xt79057cvk84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79057cvk84/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1965-11-22  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 22, 1965 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 22, 1965 1965 1965-11-22 2020 true xt79057cvk84 section xt79057cvk84   


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Minutes of the University Senate, November 8, 1965

The Chairman reported that the proposed academic program had not
been sent to the faculty in sufficient time to allow a full discussion of
its merit. Therefore, action upon the recommendations of the Senate. Council
to the Senate was deferred until a special meeting of the Senate. The
special meeting is to be held at 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 22, in the
Student Center Theatre. In response to comments and questions of a
procedural and mechanical nature from the Senators, members of the
Senate Council elaborated upon the rationale and development of the
proposed academic plan.

The Senate adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

Charles F. Elton


The University Senate met in special session at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
November 22, 1965, in Room 108, Commerce Building, to act on the recommendations
proposed by the University Senate Council. Chairman Pellegrino presided.

The Chairman reported that the Senate Council had followed Rules of Order
in granting the requests of Professors William A. Withington and Thomas P.
Field, University Senate members, who are unable to be present at this meeting,
to permit faculty members George Faust and Leon Zolondek to act as their proxies
at this meeting.

The Senate approved the request of Mr. Browning of the KERNEL to be
permitted to report the happenings of the meeting.

The Senate approved the suggested time schedule of the meeting as cir-
culated under date of November 16, 1965.

Dr. Pellegrino presented a brief resume of the historical development
of the academic program and then called upon Dr. Ward, Secretary, University
Senate Council, to present the recommendations for vote.

The Secretary read item 1 of the Recommendations to the University Senate
and recommended its approval. Amendment was offered to add Geography 152,
Regional Geography 2: the World, and Geography 155, Economic Geography 2: the



World, to item VII, 353551 Studies Area, p.22, Beginning a_Second Century.

This amendment was defeated by the Senate. Amendment was presented to classify
item 1, (c) (8), p.167, "Psychological Sciences”. The ‘Senate defeated this
amendment. Amendment was presented to classify item 1, (c) (7), p.167. ”Social
Sciences”. This motion was approved by the Senate. The Senate then approved
item 1 as presented with amendment of (c) (7), p.167, to read ”Social Sciences”.


Dr. Ward read item 2, p.167, of the Recommendations to the University
Senate and recommended its approval. President Oswald reported on actions

































































































(Con't) Minutes of the Special Meeting of the University Senate, November 22,]3fi

taken by the Board of Trustees which would alter sections (b) and (c) of
item 2. These were the transfer of the College of Pharmacy'b the Medical
Center and the establishment of the School of Allied Health Personnel within
the Medical Center. Following this report the Senate approved item 2, p.167,
as presented, with alterations.

The Senate approved a motion to dispense with the reading of each of the

Dr. Ward recommended approval of item 5, p.168, with the following
amendment to sub—paragraph (b):

Because the baccalaureate programs in the health professions have
curricula in which there are elements of both undergraduate and
professional education, the Council recommends that further study
be undertaken to determine the most appropriate means for review
of curricular matters relating to these colleges.

The Senate approved the amendment as presented by Dr. Ward.
At 5:30 p.m., the Senate approved a motion to recess for dinner.

The Senate reconvened at 7:00 p.m. to continue action on the recommendatimm
proposed by the Senate Council.

Dean Matthews presented an amendment of sub-paragraph (b), item 5, p.168,
to change the word ”Undergraduate” to ”Provost” so that the sentence would
read "The Provost Council....”. The Senate defeated this motion.

The College of Nursing presented a motion to amend sentence 5, of sub-
paragraph (b), Item 5, p.168, to read:

”This Council will consider all new programs and changes in pro—
grams, all courses numbered through 599, and all courses numbered
800-999 in all undergraduate colleges....”


Motion was made to table item 3, p.168, for further study and bring it
to the December meeting of the Senate. The Senate defeated this motion. Dr.
Ward withdrew the original motion so that the Senate could vote on whether
it wished to vote on item 3, p.168, section by section. The College of
Nursing then withdrew its motion to amend sentence 3 sub-paragraph (b),
subject to the provision that voting take place section by section. The
Senate defeated a motion to vote on item 5, p. 168, section by section.

Dr. Martin then presented the following amendment to sentence 1, sub—
paragraph (b), item 3, p.168:

"The Undergraduate Council, a new body to be established, to con-
sist of one representative elected from each of the colleges
offering baccalaureate degrees: ....”

The Senate defeated this motion.
The Secretary of the Council presented a recommendation to amend sub—

paragraph (b) item 3, p.168, to read "The Undergraduate Council, a new
body to be established, to conskt of two representatives elected from and



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(Con’t) Minutes of the Special Meeting of the University Senate, November 22, 1965 {it

by each of the four major areas of interest: ....“ and to add this additional
EEntence at the end of sentence 1: ”These representatives shall be elepted
from those staff members_gf the rank of assistant professor and above." This
recommendation was approved by the Senate.


Dean Ginger made a motion that the word “two” in the second line of

sentence 1, sub—paragraph (b), item 3, be changed to read ”three". The Senate
defeated this motion.

Item 3, p.168, with amendment as an addition to sub-paragraph (b), and
further amendment, was then approved by the Senate. Item 5, with amendments
as passed reads as follows:

5. That the Curriculum Committee of the University Senate be dis—
continued and that its responsibilities be assumed by four
Councils (listed below) chaired by the four academic officers:
the Dean of the Graduate School, the Provast, the Vice President ~
of the Medical Center, and the Dean of the Community College System.; p

(a) The Graduate Council to remain as now constituted, with autho—
rity to consider all courses numbered 400-799, reporting its
recommendations to the Senate Council. It will also consider
graduate programs, making recommendations to the Graduate
Faculty, which in turn will report to the Senate Council.

(b) The Undergraduate Council, a new body to be established,
to consist of two representatives elected from and by each
of the four major areas of interest: Biological and Medical
Sciences, Humanities and the Arts, Physical and Engineering
Sciences, and Social Sciences. Council members will serve
3—year staggered terms, with lots being drawn after the first
election to determine the one, two or three year members.
These representatives shall be elected from those staff members
of the rank of assistant professor and above. This Council
will consider all new programs and changes in programs, all
coursessnumbered through 59% and all courses numbered 800—999
in the colleges responsible to the Provost. It will review ‘
the recommended four-year baccalaureate program from the Collafi I
of Nursing and such other complete baccalaureate programs
as might be developed in the School of Allied Health Personnel.
It will have no responsibilities for professional courses in
the Colleges of the Medical Center or for courses unique to
the associate degree programs in the Community Colleges. It
will be under the chairmanship of the Provost and report its
action to the Senate Council. Because the baccalaureate
programs in the health professions have curricula in which
there are elements of both undergraduate and professional
education, the Council recommends that further study be under-
taken to determine the most appropriate means for review of
curricular matters relating to these colleges.


(c) The Academic Council for the Medical Center, a new body to be
established under the chairmanship of the Vice President of
the Medical Center, with members representing the Colleges of
the Medical Center, to consider all courses and programs in





















































































2252 .
(Con't) Minutes of the Special Meeting of the University Senate, November 22, 1965

the Colleges of the Medical Center. It will report its
recommendations on courses carrying graduate credit to
the Graduate Council; on courses numbered 800—999 and on
non-baccalaureate programs to the Senate Council; and on
courses numbered through 599 and on baccalaureate programs
to the Undergraduate Council.

(d) The Council of the Community College Systems as presently
organized under the chairmanship of the Dean of the
Community College System.

Dr. Ward recommended approval of item 4, p.169. Motion was made by Dr.
Musselman and approved by the Senate to amend the first sentence of item 4 to
read as follows:

”That the Senate Council will continue to have the composition,
purpose, and functions stated in the minutes of the University
Senate (Faculty) of May 14, 1962 except that no college may have
more than one—third of the members on the Council ..... ”




The Senate approved item 4 as recommended by the Council and amended by the Senate.
The Senate approved item 5, pp. 169 and 170, as presented.
The Senate approved item 6, p.170, as presented.

Dr. Ward recommended approval of item 7, p.170. Motion was made and dis—
approved to have sub—paragnaph (a), item 7, struck from the recommendation.
Motion was then made to have item 7, p.170 deleted from the recommendations. The
Senate defeated this motion. The original recommendation for approval of item,
7, p.170, was then approved by the Senate.

Dr. Ward recommended approval of item 8, p.170, with the understanding
that MA llg, as well as 111 and 112, be included. Motion was then made to amend
the year to $219 in line two. This motion was defeated by the Senate. Motion
was made to amend the year in line two to 1967 in order that the high schools
may be notified. The Senate approved this motion. The original recommendation
as amended by the Senate was approved.


Dr. Ward recommended approval of item 9, p.171. Motion was made and
approved to amend item 9, p.171, to add the following sentence:

And further, that a student who has credit for two units of a
foreign language in high school may not receive degree credit for
the first semester of that language in the University.

The original motion, as amended, was approved by the Senate.

The Secretary of the Council recommended approval of item 10, p.171. The
following motion was approved to amend the phrase following the final comma in
paragraph one, item 10, to read:

., and be open only to students registered in those profession-





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(Con't) Minutes of the Special Meeting of the University Senate, November 22, 1965
The Senate then approved item 10, p.171, as amended.

Recommendation was made to approve item ll, p.171.
to add the following statement to item 11, p.171:

Further, that the aforementioned Committee carefully consider excluding
from those eligible to serve in the Senate all faculty members which
have any official administrative duties as reflected by their titles,
and carefully consider granting voting privileges to elected members

The Senate defeated this motion. Item ll, p.171, was then approved as presented.

The Senate approved item 12, pp. 171 and 172.

Recommendation was presented for approval of item 13, p.172. Amendment to

item 15 was offered and approved to add the following statement:

...and that such similar programs be considered also at the graduate
level and in the development of any interdisciplinary programs.

Item 15, p.172, was approved by the Senate as amended.
Motion was then made to

Dr. Ward recommended approval of item 14, p.172.
substitute the following statement for item 14, p.172:

That the University Senate Advisory Committee on Extension be directed

Assume the responsibility for determining the feasibility, content,
and quality of all credit correspondence courses, extension courses
and the evening class program and report their findings to the
University Senate by way of the Senate Council.

The Senate approved the motion to substitute the above statement. Motion was then
made to amend the substitute motion to add sub—paragraph (c) contained in the
original motion. The Senate approved this amendment to include sub—paragraph

(c) in the substitute motion. The substitute motion, as amended, was then
approved by the Senate.

Item 15, p.172, was approved as recommended.

Item 16, p.172, was approved as recommended.
Item 17, p.172, was recommended for approval. Motion was made to amend item
17 to read as follows:

apply for teacher certificates be required to

of Education. Such students will be assigned
subject matter major in addition to the one

and both advisers shall receive complete records

That all students who
enroll in the College
an advisor from their
in their own college,
of their advisees.

The Senate disapproved this motion to amend. The original motion as presented
was then approved by the Senate.




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Amendment was presented W?





































































































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(Con't) Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Universitv Senate, November 22, 1965

Item 18, p.173, was approved as recommended.
Item 19, p.173, was approved as recommended.
Item 20, p.173, was approved as recommended.

The Senate adjourned at 9:55 p.m.

Charles F. Elton

The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
December 15, 1965 in the Student Center Theatre. Dr. Pellegrino presided.

The minutes of November 8, 1965 were approved as circulated with a
correction to add that the Senate approved the changes in the University
Senate Rules relating to change in admission requirements and probation and
drop rule for the College of Law.

Dr. Pellegrino reported that Doctors Aubrey J. Brown, John Kuiper, and
Paul G. Sears had won election to the University Senate Council for three
year terms effective January 1, 1966. He welcomed them and extended an in—
vitation to join the first meeting after January 1.

Dean Matthews presented recommendation from the College of Law for
change in the professional degree in Law from the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)
to the Juris 223323 (J.D.) , to become effective for all law students who
complete graduation requirements in the 1965—66 academic year and thereafter.
The Chairman of the Senate Council reported that the Council hadimoroughly
considered this recommendation which met with its approval. The Senate
approved the recommendation as presented.

The Senate adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

Kathryne W. Shelburne
Recording Secretary