xt79057cvf07 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79057cvf07/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-03-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 1979 1979 1979-03-30 2020 true xt79057cvf07 section xt79057cvf07 ii-.. . -... ... ..~ . -~ .. - -.V. . .. .. ..‘ " ' ‘ .
vol. LXXI. No. is: Ker ! 2 2 University of Kentucky ‘
Friday. March 30. I979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
Mandatory 0' not? Candidates detail positions on
. H I
' ealth fee IS ‘pOIIBd what they would do with 86 '
' By DEBBIE MCDANIEL student prefers and a few background the Student Health Advisory By BARBARA WARD ‘ ' .2: _
Copy Educ, q uestlons. such as age and committee.“ he said. “We really didn‘t Sm". Wm”
' classification will not be made talk abouta percentage.“ "
public until after 50 elections are “We were going to take that Candidates in next week's ’ 3 ‘ H '. '
If you are a full-time UK student closed. Cox said. “It seems to me it information and see how strong elections for Student Government 5"
and you’re home next Monday night. might pre-judge the referendum.“ she students feel about the options President and Vice President metal A» . ‘
it's possible one of 20 student said. between the mandatory fee and the a Student Center forum last night t g ° ‘ g
volunteers will call to find o‘ut if you Although only l5 to 20 percent of undoubtedly higher voluntary fee.“ to discuss their platforms and .0 - £5 .1 ‘ 5‘
prefer a mandatory or voluntary UK‘s student population normally Clapp said. “We would want to answer questions from an audience if? . i .
health fee. votes during 50 elections. 50 consult with these committeesfbefore of about 75 people. “ .. .‘i . _ V -
Ten Student Government. plus l0 President Gene Tichenor said they are making the decision).“ Speaking in prearranged order. . 9 If fly '
Student Health Advisory Committee hoping fora higher voterturnout next If students opt for the mandatory Vice Presidential hopeful Sid Neal 13;. . W 3 .
, ' members Wm meet at the Student weal; . fee system.the proposal might have to said he and running mate Mark ,6...
. :lneéiltttlfsmz: ezrlryarlr’cligrri't‘llay 3:12:21: promZtilbzhd :fipgijudtfii $033322? beapproved by the Council on Higher Metcalf. both Student Senators. . .2152; 2/ .
group of 600 full-time ystudents programs this year and we feel that Education; bu' " all depends on how had made campus may the" %/
Student Health Administrator Jean our coverage by the Kernel helped a much . the fee would increase. number 0.” issue" He expressed ..~”””‘””*”"““~m- . /
Cox said lot“ he said “We ho estudents will acm'd'qg ”Flap” ..I have“ fed” ”“6"“? '" lmi’mv'“ campus , ' " a”; it ' -
The referendum asks students to turn out and vote {gr the uestion that their attitude would be the same recreation. budding a new parking . / . a
select. one oftwo options continuethe about the health fee* it‘ll r013“ be as ours.“ he said. predicting that the structure next to . Memorial , ..
voluntar health fee or be iria health a ti ht election ., p y counCIl would approve a mandatory Coliseum. standardizing teacher .12; , 525-: " ' " _. '
7 fee asszssment for all3 full-time Tghe responses to the referendum health fee system if the majority 0f evaluations. improvingihe EngIISh M “We; ' ~-
students in I980 and the telephone survey will 80 tothe UK's students wanted it. fluencyof foreign instructors and By GARY LANDERS/ Kernel Staff ;
. Six hundred numbers willbecalled. administration. which will make a “The Health Service '5 going tobe striatertr‘ilgprg’t(i::(e)tv:lirsitrli1b;ltsiaoig.his Sf: Vice Presidential ('andidate Ken Berry‘s strategy is to
T and about400responses areexpected. decision on whether to retain the here regardless or how ”"5 thing first move :8 Vice Presfident would imade Tennessee.
' “We‘ve been told by our statistician. voluntary fee system or go to a (mandatory or voluntary fee) b t y de Tennessee" and f C "d UK
. Dr. (Robert) Meadows. that 400 is a mandatory one. proceeds.“ Cf“ ”ids ‘fTh'S isn‘t e 9 d]? a. ‘t' te w kl bee for “C6 presl CEL-CXF’Frei-a need B. E .
' statistically valid sample." said Cox. UK Vice President Donald Clapp necessarily gomg ‘0 be the deciding Elm?” 0 ms lg? ee y r or more recreationa m "If“; a - u” dnglish SPOke m favor 9f ,
UK President Otis Singletary said the administration is waiting for “mm-w acizenf’arres‘iflgptigl candidate and SEES?!) llln seating) patttertnsd or :flcresse SW. .6? representagiorlii:
_ approved the telephone survey‘s the survey results before decidingwhat SG‘s referendum states that a lower Student Senator Bobbv Dec 0:: eofa [hgearTTFsIoLegF as“: eph: prigrghvierfbi filiZizhaZpeglgtilrsig
°“ .. .. -
‘ . .. . ‘. , a so a senator. stresse is Arena during basketball season. 0 student advisory councils. a
P‘ .. '
Thursday. committee (appointed by Singletary health fee would increase from SZI per Err:cbd:rsnssibilffty “did Uhievr':rsti}t‘: [Ehriglf'ZhumMarEhahr/llzicgilfimClliBEx zghf::e(ii:1;:g afirrieshrzetrhbii:lijih:mg
. . . . . . l . . s a .
, whirl: xii/sinking: tango: survey h— lasthsgripg t: r:nvles‘tigate funding semester in] I980 to about $34 per administrators. dangerous traffic Malkus and Be" Clark g. also minimum wage for all University
ystem t e met 0 s ort e eat program) and semester in I984. on Rose Street and Limestone. presented their platforms. employees.
. parking ticket problems. check Candidate Bill Rockwood did not Chuck Malkus described his
FOOd serVICGS cashing needs. the need for a attend. platform as “realistic." He favored
. o a l . student on the state Council on “People view student govern- the establishment of campus , '
' false prICGS' Higher Education. the 1301‘ Of a meritasafarce.“saidCharles Main. walking routes that would be ‘ . .
. ’ one-meal-a—day meal plan. and “Student government should work lighted and patrolled for safety. an
U l ' tuition increases. to seethat studentsfeellikea part of increased use of present
[Hflatlon Clted Vice Presidential candidate acommunity. sothatthcycanlearn recreational fuellities. a ticket _.
state By CINDY McGEE Peggy Curtin advocated an escort from one another}: he said. Main distribution study of other colleges.
Sufi wmcr servrce for women‘ on campus. favored an integration of problems increased food serVice hours and a "fl
THE STANDARD DEDUCTION FOR STATE support for 'women 5 sports. and on campus. such as ayob placement greater awareness ofthe “neglected ,_ '..
INCOME TAXES is so low that it forcesmanytaxpayersto UK students were hit with an speClal parking lots for compact service for students w'th free time needs“of handicapped'students.
file mums even though they do not need to file a federal increase in food prices when they cars. ‘ ‘ ‘ . , between classes. and decried what 'Mark Metcalf promised to ‘ put . '
veiiin‘kfisilmf werchmcld ”5mg”, d d h h returned from spring break. The Craig Ross. another candidate he termed araCIstenVIronment at mintheaarrt‘dlnlzo 3:21;“ V2533: :1
Cng allVC CSCZI’C ommlsswn stu y note t all C _ - I ,
. $650 allowable deduction requires filing even by persons $25330 xi? :Zzgetzrlosécsfaiggo :3. Pun/Shment requested ho u rs. im prove ad vising ‘
be“? thebpovertyli level. . m K k t d d increased food and operating costs _ conferences. upgrade graduate “ g
“ su stantia increase in e entuc s an ar ' ' ' ' y’ '
deduction up to a level of Sl.000 to SI .500 woulk‘l relieve up A119“ Reyna“. if?” 10: “)0de for early 8G campalgners :fiiggfsrfulorslfstlehltondoffrrr‘itrhllrli: 1 '
to |50.000 Kentucky citizens in the lower brackets from seerces. 53' an a 1 Iona 055 0 .. ,. . - ' ' *
filing Kentucky income tax returns,“ the LRC report said. $50,000 before July i would occur had 3, sur: mum of [31:363:22:11Zigfittlgzstu‘tizzlm gzfiifixs and help the tuition ’
nation suieggtp‘rtifieiicno; 32:25:32: in the S‘aflwm" said.“These guysaretryingto take this On another tack. mock naval g .
middle of the semester," he said.“Thc thing . like it‘s. a professwnal battles ln_Comrnonwealth Stadium.
THE TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORl-l-yis STAFF increases should have been made Student Government prCSIdential campaign. he said. Referring to the a recreation fgsbeebgolicourse and . g
was ordered yesterday to review the design installation and during the Christmas break. but we candidateChuck Malkus and running press release. Malkus sf'd they dldm ca mpus-w1 e ac 8:2:an ~' -
operation of its nuclearpowerplantsinlightof Wednesday‘s thought we could hold off till mate Craig Ross yesterday protested haveto dothat...lmlUSi”Y‘ngt08° tournamentswere propose Y .n .. ' ‘ .
accident at a Pennsylvania nuclear plant. summer.“ campaign actions of opponents Buzz by the book. . Clark. He 3'50 favored speCIal 3 _
. “The TVA staff has been instructed to follow the Even though food prices are up. no English and Bobby Dee Gunnell. and Malkus‘ statement to the Elections parking'lots for compact cars and .1 _ _
mVCSttsatlon being CODdUCth by the NRC into thc causes increases were made in the purchase called for action against the pair. Board says “We feel the illegal action an abolition of Visitation limits in .1 -
and Circumstances of the accident at the Three-Mile Island value ofthe meal cards Reiman said .. In a letter to the SG Elections by English and Gunnell has affected dormitories. . I -
““1“" Plant.“ TVA Dimm' RiChard M' Freeman said. There was no 8‘13,“th of unlimited Board. Malkus cited an English- our chances of winning this election During the question and'answer : ’ . .
D.” (so...) a
POSsible on how the causes of‘the Pennsylvania accident purchased the cards.“ the ”'7'” on March .lz'. As amount (if-advance publlcny ‘ f" and can :1 ates 5:1 he? I not avora .i’: i ' ' .
relate to TVA‘s plants. He said the report will be made The department offood services isa “campaign material“ distributed this publicuy is something which we man atory eat ee. 3 . , _ ‘ _
. , . . . ‘ ' ' ble to benefit from. Asked by Main about 80 money 9;. . .
available to the publicassoonasit is completed. non-profit system which operates before the 0mm” opening day Of. have "0‘ been a . . f ”'1
contract cafeterias in the Commons. March 27‘ the release is a Violation of Now that theElections Board has they spent on a trip to a con erence ’35... ,
1 plus Blazer and Donovan Halls. It is 50 rules. Malkus‘ letter “at” received an 0mm} written complaint. m Colorado last. summer. Metcalf ii? * ‘ -' .
WOI'Id run solely on money from student He also said he opposes the it will be preparing to take action. and English said travel budgets .3; ‘ p .
t‘ sales receiving no state or University politicking that he claims other board chairman Steve Washington could be used to. curb expense- is . . _
; IRANIANS VOTE TODAY AND TOMORROW on funding. candidates are involved in. said. account overspendmg' ‘3 ' I .
” , .x- whether to transform their troubled land into an “Islamic Continued on W“ 4 g » jfi ‘
republic."a vaguely defined idea thatcomforts somewithits 5‘ ' _
“I promise of a return to traditional values and worries others I I . ff ’ . , ‘_
with its uncertainties. r es ' ' ‘ '
3;; Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini., the 78-year-old holy man G ra n d J u ry to ' nvestl 9 ate ra pe c ha 9 , ,
'3 whose lsIamic revolution toppled Shah Mohammad Reza .. , . _ -
£2233: L333]?htfici'i'gghéydfflaiifihlf‘ “'3'" that the (AP) — The cases of eight UK tion. we have discovered enough McCrimmon also was charged with dormitory. It was learned the woman .j , .
“Either Islam will succeed. of infidelity.” he said in a football players charged With rape and information for a defense. he said. first-degree sexual abuse. . was not a student. . . . .
~. £75 nationwide radio address. “‘Yes‘. means Islam. ‘N 0. means sodomy were sent yesterday to a Charged with first-degree rape and The eight remained free on their Miller said the‘grand jury posmbly , .
I: going back to the previous conditions.“ Fayette County grand jury. first-degree sodomy are quarterback personal recognizance. would deCIde within the first . two ‘ .
'_ A preliminary hearing for the [any McCrlmmon. Tampa. Fla.; Coach Eran Curci has placed tthem weeks of April whether to issue . , . , ,
a; QUEEN ELIZABETHll.FULFlLLlNGAcenturies-old defendants was scheduled yesterday defensrve back Venus Meaux and on disCiplinary probation and barred indictments in the case. . :
. duty. received formal word from Prime Minister James morning before Fayette District Judge halfback Henry Parks. both of them from spring football practice He said he was convtnced all eight . . ‘
‘ Callaghan yesterday that his government had fallen. and she Julia K Ta ckett but was waive d at the Harrodsburg. Ky.; tackles Robert until their cases are favorably settled. were innocent. . - .
- ”may set MIN“ the dlte forageneral election to selecta re uest. of defense attorne Tom Cobb. Sheffield. Ala.. and Earl The eight were arrested March 5 “We have to remember these ~
new Home °f “mm?“ . . . M‘illler y Wilson. Atlantic City. N.J.: fullbacks after a l9-year-old woman. who was charges in lower court were brought _
. “13:22:Pri'fghfiwsrsmrrfi‘gfli232:2: _' ' . Rancy Brooks. Louisville. Ky. and not identified. filed the charges with solely .on an 'affada‘vit“ by the . :
.five yew of Labor Pmy camel and makingthe by": Miller told reporters a preliminary Charles Jackson. Georgetown. Ky.. local police. complainant.” Miller said. But now .
old M". Thmh" Europe‘s first womn prime minister. hearing was not needed. . . and halfback Norman Green. .Thc incidents allegedly occu'red the these gentlemen lcan”tell the whole ‘ .
| 1 .Mymop' m Marthe Commtivemdmmmin‘ From our independent investiga- Marrtinsburg. W.Va. night of March 4 in a University story to a grand Jury. . .-
. j I victory. told reporters yesterday. ' '
, EGYPT AND LIIYA HAVE Trim ARMED ' ' h ' b ' ' t' t d . '
3 FORCES on high alert and military analysta said yesterday HarrISburg nUCIGar m '8 ap IS elng Inves '93 e ' ,, ' ’
that the slightest spark could trigger the second war in two i r
. ' years between the Arab neighbors. . . . - \
. " “Both state: are armed to the teeth and in . hilh mi. of 3! LEE UNDER Amid doubt about what went levels at the‘ Harrisburg airport the atmosphere until all the water is
! .len‘r- aid on, mum. a" one midi" r." on his me my Aaaociated Prm Writer wrong. plant officials said radiation yesterday morning. two miles fromthe pumped out. . ‘ -_
, ' ; fired his gun into the sand it could triggera shootout.” from a crippling water spill may plant Site. at d found them '5 times Despite the {O'CPOd'nfls 0f . ‘ ‘ .‘
' hi HARRISBURG. PI- — Radiation continue to leak into theairforat least greater than normal background Sternglass. and others. officials .of s y . V‘ .
. - ~ . _. weather still escaping from the disabled three another 24 hours. radiation. Metropolitan Edison Co.. which .- . . f ,
j, i Mile Island nuclear power plant “This correspondstoamajorfallout Contaminated water vapor. coming operates the plant on an island in the a . . ,
_ ‘ I: 1 SHOWERS AND THUNDERSHOWERS LIKELY yesterday WI! likened to fallout from pattern from a nuclear bomb test.“ from the floor of a cooling building Susquehanna River about l0 miles 1 - . _ -‘ :
I!” ., ’ TODAY with highs in the mid 709. Iowa in the Iowws. Rain an atomic bomb test by one scientist. said Dr. Ernest Sternglass. professor adjacent to the shut-down reactor. was southeast of Harrisburg. said there . . ~ K . .
u .' continuing tomorrow with highs around 70. u'experts puzzled over the cause of of radiology at the University of escaping through vents and was was no danger to the public. ‘ . ‘ , '-
‘I’ America‘s wont nuclear accident. Pittsburgh. who measured radiation expected to continue contaminating Continued on page 7 ’
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~‘ ~ - ,. . ' ‘ ‘ r » .‘ ails-“mg; ~ , _ t .
. - -- . , . ~- BEST COPY AVAILABLE l \. . - ..

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l _ IHI'. Ill-fill ( I\\ KERN“ . Midi). March ‘0. ION—t
— ! One woman IS search P
i f th a ' of \ @0263)
.1. By JUDY WORTH "litt- l)clecll\C i iwhhtm all the Irish”) ”“““‘°‘ 'c“ ”.' ”‘W“"‘““°‘°" 2
.lohn (iregon Dunne filahh‘hlmm (lhc INCH,“ minutes to liiiish the renew . '
' ltwas closeon l0P.m.(liSlI "AdamSinith"(p|usstattislich “Ulltl. If WUHM. “3‘ “I‘ll“ 5"“ “l““ml “l m" dl'c dmca'" Flne MEchan FOOd
'i!’ . ' - -. 15 Robert (‘hrmiau (the Beth like a chicken said. complete ”W ht’t’h lifk'ltk'lr MWCh ~5~
r wrth Michigan State up .. to t. I979 l' ' l m_ sh-‘d ‘h'ck'd
I. 23 their biggest lead over Ann piece. biiilds to climax “I‘ll PCL‘lWltl “Id“ l “‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Presenting
_ ‘ Indiana State in the NCAA complete with carrot