xt79057cvb9v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79057cvb9v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1945 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1945 Vol.17 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, November 1945 Vol.17 No.1 1945 1945 2019 true xt79057cvb9v section xt79057cvb9v » V I _ , ; E v I . .
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E At thC October IIICCUllg‘ Of [110 Newspaper The Secretary»i\ifanager was ordered to and we must conserve the source of their ‘ ll
E Managers Association. the field managers 01 investigate necessary procedure In establish- supply. That is why we have developed a E
E Alabama and Kansas gave exhaustive reports ing an apprenticeship program in qualified Nation-wide program to maintain the ranks . . ‘ ' i; .
E; 011 procedures adopted to set up apprentice- Kentucky newspaper plants. He has been in of our all-round skilled labor force. We call . E
Esliip training in the qualified newspaper- consultation with the U. S. Department of it our National .-»\pprenticesliip Program. ~ . I. . '
sigrintiiicr olfices in those states. The need Labor, which will aid in establishin' the Established b' an Act of Con rress in 1937, ‘ ’ I
E i. 8 l I.
E; llll' apprentice training in the printing trade program, and preliminary steps have already at the insistence of employers and labor, . , {I '1
EE ii‘zisempliasized in the past loiir years when been taken. A full report Will be made its function is to formulate standards to .E I’“ .. l. .
newspapers saw their printers. operators. and at the mid-Winter meeting. safeguard the welfare of apprentices, and to II" . . l 2
EE piessmen enter the armed services Without Procedure, regulated strictly by federal biing employers aiil labOi together on pio- Il p ..l E .
E siilliricnt qualified replacements to be found. and state laws, will not be as difficult as grams of apprenticeship in order to main- 1' . E 1.
52 . . . . ' ' . . . ‘ . . l ‘
2° Kentucky as those and many other first anticipated, espeCially as a program has “m a national Sk‘lled labo‘ force. . ‘I‘ ; j
’ , . . . . . . . Q - ,~ .. ,. The obiective of the no ram is to et ' V‘ -.
E, slates, needs qualified mechanical men in its (llrc‘ld) been 5“ “P 1“ the "“1“ 0f [1“ l l l l g _ . g . E .
§?i printing shops ’llld we have been lax in 1““ Morehead News. The state program will be “L einp 0)“ and 1‘11“” 0‘34“”‘1110‘15 to E "
’lfi . L < i ( . . . 1 . . . ' Y J: . I Y . ‘
E3; years in urging our younger persons to learn open to any qualified person. Veterans can do ”1.9 training 10b Ethemseh 9-5: With ATS . E . -
‘ the trade of printer pressnian. 0r Operator. enter “5 “INHCHUCCS 01’ can take advantage 0f functioning as a clearing house and LO adVise ‘ ‘ . . . .
t Realizing the real need for 'l well-ol‘qaiiimd Veteran “In-training" under the Veterans and “W“ m the setting-up 01 [JrOgraIXIS. ' A /i I
, and comprehensive apprentice program in 1“”r‘l‘l)‘ - 10 hm} out this 1d” tuo committees , .‘ .‘E . .I
E; ilitstatt‘. not discounting the ITU training llie apprenticeship program is fully ex- “cm 5“ up. 011V ‘1 lcdei ‘1 Committee 011 . 'Ii E ‘
EE PTOgrain already in operation in many ('ity plaiiied 111 the following article by Ansel \Ippienticeship toinposed ”1 “PI“CHMUVC“ ‘ ' .I x E .
'2 . . . . . o : z ' - ' ~ ~ » . ’ '.-
E‘newspaper plants, the problem was given R. (sleary, AsSistant Director, Apprentice- 1 1111111136111“? 141301, 311d GOVCIHHIGHE [O I .1 .
E qtliorough study at the November meeting framing Serv1ce. “Mir Manpower Coin- fteimine ml approve standards 01 U” l '7 E i
. . . . . > o 'nient 2 7 ' ' ‘ ' ~ ' . ' -=~- %‘ .5
E 0f the KPA Executive Committee, especially niiSSion: 1 )1 l ”1‘ U “mug £01 apprentices, . .v ’l .
r . . . . . . . . . . aiiot ier, A " ' - . . . . . !
E3 the establishment of a training program in Apprentice training is regaining today . lt'lcf General Committee on Al) .‘I #3 ,
Ez’ .‘ . . . . )re ”5n ‘ .. -' ~ '
EEquiilified country newspaper plants. A reso- the popularity it once enjoyed in the days 1 111““ 1:101 'lhc Construction Industin '. » .
.. ' . . . . . niac e 11 ) 1 ' ~ ‘ , v, ‘ . I~ ‘ E . .’ ‘ ’.
Elutioii was pass-ed unanimously: of the crafts and guilds. This is borne out I 0 leiding icprescntativcs 0t 1“ ”‘ II . . i
l “ - - a "(311] l 2 1 . - . ~ - . . ' . -.
El Resolved that the Executive Committee by the Slu‘PUSUE number Of veterans W11” {51 l 6” UK OI llbm m the constitution ‘ ‘ "
\' . ’ ‘ . . . . ie ( concentrat c ( ~ ' z . ' ~ - ~ . "
E-"ltlic ltentucky Press Association adopts the are SCEkII‘E’; apprentice ”1“ng to prepare 1’ l' f C? )If1 pioinotionil cllorts . E ., "
4 : . . _ : . . . .I I: ., . E“ . ant p0 lC’ orniation .or a ) )rentice trainiii 1' . ‘ .:I .
Estandaid allpl‘cnticeship program, and, in loi industrial trade (aiecis. The automo- in its 0‘3“ industr \ H l . f S' L: . V .‘ l ,
I ’émuperation with the U. S. Department of tive. airplane, sheet metal, plumbing and 1 f ll _ Y. i num )CI 0 [Mes 9 i
. . . . iave o .. ' z ‘ . . ~ ' ‘ ., '
‘I-flborI {11 'i .. . I, . -. ‘ _ allied industries, all re mm a steadi inllux owed [his Plum” b) setting up . ,4“ - l
. e lsciituck) Apprenticeship Couii l ) State A )Jrenti , l . C ,1. . l S I“. E t;
‘ l “l, and t x In a -. 9 ' , - of a J )rentit'es with veterans outnuinberinr ‘ ‘ I 1 cos up mm“ '5 m LIL tatc - Iii ‘3 .. i ‘
. It \Lttldllh l‘il(.]llt\. takes steps ll 3 De )’ll‘tHlCIlL of L 1 t l . . .. i I .
V V . . E . . . . . . >- . . ., .v I . -
é necessary to establish the apprenticeship pro- nonveteran enrollees. in some cases five to I ‘1 ’01 0 ”m5 management Il .-. -, IE .
‘ 3mm 11.1 nevvspaper and printing plants ““9" :11}: LaEmi togttrthcrl, :mfl [.0 uphold standards ' I I . '
I. l' . . . . ) in ) o ’I‘nCll ant rainin ' or a )rentices. ‘ 'l . IE :
.:,‘°rt110f the program under regulations as It is lairly recently that we have begun I l 9, H ;j ii ’I :I _.v
f .E’Eescribed. We recommend that the ITU to appreciate that our progress as a Nation, Setting “P a Local Program " X‘ ' "I . fl 1
e . . . . . . ' . z I ‘7 .
wq36 ) (EM -"111\ E‘ 3 1m
.5 II-‘ZI 3E3I: ELIIIII Gen One 16 T ‘C \\'()Y ‘ ) .[ioll ‘EE _ S )on-Sl ) . 10 LC 3] _. 5) $1103 a 1 51Pp1enl
I If” 53-55-35- ; 3,11 - 5 arms. 5 511 [rm 3 . , “11131 sc1U~ ' .5 11116 16 I ‘5 _ “11111 . final“ 1 .1 w“ ;111( _ ,
III '1I!II T; §_1-;3|IE’ Ii; 3 of InOgI: a Parthul‘E .1] 2111 1nd“1 , find the the 10]) EE‘ . 1L1" 35515LS ’ _ Th6 1 , 11 j0111‘11C}n 1(1 this 11171) I)?
II. 3111] 3'11 IIEI’I )loyers 1n ore trades 1 111 cwmplc- )rcnlice on 4’qu 0111st ’\iCC 011 11ml 11i0 betwgc 1 1:1)1‘ cxflml) - ul 116mm“
3 1.3.3: 3 3 m 5 1;: ' .5 1 5- 1 . 13--' .3 - 1‘13 - . 1 .3311‘ * ‘1
1sz 1'2-11‘21-5I 35 II; 51: E1 1‘ verS one or Let US [aLC 15” We have ‘1 E16 emplowr‘ 'tfi 21(11'1501) ‘6 (1 11111111118 be 0111131036 , fiw Jammy ‘1” on [he‘
.I RII‘II ‘E‘; 3 IIE'EIL‘II "0 -1 cent . 1-t”13\ ~itv [I - 111011311 I I - nent 1'" to ”mice 1" dwelld” b
PEI 1(III1I'IIE5- :33. 15'1;_;13 establlhhm [ride In (-1 Y ill {110 L I [119 J01) I 1 \ ('HIIJEOEE ()lle “PPII’ ”18 U) [(‘ll- It’lin nunlhfr
‘2 .113‘63 '1-33‘3 ‘r-I:~‘:““ ' 0 ‘ ‘ 1(“3 ' - - ( 3 1 3c“ (
, III .IIIIII 5: 1 II \E the Plumbmo “the kamgd chCEOI) p10 [ch of po - .11mld 11150 1’10 cIIIPIOEICdE or ‘ “Iiccs- II .1 ‘ ff :1 number
E iII'IEIEiI-III I- 3:133? field rcprescn [0 Promote :111 Unifcs' HC l.mdurds‘ 5) l)1‘()‘%r”ms 5E [11% Per yC'r” lch 1'01— :lPPIe 1% 31113 131d 0 ‘ )ff t0 kCCEP'
I'IEEEE’IIE‘II'E IE "IIIEI'I‘ 'hO‘Se job II b wining ”E IIEEEII 1-1113“i an M’PrCnEIEOII-IE 11111 OE HIE III 3611‘ "E the I“ skilled “011$? y '1150 “C IIII‘I 16 MORE
‘51]. I13.1’.I 1131533,; 3 W ‘ 5 5 [11C tn 1 “undo 3 5 5_ 1 “113111111 5 _ CINE] )‘ ‘ 5 - I” 1) * - ‘C'S 111:1 ‘ ' . 1‘it)’ 1‘11 ‘
.’ HE‘S»: waif-'31? . , 5 I01 I in" U) 3116 "E - 1 for 3 . - 11 101 5 [11111111 a . 5 ”13111.1(. ~ 511 C 591110 toI
3: 11:13.3 333-1 11-11111 1mm} 111111) a. 5 1111611 3 1-ldc . . 11115110 5 111.11 (,1, 111)] _ . 1. 1 1 5 . even
1 II, 1{III 2137'“; 3 2,1111 1th the E) 1 the IOEE'EEEII 3mm of ”I" ,- 1131;1th “‘5” ,l‘his‘ SEEI’EIEIIEIII' yoculiOEEEIE 1c min In 1”” _(Ic1 that m [If the m
, 33‘ ‘11“!313 :3‘3: 1‘ ‘ - ;111< ’ ro‘m 0 . . ‘3). ‘ - 11) 1C ' - 11 ‘ . 1 rm" 3 .11 )e
1 -;I W 1:! 1. :13 - 5 2111011 11C 1) O . . -cd. 11 - cshl] c )1 ._ .. [11C ) , .65 ) 1 S11.1 .
3 iIE II1E‘11’I E ”132‘ "I? I OVE’E‘EEEE/I H6 (IISUESSCE Ib [11 are 1111616“ , i‘l’IEIUEIII rovidcd by [II Imec EEC‘EEUIS d “Hm-11w] I'M clllTflELd nt would hem
. 131‘ 1111-1: 1:, 5, wed. . Int 0 '3 31111 [E . .13111v l) - Comm 1-1311 I!“ “‘1 11¢ “ )Iovme 111,1
3113‘31‘31I ’~ 04“” 3 1d8 E ‘ >3 re 15 ‘ 15' 11513 ’1 1 . )1“t ‘ . 1 12HC1 ‘ . . luv-0 ‘ 1 o 6m! ’ W01“
I ’EI‘EI " n 3 LicCShEP’ f11 --3150115- 1116 - ion "11 1s 11“ JI - . ~1111t10‘E‘EE IE - 011le1L ’ fir Ram 11 E 1 13m (‘ul "IE
III II‘i333E 3-1-93 ‘9' Pun ‘ffcrcm IU of “PHI ~ “1‘00 II 3 the 1115i] . (1 is ”‘51) 1 3 (11:0 ’ .. jc.1 LE“ I
III waEj‘I-g Q "‘51:?! but [01‘ dl 1] ([ifl'crem‘e 1 [11C numbCl “mt-CHE OI 5 . sU-uction- ‘EEE [10ml (31215505 5e\-C)‘S€ ordcl- ‘ 1 ‘Icl'Cd t001
II III EIE EI 'I ICE“ ) e 33 s 2”“ -. is E - 3 01 1”‘ '(‘CS 1‘ 1 . - Lurnc“ . 10115“ ’
,: ‘I II “ 1 3’1 (30115“ 5, E I‘lte‘ thcli 1'111U rcnU f ‘sl. 1C 3 I)(, . ' thf
- “3"- 3:15.133 7 be 3 “4% - bl“ ' . 111C ‘1“ ’ t 21PI) 111C ‘1‘ - - 111““L .‘ mg 1"
:3I, 1 » ‘.3 :3 91‘- - . r5 35 ‘ ., 16d: - nr . [1121 3 1nLS - [ram
1, -15‘ 5. .1 . ,1 (III-6 [1411 111111113 5) 111g . 3 PO . 111 [I'lE
=‘3I33I3-‘ 3 *":‘3‘3 such 1“ - [0 be 1 [or I" 1‘ 3 1ce 1 -- 7111116- 0thCl 1) m0 , ~11 by
1. 1 ». -.,3 1 ( . «)1 (1150} ,el _7 )101 55 MIL
113 1I KIWI, I15 1311*;345 )l-entlces the 1166 5. ‘6 [ht I Serve 1 Ilt LC‘ ‘ .edulc 1 .111 flpl 55 1. \(CIC 5 [0
I; I‘IEIE'I‘EII' IEEIIE‘EEI‘E 0f "pl 116!“ 011 3 n1 5”“ 31nd 03‘ t the pa - whip PIOE ~ Neill‘l} ‘ f 1116 ““E 1‘11 rctu‘“
III3-‘IIIIIII1‘I? “If 53 .3] agr‘iel . )1‘031:l ‘ 1 110)’ ' A 3 11t1CC5 5 _ 1‘C OI _ 5 Hoes 0 'UW “1 E
‘3 "3 “I 53 35‘E‘I E’ ’UCE‘E 1 1‘ a I [0 CHI '1 P16 -3 114E” - 1161 S ‘ D (m' 111‘ 4 ss. 50“]
I"! ‘III‘I-I '3‘1'3! III-3? SE d 0 ablC . \ the 3 P , 1 tht . . C111" 1 . H 13s gue
:1 1131.. 3.1,, - 1.1 ..5 nee t be 5 “mt 1211“ I herC 1 [11¢ force-V ' -l)()(1) - .
4'. 113:1-I I 51‘ 1nd the 11m 11" t11mm 111 a P ”11110. but 1 11mm . - 015:1“) grentlw
II=1 31II 13.53.11 31': ‘ 1b€r I ’ ' e bu - l 1 thC 5‘ - 2.33m- . 11“ - 3311111110 - 1d 31’! '1
13 1 1,111.31; :1 . )11111 . l um 1113‘ 11th hflglfl _ ”Com _ 511-151. 5 _ t0 .1( 5
I:- ‘I II» "3M .; '1st61 1 t [1e 3 s tra 3- --1" 111 I36 ‘ - 11 IL 311 the 13111112, bll athn
13- 1 11:31: 11 33 ,3 _< 111‘ - . 2111 0 1OrLer 15 \C ) .1), ) S “1 . [1an t “I L . b 0 g
‘3 :39‘1‘13 33‘- ”I I? renllce killed “ - tel-est ‘ Cm 11“ . 1 AT .. “CC- , .1-c no 111C 10
I1“ 1‘ I13: .: 331:1333-I3-z - :11)? 10' b 3t, 111 . loym 1169- . ) )IU‘ - 33$ ‘1 .. -e of '
3:‘ 3I 13.3_ -1‘I‘I=‘1‘ film 1 emp ) 11111 I - c1111) Organ fit A] I I 010111 . 1 CLxlu‘s . I‘Vlce'
11,1111. -_33 3:113; . must . _ comm anx- .1 11'6 E'l J01 3111( o -. me ) - the se - 3
11 1311‘ 3.- 1.1113 ' [1mC 15th a bOI‘ Org 1 kcls ‘ . ) O ‘ 131bor ‘ thIs U 5 111 1 uceslllP
3 131M313 3‘1 to re 9" 1a “or 1 n 111 . of 3 at 0 boy 5 . ”r01
IIE'IIEIE‘ EE3'“EI III by other53 the lovers and Ehehese intereSts 116ml the 56E“ g mmprlsfi‘l 111-0-C enough [116V have “I III 1 in? IQ] IIIII 1m 21 trade
. ‘4 -1 31:15., . q u ‘ . , -. - 5 . 1 , ’ 1 5 '
1 III .IHIII --‘E,I‘EE 1I1 mong [he (3an ieS [0 get t 1t Points of 11 i1 Comnllttee the Plant 13 .E 55 the Joult VctCl‘zms 4111’) If (105.er t0 C(1t'1pPEIe'EI'
“1“ I, I :1 a . n. ATS tr them iron 01 . up of 51 I 1 emcnt‘ II [apprenuce 3 [icy and 11 1121\‘6 31 3111Cc I to realize [11.4 chich
I .I ‘3:- 2»: ME 23110 d help - the semng . mim‘Eg ervlsor O - as 21 P0 f sIW” ( l 0 help“ . ,ositlon I
1': ‘1I3EI'3E I» I E33 1% together an ecommends [iceshiP’ Com 101mm 3‘ SEEP 11 functionS - istratioll 0 11d should ) 11,. [c1111 PEOE I [0 COmPEII
i.I:-II»‘ :1‘. ‘1 r a 1 1n ., . 21 ‘ . , 111’ _.
II “III MEI-III E difference. It 'ttee 0“ Apprenesentatives Of Committee usuTlIEe “11ml M10116 filll’crvlsm liceshil’ 15 II III 113d be PEEDIICE to sacrifi0e
I13 1" 2’43-33 3-3 1 r 1 1 ‘ 1 t1 .3 3- 3101 - 3 r .
3 11111-33 ‘ Comm 3 d ”P ach3 - 1 ar(- 1 b‘. . ch 5 31111113: - 3ll
1”- .- 1111‘: M1; 131‘, , Jolnt erg tin of C , YlCw )0 _ 1 andlet 3 It '(3 stdr l 1 be \\ hlch “I
I: :sI13-le e I
11' 1M»- 3- MI- 131 - .566 be - 31b115 t I ll 30 1d . )-, 18 5 3e 51( 31 urg what
31.11 5 I ons, ay est: . om . . .1 )1 5% 11(8 1 xx . don . w 1
1-.111 11 .1- 1 1 t1 6 In re 11 . ud I -. 3 1) .1115, no
Ii'kaI-A:FE:EILI :IEIII ' rogram‘ Ther hundred 0‘ m0 ent is set £3116“: 1ndw1dl Apprenu‘mil 1the apl)ro- 'ceship to them; as 161 [116111 I let them 1
2'1?” 31in? 1131‘I'1‘I 3 3. a . em 5 ' 111 ‘ 1 -3 ll ‘ :l 3’ n -
E IIJE'II II Z‘II‘: EIEI ‘ Ealf (102611 to I in it, and Agreds' the num‘ oi the thlOI registereq “‘1: cm“ or, ‘E Give them [E161 )1. them and the
IE :3:;‘ III “5' 3 3 'C( “I ' - are . . ' 3 r 1 1 - , )3 3‘( (
€13. 51‘1. I'f 111-11 III III ments IIIxOIV_ 113011 such fact? ed Pay rates, 11111011 they Al)1)renuce5hll)5 I Ewe Federal will be ckactC decisions" 'tled t0
3I1I ’3 ‘ EII'Z II-II IHI - 1TH” a trill“ r - 6 ‘t’lte ‘ Wltl . "1y 31. Own EH“ ,1
I15 _ 1 I-3 .I I IE I 1 V“ 111 ‘ . ‘1 [10 be of tlm ~ [6 .5 I , ency: 11113 “‘ ..- ‘11 [1161 rans
1. -. -. (0‘ “(a n th prla ch 49; - [11 1Cm ”‘ = “g
LIL 'LLLL “L" ’LL‘. ,5 '2 a ’ 3 Printed rim‘iples ”1 ~L( _ifi7——“ Act or
1L L LSLL 5 LL‘ LL = '3 V . is": ' ~ Ortance 1) ,_ ._—77——. L [m

' LLL‘1‘L2L‘Xi LL L‘LL L dmmmial “”L’ [‘1' d L m.)

LLL LL:L1 5-,‘11‘L1L ‘ . nizes the fun ' . 01:0” of [9112171 I0 ieS Neede . “11121111
LL TL?" 2‘ LLLLL . . ' tiofi ’“Og , (lzsscmln ’ . )rc- O APO g RGLeS “16!
L11: LL ‘1 11L =~ IL’ =1 1‘ PLY)” 4.550(710 ”(1)675 (177! ”7(2‘: ()1 [he ' e Deserve 1”

. fié””»?.1, 2 ' ‘ 1 1' ' »'(. , )2 _ . . .
L‘L‘ 'LL‘L‘LLL ’3 7‘" LL‘ 1 III” Kmmnk)‘ t impmcd on mus] aa'uWII‘L‘: and d” 1: advoculw TO R015 ,0 imbnrtzmt lesem wth .1
111': 1,141.1. ‘ , - 'us ‘ '~ ass 1 = ' . 'm. ., Lith 01 . -. "1

I L‘"5 LL'L‘L‘L‘ ‘L‘ L; of Ike Implied H (15 for {ml/I, [(11771 (770113 0f Jmmmm [/H’ I’l’L’le‘ WC "grec’ “ the timC I" “New: ““51 ([15,:th

' 1'1' ‘91:: ':.": 1 ' " . s/(HI - 1p .(1. ' Uses ' :2 is . hat 1our - ‘
L‘LL .1L2112:".= =2 2- 11 2,; I 72. It _ I 271 1,7. It opp . . (I . lat 110‘ .. 11mg t L (11ml)y

= 2.2 .11»: 11; '3 - - (1’10 f01t7 , , I mfl. . [10” 0 [1011 t1 ., ,. Assul ,

L2 ,11'. 2, .- :‘a mfmm 2 ([5 5C” - ' I” ‘0'” I ’ ODIN” ’ =-'=in%1“t0' ' ' 1(thls 2 ‘IC st
1, '=LL12:,- :; 11:: 2.: L - f 17.6le; . - . (1:161 Us” «‘1 - mnS L ’5 K . (~15 2 «(helm = 1 be mcredsa 1111‘

1:, = 2: 1.1 .1. . , 1071 0 , ,1 Its a . . It. (Iffi . It res/20' )upel ' 1 hollk

:2 41:21.32 "1=,1;=;- sgnlat dm ([5 I . nt’ftW' , (n13. _ L _ 1 W ;111( 5 . ver and .nount
1': 1122.: 1 . ,' 1 Sta“ ' use Of . - 1 2655’ . 1 I ., , 9 [00 0 .. 2c 110“C ' =”

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