xt79319s272c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79319s272c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1917 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 3, no. 08, 1917 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 3, no. 08, 1917 1917 1917 2012 true xt79319s272c section xt79319s272c -  i Vol. VIII. .}:u1u:u·y, 1917 N0_ 3 Q
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  Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky  
,_,..   Lexington, Kentucky }
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   Vol. VIII J:muzu·y, 1917 Number 3 I
 Q —·*_‘; iCCCCC'i'Ci`"`";r "`”’TT4_”vT l——A‘ i
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é coNTENTs I
 i I
  EDI'l`ORI:\L COM MEN'1`—  
  Greetings for 1917 .............1.................................... 3 i
 ’ Most Gratifying ........,.......................................,.. 3 I
  The Carnegie Foundation ,............... . .....,................... 4  
 ii Prevention of Nepotism ............................,.......,....... 5 I I
  Alpha Zeta Student Loan Fund ...................1................ 5 I
  Life Membership ..........................................,.......  
 ;Q` Sketches of the Origin und Growth of tl1e University. I
  Dr. fumes K. P(lUL’I'.YU}l ..........................................,. 7
  Early History of Athletics. A. Ill. illillcr ..............................1.. 9 I
  First VX/estern Inter-Collegiate Foot—bnll Game ............................ If
  Neville Portrait ................................,......................... 1%
  what Some are Doing .,................. I ........,....................... Ii) I
  Uwn·nRsn·y Sl€C'1`lON~—— I
  College of Mines and Metallurgy ............................., ' ..... :9 V
  College of Agriculture I ..........,................................. :*1 I
 :1 College of Law ...................................,...,......,..... 22  
 I College of Mecluinienl and Electrical Engineering ................... 23  
  Student Activities .._I.,,.I.,............................ . ........,....... 25 I
 I. CIHSS Secretary Section .,.................... , ..............,............ 4) I
 V4 Alumni Clubs ..................................,........................ 3’J  
  Marriages, Engagements and Births ............1.. . ............,.....i... 32  
 ei I
  ‘ I ~ Q

 ] ,  ll rs 1
l ‘ Alumni Representatives on Board of Trustees   Em,
0 GEORG12 G. BRoc1<, London, Ky. .‘
Jonx E. BRO\\'N, Shelbyville, Ky. , ,fl_.
P1—11Lu> P. Jonxsrox, JR., Lexington, Ky,. ‘
J. I. LYL12, New Xork City.  3 __
Smrruar. B. M,xR1 all of us have at least utilized the past as a means of learning to direct our E
  actions better in the future. The experiences of the past may not have been alto- A
  gether pleasant nor the results quite gratifying but if we have learned our les-
  sons well, then we have protited.
   A·`~- i The University has had her troubles; the results, now visible, are not grati— '
  {ying but we have learned valuable lessons. The Alumni have learned that it is
y will   their privilege and duty to stand by the old University, to aflord help and con-
  structive criticism without knocking. \Ve have a Board of Trustees more alert .
  and interested than ever before and we believe they are going to do great things `
  in the immediate future, looking to greater efficiency and higher ideals about the  
  University. It is the duty of each of us to lend our interested help.  
  The Alumnus sends this word of greeting with the sincere wish that the i
  New Year may bring much happiness, joy and prosperity to its friends and Alma ,
  Mater. {
 YZ; ——¤—  
  Most gratifying has been the response to our  
 f` “"’* (l"*'“f>`l"l¥- appeal for assistance and we repeat for the bene- l
;.  ’ at of those who came in late that the Editor  
  YCRYQKS exceedingly the lack of time or means to personally answer the many  
  l€itCrs of encouragement and remittances and we take this means of assuring  
  You that the box oilice receipts speak more eloquently than pages of literature,  
 _Q_ mid old Kentucky Statels place in the sunshine of educational institutions is l10\\`  
 { H 'icftainty, and the labours and sacrifices of dear old "Aunt I.ucy" Blackburn,  
 ij ]¤m0S K. Patterson and others too numerous to mention but known without Y
 A Naming, have not been in vain. \\’e thank )'Oll.  
 Y —i,· · l  
 · i l ·

i is \1\/hen the Carnegie Foundation was first estab-  ji C
Th': (`¤*”“°¤i° F°““d¤*i°“· lished, it was not intended that the Land Grant  ll, Scmti
V Colleges should enjoy its benefits. Later, at the   we an
  unanimous request of the Land Grant Colleges of the United States, they were   deficit
admitted to the privileges of the Foundation, although the action required an   _
increase of the endowment from ten million dollars to fifteen million dollars.  ;_i wml].
y From the time of the establishment of the Carnegie Foundation, its great  
_ value has been fully recognized by the foremost educational institutions of the  `
· country. The dominating idea at the time of the establishment of the Founda-   I
’ tion seems to have been to provide retiring allowances for teachers, but educa-  
tors soon learned that this was only one of its great functions. There is scarcely   T€l?lil`
A a college or university, or even a high school, in the country that has not directly  $1 D0$$U
or indirectly felt its beneficial infiuences. The preparatory schools have been Yi rosili
~ compelled to strengthen their courses in order to meet the higier entrance re- 1 D0i‘itl
quirements of the higher institutions brought about by the standards required by °° b?\FT¤¤
the Carnegie Foundation. The whole movement has been a matter of striving  Q_ WY 0
` · for greater excellence in curricula, teaching and administration.   be CIT
1 “ Any institution of higher learning may make application for admission to   Ou th'
j, the benefits of the Foundation, but there are many conditions which may cause  _ men A
.   a refusal to grant the request. For example: “The Trustees of the Foundation -’  ed fl
  reserve the right to decline the application of any such institution if it is subject  ’i COMM
  to political control or interference which, in the opinion of the Trustees of the  1 _Ii
  Foundation, impairs its educational el`ticiency."  .r of lis
l The following extract from Dr. Pritchett`s preface to the bulletin on Aca—  ‘ mmf;
  p , demic and Industrial Etiiciency gives an idea of the comprehensive way in which   iuqpir
  ` university efficiency is studied by the Foundation. * * * * * “They may gain  '`_i_ Shlml
y » _ from the intelligent study of college forms of organization a real help from   Mbcy
,   those who conduct industrial enterprises, without at the same time in any meas-  i whicli
,. ure losing sight of the fact that scholarly and spiritual leadership is the highest   “_hO'(
  ` quality of college elliciency and the one most necessary to attain."   ,1
i ,i   There is no greater stimulus to excellence and the exercise of human   ].
"   r ingenuity than competitive exhibits where the products of all competitors are  ' *1
l   carefully scrutinized by well qualified and disinterested judges, where those of  C EXW
i   greatest excellence are appropriately rewarded and where the less fortunate m’ij‘  Q years
i _ learn the standards of excellence for which they must strive if they would suc-  * jive I
if ceed. All are wiser and more capable because of having competed and naturally   \-Crm
_, strive to correct their short comings.  (
if; There are a number of scholarly men on our faculty who are worthy of the  
F   benefits of the Carnegie Foundation. It is unfair to them to deprive them of  I- T
  these benefits because the institution as a whole does not measure up to  f
  standards. Men who are worthy of the benefits will refuse to attach themselves   tm _
r   here, and ultimately we will have a faculty of mediocre qualifications it the con- if . _O
  dltions are not removed.  · Tiuic
, , nghe
_ ·`: _ `   to its
»  .

 if ' I
  Our University could certainly lose nothing by submitting itself to the
  scrutiny of the Trustees of the Carnegie Foundation. If we stand approved,
  we enjoy honor and reap rich benefits; if we stand rejected, we are shown our l
  deficiencies and have at least the benefit of wise counsel in correcting our short-
  mmiugs The truth cnn do the just no harm,
 . —-»<>-—
  There has been considerable criticism at timcs— l
  I‘¤‘0*‘€¤*i°¤ 0* N°¤°*i¤m· open and implied—of the Board of Trustees on l
 -; the practice of nepotism. The appointment of Q
  relatives of members of the faculty and members of the Board itself to high  
 fi positions in the University, whether they were best qualified or not for such  
 5 positions, must force the Board to recognize the fact that it places itself in a j -
>¥`· position to be criticised. Not only should the Board be not called upon to em-  
 g barrass itself by passing upon relatives of members of the Board or some mem-  
.  tj, ber of the Board itself who may be an applicant for a position, but it should not  
i  YQ . be embarrassed by applications at all, especially for the most important positions  
  on the staff. It is well recognized professional ethics that University and College  
i {  men will not actively seek the higher positions. The practice in most colleges Q
'  5 and universities of high standing is to invite men to join the faculty and they are  
;   considered solely on their fitness for the position. j
_ V;  In order to relieve itself of such a handicap and to reassure the public mind `
V  if of its position in this respect, the Board on its own initiative adopted a rule
 ij bearing specifically on the question, which appears at the close of this article.
'   The Alumnus approves the action of the Board and believes that it will ‘
ll   inspire confidence in the public mind. The Alumnus believes that the Board _
u   should go a little further and offers the following suggestion which it entertains _
H  i` as being no less pertinent along this line than the resolution concerning nepotism,
l'  e which is: That no person be appointed on the academic staff of the University
it  , who does not hold an academic degree. l
  The resolution adopted by the Board is as follows:  
n   Be if ]<`és0l·z·0d by the Board of Tr11.v1‘c0.r of I/ze Z'ni·;·021rily: ;
`C   That no appointment hereafter be made to any position in the University or _
>f   Experiment Station of any member of the Board of Trustees for at least two I
¤>' _, years after his term of oflice has expired, nor of any person who is a near rela- ;
c-  · tive lny blood or marriage of any person already holding a position in the L`ni-  
l}'   versity or Experiment Station, or of any member of the Board of Trustees. i
qu __~0J—_ i
liv  Y . . . . E
of ,  _,. Alpha Zeta is an honorary fraternity in the Agri- l
to  ij TM Mgggn €$n:d.St"‘]°“* cultural College, corresponding to Tau Beta Pi in  
as   engineering. Although Kentucky has had a chap— E
nl   tv of Alpha Zeta for only a few years, Scovell Chapter, as it is called, has long  
  since made its presence felt in encouraging better scholarship and generally l
 , higher standards among the agricultural students. Competition for admission  
 Q; to its membership has long since become very keen.  
 ·: \
 ‘ I
 ~ I

 ‘ 5 pty,
J; {J V
l ,.a’ _
    The most recent noticeable action of this chapter of Alpha Zeta helps to  y Stmk
T show the reason why it is held in such high esteem by all. p  Z Of tht
  1 Although there are as yet few Alpl1a Zeta alumni, they have provided a loan  _` {moth
" fund of $100.00 to be placed in the hands of the Executive Committee of the ·,  . V
` Alumni Association to be loaned to worthy students who are having a hard time  ` {umn
‘ getting through college. Such action speaks well for the chapter, commands  
respect and sets a good example, worthy of emulation by others. `  _ (
.   . ·—‘0'_"   i
·` i At a meeting during tl1e Golden jubilee of a few  
A UW M***“l*<"$l‘ll’· patriotic and loyal alumni for the purpose ot` dis-  V
T I cussing the question of finance to bridge the Asso-  
ciation over the year, most of those present agreed to take out Life Membership  · It
in tl1e Association by paying $25.00.  {L Mldllt
_` Through the generosity of Mr. R. C. Stoll, Class ’o5, the Association was  . M0YTl
  presented with an elegantly designed membership certificate, suitable for frani-  Q Wlltiltl
. “ ing, to be issued to those who have taken or may take life—memberships in the   Static
Q I V Association. The Association greatly appreciates this gift fronv Klr. Stoll.  . COHEN
l There are twenty—two life members in the Association at this time, some of  » WCMC
l_ - them having taken out life-memberships in the early part of the history of the  V {OT lll
‘   Association, and some more recently, and their names have been published in  _Q OY
  The Alumnus heretofore. Those who have just recently taken life—memberships ,.  malllm
l me-  , tural c
E Paul Ingold Murrill, ’S5.   “0Yl< l
l Richard C. Stoll, 'Q5.  . DCHSHL
  joel Irvine Lyle, `oo.   lllllll`0<
i il james \Nilliam Carnahan, ’e6. @?l"C F
  job l). Turner, ’<;8. (Second Meinlnersliipl.   Comm?
l T { George Roberts, ’oo. T.  Tl
{ · james Henry Gardner, 'o..i.  ? B07lT0rc and served one year. In 1869 I was appointed presidenh _.  was tj
  and served until january, 1910, when I resigned after a continuous service cl   M
. , forty-one years.  i heme,
Il An effort was made by the anti-Bowman members of the Board of Curatefi   interet
,· A during the session of 1873-4 of the General Assembly, to amend the charter of   Kentu

 " the university. The proposed amendment required that all the members of the
 ‘ Board instead of two thirds, be members of the Christian church. Mr, Bow- _ ,
 i. man saw clearly that if this were done, the State would at once withdraw the
  Agricultural and Mechanical College from the University. He therefore resisted {
 _ the proposed change with all the energy and all the resources at his command. l
 , Inasmuch as I shared his views upon the public policy of tl1e University and its
 » ob?igation to the State, he urged me to assist him in his defense and make an T
*  argument before the committee in the Senate to which the amendment was i
,°  referred. The supporters of the measure had made a temperate, an able and a ;
  plausible plea. The issue appeared to be very uncertain. Before a full Senate  
  in committee, I made an address in opposition to the amendment. \/Vhen the I
  measure came before the Senate for action, the motion to amend was lost by one l
.   vote. The victory won by Mr. Bowman however, contained the elements of his  
L   ultimate defeat. The internecine warfare became more bitter than ever, the  
,  gf institution declined in attendance and in reputation. The General Assembly of Y
;   1877-8, acting on the report of a commission of inquiry, passed an act dissolving  
  the relationship of the Agricultural and Mechanical College to Kentucky Uni- ,
n   versity. The same legislature appointed a commission to recommend the future  
_  .r location of the college, and to lease meanwhile from the Kentucky University,  
B   the grounds and buildings necessary to carry on its operations until the next
xt   legislature should determine where it should be established. <
lx  it This ended the first period of its existence.
re I-   O 
v--  1 ]anuary 17—Centre at Lexington.
ig   january 23--Vanderbilt at Nashville.
an   Jannary 24—RZlI‘11i)l€I'S at Nashville.
Ju   Innnary 27—Georgetown at Georgetown.
he   January 30—Rose Polytechnic, of Terre Haute, Ind., at Lexington.
rig  f February 2-3—\fCtl`l(léI`l)illi at Lexington. A
by-   February Q-IO—rT`€ll11€SS€€ at Lexington. :
in-   February I6—C€lltI'€ at Danville. A
 { February 2I—G€0fg`€tO\\’11 at Lexington. i
his .~  March 2—3—TC11ll@SSC€ at Knoxville. t
me   ’——‘O"`""—`  
cal  A Bv PRo1·1 A. M. M11.L1·;1<. ·  
“>‘~   ARTICLE vn.  
all  J` Since the publication of Article VI, I have been informed that Dan Bryan  
mlb T}  WHS the manager of the 1905 football team.  
OT   MY attention has also been called to the fact that the game of football played I
  between Centre and our institution in the fall of '<)1 was not the first game of  
tori ··  i¤Y€fC0llegiate football played in Kentucky, but that games were played between ,
·of i  Kentucky University and State College before that.  
t !
i ! .

 · » ;·  _
V_ s  It even appears that this was the Rugby game played with the oval ball or  i V
?, A perhaps the American game modified from the Rugby; though the method of  { {was
.` counting the score was peculiar. .  fi Succct
LP Mr. Miles M. Dawson, of New York, a student at Kentucky University from ’  With
. 1878 to 1880, and Mr. C. C. Calhoun, of Wzisliiiigtoii, a student at the old A. &  r` Hm011;
~ M.——when a little later than this the A. & M. were separated——both remember  —_ Slisllt
, these intercollegiate games.  I Hiatt
3 Prof. ]. NV. Porter, of Lexington, also remembers these games well and has  A blt flf
lt supplied me with incidents connected with them. An account of the nrst game of   llfllmi
intercollegiate Rugby football in Kentucky, and also possibly west of the Alle-   High
‘ ghenies, appears in both the Lexington Press and the Lexington Transcript of   dates
,` date April 10, 1880; and a review of this account, accompanying an interview  i mimi
with Dean Patterson, ofthe University of Louisville, appears in the Lexington   SCHOC
" Leader of date, Sunday, December 3, 1916.  y
A The leading spirits in the introduction of this sport at Kentucky University   A
_ ~ I were the students, C. L. Thurgood from Australia, who had learned the game   H4 M
  V there, and Miles M. Dawson, of Minnesota.   bv th,
i The previous fall they obtained from Princeton a ball and a book of rules,   i T
l, · and taking up the matter with Centre College, succeeded in arranging a game  Q H_ E
‘   for Friday, April 9, ISSO, which resulted in a victory for K. U. of 13%, to 0.  I Dom,
l 1 Upon what system of counting they arrived at the fractional part of the score V; yp IQ
l ` I am unable to figure out.   Q_ C
i` A Professor ]ohn L. Patterson, State College ’82, now Dean of the University  _` T
  _ of Louisville-—then a student at the combined Kentucky University and the     pas=se<
l . ’ & M College—was captain of the K. U. team, and Mr. Dick Ernst, a student   brancl
  ._ at Centre from Covington, was captain of the Centre team. The contesting  j` a;hiet
    i teams were composed as follows:  X the pr
  - i Kentucky University—Fox, (afterwards to earn fame as the Kentucky  1 te llc
: F ·. novelist); Allen, (Buckner Allen), a brother of john Allen, present Comntotr   Bflilffl
.r v_ V wealth's Attorney of Payette County; Logan, Shelby, King, Craig, Overstreet, ?  T
l· ij Graves, Patterson, floopman, Garvey, ]ohnson, Lindeman, Langsford zuitl   filfklf
[_   _ Thurgood.  = lll m0
    Centre College·—Fulton, Dunlap, Vaughn, Clark, McCartney, Cowan, Moore.   (Qomn
'L t Cowles, Barbour, Ernst, Taylor, january, Skinner, \\febster, Read, Barret antl  ’ (mm