xt79319s2x30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79319s2x30/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-02-13 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, February 13, 1976, no. 115 text The Green Bean, February 13, 1976, no. 115 1976 1976-02-13 2014 true xt79319s2x30 section xt79319s2x30 ......... “—     ·’ QJ
Uni {
13 Feb. - Library Staff Organi- G R E E N
zation - 3 PM, Old Rare
Book Room
Topic: "A Valentine B E A N
for Margaret I. King"
l3·l4 Feb· · Children and Y¤¤¤9 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES
Adult Librarians Work- NEWSLETTER NO,ll5 2/13/76
shop - UK College of David Farrell, Editor Ext.73658
Library Science, di-
rected by Joy Terhune _ `
Topic: "Revolutionary Reflections/Changing.Imaqes"
17 Feb. - Kentucky Micrographics Association - Louisville V
. Topic: "Micrographics, Today and Tomorrow"
18 Feb. — Library/Administrative Council - 8:30 AM, Gallery
(Editor’s note: The four part Planning Committee Report is being
discussed by the Library Faculty at its monthly meetings.)
In the Library Faculty meeting of February 6, the "Staff Development"
section of the Planning Com ittee Report was opened for discussion.
Several issues were raised, including:
1) The status, development opportunities, and salaries of "career"
I non-professionals:
· 2) The importance of staff development programs which respond to the
immediate and felt needs of the staff; ·
3) The high turnover rate among non-professional staff and student
employees, possibly indicating poor orientation and training, or
inadequate interviewing techniques on the part of supervisors;
4) The desire among professional staff to take sabbatical leaves and
the fears that such a leave might cost them their present position
and they would be relocated against their will. Mr. Willis felt
that these fears were probably unfounded;
5) The desirability of coordinating King Library staff development
activities with the College of Library Science Office of
Continuing Education.
Near the end of the discussion, Mr. Willis, asked for the feeling of
the group on the establishment of a representative council for the
non-professional staff. The vote was unanimous in support of such an
idea, and Mr. Willis is planning to propose it to the staff in the
near future. ._V
T. Bellardo

3 -2-   » ,
LC Working Committee Report:
The Report of the LC Working Com ittee was presented at February's
  faculty meeting by the committee's chairwoman, Emilie Smith. The
report, which recommends that the UK Libraries remain with the
» Dewey classification, is circulating and will be discussed at the p
March faculty meeting.
News From Solinet:
At the SOLINET Board of Directors meeting held Jan. 13-14, plans 1
. were discussed for creation of a network center in Atlanta. Mr.
’ Stevens, executive director, was authorized to proceed with the
steps leading to the acquisition, by lease or purchase, of the
equipment necessary for the concentration of leased line data ,
_ communication facilities in Atlanta. He was also empowered to
negotiate with OCLC for the purchase of SOLINET members' archive
tapes--both retrospective and current. .
These developments are the first to indicate that SOLINET seriously
plans to establish a network independent of and apart from
membership in OCLC. Presumably this change would occur at the
end of the 4 year tie·in contract SOLINET now has with OCLC.
Nine “SOLINET reactor groups" of about ten persons each are being
~ established to react to information issued by OCLC about system
features it is developing. Each of the nine groups is concerned
with a different aspect of library work. Reactions from individ— ’
ual group members will be the basis of the SOLINET response to
Two UK librarians have been invited by SOLTNET to serve on these
specialized panels. Adelle Dailey will be in the group looking at
music scores and sound recordings cataloging and Jean Graef will
participate in the acquisitions group.
Ms. Dailey and Ms. Graef were chosen from nominations made through-
out the network. Their participation will give UK a voice in
future SOLINET and OCLC development.
y G. Kennedy
Anthropologists Study MIK
Anthropology students under the direction of Prof. Van Willigan
are doing research on role theory this semester using MIK's
Reference Dept. as their source of data.
According to the students' "Proposal for Research", the concept
"role" refers to the behavioral performance of a person directed
at some other person. Role theory is especially useful when the ·
objective is to evaluate the behavior of a person relative to the
standards the actor holds for him/herself and the standards held

by other persons with whom he or she interacts. Role theory can
contribute to the evaluation of reference service by answering a
: number of questions such as: 1) How can the performance of the
reference service be measured against a standard of excellence or
2) Is reference service satisfactorily meeting the expectations
of users?
The students will spend time observing and talking with both li-
brarians and patrons. They will provide the Reference Dept. with
a summary of their findings which they hope to submit as a paper
to a library journal.
F. Harders `
Faculty Handbook Published
The Libraries' "Information for Faculty" handbook is now available
in the Director's Office.
The first regular University Senate meeting of 1976 was held Monday,
February 9. Malcolm Jewell, the new chairman, informed the Senate of
the Senate Council's efforts to find an acceptable means of enforcing
the No Smoking Policy. No satisfactory method has been found so far.
The major item on the agenda was the College of Nursing's proposed
two—year program. Dean Marion McKenna described it as an effort to
provide for the current and emerging roles of nurses for whom the
university does not presently have programs. The program as approved
by the Senate will be an upper division professional program. It is
anticipated that the increasing number of two year programs, such as
those offered by community colleges as Associate Degree, will serve
as feeder schools to the upper division nursing program.
S. Leech
Membership for the Kentucky Library Association closes April 1, 1976
for this year. Dues include a copy of each quarterly issue of the
KLA Bulletin and membership in the section of your choice: 1) College
and Research, 2) Kentucky School Media Association, 3) Library
Education, 4) Public Librarians, or 5) Special Librarians. Spring
meetings are planned for March and early April. If you are interested
send your check for $6.00, your name, your business and home address
Mr. Tom Sutherland, Executive Secretary
Puducah Public Library
Paducah, Kentucky 42001
Indicate the section to which you wish to belong. If you desire to
be a member of other sections include $2.00 for each additional
section. This will enable you to receive notice of spring meetings
of interest as well as KLA activities in the fall.

 I _4__
- There will be a Women in Management Seminar March 24-26 here at U.K.
Registration, which includes all work materials and 3 lunches, is
$150. For further information, see Faith Harders.
i A vote on whether to extend the Library Services and Construction
Act (LSCA) through September 1981 is currently pending in Congress.
A recent ALA "Washington Newsletter" expressed strong approval of the .
bill but cautions that the US Office of Education proposes to replace
it with a so-called "Library Partnership Act" that would keep funding
  decisions at the federal level. Kentucky's own Carl Perkins is
chairman of the House Committee on Education & Labor that will be
considering the final bill.
V John G. Lorenz, Deputy Librarian of Congress, has been named Executive
Director of the Association of Research Libraries headquartered in
Washington, D.C.° He will succeed John P. McDonald this spring.
Mr. Lorenz became Deputy Librarian of Congress in October 1965 and
during 1975 he was Acting Librarian.
U.K. Libraries Staff Development Series:
The second program of the U.K. Libraries Staff Development Series
will be on BATAB. The sessions will be given by Susan McCargar,
Nancy Congleton and James Shaeffer the week of February 23rd.
These sessions will provide an overview of how BATAB works, the »
components of the system (hardware, software), the various reports
generated by the system.
There will be sessions on Monday (Feb. 23) at 9:30 and Thrusday
(Feb. 26) at 1:30 in the Gallery. A special session, designed to
provide a more indepth coverage, will be given on Wednesday (Feb.
25) at 1:30 in the Gallery for all Branch Librarians and Liaison
people. .
I would appreciate it if each department/unit head and branch li-
brarian could let me know by Thursday, Feb. 19 how many people in
his/her unit will be attending each session. If you have any
suggestions concerning things to be discussed, please see Susan
McCargar or Lynn Shrewsbury.
y F. Harders
Personnel Committee
Terry Birdwhistell will be serving on the Personnel Committee as
a replacement for Rhoda Channing who has resigned from the
committee. u

` Professional Openings: Reference
Head of Reference
V Administrative Services Coordinator (person
U to be responsible for all non-book accounting and general library
business operations).
If anyone on the staff is interested, please notify Faith Harders.
Music Librarian. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
l July 76. $13,500+ ·
r Personnel Officer. University of Chicago Library.
Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarian. University of Louisville.
