xt79319s256m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79319s256m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1879-10-jul24. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1879-10-jul24. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1879-10-jul24. 1879 1879-10-jul24. 2011 true xt79319s256m section xt79319s256m 





Curator Tibb s
elected Presi-
dent pro tem.
  Deceat 01
Curator Wasson
and Shirley

Time given
to Committee
on Obituaries,


     The President of the Board stated that he was compelled to leave
on the train about to start in order to meet an important engagement
there upon, on motion W. T. Withers the President, T. S. Sweeney was
allowed leave of absence and Curator W. T. Tibbs was unanimously elect-
ed President Pro tem-

     Curator Williams offered the following resolution Resolved that a
Committee of three be appointed to draft and submit suitable resolutions
upon the death of Curators 'dasson & Shirley Deceased since the last
meeting of the Board.

     The Committee was appointed to consist of Curators: V. L. 4illiams,
Rogers, Gano.

     On motion of Curator McMichael, J. P. Tarbitt was added to said

     Curator Gano

    From Comnittee on Arbituaries ask leave for time to prepare arbitu-
aries and report to the Executive Committee for publications

     '.Phich was granted.

The minutes were read and approved.

On motion the Board adjourned.

               President pro Tem

                                tI  . i.ibbs.

To the Chairman of the Board of Curators of Kentucky University:

Call for a
Meeting of the

          The action of the Board of Curators at its late annual Session
in regard to the petition presented by Donors to the seal Estate and
Building Fund and other citizens, who desire to retain the Agricu#=ral
College in Fayette County, has created great dissatisfaction. These
Donors and Citizens beleive that Kentucky University is morally bound
to concede to this community the Woodlands Estate for the permanent
location of the Agricultural and Mechanical College many of them alleg-
ing that they gave for this specific purpose and for no other. We
are convinced that the presentation of this claim must be met in an
equitable and candid spirit by the Board of Curators; that if the claim
be just it ought to be conceded, if unjust its injustice ought to be
demonstrated .

    The good will of the community is essential to the upbuilding of an
Institution of Learning and we should depreciate any policies which
should depreciate any policies which should tend to alienate from Ken-
tucky University the suppert and the confidence of a people who have
shown that in the maintenance of their Institution of Learning they can
be both appreciative and generous.



      From these considerations we respectfully request your Honor to
call, at the earliest practicable date a special meeting of the Board
of Curators of Kentucky University to convene in the city of Lexington
not later than July 24th, 1879 to reconsider the request made in the
petition submitted by Donors and others citizens to the Board over
which you had the honor to preside at its late Session at this place.

                                 Very Respectfully,

G. Stoll,Jr.
A. M. Barnes
D. S. Goodloe.


      In pursuance of the above call the board of Curators of Kentucky
met at Morrison College in the City of Lexington at 2 o'clock.

      The roll being called the following Curators answered their named

Called Meeting
of July 24,

Andrew Steele
W. T. Withers
W. E. Rogers
A. M. Barnes
J. J. A. Lee
tW. T. Tibbs
Jas. M. Graves
Geo. Stoll, Jr.
T. A. Crenshaw
Sam'l Coleman
Tho . Munnell
i. D. Sayre
Tas. Patrick
Will Mitchell

Tno. B. W'Tallace
Jno. L. Cassell
T. L. Ileale
Jno. Aug. Williams
D. S. Goodloe
Jno. Shackelford
Horace Miller
I. G. Kinnaird
R. 14. Gano
Robt. 1Mcelchael
Jno. L. Hinton
Jno. F. Fisk
I. L. WillI iams

on length
of Speeches.



      Curator Tibbs offered the following resolution:
                                                        Resolved that no
member be allowed to speak more than twenty minutes in his first speech
nor more than five minutes in any speech after that.   Adopted.

      Curator Withers offered the following resolution:
                                                         Resolved that
the Woodlands Estate with all buildings thereon be and the same is here
by tendered through the Board of Mayor and board of Councilmen of the
city of Lexington to the State of Kentucky as the permanent site of the
A. & M. College, of Kentucky University subject to the following considera
tion and limitation.

      1st. That the A. & M. College of Kentucky be conditionally located
on said estate, and that the buildings and other improvements thereon be
kept in a good state of repair by the board of Visitors of the A. &M.
College and the buildings thereon be kept by them be 1Rept.insured by
them for not less than two third's of its real value and in case of
loss that the insurance money be used in their repair on buildings.




     2d. That said lands and buildings shall revert to the Curators
of Kentucky University whenever it ceases to be used as the permanent
site of the Agricultural College of Kentucky.

     3d. That satisfaction of the judgment for ten thousand dollars
in favor of the city of Lexington against Kentucky University and
which is secured by a mortgage on the said Woodlands estate be entere(
by the city of Lexington and Kentucky University be released from sai(
judgment and mortgage.

     4th. That free tuition be given by the A. & E. College to the
students of Kentucky University.

          Be it further resolved that the Woodland estate with all
its buildings is hereby placed at the disposal of the City of Lexinlg-
ton to tender to the State of Kentucky as the permanent site of the
A. & M. College, on the terms and conditions above stated and if the
offer is accepted by the Legislature of the State of Kentucky the
executive Comaittee of Kentucky are hereby authorized and instructed
to convey the Woodlands estate to the State of Kentucky subject to
the condition and limitations above stated.


Vote on
offered by

Curator Shackelford moved the following
                                        Resolved that upon the repeal
of the act of the General Assembly, severing the A. & M. College from
Ky. University this board will tender to the State the Woodlands and
Ashland estates for the benefit of said College.

                                      Which was rejected.

     The ayes and noes being called for resulted as on Curator Wither
resolutions resulted. Those who voted in the affirmative were:

    D. S. Goodloe
    John Shackelford
    W. T. Wivithers
    A. M. Barnes
    Jas. M. Graves
    E. D. Sayre
    Geo. Stoll,Jr
    las. Patrick
    Wm. Mitchell
    J. A. Williams       10.

    Those in the negative were:

    Andrew Steele                      Thos. Idunnell
    m. C. Aicketts                     T. A. Crenshaw
    Horace Miller                       John B. Wallace
    W. E. Rogers                       Robt. McMichael
    J. G. Kinnaird                     John L. Cassell
    R. M. Gano                         John T. hinton
    J. A. J. Lee                       J. L. Neale
    Sam'l Coleman                      John F. Fisk
    W.T.Tibbs                          W. L. IWilliams --- 18.
 The minutes were read and approved motion made to adjournwiich was
adopted.                         X. S. Sweeney, Pres.
   A. M. Barnes Secretary-