; price. The labels speci-
, fied in KR-S 250.040 to 250.060 shall be purchased from the director
or his agent. Prices of the labels shall be eight cents each for one
hundred pound labels, six cents each for seventy-five pound labels,
four cents each for fifty pound labels and two cents each for twenty-
, five pound labels for alfalfa, sweet clover and all grass and clover
seeds or mixtures of any of these, and four cents each for o11e hun-
dred pound labels, three cents each for seventy-five pound labels, p
two cents each for fifty pound labels, and 0119 cent each for twenty-
fire pound labels, fo1· all other agricultural seeds.
250.080 [137 6b-27] Label to be delivered to purchaser of seed.
The label specified in KRS 250.040 to 250.060 shall be delivered to
· the purchaser with every sale of agricultural seed, if the sale
5 amounts to one pound or more, whether the sale is in bulk or in
250.090 [1376b-20] Station to maintain laboratory; assistants.
V (l) The experiment station shall maintain a laboratory with
the necessary equipment and shall employ such analysts, inspectors
Note: By mistake the word "noxious" appears in Section 250.040,
§&l%>?§;tip£ (3); Section 250.050, Subsection (3); and Section 250.060, Sub-

and assistants as may be necessary for the proper enforcement and
carrying out of KRS 250.020 to 250.170.
(2) The director shall, with the approval of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, fix salaries of the analysts,
inspectors and assistants.
250.100 [1376b-20] Director to enforce KRS 250.020 to
250.170 and make regulations. The director or his agents shall en-
force and carry out the provisions of KRS 250.020 to 250.170. The
director or his agent, upon notice to the seed trade of this state,
may adopt such regulations as may be deemed necessary to secure
the efficient enforcement of KRS 250.020 to 250.170.
250.110. [1376b-21] "Approximate" to be defined by direc-
tor. The director or his agent shall in the regulations made by him
define the word "approximate," as it is used in KRS 250.020 to
250.170, and in defining the word he shall be guided by the "Rules
and Methods of Testing" adopted and approved by the Association _
of Official Seed Analysts of North America.
250.120 [1376b-20] Director may seize improperly labeled
seed. The director or his agent may seize any seed sold or offered
fo1· sale which is not properly labeled, and may hold it until proper
labeling is effected by the shipper or seller of the seed.
250.130 [1376b-22] Director to inspect and test seeds; may
take samples. The director through his authorized agents shall in-
spect, examine, analyze and test any agricultural seeds sold, offered ’
or exposed for sale within this state at such J[1ll1B and place, and to
such extent, as the director may determine. He may, i11 person or
by his agents, take for analysis a sample of agricultural seeds from
any premises or vehicle. If a sample upon test or analysis is found to
fall below the statement on the label attached to the lot from which
the sample was secured, or to violate any of the provisions of KRS
250.020 to 250.170, the buyer or consignee of that lot of seed shall
be notified and a copy of the notice mailed to the person whose
label was found affixed to the lot.
250.140 [1376b-20] Director to publish results of seed tests.
The director or his agent at his discretion shall publish or cause to

 Kmvrucxx PURE SEED LAW 7
be published the results of the examination, analysis and tests of
any and all samples of agricultural seed or mixtures of that seed, ,
drawn as provided in KRS 250.130, together with any other informa-
‘ tion he may deem advisable.
250.150 [1376b-25] Free tests for residents; tests for non-
residents. (1) Any resident may submit to the experiment station
samples of agricultural seed for test and analysis, subject to regu-
lations by the direeto1·. The director may by such regulations fix
the maximum number of samples that may be tested free of charge
for any one citizen in any one period of time and fix charges for
tests of samples submitted in excess of those tested free of charge.
(2) In the ease of nonresidents, a fee for the test of purity
and for germination shall be paid in advance to the director. Fees
‘ _ for nonresidents shall be fixed by the director or his agent in his
250.160 [1376b-24] Prosecutions; hearings; evidence. (1)
lf the director or his agent finds upon examination, analysis or
I test, that any person has violated any of the provisions of KRS
250.020 to 250.170, he or his agent may institute proceedings to have
that pe1·son convicted, o1· the director or his agent at his discretion
may report the results of the examination to the Attorney-General,
[ together with the sworn a11d acknowledged statement of the analyst
and such other evidence of the violation   he deems necessary. The
Attorney-General, acting personally or through the attorney repre-
senting· the Commonwealth in the county, district or city in which ·
the violation occurred, shall institute proceedings at once against
the person charged with violation.
(2) Prosecutions shall he instituted only in the following man-
ner; \\`hen the director or his agent finds that any of the provisions
i of KRS 250.020 to 250.170 have been violated, he sl1all give notice
to the person i11 whose hands the seed was found, designating a time
and place for a hearing. This hearing shall he private and the person
involved may introduce evidence either in person, hy agent or by
' attorney. If, after the hearing, or without tl1e hearing, in case tl1e
person fails to appear, the director or his agent decides that the
evidence warrants prosecution, he shall proceed as provided in this

 8 Rizcumrony BULLETIN 47
(3) In any prosecution arising from KRS 250.020 to 250.170 a
certified analysis or test by the experiment station shall be con-
sidered as competent evidence, but upon motion of the accused, the
analyst whose signature is attached to the certificate of analysis ‘
shall be required to appear as a witness and be subjected to cross-
examination, o1· as a witness for the accused.
For the Administration of the Kentucky Pure Seed Law Authorized
by Section 250.100 KRS.
]. The official labels a1·e made in three forms; Form "A" is
manilla. lt is to be used on unmixed alfalfas, clovers, and grasses.
Form "B" is yellow. It is to be used on cereal, garden, and truck
crop seed, including seed potatoes. Form "C" is blue. It is to be used
only for seed mixtures. Form "C" will be green after the present
supply of blue tags is exhausted.
2. Labels must be attached to bags or other seed containers.
23. Charges for tags in excess of the 100 pound denomination
will be at a proportionate rate.
4. The list of noxious weed seeds or bulblcts referred to in Sec-
tion 250.040 (4) includes, quack-grass (Agrcpyroa rcpcns), dodder
(Cuscuta sp.), so1·rel (Rumcx acctosclla-), buclchorn (Plantago Zcmcco-
Iafo), eorncoekle (T.-ly;ro.é aiiowed tion aiiowed Vlgggnxed aiiowea
percent, (ab °1a‘m‘*d· (bb No per dz (C)-
99 .4 I 99 6 5 21
98 .6 98 6 10 22
97 .8 97 6 15 23
96 1.0 96 6 20 24
95 1.2 95 6 25 25
94 1.4 94 6 30 26
93 1.6 93 6 35 27 .
92 1.8 92 6 40 28
91 2.0 91 6 45 29
90 2.2 90 6 50 30
· 89 2.4 89 7 55 31
` 88 ] 2.6 88 7 60 32
87 2.8 87 7 65 33
86 3.0 86 7 70 34
85 3.2 85 7 75 35
84 3.4 84 7 80 36
83 3.6 83 7 85 37
l 82 3.8 82 7 90 38
· 81 4.0 81 7 95 39
80 4.2 80 7 100 40
79 4.4 79 8 110 42
78 4.6 78 8 120 44
~77 4.8 77 8 130 46
76 5.0 76 8 140 48
‘ 75 5.2 75 8 150 50
74 5.4 74 8 160 52
73 5.6 73 8 170 54
72 5.8 72 8 180 56
71 6.0 71 8 190 58 A
70 6.2 70 8 200 . 60
69 1 6.4 69 9 210 62 ·
68 1 6.6 68 9 220 64
67 6.8 67 9 230 66
66 7.0 66 9 240 68
65 7.2 65 9 250 70
· 64 7.4 64 9 260 72
(a) In this table the allowable variation for purity is computed from
the formula adopted by the Association of Official Seed Analysts of
North America. This formula is; allowable variation :0.2%+1/5
{ (b) Allowable variation for germination is the same as that adopted
by the Association of Official Seed Analysts of North America.
(c) Allowable variation for noxious weed seeds is computed from
the formula V:1/5F-i-20. Vzallowable variation. Fznumbcr of seeds
claimed per ounce. This formula is indicated by our experience in the
Seed Laboratory

any calendar year, provided that not more than 2 such samples are
submitted in any one calendar month. Samples in excess of this num-
ber will be treated as charge items subject to billing under the follow-
ing schedule of charges. Final reports will not be rendered until such
charges are paid.
Purity tests
Alfalfa .........................r...........................................`......i................. $1.00
Bent Grasses .................................................................................... 2.00
Bermuda Grass .............................................................................. 1.00
Bluegrass ......................... . ............................................................... 2.00 _
Bromes .............................................................................................. 1.00
Cane .....,.........,.................................................................................. 1.00
Cereals ...............................................i.............................................. .50
Clovers (Including Sweet and Bur) .......................................... 1.00
Coriander .......................................................................................... 1.00
Crested Dogstail .............................................................................. 1.00
Fescue, Meadow .............................................................................. .75
Fescue, all others ..................,......................................................... 1.00
Flax ,.,,..................... . .......................................................................... .50
Hemp ..,.,..........................,................................................................ .50
Lawn and Mixed Grasses .............l................................................ 3.00
Lespedezas ........................................................................................ 1.00
Meadow Grasses ............................................................................ 1.50
Millet (Broomcorn or Hog) ........................................................ .50
Millet (Foxtail, Japanese, Pearl) .............,.....i...................... .75
Mixtures ............................................................................................ 3.00
Oat Grass .,,_.................................................................................. 1.00
Orchard grass ................................................................................ 2.00
Rape .................................................................................................. .75
Redtop ........,..................................................................................... 2.00
Reed’s Canary Grass ...................................................................... 2.00
Ryegrass ............................................................................................ .75
Sudan Grass .................................................................................... 1.00
Timothy ..........................r................................................................. .75
Vetehes ............................................................................................ .75
Vernal Grass .........................................................................,.......... 1.00
Tests for Non—residents ................................................................ $3.00
For "Interstate" samples, double the charge mentioned above.
A proportionate charge will be made for seeds not enumerated.
Germination Tests
Bluegrass and Meadow Grass ....,............................................... $ .50
All others .......................................................................................... .25
Tests for Non-residents ...............................................,............__._ $1.00
5. llard seeds are those which, on account of the toughness of
the seed coat. do not absorb enough moisture for prompt g`€1‘l1ll113.tlOI1.

 Knnrucxv PURE SEED LAW 11
The ])€1‘C€11lQ of such seeds should be indicated 011 the tag, but must not
be included in the germination percentage.
V 9. It is illegal to sell seeds without tl1e official label (except V
Kentucky ee1·tified seeds and those coming U1lClCY exemption Section
250.030 KRS) or to counterfeit the official label or to use a counter-
feit in lieu of the official label, or to use the same label a second time.
10. The seal of Certification of the Kentucky Seed Improve-
me11t Association as approved by tl1e University of Kentucky be-
came effective September 25, 1944. .
This seal may be used on seeds certified in Kentucky in lieu of
the official label provided in Sections 250.040, 250.050 a11d 250.060,
KRS. This seal must show the year the seeds were grown and it may .
carry a serial 11u111ber. It (the seal) 1nay 110t be used in connection
with any other statement, tag, or form.
A · 11. Ilybrid seed corn offered for sale in Kentucky must bear,
on the label, tl1e name of tl1e hybrid, so that the enforcement agencies
can (QlClYG1‘111lD(3 the inbreds composing it. lf the hybrid is not well
l{110\V11, tl1G inbreds composing it shall be reported to the C1IfO1'C€'1H€1lt
» officer i11 charge of tl1e Pure Seed Law before it is offered for sale in
· Kentucky. The approximate number of days required for maturity
shall also be reported.
The seed law enacted and revised by the General Assembly of
Kentucky, a11d published i11 tl1e first part of this bulletin, is a statute A
of importance to every citizen of the state who is interested in agri-
eultu1·al seeds. In order that tl1e Act may be l)Cl1iC1' understood, tl1e
essential features of its provisions and requirements and the lllillll
points of its operation a1·e given herei11.
‘ Enforcing Agent
`\V. A. Price, Head of the ,l)(*]l2ll'l'lll(*llT of Entoniology and liotany,
has been designated by the Director of the Kentucky 1\;1·ri¢·nltnral
Experiment Station to direct the work as enforcing agent. All COIH-
I mnnications relating to the operation of the law and all seed samples
for analysis should be directed to lllll], or to the Seed Laboratory,
Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky.

 12 Rncunaroav BULLETIN`E'l`irr   D g
Seeds sold for food o1· to reeleaners, or seeds in stock fo1· re-
eleaning, and seeds grown, sold, and delivered by the producer, on
his own premises, to the purchaser himself, are excepted; also one-
pound quantities of mixtures and less than one-pound lots of all
seed except tobacco are exempt from the provisions of the law.
Label Requirements i
Agricultural seeds sold or offered for sale in quantities of one
pound o1· more, whether in bulk, packages or other containers, must
have affixed to them official Kentucky labels of the proper kind
and denomination, giving the following information;
On j`ron1’ of Zabel
Name and address of vendor or dealer.
Commonly accepted name of seed and variety.
Approximate percentage of purity by weight.
Approximate percentage of germination.
Approximate percentage of hard seed.
Date of germination test.
Name of state or place where the seeds were grown.
Approximate percentage of inert matter in special mixtures.
(hz back of label
Approximate number per ounce of each kind of noxious weed
seeds or bulblets.
Approximate percentage of weed seeds by weight.
Rules for Taking Samples of Seed for Analysisf
No matter how accurately a seed analysis is made, it can show
only the quality of the sample submitted for analysis. Every effort
should be made to insure that the sample sent to the analyst shall
rcprrsraf thc bulk of seed in question. ,\uyone contemplating the
sale of seed should draw samples according to directions given below.
1. Weight of Sample to be Submitted for Analysis
The following a1·e minimum weights of samples to he submitted
for analysis:
(al 'l`wo ounces of grass seed not elsewhere mentioned, white
or alsike clover, or seeds not larger than these.
" Taken from I'. S. D. A. Department Circular No. ~1f¤G.

(b) Five ounces of red or crimson clover, alfalfa, ryegrasses,
brome grasses, millet, flax, rape, or seeds of similar size.
(c) One pound of cereal, vetches, or seeds of similar or larger ‘
(d) If means of weighing are not available, samples may be
measured as follows: Grass seed, one heaping teacup; alfalfa and
clovers, one teacup; cereals (corn, wheat, rye, and seeds of similar
size), three teacups.
If the sample is to be examined for origin at least five times the
quantities here specified should be submitted.
2. Methods of Taking the Sample
The sample must be taken in such a way that it represents as
accurately as possible the bulk lot being sampled. To this end it is
important that equal quantities be taken from each container
_ sampled, and from each place in a container, in a given lot of seed.
Q (a) Bags, closed or open, should be sampled——
(1) \Vith a trier or bag sampler long enough to reach the center
of the bag; in small lots, approximately equal quantities
should be taken from near the top, the middle, and the
, bottom of each bag; but when more than five bags are
‘ sampled, it should be sufficient to take from one place in
U each bag sampled (see 4) ; or
(2) \Vith a long trier or probe which should extend the length
. of the bag.
(b) Bulk seeds in bins, ears, or other containers are to be sampled
with a long trier or probe extended through the bulk in several -
(c) In the case of packet seeds, the entire packet of each should be
3. Alternative Methods
' lVhen better means are not available, open bags of cereals, or
other large seeds, or seeds in small bins, or other packages, may be
sampled by hand, taking approximately equal quantities from dif-
ferent places including the top and opposite sides as near the bot-
· tom as practicable. Any portion of seed which has been opened and
exposed for sale should be considered as liable to contamination and
should be sampled with special care.

4. Number of Bags to be Sampled
In lots of five bags or less, each bag should be sampled. In
larger lots, every fifth bag should be sampled, but never less than
five bags. Whenever there is evidence of lack of uniformity in a lot
of seed, each bag should be sampled separately. The samples from
each bag may be kept separate or they may be combined in com- \
iposite samples as circumstances require.
5. Dividing the Sample
The total quantity of seed drawn may be in excess of that re-
quired for a sample. It is very important that the seeds should be
thoroughly mixed before taking the sample that is to be sent for analy-
sis; if possible a mechanical divider should be used to obtain the
desired quantity. `
How to Send Samples
After the samples have been drawn they should be analyzed. If
they are to be sent away for the tests, follow these directions. i
Samples should be sent in strong manilla seed envelopes, preferably
4 by 6 inches in size, or cotton bags. Bottles, cardboard boxes, thin
envelopes and paper bags are likely to get broken in the mail. Each
sample must have a label showing the name and address of sender
and kind of seed, and must state whether purity test, or germination
test, or both are wanted. This information should be plainly written
on the envelope o1· on a card placed inside the container with the
It takes from one to three hours to make a purity test of most
seeds. Samples are analyzed in the order in which they are received
and reports are made as promptly as the work permits. The time
required for germination tests of field seeds is indicated below.
Bluegrass ...................................................................... 28 days
Fescue, Bermuda grass, bent grass ........................ 21 days
Tobacco, orchardgrass, lespedeza, ryegrass ........ 14 days
Cowpeas, redtop, oatgrass ........................................ 10 days
Soybeans, field peas .................................................. 8 days
Most other field seeds .......... . ................................... 6 days
The Kentucky Seed Laboratory will be guided by the recommenda-
tions of the Association of Official Seed Analysts of North America in
making purity and germinaton tests. i`

After samples have been analyzed, pu1·ity and germination re- i
ports are made. With these reports and information already in pos-
session of the seedsman, tags previously obtained in blank from the
Director of the Experiment Station must be filled in carefully on
both sides by the vendor or dealer. They may be printed or typed or
written legibly in longhand with ink. Each bag should carry a tag
giving required information. The poundage in the bag should be
completely covered by the poundage on the tag, i.e., a hundred
pound bag should carry a hundred pound tag. The front of the tag
is made to show, among other things, the percent of purity, percent
of germination, percent of crop seed, date of germination, hard seed, ’
and place where grown. The reverse side of the label bears a list of
noxious weed seeds with blank spaces in which must be shown the
` numbe1· of each of these seeds per ounce in the lot of seed to which
it is attached. There is a space at the bottom on which must be shown
the approximate total percentage of weed seed.
Official Forms of Label
I The official seed labels are made in three forms: Form "A" is
- manilla. It is to be used on unmixed alfalfas, clovers and grasses.
Form "B" is Yellow. It is to be used on cereal. seed potatoes,
garden and truck-crop seed, Form "(l" is now blue, but is to be
, changed to green. lt is to be used only for seed mixtures.
Each form of label is issued in 25-, 50-, 75-, and 100-pound 4
denominations. The law makes no provision for labels below the
25-pound (l€1lO]I”lll]3.tl0l1, therefore each package of seed from one to
25 ])Oll1l(lS should carry a 25-pound tag. Tobacco seed from IA
ounce to 25 pounds should carry a. 25-pound tag.
A Cost of Labels
The law fixed the price of labels. Forms “A" (l`or grasses
and clovers) and "("’ (for mixtures), will be furnished at the rate
of eight (Sc) cents for each l()()-pound label, six (fic) cents for each
J 75-pound label, four (lc) cents for each 50-pound label, and two
(2c) cents for each 25-pound label. Form "B", label (for cereals,
seed potatoes and truck-crop seed), will be furnished at the rate of
four (4c) cents for each l()()-pound label. three (Tic) for each 75-

pou11d label, two (2c) cents for each 50—pound label and one (lc)
cent for each 25-pound label.
Purchasing Official Labels
All official seed labels must be obtained f1·om the Director of the
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, 'Lexington, Kentucky.
Dealers should anticipate their needs by getting the proper labels ~
to bc used on their seed packages in advance of sales. An order
should be for not less than $2.00 worth of labels. It is illegal to sell
seeds without the official label or to counterfeit the official label or
to use a counterfeit in lieu of the official label, or to use the same
label a second time.
It is the desire of the enforcement agents to be helpful to
farmers and otl1ers in their efforts to secure good seed, and to as-
sist seedsmen, where necessary, in their endeavour to properly tag
the seeds offered for sale to the public.