xt79057cvg44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79057cvg44/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-11-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1991 1991 1991-11-14 2020 true xt79057cvg44 section xt79057cvg44  

,VOI' XCIV, No. 221

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Thursday, November 14, 1991


CHE asks for $1.74 billion for state schools

Associate Editor

Council on Higher Education asked
the government yesterday for $1.74
billion for state universities during
the next two years.

Despite the drain on Kentucky‘s
budget. the council recommended
90 percent funding in the first year
of the biennium and full funding for
the eight universities by the second.

The council also submitted _..- as
informational items — four other
proposals based on different fund-
ing levels to show how lesser fund-
ing would impact higher education.

The council asked for $809.4 mil-
lion in the first year and $9315 in
the second. It also requested each
institution be given at least
$400,000 to be applied to programs
concerning the Kentucky Education
Reform Act.

In addition. the council asked for

the state to return to higher educa
tion the $31.6 million it took in
budget cuts this year.

The informational items were
submitted after some members said
last week full that funding was not
possible because the lack of money
in the General Assembly's January

“We cannot in higher education
assume that we are going to be im-
mune to reality,“ said council mem-
ber Kevin Hablc, a Louisville attor-






GPEG EANS Ker'te‘ S'a“

Anthony Mays. of Richmond, worked ul! the root of t: S Goodbarn yesterday afternoon A B
Rooting 00 IS responsrbie tor the: construction




Steer gets
loose on

Senior Staff Writer

Brian lasheriaur \IIllpi) \\ as
minding his own business in
the UK Plant Disease Diag
nostit lab yesterday morn
ing when a friend called him
from work

"Brian, come here and take
a look at this,‘ " said Iishe
naur, recounting the episode.

What he saw next was a
l,.i00»poimd. black steer
rambling around outside his
lab window.

Several employees from
the meat lab at UK's agriciil

See STEER. Page 6



ney and former state budget direc-

The funding formula is a cooper-
ative plan to limit competition
among the universities and keep
them on average with other similar

Other members of the council
arid some university presidents
feared that the council was going to
send the other funding levels as “al«
tematives" to the formula request.

Such alternatives would ensure

that higher s‘tillcdlltlll would receive
less than it needs and the council
would be rriakirrg decisions that
should be made by tilt" governor
and the legislature.

Council member Jack Rose, of
Murray, said it th-c council recorn
mended .rruthrrig other than full»
formula luridrrie, i: would defeat us
mg the lorrr'uia

Higher edmatrorr would be sd)
mg ”we hunc- rio toritrdcncc that thv:
formula which devised

i|.t\ been

Equality distant at UK,

Staff Writer

A year after recommendations
were made to eliminate sexism at
UK, a large gap still remains be
tween what has been done and the
University’s promises, a UK admin
islrator said yesterday

“We‘re not there yet, btit we have
come a tremendously long way in a
year." said Susan Scollay, assistant
vice president for Research and
Graduate Studies

Scollay, a member of a commit
tee set up by former L'K President
David Roselle to evaluate the con
dition of women working at l7K.
said the committee wants to

"heighten awareness and sensin/e
lnleltiilitis to the probicrris -\rtll:"'

L'K l’rotessor (‘tiiolsn itrair and
Scolla) talked about needed cildlli‘
es toward a more ,‘thllILIi‘it‘ wt ii
place at "true it.” I .iier"
brown-bag iillici‘. spiri . r f i 't
{K \‘sorricii‘s i'itl'i.'t

In I‘M”. th'.’ curt. r ,-
that women riicrsiisirrj; \s', r; -
lower-pavrr‘i;y robs .mit ts»;-
jiectcd to sesitti‘i ‘. . ' ' '
the workplace
The report Itkr‘llill‘i'fi'i lid i
ing women‘s salarin. to y :E'
iiftlicn at [is appoir‘itit‘.‘ .s
highdevel Lttillrll‘ilslftttilj w t
treating a more piezbarrt r" I' "

for higher t'dtildlttlll will
illii» Illlltit'ti li‘tst' \.t|ti

l tidlii. H‘- Iillic .s-g i=‘si' 'i out

inklitm i’ws' ttlii r-toizriitrit
ltiii iiirrtiti;.i

rt‘ciilir'lr linii ti i' L

iliJ tire sl'il'lt.li stick 1“
iilfitiflltl Hz: also
.-~trlii.li I'itl I‘tt'~~ Ill Ii.. rli'rg‘.‘ tii'K:
ill! iL‘\tis cl\ tillL'Ilitiin ‘
it! irrrrtitn-ziti} rlt rr.

t.l i.L)-_i:‘-~ii

kin-.er s17.

(f01tN‘JHTTr V

AIDS deadly even if risk. is slim

Associated Press

LOS ANGELES n The average
heterosexual American faces an e\-
tremely small chance of getting the
AIDS virus during sex, but as \lag-
ic Johnson learned. even a remote
risk can become a deadly realirv

“Even if the risk is small. why
take a chance? There is no cure for
this disease," said Nancy I’adian. an
epidemiologist at the I'niiersrty or
(‘alrlornia at San Francisco

“I'nless you‘re damn szirc }->Llf
partner is uninfected, then use ton-
doms," she said.

Health officials say heterosuuals
are more ilkCl)‘ to get AIDS it they
have sex with strangers or man}
partners, it they rail to use .itllv
doms. if they are female. it their six
partners are inner-city blacks
Hispanics groups more likelx to
be infected with the sirus l‘l' it
they or their lovers have sexually
transmitted diseases.

Johnson, the l.os Arigeles I akers
superstar. announced last w cck he
is infected with the AIDS \rrUs. He
retired immediately trout basketball
to becorrie a srxikesrriau tor .-\lll.\

He wrote in this weeks about /.

UK chief foots bill for bus to Rupp

Staff reports

lhc cost of a ride to [is basket
ball games almost went up

But Us President (‘harlcs \‘Neth
lll‘tllllll uscd moncs lrorri his person
at \ils\IL‘Ill‘ll.tI) loud to thk‘Ii the
fare increase.

Students turrcntl) pa) 50 cents
round trip to ride .I l cxiugtou frun
sit Authorit} bus to Rupp ,-\rcri.i for
basketball games lim the cost to

the l'uiscrsitv for the \CI\lL\' is go

mg up this season.

“'Iliis' (fare) would be .
doubled." Wethiiigtori said.

”It was a cost to students that
was going to go up rather diatriati~
._ .ills lthoutiht w ought to tr).
to iiiiriirrii/e that impact. he said.

[he I'riivcrsit) president tradi»
lik‘lhfll) has toulribtilcd $5.000.
Wethrugton said. This scar he gave
510.000 to keep the fares at the cure
rent lcscl.

He did not, however. rule oirt a


tare increase in coming )C‘tlfs. "We
may base to increase the price ill
the future," Wetliirrgton said.

The buses shuttle students trom
North (‘amptis to Rupp and from
the (iieb Y‘agt wtadmm '
.-\partment.s .ind the Kuwait
“landing (‘orriples tti Rtipp


\Vcthmgton said an increase .rr
the number or students using the
serirce from South Campus cor:
trrbutcd to the added cost.

Caudill scholarship almost reality


Staff W: for

Hire tauipaiitu promise of the
('rosbie'Sparks litkct last spring
during Student (imcrriment \\\U\'I
ations elections has IlltiIL‘llilll/t‘d.

The group is a mere $1000 short
of creating the Harry M Caudill

Memorial Scholarship.

"We originally forecasted to raise
itmut 840.000 to supply one large
student stholarship per year.“ said
Keith Sparks, director of the (‘au-
dill St holarship and S(i.-\ vice pres

Sparks said he believes success
tul fund raising so early in the sc

lllL"‘ICf has allowed his goals for the
scholarship to c\ paiid into larger .rr

lhe \ili‘itlhiiltt, which Sparks
established through S(i.\, was
treated to tonirueutiimtc the late
Hair} Cindi”, .lll -\ppalachr.m writ

See SGA Page 6


.rmmtcd that he is m " iiri "
irrtceted‘bs'havrrix :r moi-.1-
with a woman who in p,

-\ lax“-
’iLtl’fh of the
lilIC of lethrioioes .fs'l'liu,

\l;ltl\ in


rraec .A‘trricrittirr . .r..r ._ s - -

\II)S from a \rili'li‘ _t -:
sr‘suai lllft'rtt'rlil'\t‘ ii i\
the lit a million .l'» Ls
"is salii Is siril 'tclllti.

but an iridiirdirai »
'fit‘lttis on “how Hills h set

iii\e ll mi 1

'ilU :swtfi
'cotzraplizcaiiw st 1. :r
tiarris. an .‘x‘d i ett‘in rut-I »
‘iist Lti ‘slassat Iltlst‘iix t
intrusori iriduatv. ; i'
at: it that r t iimi littlii»

tzr the t inlet; \‘titts
their is s1,‘retittt.r.i-i.c: i. i,
»r izitraicrmus t1. .. .r-it;

(it I‘ls‘ls ‘t ,‘


the cool rain, ,i‘






Pitirto fears the names behind the U.S.S.R.
National Team. The Wildcats face the So-
Viets tonight at 7:30 at Rupp. Story, Page 2.


KSU‘s Wolfe gone,
but is crisis over?
See Perspective,
Page 4.


lJK's Bahai Association meets at 6:30 pm.
in 357 Student Center. The group will
discuss ways to eliminate racism.








 2 - Kantucky Karnal, Thursday, November 14, 1991




Wildcats should mind ‘P’s, ‘Q’s against Soviet Team

Sports Edttor

Consonaan usually include any
harmless letter of the alphabet ex-
cept A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y.
But fear the letters I and \'
Coach Rick Pitino does.

“l'm worried about lokhman»
chuk. Alexander Lokhtnanchuk.
Just the nante itself makes me con
cemed." Pitino satd.

ttsually determines that they are
good passers ~ . Vladtslav Kondta
trov as well. because he ts or”, 2H
(pounds) and he's a good passer "

l.okntanehuk attd Kondratrot ate
forwards on the USSR National
basketball team, which takes on the
Wildcats at 7:30 totttght at Rupp
Arena. And other than their age,
hetght and weight. little is known
about tlte Pl;l\t‘r\'.

“This ts a young basketball

lone. " I think there are grooming or
a tuture Olympics. So l don't know
what to expect. But I expect good
camaraderie and to have a good
hatd~lought game."

l'K ts the first team the Soviets
\Hll play on their four-game 1991
tour. l'hey WI“ play North Carolina
Sunday. Duke Nov. 23 and Indiana
Nov :4t

the USSR National team defeat-
ed tlte Wildcats 87-58 Jan. 10 at

Pitino said yesterday that Jeff
Brassow will start at UK's No. 2
guard. Brassow a 6-foot-3 junior,
Started 22 games as a sophomore
last season.

“He’s just very good on our mo-
tion offense,‘ Pttino said. “He runs
well. He beats people down the
floor. He has an edge on the offen-
sive end. Junior Braddy has an edge
on the defensive end."

Braddy started irt UK’s scrim-

Action. He scored seven points.
Brassow cante off the bench to
score four.

The Wildcats defeated AIA 82-
77. Along with Braddy. Pitino start-
ed Jamal Mashburn, Sean Woods,
John Pelphrey and Andre Riddick.
Mashbum. Woods, Pelphrey and
Riddick will also start tonight.

“They are all playing well, they
all have strong points." Pitino said
after the AIA game. “It’s tough to



“Anything With a \' tn front of it team," Pitino said in a more sertous Memorial Coliseum.

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